The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 18, 1946, Page 6, Image 6
£ s fp^HUJAMjg V* MBEWAtUg^^ A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN W H I R £ I NTNMNIOuTliB IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUN S E L AND GUIDANCE ss%-°s snyS'SLwi'Js 7°™ ssli? i-ics^s'uiiss-A ■? ABBE’S 1946 INSPIRATIONAL READING With eaehTLrfi™' **nd„26e »« ft- « P*™on.l letter of round and constructive ,d“4 Tm^*,"**’* ,M' — problem, within the realm of reuoaWritetD f-U» “d THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box II. Arlanta 1, Georgia W. X.—Will you please advise me what to do? My husband is just out of the Navy and I thought he had made a change. But now he is just ripping and running and staying out all night and never has any money. When he gets his check this month, .he is going to school..he left that morning going to town. When he came back that nite he didn’t have a cent and I think that a check for almost a hundred dollars is too much to just go out and throw away. Please tell me something as soon as possible. O Ans:—Its very evident that he hasn’t realized the seriousness of marriage nor the value of the training to which he has access, .he’s displaying an adoles cent outlook on life at the present. He had to toe the mark several years in service and he couldn’t resist the op portunity to "blow the works’ and cut up a little. Be patient with him. Lead him out of this period of restlessness and discontent and let him know that you can be a good sport rather than fret and nag at him about his escap ades. With your love and devotion you can help him to settle down to a morel serious life. J. P. W.—I have read your column for a long time and see where you have helped so many people. I am ask ing for help. My wife just won’t cook and do as she should. She will go ou: and drink anil when I gethome there won’t be anything fixed to eat and I have to do it all. She has a son by a previous marriage and I buy for him like he was my own but it doesn’t look ike she appreciates that at all. What should I do? Ans. It she refuses to be a house wife and prepare the meals, then she really ought to go to work so that she could have something to occupy her time. Idle hands are the devil’s work shop..and you would be doing her a favor to insist that she begin putting her time to good advantage. A change from her present associates is probab ly all she needs to help her see the er ror of her ways. What you two need is to make friends from the same group instead of each having his own indivi dual set of associates. L. C.—I am a senior in college. I ; have been secretly married for quite some time. My husband who is in the ! service writes and tells me he has be come involved with another woman and has a child which is his. He says he still loves me. We haven't lived toge ther as he has been away and I have been in school. Should I have this marriage annulled? Ans: Your husbanh has been com pletely honest and confessed everything even though he knew in doing so he JACK DAVIS __ By TED WATSON TUB aZEAT SlAYSEYS A*P s/ft PAL lANXY AKE A4W .&£4?> 72 TAKS OFF FOG PAYO WHEffE ST ft BEUBVED M/J/.E ftft 7AA.ES/ ?£FLOSS.. . a<4v.$M/m- vao ici/'i/. ss VJ mavo rue scsy+Ti Pi-sAisp iv/m) V THE S4MBCD, MOIV My WORK, J jt r»£ O/tf&r /* //► I’M i>KR£, \ I > HAM&f MR MY£R$-J Al Si6HT— LAMM, IET'<> SOLL/ AU. /X>^\ HBt£ OF 147Z /<, 1 7>/^> OFT F£V>0/V, ~TV X>/FF£££MT / L. &4Yi / ^£, Vmm Continent*] Fe*torej ►T/V AMX/OE* 7Z> <S£r ^ MV /VAMP* OM MM IE, 7h£ YEUOH *<?i/USr7 JIM STEELE 0y MELVIN TAPLET fi&ktol,NBCwr jOKiLLTneazBP imjAhmi^a^uo DBJLVFRI6WTBJEP &/Ajum£m<£. ATWII06WAHM< AWO^E M'D,66B HJ6 CAN6eR,!«WXK8D MAkSU 0UT7 FtAYl W6r AWMCHM^TOlD voMi rmrm^v HAD WANTED ID ttLUiBi1 'WELL, I'LL SOON KNOW.. 12 MAKSU14 COMING Ta ll R5i*K95fj2P COURSE HE'LL^ I HE WOULD/ deny it/ wi4at f AWAKEN/'< DO YOU EXPECT?J I'VE GOT TO KEEP BUIFRNG'S1I2^?W Y WH-WHAT HIT ME ? THAT DEMON CAT..OH, I KNOW// DOUMEI,yOUR NATIVE PRINCE) ^.A TRAITOR/HE . -ENOU&H/..OURGOAL l£ THE, URANIUM AND I INTEND TO < REACH IT - REMEMBER THAT) AHMI sA!D IT |<S> VERY NEAR.7- i PERHAPS, I VO A NOT NEED /EITHER OF YOU QUARRELSOME MALES, ANY , LONGER./ y BREEZY By T. MELVIN JSAY, 0REEZY/ HOW DO YOU LIKE ‘STUDYING’4 HI4TORY IN SCHOOLr-! tWITHOUTTHEOTHEgfcf J WHAT PO YOU MEAN ?' ‘STUDYING' IN ‘SCHOOL* WITHOUT THE OTHER ffff Onrnrrrffrtil (YEP/ I HEARD DOT feAAlTH £AY THE OTHER > PAY THAT A (HISTORY ^TUPENT^) -YOU'RE IN A CLASS BY ; ^YOURSELF/ SQUIRE EDGECATE —A Hazardous Existence BY LOUIS B1CHARIT SQl»(?E Vou A*£ t/P 50A>f J-irE M Sl)Rt)MCE * ir*i av QlRo RJ.R*fE. Sure 7v<*6 -*'V£ EVE* /fVSURE. Z9X» 090 "DRIVERS e>bice i yyfiore fi “Pokier fob f) VEEP SE* Vf?ivE/? - So you SEE 7h*e So^e 7EP*> Bi-z— CHQHCES S ~ . _ [ HQvE A I5/v»o«!E •'wVJtE \/oU&Z wrtmm* Av' V £)&&*.