The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 11, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 The Omaha Guide «
I Published Every Saturday at 2\20 Grant Street
Entered as Second Class Matter March IS. 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under
Act of Congress of March 3, 187U
C. C- Gallowsy,_Publisher and Acting Editor
All News Copy of Churches and all organiz
ations must be in our office not later than 1 .00
p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising
Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday
noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure public- *
ONE YEAR ..9.. $3.0ul
SIX MONTHS .$1,751
SIX MONTHS .$2.00l
National Advertising Representatives— '
545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone:— ft
MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager 1
PLAIN TALK-by Jtthn M. Lee
Westbrook Pegler Quotes
the Lady from California
New York, NY.—Columnist Westbrook Pegler, recently
made his annual criticism of the Negro press. I cannot
say that I am an dmirer of Pegler’s work. though I must
admit a healthy respect for his success in maikug a fortune
by parading his animosity as a ferless presentaation of the
truthful and therefore more dangerous side of the news.
Pegler, the man I do not know, and can not therefore in
dulge in nor appreciate the personal attacks made upon
him by those who find it necessary to violently disagree
with the way he has selected to make a living. Pegler the
writer is a journalistic freak, a sensationalist with a positive
anti complex. That he is anti-Negro is the point behind
his yearly pilgrimage to the other side of the tracks.
Like so many others who dare not venture forth on their
own in attacking the Negro, Pegler uses quotes from a Ne
gro source. He has fallen into the habit of citing the state
'Iments of an estimable lady editor of a Los Angeles tabloid
that enjoys an intimate circulation, and which must have
had itself in mind when it said editorially, “Negro newspa
pers are powerless because the men and women behind
them and on them lack the power of skill . . . . ” With the
arrogance and superiority of a confirmed racist, Pegler
chose to disdain the qualifications of the many highly
trained publishers and editors of Negro newspapers, and
selected the lady from California and her cozy little sheet,
as his ideal for achievement in the Negro newspaper field.
It is of no interest to Pegler that there are papers that
have been owned and run by Negro families'for generations
and that those same papers are far from perfect institutions
because, his rantings and the scolding reproofs of the lady
from California to the contrary, this is a white man’s coun
try and the advertising that is the life blood of any news
paper must come largely trom white sources. Perhaps the
Negro press has not inmitated too closely the white newspa
pers and they have missed some excellent standards a* a re
sult, but through peddling luck charms and love powders
they have been able to disseminate news and information
which has helped weld the Negro minority into a strong,
alert segment of the American body politic.
The lady from California is quoted by Pegler as calling
for a return by the Negro to “the simplest tenets of dec
ency, cleanliness, thrift and perserverence.” It is not sur
prising that he seized upon this quote for bold-face present
ation, for it gives a beautiful inerence that these qualities
are lacking in the character of Negro men and women.
“Our performance,” the lady from California is quoted
to have said in an editorial, “should keep pace with our
protestations.” In these few well-chosen words you have
the essence of high moral, civic and political achievement.
It is the state, we must assume, in which writer Pegler and
the lady from California abide alone. As desirable as it
may be that al of us work to measure up and thus become
eligible to join them, most of us by choice will forego the
Pegler s New \ork outlet, the Hearst Journal-American,
has long been a most unpopular member of the metropoli
tan daily press. It has been accused of questionable ethics
and it has not hesitated to use its power to whip up a
frenzy against the Negro. The Christian Science Minitor is
a unique publication that follows dainty ethics and will not
accept liquor ads. However both newspapers that enjoy
wide circulation, and this would not be so if it were not
true that many people find something of interest in some
part of each paper.
