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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1946)
The Omaha R-anch of the National Association of College Women met at 8:00 Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Booker of 2918 No. 24th. The High lights of the meeting were plans for the Association's civic works and the report of the national convention in Chicago. » * * Mr. A. F. Allen, the Delegate to the CME Church General Conference has returned. He reported a wonderful session during his stay in St. Louis, Mo. While the-e he saw his neice and family, Mrs. Ellen Heider whom he had not seen in over 25 years. * * NURSERY SCHOOL TO CLOSE The Nursery school at the Fonten elle Apartments will close May 31, after serving a great number of work ing parents. Parents are hoping that it will be opened later, on a more per manent basis. For < Summer Fun! Swimshorts Quick-drying shorts for water and beach wear. sports and evervday use. lyf/a/tJw Walkshorts Knee-length shorts for walking and playingj In many fabrics, patterns, colors. Set them today! HERZBERGS Entertains At Po-Ke-No Party —Omaha Guide Photo MRS. A. CHARLES HUNTER , Omaha Guide Photo—The socially prominent Mrs. A. Charles Hunter and Mrs. A. L. Allen of Columbus, Miss., were entertained by a group of young ladies at a Po-Ke-No- party Friday, May 17th. Hostess to the group was Mrs. Doris McDavis of 3119 Corby St. The even ing was spent at Po-Ke-No. A lovely and delightful luncheon of creamed chipped beef on rolls, potato chips, HANLEY-MACEY NUPTIAL .Saturday evening. May 25th, 1946 Miss Betty Macey was married to Mr. Jonny Hanley in a wedding ceremony attended by members of the family and close friends. The bride wore a white morquisette gown with a corsage of roses. Her at tendant was her sister Mrs. Juanita Moore. Best man was the brides’ bro ther-in-law, Mr. Milton Moore. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Childress, Pastor of St. John AME Church. Mrs. Hanley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Macey, of 2710 Corby St. Mr. Hanley is the son of Mrs. Hat tie Hanley of Vancouver, Washington. The couple left Tuesday May 28 foi Seattle, Washington. * * * CARTER CHARITY CLUB GARDEN PARTY A George Washington Carver Garden Party will be given Sunday June 2, from 4 to 7 am. by the Carter Charity Club at the home of Mrs. Lewis Ram sey, 2902 No. 28th St. The proceeds from this affair will be used to carry on the Club's Charity Activities. * * * CHEERFUL BUILDER’S BREAKFAST SUCCESS A chicken breakfast by the Cheer ful Builders Club of St. Johns Church at the home of Mr. G. E. Bivens, 2512 Lake St., Tuesday May 28, proved to be very successful. The morning menu consisted of fruit cocktail, fried chick en, French fried potatoes, hot buscuits and coffee. The ladies who prepared this very nice breakfast are to be con gratulated. Chew tasty gum laxative for j SLUGGISH BOWELS • Headachy ? Bilious ? Miserable with constipation? Chew Feen-a-mint — candy-coated chewing gum laxative. Contains same medicine many doc tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take Feen-a-mint at bed-time— exactly as directed. Next Morning feel like a million! _-_i ATTENTION The Rose LaTella willopenSoon At Its New Location—2825 North 24th St. Phone ATlantic 5988—Day or Night It icili be Open from 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. for Your Convenience. • WEARING APPAREL for WOMEN and CHILDREN • LOOK FOR THE NAME J. J. Thelen —DEMOCRAT FOR— COUNTY COMMISSIONER for a Permanent F. E. P. C. (Political Advertisement) *YES DEAR, YOUR FATHER HAS TRIPPED OVER THE EXTENSION CORD IN THE UPSTAIRS HALL AGAIN/" Don’t overload your electric circuits. When you build or modernize provide ADEQUATE WIRING.) tne»raska-iowa ELECTRICAL COUNCIL MRS. A. L. ALLEN olives and coffee was served by the hostess. Members o,f the group besides Mrs. McDavis were: Mrs. Maurice Patterson; Mrs. Madeline Matthews; recently of Chicago; Mrs. Anna Greer Mrs. Emma Carter; Mrs. Doris Wag ner; Mrs. Roma Buxton; Mrs. Thelma Tucker; Mrs. Pauline Lewis; Mrs. Velma Whiteside and Mrs. Susie Wil liams. RETURNS FROM TUSKEGEE Mr. Edward W. Watkins who has been stationed at Tuskegee, Ala., tak ing pilot’s training and his wife Fran cis