SOCIAL Activities (by JULIA) . HA-0300 AT-2680 _ _v RETURNS FROM HOLY EPITHANY Mrs. Troy Thomas returned to her home in Omaha Wednesday, June 5th from Holy Epithany ‘ School in Leavenworth, Kansas. Holy Epithany is .a Catholic Boa- 1 rding School for girls and Miss Thomas has attended there for the past three years. She is the daughter of Mrs. Edna Thomas of 2601 Patrick Ave. * * * GRAYCE BRADFORD HONORED A handkerchief shower wTas gi ven for Mrs. Grayce Bradford at the Urban League Community Center on Tuesday, June 11. The shower was given by members of hts AWVS of which she is an act ive member. Mrs. Bradford and her son, Gaines, will join Mr. Bradford1 in Houston, Texas where he holds the position of executive secretary of the Hester Settlement House. Mrs. Bradford has been employ ed in Social work at the Omaha Urban League for the past sev eral years. * * • MRS. AVANT GIVES TRAVELOGUE The Live Wire Circle of Clair Church enjoyed a tv» velogue gi ven by Mrs. Emmett Avant at their meeting Thursday, June 6. • LOT FOR SALE 27th & Emmett Sts. 43x155 Attention G. /.’# Buy Now, Build Later. Private Owner will sell on Small Down Payment—Call Mr. Kasin AT-4114 or KE. 0687. _ GAS PAINS? BILIOUS? HEADACHE? due to constipation • Don’t suffer these miseries! Get quick, easy relief. Chew Feen-a-mint, candy-coated chewing gum laxative. Contains same medicine many doc tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take exactly as directed and feel wonderful again. Try it! FEEN-A-MINT Blair-Moses Nuptials St. John’s Church Event -—.. Avant told of her recent travels in England during the war. In her very interesting talk she mentioned some of the customs of the English, their homes, and lurniturv. and their mode of liv ing. She also had some very nar row escapes during the bombing of England. Mrs. Avant has only recently taken a job as playground super visor under the City Recreation Dept. The Club met at the home of Mrs. Nina Smith of 2818 No. 25 St. The evening ended with a lovely luncheon served by the ho stess. * * » SPEAKER AT CLOSING MEET OF CARTER CHARITY CLUB CALLS FOR UNITY OF NEGRO LEADERS Addressing the closing meeting of the Carter Charity Club, Mr. Devereaux Jr. called for greater unity of Negro Leaders in - our community at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McDonald, 2219 N. 29th St, Thursday evening, June 6th. Mr. Devereaux Jr. said that weak leadership on the part of some of the community leaders has opened the community to prey and exploitation by other groups and individuals. That bickering exists on every hand and that co ordination and cooperation on comunity projects has been lack ing, thus robbing the community of many opportunities to move forward. Mr. Devereaux presented the following examples of this disun ity: Our boys and girls are for ced to go elsewhere when they have finished their education be cause of the fear on the part of the leaders in our community; if they are appointed to similar work such leaders’ inefficiences might possibly come to light. The young people are kept from giv ing back to the community new methods new ways, and new ideas of solving our many community1 problems all because of personal selfishness and lust for power on the part of some of the commun ity leaders. The lack of a modern Community House complete with swimming pool, gym. club rooms, | and auditorium a project which was introduced into our city coun cil way back in 1940 but because of the fear on the part of the community leaders that there was not any personal glory in it for them if such a project was esta JUNE 30iMMW If you have been discharged from the Army—if you held a grade and wish to retain it—if you have dependents — then act now. . . . June 30, 1946, is the last day on which you can enlist in the Regular Army and still take advantage of two im portant benefits . . . retention of your old grade and family allowances. ENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION F 1316 Douglas St. Omaha 2, Nebraska Post Office Bldg., So. Omaha Family allowances for your dependents will be continued throughout your enlistment only if you enter the Regular Army before July 1, 1946. If you have been discharged from the Army and wish to re enlist at your old grade, you must enlist within 90 days after your discharge. And before July 1,1946. Think it over. Act now. | Mr. and Mrs. Belford, N. Moses, leaving St. John after Marriage ceremony witnessed by more than 400. Matron of Honor Joyce Gaskin, Usher Richard Gaskin and Bridesmaid, Mary Ellen Oneil, in background. I blished, and up to this day the need for such a Community House modern in every respect, *is grow ing ever acute with our expanding community, and as a final exam ple of disunity Mr. Devereaux Jr. cited the three members of the community running for the legis lature of the 5th District for the second time. The community must arouse it self and demand of these leaders to either perform the work they are dedicated to do less our com