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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1946)
ISOCIAL Activities (by JULIA) j HA-08C0 AT-2680 ■ THE QUACK CLUB The Quack Club of the YWCA dosed its 1945-46 season Friday evening June 14, when it held a garden party at the YWCA. Ta •des were decorated with colorful afoths of flower-like brilliance and gladiolas and other flowers were sn profusion. The speakers" table was laid with a hairpin lace cloth and the Club’s colors yellow and green were carried out in floral decorations and candles. Seated at the speaker’s table were Mr. Watkins of Salem Bap ____________ thew tasty gum laxative for SLUGGISH BOWELS * Headachy? Bilious? Miserable with constipation? Chew Feen-a-mint — candy-coated chewing gum laxative. Contains same medicine many doc tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take Feen-a-mint at bed-time—exactly as directed. Next Morning feel like a tist Church, who opened the pro gram with prayer, the president and vice-president of the 1945-46 season, Mrs. Leola Jones and Mrs Minnie Dodge, the newly elected president and vice-president, Mrs. Anna Mary Kennedy, and Mrs. Mattie Caldwell, the program chairman, Mrs. Blanche Lee Wright, Miss Jordan, and Mrs. Sara Cooper in charge of worship. The newly elected officers were installed as follows: Mrs. Anna Mary Kennedy, pres.; Mrs. Mattie Caldwell, vice-pres.; Mrs. Vivian Wardell, recording secy.; Mrs. Venita King, corres. secy.; Mrs. Celeta McFall, financial secy.; and Mrs. Edna Burrell, reporter. Mrs. Jones made her annual re port on the years’ work. In her report she listed the standing com mittees and gave a short summ ary of each committee’s work du ring the past year, and thanked them for their cooperation. The committees and their chairmen are: worship, Mrs. Sara Cooper; program, Mrs. Blanche Lee Wri ght; music, Mrs. Mildred Bailey; sick, Mrs. Lula Rivers;- publicity, Mrs. Roma Buxton; social, Mrs. Alva Johns; finance, Mrs. Rose White; nominating, Mrs. Willa Mae Anderson; investigating, Mrs. Mrs. Joan Peterson; public aff airs, Mrs. lone Fellows; member ship, Mrs. Minnie Dortch. Mrs. Jones made the following dedication to the Quack Club: “Let us ask ourselves the quest ion, Who Me? Yes You. We’re talking to you. Want to join a line? No, not a nylon line. A life line of Quack members in our community who have faith, hope and energy enough in this year of Atomic energy to help pull in the purpose, to strengthen and expand J r ■ . ■ ^ “MAKE IT A MILLION!” ■ 1 1 ■ -= ** EARN WHILE YOU LEARN A SKILL OR TRADE YOUR NEAREST U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION 1516 Douglas St. Omaha 2, Nebraska Post Office Bldg., So. Omaha Splendid education and training in more than 200 skills and trades are offered by the new Regular Army. Good pay and opportunities for advancement. Over three quarters of a million have enlisted already. MAKE IT A MILLION! Get all the facts at your nearest U. S. Army Camp or Post, or U. S. Army Recruiting Station. ---— COOL COOKING / on (he modern GAS RANGE t ' \ Don’t let I make you look older You feel as young as you ever did—you still love a good time—still enjoy the admiration of men. But gray, drab hair makes people think you’re old—a "has-been.” Win the look of youth and loveliness through the rich, beautiful color Larieuse will give your hair. 100K YEARS YOUNGER COLOR YOUR HAIR THIS EASY WAY I To give your hair \ new, rich, natural * looking color (black, brown, i blonde) start us sag Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW... acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—un affected by heat—permits permanents and stylish hairdos ... known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your anoney back if you’re not 100% satisfied. Have Beautifully Colored Natural Looking Hair For Best Results, SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Before Applying £& Larieuse Hair Coloring. If par dialer doesn't hire Larleose < UIET -8SFV send JUS, ales 25c Federal Tea, direct ta Eedefrey Hit Comeaar, 3510 Olin Street, St. Inis (3), Mlssevl. / ! our club. I We use the words pull in advi sedly. Two strong tides pull at the world today. One is trying to i suck backward toward