Watkins, returned to Omaha Thurs day. Mrs. Watkins who is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jefferson of 2854 Binney St., left Omaha about a year ago to join her husband who had been in the servisec since Decem ber 1943. * * * MRS. KILLINGSWORTH RETURNS BY PLANE Mrs. Ethel Killingsworth of 2719 Erskine St. who has been visiting in Muskogee, Okla. and Paris, Texas with relatives, returned to Omaha by plane Sunday. It was her first trip by plane and she was thrilled by the experi ence. Mrs. Killingsworth chartered the plane when she was unable to obtain railroad accommodations due to the recent strike. * * * * MRS. M. L. MYERS TO ATTEND GRADUATION OF SON LAWRENCE Mrs. M. L. Myers, 2416 No. 22nd St. Omaha, and her daughter, Mrs. Florence Starks of Tuskegee, Ala., will leave for Washington, D. C. this week where they will be present at the graduation of Mr. Lawrence Ken neth Myers from Howard University. Mr. Lawrence K. Myers, and his recently acquired bride, Mrs. Helen J. Myers of Charlotteville, Virginia, will accompany Mrs. Myers back to Omaha. * * * PROUD PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Williams of 2215 Charles St. are the proud parents of a baby boy, born May 12 at Emmanuel hospital. May 12th is also the anniversary of the couple. Mrs. Williams is the former Margaret Johnson. * * * Mrs. Walthrene Bethel who came to Omaha in March due to the serious illness of her grandmother, Mrs. E. A. Pankey, has been in Miami. Florida for the past few weeks visiting her husband and his family. She plans to return soon, also her husband, to Los Angeles, their home. * * - MISS CHUE GRADUATES FROM UNIVERSITY OF NEBA. Monday, May 27th, Miss Evelyn Chue graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Arts and Sci ences where she majored in Sociology Her mother, Mrs. Eugenia Chue, came from Washington, D. C. to attend the graduation. Others from Omaha went to Lincoln for the event were: Mrs. M. G. Chandler, Miss Chue’s grand mother; her uncle, Mr. Thomas Chand ler: her aunt. Mrs. Janie Norman; and Mrs. L. L. McVay, 2868 Corby St. Miss Ruthie Norman who also attends Nebraska University, stayed in Lincoln for the graduation of Miss Chue. The Omahans were guests of Mrs. Brevy Lilly while in Lincoln. Mrs. Lilly en tertained the guests at diner after the graduation exercises. * * * BEAU BRUMMEL CLUB The Beau Brummel Club had their first Dinner Party at Mary’s Chicken Hut Tuesday night. The first since the boys were discharged from the army. A good time was had by all. The Club had a special guest, Miss Mary Gaskin who gave a piano program be fore dinner. Mr. Robert Jones was in charge of the dinner. Lewis White, reporter * * * • DEATHS - FUNERALS Mrs. Alice Towles Robinson, former ly of Baton Rouge, La., who was vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Nat Towles at their residence at 2626 North 24th, passed away May 22nd. Mrs. Robinson was an aunt of Mr. Towles and was a most devoted Christian. She was a member of the Catholic Church. Mrs. Robin son is survived by a brother and a j sister, also a host of neices and ne phews. Thomas Mortuary was in chg. ] Mrs. Robinson’s body was shipped to Baton Rouge to ‘Southern Fun f al, Home”, which her nephew, John Daigre is director of. * * * SIXTEENTH ANNUAL CORONATION PAGEANT AND ' DANCE of ST. PHILIP’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH WILL BE i Staged, Monday, June 3, 8 pm., at AMVETS Post No. 2, 24th and Miami Streets. This year’s Coronation will be bigger and better. People are talk ing about it. All Omaha is going. BEAUTFIUL PAGEANTRY. THE best dance music by Lloyd Hunter and his Orchestra. (Political Advertisement) NOTICE! n I. Clarence McDavid will not be responsible for bills made by anyone claiming to be Mrs. Clarence McDavid. i New Fad Susan Hayward, Universal star poses with her Doodlebug, a new style motor scooter. Recently shown in Hollywood, it promises tc start a fad in quick, convenient safe and economical personal trans portation, (100 miles per gallon). Easier to park than a bicyclq the Doodlebug is sold exclusively through Gamble stores and affili ates. It comes in handy for trips to the store, school, work and play, EDNA BLAIR TO BECOME BRIDE OF CALIFORNIAN Mr. and Mrs. George