Entered as 2nd class matter at Post- oftice, Omaha, Nebr., Under An oi SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1946 OUR 19th YEAR—No. 16 * 10c Per Copy ★ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebr SECY OF INTERIOR SPEAKS AT HASTE'S INAUGURATION RABBIT’ BILLIE WILLIAMS. Exotic JUNE DAVIS HEADS AMVETS* SPECTACULAR FLOOR SHOW ; The All-Star Floor Show at the new AMVETS Club, 24th and Miami Sts., is a knockout—A show full of comedy, music and exotic dancing.—BIG TIME STL FF and we don’t mean maybe! The new floor show which recently completed its engagement at Scott’s Theatre Lounge in K. C., got under way at the beautiful AMVETS Club last Tuesday night and will appear ev ery night for two weeks. There will be a change of routine every 3 days. 9:30 and 11:30 is floor show time and in between you may dance to the love ly sweet-swingie tunes of Basie Givens and his orchestra. Heading the grand show are Rabbil comedien extraordinary, featuring his comedy doll dance; then there is Billie Williams, M. C„ swing violinist and vocalist; and last but not least is the beauifuL, talented June Davis, featur ing something new and different in acrobatic dancing. It’s a show which since its first night's performance, has been playing to capacity crowds. Mr. Paul Allen and Mr. Harold i Whieside wish to announce that the Club will have a Cocktail Hour every day from 2 to 6 pm. and that the new ly decorated Club rooms are open to you for parties and banquets. For reservations call JA-9256. Mr. Herbert McCaw, president of the AMVETS organizations urges that all veterans of World War II come on in and join the fellowship of a grand veteran's organization. JOIN THE AMVETS TODAY! LOCAL AND NATIONAL NEWS Per Copy AND WORTH IT»~ “To Sell It, ADVERTISE** THE COMMON DEFENSE by Rev. Wm. C. Kernan INMEMORIAM An American cemetery somewhere in Europe filled with Crosses and Stars of Davis. In the foreground, the grave of an American soldier. ^ hat was his name! Adams? Kelly? Cohen? Certainly his face didn’t look like much when they found him. But his “dog tag*’ told who he was. He was NOT an Inknowm Soldier. And does it matter whether he was Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish? He fought American. He died American. He WAS American. He makes you prouder that you are American. | But what of his brothers—by the million—here at home „ . . of every blood, of every color, of every creed? I Are they different because they're alive i Is the only true democracy in uniformed death? On this Memorial Day let us pul a stop to the prejudice and hate-mongering—the whispering and rumor-spreading which can only divide and weaken America by setting race against race, religion against religion, class against class. Let us unify America—make America strong—by respect ing our neighbors, by defending their rights, by obeying the biblical law of love. Let us honor our heroic dead by living for the principles for which they died. When you find anyone—yourself included—thinking, speaking, acting, with racial or religious prejudice—STOP IT! If Adams, Kelly, or Cohen was good enough to die for us, he’s good enough to live with us As an equal. 75he STREET and thereabouts -by LAWRENCE P. LEWIS-' By Lawrence P. Lewis Soon Our Street will be crowded with new cars as well as the old cars. Let’s protect the youngsters, who might by their lack of foresight run into the streets for their ball or their marbles. In driving, drive carefully. It doesn’t have to be my child, or your neighbor’s child, but it could be yours. In most accidents of this kind it is not the dirver’s fault, but regardless whose fault, it will not bring back my child or yours. We can keep sorrow away from many homes if we drive carefully and safely, not only keeping an eye on how we are driving, but on what others close to us are doing. Drive carefully — save a life — be blessed by God. • * * Girls, Girls, and more Girls, of course I would like to go over to the Y. W. C. A. Who wouldn’t? I primped up a bit and eagerly set out for my destination. As I approached the Y. W. C. A. on 22nd and Grant I saw nothing but baby buggies. I thought at first I was at the wrong place, but taking an other look to be sure, I felt quite cer tain that before me was the North side Branch of the Y. W. C. A. I lost a little of my courage and [felt a little chill before entering, but C. C. Galloway, Candidate for State Senator Opens Campaign Headquarters as I entered, tiny faces greeted me; smiling, talking, and a few crying softly, every once in awhile, letting out a yell. “Miss Geneva Bumey, is she here?” I asked. “Yes she is,” a charming Miss an swered. “Go right up the steps and you will see her office.” I turned to walk up the