the old grim past, the other is trying to push us forward to a new hopeful future. Today no man, no woman, no organization can stand still. To j stand still is to step back. We the Quack members want our movement to keep moving. Moving up there in the front ranks of leadership, moving to reinforce our gallant to too thinly spread forces, our community civic cen ter. moving to unite and erect our influences in a forum of citizen thoughts and actions, moving to release the atomic energy of our Christian purpose and to put it to work to help heal a wounded world. Who me? Yes, you. Very well. So I’ll be moying today, now straight to my own YWCA Club with my gift, a special gift, no matter how large or how small, j contributing my bit to help to | strengthen and expand the pur I pose of the Quack Club. Who, you ? j Yes, me”. MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE K. MYERS TO SPEND SUMMER IN OMAHA Sunday, June 16 from 4 until 7 pm. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Myers of 2416 No. 22nd St., honored their son Lawrence Kenneth Myers and his bride at a reception at their home. Mrs. Myers is the former Helen J. Wesley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wesley of Charlotte ville, Va. The couple was recently married in Washington, D. C. where both attended Howard Un iversity and were graduated from there this june. Mrs. Myers ma jored in psychology, while Mr. Myers majM'ed in commerce and finance and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. At the reception a color scheme of pink and white was carried out. Ladies who assisted at the recep tion were Mrs. Mosley, Mrs. Mar jorie Ware, Mrs. Charlesetta Bry ant and Mrs. Lorrain Dickerson Jr. The young Mr. and Mrs. Myers will make their home in Omaha during the summer and Lawrence Kenneth will attend Creighton University. CALIFORNIAN IS VISITOR Mrs. W. A. Williams of San Diego is in Omaha visiting with his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Wil liams and brother Rev. Claude Williams of 2642 Binney St. An other brother is Rev. F. C. Will iams, pastor of Zion Baptist Church. Mr. Williams arrived in iOrnaha last week and plans to be here a month or two. * * * The Womens’ Auxiliary of the Postal Alliance gave a picnic on Tuesday, June 18th at Elmwood Park. * * * Mrs. Marie Hughes of Hiawa tha, Kansas is in tile city visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Bryant of 2722 Binney St. Mrs. Hughes spent a very enjoyable time here and returned to her home Wednesday, June 19. * * * HONESTY REWARDED Last week Miss Delia Ma Gard ner found a purse containing $45 in Penny’s Dept. Store in down town Omaha. She immediately contacted the owner who claimed1 the purse and rewarded Delia Mae with $10. Delia Mae is the daughter of Mrs. Ethel Gardner of 2314 No. 27th Ave. She is a student of Ho ward Kennedy School and a Girl Reserve. We are sure that Delia Mae's parents, teachers, and spon sors are all proud of her. She was carrying out her girl reserve code of always being honest. We are sure that she will make a good citizen. * * * MRS. ROBBIE T. DAVIS RETURNS FROM FELLOWSHIP AT DOANE COLLEGE Mrs. Robbie T. Davis, 2514 Cor by St., Student Counselor at Tech High School, returned to Omaha Monday, June 17th after spending a week at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska, where she served as Guest Counselor for the Pilgrim Fellowship. The Fellowship was made up of over 240 students from all over Nebraska. Among the other guest counselors were Dr. William Downs, Missionary from Japan, Rev. John Hanna of the Social Action Department of the Congregational Church in New York City and Rev. John McClel land, who has recently organized a church in a suburb of Washing ton and represented the Home Mission Department. Two other colored who attended the Fellowship were the Misses Dorothy and Jane Molden. Miss Dorothy attended as a counselor. Jane is a student at Schaffer Col lege in Ohio. Members of the Mol den family have attended the Fel lowship for the past six years. A highlight of each day’s acti vity was the Vesper Service held each evening at sundown. It was very beautiful and inspirational. There were twenty high school students in attendance from