The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 06, 1946, Image 1

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ciTriDmv ntIV *-■ , „., „ „„ . ,. _ _ , Entered as 2nYl class matter at Post* oft ice, Omaha, Nebr„ Wnder Act of
SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1946 Oar 19lh Year—No. 22 j, IQc Per Copy ★ M^d, «, im. Publkhh, onto. „ mo Great Saw Omali* Nebc.
Edited by Verna P. Harris
By Lester B. Granger, Exe
cutive Sec’y National Ur
ban League.
Antisemitism is a mean and
Ugly manifestation by any racial
or religious group. Whether it is
formally preached by a Charles
Coughlin or Gerald L. K. Smith,
or whether it is displayed in aim
less remarks or half-educated in
dividuals, it is a revelation of
base qualities too often found in
American life.
When manifested by Negro spo
kesmen, however, anti-semitism
is the last word in doltish and bru
tish bigotry. That Negro who art
iculates anti-semitism attitudes
-nd seeks to stir up hatred again
st Jews as a racial group auto
matically forfiets any right to pro
test against wrongs practiced
against Negroes.
It is disturbing to note that
during the last several years there
has been an increase in anti-semi
tic remarks in Negro gatherings;
sometimes made by rabble-rous
ers, bat sometimes made, also, by
suave, college bred professionals.
This situation can be explained,
of course, by referring to the re
cent hysteria which was felt by
Negroes as keenly as by whites.
Hitler did a thorough job, and
though we defeated his armies we
are still struggling against the
tide of his propaganda which c«n
imues lo roll on.
There is another explanation
for anti-semitism, however, espe
cially in the crowded urban cen
ters of Negro populations. It is
a result of the presence of Jewish
small shopkeepers in the Negro
neighborhood and of Jewish rent
ing agents for white landlords who
may themselves be Jews but are
more apt to be ‘Christians’. The
Negro customer in neighborhood
stores w’ho pays more than veil
ing prices, or the Negro tenant in
a crowded apartment section who
pays more than a fair rental is
apt to blame the Jewish shopkeep
er or renting agent for extortion,
rather than the forces which act
ually control these little business
A third reason lies in the fact
that certain Jews themselves pra
ctice discrimination against the
Negroes, and certain Negroes are
blinded by their own racial ex
perience and insecurity to be glac
to lash out at some other min
ority group.
Whatever the reasons, this quiet
growth of anti-semitism among
Negroes is a real threat to racial
progress of our own group. It Ne- 1
gro Americans are to succeed in
pushing aside the barriers that
restrict and hamper them in find
ing the good life, they will do so
only through the help of millions
of white Americans of different
religious and economic back
grounds. Any attitude carried by
Negroes which discourages white
supporters from rallying to our
cause, or which further handicaps
members of other disadvantaged
minority groups, is bound to re
act disastrously against Negroes
This is why the National Urban
League and local leagues all over
the country have struck out
against anti-semitism on every
possible occasion Our Board and
staff members have written and
spoken on the subject and we have
followed up these pifblic expres
sions by actively organizing act
ivities which bring Jews, Negroes
and white Christians together in
working partnership Every Urban
League Board or working commit
tee is an example of this policy.
• Some Leagues have been able
to go a good deal further. For in- |
stance, when two or three years
ago the Christian Frontiers of
Boston initiated a campaign of
violence against Jewish families,
the executive secretary of the
Boston Urban League was the
secretary and spark plug of a ci
tizen's committee organized to
break up this anti-semitic cam
paign. The Chicago Urban Lea
gue similarly joined, a few years
ago, in a city-wide movement
aimed at stopping the spread of
anti-semitic agitation in that city.
