Where to go to Church Sunday BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 30th and S Streets Rev. M. C. William Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU 6 PM. • NIO.V ME MO It IA I_THE METHODIST CHURCH. 3223 "U" Streetj South Omaha Rev A. L. Hook. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. Church 25th and K Streets Rev. Fant, pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A- M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. PIT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH *010 R street. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor, Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Re porter, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m.f Morning Worship 11 A. M. BTU 6 P. M„ Evening worship 8 p. m., CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST *712 ‘R‘ Street, Elder A E Johnsont Pastor Bunday School _10 o'clock YPWW ___6:30 Wednesday night..Bible Band Tuesday night _Prayer Band Thursdayi Sewing Circle afternoon at 2 pm. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Elder G P Benson. Pastor 1710 North 25th Street Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST £318 North 28th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 1839 North 24th Street. Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Bunday school . . .9:45 a. m. Morning Worship .11 ajn. BTU. at .. .6:30 pm. Church of The Living God C.W.F-F. 2316 No. 25th St Rev. R B. Sparks, Oklahoma City Pastor Mary Alice Crumb, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 11:30 A. M. Evening worship 8 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Wation. pastoi lode'll Watson, reporter YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St., Rev. Adams, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 s. m. LKW. Mission, Thurs. 8 p.m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. Prayer Service, Wed. 8 o. m. WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Christine Phillips, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Momin gworship, 11 a. m. B. T. U., 6 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Sr. Mission, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Piayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. BETHEL AME. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. C- L. Williams, Pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 25th and Hamlton St. Charles Favors. Pastor Mrs. Ed. Dortch, Reporter Sunday schiel, 9:30 a. m.| Morning Worship, 10:45 t-TU. 6 d M. Evening Wornip 7:45 p. m. Sunday School—9:30 a. m Moming Service—11 o’clock Allen Christian Endeavor \Mtr goe—6:30 p. m. Phone Us Your c^>iol. T neat News ST. PHILLIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1119 No. 21st Street Rev. S. G. Sanchez, Rector Mass: 7:30—9:00 Church School—9:45 SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Decatur St. Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor L. A. Henderson- Reporter Sunday Shool 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. BTU 6 pm Evening Worship HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio Streets Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor Mrs. T. Newt, reporter 8:30 am.—Sunday School 11 a. m.—Morning Servics 11th and Ella Streela Rev. S. W. Wilkersan, pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Services, 11:00 a. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Visitors are always weleoma. CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. .... . Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reporter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a- m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 1811 North 26th St. Rev. A. J. Thomas pastor Mi*s Bernice Ellis, reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach ing 8:00. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00. Evening Worship, 8:00 CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH OF CHKIST (Holiness) Church. 2124 North 26th Street Res 2122 North 26th Street, Rev. O A. Askerneese. Pastor, Velma Shearron. Clerk. FREESTONE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 6 p, m.—YPVW 8 p. m.—Evening Service. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant Street. Rev F. C. Williams. Pastor Sunday School, 9;30 a m. Junior Church, 1C:45 a m. Morning Worship, 11;00 a. m. BTU. 6:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:45 p.m. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, 27th and Franklin Streets Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. 25th and Decatur Sts., Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening Service. 8:00 p.m. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. 5233 South 26th St. Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Anderson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH PEOPLES’ MISSION 1710 North 27th St. Rev. W. s. Farmer. Pastor Sunday School_10:S0 Morning Worship__11:30 Prayer Services Thursday_S pm THE CHl'RCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 Parker St., Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor, Rose Oliver. Reporter, Sunday School, 9:45 a m. Morning Service. 