steps, and said, ‘111 see you later. Thanks a lot.” “Good morning, Chester,” Miss Bumey said. “You’re ? little late, aren’t you”? “My name is not Chester, but I am sorry about being late,” I answered. “What are all of those babies doing down there? I know you are now in a membership drive, but I didn’t know that you had members so young, ’ I said. Miss Bumey studied a moment, then said, “Oh, today is Tuesday, and on that day the Visiting Nurses Asso ciation holds Baby Clinic Day here at the Y. W. C. A.” “Can anyone bring their baby here?” I asked. “It is non-racial, is opened to fam ilies of limited income,” she an swered. In a few minutes the business I had with Miss Bumey was over and I walked into the office of a young lady I have often seen, but couldn’t place her. “What is your name,” I asked. “Mary Harris,” the polite young lady answered. “I am seeking information,” I said. ■ “Could you tell something about the Y. W. C. A., Miss Harris.” j “It has been so long since I was really active in the Y. W. C. A. You see,I was in Washington, D. C. for two years, and I have only been back since fall. But I will do my best. On the wall there is a placard and on it is written the Y. W. C. A.’s full pur pose,” she said. I read the placard slowly and on it were these words. (Our purpose) “To build a fellowship of women and girls devoted to the task of realizing in our common life those ideals of personal and social living to which we are (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 NEW "Model” PLAYGROUND FOR CHILDREN OPENED Top, Left to Right: 1. Wallace Grey, pitcher for Long School Junior Baseball Team limber ing up at 20th and Burdette Ball Park. 2. Milton Lee Sherman, 2121 No. 24th St. sitting on Slide at Fontenellt Play ground. 3. Boyd Galloway, Jr. and Guineviere Anderson riding tricycles on concrete run-way. Guineviere attends St. Bene dict's School. 4. Little Sharon Beard, standing on the Jr. Slide, hasn't quite made up her mind yet. Standing behind is Virgil and Sherry Beard. Corby Street Play ground. Bottom. Left to Right: At Corby St. Model Playground 1. Frankie Russ, center, is seen gett ing ready to drink from one of the playground's water fountains; with I Sherry waiting. To the side is Robert Davidson and Wilbur Billingsley. 2. Youngsters on Trapeze Poles. 3. Shirley Beard, Jeannette Horne, Sylivia Kelley and Peggy Union on Junior Slide. 1 BY LAWRENCE P. LEWIS On Monday. May 20th, we visited the Model Playground at 24th and Corby Sts. which was sponsored by the Good Fellows Fund. The World Her ald and the Park Dept. Most of the play fixtures were up and a beautiful blanket of green surrounding the en closure, was beginning to show through the straw. It has been a long time since I have seen so many children together, playing and having fun. Of Twin Slide at Corby St. Playground: Among those in this group are: Shirley Ann Beard in the foreground, 2805 No. 25th St., St. Benedict's School Emmett Ashby. 2209 No. 25th St„ of Lake School; Norman Carpenter, 2030 Maple St.. Lothrop School; Lonnie Morrow, 2906 No. 26th St„ Howard Kennedy School; Oscar Redden, Jr., 2026 Miami St„ Lothrop; Alfred Hall, 2221 No. 25th St„ Lake School; Arth ur B. St earn es, 2515 Grant St., Lake School; Russell Billingsley, 2207 No. 25th St, Lake School; Carl Bryant, 2515 Miami St, Lothrop School; Jim my McCleridy, 2722 No. 25th St, Lo throp School; Vernon Brown, 3516 Emmett St; Velma Lee Johnson, 2426 Burdette St, St. Benedict’s School; Ernest Hill, 2823 Burdette St, St. Benedict; Edward Gloss, 2225 No. 26 St; Melvin D. Hunter, 2216 Ohio St; Earl Graves, 2106 Lake St, Lake Sch ool; Wesley Ashby, 2209 No. 25th St. Kiddies Swinging at Fontenelle Play ^ Ground. Seen in this group are: Ann i Sherman, Nancy Washington, Margar et Taylor, Percy Hall and Lawrence Lane. course I admit that it took Al, the pho tographer, quite a whi]e to persuade me to go to the playground with him. I generally feel more at home with the grown-ups, but now I am beginning to wonder. We were not there five minutes be fore the children began crowding around us, because they had a feeling we were there for something special. I could not but help laughing at the small boys, taking their shoes off, and playing in the sand. It had been so long since I had done the same thing, and believe me, I wanted to do it again. Little Shirley Ann Beard with her litle sister, dashing about, too ener getic to keep still, until A1 called them over to take their picture. A young man about 8 years old, grabbing my hand, saying: “Aw come on, let’s go i down the slide”. “Swell, isn’t it”, A1 said while ad justing the lense of his Graflex, which brought out all of the seasonal beauty in colors. “I understand”, he contin ed, "that they contributed more than $8,000.00 to build this Model Play . ground”,.