Om aha. MRS. WILMER BASS HONORS VISITOR Mrs. Wilmer Bass of 1403 No. 24th St., entertained Sunday after noon with a luncheon at her home which honored Miss Kemp of Tust aloosa, Ala. The luncheon of baked chicken salad, hot rolls, and but ter, relishes, molded gelatin sal ad, , punch and cake, was served buffet style. An antique dish made in the form of a rose was an at tractive and unusual centerpiece. Colorfully the silverware was placed in a half moon arrangement an a luncheon cloth of Spanish design. Guests were Mrs. Richard Bat th, Miss Loma Batth. Mrs. Philip Johnson, Mrs. Lucy Hill, Mrs. The l docia Jones, Miss Tessie Murrell and Miss Gloria James. After luncheon the afternoon was spent in playing flinch and pit. * • HOME IMPROVEMENT CLUB The Catalpa Improvement Clut a group of homeowners who meet and discuss ways and means of improving their neighborhood, are are discontinuing their meetings for the summer. They will begin their meetings again in Septem ber. Mr. William Haynes is chair man of the group. * * * DES MOINES MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Wo men’s Society of Christian Service of the Central West Conference of the ME Church will meet in Des Moines, la., Monday, June 24 thru 28 inclusive. Attending the con ference from Clair Church in Om aha will be Mrs. C. C. Reynolds, who is conference director of the Youth Work. She is also the dis trict president. Mrs. L. V. Gray who is the local president, will also attend. * * * VISITORS FROM CALIFORNIA Visitors in Omaha last week-end were Elder and Mrs. W. M. Cor nelius of Bakersfield, Calif. They were the guests of Elder Corne lius’ sister, Mrs. Mays of 2921 No. 24th St., and his neice, Mrs. Jas per Cole of 2928 No. 25th St. From Omaha Eider and Mrs. Cornelius will visit in Kansas City and from there they will go to Muskogee, Okla. * » » BOOKLOVER’S CLUB The Booklover’s Club held their Annual Picnic at Elmwood Park Monday evening at six o’clock. This was the club’s closing event of the season. Each member in vited guests and an enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. C. C. Rey nolds is president of the group, Mrs. Lois Gordon, vice-president, Mrs. Vera Cowan, secy, and Mrs. John A. Williams is treas. * * * MRS. MINNIE DIXON Who has been in Lincoln, Nebr. attending the Baptist Convention left Monday, June 17, for Chicago where she attended the Sunday School and BTU Congress which met there during the past week. * * * RETURNS TO D. C. Mrs. Inez Battles Doby left on Monday June 17th for her home in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Doby was in Omaha for three weeks due to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Ho ward Battles of 3122 Burdette St. Mrs. Battles is gaining strength and her friends wish her a speedy recovery. While in Omaha, Mrs. Inez Bat tles Doby was greeted by many of her friends. Open house was held for her on Sunday, June 16th from 6 to 9 pm at the home of Mrs. Mae Taylor, 3006 Ohio. * * * MRS. PARTRIDGE ENTERTAINS VISITOR A visitor of Mrs. Gaines Part ridge of 2863 Miami St., for the past three weeks was her neice Miss Jessie Kemp of Tustaloosa, Ala. Before coming to Omaha, Miss Kemp spent some time in Chicago. While in Omaha she has had a most enjoyable stay and has been honored at several social events. Miss Kemp will leave Om aha this week. * * * RETURNS FROM ST. LOUIS Miss Betty Williams returned to Omaha last Sunday after a ten day stay in St. Louis, Mo., where she visited with friends at the home of Mrs. Nona Keel. On her return to Omaha Sunday Miss Wil [Lightweight But Ever So Flattering and Easy and Comfortable to Wear Headgear *2.98 5 fThe kind of a little hat you can whip on in a jiffy W and wear with such complete comfort and sense 1§ of poise. The economical price makes it possible 11 for you to match up any summer costume. M ^ Neckwear Section—Main Floor j| I t _____ 4 ) „ ... > ‘""1 _ I BINGO! I 4 -at the I I Am vets’ Club 1 24th & Miami Sts. 1 Beginning Mon., June 24th I • AT 8:00 P. M. GRAND PRIZE ★ PLUS SPECIAL PRIZES ★ AND DOOR PRIZES ALL MEMBERS AND GUESTS INVITED • COME EARLY • FORMER 92nd PILOTS VISIT OMAHA BY PLANE 1st Lt. William Ashley of the Tuskegee Army Air Base, who saw action in Africa, Sicily and