11:30 a m. YPPU.. 5:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Grant at 25th Strec* ^ev. R. W. Johnson, pastor d. Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave., “The Friendly Church’* Rev. E. B. Childress. Pastor, Mason Devereaux, Jr., reporter Sunday School—9:80 a. ra. Morning Worship—11 o’clock Union—6:30 p- m. Evening Worship—8 o’clock CHURCH OF BOD El CHRIST 2236 Ohio iiL, Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor Worship 8 p. m, each Sunday. TttM B*n M TtmPfl vHrhlk SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760 Lake St. Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pas. Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Vesper Service Friday evening 7:45 pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P M DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST C- B., IOWA 1720 Ave. A Every Monday evening Circle Meeting 8:30 pm. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday 9:8? a m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK, IOWA 603 Grimes St., Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor, Julia Keene, Reporter, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship Ham, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig Worship 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday THE FIRST CHURC H OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J. Thomas. Pastor. Rev. Frank Johnson, Asst Pst" Rt. Rev. William Taylor, Bishop MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST BEXEDICT CATHOLIC CHIRCH 2423 Grant Street. Father Moylan, Pastor, Low Mass—7:00 a m. Children's Mass—8:30 am. High Mass—10:00 a m. CL A m CHAPEL SIETHOD1ST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street. Rev. C. C Reynolds, Pastor Mrs Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 am. Morning Worship. 11:00 a m. Evening Worship, 8:00 pm. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH | 26th and Seward Streets, Rev L R. Bragg, Pastor, Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter, 9:30 A. M...Sunday School 11:00 A. M..Morning Worship 6:00 P. M...— 3TU. 7:30 P M..Evening Worship 8:00 P M. tVednes, Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. ..Junior Church Visitors are always welcome. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, officiator Ora KCbinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday night*, at « o'clock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. Were Never Meant To Suffer Like This! Here’s a tip for women troubled by Nervous Tension, Irritability and Weak, Tired, Cranky Feelings—due to ‘middle-age’ If the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women makes you suffer from hot flashes, touchy, high strung, weak, nervous feelings, try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — this great medi cine helps build up resistance against such “middle-age” distress. Thousands Upon Thousands Helped! Pinkham’s Compound is one of the best known medicines you can buy for this purpose. It has proved some of the happiest days of some wom en’s lives can often be during their 40’s. We urge you to give Pinkham’s Compound a fair and hon est trial. Just see if it doesn’t help you, too. It’s also a great stomachic tonic! cCqdia £. (PinAkantA VEGETABLE COMPOUND i Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minates or doable yoar money back When excess stomach add causas pairtfuA, suffoeat int sas, aour stomach and heartburn. doctars usually pracdbe the fastcst-ietini medldnaa knosm for sywptflBnatle relief—medicines like these In Fell-— VaUeU. No laxatlre. Bell-ana brines ccunfStlTs IUTt or double jour money back oaretaaef bottla to us. 23c at tU dmirUti t Improved Uniform International SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for May 19 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. A FRIEND WHO LEARNED TO BELIEVE LESSON TEXT—John 11: 7. 8. 16. 20: 24-29 MEMORY SFLECTION — Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.—John 20:29. Doubt and faith—both seem to come to the hearts and minds of men. Yet they are directly contra dictory to one another and car"r't exist together. To believe is to drive out doubt, and when doubt comes in, faith loses its grip. Thomas, and his experience fol lowing the resurrection of our Lord, presents a lesson on what a man can do to meet honest doubt and how such a man can come out into the sunshine of faith. We find in Thomas, first, an ex pression of I. Fearless Loyalty (John 11:7, 8, 16). Unafraid of the threats of men. Jesus was about to go once more into Judea. On his last two visits there, the Jews had sought to kill him, namely, at the feast of taber nacles (John 8:59) and at the feast of dedication (John 10:31). He was not one to draw back for the fear of men when the Father’s will led him forward in his service to humanity. Lazarus was dead, and Mary and Martha needed him and he was going to them. Then came a fine expression