Neither the self-sufficient Pegler, nor the talented lady
from California can say that luck charms, love powders,
sensational news stories or vulgarity are the chief reason
why people buy Negro newspapers. Perhaps the day will
come when the standard of the Negro press will be higher,
but that is, at the moment an ideal that must be worked
for like first class citizenship and the right to live where we
The lady from California is trying to build herself and
her paper into guv^> proportions in her chosen field, and
that is her right. She has taken on every Negro paper in
the country, and that is her right, but it should not be a
source of comfort to her to know that her most unrealistic
public scolding has provided a springboard for Pegler to
libel Negro soldiers with these words: “. . . the majority of
the Negro papers during this war so undermined the nation
al loyalty of Negro servicemen that they became unmistak
ably responsible or episodes humiliating to their own racial
clientele and tragic to many individual Negroes thus seduc
ed to commit grievous military crimes.” That statement,
Mr. Pegler and dear lady, is a DAMN LIE. The records of
the 0\S I will show that every Negro! paper in the country
used volumes of its material to build morale and loyalty
throughout the war period.
If Pegler means that by carrying reports of white peo
ple's discrimination and curtailment of Negro’s rights at
home made the boys at the front angry he should remem.
ber that both himself and the lady from California sub
scribed to the belief that, “Truth is always dignified.” The
influence that the Negro press exerted over our boys at the
front is a normal influence that the presentation of truth
would ordinarily have. None of the white papers, com
nutted to the practice, deleted the word Negro from any of
(By Henry C. Turner)
Chairman, NY State Commission
against Discrimination
i Condensed from May 3rd Issue of The
American Magazine
NEW YORK'S action in outlawing
prejudice in employment was a bold
and ticklish move. Nowhere in the na
tion, rarely in any other part of the
world, is there a greater mixture ol
races, creeds, and colors than in the
melting pot of Manhattan and its ad
jacent boroughs. For years certain
national groups and colors have been
forced into individual fiancfal, social,
and political cliques, with the result
that many of their members have been
unable to rise above the economic class
into which they were born.
“NO fsEGROES employed here” Such
I a sign might well have been placed on
i the door of the personnel office of one
of the country’s greatest insurance
companies. Ever since it had been
founded it had maintained a consist
ent practice against the hiring of col
ored people, refusing even to interview
them for job vacancies.
But by mid-July of last year that
firm had 40 Negroes working in various
departments in its New York offices and
had ordered personnel workers to give
every colored applicant equal consid
eration with whites.
Th'at about-face change in policy was
one of the immediate results of a re
volutionary new state law creating a
New York State Commission Against
Discrimination with power to compel
business, industry, and labor unions to
eliminate employment practices preju
dicial to an individuals’ race, creed, or
national origin.
The incident, in which the insurance
company simply had complied with the
law, was only one of several which
followed the enactment of the new sta
tute. No longer could an employer re
ject an applicant or fire an employee
because he was a Catholic, a Jew, !a
Protestant, or because he was Greek
or Polish or Egyptian or his parents
had been born in European or African i
countries, or because he was black or |
yellow or white. His application was to
be judged solely on his experience, his
'ability, and his knowledge of the job
to be done.
In view of the formidable opposition
to the Ives-Quinn Bill, as it was to be
known before it became law, the num
ber of business and industrial concerns
which have conformed to its provisions
seems almost incredible....
It must be understood that the Com
mission is feeling its way along a way
that has never been explored before.
There is no legal or social precedent
on which decisions can be based.
(The law is flexible, and we of the
Commission must apply it with com
mon sense and fairness ).
Some civic leaders said the bill would
prohibit new enterprise from settling
in the state. Businessmen cited it as
another curb on their activities, a new
case of government meddling, an impos
' sible attempt to settle a purely moral
issue by legislative intervention.
Bebause the law has been in opera
t ion less than a year, it may be too
early to assess its results, but, so far,
none of these predictions have mater
ialized. Both industry and labor have
been in large degree co-operative, ass
isting the Commission in enforcing a
statute that is without precedent in 'any
state of the Union.
Well—well another week has passed'
and we’re picking up just where we
left off. So here goes, for who knows
whats up B. 0. Plenty’s sleeves now.
He’s playing with a heel off a ladies’
shoe! Or is it off a shoe? We wonder.
And will La Rue G. lose his feet??
(joke ) by me!
Congatulations. .To one of our great
Sportsman- who was recently married.
We wish for you the best of luck Mr.
Alas-so-la-la-dada. .went to the big
Hillside Style Review Program at the
Northside YMCA Monday nite. The
styles were simply divine. First, sty
ling sports was Miss Jean Pierce in a
lovely blue suit with brown and pink
accessories. Miss Katie in her blue with
pink accessories, Masasonia Pruitt in a
grey dress with sky-blue accessories.