Italy, landed at Offitt Field Fort i Crook, Sunday in a B-25. He was accompanied by Lt. Oliver W. Kerr j of 2857 Corby St., who has been i in the Air Service for four years, j Capt. Homer L. Starks, husband j of Mrs. Florence Myers Starks: Capt. James A. Walker; Lt. Tho mas Hazel, and Lt. Robert Deiz. While in Omaha, the visitors were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers of 2416 N. 22nd St. at the wedding reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ken neth Myers. Lt. Ashley, whose home is in Sumter, S. C., has been in the AAF for five years and is wearer of the Distinguished Flying Cross and has an Air Medal with two clusters. He is credited with shoot ing down two German planes. He expects to return to Omaha again in September to take up a Pre Medic course. Among the other prominent out of town visitors at the Myers recep tion were: Mrs. Grace Mason of Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Mannie Lee Coleman of St. Louis; and Mrs. T. E. Blackwell of New York City. _ liams was greeted by her friends with a surprise party. Friends who surprised her were, Miss Lou cella Hill, Miss Gloria James, Miss Loma Batth, Mrs. Wilmer Bass and Xavier Butler, D. Herd, and Ernest Bouyer. Miss Williams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermon Harvey of 2711 Maple St. * * * Mrs. Mary Smith of Redlick, Miss., joined her husband in Oma ha last week for a ten day vaca tion. She was entertained at lun cheon, Tuesday June 18th by Mrs. Zelia Baltimore at 2810 Miami St. * * * MISS HILL ENTERTAINS AT DINNER PARTY | Monday, June 17, Miss Loucella Hill entertained at a dinner given for Miss Jessie Kemp who is vi siting in Omaha. 16 guests were present. Three small tables and a large one were each decorated with floral arrangements. Guests incl uded Miss Celestine Lightner, Miss Gloria James, Miss Hannah Sharp Miss Betty Williams, Miss Loma Batth, Mrs. Leona Stone, Mrs. Lin dell Batth, Mrs. Wilmer Bass, Mrs Lola Johnson, Mrs. Marie Brant ley, Mrs. Alene Bowden, and Miss Tessie Murrell. • * * — THE TIME KEEPERS The Timkeepers, the young adult club at the YWCA, will have their ! annual meeting next Wednesday, June 26. This will be their last meeting of the season. THIRD ANNIVERSARY AT WAITER’S CLUB The Omaha Dining Car Waiter’s Key Club is announcing their 3rd Anniversary and Birthday Party of its members, July 3rd, 8:30 pm. Souveniers and refreshments. The members and friends are cordial ly invited to attend. YNews NEAR NORTH SIDE BRANCH MUSICAL CONCERT Monday, June 17, those who bra ved the hard showers truly enjoy ed the excellent renditions of the Great Lakes Double Quartette, formerly with the Bluejacket choir of the US Navy. The audience was held spellbound as they listened appreciatively to the Quartette’s arrangements of Negro Spirituals most of these were arranged by M. C. Queen of Baltimore, Md. J. E. Holmes, Forrest Strange and Calvin Weems were featured as soloists. W. H. Hathcock rendered two violin solos. While in the city the Quartette were the guests ot the Urban League Saturday even ing. Sunday morning they sang at St. Johns, Clair Methodist, and Zion Baptist Churches. At 5:30 Sunday evening they appeared on the program The Negro in the News” over radio station KBON. At 7:30 they were guests at Boys Town and at 8:30 they sang to an audience of 12,000 at the Com munity Sing, Elmwood Park. The ones who were not present at the concert Monday evening missed a rare musical treat. The Board of Directors, Committee of Manage i ment, the Concert Committee mem bers and the staff of the Near Northside Branch YMCA wishes to thank all who helped to make this concert a huge success. VACATION PLAY SCHOOL The youngsters who are attend ing play school are having a good time. They are learning to make many useful articles in craft, and learning to express themselves in dramatics, and learning to cultiv ate their voices in music. Over 80 children are enrolled in school. BOYS TOWN CHOIR The World Famous Boys Town Choir of 100 voices will appear in concert Sunday, June 30th at 4 pm. at the YMCA. The choir is under the direction of Father Francis Schmitt. I. if .,m LET IT.RAIN! “Into every life a little rain must fall.” An<f you’ll be glad when