[ The Omaha Guide [ + A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ^ l Published Every Saturday at 21/20 Grant Street f OMAHA, NEBRASKA—PHONE HA- 0800 [ Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927 | at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under ^ Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 \c• C* G allow ly,— Publisher and Acting Editor f All News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be in our office not later than 1:00 rp- m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising iation. j | SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA 1 ONE YEAR . $3.0u SIX MONTHS .$1.75' THREE MONTHS .$i.25( SUBSCRIPTION RATE OUT OF TOWN | ONE YEAR . $3.50 SIX MONTHS .$2-001 National Advertising Retresentatives— INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, Inc{ 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:— i MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager. ' i He Saved You From Paying More Than Your Just Share of Taxes. RE-ELECT JOEC STOLINSKI REPUBLICAN MyouR" ASSESSOR I Here are 7 reasons why thousands ■ prefer Innerclean Herbal Laxative. 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. ! % Thorough yet Gentle in Effect .$ 3- No Unpleasant After-effects. \ ? 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. I 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. ■£; 6- Dose can be easily Adjusted to M your Individual Needs 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts f the Family k>r Months. Caution: Use only as directed I At all druggists. Or write for FREE I GENEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean I Co.. 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. California. 24th & Lake Sts. T> PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy “WELFARE OF MINORITY GROUPS SHOULD NOT BE NEGLECTED”-BUTLER Senator Hugh Butler, (R), Ne braska made the following state ment to the press today: “The United States Congress has, at least temporarily, refused to consider enactment of a Per manent P. E. P. C. This measure has been put off, for the time be ing, by the filibuster of the Sou thern Democrats, in spite of the effort of many Republicans, in cluding myself, to force a vote on it. “Other measures relating to the welfare of the minority groups should not be neglected, however. One of these is housing. It is ob vious to even the blindest among us that the Negroes, in particular, are forced to content themselves always with the slums and the second-best of rooms, apartments, GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot*, earner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st an* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home*, or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33* or Call HA-080*. Classified Ads Get Resuits! Driving a 1-ton truck to Chicago] June 15, returning June 21. Will] carry two persons. Share expenses ' Call Mr. Jones WE. 2410. Houses For Sale Anyone or all of the following Houses, 1604-1606 - 1608 North 29th street. All completely mod em—Reasonable prices. Will ac cept a Good Used Car as Down Payment. JOHN GUSPER & SON 2312 N’ St., MA, 5490. # AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam Piano, bed, mi sc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. Netc & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" Beautiful Drape Suits all sizes Oxford Clo. Co. 1101 Farnaiu • MeBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. DRESSES AND COATS, Size 44 and Children’s Clothes CALL GLen. 4065. ; Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, Ne Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. “We Buy and Sell’’ — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 86th ST, LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 11401 North 24th St. WE. 8053 EMERSON LAUNDRY 3324 North 24th St. WE. 102* Yes, smart women and men by the thousands know how quickly Palmer's SKDf SUCCESS Oint ment works to rdEev* the itching of many sates* sally caused pimples, rashes, "spots’’ ecsema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 year*. Try it on the guarantee of' satisfaction or wtonsy keck, 25c (Economy 75c site contains 4 times as much). At all stores or from ElT.Browne Drag Ce, 127 Water St, New York City. Help complete complexion beauty with Pofaae^t SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) too and houses. There is no real ex cuse for this situation. There is no justification for expecting Ne groes always to squeeze themsel ves under the few roofs that are left over. There is no reason for expecting them