E. Blair have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter. Miss Edna Mae Blair, to Belford N. Mosds, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Moses of Los Ange les, California. The couple will be married in a one o’clock ceremony on June 9. at St. John's AME Church. Miss Blair is a graduate of Central High School and the University of Omaha. Mr. Moses was recently discharged from the navy. * * * FISK CO ED RETURNS Home for their summer vacation are Misses Udoxie and Odessa Goodwin. They have been attending Fisk Uni versity in Nashville, Tenn. for the past year. They are both taking pre nursing courses. They will attend two years at Fisk and three years at Me harry. Miss Udoxie also participated in the Spring Festival of Music and Arts giyen by the Modern Dancing Group. The Festival was held the latter part of April. The Misses Goodwins before going to Fisk attended Central High School in Omaha, where Miss Odessa receiv ed her scholarship to Fisk. Both girls plan to work this summer. They are the daughters of Mrs. Lillian Hubbard of 2802 No. 28th St. * * * VISITING IN CHICAGO Mrs. Margaret King, 2626 Decatur St. and daughter, Marjorie Jean, are visiting in Chicago. Tney have been away for about two weeks. While in Chicago they are visting with Mrs. King's cousin, Mrs. Earley Brown. * * * VISITS HOME TOWN Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Robinson and small son, Gerald Louis, 2424 Maple St., spent last week in their home town of Bedford, la. They visited with relatives, among them Mr. Robinson’s sister, Mrs. Agnes Hillard and also his father. The Robinsons returned home Sunday evening. * * * ON THE SICK LIST On the sick list are Miss Helna Thomas of 2877 Binney St. who is seriously ill at her home and Abraham Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reynolds 6f 1719 Corby St., is recu perating from a recent illness and has hopes of yeing out soon. Also sick is Mrs. Emma Pruitt of 1701% North 24th St, who has been ill for some time. * * * CLEAVES TEMPLE OVER TOP When a partial report was made on the Rally held recently by Cleaves Temple CME Church $2300 has been raised. The final report will be made June 9th. The original goal set for the Rally was $1,300. Cleaves Temple has gone way over the top. * * * JUNE WEDDING Sunday June 2nd, Miss Anita Por ter will be married to Mr Matron Loftis in a four o’clock ceremony. Miss Porter is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Steele of 2322 North 25th St. Miss Porter was honored at a show er Sunday afternoon, May 25th at 1520 No. 28th St. The shower was given by Mrs Mildred Samuels and Miss Cal donia Burch. Miss Porter was the re cipient of many lovely gifts. * * * SEPTEMBER GRADUATES Students scheduled to graduate from Central High in September are: Vi vian Mae Phillips; Frances Amelia Bowie; Virginia McRaven; Erma Smith; Inola Moore. Amelia Orduna; Maxine Louise Perkins; Lenora Mar guerite Pierce and Juanda Ruffin. • SPORTS CORNHUSKER GOLFERS TURN IN GOOD SCORES Cornhusker Golf Club turned out in a wave which resulted in the best golf shot since the Club was formed. Bill Graves was the “Hot Shot” turning in a score of 71 which is not often re corded on this course. “B-29” O’Toole and “Marine” Murrell were shelled off of the course by “Grave-yard” Graves and Malcolm Geo. Scott in the only partners match played. “Ken Smith" Wilson stood on the first tee and watched with amazement as Mal colm sank a long putt on the first green for a three. He played the first nine rather jittery from the effects, finishing the last nine with a sloppy 38. “Mort” Thomas shot a very smooth and commendable, game, but claims he was hampered by the inconsistency of his competition. “Marine” Murrell came home from the “Wars” with a “Pro” diploma secured somewhere in the Virginia Hills. The boys warned that the “Marine” was teaching golf in Wash. D. C. and was thinking ser iously of making that his living. But a few of the boys have reversed his ideas pronto. The following scores were turned in Sunday: Graves, 71; Scott, 74; Thomas, 75; O’Toole, 76; Wilson, 79; Murrell, 79; Solomon, 85; Hollins, 88; Collins, 89; Caldwell, 93; Mosley, 102. IY News NEAR NORTHS1DE BRANCH YOUTH CANTEEN SPRING DANCE Friday evening, May 24th