LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS Per Copy AND WORTH IT— “To Sell It, ADVERTISE** /JUSTICE/EQUALITY _ _ PHONE HA. 0800 • 2420 GRANT ST ctTiiumv iiTivi? 1 ini£ A, I. ,n.. , _ _ , tntered as 2nd class matter at Post- oftice, Omaha, Nebr., Under \a ui SAT l KDA^, JUI\E 1, 1916 Ol h 19th \EAR >0. 1< 10c Per Copy ★ March 8. 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha Nehr . .......! T5he STREET and thereabouts -by LA WHENCE P. LEW IS ^Ur ] GUEST Column Edited by Verna P. Harris By Harold J. Gibbons Director, St. Louis Joint Council O United Retail, Wholesale and De partment Store Employees of America, CIO. Did someone say Jim Crow? > Certainly, it was no one in the St. Louis Joint Council, United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Em ployees of America, CIO. For from the very first, the Joint Council has refused to compromise. Naturally, there was a racial problem—St. Louis is a borderline city where segregation is in order in most industries and ac tivities but where, unlike the South, the Negro has no definite status. We firmly believed we had to meet the problem head-on—with no quibbling and no compromise. We insisted on fair employment practices in contracts and fair handling of grivances in the shops. The rule of “no compromise, no quibbling” has won the day. Our union leader reduced the pol icy to simple tenns when he told a shop meeting: “My President says no discrimination is right; my priest says no-discrimination is right; my union says no-discrimination is right—and what’s rght goes around here.’’ The outright Negrophobes quickly realized that they were under union rules and if they didn’t like it they were out of luck. Negroes and whites played on the same softball team. On the news paper, discrimination went by the board. The Labor Co-op Theater broke the color line for the first time of any little theater movement in St. Louis by casting Negroes and white players from the rank and file of the union on the same bill. Then came the Health Center. The companies and the union both recog nized the need for a comprehensive health and sick care program for the workers. But what about Negroes? There were some doubting Thomases among the white workers, and the' Negroes went about in unvoiced ap prehension that here was one project to which they would not be admitted on an equal basis. The medical staff was employed in complete understanding that Negro members and white workers were to receive exactly the same treatment. There is no segregation in the waiting room and Negroes and whites wait their turns in order, without reference to color. When a Labor Health Insti tute doctor answers a home call or a hospital call, he doesn’t check first to see whether or not the patient is Ne gro or white—he’s there. Negroes and whites alike receive the full benefit of the complete diag nosis and treatment—the same gen eral practitioners and specialists give their service. The Labor Health Institute is fi nanced by the employers who pay an amount equal to three-and-one-half per cent of the workers’ wages for the health program. The money paid into the health program is not a deduc tion fro mwages or a substitute for wages, but rather an added benefit. And the union rule for no-discrimina tion follows through. A Negro doctor is on the Labor Health Institute staff—not to treat Negroes nor as a concession to policy —but because he fills the qualifica tions necessary. As a qualified physi cian, chosen not only for his skill and knowledge but for his understanding of problems besetting working people, he treats white and Negro workers alike and has free consultive privi leges with his white colleagues. No one has protested our Negro nurse, who does her work efficiently on the same basis of pay and working condi-1 tions as the white nurses. I he Labor Health Institute mem bers are aware that segregation muet not exist if our Health Institute is to retain its true democratic spirit, and that good health cannot be limited if our community is to grow stronger. Founded as it was on good will and; cooperation, the LHI is one of our greatest achievements, and we fer vently hope it marks the beginning of better health for all Americans—re gardless of race, color, or creed. One of the first principles of the Labor Health Institute has proven even more valuable to Negroes than to white workers — the principle of health care to prevent illness. Because of the lower salaries paid in the past to Negro workers and the enforcedly low living standards, Negroes fre quently live in an atmosphere of more health hazards. Immunizations, vaccinations, and the educational pro gram in proper eating and healthy liv ing are of special value to Negroes— because previously such a program has been virtually closed to them. The physical examination which de tects the first symptoms of illness is doubly valuable—because in many in stances, Negroes