to remain quiet when this occurs. “One of the things that the Ne gro has a right to expect is hous ing just as decent as the whites receive. He has a right to ask that housing developments under taken for Negroes will be just as attractive, and just as pleasant as those for whites. And he has a right to demand that there should be JUST AS MANY OF THEM, in proportion to his needs, of course. , “Our situation in Nebraska on this problem is not nearly so bad as in the great cities farther east such as Detroit, Chicago, and New York. But much remains to be done. Some public officials have frankly recognized the problem. Others have tried to dodge the issue, or have openly yielded to their race prejudices. It is a que stion which will have to be attack ed persistently, with a steady pa tience. “I must commend the Negro race for its courage in the face of the many problems it must contend with”. FRIEDLANDER FAVORS WM. SINGER FOR SHERIFF Omaha, Nebraska, June 3, 194G Dear Friends: Mr. Bill Singer is a candidate VOTE FOR Wm. G. (Bill) SINGER REPIBL1C.4IS FOR SHERIFF (PRIMARIES JUNE 11) =lf ■ =ir- ■ If---: (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) Featherweight Contender for Heavyweight Job I WANT YOUR JOB/ (Political Advertisement) for County Sheriff. Bill is a very good friend of mine and I am very much interested in his campaign. As a favor to me I would be very happy if you could give your sup port. As to his character, I can say this, he is a life long resident of Omaha holding a responsible position with the Union Pacific for many years, he is a family man and has been always active in community work and I am sure you will not regret if he is elected to this offi'ij. Thanking you very much I re main Yours truly, Sierned Herman Friedlander 3211 Myrtle Avenue. — By Al Sparks — ON THE JOB TRAINING Oldtimer Says: “More of our Quarter-backs (who shout orders from the side lines) should be required to go out into the world where they can have the opportunity of fac ing and working with people of other groups then they will not only be better qualified, but can demonstrate by actual performan ce, just how well their pet theor ies will work.” 1917-1946 We are informed that the Blair Moses wedding at St. John’s Sun day is to be the first held there in 29 years. That: Dr. and Mrs. Price Terrell celebrated their 29th wedding an niversary on the 4th of June. That: Mr. and Mrs. George Blair celebrated their 29th wedding an niversary on the 4th of June. That: Mrs. Susie Wiliams was a Duchess the crowning of Queen Madeline Shinman and King M. D. Myers in 1933. On June 2nd at the 16th Ann ual Coronation of St. Philip's Church Sandra Sue Williams, the ' daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Ray 1 Williams, was a flower girl. Her dress was made from the one worn by her mother as Duchess. Decoration Day: Mrs Ruth Sol omon, in front of her beautiful and extensively remodeled residence, seen with a mashie-niblic and three litle white golf balls, prac ticing. ‘Tis r ,-viou’">H that the Sunrise Golf Club of Oma^a and the Ladies of the nearb-" cities are planning a Tournament of their own in the near future. DES MOINES THE Charley Howard, Des Moi nes Atty., publisher and golfer— looking over the Omaha Guide Plant. Says they sure have lots of machinery. ~ A REWARD Malcolm Geo. Scott, Ace Omaha Golfer, is offering a reward of five strokes, providing they are all taken on the same hole; to the Golfer submitting the best nick name for Malcolm Geo. Scott. It ■ ;ems, all the rest of the links men have nick-names ’cept Mal colm Geo. Scott. NOTICE Will Eugene Brown of South High please call the Guide office.! Lawrence Lewis wants to see him. JANUARY IN JUNE Don’t let the rains dampen your spirit, William. You will still have enough warm days to get your winter coat out of the cleaners before the next blizzard. We hope. LAND MARK One of the Near Northside’s historical land marks is being torn down. The Old .Slaughter Barbecue Stand at 24th and Blon do Sts. Patrons from ‘all over’ used to visit this Eatery to ‘greeze their mitts’ with lucious ribs and cole slaw. Remember Golden the Barbecue King? » * * CAR CHASER 25th and Blondo Sts. Sunday nm. Poor litle doggie he took life too seriously, not knowing that one never gets out of it alive, especi ally if one gets in front of speed ing cars. POLITICAL Oldtimer Says: Many worthwhile causes have fallen by the wayside because the exponents of these causes lacked the enthuiasm, initiative and self confidence necessary to see them through. Oldtimer says: Charles C. Galloway possess all of these qualities