The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 06, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Where to go to Church Sunday
Bethel Baptist Church
30th and S Street
South Omaha
Rev. M. C. Williams, Pastor
Morning Worship 11 o'clock
BTTJ. 6 P. M.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Uniaji Memorial—The
Smiiodist Church
Street, South Omaha
Rev. A. L. Hook. Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship, 11 o’clock
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Allen Chapel AME. Cfftitch
25th and R Streets, So. Omaha
Rev. Fant, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. ni.
Mt. Olive Baptist Chufch
*3010 R St., South Omaha
Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor
Mrs. Jeannette Thompson,
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2712 R St., South Omaha
Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School 10 o’clock
YPWW, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Band, Tuesday night
Bible Band, Wednesday night
Sewing Circle Thursday after
noon at 2 p. m.
Church of Cod in Christ
Elder G. P. Benson. Pastor
1710 North 25th St.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
YPWW 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. pa.
Church of God in Christ
2318 North 26th St.
Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Felltficship Baptist Chnrch
1839 North 24th St.
Rev. D. A. Campbell. Pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of the Living God
2316 North 25th St.
Elder Steele, Pastor
Ann Oliver. Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
1207 South 13th St.
ruflpr r>. M. Watson. Pastor
Iodell Watson, Reporter
YPWW. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Paradise Baptist Church
1811 North 23rd St.
Rev. C. C. Adams. Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
LKW. Mission Thurs. 8 p. m.
BYPU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worshin 8 p. m.
Prayer Service Wed.. 8 p. m.
Jiff. JVrfro Baptist Church
3211 Pinkney St.
Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor
Christine Phillips. Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Sr. Mission Tuesday 8 p. m.
Prayer Service, Wed. 8 p. m.
Bethel AME. Church
2428 Franklin St.,
Rev. C. L. Williams, Pastor
Etta Mae Woods. Reporter
Pilgrim Baptist Church
25tb -and Hamilton St.
Rev. Charles Favors. Pastor
Mrs. Ed. Dortch, Reporter
Sunday School. 9:30 a. m.
Morwng Worship 10:45 a. m.
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:4P P- m.
Allen Christian Endeavor L ge.
6:30 p. m.
c'*'9 _ ,
St.^£Jfilips Episcopal Church
1119 North 21st St.
Rev. S. G. Sachez, Pastor
Mass 7:30—9:00 a. A.
Church School—9-.45
Salem Baptist Church
28th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. J. C. Wade. Pastor
L. A. Henderson, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a- m
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m,
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Hillside Presbyterian Chtireh
30th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor
Mrs. T. Newte. Reporter
Sunday School 9r30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
Visitors are always welcome
CJutrch of God
2025 North 24th St.
Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor
Alice Britt, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 8 m.
Morning Wprship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
1811 North 26th St.
First Church of Deliverance
Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor
Miss Bernice Ellis, Recvt.'ei
■I leaching Tuesday and Thurs
days 8 00 p. m.
Sunday School 10:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. in.
Chriy Temple Church
of Christ (Holiness)
2124 North 26th St.
Res. 2122 North 26th St.
Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor
Velma Shearron, Clerk
Freestone Primitive Baptist
26th and Hamilton Sts.
Rev. Dan Thomas, Pastor
Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. a.
YPVVV 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Zion Baptist Church
2215 Ciant Street
Rev. K. C. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9-«30 a. m.
Junior Church 10:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 m.
J3TU. 6 p.m.
fcvenirfg Worship 7:15 p. ir*.
Pleasant Creen Baptist
27th and Franklin Sts.
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 rt m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Ll'd. 5:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 7.30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday nite
'coO P- m. *
Cleaves Temple CME.
25th *nd Decatur Sts.
Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. n).
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Epworth 'League 6:30 p. m.
Evening Service 8 p, m.
Allen Chapel A ME. Church
5233 South 25th St., So. Omaha
Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a- m.
I Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Mining Star Baptist Church
26th and Franklin St.
Rev. L. W. Anderson, Pastor
Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Inter denomination Church
1710 North 27th St.
Rey. W. S. Farmer, Pastor
Sunday School, 10:30 a. m.