haven’t known where to go or whom to see. The Labor Health Institute is set up on a principle of democratic con , REGISTER AND VOTE. There are I many amoungst us who generally wait I until it is too late to register, and then 1 are unable to vote. All the time we J really meant to register, but somehow i time slipped by and we found oursel 1 ves not able to vote for the candidate of our choice. We of the minority that are given this privilege must use our voting power to express our views. DON'T FORGET, Register and Vote! The latter part of June our commun ity will lose one of its outstanding families. When Mrs. Grayce Bradford and her nine-year-old son, Gaines Tay lor Bradford, entrain for Houston, Texas, to join her husband, who al i ready has the position of Executive Secretary of the Hester Settlement House, all on Uur Street will regret their leaving. .Mrs. Grayce Bradford has been em ployed at the Urban League for eight years. She has always been active in social activities, making friends with the young and the old, and always carryng a smile for the many she meets daily. “Mrs. Bradford, how do you feel about your leaving Omaha and your many friends?” I asked. “First I want you to know that I ! regret it deeply, leaving the many peo ple in Omaha that have made my life pleasant. Of course, I have always liked the South. I was born in Mem phis, Tenn., and attended Atlanta Un iversity in Atlanta. Georgia. I later taught school in Birmingham. I am eager to go to Houston because it will be like a new life, making new friends, and surely more opportunity. I have always enjoyed my work here in Omaha, but when advancement carries one to another city or" commun ity, a person must go. I feel sure I will like it in Houston”, she said. It is hard to think of the Urban League without thinking of Mrs. Brad ford. Somehow it is difficult to ima gine our community losing this out standing family. I know I speak for many when I say, “we regret your go ing, but we wish you all the success and happiness in this world”. Mrs. Bradford has become a part of our youngsters’ lives, some grown now and married. Mrs. Bradford may leave the Urban League and Omaha, but for those thousands who have known her for the past eight years, when they think of the Urban League they cannot but think of Mrs. Grayce Bradford. “May I help you please”, said the charming young lady. That started the conversation at the 9 Center. 2522 North 24th Street, and I enjoyed talking to the young ta lented manager of the 9 Center Var iety Store. Any small household or personal article you can think of, they seem to have. I found out that her name was Mrs Mae Simpson and another girl by the name of Miss Mastalonia Pruitt also was employed there. .1 found out also that Mrs. Simpson was the man ager. “I see you were.in the Army. You should know my husband, he was a Lt. in the Army. He hasn't been home long”, she said. “I see you don't understand the army I said, “The only Lts. I know are the ones that bossed me around for almost three years”. “You like your work here”, I asked. “Yes, I enjoy it very much. You know the store is owned by a veteran. Business has been pretty good and more people are trading with us every day”, she answered. Although the store was nicely stock ed with merchandise, I could tell by looking at this polite and business-like young lady that there was another reason why business was getting belter. In 1919. a gentleman came to Oma ha to further his career in medicine. Dr. Herbert Wiggins came to Omaha from Bruton, Alabama. It is useless for me to mention his many accom- I plishments because every person in Omaha who has come in contact with him already know of them. Dr. Wiggins received his Medical Degree from the University of Michi gan, and then began practising in the state of New Jersey. From there he went to Bruton, Alabama, and then with a group of other professional men. he came to Omaha. How fortun ate our community is to have such a man among us. As many as three generations have been treated by Dr. Wiggins. Just re cently Dr. Wiggins delivered a child of a couple, both of whom he helped to bring into this world. Kindness, understanding, and patience, have made him a worthy doctor and friend to thousands. I talked with Mrs. Alice Harris. Dr. Wiggins secretary, and during our conversation, a gentleman came in asking Mrs. Harris if she was Mrs. Herbert W igcins. She smiled saying, j “No Sir”. When the gentleman had 1 left. Mrs. Harris came over to me and said, “That is the nicest compliment I have ever had. To be as charming and graceful, considerate and as un derstanding. as Mrs. Herbert Wiggins, is almost an impossibility for many of us”. It is Uur Street s sincere wish that Dr. Herbert Wiggins continues for many, many years to be even more successful. He has the gratitude and friendship of so many, and I am sure that even Dr. Wiggins does not know the number. The American