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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1946)
South Omaha Merchants’ Buyers Guide k “THE GREATER OMAHA GLIDE” Continuous Publication for Nineteen Years— But You Can Be Wise.. by ‘Taking Advantage’ of these Ad Offerings which Means - “Take Home Savings” after Patronizing the South Omaha Merchants herewith listed. Everything that is available, These South Omaha Merchants Have in the NEWEST and BEST in FOOD, FURNITURE, MOTOR CARS, as well as in CLOTHES and ENTERTAINMENT, and some 36 other Major Groups of WANTED GOODS and SERVICES. By Popular Demand (by George H. McDavis) DEAR SUBSCRIBERS: The MERCHANTS OF SOUTH OMAHA here represented below, has made this page, for YOU, POSSIBLE! You can do your SHARE by referring Is these Ads, when in need ot necessities for the Home. PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS! _ _j MADSEN SUPPLY CO. REFRIGERATORS—STOKERS— WASHERS GAS STOVES— RADIOS—OIL BURNERS • Bendix Washers 4713 SOUTH 24TH MA. 3806 MARTISON HARDWARE -Company *PAINT & *GLASS > ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 1 “ffe Appreciate Your Trade” MA. 2016 3912 ‘Q’ ST. -FRANK ). MERWALD •TORRID ZONE FURNACE SHEET METAL & FURNACE REPAIR WORK MA4600 3032 SOUTH 24TH lVXrV TWVW ■■ -—< f— 11 i r .. .. _, j ■ — r Kitty’s FROCK SHOPPE for Smart Wearing Apparel “SHOP AT KITTY’S” 4718 SOUTH 34TH MA. 4080 V. Georgeff Expert.. Shoe Repairing —LOWEST PRICES— 2905 ‘O' ST. MA. 6382 E. O. FUREN CO. Jewelers & Optometrists *KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS* ' “We Appreciate Your Trade” 4839 SOUTH 24TH MA. 1327 THOMSEN & SONS FLORISTS Open Evenings and Sundays A—CUT FLOWERS—FUNERAL DESIGNS— * POTTED PLANTS—VEGETABLE PLANTS IN SEASON 5414 SOUTH 36TH MA. 1387 City-W ide Excavating • Basements & Hauling • Grading “Dozer • Heavy Machiner Hauled —FREE ESTIMATES-— —BOB & JOHN OLIVO— WA. 2324 MA.211I FERRIS SEED CO. —“Farmers Ca$h-A-ivay”— FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS CHICKENS • POULTRY SUPPLIES & REMEDIES • FARM SUPPLIES 5029 SOUTH 24TH MA. 6340 MODERN APPLIANCE CO. Expert Radio & Refrigeration Service AUTHORIZED MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE MArket 6969 4910 SOUTH 24TH FORBES FURNITURE CO 1 ‘EVERYTHING for the HOME’ “We Appreciate Your Trade” 5012 SOUTH 24TH STREET Shebilsky Paint & W allpaper —STORE— * QUALITY PAINTS (MINNESOTA TESTED) “We Appreciate Your Trade” 2409 ‘L’ . MArket 2996 GENERAL REFRIGERATOR SALES & SERVICE • COMPLETE LINE OF SHEET METAL & FURNACE REPAIRING ❖ Gibson Refrigerators, Duchess Washers SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, RADIOS MA. 4311 2917 ‘Q’ ST. Len’s BAR 25th & ‘Q’ Street —WILL APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE’ (OPEN EACH DAY AT 6:00 A. M.) EXPERT-WATCH Repairing —GUARANTEED WORK— WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY L. T. HERDZINA, MGR. 4720 SOUTH 24TH . MA-5050 Hermansky’s Pharmacy JH Prescriptions Exactly Compounded • FREE DELIVERY We Appreciate Your Trade EBONY’S ON SALE MONTHLY 2725 ‘Q’ MA-0260 Wooded in every sense of the word. He is worthy of your vote ...!** For the end of this conver sation turn to page (8) of this paper. (Political Advertisement) TRAINED—for the Job EXPERIENCED in the Job ON HIS RECORD (Political Advertisement) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE _2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 0( BLACKSTOXE LUMP COAL $116( per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 PATRICK J. NORTON FOR DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION AS CONGRESSMAN PATRICK J. NORTON Patrick J. Norton general man- j ager of Boys Town, this week visited all sections ot the 2nd Con- I gressional District to wind up his campaign for the Democratic no-1 mination as Congresman for the! Re-Elect Frank C. BEST COUNTY COMMISSIONER (REPUBLICAN) A FAIR and COURTEOUS OFFICIAL _I POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) Second District. Mr. Norton indicated that he received a very good reception throughout the district and rece ived much encouragement from leading Democrats. General Manager of Boys Town for the past 25 years, Mr. Norton has resided in the Second District for 33 years. A life-long Demo crat, Mr. Norton served in World War n in the Army Air Corps and at the time of his separation held the rank of captain. Mr. Nor ton has been active in fraternal ism especially in the Eagles and I|lks lodges. He is a member of the Omaha Elks and Aerie No. 38 of Eagles in Omaha. Having devoted most of his time to youth work, Mr. Norton is a member of the Nebraska Welfare Ass’n and has been active in Boy Scout work in the Ak-Sar-Ben district. His interest in welfare work is another qualification. He is a mem ber of the American Legion Post No. 1 of Omaha and is a mem ber of the Amvets. The Week By H. W. Smith The US Senate Banking Com mittee voted to reduce to eleven billion dollars the subsidiary ap propriation and President Truman also signed the administration’s Emergency Bill for housing for low income group’s low’cost homes also for veterans. Business men of Little Rock, Arkansas have formed a non-pro fit organization for the purpose of converting the government or dinance plant at Jacksonville into a non-profit concern. It will be leased from the War Dept, arti cles of incorporation filed with the Secretary of State. Policemen in Oakland, Calif., are looking for a kiss theif. He told one lady to kiss him or he would kill her after she told him she had no money. Eighty two persons were killed during holiday week of Memorial Day. Forty five were from acci dents. Thirteen persons were reported killed during the flood in Penns lyvania during the week of May 30th. An air plane ripped thru high tension wires and fell in the river in Salem, Oregon May 30. A tug boat rescued two people that were riding in the plane. President Truman and family had a very pleasant Memorial Day w-- 1 • Have You Seen. . . ★ EYES ★ The Negroes’ Own Picture MAGAZINE In The June Issue— Wings Over Jordan Paseo Baptist Church—Kansas City, Mo. Frank B. Adair—Sydenham Hospital, N. Y. Langston Unit.