These are only a few examples
of how one organization primarily
interested in Negro welfare finds
itself obligated to work for Jew-1
ish welfare in order to protect the
interests of Negroes. Our race
leaders throughout the country
would do well to address their at
tention to this urgent problem,
for unless the Jew’s place in Am
erican life is protected and im-1
proved, there is slight hope for
Negroes or for members of any
other disadvantaged minority
lando Roberson, sensational song
stylist, recently discharged from
the army after 38 months in the
service and a purple heart to his
credit, premiered at the Celebrity
Room at the Heat Wave Tuesday
r.ight last, going over with a de
finite bang.
As you no doubt know Rober
son is responsible for making the
nation ‘Trees’ conscious. A pack- \
ed house bombarded him with one
request after another until the wee
hours of the morning.
NEW YORK, N. Y— Calvin’s
News Service—-Two American
girls, Florence Kauffman and
Betty Goldberg, top ranking sen
iors at Seward High School are
proudest today of having refused
medals from the Daughter of Am
erican Revolution than from any
of their other achievements.
I refuse to accept anything
from an organization that discri
minates like the DAR, said Flor
ence, who is valedictorian of her I
class with a 96 average. 1
Jack Howard W ins Cornhuskers Invitational Golf Meet
Ni.W YORK—In a strongly
worder statement, the National
Bar Association this week de
nounced the proposed constitut
ional amendment offered last
Tuesday by Senator Eastland of
Mississippi designed to unpack'
the United States Supreme Court
by removing four Roosevelt ap
Pointing to the relentlessness
ith which the South is fighting
progressivism, Earl B. Dickerson
NBA president, said that his or
ganization could not permit this
unwarranted attack upon our
highest tribunal to go unchallen
ged. He then cited the superbly
meritorious service to the cause
of liberalism, that has been ren
dered by Associate Justices Wil
liam O. Douglas. Frank Murphy,
Robert H. Jackson, and Wiley
Rutledge, the men who would be
Senator Eastland is motivated
solely by his dislike for decisions
of the Court in such cases as the
Virginia segregation law, white
primaries, union representation
for minority groups in collective
bargaining matters, and equal pay
for school teachers Dick., son
In the interpretation of its laws,
our own Supreme Court, more
than any other court in the
civilized world, has most nearly
approached that area of reasoning
which guarantees to all people the ,
principles involved in the Four!
Freedoms. It is the demagogues of
America and of the world who!
want to stop the clock in the face
of this truly peoples movement."
Dickerson urged Negroes and
‘our allies in labor” to organize
to “vigorously oppose this amend
ment on the grounds that it is a
blow against justice for the com
mon man.”
.. USDA Photo by Forsythe
With President Truman signing tne National School Lunch bill, the eleven-year-old program lias become a
permanent source fit good nutrition for the white and colored school children of America. At the peak of the
temporary program more than a million colored youngsters received lunches. Looking on, as the President signs
the bill which authorizes the_ United States Department of Agriculture to assume, half the expenses for school ,
lunches in any State assuming the other half, are Agriculture officials and members of the Senate and House Agri
culture Committees. Left to right: Rep. Clarence Cannon of Missouri, Secretary Clinton P. Anderson, Pep. Mal
colm C. Tarver of Georgia, Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia, Sen. Allen Ellender of Louisiana, Rep. Clifford R.
Hope of Kansas, Sen. George D. Aiken of Vermont, Rep. John W. Flannagan of Virginia, Executive Assistant to the
Secretary Nathan Koenig, Director of Food Distribution Programs Paul C. Stark, Under Secretary N. E. Dodd,
* T,--ndi>rtion and Marketing Administrator Robert II. Shields.
City ffecreaticn ti<inounces
Pate of Big Track Mitt
The City Recreation Depart
ment is having a Track Meet
July 17, 1946 on the Burdette play
grounds, 20th and Burdette Sts.
at 5:00 o'clock pm.
' The following playgrounds will
be represented in the meet: Bur
dette, Howard-Kennedy, Corby
Street and Logan-Fontenelle.