Legion at 24th and Parker are now sponsoring an Ama tuer Boxing Club. Mr. Dixon and Mr. Hawkins are the trainers of the young men, and from what I saw the other night they are doing a bang-up job. Fight fans will be glad to know that more matches will be held in the near future. Uhen I first asked them about the boxing matches. I thought for the min ute they were going to ask me to box one of the boys, so I blurted out, “I m a fight FAN, but if you have any of those youngsters that are not over ten years old, and don't weigh over eighty pounds, then I will box for a round or two”. There is more excitement in store for the many who love aroatuer box ing or sports of any kind. Well leave trol. The Board of Directors are elected by the membership, and the membership is made up of rank-and file who are covered by their Union contract for the LHI. Everyone is responsible to the Board which is, ini turn, directly responsible back to the people. •n / Galloway To Seek Equal Benefits for War Veterans • • • • I believe that every voter should have an opportunity to know and understand the policies advocated by a Candi date. Having dealt, for 43 years, with the many social and economical problems confronting the citizens of the 5th District, I have not only become conscious of what we have, but of what we Have Not, and What we Need. • I want the voters to know that if I am elected to the office of State Senator from the Fifh District; it will be the voters' wish and the voters’ desire that I shall carry out to the best of my ability. • Once a laborer, but now a businessman, I understand both the principles of labor and business. Twenty years in the newspaper business have given me astounding inform ation of social and economic conditions. All of these years have been spent in the Fifth District. It is the Fifth Dis trict that I am seeking to represent, and il chosen by the Citizens of the Fifth District to represent them, it will be their views and their desires of GOOD GOVERNMENT that I shall carry out. • ’iou and I know that it is not necessary in a country like ours, the richest in the World, that people willing to work and able to work, cannot find suitable employment. ou and I know the great responsibility we all have to the Many Veterans of this war, who are now without homes, without employment. We must seek to relieve the Fifth District of these and other conditions which are detrimental to the Community Welfare. • I ask for your vote because I believe myself capable of carrying out the wishes of the majority of the people of the FiFfth District. If elected, I will be a candidate chosen by the people; and it is THE PEOPLE I WILL REPRESENT as State Senator. C. C. GALLOWAY, Candidate for State Senator, 5th District. it up to Dixon and Hawkins to train the young men, at least we better, un less we want to explain to out (tiends that we bumped into a door, and we’ll thank the American Legion for the entertainment. LILLIAN SMITH SEES NEW GA., DESPITE TALMADGE Although Eugene Talmadge is run ning for governor of Georgia, Lillian Smith believes Georgia has changed recently. In a special analysis of the Georgia political situation or HEAD LINES AND PICTURES, Miss Smith says: "Today, Gene Talmadge is running for governor of Georgia. He is still talking the same old insane talk. Gene has not changed..but ihe world has changed. And Georgia has changed. I shall hold that this is true even if Talmadge is elected our next governor_” Miss Smith points out the gains made in Georgia recently. “Down in Valdosta, they let the Negroes vote. They voted quietlc and with dignity.. Over in Brunswick, near the coast, the Negroes voted in large numbers; large enough numbers to upset the old ma chine and put in a new roster of coun ty officials. I p in Augusta, a town ru led by the Cracker Party for years, the Negroes voted and the Crackers tumbled out head over heels..It all happened good-naturedly..” The famed author of “Strange Fruit’ does not discount the pulling power Talmadge has with the rural under privileged white voter. “No one can talk their language better than Gene Talmadge. .It's so quiet that these white folks like to hear the ping of red suspenders snapping. They like Gene’s jokes....” Miss smith stated: White Geor gians were relieved when the Supreme Court of the United States made the dcision that Negroes could vote in the ‘white’ primary. They were glad that the Law had made it easy for them to be moral. They were lightened to have one more facial sin off their consrienre Sometimes the writers couched their reief in the half sneering language, sometimes much face-saving was used but their profound relief was obvious” MARSHALL ONCE A CURIOSITY IN OKLAHOMA Springarn Award winner Thurgood Marshall revealed in an interview with Headlines and Pictures that five years ago in Hugo, Oklahoma, when he tried a case there schools were dismissed so that everyone could