Mpming Worship 11:30 a. m.
Prayer Services Thursday 8 pm.
Church of the Living God
2412 Parker St.
Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor
Rose Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Service 11:30 a. m.
YPPU. 5 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
Mt. Calvary Community
Chur eh
Grant at 25th Street
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
R. Hatter, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
St. John AME. Churth
22nd a«l Willis Avenue
“The Friendly Churh”
Rev. E. B. Childress. Pastor
Mason Devereaux. Jr, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a- m
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Union 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2230 Ohio St.
Rev. J. C. Crawford. Pastor
Worship 3 p.m. each Sunday
Tues., Thu*., nights
. 0-9
Seven Day Adventist Church
2760 Lake St.
Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pastor
Sabbath School Saturday
9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Vesper SeSrvice Friday Even
ing 7:45 p. m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting
7:30 p. m.
David Spiritual Temple in
Council Bluffs, Iowa
1720 Avenue A
Circle Meeting Every Monday
Evening 8:30 p. m.
Prophecy and Healing
j United Sabbath Day
Adventist Church
2320 North 28th St.
Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor
Sabbath School Saturday 9:30
a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Calvary Baptist Church of
Red Oak, la.
603 Grtmes St.
Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor
Julia Keene, Reporter
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BYPTJ. 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
First Church of DelivercnuSP
2621 Blondo St.
Rev. A. J. Thomas, Pastor
Rev. F'rank Johnson. Asst.
Rt. Rev. William Taylor, Bishop
Mi. Moriah Baptist Church
24th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
F. Burroughs, Reporter
SurtBay School 9:30 a. nx
Homing Service 11 a. m.
Evening Servire 8 p. m.
St. Benedict Catholic Church
2423 Grant St.
Father Moylan, Pastor
Low Mass 7 a. m.
Children's iMnss 8:30 a. m.
High Mass 10 a. m.
Clair Chapel Methodist
22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds. Pastor „
MMrs. Viola Buford, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. -m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
A’etc Hope Baptist Church
26th and Seward Sts.
Rev. L. R. Bragg, Pastor
Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday at
8 p. m.
Junior Church 8 p. m.
Visitors are alwajs welcome.
First Mission of the God
Sent Light
Prophet Hess, Officiator
Ora Robinson, Reporter
Services Sundays, Tuesdays and
Thursday nights at 8 p. m.
Private Reading Daily at 2210
North 23rd St.
Hope Lutheran Church
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Morning Service 11:00 A. M.
A palms tic Church of Christ
2518 Cuming St.
Elder Milton T. Wilson, Pastor
Order of Service—
Sunday Morning Worship 11
a. fn.
Sunday Evening Worship 8 pm.
Prayer and Preaching Tuesday
evening 8 p. m.
. Bible Class, Friday evening at
8 p. m.
All are welcome.
! News
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
The church school hour was
filled with many good things. At
tendance was excellent. Echoes
from the SS and BTU Con§ress
were-given by the delegates. Miss
Florentine Goodlette favored us
with a review of the lesson. Miss
Willa Mae McCreary gave us
some thoughts on prayer.
The morning worship was spi
rit filled. The Pastor seemed as
if he were preaching from out his
soul. Luke 24:48.
The city BTU held its session
at 5 o'clock. Much enthusiasm was
displayed by those who attended.
The’ program consisted of short
talks or echoes from the delegates
of the varftms unions who attend
ed, the Congress. Miss . Martha
Bass a gospel singer, accompanied
by Prof. Holland gave several
selections which were enjoyed by
Attendance for the evening wor
ship was good. A splendid sermon
from Heb. 2:20 was delivered.
We are glad indeed to have our
pastor and wife and other dele
gates back home again from the
SS and BTU Congress which con
vened in Chicago. Each one seem
, ed inspired and eager to put into
practice some of the many things
they learned.
Those who are ill are Sis. Ellen
Butler and Bro James Lindsay.
“Visitors are always welcome to
Mt. Moriah the friendly church.
