The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 11, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    Former 92nd Officer
Indicts Army Policy
“Report on the Negro Soldier” by
Warman Welliver, one of the white of
ficers with the 92nd Division, reprinted
in the May Headlines and Pictures
from Harper’s Magazine states that this
country's policy for colored troops ‘had
been an a most complete military fail
arc.’ Mr. Welliver contends that col
ored infantry u tils were ineffective and
gives the Negro’s infe-ior position in
American society es the chief reason.
“The fact that the colored man, by
and large, has never been privileged to
feel tVs srimu'u; to action," Mr. Wei
liver writes, “or perhaps the fact that
when he has felt it, after a too early,
too believing study of the Declaration
of Independence or the Constitution,
he has been subsequently rudely awak
cned to reality—has formed a tremend
ous barrier to his ability, let alone de
sire. to be a competent soldier.”
The author of "Report on the Negro
Soldier” served for two years with Ne
gro troops—the 92nd Division. He
points out that the Army failed “to
choose either white officers who wished
ce~-ve with colored troops or white
officers of superior ability... .In fact,
'* often seemed in the 92nd that the
War Department had chosen exactly
the ofticers who would guarantee the
div’sion the least possible chance for
Mr. Welliver believes that mixed
fighting units are the answer to the
problems the W'ar Department face in
using Negroes effectively. However he
adds that “the goal of effective mixed
combat units will not be reached with
out understanding, leadership, and
planning of a high order.”
j by Ruth Taylor
My favorite war story was the one about the Cockney
■other wo, when one of those annoying people who ask
question queried ihm as to his reasons for fighting, replied,
“We’re fighting the war to keep the most important right
an Lngishman kas—the right to be against the government.’
The right to dissent is the most important freedom guar
anteed by the Bill rof ights, for upon it hang all our other
freedoms. All of our rights are rights to disagree. Free
dom of religion, freedom from unwarranted search and
•eizure. of trial by jury—what are they hut freedoms to dis
■ent from the majority opinion?
Some of the decisions of the Supreme Court which are
most remembered are those dissenting opinions of the
Grent Dissenter, Justice Holmes, who in his non-assenting
■j opinions represented the liberal leaven of thought of his
) day.
However, only as we fulfill our responsibilities do we en
title ourselves to the right to dissent. Only free men can
afford to disagree because only free men cam be trusted to
observe the rights of others and the formalities of orderly
’W here there is danger in dissent is when it becomes dic
tatorial. Hitler’s Brown Shirts parading the streets of
Munich, decrying everything and everyone, were unimport
ant and rather ridiculous until they began to turn their dis
sent into demands and to try to stifle that very freedom
which had been their own safeguard. Dictatorial dissent
is a peril to any government. Such is the dissent of a high
Iy organized minority, of a pressure group which holds out
for special privilege.
Let us not forget that we fought for the right to disagree,
c We fought for the right of free men to be against the per
son or thing in which they do not believe^and to express
that difference in speech and orderly action. We must re
member the words of Wilson ‘"The seed of revolution is re
In planning for the future let up keep this right to dis
sent well in mind, realizing all that it implies and remem
Bering always that the Bill of Rights is but the Amendment
to the constitution of Responsibilities.
by George E. DeMar for CISS
There is considerable planning now for the young people
who will finish school and become part of the labor mark
et. Most thinking is generally related to the employer—
the wages, the hours, the leave, the vacation and general
working conditions. It seems to me that we had better do
a little more thinking about the employees’ responsibility,
particularly on jobs where they are appearing for the first
Recently a Negro employee of one of the public utilities
talked with me about how the Negro employees were acting.
Said she, the first girls who entered the employ of the com
pany mixed easily and well with the white employees, but
the more recent ones are not staying on the job. They quit
after about six months. They do not show up for work on
Mondays and after holidays. They bunch together in the
dining room even to the extent of taking chairs from other
tables. They argue in the cafeteria line and do not seem to
realize that they, through their actions, are effecting the at
titude of management toward all Negroes. One girl, who
knows that the company allows ten days for marriage, has
been off the job now for two weeks. She has not phoned
the supervisor as to when she will return, nor has she sent
a thank-you note for the wedding gift to which all the girls
contributed. Ail of this in a firm that changed its policy
two years ago. To me this activity points up the need for
Negroes in industrial relations personnel.
However, it seems only logical that after individuals and
organiations pave the way for better job opportunities, the
workers should learn good raee relations and job habits.