about 250 members and friends of the Three ^Corners Canteen gathered at the ‘Y’ and spent an enjoyable evening of dancing. The young ladies in their ar ! ray of beautiful spring colors of for j mals and the young men in their nice spring formal attire made a pictuie | lovely to behold. Many of the parents | of the young people served as chap erons and music was furnished by | Earl' Graves’ Orch. GREAT LAKES DOUBLE QUARTETTE Monday, June 17th marks the ini tial appearance of the Great Lakes Double Quartette in Omaha at the Near Northside Branch YWCA. VACATION PLAY SCHOOL Vacation play school for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 14 years will be held from June 10th thru July 13th. If parents are wondering what type of activity your boys and girls will participate in this summer your problem is solved by sending them to this vacation school. Subjects will be offered in music, drama, cooking, handicrafts, games, sports, sewing, story telling, and swimming. Remem ber the date for registration is June 7th, 9:00 am.-6:00 pm. at the YWCA. Also June 8th 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. THIS IS YOUR “Y” LET'S USE ITt! Me DONALD REPORTING By C. C. McDonald I shall again call your attention to our Police Dept. We have the most effi’ cient Police Dept, in the middle-west. Our men are always on the alert. They are most courteous and nice if you permit them to be and are always ready to assist you in time of distress. If you leave Omaha to visit other cit ies you will find that you have a fine body of men to protect you. Give them credit. Mr. Monico 2212 So. 13th St., has been in business many years and has made many friends. You are always welcome in his place of business. Give him a call. E & F Electric Co. 514 So. 13th St. Motors repaired of all kinds. We in vite you to call on us anytime when in n£ed of any kind of work you wish done on your motor. Courteous service and satisfied customers. Mr. Mike Timmins of 3082 Martin St., is running on the Democratic ticket for sheriff. Says if elected he will give all a square deal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Konola, 1801 Vin ton St., has one of the most beautiful flower shops in the city. It reminds me of the paridistical plane we often read about in the Bibue. Many var ities of flowers. Toey are nice young people to deal with and prices are right. You will read more about them later after they have moved to 20th and Lake St. where all can see them. Monarch Furniture Co. 1617 Vinton St. has furniture for a complete home also buys used furniture and w-ill pay you highest prices and will sell you anything you wish in the line of fur niture at reasonable prices give us a chance to show you for you are al ways welcome in our place of busin ess. We deliver to any place in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McDonald, old time residents of Omaha, came back to their home to visit his father, Rev. E. Z. McDonald who has been confin ed to bed for quite some time. He now lives in Oakland, Calif, and re ports that times are very good out there. Rev. McDonald was able to at tend church last Sunday night, May 26th. The Week By H. W. Smith COURT TO TEST INDICTMENTS* IN TENN. RIOT CASES The Columbia. Term, riot cases went to trial May 28. The Court will test the indictment. A flaw in grand jury selection is charged by the NAACP, which charged that the riot was par ticipated in by state troopers and state guards. More than one hundred Negroes were arrested by the guards and two were shot to death by the guards roaming the streets. The NAA CP raised a fund to aid the defense and is asking all Negro citizens to lend a helping hand. Fr. D. Bacon of Yale University said May 23 here are three million persons in the US who are alcohol victims. The National Congress of Parents and Teachers closed in Denver, Colo., .May 22. They asked for a better child health plan. The US Government reports that a transport plane has been reported lost May 17. It was carrying the bodies of 36 Yanks. Small boys playing catch in an alley tossed a live hand grenade in a gar bage can. The American Aluminum Company will biuld a three million dollar plant near Davenport, la., and will give em ployment to two thousand persons. Wednesday, May 