see a Negro law yer. The bailiff told Marshall “By Gaud, you se is the first Negro lawyer I ever did see”. Tension was high and Marshall moved around every night for safety. By the time the case was tried, however, the bailiff was his good friend, some of the townspeople were NAACP members, and the judge was sbscribing to the Black Dispatch. Born in Baltimore, Marshall was not allowed to gnpoll in the University of Maryland because he was a Negro. Lears later he had the pleasure of fil ing a suit against the University to cause the school to admit a Negro. The suit was successful and there’s been a Negro in their ever since”, add ed MarshalL His interest in civil rights cases Memorial park deed given to city As the City of Omaha accepts the deed to World War II Memorial Park . . . Mayor Leeman (seated) receives the document from Robert H. Storz. Looking on—left to right—are Russell J. Hopley, Frank P. Fogarty, and Commissioners Jensen, Weaver, Dolan, Towl and Trustin,—World* Herald Photo. Story at left. i The deed to World War II Memor ial Park was formally transferred to the City in a ceremony at the City Hall Wednesday May 29th. Robert H. Storz, Park Assn. Presi dent presented the Deed to Mayor Lee man at a meeting of the City Council. Resolutions accepting the deed and appointing an advisory committee were offered by Park Commiss'oner Towl, and approved by the City Council. Dr. H. A. Burke, New Supt. of Omaha Schools ..n • r iitflii'uitfflirmMiMiM—i stems from his college days, according to the Headlines and Pictures inter view. “A small grouj) of us used to sit up and conspire in the libary about what we'd do to the Southern states when we got out”, Marshall says of those college days. t Dr. Harry Axel Burke . . . i , will be here July 1. DR. HARRY AXEL BURKE, form er Superintendent of Schools at Kear ney and Gothenburg, Nebraska, and now Superintendent at Great Falls,, Montana, was elected to supervise AUTOMOTIVE GOLDEN JUBILEE PARTICIPANTS The Marvin Dupree Choir, pictured ] here, is one of the Negro organiza tions playing prominent parts in var ious events of the Automotive Golden Jubilee, May 29-June 9, at Detroit. MANY NEGRO GROUPS PARTICIPATING IN AUTO GOLDEN JUBILEE DETROIT, MICHIGAN-—Civic spi rited organizations among the numer ous racial and nationality groups in the Detroit area are playing promin ent roles in the various events of the Automotive Golden Jubilee. Running from May 29 to June 9, the celebration commemorates the 1st runnings of automobiles in Detroit in 1946 and the first raising of the Amer ican flag over the city..then just an outpost of civilization in the old i Northwest, .in 1796. Numbered among the Negro parti cipants in “Song of Our City” and the (Jubilee Community Rally..just two of ! *he events on the 12 day program..are j the Apollo Players, the Marvin Du ' pree Choir and the Robert Nolan choir “Song of Our City”, the most spec tacular musical ever to be presented in Detroit, features a cast of over 500 and more than 1.000 singers and dan cers. The Jubilee Community Rally, ! to be held at Briggs Stadium on Sun | day, June 9, will hear Trygve Lie, Se j cretary-General of the United Nations ■ who will come to Detroit for the sig 1 nificant occasion. Dorothy Maynor and Lauritz Mel choir, two of the most eminent concert stars of the day, will sing at the Ral ! ly, augmented by a chorus of 3,000.. the largest choral group ever assem bled in Michigan. With unity of effort as one of its | major keynotes, the Automotive Gol denjubilee is looked upon throughout the nation as a signal that Detroit and, the automotive industry are prepared now, as before the war, to contribute increasingly to peace, production and plenty in the years to' come. REV. C. C. REYNOLDS RETURNS TO CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH By appointment of Bishop E. W. Kelly. Rev. C. C. Reynolds will begin his sixth year as pastor of Clair Me thodist Church, this coming Sunday morning, June 2nd Rev Reynolds and his delegation returned from their an nual conference held in Denver last week, Monday morning, reporting it to be the greatest held in many years. A large increase was reported from the churches in conversions and mem bers added to the church, also in be nevolent giving. Those who attended from Clair Church were Mrs. Louise Wiley; Tenola Gray; Versie Bailey; Clarence Reynolds Jr. and Rev. C. C. Reynolds. Echoes from the con ference will be given at the Sunday morning service by those who atiend ded. Rev. Reynolds will deliver the sermons both Sunday morning and night. Holy Communion will be given. The Rev. G. D. Hancock remains Dis trict Supt. of our Topeka District which includes Clair Church. OMAHA EMERGENCY FOOD RELIEF COMMITTEE BEGINS SAVING DRIVE An intensive effort to make Omaha people conscious of the conditions among the starving people overseas is Omaha schools at a special meeting of the Omaha School Board Tuesday