and is a determined cru sader for these causes that he be lieves to be right. YNews HEAR HORTHSIDE RRAHCH KENNY MORRIS RECEIVES AWARD FROM FRONTIERS CLUB Kenny Morris outstanding ath lete, scholar, and musician from Boys Town was the recipient of the honor award plaque given by the Frontiers Club at the Boxing Show May 29th, at the Near North Side Branch YMCA. The present ation was made by Ryland Mel -ord, vice president, of the Front iers. The Frontiers Club is one o* the newlv organized clubs a- j mong the men of the city. The t ronuers Club is a movement of pioneers. It seeks to harness the [ cooperative influence of the lea-1 ders of a minority group and to| direct that influence towards the solution of major issues, racial,, civic, and social. CRAFT SHOP TO OPEN The newly installed Craft Shop will open Monday June 10 as one of the latest programs of the YM CA. The shop is well equipped with i ns ana 1 .aterials also that in dividuals will be able to make use ful articles out of leather, wood, shell, and beads. Airplane model ing and other articles can also be made. The shop will be open of mornings for use by the lioys and girls attending Play School, afternoons for older boys and girls and evenings and nights reserved for adult. Competent instructors have been secured and the shop will be available to the commun ity. Organized clubs and groups in schedule certain nights to NON POLITICAL BALLOT 1 Gerald Collins T. H. Maenner * for j DIRECTORS : Omaha Public Power District i (Omaha Subdivision) SIT. H. MAENNER El CERALD COLLINS (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) MEET YOUR... Candidate for State Railway Commissioner Paul T. W illiams, Repub ican Candidate for State Rail way Commissioner served 6 years in the United States Army, therefore lie will know something about how to meet and work with all ex-service men. Paul T. Williams is a resi dent of York, Nebraska, —20 years owner of Hotel Wil liams at York, Nebraska. This has given him a wide acquaintance with Nebraska citizens and their needs. Paul T. Williams has had 17 years experience in Trans portation Operation, there PAUL T. WILLIAMS fore he is qualified to serve I Republican Candidate you as your State Railway for Commissioner. n •1 Paul T. Williams served 12 utCltC Railway years as Secretary of York m > County Republican Commit LOmmiSSlOner tee,— this qualifies him to ijy deal with all political issues -. that may arise in his depart Pre-Primary ment as your State Railway 1 Commissioner. Convention Paul T. Williams is a past Your Support trill be ^*a!c President of the Travel Highly Appreciated on er8’ Protective Association,— June 11—Primary member of Council 134 Unit Election Day. ' ed Comercial Travelers. A .incmhfr of the K. of P. Lodge, Elks Lodge, York Rite and Scottish Rite Masons, and Shrine. A member of York Chamber of Commerce and the Congregational Church. • SPEAKING OF EDUCATION Paul T. H illiams has had extensive traveling exper ience. lie traveled through South America, Central America and the West Indies Islands, from 1911 to 1920, as a commercial salesman, where it was necessary to speak 4 languages. A Business man and a Transportation man, for a Transportation Job. A Vote for PAUL T. WILLIAMS on June 11, for STATE RAILWAY COMMISSIONER, is A Vote for SERVICES from a QUALIFIED CITIZEN FOR THE JOB! (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) use the shop. GREAT LAKES QUARTETTE The Great Lakes Quartette will give a concept at the ‘Y’ on Mon day June 17th. Tickets are now on sale at the YMCA General ad mission 75 cents. Patron tickets $1.25_ The Quartette will arrive on June 15th direct from Chicago. • FORMER USO HOSTESS MEET Those girls who were formerly Junior Hostesses at the USO will meet every Tuesday evening at 8 pm. at the YMCA. Those who were formerly Senior Hostesses wall meet every first and third. Tuesday evening. | • DEATHS - FUNERALS Wilbert Brown. 36. 2732 T Street died Saturday, June 1. Mr Brown was a veteran of World War II, he had been employed by Cudahy Packing Company 12 years. He is survived by on aunt, Mrs. Luella Blackson, three uncles Mr. Dewey Marrow. Mr. Robert Marrow, Mr. Bracy Marrow, all of Omaha, for mer wife. Mrs. Jessie B. Towers, Chicago, HI. The body lay in state at Thomas Funeral Home, funer al services will be held 2:30 Sat urday afternoon June 8th from Bethel Church with Rev. M. C. Williams officiating. Aaron Brown Post No,. 