22, President Tru man approved the idea of the Anglo American Palestine Committee to shift one hundred thousand Jews to Pales tine. Six boys are under arrest for auto and truck theft in Sioux City, la. ages range from 11 to 17. Centralia, 111., has on a drive to ex terminate rats in the city. The city Council wanted to assume the respon sibility of rat commissioners. The train wreck inquest of the Bur lngington railroad near Naperville, 111. has been postponed to June 24. An escaped mental patient was kil led by police Sunday, May 26. He held police at bay with a pistol. They used tear gas after he fired two shots at them. Former President Hoover arrived in Mexico City on the first lap of the Latin American tour for additional relief for the world’s famine area. The Rail Union has announced that Backers Of F.E.P.C. Meeting In a drive led by the Omaha Council for a Permanent Fair Employment Practice Committee and the Northside AMVETS at the AMVET’ Headquar ters. 24th and Miami Sts., last Thurs day, a united front was presented by | representatives of key organizations in the state for a final drive to pass the Fair Employment Practice Bill in Con gress. Keynoted by Gov. Dwight Griswold, governor of the State of Nebraska, who stated: ‘"It is too bad that we need such a thing as a law to give people a square deal in employment in a Democracy but since we do I am hear tily in favor of its passage”. Congressmen Car Curtis and A. L. Miller are to be urged to sign the discharge petition so that the FEPC can be voted upon. Herbert McCaw. president of the Northside AMVETS pledged $100 to ward the work of the committee. All present offered their services to see that the bill is passed. Photo, left to right: Wm. Sones. Real Estate; A. R. Goodlet, Packing house Workers. CIO; Ryland Melford, State Health Department; Arthur B. McCaw. Urban League; Mrs. Zell Sahn, Inter-Racial Committee; Mrs. Leola Jones, Quack Club, YWCA; John Butler, Near Northside YMCA; Mrs. Walter Harrold, State Inspector Cosmetology, Beauticians Local No. 10; Rev. F. S. Goodlett, formerly of Pilgrim Baptist Church; Lee Wash ington, Businessman; Rufus Long. Secretary, Omaha Council for a Per manent FEPC; Atty and Mrs. Ralph Adams, OPA; Mrs. Dwight Griswold, Governor Dwight Griswold, State of Nebraska: Mrs. Robbie T. Davis, Co Chairman Omaha Council for a Per manent FEPC: Herbert McCaw, Pres. Northside AMVETS: Rev. John Adams Presiding Elder, A ME Conference; Wm G. Singer, Brotherhood of Railway Postal Employees: Dr. W. W. Peebles Roosevelt Post No. 30. American Le sion: Rev. David St. Clair, Mt. Mor iah Baptist Church: Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Woods. AMVETS: Mrs. Ray Williams, Atty. Ray Williams. Roose velt Post. American Lesion; Paul Al len. AM\ETS; Mrs. Preston Brown, PTA; Ernie Camnhell. AMVETS: and John Riley, AMVETS. Authors Of New Book ELLEN TERRY MARIE HALL ETS MY DOG RINTY A modem version of The Pied Pi per of Hamlin, but placed in Harlem is the plot of a book for children. MY DOG RINTY, which the Viking Press will publish May 27th. It is a very hu man, appealing story about a Negro boy named David and his beloved, but misunderstood, dog, a wonderful rat ter. When the dog begins tearing up all the rugs in sight, it looks as though he will have to be sold, but an under standing Harlem editor helps to bring happiness and prosperity where before there was nothing but trouble. The story is by Ellen Tarry and1 Marie Ets (see photograph), and the illustrations are photographs taken in Harlem by Alexander and Alexandra Alland. The children who posed for them are Camille, nine years of age, who is David in the book; Marictte, seven; Maurice, twelve; and Louis, fourteen. All are children of Mr. and Mrs. Isjuis de Brecourt of 1486 Fifth Avenue, New York City. They are students of St. Paul’s Parochial School and were chosen for the photographs not only because they are very photo genic, but because thel all belong to one family, and were easier to get to gether! Ellen Tarry is a newspaper woman who has written several books for children, among them Hezekiah Hor ton, published by the Viking Press. She was born and brought uu in Bir mingham, Ala., taught school there, and started her newspaper career. Ir. 