My did she look nice (hmn ). Next
were the twins styling grey draped suits
None other than Miss Aneeta Portei
and Bula Byson, set off by black acces
sories. Also styling sports was litte
Juanita in a two piece bue with light
cream shortie and black accessories.
In the line of afternoon wear, Miss
Anetta Porter in a fine draped brown
dress with white accessories, Bula Gy
sson in a black draped dress with black
accessories and several others by older
ladies. Little Betty King in her baby
blue two-piece suit with red accessor
ies. Also a pink dress with blue ac
cessories. My what a lady she’ll make
in about five more years!
Styling formals were Miss Jean Rudd
in a black chiffon with red trimmings,
also Mrs. Pruitt in her own pink with
silver slippers. Smaller couple (I for
got their names ) They looked awfully
Followiny the style show, William
Butler and his Cats of Rhythm played
a couple of nice numbers. There was a
nice crowd if I must say so myself.
Everyone looked nice.
Goiny together steady so it seems..
Bob Reynolds and Matsolonia Pruitt.
Were Fooled..I once was told that
April showers brought May flowers, but
I see May showered all last week....
and succeeded with her own flowers.,
funny wasn’t it?
Sounds interesting..
As usual went to church .. Dot Lawson
Well if you must know, I went to the
show.Nolean W.
I’ll never forget it.Barbara P.
Just wandered around.Kenneth G.
Hubba! Hubba!.Lucille Foxall
Boy oh boy! Are you kidding. .Ruth
W-O-R-K-E-D!. Snookie
Went riding.Harold M.
Boom! It’s 15 o’clock. I’m sleepy....
So I’ve been jipped. .1 bought a rib
bon for 10c down town. Went to the
Rose-la-Tella and got the same thing
size, and color for 5c. Boy was a salty!
Who am I?
Couples of the week—Louise Seay.
LaRue Garter; Inilia Moore, Bob Rod
gers; Jack West, Paumell Reed; Ben
Murrell, Christine Webb and Barbara
S. and Bill Jacobs; J. C. Eves, Ruth
Crash! Boom! BippL.The boxing
finished last week up at the YMCA.
Winners that I knew were little Law
rence Jennings, Sammy Williams, Al
fred Allen, Bobby Battles, Rollie Jakes
Edward Barris, Herbert Gray, Ray
Faulkner, Little Triggs, Lee Graham,
and a nice rope-skipping exhibition by
Miss Doris Ann, with several differ
ent stunts while jumping. Great if i
must say myself! Ha! Ha!
And now for the fun. Let’s start off
with a big run for the Literary Lingo!
The Gay Illiterate.Alfred Brown
Lieutenants Lady.Ruth Faulkner
Lovely is the Lee.Betty Stewart
Get The Behind Me....Velma W'atkins
Strange Woman.Nolean Whiteside
Tobacco Road.J. C. Hunter
Time for Decision.Kenny Morris
Me.Charles Stewart
Combine Operations.C—Box
Tales of two Cities.Ben Murrell
The story of the bay boy. .C. Louis Hill
Chapter, FFA. Clarinda, Iowa,
claims distinction of owning a
bus for its contest trips and other
, needs, probably the only FFA
i — • =
chapter in the midwest so eqqip
ped. It was financed with chapter
funds augmented with about one
thousand dollars donated by local
business firms and others. This
chapter’s charter members like
wise financed and built, mostly
with their ouw hands, the fine
stone chapter house shown in the
its crime stories in deference to better relationship between
the races during the war.
Whatever Pegler might say, and however much the lady
from California may speak her shame of her people, the
condition of the Negro press reflects accurately the condi
tion of the Negro race in the American scene. You can’t
straighten out the press until we straighten out the race
problem. Some of us may grow impatient and disgusted,
but nothing will help except sincere hard work on all fronts
Telling the white man how badly off we are won’t help.
He knows the score already, and he’ll only use our tirades
against ourselves to push us farther into the background.