munity continues to suffer set backs or get down and be re placed. Mr. Devereaux Jr. commend ed the ladies of the Carter Char ity Club which was organized 23 years ago with Mrs. Ardena Wat son as th£ first president, for the unity, coordination and coopera tion manifested down through these many years. He further stated that such unification as this is needed by the Negro lead ers of Omaha in the Political, social, and economic life of the community and until that unifi cation is forthcoming the commu nity progress will be stifled. Mrs. C. C. McDonald the host ess, served a delicious repast con sisting of ice cream, cake, and hot coffee. MRS. GEORGE FITZPATRICK of 2509 Florence Blvd and her sister Mrs. Henry Smith enter tained at a family picnic on Sun day June 9th at Hummel Park. The guests were Mr. James Hein of St. Louis, Mo., brother of Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Julia Poue of Birmingham, Ala. who is visiting her cousin Mrs. C. B. Mayo of 2801 No. 24th St. and Mr. Therman Green, son of Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Mr. Green was cele brating his twenty-first birthday and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mayo. Mr. Green has just returned after three years in the navy and Mr. Hern has returned from 22 months in the South Pacific. Mr. Hern has other than his theatre ribbon, the good conduct medal and two bronze stars. Both men now have their discharges. * * » The Utopia Culb has its last meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Clarence Singleton of 2628 Maple St. The ladies exchanged gifts and a lovely luncheon was served by the hostess. tomorrow’s way . . . yours today ... When a new, automatic electric range comes into your kitchen, it brings with i« all the advantages of this newest way of cooking. Modern electric range have features TODAY that you dreamed of having in the future. They’re so automatic your meals can be cooked while you’re away. Safe, fast, flameless electric ranges are cleaner—there’s no smudge. Electric cooking leaves your kitchen cool er. too—even on hottest days. For cle,an- carefree, cool, economical cooking, you just can t BEA1 electric range! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY # Before a flower banked alter Sunday, June 9th at St. John A.M.E. Church, Miss Edna Blair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Blair became the bride of Belford N. Moses son Mr. and Mrs. James Moses of Los Angeles, California. Rev. E. S. Childress, Pastor of St. Johns, performed the cere mony. Soloists were Mrs. Blanche Moore who sang “I Love You Tridv” and Mrs. Pearl Gibson sang “Because”. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown designed and created by John Smith. It was made of chiffon and net. 'W ide hands of brocade satin trimmed the full net skirt. Her fingertip veil of matching net was fashioned into a small cap. The bride’s bouquet was of white carnations and the pearl necklace which she wore was a wedding gift from the groom. Mrs. Joyce Gaskin, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore yellow net with a full skirt and puffed sleeves. Narrow ruching trimmed the sweetheart neckline. She carried a houquet of pink carnations, white daisies, ro ses and larkspur. Bridesmaids were: Miss Mary Ellen O’Neal; Miss Eve lyn Triggs and Mrs. Mary Alice Chilton. Miss O'Neal and Miss Triggs were both gowaied in pink. Miss O'Neals gown was of pink chiffon and lace. The small puffed sleeves were shirred. Miss Trigg s gown was of eyelet with batiste inserts. Her gown featured a high round neckline. The gown worn by Mrs. Chilton was of agua colored taffeta. The dresss had a small jacket trimmed with self material niching. The bridesmaids all carried bouquets of pink carnations, roses, larkspur, and white daisies. Best man was the bride's brother Robert Blair. Ushers were Richard Gaskin, Frank O’Neal and Wesley Taylor. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Blair chose a dress of acqua mesh with self colored applique and embroidery at the neckline. With this she wore a half hat of pink roses. Her corsage was also of pink roses. The reception was held at the YWCA. Guests were re ceived by the bridal party and the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Eva Lawson. • A four tier wedding cake was the centerpiece at the table. It was flanked on either side by tall white tapers. Assisting at the reception were Miss Louise Darling, Miss Mildred Pierce. Mrs. Nannie Gaskin, Mrs. Bertha Moore, Mrs. Ta mar O’Neal, Mrs. Estelle Morrow, Mrss. Agusta Stevens, Mrs. Clara Tyree, Mrs. Iola Holliday, Mrs. Mildred Cole, Miss Rose Jones, Miss Rena Jones, Mrs. Grace Stanley and Miss Gwndolvn Turney. Among the guests at the reception were many of Mrs. Moses’ fellow school teachers. When the couple left on their wedding trip to Kansas City the bride wore a grey chalkstripe suit with black acces sories. Her corsage was of pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Moses will