1937, she came to New oYrk and work ed at the Writer’s Laboratory on a Bureau of Educational Experiments Community Center. She then became “Story Lady” at riendship House, a Harlem Community Center, where she first saw ‘Hezekiah” who is now her godchild. Her newspaper work in NY was with the Amsterdam News, and she has written for many magazines. In 1934, she worked for the USO in Alabama and in New York, leaving about a year ago to become a Group Supervisor at the Harlem Service Men Depot. Mane Hall Ets, author-artist of Mr. Penny and In The orest, both publish ed by Viking, was born in Wisconsin. At the age of seven, her talent as an artist was first dsicovered, and she was given special art training from then on, but not until comparatively recently, when she was studying under Frederick Poole, was she encouraged they will oppose President Truman. The Governor’s meeting convened in Oklahoma City May 27 and discussed labor problems. The first days were devoted to consideration of war de pleted natural resources. Are you a member of the NAACP? / _ The US Senate group reported they are nearly ready for the OPA hearing Monday, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford were ko dacked when they were trying out the first car he built in 1896 Sunday, May 26. A human skull and bones was dug up by workmen nine miles north of New Orleans in Harlem County. The House Committee left Washing ton, D. C. Monday, May 27 for At lanta, Ga. to investigate the Ku Klux Klan. The mayor of Burwell, Nebraska had 18 hundred cayote hides stored. The government was the former purchaser of the pelts. The US Army wants 1800 dentists. The draft board has been asked to send 1500. President Truman and John L. Lew is could not make an agreement at the meeting on Monday, May 27. # IT PAYS TO . . .. ADVERTISE • For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide to use her imagination, fully, which is shown so delightfully in her books. Mrs. Ets has taken graduate work in writing and psychology at the Univer sity of Chicago. She did social work in that city, and spent a year n Czech oslovakia with the Red Cross, organi zing a permanent child-health program. She married the late Harold Ets, who was on the faculty of Loyola Univer sity School of Medicine. At present, she is living in New York City. Alexander Alland's category as a photographer is a special one. While he enjoys a reputation among photo graphers as an artist and master tech nician, he is essentially an educator.. a neducator in the sphere of human relationship who, through his pictures brings people closer together, \tr.~ Al land’s work has been featured in nu merous periodicals and newspapers, and some of it has been acquired by the New York ublic Library, The New York Historical Society, The Museum of Modern Art, The Schomburg Col lection, the Coordinator of Inter-Am erican Affairs, and the Office of War Information. His photographs for the Springfield plan, publishe last year by Viking, caused widespread comment, and considerable interest is already, b« ing shown in the photographs for MY DOG RINTY, for which he had the invaluable assistance of his wife. The viking Press gave a party May 27th at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem, in honor of the authors and illustra tors of MY DOG R1NTY. The chil dren who posed for the photographs were co-hosts, and about 50 Negro and white children from various New York schools attended. There were games story telling, and ice cream and cake. Josh White, famous folk song singer and guitarists performed as did his five year old son, ‘Little Josh’. An interesting group of representatives from the book publishing, press and radio fields attended the party also. Introduced by Walter White, exe cutive secretary of the National Ass’n for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple, Harold K. Guinsberg, president of the Viking Press, will present the original manuscript and photographs of MY DOG RINTY to Carl Van Vech ten, who will accept them for the Johnson Memorial Collection of Ne gro Arts and Letters, Yale University. May 27th. publication date of the book, was also the first day of the annual celebration of Harlem Week. V. P. Jr. DR. A. B. WALKER, REPUBLICAN ..CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR .. My Mother’s mother was Catherine Alexander; her father was Wm. Ran dolph, an Englishman. My father’s father was Martin Walker, a Scotch Welchman; his mother was Catherine Stein, a German lady. I am a Penn sylvania Dutchman born in a log house at Saulsburg, Penn., March 31, 1878. My parents brought me to Adams, Ne braska in June 1879. My father, being a Methodist preacher, we lived in var ious towns in southeastern Nebraska, coming to Lincoln in August 1898, where I attended Lincoln Business College, graduating in June 1903. And since then I have practiced medicine continuously for over 40 years. The last 33 years in Lincoln. I am married have twin daughters, school teachers, as was my wife, who was an Omaha girL Your vote will be appreciated. Dr. A. B. Walker, M. D. NORTHSIDE BUSINESSMAN SAYS KNOWLES WILL GIVE FAIR REPRESENTATION By Preston Hieronymous _ All the long time friends of Charles Knowles were mighty glad to see him file as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress. Even though he is a leader in the storage and mov ing business, Mr. Knowles has always been ready to lend a helping hand to yodr reporter who is also in that bus iness out here at 24ih andGrant Sts. Mr. Knowles is one of the pioneers and truly great leaders of our industry. When it comes to honesty and fair ness to all people regardless of race, creed, or color, Mr. Knowles has a reputation that is greatly to be desir- ' ed. Those who have known Charles Knowles in business feel that he has the intelligence and intestinal fortitude to stand up in Congress and really fight for the interests of all the citi zens of the Second Congressional Dis trict which includes Omaha. Religious and civic leaders through out Omaha have always felt free to call upon Mr. Knowles for help in any worthy cause because they know he is always ready to lend his energy and ideas to any campaign that en ables people to live more comfortably and happier. To the many people in all walks of life whom Mr. Knowles has encoura ged an helped in one way or another, he is the most generous and yet shrewd man we could ever hope to get in Con gress. If the honest opinion of a hard working man who really knows Knowl es means anything, it is felt that all of you good readers of this newspaper will go out on election day and vote for a real friends of the people, Mr. Charles Knowles. Our vote on June 11th is mighty 40 important as it is the only direct way of showing how we feel about the men who are to lead us from the head quarters of our government in Wash ington. Be sure that you vote for your own sake and for the sake of your children. McGILL’S if BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGILL, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24TH ST. ’ WINE, LIQUORS & CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7pm —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS Free Delivery from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. JAckson 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Bonded Liquors Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Strect Get the Best in Quality at the Nebraska Produce- Lowest Price. Are you MU? WEAK? from loss of BIOOMRON? - . Here’s One Of The Best Home Ways To Build Up Red Blood! You girls who suffer from simple anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods that you are pale, feel tired, weak, "dragged out”—this may be due to low blood-iron— So start today—try Lydia E. Plnk ham’s TABLETS—one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—in such cases. Plnkham’s Tablets help build up the bed quality of the blood (very Impor tant) by reinforcing the haemoglobin of red blood cells. Just try Plnkham’s Tablets for 30 days—then see If you, too, don’t re markably benefit. All drugstores. Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABICTS Do «M setter from bard of bearing and bead noises •eased by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results oar simple home treatment ha* accomplished for a great many people. Many past .10 report bearing find and head noise* gone. Nothing. So near. Send today for proof and 10 day* trial effeaj Me ihfi|it;ir~tf *JUdf ELMO COMPANY, D®p*. 516l^TDarpnporCC^i^ rj