of the loyalty of Thomas. If his Lord was going to face death, he was will ing to go along and die with him. Let us recognize that here was a man of real courage, willing to show his loyalty even by giving his life. There is something fine about that attitude, and something which shows us that when this man later expressed doubt, it was not the silly and shallow unbelief of a trifler. This man loved the Lord and served him, and yet he failed him. When we think we are strong, we had better watch out lest we faiL Let us be clear and triumphant in our declaration of loyalty to Christ, both by word and by life. And then let us set a double guard against the enemy of our souls. Thomas next appears in n. Gcd Wauls Balanced Men (Luke 9:49, 50). ' Power goes to a man’s head, and jhe needs the balance of God to keep -him from going astray. Then too, ! strong men have intense loyalties ,and are not afraid to assert them> land are prone to condemn all who do not conform. . John was here exhibiting that dreadfully sectarian viewpoint which persists even in our day. To him it was not enough that a man was do ing the Lord’s work; he must either join their particular circle or quit. He was willing to stop a work of grace because this disciple of Christ was not in the regular group. That same spirit prevails today. One wonders how some narrow sectarians can read the words of Jesus without blushing in shame and rushing to his feet for forgive ness and cleansing. God wants dynamic men to work for him; but he wants them to be poised and balanced in their deal ings with others, especially with the brethren. III. God Wants Patient Men (Luke 9:51-56). The friction between the Jews and the Samaritans dated from the time when the latter—a half-Gentile peo ple—were denieef the right to help in building the temple. That be came the foundation for long and bitter strife, which showed up in such a discourteous act as to re fuse a night’s lodging to travelers because their destination was the hated city of Jerusalem. Their offense viewed from anoth er angle was far more than a bitter lack of courtesy, for they were turn ing from their door the Son of God, the Lord of glory. Stubborn prejudice combined with I sp.ritual ignorance to make this i tense and explosive situation. The I sons of thunder had an answer ‘ ready—let’s blow them off the earth. Simple, wasn’t it? Yes, but nei ther right nor kind. These poor people should have drawn forth their compassion, not their hatred or a desire for revenge. Whenever and wherever you see a man set to get revenge on an other, you see a man who knows \ nothing of the true spirit of Christ (v. 55). IV. God Wants Loving Men (I John 4:7, 8). Love is not merely something that God shows toward men or in spires in their hearts,. God is love. Being God, he is love, and that love is not a passive quality but an ac tive one. He loves. Because he is love, those who profess to belong to him are also to love one another, to love a world lost in sin, yes, to love even the ut terly unlovely. Volumes have been written on this subject, but here we must be satisfied just to state the fact and to ask ourselves the direct question. Do I manifest the love of God in my life? Well, do you? APOLOSTIC CHURCH OF CHRISTl] -Pastor, Eld. Milton T. Wilson_ 2518 Cuming St. Order of Service 11 A. M.—Sunday morning worship 8 P. M.—Sunday evening services 8 P. M.—Tuesday evening, Prayer and preaching 8 P. M.—Friday evening, Bible Class All are Welcome Religious News ST. JOHNS AME CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter Reverend E. B. Chilldress ‘"To Mother’ was the subject of our ministers spiritual filled message for Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12. His capacity congregation was well plea sed with his words and thoughts for the day are as follows: It matters not how bad or unruly a son or daughter may be that mother’s love for him or her will still prevail; We cannot give our children everything their hearts desire, but if we parents don’t give them a standard they are lost; The greatest touch that we can receive from God today is the power of reality. Visitors: Mr. Wassell W. Taylor, Los Angeles; Mrs. Mary Shilby, Lin coln, Nebr; Lt. W. A. Dooley, Balti more. Md; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Biddle, Omaha. Now that the Rally has been con tinued, let all of us continue to make our contributions. We shall be look ing forward captains for some more of those luncheons, dinners, teas, musical programs, and good old-fashioned fish and chitteHing suppers and bakery sales. Let us all look and step forward until we have reached our goal of $25,000. We will achieve victory by the undivided cooperation of the entire membership. Let us support each af fair by every group for when we do so, we help St. Johns and when don’t we hurt only ourselves. St. Johns will be built by St. Johns so if we all get in and pitch together, we can build a bigger, better, and greater St. Johns, not only for ourselves but for our chil dren, our community, and for our city. i