•€£> 7i$» ] “ -jxk ”“J ©y TW Pv>Qy Do you Ssnox'E o 7r These Ohl 1/£S n$ /VI y/ j FQvoPlTt 8to«d / Smo*Z /9 froze* OF E** kvfi.*. I ^tULO-ur IH SURE vour* J~>FE 9r QLt THE* - Tnt) ts To o a'>uC* OTr ** -^ir>iSX * ti.dO.-S <T"'0[ HUCKLEBERRY FINN cSSteclfiS <riS | LOOKS L\KE ft IRMHBOH [FhCToRf DO -Y00 L apoxe f IT* A 1 SlQNftL J FROM MARtrt 100KS UKE * i HOCV.YWOOD • [ Movie PrettEW ml W RECKED SOLAR LEONARDO. N. J.-Soundphoto—A view of the half-sunk (JS destroyer es cort “Solar” after she- had blown up at the pier her while unloading ammu nition. Force of the explosion ripped the bow up. Seven were killed and 150 injured might ruin any chance for happiness with you and you must appreciate this fact. Before preceeding with your own plans for annullment. see him and talk it over. After seeing him you do not have to live together if you can find no forgiveness in your heart. E. M.—I met and fell in love with a man who was in service. He now has his discharge and he went to his home immediately afterwards but didn’t stay long. He came right back to me. He wants to marry me and go back to his home which is far away. I love him but I feel that we wouldn’t be happy if I should go and live around his people. I believe we would be much happier making a place for ourselves. I know we love each other but we quarrel over this point. Ans: Yes he loves you, else he would not have traveled a thousand miles to propose marriage and ask to take you back home. His idea is not to live in the house with his folks, .merely to go to that section where he is establi shed. If you feel that you can’t make this concession, then you are not suffi ciently in love to marry him. Marriage is a partnership, .of give and take, if a successful union is to be realized. You are using good judgement to thr ash this problem out now before mar riage rather than wait until afterwards and then fail to reach a mutual under standing. TUNNEY NO FRIEND OF CONN’S NEW YORK CITY—(Calvin’s News Service Billy Conn and Gene Tun ney met at a publisher's luncheon at the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria. But there was nothing cordial about the meeting. “Lse your head, Billy”, cautioned Promoter Mike Ja cobs, though Billy was seething with rage at the entrance of the man who predicted Joe Louis would knock him out in a round or two at the forthcom ing heavyweight fight. Photographers coaxed Billy to meet Tunney but he held his ground until finally Billy and Jacobs were called to t'y stage along with Tunney. Then Billy said ‘hello’ and begrudgingly shook hands. The Waited Column By H. W. Smith The R. R. boys are serving with a smile on wheels. Waiters at the Regis Hotel, and the White Hore Inn on the ball with the tray totin’. Paxton Hotel head waiter and his crew on the improve on service daily. Fontenelle Hotel waiters going good at all times. Waiters at the Hill Hotel very much on the beam with the chow. Bhckstone Hotel waiters taking a good care of the service. Muscian head-waiter and his on the ball crew going places and doing some things on a large scale. Matridee Ward and his wide-awake captains, Mr. Commodore, the ex-army oificer. Mr. Mitchell, the balcony chief of staff. Mr. McFarland from the Lone Star State and Mr. Chester Hodges, who makes long drives on the golfing links, are all in the front line on the serving at the OAC at al times. TO HONOR BOOKER T. WASHINGTON NEW YORK. N. Y.—“Booker T. Washington Day” will be celebrated by the 33 member colleges of the Uni ted Negro College Fund on May 23, when the bust of the great Negro ed ucator is added to the Hall of Fame of New York University. In making the announcement, Frank M. Totton, national chairman of the Fud, poited out that Washington was a graduate of one member college, Hampton Institute, and the founder of another, Tuskegee Institute. Local committees of the United Ne gro College Fund in 37 cities through out the nation will hold luncheon or dinner meetings and public rallies hon oring Washington, Mr. Totton said. COUNT BASIE TO OPEN ■ AT ROXY THEATRE NEW YORK CITY..Calvins’ News Service—Count Basie opening at the Roxy Theatre May 29th makes him the first name band to play at the theatre since his engagement a year ago. He will be there for four weeks._ "Next Door” By TED' SHEARER Continental Features “ With all the hungry folkg in the world, the least you could do is share that with me 