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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1946)
Now Back Your Future-Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! This Page is Dedicated to the Presentation of The Democratic Way of life! Let’s keep it So .-By George //. McDavu, Advertising Manager ^ ^_★ * ••• m J Back Your Future With U. S. Savings Bonds j i ♦ i During wartime these bonds backed the victorious attack on the Axis. Now these same bonds, still being bought by millions of Americans at their place of work, at banks, post offices and other issuing points, con tinue to be the chief insurance for a better future for the family and the individual. General Dwight D. Eisenhower describing U. S. Savings Bonds says: “While obviously it is not my prerogative to teU our veterans how to conduct their lives after their release from the Army, nevertheless, my continuing interest in their, welfare impels me to urge that they give serious consideration to the advantages offered by United States Savings Bonds.” - V- S. Treasury Department -SPO\SORED BY MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. Complete Home Modernization Service—Free Estimates — 1702 CUMING ST. JA-6500 Peacetime Job of U. S. Savings Bonds Pictured in New Poster MMBTliWMi ^ < Here is the first postwar Treasury poster which will be displayed in more than one million public places from coast to coast to remind Amer icans who once backed the attack with war bonds that these same type of bonds continue to furnish the security fabric for the homes of the country. The slogan is now “Back Your Future” which can be trans lated by the individual in terms of better living and realization of am bitions when savings bonds mature in 10 years $4 for every $3 invested. U. S. Treasury DeDartment -SPOYSORED BY Fuchs’ Machinery & Supply 513 SOUTH 15th—AT. 7050 __ - m * | SWARTZ 1 J Plumbing & j 1 Furnace [ I SUPPLIES 1 I Largest Stock in the City | B LOWEST TRICES — — PROMPT SERVICE ■ B • Guttering & Spouting—Sold and Installed M M •Complete Toilet Outfits B M • Chrome Faueets—all kinds B B • Everything in Plumbing ■ m • Coal—Gas—Oil Furnaces Repaired & Installed M M • Blowers B “ B • Shower Cabinets Complete V ■ -PLACE YOL’R ORDER NOW!- J f ■ “Let SIT.4RZ Furnace Your Home*’ ■ | J 1 Swartz Furnace & Supply Co. I j J 1415 Cuming St. AT 2835 M . NEW CAR DISTRIBUTION POLICY Eight of every Omaha men fa vor the new car distribution po licy established by the Omaha New Car Dealers Association, according to a survey just completed in the city. Of 300 men interviewed, said Ernst F. Lied, president of the Association, a bare 15 percent said that new cars should be sold on a first come, first served ba sis. The Omaha N^w Car Dealers Association's policy calls for new cars to go to those who have used cars to trade in. or those who do not have a car and have not sold their cars at exorbitant black mar ket prices. About 25 percent of the supply is being set aside for veterans, law enforcement bodies and other essential users, such as doctors. While we were quite surprised FOR PICTURE TAKING ^PLEASURE FAULTLESS CAMERA Easy to load, easy to use. You will marvel at the beauty and lustre of detail in your snap shots. Built of strong durable plastic with direct sight and eye level finder. Takes both time and instantaneous expos ure. Makes jumbo prints, 3*4 by 412. COMPLETE WITH CASE. ONLY ___ I 127 FILMS. 27c EACH LIMIT 3 ROLLS Mail Orders Filled alandra 15th at Douglas Atlantic 4083 ••The Camera Corner of Omaha" BOW EM Appliance Co. NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW LOCATION 0 New Units, 0 New and Rebuilt Refrigerators & Sweepers. “Guaranteed Repair Service— Quality Workmanship—We Solicit Your Trade” 3024 LEAVENWORTH Phone AT-2003 LOANS $10 TO SI,000 You can obtain a loan from us for almost any purpose and repay in small monthly payments. Salary loans on your signature only. W e also make auto and furniture loans. We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-2300, tel] us