The Cheerful Builders of St. Johns j who are always doing what ever they can to spread cheer and friendliness throughout the Church, are having a good old-fashioned chicken breakfast. This affair will be held Tuesday, May 28 at 2512 Lake St. from 7 am. to 1 pm. Tickets may be secured from any member of this organization. Get yours early in order that yau might not miss out on this delicious breakfast. Time is drawing nearer for the Dis trict Conference June 12, 13, and 14. Let us kep these dates in mind and plan to house one of these young men or women who are to be our guests. We would still like to see more out for Allen Christian Endeavor on Sun days at 6 pm. Young People won’t you come out and help us plan a pro gram for you? The Pastor and stewards urge more of our members to attend the Class Meetings each Tuesday night and the prayer meetings on Wednesday nights. Mothers send your children to our Sundav School each Sunday morning at 9:30. Attend our Morning services at 11 am. and our evening services at 7:30. Friends and visitors are welcome alwavs at St. Johns the friendly church at 22nd and Willis Ave. Come and worship with us won’t you? HOPE LUTHERAN CHURfcH 30th and Corby Sts. H. H. Schauland. pastor After due instruction over a period of several months Misses Ella McIn tosh and Marie Merrill were received into membership of the church May 12. Another class has formed and have agreed to meet each week on Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the church. These lectures in whichh the doctrines o the Holy Bible are thoroughly dis cussed are open to the public. Anyone desiring to learn more about God, who He is, what He has done for us, what He expects of us and how He helps us meet His will is welcome to attend these sessions. Our aim as expresed in the word of St. Paul is to make you “wise unto salvation”. Come, “seek ye the Lord while He may be found”. It would be interesting to see a cen sus taken of this area to determine what percentage of the people attend church regularly. It might be shocking rather than interesting. The Bible calls Sunday the Lord's Day, yet many use ut as if it were their own. There are numerous organizations in this commu nity whose purpose is to make this a better place to live. W bother we like it or not, the truth still remains that the Chrisian Church is the greatest in fluence for good. Who would want to live in a city that has no churches? Yet every absence from church is a vote to close its doors. The doors of Hope Lutheran Church are wide open to all who thirst after righteousness, who seek peace and rest. Services be , gin every Sunday at 11 am. One hour [ per week in God’s House will not [ make anyone pooer but richer. It’s the “pause that refreshes”. I Sunday School begins at 10 am. “No study is more important than the stu 1 dy of the Bible. There is no more ef fective agency for such study than the Sunday School’. .President W. Wil son. Lutheran Hour Broadcast every Sun day at 11:30 over KBON. MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST , CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies”.... Prov. 31:10. Attendance for the day was excel lent. The origin of Mother’s Day was given as the prologue to the sermon by the pastor from Proverbs 31:10; praising the characteristics of a vir tuous woman afforded splendid mater ial for the sermon 'The Best Compan ion’. At this hour three persons united with the Church. At 3 o’clock the opening of the pas tor’s anniversary. We were treated to a glorious afternoon service by the pastor, choir and membership of Sa lem Baptist Church. The pastor. Rev. J. C. Wade bringing to our hearing an excellent sermon and the choir sing ing from their souls. For the evening worship we again listened to an instructive sermon by the pastor, Gal. 6:9. text, subject was “Christian Staving Power’. At the BTU Hours, a playlet was given by Group No. 2 of the BAU Dept, entitled “The Mothers of The W orld”. Mrs. L. Lewis was the direc tress of the playlett. There will be baptizing next Sunday morning. Special prayer was offered for Bro. A. T. Stewart one of the older mem bers of the Church who is now seri ously ill at the Methodist Hospital. Pva-w was offered by Rev. F. S. Good lett for Mr. Harry Lewis. Others who are ill are Sisters Ada Swewart; El len Butler; Mary Jackson; Willie White; and J. Voner. We are very grateful to Mr. Harry Lewis for his generous financial gift to the Church. Visitors and riends are always wel come to Mt. Moriah. CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 25th and Decatur St. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor NOTES AND PERSONALS Sunday School was well attended ! last Sunday. All departments were re presented. H. L. Cribbs, supt.; Rev. G. Bivins, Dept. supt. The morning services opened on the hour. The choir, stewardess, ushers, and usherettes were at their posts. Rev C. C. Booker gave us the message. He preached on the subject of “Mother” as it was Mother’s Day. I wish we might realize, not for a day, but for always, what a true mother is really Hk«V How she actuallv feels, what she honestly deserves. Give your mo ther flowers now. Sing your praises of your mother, but while you do so, pay her a far greater tribute. Not such as you’d pay a plaster saint of a pap er doll, but a tribute to the courage and beauty of a great fighting human who dared to live above herself..for you..your mother. The Loyal Matrons are asking every one to support their bridal wedding contest by purchasing a vote. The Pastor Pride Club's president. Mrs. Vera Harris, will be leaving the city on the 22nd for Nashville, Tenn., Birmingham, Ala, and other southern cities for two weeks or more. Every one is wishing her much enjoyment. Youth movement at 6 nm. Please send your children out. Mrs. Wright is asking all the Jr. Choir members to come to rehearsal Wednesday evening. Please remember the sick in your pray ers. Marie Hudgens, reporter FIRST MISSION of GOD CHURCH Prop. Hess, Pastor Our pastor preached a wonderful sermon on Mother’s Day Sunday morn ing entitled “Mother". .Gen. 4:2; St. Luke 4:24; Exodus 20:12: St. Luke 2:34; and Matt. 12:47-50. I wish that every young mother, old mother and hoys and girls, fathers too, could have heard him. A real Mother’s Day pro era mwas enioved by all. At 3 pm. Rev. Frank Johnson was present to help make the program a success. Our pastor’s subject Sunday night “You must be born again'..St. John 3:7. We thank each one for their splendid coop eration. May God ever bless you. You are always welcome to worship with us. Services: Tuesdays, Thursdays; and Sunday nights, 8 pm. Also Sunday morning at 12 noon, 2734 Blondo St. CHURCH OF THK LIVING GOD 2412 Parker St. C W F F Sunday School opened at 9:45. The uorning service at 11:00. The pastor selected for his ssbject “Peace Be Still”. His text for Sunday night, May 19 will be on Church. The pastor de livered a very inspirational Motrer’s Day serron that was enjoyed by all. Rev. “spirer. the supt. of the Sunday School, preached a wonderful sermon at the evening service. Don't forget that there are five more nights of feast in the wilderness. Come out and wor ship with us. Roma Buxton, rep. —,— ---- I SHOULD DO SOMETHING CONCRETE ABOUT BROTHER HOOD-REV. GILLIGAN MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—Christian | peoples should stir themselves beyond the realm of talk and cooperate with groups working on responsible pro grams to relieve racial tensions. That is the advice of Rev. Francis J. Gilligan. priest-professor at St. Paul's Seminary. St. Paul, gave mem bers of the Lenten institute here at the Catholic Youth Center. Chairman of the Minnesota Govern or’s Interracial Commission, the spea ker said: “We do a great deal of talk ing about brotherhood, but we should do something concrete about the sit uation right here in Minneapolis to relieve colored people in their hous ng and employment problems. “There is a necessary contradiction between anti-Semitism and Catholic ism’. he said. “You can’t be one and be the other. Anti-Semitism exists as a serious thing in the realm of con versation”. “People say things that cant be sub stantiated”, Fr. Gilligan declared. They use rash judgement against the race, while professing to be against anti-semisism. It’s psychological mar ijuana”. Rev. Francis J. Gilligan, professor of dogmatic theology at St. Paul s Ca tholic Seminary. St. Paul, and chair man of the Minnesota Governor's In terracial Commission, received public commendation for his work in Race relations recently, in the editorial col umns of the Minneapolis Times, daily newspaper published here. A distin guished scholar. Father Gilligan is the author of “The Morality of The Color Line” Me DONALD REPORTING By C. C. McDonald Rivett Lumber and coal Co., 2736 N. 62nd says he can furnish you with the very best fuel for this winter and is prepared to deliver your coal anytime from 62nd St., or 42nd and Lake. Call him when in need of coal. COISSTIPATlOy ACIDITY, GAS, AFTER OVER INDULGENCE IN EATING OK DRINKING. TAKE DELICIOUS, DEPENDABLE VAYA-LAX EFFERVESCENT POWDERS ....The care of your health should form your most important duty.... The worst enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your intestines and you will experience the general health and the joy of living. For internal cleanliness, however, do not en trust your delicate digestive or-, ganism to any ordinary product. Be choosy—take delicious, effec tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy Bottles $1.00. High Blood Pressure If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and use GARLIC and PARSLEY TABLETS for relief, we carry the best Per Box $1.25. NO C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED VAYA PAODUCT8, 242 E. 41st St., NYC 17. Dr. Walter A. Maier Bringing Christ to the Nations c^i> THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR “Over Station KBOiS every Sunvlay morn' 11:30 l —Publicity Department — 3558 South Jefferson Are., Saint Louis, Missouri C+S9 Seattle, Washington, May 19, 1946(Special) Years of seething religious unrest lie