Events wll be-listed in the next
weeks’ newspaper.
o ciippocc in nnlir o fonr xrooro fViot
and thereabouts
Most of the good people in this
world, who believe that a man is
a man regardless of his race, his
creed, or color, have at one time
or another condemned this man
Balbo. Editorials upon editorials
have been written against him.
Speeches by outstanding men,
have denounced his policy of hate.
Yet, this man struts in his power.
Somehow all of these attacks on
Bilbo have not struck the vital
ICA! All of us must keep writing
to the men who represent us in
Congress to relieve this man who
is such a detriment to our public
welfare. Relieve him if it takes an
enactment of a new law.
We of the humble origin thank
you. At no time in your public
career has any decision of yours
been more applauded by the com
mon man. The OPA must be put
back in forae. Price control is
necessary if the families -with
limited incomes are to continue to
A few years ago I was listening
to a program on the radio star
ring Eddie Cantor. At the close
of his program, Mr. Cantor said
these words: “THERE IS NO
Eddie Cantor was talking about
the men who enforce the law; men I
who come in contact with danger I
daily; men who know not the min-1
ute or the hour they may be cal-|
led on to give their lives for a!
stranger. That stranger could be]
ji \j\a KJt me.
While in some instances, indivi
dual arid unqualified officers may
have misused the power invested
in them; there is no good reason
for general misapprehension of
such a vital agency of our city
government. It is Our property;
Our well being and safety that I
the police departhaent is sworn to
protect. No one would want to live
in a community where there was
no police protection.
Few of us know the many lone
ly, tiresome and dangerous hours
spent by these men, because
while we sleep, many of them
must stay awake in order that
we may sleep in peace and secur
The men of the Negro race who
enforce the law in our community
are. as follows: Since 1912, Lt.
Harry E. Buford; 1918, Detective
Sergeant U. S. Matthews; 1923,
Patrolman LeRoy Jones; 1938,
Patrolman Pittman Foxall; 1940,
Detective Sergeant William H.
Coleman; 1945, Patrolman C. H.
Henderson. Two men have retired.
William E. Birch, 1942, and Det.
Sgt. P. H. Jenkins, 1944.
There is little more a man can
give to his God, his country, or
his neighbor, than long faithful
I’ve argued and talked with
Cap’ Lee so often, that when I
do not see him for a few days, I
get eager to see him again; know
ing that I will be able to listen
to some of his tales of Omaha
long before my time.
The other day during one of our
numerous conversations, we start
ed talking about telephones. Mr.
Edgar Lee, 2417 Maple Street,
just sat silently while I had the
floor. As I finished, Mr. Lee said,
“Let me tell you something,
young man”.
Feeling sure it would- be some- j
thing that had happened lone ago
something that I couldn’t contra
dict, I sat back in my chair, rea
dy, but not to eager to listen.
“How long do you think I have
had the same telephone number?”
Mr. Lee asked with a half smile
on his face.
It was useless for me to try to
answ'er that question, so I just
nooded, ‘Go ahead”.
Puffing on his half-smoked ci
gar, he said, “I have had the same
telephone number, Webster 2496,
in the same house for 27 years.
During these 27 years the tele
phone has never been disconnec
4-_3 It
I gasped, “27 years!”
Mr. Edgar Lee, nodded the af
firmative,1 still with that half
smile on his fale, and puffing on
that half-smoked cigar. I knew
and so did he that conversation
on telephones would stop for
awhile. Over and over, I thought,
“27 years, same telephone num
ber, same house”.
I stopped by the POWDER
terview a business lady from Se
dalia, Missouri. I know several
people from Sedalia who have
made Omaha their home, and this
' charming matron harf been such
I was beginning to wonder how
they do it.
Mrs Anna Lee Ray, 1408 North
24th Street, operator of the Pow
der Puff Beauty Salon, smilingly
asked me to sit down and make
myself comfortable after I ex
plained to her my purpose.
“How long have you been in
Omaha, Mrs. Ray”, I asked.