Hie Negro press grew before the advent of Pegler and the
lady from California, and it will survive and continue to
grow despite them.
T'Kiss and Tell.Cat Wilburn
Looking for Trouble.Rogers
Here is your War.Frank
The Adventures of the Thin Man.
Pole Cat
The Inside Story.Billie Grey
The Egg and I.Bernice
Strange Fruit.Barbara Booker
Hold that line... .Geraldine, Slaughter
Farewell To Sports.Thomas
It Takes All Kinds.Robert Ely
Telephone Hour.Omaha Guide
Back. .Raymond Metover and guess
what? Lois is one happy sole (soul )
Also Nat Harvey. .Army, .looking
fine as to be expected,
I’m a lucky so-and-so. .Margaret Faison
Merry go round blues. .Billie Williams,
It is better to be by yourself_Pearl
It’s the talk of the town....Bob Cat
Baby Don’t you cry. .Charles Stewart
I wonder.J .C
Garfield Avenue Blues.Riskie
Jockey Blues.Daniel Ware
I'm in the mood for love.Buster
Did you ever love a woman... .Tokyo
I ain’t mad at you pretty baby. .John
It ain’t none of me.Bill Russ
Cottage for Sale...Bell Jacobs
Traveling Blues.LaRue Gaiter
Sweet Georgia Brown.Chicken
Walking Blues.Pole Cat
These Foolish Things Remind me of
100 years from today.Skipper
Drifting Blues.Thomas
I thought you ought to know_Tiney
I’m a Shy Guy.James Ware
We’re Together Again... .Mary Curren
Central Avenue Boogie. .Ken Graham
Pease Let me forget.. .‘.Louise Seay
It's a crying shame.Amelia
Prisoner of love.Nadine Manley
Come to baby do.Fred Lee
Bring another drink..Frank Anderson
I'm confessin’.Leroy Hilton
Sattie Popsie Blues.Anna Mae'
I know my love is true.Coleman
Jimmie Blues.Imogean
I m lost.Mass
Evil gal blues.India
Around the clock..Rodges
Now that you know.Janie Chiles
Darling.Doris Ann
All the time.Harvey
Well kids it looks like we have
something there. Next week there will
be a Tacky Dance given by the To
morrow s World Club membership
drive. Watch this column for other info.
Nice Kids to know..Hattie Williams
Evelyn Butler, Lois Brown, Clare, Jean
Pierce, Alice Holcomb. Chuck, Big
Triggs, Bishop and others.
Stop look and listen..Kids if you
haven’t met the great Jimmie Lynch,
it s a fine time you should because he
only wears some fine rags.
C..ome tell the kids
H..ow it happened
A. .t the big city
R. .eal brother ’* '
L..ast chanst..5for 5c
E..asy kids
S. .ay bye now
S. .traight from heaven
T. .all dark and fine
E. .veryone don’t know
W. .ay back home sleeping you ready • (. < |T I 1
R..ed shoes and socks
T..imes a wasting... .stop!
This week in closing; always rem
ember.. If you long for beauty and
grace; just sew your ear on your face..
Until next week.Dot
— By Al Sparks —
To Whom It Concerns..
Say Fellers: Would you mind too
much if us guys with thread-bare tires
suggested that you find some other
place, other than the street to dispose of
your bottles! Rubber is scarce, but
even if it wasn’t, we still wouldn’t be
kindly disposed towards expending our
money because of your carelessness
and lack of respect of your neighbors
and neighborhood. You are supposed
toj^_grcwn_up_fellers. It’s bad enough
when youngsters litter the streets, but
You.. \ ou are supposed to be grown
up fellers.
• • *
Grocer ( to boy ) “Hm! So you do
want a job, eh? Did you ever tell lies?
Boy: "No, but I'd be willing to
» » *
24th and Burdette
Luke Carey: He has done much to
keep the Near Northside Clean..he
has a new broom now, the household
type. Says its handier than the old
Push-Push. Luke, (industrious 1 has a
grocery store over on 26th St., near
* * »
In Front of the Church..
1st member: "Wasn't that wonder
ful about them selecting a colored wo
man as the American Mother of 1946.