night May 28th. Dr. Burke succeeds Dr. H. M. Com ing who left in March to become super intendent of schools in Washington, D. C. ton, D. C. under way with Mrs. Bess.'e Saxton and Mavor Charles Leeman acting as co chairmen of the Citizens Local Co ordinating Committee for Famine Em ergency Relief. The following steering committee was chosen by Mrs. Saxton from among the more than thirty representatives of organizations co-operating with the food saving effort. Kermit Hansen, American Legion; Mrs. Pleasant Elwood. Jr. Red Crossy Mrs. Stella Grey and Mrs. Gertrude Brooks, Urban League; Mrs. B. E. Koerner, League of Women Voters; Mrs. Chas. Cook, Red Cross Canteen Service; Louis Kavan, Independent Grocers and Meat Dealers; Mrs. Net tie Kibbee. Council of Church Wom en; Mrs. Evalyn Halm and Mrs. Edi th Bettinger, Technical Food Advisers, Red Cross; and Col. Reuben Perley. This steering committee met Friday last and planned several publicity and promotion projects for the next two weeks; including a personal letter to each minister of the city asking for a sermon to bring home to their congre gations the need for conservation of food; a Red Cross mobile canteen that will serve European-diet “hand-outs" on street comers to publicize the need for saving food and for relief abroad; 1 a one thousand calorie luncheon to be . given June 10th. mayor Leeman is proclaiming the week of June 9th to 16th Food Con servation Week for Famine Emergency Relief. This proclamation will be is sued Saturday, June 1. A total daily diet of one thousand calories is better than average in the countries of Europe where food is so scarce. The proposed luncheon will show that even one luncheon of 1000 calories as scarcely nourishing, yet many persons in Europe must get along on that amount for the entire day. Miss Belle Ryan, Assistant Supt. of Schools, will head a campaign to have pupils encourage conservation of food in the home. Mrs. B. C. Koener, Mrs. Mary C. Hyde. Publicity Committee WAR DEPT. ALLOTS VOLUNTEER QUOTA Omaha, Nebr., May 23—To replace 1 officers with long servise andwho are eligible for seperaton, and to maintain a capably officered interim Army, the War DDepartment has alloted quotas for 6400 volunteers to return to active duty. Volunteers are sought from the ranks of the National Guard andd Reserve Officers of Army Air Forces, Army Ground Fores and Army Service Forces. This polcy will remain in effect until the Army attans a permanent post-war status. Accepted applicants will be placed on extended active duty in grade not higher than that gradde held prior to include fitness for general service, and remaining on active duty until July 1. 1947, or longer. An efficiency index of forty or bettrrr is required for field grade volunteers, and 35 or better for company grades. Previous service in the AGF is required of AGF officers, or an AGF type unit, and must not have attained thier 37th birthday. Company grade volunteers will be accepted by AGF, but field grade officers may volunteer for duty in company grade, if they have an efficiency index of 35 or bet ter. Consideration will be given to preferences for overheas assignment indicated by AGF officers. Officers accepted will be subject to overseas assignment and downward grade readjustment in the same manner as other officers, but will not be down graded below that grade held Decem ber 7, 1941. Permanent National Guard or reserve Corps grade will not be af fected by reduction in AUS grade. V arious branches of the service inclu ded in the total allotment are the En gineers. QM, SC, TC, Ordn., Chaplins, CWS, BI, MAC, AGD. CIC, MC, DC, JAG, CMP, Hospital Dieticians in the MC and SC, Finance Department and Veterinary Corps. The AAF allotment is for non-pilot techncian techncian specalists. WAC officers and hosiptal dietici ans, although not eligible for Reserve Corps, are eligible for recall to duty. Officers wishing to volunteer are di rected to apply in writing to the Ad jutant General, War Dept., Washing THE NEGRO IN WORLD WAR II; 92nd SUSTAINED 5,752 CASUALTIES Almost 700,000 Negroes were serv ing in the US Army at the end of World War II, and 165,397 more were in the Navy, according to the 1946 Encyvlopedia Britannica Book of the Year. Nearly 8,000 were Army offipers, 50 held officers’ commissions in the Navy and 60 women were enlisted in the WAVES, says the Book of the Year. Included in the year book’s report on outstanding Negro combat records are the achievements of the 92nd divi sion in the Pacific which “earned over all creditable service and combat re cords, with numerous instances of unit and individual citations”. The 92nd divison sustained 5.752 casualties and receved a total of 12,0% awards, the publication points out. Authar of the Book of the Year ar ticle on American Negroes. Alain Le Roy Locke, professor of Philosophy at Howard University, says, “In the last stages of the European campaign, es pecially