“Since 1942”.
“Did you go to a beauty school
here?”, I asked.
“Yes, she answered, I was a
beauty operator in Sedalia before
I came to Omaha, but to be an
operator in Missouri you only
have to have 1000 hours. In Ne
braska you have to have -_ I
attended the Northside Beauty
School in order to get the .at
I needed”.
"You like Omaha? I suppose
you will make it your home?”
“I like Omaha alright, but I in
tend to go back to Sedalia to open
a salon, and probably a school
there, about the first of the year
I imagine. You see my husband
was just recently discharged from
the armed forces, and both of us
want to go back, that is our fu
ture plans”.
"Do you have any children”, I
“Yes, I have a daughter, who is
still working in Washington, D. I
C. She will be home sometime in ;
September to spend her vacation
here with us”, she answered.
"We will regret losing you, if
you do go, but you can always
change your mind. I know how
it is with your husband. I am sure
all he is seeking at the present
time is a little peace and quiet”,
I said, hoping I was hitting the
nail on the head.
Sedalia can well be proud of
Mrs. Anna Lee Ray. She has ac
complished what a lot of us dream
of; a business of our own. And
even as successful as Mrs. Ray
has been and is now, she wants
happiness with her success, and
that takes her away from Omaha
back to Sedalia. Best of luck to
you and your family, Mrs. Ray.
The Annual Central States Golf
Tournament will be held at Minn
eapolis Sunday, August 11th at
the beautiful Meadowbrook course
with the Twin-City Golf Ass’n of
St. Paul and Minneapolis acting
as host clubs. Other competing
clubs will be Omaha, Des Moines,
Kansas City, St. Louis, Topeka,
and Denver, a new entrant.
The last peace-time tournament
was held at Omaha in 1941 with
a record entry of 78 players.
luuio JunuMiN rlLr\o HAUt
NEW YORK (CPB)—The pop
ularity of Hot Lips Page has
brought about tremendous success.
Recently Page was selected by
Louis Jordan to have his band
co-featured with Jordan on an ex
tended tour. Unit plays Royal
Theatre in Baltimore, the Howard
in Washington, D. C. and Har
lem’s Apollo.
Page is the current sensation at
the Club Baron here co-starring
with Ethel Waters, first lady of
the theatre, who is accompanied
by Rejinal Bean on the piano.
Sunday, July 7th will be Wom
en's Day at Clair Methodist Chur
ch. The public is cordially invited
to attend our all-day program.
At 11 o’clock am. the Rev. Mrs.
Marion Jones, will be our speak
er and Clair's Female Choir will
render the music. Solo by Miss
Lois Brown.
At 3 o’clock, the Rev Mrs. Jack
son from Mt. Cavalry Community
Church will be our speaker with
the Mt. ‘Cavalry Female Choir
rendering the music.
At 8 o’clock pm. there will be a
Female program. Those partici
pating on the program are Mrs.
Blanchelee Wright from Cleaves
Temple CME Church. The Pilgrim
Trio from Pilgrim Baptist Church
will sing. Mrs. Lola Holliday, Mrs.
Bertha Smith, Mrs. C. McNeal
and the Misses Ruth Norman,
Charline Dudley ajid Almeva L.
Holliday, members .of Clair Chur
ch. Don't miss this great event.
Viola L. Buford, chairman
NEW YORK, N. Y.—The Civil
Rights Congress today accused
Congressman Rankin of using his
Un-American Activities Commit
tee to prevent a vote on establish
a Permanent FEPC.
It s bad enough that John Ran
kn is using the Wood-Rankin Com
mittee to attack and browbeat
democratic organizations, the CRC
said. On top of this, Kankin is
manipulating privileged resolu
tions to cite individuals for con
tempt of Congress in such a way
as to bar the one way left to the
House to vote on FEPC—the use
of ‘Calendar Wednesday’.