* “You can’t measure places |ike these by terms of cash”, I answered, “hundreds of thousands of men died in order for our children to laugh and play. Can you measure lives by money? When I see these boys and girls laugh ing, talking, forming friendships, some of them lasting a lifetime; I cannot think in terms of money, but in hap piness and good boys and girls, who are not thinking of war. death and de struction, but who are building their lives amid pleasant surroundings and pleasant friends.” S A1 was taking pictures and I was conversing, but the youngsters asked me so many questions. I decided to Jet them do the talking. “Do you like this playground?”, 1 asked. They all answered in unison: “Yes, very much!” “Will our pictures be in the paper?” They wanted to know. “Sure, this week, me and A1 promi sed them”. “Oh goody”. And by the smiles on their youthful faces, it was easy to see that it was their playground and would play as great a part in their development as their home, their school and their church. | Being in the spirit, we decided to | visit the other nearby playgrounds. Over at the 20th and Burdette ball park we found Coach Marty Thomas putting his Junior League ball players through their limbering up excercises. But the big game hadn’t gotten under way so after visiting around and list ening to the players from the various teams debating the merits of ball players both local and national, we journeyed up to the FonteneJIe play ground where the youngsters too, were enjoying themselves. Note the hand some young man with the big smile, sitting in the slide, he is none other than Master Lee Sherman, 2121 No. 24th St. • IT PAYS TO. ADVERTISE • For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide C. C. Galloway, veteran North Oma ha business man and newspaper pub lisher, opened his Campaign Headqu arters this week at 2418 Grant St. with an energetic staff of workers. Galloway says he is basing his campaign on his Record and Performances. “I believe alt candidates for Public Office should be willing to run on their Record of Actual Performance." | Galloway stated when interviewed on Monday “And with this in mind, I am releasing a detailed report on my Civic, Political and Business Record, as well as my Platform. I sincerely hope that the other 5th District Candidates will submit their Records for Public In spection in order that the Voters may judge from all of our respective Re cords as to who will give them Sin cere, Progressive and Active represen tation in the State Senate”. “I do not believe in Mud Slinging”, Mr Golloway continued, “that, in my estimation, is an out-dated method of trying to befog and befuddle the pub lic and to camouflage the vital issues or to cover up for the lack of them. The modern voter expects more act ion and achievements and less empty talk. My activities in the interest of civic and - economic betterment have never been restrained or repressed and I believe that the good citizens of the 5th Legislative District are desirous of having a man representing them who will not let grass grow under his feel or cob webs cover his eyes when their interests are at stake”. The Omaha Guide wishes to state that it’s columns are opened to all can didates of the 5th District who wishes to state their platform to the Puplic; without any charge whatsoever. 3 ■ m Si gl ST |! W .rl FAST SIDE m 4 49 ST m GS t> £ r' I-4--1 tn Roosevelt Post ho. 30 To Hold Memorial Services; To Parade Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 30, American Legion, will hold their An nual Memorial Services Sunday, May 26th, 11 o’clock am. at St. Johns AME Church. Parade starts at 10:30 am. All veterans are invited. Veterans are asked to meet at 10 a. m. Sunday at American Legion H. Q. wearing Army uniforms if possible. TWO OUTSTANDING SCHOOL CITIZENS Each year the Business and Profes sional Women’s Club entertains two 8th grade girls from each school in the city at a tea. The girls are chosen for outstanding citizenship and achieve ment. This year Miss Joan McCaw, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. McCaw, 2806 Ohio St., and Miss Em ma Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Simmons, 2922 Grant St., were chosen to represent Howard Kennedy School. The Tea was held Sunday May 19, at the Elks Club. A talk was given by Mrs. Charles Meade and a music al program presented by the Union Pacific Chorus. Governor Hastie, Governor Decast ro. Governor Tugwell, Commissioner Pi nero, ladies and gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure on the occasion of my first visit to the Vir gin Islands to join with you in inau gurating your new