Many of us can lay plans for the new-comers to the labor
market and interest employers in their skills, but skill do
ing the technical job is not enough. Once on the job, it is
«p to the individual to assume job responsibility and behave
as befits a reliable, efficient, courteous and friendly work
er. Young workers are welcomed to the labor market. I
hope they use mother-wit, their home and church training
to make secure their status in the world of work.
Joseph Wishart, republican candi
date for Governor, in addressing a
group of party workers at Columbus
Wednesday took a strong position fav
oring greater state and local control
of government.
He pointed out that the power of
government follows from the money it
tas to spend and noted that Nttbiaska
people are sending over 7 times as
much money to Washington for in
come taxes alone as is raised and spent
in the state for all state, county, mun
icioal, and school purposes.
He gave the figure of about 75 mil
lion-dollars as being the amount raised
; >r state and local purposes, whie more
than 360 million dollars are paid by
Nebraskans for federal taxes.
“This,’ W ishart stated, “illustrates
why federal powers are so hard to re
sist and undoubtedly has everything to
do with the problem of adequately sup
porting the schools and other agencies
of the state without federal aid”.
Rex Stewart, Former Duke
Star, Has Trouble Collecting
Pay Check from New Cafe
NEW YORK CITY—fCalvin's news
service ). .The Casa Bel'a Cafe in the
Bronx was this week a scene of des
pair as the Musicians l nion moved
out the new Rex Stewart band. It all
happened thus:
Rex Stewart, who was a Duke El
lington trumpeter for 11 years, took
his band into the new Case Bella Cafe
which was then still not ready for op
ening. However, after playing for a
week of their four week engagement,
Ted and Alice Hardy, the owners, gave
Stewart a check for the musicians.
$232 of the money bounced back. Mrs
Hardy then promised to pay them on
Thursday Friday, and Saturday. She
didn’t keep her promise. Then the Tn
ion stepped in and forced het to give
them another check which che post
dated until the following Monday.
Stewart owns one of the few coop- j
erative bands left in America. Pat-:
terned after the famous Glenn Gray 1
• For Greater Coverage
I ADVERTISE in tkc Guide
American Legion Presents Flags to
J. E. Davidson, Recognizing Service
LE. DAVIDSON shows his new flags, presented to him by the American
gion, to Roy Page. Vice-President and General Manager of Nebraska
Power Company.
In recognition of his service to
the American Legion, American
Legion Post No. 1 presented a set
of silk desk flags to J. E. David
son, president of the Nebraska
Power Company. National Com
mander Warren Atherton was the
principal speaker at the April
meeting, at which time the pre
sentation was made.
The flag stand holds Old Glory
and the American Legion flag,
and it also carries the national
emblem of the Legion. The back
of this emblem has the following
engraved inscription: “Presented
to J. E. Davidson in recognition
of his services to the American
| In thanking Commander Vin
cent C. Hascall of Omaha Post No.
1 for this honor, Mr. Davidson
said: “From the time Omaha Post
No. 1 was organized, as an Amer
ican citizen I have had a very high
regard for its Legionnaires. I have
cherished the opportunity to do
what I could for the American
Legion, in my endeavors to indi
cate in a small way my respect and
admiration for you all.”
In 1929, Mr. Davidson was se
lected by the Legion as Omaha s
outstanding citizen of that year
and was presented the American
Legion Civic Service Citation.
Casa Loma Orchestra, the boys tia\e
an interest in the band and can strive
to be more than ‘just another sideman’
Originator of the jazz classic "Boy
Meets Horn”, the Casa Bella date was
Rex's debut in nightclub life with his
newly formed small band. He recently
signed a three year contract with Mer
cury Recording Company in Chicago,
the outlook of which promises to est
ablish the Rex Stewart band on juke
boxes throughout the nation in due
Magazine Asks Dismissal of
§200,00 Suit by Fla. Gov.
Tallahassee, Fla.. '(CT\'3 Crowell
Colliers Publishing Company has asked
Federal District Court to dismiss the
$50,000 slander suit brought against
Collier’s by Florida Governor Millard
Caldwell. Said the publishing com
pany: “the editorial complained of con
cerned only staeements made by the
Governor in his official capacity and
are therefore not actionable in his in
dividual capacity.” Caldwell brought
(by Dr. John J. Mahoney, Director Harvard-Boston
University Extension Courses)
The unfinished work before us. the living, is that of per-,
petuating and improving the workings of that democracy
which some thousands of Americans have died to defend in j
two world wars.