make their home in Los Ange les, Each bridesmaid was presented with a lovely gift. I- - Brewsters Midwest Girl Reserve Conference will convene the week of June 16 at Camp Brewster. Miss Elsie Moller and Mrs. Tir zah Anderson, National Staff oer son, will assist at the conference. Delegates from the various clubs at the YWCA will attend this con ference. “SUGAR CHILE” ROBINSON WAS GUEST OF MRS. LaCOUR Mrs. Rose LaCour of 2421 Maple St., had an honor and pleasure which many Omahans would have given much for, when Frankie "Sugar Chile" Robinson stayed at her home when he appeared in O maha for an engagement at the City Auditorium Sunday June 9th. With him at Mrs. LaCour’s home was his aunt and guardian Mrs. Gladys Robinson and his small sister Dorothy. Aside from his wonderful mus ical talent ‘‘Sugar Chile” is an ex ceptionally intelligent little boy. His every day conversation is al most on adult level. Mrs. LaCour after having “Sugar Chile” in her home for a time was in her own words “almost heart broken to have him leave. He was an ador able child.” The now famous hands she said ‘‘are very small and cute. He wears a ring and a wrist Watch.” Conversations with “Sugar Chile” were always stimulating. He is very quick and always has a perfect answer besides having a charm all of his own. During a conversation with the famous little boy Mrs. LaCour ask ed him when his birthday was. He answered that he was a Christ mas package, but not to be sold. His birthday is December 26. i In a walk through Mrs. LaCours garden he stopped and looked at some coriopsis, a yelow daisy-like flower, Sugar Chile looked at them for a moir. it and then ob served that he had never seen such large dandelions before. Mrs. LaCour spoke many words of praise for the little boy and said that he is a credit and a pleasure to the race. She received an autographed picture from the little boy and also separate auto graphs. From Omaha "Sugar Chile" will go to Pittsburgh, Penn., for his next engagement. Mrs. A. Rice and her daughter Miss Betty Ann of Creston, Ta., are in Omaha visiting relatives. They are staying at the nome of Mrs. Ethel Gardener of 2114 No. 27th Ave., who is an aunt of Miss Betty Ann's. * * * Mrs. Ethel A. Andrews of 1812 No. 28th St. left Tuesday evening for Lee Hall, Va., to join her hus band Cpl. John H. Andrews Jr. EUREKA ART CLUB The Eureka Art Club met at the home of Mrs. R. T. Kerr Jr., of 3015 North 30th St., on Wednes day June 5th. Plans, including the menus to be used were com pleted for the Federation which will convene in Omaha on June 25th for a one day meet. A Trus tee meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mae Jackson on Monday June 24, the day before the Federation. Among those who received con valescent cards from the club was Mrs. Helen Ward. A love offer ing was sent to Mrs. Georgia Simpson and family in sympathy for the loss of her husband. The afternoon ended with the hostess serving a delicious luncheon to the members. i _ MR. AND MRS. MALCOLM SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm G. Scott of 1405 No. 23rd St. Flaza have returned to Omaha after spending a week in Kansas City. Their vi sit was an enjoyable one. 'While there, Mr. Scott spent some of his time on the Kansas City golf links. * * * MODERNISTIC SOCIAL CLUB The Modernistic Social Club met at the home of Mrs. E. W. Kil . COTTON PLAYTHINGS FjOR SUMMER ) FASHIONABLE PLAY SUITS | YOU CAN MAKE AT HOME Playthings are the most search ed for wearing apparel during the summertime. A smartly' dres sed woman wants to step right out of her attractive last winter and spiring suits into summer suits just as distinguished, but cooler. Cotton play togs—American— are the rage this season. They are being featured in creations made from the very brightest and lucious colored prints and in a — Tech Hi Graduate to Enter Omaha U MISS HELEN CARPENTER Miss Helen Carpenter the attrae tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Carpenter of 2030 Map le who graduated from Technical High School this spring plans to attend the University of Omaha this fall. She will take a secretar- I ial course. While at Tech she was j a member of the Girl Reserves' and the GAA. Her favorite sport i is basketball in which she is often j an active participant. lingsworth of 2617 Erskine St. The meeting held this week was a regular business meeting. A de licious luncheon was served by the hostess. Especially lovely was the centerpiece which the hostess used on her taole. It was of pink and white carnations, white sweet peas and white gladiolias. Mrs. Greta Wade is president of the group. * * * BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Jessie Norman and Aaron Reed celebrated their birthdays with a joint birthday party on Friday, June 7th at the home of Miss Norman’s mother, Mrs. Al berta hforman of 2S73 Binney St. Although Miss Norman's birth | day is June 1st, the many affairs ! attending the closing of school I made it necessary to delay the | birthday party. It was Miss Nor j man’s 13th birthday and Aaron's [ 14th. There were 30 guests pre sent. The evening was spent most enjoyably playing games and mu sic. Mrs. Norman was kept very busy supplying the youngsters with refreshments. MRS. RANDALL VISITOR A visitor to Omaha is Mrs. En nis Randall who arrived Saturday June 8th for a visit with her sis ter-in-law and brother, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Frazier of 3618 Jones St. Mrs. Randall is from Silsby, Texas and plans to be in Omaha about a month or six weeks. Whe" she leaves Omaha she plans to go to Los Angeles where she will remain for some time. Mrs. Randall is an aunt of Mrs. Helen Curry of 2612 Corby St. * * * POSTAL ALLIANCE The Postal Alliance met Tues day afternoon June 1 at two pm. at the home of Mrs. Gladys Ervin of 3001 No. 30th St. This meeting was the last one of the season. A breakfast will be given as their closing event June 18. New officers of the club who were recently elected are Mrs. Jossie Ervin, president, Mrs. Bl anche W- rs. Helen Curry, assist, secy. Mrs. Curt Wright treas., and Mrs. Harry Payne, chaplain. * * » Mrs. Minnie Dixon of 2872 Bin ney St. is in Lincoln, Nebraska where she is attending the Bap tist Convention. She will return to Omaha on Saturday. YNewsj NEAR NORTHS1DE BRANCH VACATION PLAY SCHOC/L Vacation play school got off to a fine start Monday June 10. with over 70 youngsters between the ages of 6 and 14 years having registered. The purpose of this school which will continue for 5 weeks is to give each boy and girl an opportunity for self expression, to provide a well rounded program for boys and girls, and to improve their ability to work and play with friends CLUB MEETINGS All young ladies who were Jr. Hosteses at the USO will meet every Tuesday evening at the YM CA. The former Senior Hostesses will meet the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. I CRAFT SHOP The newly installed Craft shop | is now available to the public. The shop will be open mornings for use by the boys and girls at tending Play School, afternoons for older boys and girls, and in the evenings and nights reserved for adults. Organized clubs or groups can schedule certain nites to use the shop. Good Reading THE GREATER /• OMAHA %• GUIDE number of widely varying styles, all demanding attention and de signed to give brilliant interpre tations to a woman’s attractive points, but above all, to relieve her from the summer heat. You can make them at home at an average cost of from 51 to to 52. The three piece suit mod eled by Mary Cunningham, ex treme right, is made entirely of bandanna handkerchief material. You can buy the large handker chief at your nearest five and ten cent store for a nominal figure. Ethel Sissle’s attractive gingham suit (bottom left), plus her smart draw string bag, cost less than 52 made at home. Metti May’s flowered print ensemble (upper left) cost 99 cents made at home. This is the way to be fashion able, cool, and yet not spend a fortune doing so. Send a stamped self-addressed envelope to Omaha Guide for full information. Men, Women! Old at 40, 50, 60! Get Pep Feel YearsYounger, Full of Vim Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on aget Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 50. 60. for body old solely because low In Iron. 35c Introductory size now only 29c! Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep. younger feeling, this very day. Also contain vitamin Bi. calcium and phosphorus. At all drug stores even’where— in Omaha, at WALGREEN’S and SMITH Stores. McGILL'S * BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST. WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. JAckson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors Buy vour Poultry at the! Nebraska Poultry % 2204 North 24th Strect Get the Best in Quality at the « Nebraska Produce- Lowest m Price. ( Are you PftU?tif£AK? from loss of [MMNMMM? ^B Here’s One Of The Best Horae Ways To Build Up Red Blood! You girls who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you are pale, feel tired, weak, “dragged out”—this may he due to low blood-iron— So start today—try Lydia E. Pink ham s TABLETS—one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—In such cases. Plnkham's Tablets help build up the RED quality of the blood (very Impor tant) by reinforcing the haemoglobin of red blood cells. Just try Plnkham’s Tablets for 30 days—then see If you, too, don't re markably benefit. All drugstores. Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABICTS . .." ' " 1 4 ■ ■".»m\m OlW? ’ Pa foa taffar from hard of haaring and head aoisaa oautad by catarrh of tha ha ad? WRITE US NOW for proof of tha good ratultt our simpla boma traatmaof hat aecomplithad for a graat many paopla. Many past 70 rapord haaring find and haad noisat gona. Nothing to waar. Sand today for proof and JO days trial offafcj Mo obiigatioml * ^THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 5! Davenpor»n55fc\\ j