Governor. This is both a festive and a solemn occasion. It is a time for taking stock of our accomplishments and for rechecking our policies in the democratic admin istration of the territories under the jurisdiction of the United States. The Congress of the United States is the policy-making branch of our democratic Government. The Depart ment of the Interior and the Gov ernor of the Virgin Islands administer the policies laid down by the Con gress. Congressional policy has been to help the people of the Virgin Is lands to help themselves. Congress believes that the most effective action to resolve your problems is not that conceived in Washington but that which is inspired and developed with in the Islands. The Department of the Interior has the primary responsibility of seeing that the Governor is a man who un derstands the problems which con front him, a man who can get along with the people he is to govern, a man with the intelligence and imagi nation to work out with you a con structive program for the advancement of the Islands, helping the people most by putting them in a position to help themselves. It is also the policy of the United States Government to consider the aspirations of the people in the territories themselves in estab lishing governmental controls. The eventual attainment of self-govern ment for the territories is the funda J mental goal toward which our policy is directed. The Governorship of the Virgin Is lands is a challenge to the ability and wisdom of any man. I do not have to catalog for you the number of excel lent reasons why William Hastie will make a great Governor. Governor Hastie has what no other Governor before him has had as he began his term of office: a thorough knowledge of the social and economic problems of the territory and an understanding of the people themselves. This knowl edge was acquired during his work as Assistant Solicitor of the Interior Department and later during the 25 months he spent as Judge here in,the Federal District Court. Your affection and enthusiasm for William Hastie, expressed through communications to the Congress and the President and to the Department of the Interior, as well as editorial* and news comment in your newspa pers have demonstrated your approval of his appointment. This expression has given us the feeling that Governor Hastie’s appointment is the next best thing to his having been chosen in a popular election. In his capacity as Assistant Solici tor of the Interior Department Gov ernor Hastie had much to do with the drafting of the Organic Act of the Virgin Islands—legislation which has been tested through use of almost 10 years. Its revision now in the direc tion of an increased measure of self government is of paramount interest to you. One of the recommendations made by your Organic Act Reform Committee that the Islands be en titled to a Resident Commissioner ha* been incorporated in a bill which I will soon recommend to the Con gress. I know you want the fight to elect your own Governor, and I know that that provision too will come with time. Governor Hastie has a great oppor tunity. I am sure that he will prepare a practical program to build a firm economy for the future development of the Islands. I am sure that under his administration private capital in vestments will be encouraged and larger markets will be built up for lo cal products and that the tourist trade will be promoted. You will always find the Depart ment of the Interior ready to give all the aid it can to practicable projects. But I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance, for your political and economic future, of a demonstration through legislation and administrative programs that you are able to plan and build for yourselves. We have all come here with high hopes that a new period in the history of the Virgin Islands is about to be gin. Certainly we are being given a unique opportunity to test the ability of democracy to solve difficult politi cal and economic problems. The abil ity of democratic society to correct the inequalities, artificially estab lished, which deny economic or poli tical freedom because of race, color or creed is a basic test of our govern mental system. You here and we in Washington are partners in a pro gram which will bring cerdit to us all and to the cause of territorial popula tions the world over. Under Governor Hastie’s intelligent guidance and en couraging leadership I am confiident that the impetus for a solution of the Island’s destiny will come from the Islands themselves. I pledge the co operation of my Department to him and to you in working out that des tiny. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH-* of Judge Wm. Haatie'a Life on Page 6.