One of the pending citations is
that George Marshall, chairman
of the Ntional Federation for Con
stitutional Liberties, an organiza
tion which has campaigned for
establishment of FEPC and for
abolition of the Un-American Act
ivities Committee.
Rankin has made no secret of
his hatred of basic American
rights and liberties and of the or
ganizations which work to preser
ve them the CRC declared. An in
creasing number of Congressmen
are refusing to go along with him
or to tolerate his abuse of Con
gressional power.
NEW YORK (Calvin’s Service)
—Billy Conn deposited $25,707.48
for back taxes with the Bureau of
' 1 —
Jack Howard, Desmoines stylist!
won the (Championship ilight u,
the Cornhusker’s Invitation Golf
Meet held at the Indian Hills golf
course on July 4th. 42 players
from the Central States area com
peted in ihe 27 hole tournament.
A large collection of trophies
and prizes as displayed last week
at the Electronic Sales, were pre
sented to the happy winners at
the AMVETS Club Thursday
Jack Howard won the oualify round with a 35 for the 1st
nine holes, but had to enter a play
off for the Championship with
Pe'ey Williams of Kansas City
and Cleo Johnson of Desmoines,
all having finished the 27 hole
with scores of 116. Percy Wil
liams took second place in the
Winners of the 1st Flight were
John Estes D. M. with 126. Andy
Smith of K. C. was runnerup, hav
ing won a playoff from Herb
Winners of the 2nd Flight were
Lloyd Jones D. M. with 133 and
Roy Todd also of Desmoines with
Scores of others in the champ
ionship bracket were George John
son K. C. 118; Wm. Grover, Oma
ha 121; Numa Johnson D. M. 123;
Wm. Mallory K. C. 126; Lonnie
Thomas Omaha, 131; Jay Murrel
127; Milton Wilson 123; Malcolm
Scott, 125: Dr. W. W. Solomon,
145; and James Clark of Pasa
dena, Calif. 126.
Winners of special prizes were:
Cleo Johnson, Jack Howard, Geo.
H. Johnson. L. D. Williams. .T. Cl.
Wilson, Lloyd Groves and H. Ger
Internal Revenue and so got back
in their good graces again. He
still has to pay off taxes accum
ulated from his ill fated June 19
New York City (WDL).. A. F.
Whitney, president of the Brother
hood of Railroad Trainment, join
ed seven leading AFL and CIO
unionists in the Workers Defense
League protest over restoration
of the 45-year old age limit in the
selective service law.
Whitney’s signature arrived
just beyond the deadline for last
week's news service, but was in
time to go on the WDL letters to
congressmen. The letters charg
ed that drafting strikers as pro
vided in President Truman’s bill
was the aim of the higher limit.
29, 1946—Lincoln University was
host June 26-28, inclusive, to the
forty fifth annual convention of
the Missouri State Association of
Colored Women, affiliated with
the National Association of Col
ored Women, and the Missouri
Association of Colored Girls, af
filiated with the National Associ
ation of Colored Girls. Mrs. Cleo
patra Gooch is president of the
women’s groi^p; Mrs. Margaret
S. Robinson, state supervisor of
the girl’s unit and/ Miss Grace
Estes its president.
University participants progra
mmed were President Sherman
D. Scruggs extending the welcome
in behalf of the University Wed
nesday evening and delivering an
address the following evening.
By Jay Fussell
Hampton Institute, Va_A fel
lowship crew of 32 students and
leaders representing seventeen
southern colleges has assembled
at Hampton Institute in prepara
tion for work on an UNRRA re
lief ship scheduled to sail for Eu
rope soon. The group, recruited by
the Fellowship of Southern Church
men for the Brethern Servce and
UNRRA, will work as livestock
attendants on a cattle ship desig
nated for Europe and will sail as
a unit under the Brethern Servce
Committee project known as
Heifers for Europe.