—Langston, Okla. And Many Other Interesting Features THE PICTURE STORY OF NEGRO PROGRESS Ask for EYES at your newsdealer EYES INCORPORATED Box 793,—Iowa City, Iowa t '_M RELIABLE RADIO S SALES & SERVICE j 2907 Q Street ★ RECORDS, it NEEDLES ★ PHONO-COMBINATIONS (SERVICE IN HOMES IF POSSIBLE ) Training — Experience — Understanding VOTE FOR MILDRED PATTON POLLAK NON-POLITICAL CANDIDATE FOR State Superintendent of Public Instruction At The Primaries. June 11th A Superintendent of Public In struction should have the best of training, the broadest experience, the deepest and most sympathetic understanding of all educational problems. Complete teaching experience from rural schools to State Universities, and from class room teacher in all grades to supervision, administration, and curriculum construction. HIS ONLY PLEDGE IS TO ALL THE PEOPLE George J. Thomas, Republican candidate for Governor, has made no promises or pledges to any group, individual or class in re turn for their support in the Pri mary Election, June 11th. HIS ONLY PLEDGE IS TO GIVE THE STATE GOOD BUSINESS GOVERNMENT— TO WORK FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF ALL THE PEOPLE. HIS PLATFORM • Make government your Servant, not your Master. • Fewer, not more, laws and govern ment regulations. • Build Nebraska prosperity and pay rolls by promoting soil conservation and Irrigation for agriculture, and by developing new industrial uses for our raw materials through chemurgy research. I Fewer, not more, taxes. Opposition to state sales and income taxes. I Highway improvements, including all weather farm-to-market roads. YOUR VOTE FOR GEORGE J. THOMAS IS A VOTE FOR HONESTY AND COMMON SENSE IN GOVERNMENT (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) on a cruise down the Potomac. Sea gambling fight looms- up In California and the Atty. General of the state has asked where is the three mile limit law. It is roughly handled. One man says he will go into operation June 17. The hard coal miners don’t like I the government’s idea of taking over the mines. . A baby was born in an elevator that was stuck between floors in a building Saturday, June 1 in Chattanooga, Tenn. A nurse was in the elevator and rendered her services. 2,197 troops were due to arrive in New York Sunday, June 2 on two transports. The bank employees guild of the CIO in St. Louis, Mo., have decreed to disband after it was defeated Tuesday, May 28 in an election. Canadian police were looking for a crew of non-union workers that were kidnapped from a freighter on the 1st of June. President Truman received a pledge of world wide support from Maritime unions in the Federation of labor to keep the US flag at sea if CIO Maritime unions strike on June 15. Andrew Roberson, a ship yard manager of Cleveland, O., was killed in an auto crash Saturday June 1. Eugene Dacoret of Chicago ple aded not guilty to a charge of bank robbery at Hershey, HL, on March 3 before a Federal Judge Walter C. Lindsay in Danville, on June 1. Everyone should register and vote for the candidate of their choice in the coming election. NAACP Meeting of the Omaha Hrapch on the third Sunday in. June at 3:30 pm. at the Northside YMCA, 24th and Grant Sts. Are you a member of the NAACP and if not, why not? Brig. Gen. Harry H. Vaughn said in Chicago Saturday, June 1 that the reason President Truman shuns church is because the Se cret Service men don’t search the church first and rope off the pew. All churches in Portales, New Mexico were asked to pray for rain and Sunday, June 2 it was flooded. The Waiter’s Column By H. W. Smith Summer clubs are very much outstanding now and the Happy Hollow Club opening was a head liner. The musician head-waiter went over the top with the very large crowd. Everyone was very much pleased, including the 600 members and friends of the club. Blackstone waiters in the front line with the service. We want to let you know that Willard Hale is gack in the Plush Horse Room once more after doing his turn in the US Marines. Welcome back old boy! Paixton hotel head-waiter and crew very much on the ball on fine service. Fontenelle hotel waiters serving with a smile at all times. R. R. Boys are at it again on the wheels since the strike. Regis hotel and White Horse Inn waiters going good. Waiters at the Hill hotel taking good care of the caviar slinging. lhe Peoples' friend R. C. PRICE Dr. c. price Candidate Board of Education I am qualified for the job. I will work to the interest of the people. I favor increased pay for the teachers, and a full school term. The School Board nomin ation is subject to the Primary, June 11. 1946. (Political Advertisement) __