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland. pastor
A year after the Civil War a
farmer was found kneeling at a
soldier’s grave at the head of
■ which he had just erected a hand
some stone. A stranger passing
by asked him: “Was the soldier
lying there your son?” “No”, re
plied the farmer. “A relative per
haps?” “No. not a relative either.
This man was my neighbor and
friend. During the war my family
were all sick. I was drafted, and
I had no money to buy a substi
tute. In my perplexity a young
man came to me and said: “Sir, I
know your distress, you shall not
go. I will go for you. I have no
family to care for”. With great
ful heart I accepted his offer. He
was wounded in battle and died.
I have come a gj;eat many miles
to erect this stone and write over
his grave these words, ‘He died
for me’.
Holy Scripture tells a story si
milar to this. ‘Christ died for the
ungodly. While we were yet sin
ners. Christ died for us. Again,
when we were enemies, we were
reconciled to God by the death of
his son. The purpose of Christ’s
entire life and work is contained
in these three sentences. If we
know and believe that, we are
scholar enough to go to heaven.
No ritatter how much knowledge
we may have, unless we know
know ourselves as sinners and
Jesus as our Savior we cannot
enter heaven.
Hope Lutheran invites you to
its services held every Sunday at
II am. to help you know yourself
and your Savior. (5n July 7 the
pastor will speak on the story or
the Prodigal Son as recorded in
Luke 15, 11:32. After the service
all membefs and friends of the
congregation are invited to attend
the annual church picnic at Ri
uerview Park.
i With July 7 begins a new quar
j ter in the Sunday School lesson
series Enroll your children next
Sunday and help them to attend
regularly. Sunday School begins
at 10 am.
Improved II SUNDAY
International l SCHOOL
-:- LESSON •••
Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Lesson for July 7
Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se
lected and copyrighted by International
Council of Religious Education; used by
LESSON TEXT — Deuteronomy 6:4-9;
Matthew 5:17-19: Mark 10:17-22.
that I am come to destroy the law* or
the prophets? I came not td destroy,
but to fulfill.—Matthew 5:17.
Jesus Christ is the believer’s final
authority. He is both pur Saviour |
and our Lord. He is our teacher,
our guide, our pattern in all things.
It is therefore of the highest im
portance that we know his attitude
toward the Old Testament laws,
and that is just what we are to
consider in the lessons of the next
three months under the general
title, “Jesus Interprets Old Testa
ment Laws.”
Our introductory lesson tells us
of the origin, interpretation and ap
plication of the law, thdr) we go in ;
later lessons to consider the Ten
Commandments in the light of the
teachings of Jesus.
It is appropriate to point cut that,
far from being outmoded, the Ten
Commandments are really the
basis of all moral law. They need
a diligent restudy and re-emphasis
in our day of disregard of moral
i. The Law—Given by God (Deut.
6:4-9). >
Our God is the pne true God who
is to tiave the complete and con
stant devotional all. The fact th»t
so many men wave ignored him ex
plains the awful depth to which the
world has fallen.
This one and only true Gpd has
given through his servant. Moses,
the fundamental moral law for the
government of man, and He is to
give diligent attention to it at all
Religion in the household fv. 7)
should include the teaching of the
Word, and the easy natural discus
sion of spiritual things in all the
varying circumstances of home life.
Blessed are the parents who make
it easy for ‘Children td talk about
the things of Goa gs naturally and
unaffectedly as they discuss the oth
er phases of life which interest
The law of God 6hould go with
hiS people into their daily occupa
tions (v. 8), not in any formal or
stilted wary but as the normal ex- i
pression 'at their love .for him. It
should be evident to all who enter
I'ne .home that the Lord is loved and
honored (v. 9).
II. Tlie Law fulfilled by jesns
(Matt. 5:17-19).
The law of God is eternal, never
to be abrogated, never set aside,
“lirist himself, although we might
properly say that he was in reality
the lawgiver apd thus had power
and authority ever* the law. indicat
ed his purpose in coming to be that
if giving the law its full meaning,
tot of destroying it.