ahead, Dr. Walter A. Maier, professor of Concordia Seminary, declared today in a mes sage broadcast over the International Lutheran Hour. He declared that in an age of coarsening materialism and sag ging morals, the pure truth of Christ’s Gospel will be more viciously attacked in our own shores than ever before. “Every large nation in Europe,” he declared, “has in this generation witnessed its most widespread attack on the Christian faith and we are following this European pattern. All the widely publicized documents this war has produc ed, and which has served as the foundation for the new post war order, have not once mentioned God, nor has His name often been heard from the lips of world leaders who have either thought that they could build the new order without Him or who have deferred to unbelief and hushed His name The radio speaker pleaded for a twentieth century reviv al of th spirit of heroic loyalty which marked the church in its early years. Oe asked that the clergy rededicate itself to the Scriptural standard of preaching Christ and Him cruci fied, and pleaded that “an inactive laity pledge renewed loyalty to the cross.” Binghman, Benson Upholstering Co., 2731 No. 62nd can certainly take care of your old furniture. One would think you had purchased new furniture. He invites all to give him a trial. Bob Radio Service, 304 No. 24th, a young man in business and is very ea ger to serve the public. He can repair any and all types of radios. Bryant Radio Service, 214 No. 24th is now well prepared to do you up-to date radio service. You are always wel come in his place of business. Mr. Kirshenbaum of 1403 No., 20th St., has in stock a nice line of first class groceries waiting for you. When you fail to find what you want, go see him a nice place to shop. Russell Radio Clinic, 4108 Dodge St a nice up-to-date equipped shop with all the necessary tools for repairing ra dios. Contented workment ready to helP you with a smile. Mr. Aaron Ferrer 101 So. 8th St., has one of the largest junk yards in the city. One would be surprised to see the many different pieces of material in his place. Some of everything you could imagine. A square deal for all. Fontenell Bakery 4006 Ames Ave. is] a nice bakery. They have just moved into this place and wish all to know that they are prepared to serve you with the very best in town. Mr. Vi m. F. Clark ono North 42nd two blocks from the Fort Omaha can take first class care of your lawn mo wer or anything in that line, bring it I to him when dull. Boulevard Shop, 4416 Florence Blvd buys and sells furniture and antiques, glass and china, rugs, stoves, etc. A look in his place will convince you tha1 he is handy to all and has the stuff. Herb's Red and White Store at Lea venworth and St. Mary's Ave., has one of the nicest stores in the city. Fresh line of groceries and all kinds of good meats and vegetables. Rev. Wm. Wade 1226 R unnick St, Waco, Texas, passed this life May 6th. Rev. Wade was minister of the AME Church for many years. He leaves his wife and daughter, Mrs. Clifford Wade and Lillian. Mr. C. C. McDonald, her brother and family sent letters of con dolence to them. COMMUNIST LEADER TO SPEAK AT Sty t. DISH AUD. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a member of the National Board of the Commun ist Party in the United States ami a veteran leader in the American Labor movement for forty years, will speak at 8 pm. May 22, Wednesday, evening , in the Swedish Auditorium, 1609 Chi j cago Ave„ Omaha, under the auspices of the Omaha section of the Commun ' ist Party. Her subject will be “Strug j gle for Peace”. Miss Flynn was a member of the executive board of the American Civil Liberties L(nion for twenty years, was national chairman of the International Labor Defense from 1927 to 1928, ami was a national organizer foT the In dustrial 'T kers of the World from 1906 to 1918. ‘ I Miss Flynn recently returned from | Paris where she attended the interna | tional women’s conference. She is the author of numerous pamphlets. Itching Skin? Stop Scratching! Here Is Quick Ease anti Comfort Now that stainless, powerful, pen etrating Moone's Emerald Oil is available at drug stores thousands have found helpful relief from the distressing itching and torture of rashes, eczema, poison ivy and other externally caused skin troubles. Not only does the intense Itching, burning or stinging quickly subside, but healing is more quickly pro moted. Get an original bottle of Emerald Oil—Greaseless—Stainless. Money re funded, if not satisfied. WE ARE NOW ABLE... 1 to Render Much Better Service on All Laundry1 Work j THANKS for being so Patient during the Past Trying Months. Ldholm & Sherman \ —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 < tenant ta you* &e4t( wait NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS OH AGAIN—Off AGAIN HAIR DO'S - To meet all occasions PAGE BOY/ $300/ CHIGMONtS50 MADE WHILE YOU WAIT YOU CAM HAVE YOU* MAIft PERFECTLY MATCMEO / TH5 /NATURAL $2|50 •IIAID> Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair — All Shades