7AN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN COMTIMEHTM.' fCMVmeS @(KuL0 “So this is the kind of resignation you hand in to a GOOD Boss!” TRAINED—for the Job EXPERIENCED in the Job ON HIS RECORD ( Political Advertisement) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTOXE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 A Beverage 4 Macaw 7 Gaze fixedly 9 Send back, as money 12 Musical instrument 13 Polynesian 14 Persian coin 15 Scheme , 16 Blends, as colors 18 Exhausted 19 Pale 21 Ventilate 24 Unconsumed 28 Mock at 30 Track 31 Peaceful 33 Groove 34 River of for getfulness 36 Dinner course 39 Tall tales 43 First man 44 Horned animal 45 Raged 47 Blaze 48 Goddess of peace 49 To set again 50 Inflamed spot on eyelid 41 Siamese coin DOWN 1 Heathen 2 Ecclesiastical scarves 3 Writing implement 4 Fortify 5 Appear again 6 Cleansing part of a plant 7 Classify 8 Group of three Solution in Next Issue. No. 50 10 Persia 11 Tinge 17 Crammed 18 Roughly outlined 20 Indefinite article 21 Viper 22 South Ameri can river 23 Fabulous bird 25 Sailor i 26 Shield 27 Snare ’ . 29 Threadlike conductor (elec.) 32 Neuter pronoun 35 Little eagle 36 Hindu garment 37 Jewish month 38 Washes 40 Cook in an oven 41 Entitle 42 Let it stand 46 Tunis ruler 47 Friar’s title Series D^S "" 1 Answer to Pomelo No. 41 GOOD OPPORTUNITY i TWO ’nt", corner and art joining, os ! -on I li tv cm corner 21*t and Grace Extensive frontage on botb 21st and Gruce. Ideal for 2 or more home* nr especially suited as Churck grounds. Make rrasisnalsle offes IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33f or Call HA-0800. 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 7. Thorough yet Gentle in Etlecl. 3. No Unpleasant Alter-etlects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Famity tor Months. Caution: Use only as directed. At oil druggists. Or write lor FREE GEN EROUS SAMPLE. Inner clean Co. 846 E. Sixth St. Los Angeles 21. Calil. Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE •for Quick Hauling We Haul & Move Everything. -Phones AT-9982 J A-1499 * - 24th & Lake Sts. ] > PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery -WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy • LEGAL NOTICE Omaha Guide 3t begin May 4 1946 ending Mav 18, 1946 H. J. PINKETT. ATTY NOTICE OF HEARING FOR ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Dougla» County, Nebraska. Ro'.k 66. Paee 269. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF BELZORA COLLINS, De ceased. The State of Nebraska, To AH Part ies Interested: Notice is hereby given that application has been made to this Court for granting of administration of said estate to Lucille Gordon. Hearing will be had thereon in this Court on May 29th, 1946, at 9 o’clock A. M., at which time and place you may appear and contest the same. ROBERT R. TROYER, County Judge. Classified Ads Get Resuits! Organist for Church, — Call jJAckson 3315. Houses For Sale Anyone or all of the following Houses, 1604-1606 - 1608 North 29th street. All completely mod em—Reasonable prices. Will ac cept a Good Used Car as Down Payment. JOHN GUSPER & SON 2312 N' St., MA 5490. AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Faraam Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buv, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home” Beaut it ul Drape Suits all sizes Oxford Clo. Co. 1101 Farnam • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone JAckson 7284. —Mrs. C. M. Elder. DRESSES AND COATS, Size 44 and Children’s Clothes CALLGLen. 4065. Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh* borhood—HA-0137. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNTTURH * CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rufrs, Bedn. Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. “We Buy and Sell" — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST. LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS ED HOLM & SHERM\N HOI North 34th St WE. #05* EMERSON LAUNDRY 3334 North 34th St. WE. 103* Yes, smart man and men by the thousand* know haw goickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS OinV meat works to re*era the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, "spots" eczema and ringworm. Oripaal, gees nee Palmer’s SKIN SUC CESS Olatmeot has hern proved for oear 100 year*. try H OB the guarantee of' satisfaction or money back, 25* (Economy 75* sis* contain* 4 time* as much). At all store* or from E.T.Brown* Drug Co, 127 Water St, Now York City. Hrio rooiafsre complexion beouty sefth Palmer** SUN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) Us 'P,a£ineA&