South Omaha Merchants’ Buyers Guide ^ * GREATER OMAHA GUIDE” Continuous Publication for Nineteen Years '--_ _ » --- - * Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, May 18, 1946 But You Can Be Wise.. by ‘Taking Advantage’ of these Ad Offerings which Means - “Take Home Savings” after Patronizing the South Omaha Merchant> herewith listed. Everything that is available, These South Omaha Merchants Have . . in the NEWEST and BEST in FOOD, FURNITURE, MOTOR CARS, as well as in CLOTHES and ENTERTAINMENT, and some 36 other Major Groups of WANTED GOODS and SERVICES. By Popular Demand (by George H. McDavis) DEAR SUBSCRIBERS: The MERCHANTS OF SOUTH OMAHA here represented below, has made this page, for YOU, POSSIBLE! You can do your SHARE by referring t* these Ads, when in need of necessities for the Home. PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS! MADSEN SUPPLY CO. REFRIGERATORS—STOKERS— WASHERS GAS STOVES— RADIOS—OIL BURNERS • Bendix Washers 4713 SOUTH 24TH MA. 3806 MARTISON HARDWARE -Company TAINT & *GLASS I ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES < “We Appreciate Your Trade” MA. 2016 3912 ‘O’ ST. -FRANK ). MERWALD •TORRID ZONE FURNACE SHEET METAL & FURNACE REPAIR WORK 5032 SOUTH 24TH MA'4600 Kitty’s FROCK SHOPPE for Smart Wearing Apparel “SHOP AT KITTY'S” 4718 SOUTH 24TH MA. 4080 V. Georgeff Expert.. Shoe Repairing —LOWEST PRICES— 2905 ‘Q’ ST. MA. 6382 E. O. FUREN CO. Jewelers & Optometrists ? *KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS* “W e Appreciate Your Trade” 4839 SOUTH 24TH MA. 1327 THOMSEN & SONS FLORISTS Tf Open Evenings and Sundays 4—CUT FLOW ERS—FUNERAL DESIGNS—> ' S POTTED PLANTS—VEGETABLE PLANTS IN * SEASON 5414 SOUTH 36TH MA. 1387 For Sale Rebuilt Vacuum Cleaners $14.95 up (One Year Guarantee) • Will Make - Trade or Rebuild Yours Like New! • PARTS FOR ALL MAKES WASHERS AISD SWEEPERS DEPENDABLE WASHER & SWEEPER SERVICE 4716 South 24th MA. 2111 FERRIS SEED CO. —“Farmers Cash-A-way”— FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS CHICKENS • POULTRY SUPPLIES & REMEDIES • FARM SUPPLIES 5029 SOUTH 24TH MA. 6340 MODERN APPLIANCE CO. Expert Radio & Refrigeration Service • AUTHORIZED MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE MArket 6969 4910 SOUTH 24TH FORBES FURNITURE CO ‘EVERYTHING for the HOME’ “We Appreciate Your Trade,’ C'f-S 5012 SOUTH 24TH STREET Shebilsky Paint & W allpaper . —STORE— * QUALITY PAINTS (MINNESOTA TESTED) “We Appreciate Your Trade” 2409 ‘L’ MArket 2996 GENERAL REFRIGERATOR SALES & SERVICE • COMPLETE LINE OF SHEET METAL & FURNACE REPAIRING ^ Gibson Refrigerators, Duchess Washers SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, RADIOS MA. 4311 2917 4Q’ ST. fine Quality-Personalized PRINTING JUST CALL HA-0800 SOUTH OMAHA HAPPENINGS -(By LAW'REISCE P. LEWIS ) SOUTH SIDE CENTER HAS The Peonies' Friend R. C. PRICE Candidate Board of Education R. C. PRICE I am qualified for the job. I will work to the interest of the people. I favor increased pay for the teachers, and a full school term. The School Board nomin* ation is subject to the Primary, June 11. 1946. (Political Advertisement) (Political Advertisement)