it does if you own a smart ever wear, every-where topper that i3 water repellant. For. suddenly a raincoat, of all things, captures the center of the fashion scene! A rain coat that’s styled with all the fine tailoring touches of a smart top coat, and then is especially treated to make it water resistant. Just such a coat is this Fashion Frock of the Week. A string belt artfully cinches in the waist as it covers patches of shirring above and below the waistline. And the broad shoulders are masterfully cut to fit comfortably over suits. A raincoat that is fashioned of Zelan-treated satin twill — beauti fully shiny and colorful — laughs at storms and smiles with the sunl Except Sundays and Mondays THRU JULY 6 POST TIME 2 00 RAIN OR SHINE P M TWILIGHT RACES 'EVERY THURSDAY — 3:30 P.M j (Except Holidoys) ADMISSION f g// Including Grand- K stand. State and B Federal Taxes. ■ NO CHILDREN, PLEASE! LADIES’ DAYS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Ladies Admitted Upon Payment of 35c Tax and Service Charge. Military Partonntl in Uniform Admitted Free Four Crocheted Portraits of Smart Headwear iL---I THE HAT MAKES THE WOMAN It has been said that clothes make a man and it is just as true that the hat makes the woman. It is the contour of the face, the color of the eyes and hair that are to be satisfied when you be gin building a wardrobe. There are hats for all occasions. There are hats of all sorts of creations, sizes and colors. Smart women become tired of seeing their hats and bags on everybodys else's head and arm. Smart women like to be individu ally attractive. It is unique to be able to wear creations all your own. Why not be smart and get smart and learn to make your own hats. McGILL’S * BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST. WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to I a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. JAckson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors You can get full and free instruc tions by sending a stamped self addressed envelope to Mail Dept. 54, Park Street, Newark, New Jersey, make these creations your own. Are you i mC’WGAK? from loss of M90MMN? ^B Here’s One Of The Best Home Ways To Build Up Red Blood 1 Tou girls who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you are pale, feel tired, weak, “dragged out”—this may be due to low blood-iron— So start today—try Lydia E. Pink ham’s TABLETS—one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—in such cases. Pinkham’s Tablets help build up the RED quality of the blood (very Impor tant) by reinforcing the haemoglobin of red blood cells. Just try Pinkham’s Tablets for 30 days—then see if you, too, don't re markably benefit. All drugstores. lydia E. Pinkham’s TACiCTS If there are 60 million jobs * , # „~1 Leading figures in public life have predicted gain ful employment for 60 million persons in the years just ahead. Right or wrong, such forecasts must'be judiciously weighed by your telephone company. More jobs mean more businesses, new industries, 'iew communities. All have a direct bearing on the i amount of telephone service that will be needed. | j Because building telephone "plant" is rather , slow, painstaking, costly work, we have always tried to anticipate service demands and to build j well in advance of need. The war prevented us from carrying out this policy for a time . . . and we arc now busy catching up. To meet accumulated serv ; ice needs of 3Vi years and to plan soundly for the future, we have embarked on a building program that will cost, in the next few years, 100 million dollars in the five states we serve. I Your telephone company has no such sum. Ic must come ... as it always has . . . from investors attracted by earnings and safety comparable to other investment opportunities. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY \ — -J tto y«e suffer from herd of hearing and head notice oeesed by catarrh of the bead? WRITE US NOW for, proof of the good results ssr simple home treetmaalj. has accomplished for e great many people. Many past JO report bearing find and bead noises gone. Nothing; '•» wear. Send today for proof end JO days trial aSag Mo obfigetweal/7 ~ i»SaMOCOMPANY;0^;5l&T^rD5^fip5^7loW^ |