The Fellowship of Southern
Churchmen, organization selecting
crew members for the project, is
a group of churchmen, laymen,
and social workers from the south
who are united in Christian work
directed toward social equality
and justice, sound political action
and constructive efforts in the
field of religion.
Primary purpose of the group
is participation in relief work un
der the UNRRA program. How
ever, an educational program has
been planned to supplement the
relief work. The crew members
have chosen to concentrate their
study upon problems in four ma
jor areas and to publish the re
sults of their ork in the form ol
a unit statement at the ompletion
of the voyage. Problems under
Omaha Realtors'
Make Deposits In
Carver Savings-Loan
Milton E. Johnson A. C. Kennedy A. E. Burr
Charles F. Davis Kenneth F. Reed C. E. SUJ.C
On Tuesday, June 25th, 1946 The
Omaha P,eal Estate Board and its
members showed definite interest
in our immediate Community and
its general advancement when a
Committee from the Omaha Real
tors consisting of Mr. Kenneth F.
Reed, Chairman; Messers A. E.
Burr, C. B. Stuht and A. C. Ken
nedy visited the Carver Savings
and Loan Association and purchas
ed investment shares for tile
Board and its individual members.
Mr. Reed said, “We are pleased
to deposit funds in this Associat
ion. We feel there is a definite
place and nee'd for an Association
a :!i a Ca-vcr’s in the City of ()
! nia'a. Speaking for myself and
| other Realtors, r. e v ill do a!) in.
| our power to assi t thm in.t tution
i in its efforts to render a needed
1 service to the citizens.
Mr. Milton E. Johnson, Presid
ent and Charles F. Davis, Secy
I Treasurer of the C~rv rs Savings
| and Loan Association, received
j the Committee of Realtors and ex
‘ pressed appreciation for the co
i operation and interest.of the Oma
1 ha Real Estate Doard and its:
1 members as shown by their beemr*
ing members of the Carvers” As
Mrs.c. Maupm Dies
Mrs. Caroline Maupin, well known business woman anrl
cafe proprietor, died at her borne, 2915 North 28th St..,
Wednesday, July 3, after a long illness. •
Her funeral will be held at Myers Chapel, Saturday afr
ternoon at 4 o’clock and-burial will be at El Keno, Okla.
consideration in the educational
program will be the Christian ecu
menical movement, contemporary
labor problems, the influence ol
mechanization in rural areas, and
possible bases of world peace.
ClaiT Chapel held the first Qu
arterly Conference Monday^ even
ing July 1. Rev. G. D. Hancock,
District Supt. Presiding. All offi
cers and auxiliaries made good
reports. A very friendly greeting
was extended to the new Pastor
who is starting on his 6th year an
with his leadership the member
ship has increased. The obligations
have been taken care of and many
improvements have been made
and the pastor and members are
all on the up and go with the
church on the improve spiritually
ATLANTA, Ga„ June 28—Spe
cial—American education stands
condemned for not having deliv
ered to us a cultured and educa
ted citizenry, Kendall Weisiger,
chairman of the board of trustees
of Morehouse College told Atlan
ta University summer school stu
dents on Tuesday at the assembly
of the week. With twenty million
children in the elementary schools
seven million in the high schools;
and one-half million in colleges,
we still are not a cultured and ed
ucated people he asserted.
Mr. Weisigner was discussing
the subject “Must Destruction be
Our Destiny?" He urged his list
eners to adopt the Jesus way of
life and as a way to better living,
advised know that you are some
body, develop yourselves, never
| lose hope, and take on responsi
bility for your fellowmen.
Branch Rickey signed Jackie
j Robinson as the first Negro ball
I player in the major leagues for
the simple reason he believed Jac
kie was a good ball player, ac
cording to Wendell Smith’s arti
cle, Jackie Robinson could have
been an elephant, in the July is
sue of Headlines and Pictures.. Mr
Smith himself first suggested Ro
binson’s name to the Brooklyn
Dodger owner.