At long last the general public is becoming aware that our
schools and colleges must address themselves to the task of
EDUCATING FOR DEMOCRACY much more purposefully
and realistically than has been the case hitherto. With a
public awake to the need, we shall soon come to grips with
this business of educating for democracy, for citizenship,
for civic competency. But we have a long way to go.
The kind—or field—of education that aims to develop
those understandings, attitudes and behaviors that make for
better living together in the democratic way is our infant
educational industry. To organize and put into operation
a program of teachings and activities specifically designed
to attain that end is the educator’s unfinished work IMPOR
TANT WORK. For—let it be said pointedly——despite all
the education in our schools and colleges, how to live to
gether well and in the democratic way is the one lesson that
the American people have least learned.
We must attempt to make clear what education for de
mocracy, or civic education, includes and involves. It out
lines a program of school work that aims very definitely at
the elimination of those shortages that mark and mar our
attempt to make democracy function in every life relation
ship—political, social and economic. Reduced to specific
terms, that means a program of teachings and activities
that aim to produce an adequate understanding of and a
whole-hearted allegiance to the democratic way of life; a
keen interest in things political; the application of more in- !
telligence in the conduct of political affairs; better political
leadership; a citizenry that is more law-abiding; intergroup
understanding, respect and goodwill; the ability and the dis
position to manage our economic order for the benefit of
all; and last and all important, a translation of the teach
ings of religion into civic behavior.
The Peoples' Friend
' Candidate Board
of Education
I am qualified for the job.
I will work to the interest
of the people.
I favor increased pay for
the teachers, and a full
school term.
The School Board nomin
ation is subject to the
Primary, June 11. 1946.
the suit against Colliers following an
editorial critcizing him in connection
wirh the lynching of a Negro of Flor
ida, He termed the statement as litel
ous, damaging and detrimental to his
Hamp-Tone Records, Inc., a new
phonograph record company, organiz
ed for the purpose of providing an
outlet for promising Negro talent, has
been formed, it was announced today.
The Jefferson-Travis Corporation will)
its extensive interests in the record
field, through the recent acquisition of
the Musicraft and Guild labels, will
have a substantial fiancial interest in
the Hamp-Tone label, and will also
provide the necessary pressing and di
stribution facilities. Gladys Hampton,
wife of Lionel Hampton, well-known
Negro band leader, will function as
president of the new corporation.
Veterans Promised Aid by
National Housing Agency
Every effort will be made to assure
Negro veterans and veterans of othei
minority groups equal consideration
under the Veterans Emergency Hous
ing program. Wilson W. Wyatt, Nat'l
Housing Expediter and Administration
of the National Housing Agency, de
clared today.
Start of construction of 2.700.000
low and medium cost homes and apart
ments for veterans and their families
by the end of 1947 is aimed at under
the emergency program.
“In the recent order channeling bldg,
materials into low-cost homes and ren
tal projects state and district direct
ors of the Federal Housing Administ
ration have been asked to encourage
local builders to construct homes both
/f>r sale and for rent to veterans of
minority groups and their economic
ability to purchase or rent’, Mr. Wyatt
“The Federal Public Housing Au
thority has adopted and is pursuing de
fnite policies and precedures regard
ing occupancy by Negro and other mi
nority group veterans in temporary re
use housing under the Veterans Emer
gency Housing Program.
“All Mayor’s Emergency Housing
Committees have been urged to give
special attention to the housing pro
blems of veterans belonging to minor
ity groups and as the program devel
ops every effort wll be made to over
come the difficulties which may tend
to hamper the production of bousing
for minority groups.
Approximately one million IVegroes
nearly one-tenth of the Negro popula
tion of the country, served in the ar
med forces durng World War II. These
veterans must return to old neighbor
hoods that now are crowded or find
new living space. >
Mr. Wyatt pointed out that success
in achieving an equitable distribution
of available new housing to minority
groups will depend largely upon the
work and diligence of local emergency
housing committees since the problem
is one which must be faced and solved
in the communities.
“The housng of minority group vet
erans in accordance with needs is be
set with peculiar problems,” Mr. Wy
att said. “A largely proportion of them
fall into the lower or lowest income
groups and cannot afford to purchase
homes at prevailing prices. Consequent
ly, it is necessary to provide for them
a high proportion of dwellng units at
uow rentals. The requirement, under
the channeling order, that 25 percent
ot new residential construction snail
be rental units is a step in that direc
tion. Passage of the Wagner-Ellender
(Taft Bill is needed to provide large
numbers of permanent houses to meet
the needs of the large proportion of
Negro veterans in the low income bra
cket who cannot afford economic rents.