One could wish that those who
profess to, be his servants might
I >ave the same measure of regard
tor God’s law. If they did. they
ibviously would not be so ready to
ignore it, so quick to change it or
explain it away, and far more
eady to accept with their Master
very “jot and tittle”; that is, even
the minutest detail of his Word.
It is a mark of greatness “to do’
and teach” the law of God (v. 19)
and of pathetic smallness to .break
nis commandments and to teach
jthers to disobey God. Some of the
supposed great men of this world
are mighty small when they are
measured by God's yardstick.
The one who recognizes Christ as
the fulfillment of the law will go on
n consistent living. In his strength
and by his grace we are to obey
every moral precept.
III. The Law—Applied to Man
(Mark 10:17-22).
The moral law, which is God’s
law, is good and in its keeping ms",
finds guidance Jor his life. -Apart
from Christ, however, he finds hini
self unable to keep the law.
The gospel of the grace of God
in Christ Jesus takes us a step be
yond the law, and it is a great step
for here we, meet and follow the
one who is greater than the law,
the giver of eternal life.
Obedience to the commandments
brings a man up to the very en
trance upon that life, but to enter
in he must have more than the
“things” of the law; he must have
the person who is “the door” to
eternal life.
The young man who came to ■
Christ was rich. His mind was ob- j
sessed with things. He had made
it his business to observe the law,
and had done well (v. 20), but his
soul was not satisfied. He thought
! one more “thing” that he could do
would accomplish his purpose.
The general attitude of the man
was commendable. He sensed his
lack of the vital something which
wouldjemake his life. He came to
the right one—the Lord Jesus—with
his question.
His failure to go beyond the things
of the law to a faith in Christ,
however, showed that he loved his
possessions -more than 'be desired
to follow tte Lord.
2608 Frandlink SL
Rev. 2. W. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
BTU 6 p.m.
Evening worship 7:30
Summer Guest Speaker
' *
Bringing Christ
to the Nations
“Over Station KBOI\
every Sunday morn’ 11:30
—Publicity Department —
3558 South Jefferson Ave.,
Saint Louis, Missouri
St. Louis, Mo. Julv 7, 1946
Director of Radio for the Interna- (SP™al) A" appeal for wid
tional Lutheran Hour and summer er recourse to the power and
1Sefker °? Bri,T'Jg1 ^hris! privilege of Christian prayer
to the Nations, June 3D, July 7 and r & v J
14* was issued today by Dr. Eu
gene R. Bertermann, Director of Radio for the Interna
tional Lutheran Hour on this program, heard over the
Mutual Broadcasting System and affiliated stations. Dr.
Bertermann asserted: “God wrill, in heaven’s own truth,
hear and answer the true prayers of His people. It
means more than the tongue can tfell, more than the pen
can describe, t o show that we can hjnmble
our hearts and bow our knees unto the Lord
whom we serve and secure an apdience with Him. The
Christian's greatest consolation comes when he reverently
and obediently enters into God’s presence, regardless of the
circumstances about him. and pours out his soul to the
Almighty, knowing that He is capable of and willing to take
His burdens and grant the desire of his heart. Honor Christ
as Loud of Lords and King of Kings, and He will open, His
ear to your prayer*! Make Him the Commander of your
life, and He will steadily pilot you against every storm and
peril that surgest against you!”
Dr. Bertermann continued: “The power of Christian
prayer has mightily blessed jhe nations in the past crises of
history. In 1623 the Plymouth Colony seemed doomed,
when a severe drought burned the grass brown and threat
ened to destroy the crops. The food supply was exhausted
and no help could be expected from England. However,
the Pilgrim fathers set aside an entire day for praver and
penitence, beseeching God Almighty for Jesus’ sake to for
give their sins and grant relief. Before nightfall the rain
■descended, the vegetatio^|pved and the colony was sav
22nd and Willis Ave.
Reverend E. B. Chilldress
Mason Devweaux *Jr., reporter
Men’s Day at our church Sun
day June 30, was filled with spi
ritual food for thought. The pro
gram of the day was as follows;
Prelude by the orchestra, proces
esional the Men’s chorus; doxolo
gy; Hymn; prayer by Bro. C. B.