in the 1st and 7th armies, combat integration of white and Ne gro troops was successfully tried.” Locke’s article reveals that 2,600 Ne gro volunteers were involved in dan gerous engagements during the Battle of the Bulge, the seige of Bastogne and the rapid advance across ' the Rhine as far as Nuernberg. At the Bastogne seige, the Britannica Book of the Year reports, Capt. Charles I. Thomas of Detroit, Michigan, re ceived the Distinguished Service Cross and the 614th tank detroyer battalion won a special unit citation. Thirty-two Negro units received the Amphibious Award, according to the year book. Locke also points out that the 99th pursuit squadron and the 332 fighter squadron, with a record of 261 enemy planes, received seven Dis tinguished Flying Crosses, as well as many other individual awards and unit citations. Col. B. J. Davis, Jr., who command ed the Negro air force units in Italy, was presented with a merit award and was assigned to command the new 477th composite group at Godman fid. Kentucky, according to the new arti cle. Locke states in his report. “The official consensus about the Negro’s war efficiency was favorable, and Ne gro Army re-enlistments, at 18 percent far exceeded both Aimy and popula tion quotas”. _ #IT PAYS TO. ADVERTISE • For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide BASIL O'CONNOR NEW TISKEGEE CHAIRMAN Basil O’Connor Basil O'Connor, newly elected chair man of Tuskegee'' Institute’s trustee board is also chairman. The American Red Cross and president of the nation al Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Law Partner of the late President F. D. Roosevelt, he is expected to be an asset in furthering Negro education. The election last month of Basil O’Connor as chairman of the board of trustees of Tuskegee institute recalls the remarkable record of inspiring and capable leadership which Tuskegee has enjoyed. The best blood and brains of the white north and -south has al ways joined hands with those of the black south to support Tuskegee, sym bol as it is of the rise and possibili ties of a race. In Booker T. Washington, Robert R. Moton and now Fiederick D. Pat terson. the institution has had its im mediate helm, three unusual figures; Booker T. Washington, the founder, the statesman; Robert R. Moton, the builder, a disciple of interracial friend ship; and now the youthful Patterson who has carried on with adaptation to fit changing times, the tradition lain down by his distingushed predecess ors. Basil O’Connor, in becoming head of the board which responsible for the financing and overall policies of Tus kegee, likewise follows a brilliant co sterie of figures. Among those who have served as chairman are Dr. William .lay Schiefflin, famed New York civic leader and humanitarian; William H. Baldwin Jr., the great industrialist; Seth Low, former mayor of the City of New York and William G. Wilcox. As sociated with them have been such stalwart personalities as Theodore Roosevelt, Julius Rosenwald and Rob ert C. Ogden. Mr. O’Connor, is one of the beat known counsellors in New York City. He specializes in corporate law but through expert organization of his time is able also to handle two momentous jobs of Red Cross and Infantile para lysis. A native of Taunton, Mass., a graduate of Dartmouth college, through which he helped to defray his own e* penses and of Harvard Law school, Mr O’Connor’s rise to the top of the Nmf York bar was rapid. I FORMAL OPENING OF J CORBY PLAYGROUND, J MONDAY, JUNE 3 1 The formal opening of the beauti ful Corby St. Playgroung that was pre sented to the neighborhood by the Goodfellows Fund of the World Her ald and the City Park Dept., will be held Monday, June 3rd at 6:30 p. m. Program: 6:30 to 7 pm., band con cert conducted by George Bryant. 7 pm. introduction of Chairman Atty. Ralph Adams. 7:05 pm. introduction of the Hon. Charles l.eeman, Mayor of Omaha. 7:15 introduction of the Hon. Roy Towl, Park Commissioner of Oina h"i ,17:25 introduction of Mr. W. E. Christenson, editor of the Omaha Worl4 Herald. 7:35 response by Willis W. Gray representing the Negro group. 7:45 presentation of flag by Veterans of Foreign Post No. 1364 to children's playground. Cutting of ribbon by Ma yor Leeman officially opening the Cor by St. Playground. Band Concert. FOR THE . LATEST NEWS* Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly *The Omaha Guide Atty. Arthur W. Mitchell FORMER CONGRESSMAN FORT VALLEY SPEAKER (ANP PHOTO )—As a climax to it’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, At ty. Arthur W. Mitchell of Petersburg. Va., a member of congress from 1934 to 1942, will deliver the commencement address at Fort Valley State college om Monday, June 3. During his years in congress, Atty. Mitchell represented the first Illinois district The baccal aureate address will be delivered Sun day, June 2, by Dr. W. H. Gray, prea. Florida A & M college, Tallahassee- * (ANP Photo).