Rickey abhors discrimination
! and segregation, the noted sports
i writer says and believes all men
j are created equal. He believes that
| baseball belongs to America and
I that every American should be
1 permitted to play the game.
I When Robinson was coming to
I Miami Mr. Smith reports that Ri
I ckey called in several veteran
I Montreal players and org-anized a
' reception committee- Their busin
1 ess was to make Jackie feel at
| home because Rickey said I don’t
want him to be standing around
[ With nothing to do at any time,
i You fellows have to see to it that
Jackie isn't ignored or left out of
Rickey refused to compromise
with prejudice in the south des
J pite the gloomy warnings of some
; sports writers, according to the
Headlines and Pictures article.
Photographs of Rickey, Robinson
and his teamates illustrate the
j • Quality Job Printing
I Phono HA. 0800
I --
At Madi3on Park FEPC Rally,
today, the afternoon of June 25trt
i called for the purpose of celebra
I ting the 5th Anniversary of the
issuance of Executive Order
under which the President’s Cora
I mittee on Fair Employment Prac
j tice was established. A Philip Ran
I dolph, Co-Chairman of the Nat
ional Council for a Permanent
FEPC, declared that the fight for
the enactment of bills S. 101 and
HR 2232 for a Permanent FEPC
1 is a fight for democracy.
Already the anti-democratic
forces are seeking to prevent the
| enactment of federal FEPC legis
lation in men like Senator Bilbo
from Missippi, who in a recent
broadcast virtually called for mob
action to prevent voting by Ne
groes in the July 2nd primary in
Mississippi in which Bilbo is run
ning for reelection. Bilbo appealed
to the so-called red blooded Ari
glo-Saxon men of Mississippi to
resort to any means to keep Ne
groes from the polls. Under the
influence of this inflammatory
propaganda, it is reported that
Etoy Fletcher, a Negro veteran,
was denied the right to register
at Brandon, Mississippi, and was
severly beaten following his at
tempt to have his name placed
on the role of electors.
I call upon President Trumarr
and Attorney General Tom Clark
to take instant, forthright and
positive action to stop this fascist,
violation of the right of Negro
citizens to exercise their Consti
tutional rights in Mississippi, es
pecially in view of the fact that
a recent Supreme Court decision
has outlawed the White Primar
ies. •
This spirit oi intolerance ram
pant in Mississippi is reflecting
itself in increased discriminations
against Negroes and other of the
minorities in general in employ
ment relations throughout the
country. Newspapers want-ads
boldly call for whites only or gen
tile whites and bars are drawn
against Catholics and foreigners^
I Today, there is no federal agen
cy to maintain fair employment
practices since the war time FES
PC was killed by a coalition of
Southern Democrats and North
ern Tory Republicans through the
filibuster in the Senate and failure
to sign the Discharge Petition in
the House.
But FEPC is not dead. It’s spi
rit still lives.
What is to be done?
Citizens should call upon their
Congressmen to- sign the Dischar
ge Petition in the House. They
should call upon their Congress
men to support Calendar Wednes
day in the House. Even if the bill
in the house does not pass this
Congress, a continued fight for it
will strengthen the cause of FEP
C and confound its enemies.
In addition to the need for con
i tinued struggle for FEPC in this
I Congress, the National Council
! for a Permanent FEPC plans a
nation-wide mobilization of liberal,
labor, civic, religious and educa
tional forces to wage a relentless
fight to push FEPC through the
next Congress. Demonstrations
like this one in Madison Park have
been urged by the Council upon
the citizens in various sections of
the nation. We are confident that
that the cause of FEPC will pre
vail. Its principles are in the tra
ditions of American democracy
and progress. The victory for FE
PC will not only serve to help eli
iminate discriminations based up
on race, creed, color and country,
but will help to beat back the
rising tide of intolerance and big
otry, racism, anti-Semitism and
anti-laborism in America.