Colored people are improving, aren't
2nd Member: “No the white people
are improving*.
3rd Member: “I would say, we are
ALL improving”.
* * *
Short Story
Little boy standing up in street car
seat and pointing his finger, teasingly
at AL, who was sitting in the seat be
hind:—“I know what you are”
Al:..“ Y Hello Sonny, what’s your
The little boy’s mother:. .“Sit down
Little boy, standing again:..“My
name’s Bob-bee, . .1 know what you
Al:..“Where did you get that pretty
Little boy:..“My mommie bought it
for me,..I know you are”.
His mother:. .“Now Bobby sit down’
Little boy protesting:. .“But I don’t
wanna sit down, mommie.”
Al:..“How old are you, Bobbie?”
Little boy:..“I’m four, going on five
. .1 know what you are.”
His mother:. .“Put on your mittens
Bobbie, the next corner is our stop”.
Little boy standing on- landing plat
form:. .“Woo-woo he’s an Injun man”.
Al says:—“Cute wasn’t he”.
* * * •
“My, how sweet Charmaine, so you
are the one, and only one. May you
never have your dreams and hopes
shattered,, .into tiny tid-bits, and scat
tered all about you, like stardust; the
pieces to elusive to put together again
..May your scheme of happiness, ne’ei,
be like my granny’s patchwork quilt;
bright and colorful, but no two pieces
alike. May your best laid plans never
go awry..”
* * •
If I were sensitive about What I Am
it would be because I didn’t believe in
myself. If I didn’t believe in my self,
I would have no ingenuity, ambition
or personal initiative; being sensitive
still wouldn’t help matters any. A1
Says: “That’s one man’s opinion, now!
what’s yours?”
* * *
Senator Theodore G. Bilbo and Con
gressman John Rankin
Headlines Say:..“Are the worst the
South has to offer. No argument there.
Hodding Carter, publisher of the Del
ta-Democrat of Miss., warns that it
would be ‘dangerously misleading to
present Rankin and Bilbo as ignorant,
violent men..and nothing more”. 1
agree with him, there are many more
appropriate, if not complimentary ad
jectives that can be used to describe
these purveyors of class hatreds.
Carter says Bilbo and Rankin are re
presentative of the VOTING majority
of their state. What we canot under
stand is how these Missrepresentatives
can be considered Duly elected and
Sworn into office when half of the citi
zens of their state are denied free vot
ing privileges. Isn’t there some law
dealing with the legality of such pro
cedure? If not, there should be.
By C. C. McDonald
Mr. Louis Giles, 2217 No. 29th St.,
after 46 years in the packing industry
has retired from the Swift Packing Co.
He began working in this company in
1900. He worked for the Wilson Pack
ing Company for 4 years and later re
turned to Swift’s for the remainder of
the period that he was in the packing
industry. He has a total of 42 years
with the Swift Company.
He now seems to be resting from his
labors and just taking life easy.
Mrs. Luelah Hines 2315 No. 29th St.
was called to Ft. Worth, Texas because
of the death of her sister Mrs. Susie
Roberts, who passed on May 4th.
When you are on 24th St„ look in
To The Readers of Negro Papers
and Periodicals of Omaha...
We Are Striving To Establish A
Negro News Stand and Paper Route in
our City for the Benefit of our Readers
of these Papers & Magazines.
Also We Are Interested in Giving
our Negro Boys Something to do During
Their Spare Time After School. We
Believe by Starting A Paper Route. It
Will Help To Retard Juvenile Delin'
pquency And Give Them A Chance To
learn To Earn Money To Meet Their
Present Needs and Future Independence.
Buy Your Papers and Magazines
From Your Negro News Boy.
2416 Lake St. JA-3326
at the beautiful Electric appliances at
2414 North 24th. Walk in and ask for
Mr. Franklin and have him tell you
about those Race Records that he has
waiting for you. All kinds of records,
spirituals, and those you can enjoy
dancing to.
Serlet Standard Service. 3003 Dodge
St., has just returned from the army
where he fought and gave good service.
He is now ready and prepared to give
you good service in the way of repair
ing your car and filling her up with,
gas and oil and send you on your way
smiling. Give him a chance.