what you need, then come in and pick up the monev. Prompt Service COMMERCE LOAN COMPANY 1901 Farnam St. Ground Floor Corner. Larry Flinn, Manager TABLE "ODELRa<Jios ivailable for immediate delivery HEAVY DUTY MOP STICKS __ MVITZ Tire & Supply Co. 1624 Capitol Aye. that any at all should oppose giv- j ing special consideration to the' needs of veterans, Mr. Lied decla-: red, It was quite gratifying to learn that such an overwhelming majority of Omahans agr.e that our policy is fair. It would be ideal, oi course, if ! no distribution plan were necess ary. But with the shortage—which will continue for some time—it be comes imperative to follow some systematic distribution program. He revealed that the Omaha plan has been copied by New Car Deal ers elsewhere in the country. MRS. HELEN N. WARD SUCCUMBS Mrs. Helen Nicie Ward, age 48, died at her residence 3108 Lind say Avenue, Tuesday afternoon, June 18th. She had been a resident of Omaha 30 years. Mrs. Ward was a member of St. John's AME Church, The Happy Thought Club, Eureka Art Club, Nebraska State Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, Women's Legion Auxiliary of the American Legion Roosevelt Post No. 30, Northside YWCA. Mrs. Ward was devoted to her church, home and organizations and was an active faithful worker until her health failed. She is sur vived bv her husband, Mr. Abner Ward, Omaha, three sisters, Mrs. Mattie J. Hill, Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Georgie Preston, Arkansas City, Kansas, Mrs. Viola Jones, of Los Angeles, Calif., thirteen nei ces. siA nephews, two cousins and other relatives. The body lay in state at Thomas Funeral Home until Friday afternoon and was forwarded to Arkansas City, Kan. for services and burial. Good Reading THE GREATER OMAHA GUIDE "1 IMAGINE NEIGHBOR BINKS WILL ORDER ADEQUATE WIRING FOR HIS PLACE TOMORROW . Don't overload your electric circuits. When you build or moderniie provide ADEQUATE WIRING. NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL UMKSBJ ui M M——na——M———^ • EDITORIAL by George H. McDavis, Advertising Manager Deserving of Vote of Confidence The Lion Products Manufacluring Company at 2417 North 24th Street, employs eight Colored men in various departments. A year ago when they were located at 21st and Leavenworth St., they did not have any Colored employed. Mr. Brauch, manager, deserves a vote of confidence as one fourth of his employees are Colored. Here is a list of the Colored personel:Alfred Lloyd, Donald McGaugh. Henry Steen, R. A. Smith Frank Wells, \tillie Grenficld, James Crawford. ! — _ r' r ^ Brides and Bonds-a Great June Combination for a Better U. S • r ., ,v a United States Savings Bonds back the future of newlyweds but their power to build a better life for all women is self evident. -SPONSORED BY Fehrs ^ractor & Equipment Co. _..r I 1811 CUMING AT. 3127 ifife Two years ago today the first American troops splashed up onto the beaches of Normandy— and the Allied invasion of Western Europe had begun. That great invasion could never have been launched, could never have succeeded, if the American people hadn’t “backed the attack”— by buying millions upon millions of War Bonds. Today, praise God, the war is over. But it’s still important for you to keep on buying Bonds. WHY? Because it’s the easiest, safest, surest way you can back your own future. It’s the best way to set aside money for rainy days, for building a home, for sending the kids to college, or for old age. These Bonds are now called U. S. Savings Bonds. But they’re exactly like War Bonds. 1 They’re sold at the same places —banks, post ! offices, or at your place of employment. They’re guaranteed by Uncle Sam personally. And in only 10 years, they’ll pay you £4 for every ?3 you put in! j * You bought ’em for your country'—now bujM ’em for yourself! Get every U. S. Savings BojidJ 1 you can possibly afford! g 7 NOW BACK YOUR FUTURE-BUY U.S?.SAVINGS BONDS || -SPONSORED BY LION PRODUCTS Company, Ltd. 2417 N. 24th St. _ Omaha, Nebraska Mr. A. L. Brauch, Mgr. WE. 2600