Frederick, Scripture, Rev. Nesbit;
announcements, Bro. G. C. Wal
ker; solo by Russell E. Reese; and
remarks by Mr. A. R. GoOdlett.
He called for the men and women
to stand united behind the church
of God (St. Johns AME). Song by
the chorus; and the sermon by
Reverend Childress. He spoke
from Revelations 3:8 on the sub
ject “The Open Door”. His capa
city congregation heard him deli
ver an appropriate massage with
the following thoughts for this
auspicious occasion; When your
heart is right your conscience will
shine; No man charged with the
five senses given him by our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, wants
women or men to bow at hig feet;
and if you have eyes to see the
Open Door God bless you but if
you don’t God pity you.
He commended the men for the
splendid chorus and for taking
full charge of the service on this
their day. He expressed the hope
that out of this fine group of men
assembled that a Men’s club would
spring Rft-fh to meet the challenge
of the day.
It is difficult to express in words
along with the officers, stewards,
stewardesses, trustees, pastor and
his wife and the entire member
ship and friends our appreciation
for the fine program rendered.
Special thanks and commendation
go out from our hearts to mem
bers of the Elks Ensemble who
are members of other churches for
the excellent program support.
Convert: Mr. John Orduna who
before entering ■ the Armed servi
ces, was a member of our Junior
Choir and regularly attended our
Sunday School.
At the evening services A tty.
Ralph Adams one ef our own de
livered us a inspirational talk on
the subject ‘Service’. He said there
is a need for all of us to revalu
ate ourselves as to the service gi
ven to the church. Many of the
barriers that confront us are put
there by ourselves caused by
thrifiness, irresponsibleness, and
lack of unity and coordination. He
called all members of the AME
Church to see that its glorious
history shall be perpetuated and
extended over the length and the
breath of the land.
Committee for the Men’s Day
were as follow* Mr. Russell E.
Reese Jr., Mr. I. S. .McPherson,
Mr Richard Taylor, Mr. A. R.
Goodlette, master of ceremonies,
Mrs. Otis Jamerson at the piano,
Mr. H. L. Preston, general chair
man of Men's Day, and Reverend
Childress delivering the sermon of
the day.
Mr. William Kyles Jr, tenor is
to be presented by our Usher
Board Wednesday evening, July
10, at 8 pm. He has recently re
turned from a tour with the Good
will Gospel Singers. From all in
dications at rehearsal, Mr. Kyles
is planning to bring to the public
in his mid-summer concert, an ex
cellent spiritual program in song.
Five choirs will accompany Mr.
Kyles along with a guest soloist.
Remember the date Wednesday,
July 10 at 8 pm. at St. Jonhs
AME Church at 22nd and WiHis
Holy Communion will be admin
istered by our pastor Sunday, Ju
ly 7. All members are urged to
come prepared for this service.
The message will be delivered by
our pastor at 11 o’clock.
There will be an announcement
relative to our Aifnual Conference
all members are urged by the of
ficers and the pastop to govern!
themselves accordingly when this*
announcement is made.
At 4 pm. Sunday, July 7, Mr.
Thomas Rucker will give his
daughter Miss Evelyn Rucker in
marriage to Mr. Appolo Faison.
He extends and invitation to the
membership of St Johns and
friends to be present at the wed
ding at St. Johns.
The Youth Guild will present on
Sunday, July 14 at the Church
'The Challenge of the Cross’. The
members and friends of St. Johns
are urged to prepare to attend
this service.
There is still a need for addi
tional volunteers to teach in our
growing. Sunday School. Let us
not have to turn our children
away from the Church of Jesus
Christ because our staff is unahle
to handle this increase.
Let us meet this challenge by
giving our children and our friends
children that come to St. Johns
Sunday School a sufficient staff.
Come give your servic^ now!
Class Meetings each Tuesday
night at 8 pm.
Prayer Meetings each Wednes-'
day night at 8 pm. ,
Senior Choir rehearsals each
Thursday night at 8 pm.