190 American Legion in charge Of military rites with bur ial at Graceland Park Cemetery. Mrs. Elvira Jane Lewis, 84 years a resident of Omaha since 1903, passed Tuesday June 4th at her home 2604 North 25th St. Mrs. Lewis was ciuite artistic in music, painting and needle work. She had been a member of St. Johns AME Church over forty years and served various offices in the chu rch and was a member of the choir. Herhusband, the late Rev. Charles H. Lewis, preceded her in death having passed in 1931. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Althea E. Anderson, Omaha; 3 sons, Mortician Joseph D. Lewis, Los Angeles, Dr. James T. Lewis, Fort Scott. Kansas, Mr. Herman A. Lewis, Omaha; three grand daughters, Mrs. Charlene Harri son, Mrs. Loraine Wiggins, bc^.h of Los Angeles, Beverly Diane Lewis Ft. Scott, Kan; five grand sons, Mr. Leonard V. Turner, Her man Lewis, Charles Lewis, of Oma ha, James T. Lewis Jr., Charles Lewis, Ft. Scott; two great grand daughters, Evelyn Jane Turner, Emma Louise Turner, Omaha; 1 great grandson, Leonard Vernett Turner, Omaha and other relativ es. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from St. Johns | Church with Rev. E. B. Childress Rev. O. J. Burchhardt, Rev. W. S. Metcalf officiating, burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Arrange-' ments by Thomas Funeral Home. Rev. F. P. Crawford also offici ated at the services. Mrs. Elizabeth Givens of 2725 Seward St. resident of the state for over 66 years and of Omaha for over 52 years, died May 27th. Mrs. Givens was 76 years old. Her funeral was held at the Myers Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. William Farmer of the Interdeno monation Mission of which Mrs. Givens was a member, Rev. J. H. Reynolds pastor of Pleasant Green Baptist Church. Rev. Milton Wil son and Rev. Jack Montgomery, assisted. Burial was at Nebraska City, Nebr. Mrs. Givens was the mother of Mrs. Viola Reis of this city and Mr. Oscar Bridgewater of Sioux Falls, S. D. Two neices, Mrs. Rebecca Martin, Omaha, and Mrs. Loretta Swanigan. Lincoln, Maher-Kelleher \ Insurance Agency [rtea- Estate. Rentals, Insurance SOT ARY PUBLIC 2424 BRISTOL ST. JA-6261 We wish to Announce THE OPENING OF THE G & J Smoke Shop 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & SOFT DRINKS Jackson & Godbey, Props. ; • STORM - SASH [ Faint — Roofing SUTHERLAND LUMBER CO 2920 *L’ St. MA-1200 Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th —rasra DELIVERY— WE-0998 Eczema Itching, -Burning-Distress Gets Quick Ease and Comfort Get a bottle of stainless, powerful penetrating Moone's Emerald Oil I he very first application should give you comforting relief and a few short treatments convince you that voa have at last found the way to over come the intense itching and dis tr®f3- Moone's Emerald Oil is eas and simple to use—greaseless—stain s® —economical — promotes healing Ask for Moone’s Emerald Oil Satis faction or money back—good drug gists everywhere. 1 f ibr. Grandchildren Mr. Clyde Lilly and Manuel Reis Jr. of Oak land, California. •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IK The Omaha GUJDE! [j n^.H. toners LOVELIER, LIGHTER. FRESHER, SMOOTHER, CLEARER SKIN OC, — Z0C Rflc Af all drug stores vU • O, • l*y Dr- f«SD Pal mer a Skin Whitener for lovelier, lighter, smoother, fresher, clearer skin. Money back guarantee. Caution: Use only as directed. GAtENOL CO.. Ppx 2^4. G«. ■Bnunboc Z9MI mmm “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" — MAYO'S BARBER SHOP _ Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE STREET Watson’s School of Beauty Culture ENROLL NOW! Terms Can Be Arranged 2511 North 22nd Street -JA-3974— HIGHEST PRICES PAID for FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES “Call Us First” NATIONAL HJRNITURE Company —AT-1725— ■*% Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. Measured doses — In powder form for quick assimilation. |7| Proof of merit. Same type far C# mula over one-third century. ■fw Standard V. S. P. Ingredient*. Laboratory tested, controlled. ra In price range of everyone. 10c and 25c sizes. Caution: Use only as directed. Buu -Thy ~~ — — . f | Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. BV<*Ef CHECKED For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated. liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A do, or's formula Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves 11, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask youi druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Thrifty Service :— • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY TOc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb... ^® • This Includes t-he Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson;- Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 -