Paul S. Radio Shop, 2900 Leaven
worth St., operated by a young man
filled with brains and knowing the ra
dio business from A to Z, can fix any
left with him and invites all the pub
lic to give him a trial. Work guaran
Benson Furniture Co., 5922 Military
Ave., have waiting fo ryou a nice line
of all classes of furniture suitable for
every room in the home.
Mr. C. L. Craig, 1154 No. 16th St.,
can furnish you all kinds of vaults for
your burial and his prices are very
reasonable. Every one wants to be put
away decent to see him and you will
be pleased.
When in need of anything in the way
of furniture you are at liberty to stop
4416 Blv and fill you home with 1st
class furniture at reasonable prices.
Don’t forget the Circle Variety store
528 No. 33rd St. A beautiful spot to
esee and goods sold at reasonable pri
ces. You are always welcome.
The S & P One Stop, 3602 No. 16th
■ St. are ready to serve you when you
tare planning to hake that long trip
by auto. It would behoove you to let
them check your car over and fill her
up with gas and oil.
Mr. Moore Harware Co., 6604 North
30th has every thing you wish in the.
line of hardware. You may stop by and
allow him a chance to show you.
Novelty Upholstering Co., 2934 No.
24th wishes again to call you attention
to his up-to-<fate methods of repairing
your furniture and will make an old
piece look like new.
The Waited
By H. W. Smith
Jerry Simpson and Capt. Booth, for
merly of Texas, were snapped on North
24th St. May 4th.
Capt. Reed of the Fontenelle Hotel
and H. W. Smith shared the same seat
at Clair Chapel Sunday morning.
Waiters Key Club invites all waiters
and friends at all times.
Railroad boys on the job and going
good on service.
Paxton Hotel head-waiter and crew
serving with a smile and improving at
all times.
Blackstone Hotel waiters head-lin
Waiters at the Regis Hotel and the
White Horse Inn on the up and go.
t Insurance Agency
trtea- instate. Rentals, Insurance
>2424 BRISTOL ST. JA-6261
We wish to Announce
G & J Smoke Shop
2118 NORTH 24th Street
Everything in the Line of
, Jackson & Godbey, Props.
invites You. ..
To visit their place and to Browse
around on the leaves of its Thous
ands of Books and Magazines to
your Heart's Content. No Obliga
tion to buy. So Come. The name
The address, 4606 SOUTH 24TH
Paint — Roofing
2920 *L’ St. HA-1200.
Johnson Drug Co. ]
2306 North 24th
D"$ Distress of 'PERIODIC’
Female Weakness
Make you feel
“A Wreck” on such days?
If you suffer monthly cramps with
accompanying tired, nervous,
cranky feelings—due to functional
periodic disturbances — try Lydia
E.Plnkham's Vegetable Compound
to relieve such symptoms. Taken
thruout the month — Plnkham's
Compound helps build up resis
tance against such distress!
This writer hopes to be in Kansas
City for the baseball game, the Mon
arch* open the season on Mother’s Day
May 12th.
An open letter to the Honorable
William H. Hastie. newly appointed
Governor of the Virgin Isands. from
his grateful of the National Council
for a Permanent FEPC:
"Dear Bill,
The staff and I congratulate the US
Government and thfc Virgin Islands to
day because their selection of you as
Governor honors them. Our joy for you
is shadowed b a vert real sense of loss.
Your tact, our legal skil, your poitical
acumen and your unlelfish gift of your
time all have been important factors
in the development of the program
which has made FEPC a national is
We are proud that your achievements
have brought you this recognition, but
want you to know that both at staff
meetinbs and at meetinos of our Str
ategy Committee we will be missing
your leadership. W’e shall make every
endeavor to prove ourselves worthy of
your contripution.
Good luck and godspeed to you and
your family.
Ever sincerely,
(Signed ) Ann
Anna Arnold Hedgeman
Executive Secretary”
Men, Women! Old at
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Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on agef
Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with
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2511 North 22nd Street
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For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,
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D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A d* or’s formula
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quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle
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Thrifty Service
7c For Each Additional lb...
• This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing
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( 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029