Juhior Choir rehearsals each Wed
nesday night at 8 pm.
Youth Choir rehearsals each
Saturday afternoon at 2 pm.
Allen Christian Endeavor meets
each Sunday afternoon at 6 pm.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday School every Sunday at
9:30 am. Attend our regular ser
vices at 11 o’clock and our even
ing services at 7:30 pm Visitors
and friends are always welcome
at St. Johns the friendly church
at 22nd and Wilis Avenue. Cornel'
and worship with us won't you ?
.The care of your health should
form your most important duty....
The worst enemy of your general
good health Is the waste matter
that ferments in your intestines.
Clean your intestines and you will
experience the general health and
the joy of living. For internal
cleanliness, however, do not en
trust your delicate digestive or-,
ganism to any ordinary product.
Be choosy—take delicious, effec
tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy
Bottles $1.00.
High Blood Pressure
If you have HIGH BLOOD
we carry the best Per Box $1.25
VAYA PROQUCTS, 242 E. 41st
St, NYC. 17.
Acid Indigestion
■ Relieved^!! S minute* or
doable your money back
i Whta esceu Momicb icld cium pdnful.
Inf fM. sour itonach and heartburn, doctor* usually
praecrlhe the fastest-actint medicines known far
•ynptomeUc relief—medicines like ttae In BsB^oa
TebieU. Ne laxative. Bell-ape brines comfort la a
srarassjsr ** -
I Public vehicle
4 Mineral
7 Arrived
8 Flaps
10 Intrigue
II Of bees.
13 Keel-billed
14 Baby’s bed
15 European
18 Girl’s name
19 Auction
20 Musical
21 P>om
23 Endures
25 Steamship
2^ Portion
28 Appendage
30 Highest card
31 Goes off,
as the rails
34 Careened
36 Observe
37 Glossy
■38 Bury
40 Permits
41 Exude
42 Perish
43 EVer (poet.)
1 Rooms on
a ship
2 Wine
3 Babylonian
4 Unadorned
5 Father
r n.
Solution In Next Issue.
. ■
No. 3
6 Dwells
7 Walking
9 Bursts of
shouts from
10 Bounder
12 Approaches
14 Having a
16 A fermented
17 A wing
20 Largest
21 Precious
22 Of the face
24 Sailor
27 Paused
29 Famous
31 Thick
32 Onion-like
33 Varying
weight (Ind.)
35 Monkey
(So. Ain.)
I 38 Anger
I 39 Bo-rn
Answer to Pnztle
Number fc
Rev. E. Wade, Pastor
Note$ and Personals:
The Sunday School was well at
tended last Sunday all depart
ments were represented. The Sun
day School is doing fine work.
Our leaders are doing their best
to help your children to become
followers of Christ, T so jpee that
they come to Sunday School on
every Sunday. H. L. Cribbs, Supt.
Rev. G. Givens, Dept. Supt.
The morning services opened on
the hour at 11 am. The Choir,
Stewardesses, Ushers and Usher
ettes were at their appointed pla
ces. The pastor was at his best,
giving us the message from Kings
18:81-36. I am sure everyone en
joyed this wonderful message. If
you want a spiritual feast, come
to Cleaves Temple and hear our
wonderful speaker. On Sunday
afternoorg we worshipped with
Zion Baptist Church. Our souls,
were filled with another great mes
sage from God. I am sure every
one enjoyed the inspirational ser
mon Sunday night at 7:30. If you
don't go to church Sunday morn
ing come out at night. We dent
want you to miss this spiritual
feast we are being delighted with.:
We need the Holy Spirit in the
Church and we need it now Don’t
Stay at home on Sunday night;
come out aad let your souls feast
•n the Word of God. The Church
needs you and you need the church
so give yourself to God for a day
of praising.
Send your children to the church
for training in the Youth Move
ment orr Friday evening. Also Jr.
Choir rehearsal on Wednesday
Don’t forget Men’s Day on the
3rd Sunday in July. They are pre
paring a great day and will be in
charge for the day so help them
make a success of it.
Marie Hudgens, reporter
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