“Because of neighborhood resistance
upon the use of land, new home sites
for for Negroes are often difficult to
acquire”, Mr. Wyatt continued. “Dur
ing the war these restrictions often
delayed and sometimes completely
blocked private and public efforts to
produce housing for essential Negro
war workers. An early solution of this
problem is required if the Veterans
Emergency Housing Program is to
succeed in providing needed homes for
Negro veterans. Cities have been asked
to make special efforts to provide sites
for Negro housing.
Louis Jordan Fights Against
Himself for Top Billing
NEW YORK.. iCalvTn * News ser
vice).. Louis Jordan, now on a tour
of one nighters through Ohio, Kansas,
Oklahoma, and Missouri, will soon be
fighting against himself for top billing
at the Oriental Theatre in Chicago.
When the famed bandmaster begins a
two weeks engagement there on May
2nd, he will be billed as Louis Jordan,
the Man who sings the Blues and His I
Deca Recording Orchestra. That will 1
be the stage attraction. But..on the 1
screen will be a little Nixie in Jordan's '
saxaphone. For the film. Jordan him
self. will be the midwestern premiere!
for his 28 minute short “Coldonia” I
| Produced by himself and with himself
I as the star, it will be quite a task to '
distinguish which will get the best bil- \
lng. After all. .whchever way it goes
Jordan will be sure to win out! 1
fine Quality-Personalized
Congress to Probe Diplomacy of
State Department; Maneuver to
Modify Demands of CIO Unions
■ Released by Western Newspaper Union._
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed in these columns, they are those of
Western Newspaper Unions news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.*
Although handicapped
by an almost complete
lack of tools, these Ger
man prisoners of war in
PW camp at Fowey,
England, still managed
to turn out this varied
collection of toys to help
fill Santa’s bag for little
Britons. The amateur
workmen included a for
mer Berlin judge, a doc
tor from Hamburg and
university students.
__„ _ I
I Duplicity Charged
Long under fire for its implemen
| tation of American foreign policy in
i the wake of U. S. victories on the
battlefield, the state department
was scneduled for congressional in
vestigation following ex-Amb. Pat
rick Hurley’s charge that some of
its personnel had worked counter to
his efforts to promote the uni
fication of China.
In loosing his bombshell on Capi
tol Hill, Hurley declared that cer
tain professional diplomats were in
viting future conflict by siding with
the Chinese communist party and
the imperialistic bloc of nations in
keeping China divided against
itself and unable to resist encroach
While he worked for a democratic
China which could act as stabilizing
influence in the Orient, Hurley
charged, some state department of
ficials told the Chinese communists
that his activities did not reflect the
policy of the U. S, and they should
not enter into a unified government
unless retaining military control.
Agreement to investigate the
state department followed the de
mand of Senator Wherry (Rep.,
Neb.) for an inquiry to determine
whether there was any variance be
I tween U. S. foreign policy and the
I Potsdam declaration and whether
the foreign service was interfering
with domestic affairs in South
America, influencing other coun
tries toward communist govern
ment, or clashing with the army
and navy over occupation policy.
Meanwhile, Gen. George C. Mar
shall, ex-chief of staff, prepared to
embark upon his duties as special
envoy to China in the midst of
Chiang Kai-shek’s redoubling of ef
forts to unify the country and open
the way for vigorous postwar eco
nomic expansion. In announcing his
program to modernize the country,
I Chiang declared the No. 1 goal
I would be the improvement of trans
portation to facilitate an exchange
of materials between the various
On Defensive
Heretofore on the offensive with its
demands for higher wages to main
tain high wartime pay, the CIO was
suddenly thrown back on the de
fensive with the Ford Motor com
pany's proposal that the United
Automobile workers pay a $5 a day
fine for workers involved in un
authorized strikes.
Ford asked for this protection
against production losses as officials
; continued negotiations with the
UAW, whose leaders have main
tained that the industry can afford
30 per cent pay boosts without rais
ing prices because of large re
serves and promises of substantial
profits from huge postwar output.
While UAW immediately chal
lenged the effectiveness of a fine in
curbing wildcat walkouts, Ford offi
cials insisted that the union could
exert sufficient pressure on its lo
cals to prevent unauthorized strikes,
slowdowns and controlled produc
Meanwhile. General Motors, re
versing a previous stand, agreed to
consult with government officials
concerning resumption of negotia
tions with the UAW after the union
gave "ground in its demands for a 30
per cent wage increase. With the
company holding out for a modifica
tion of terms, the UAW declared
that it would seek no wage increase
necessitating a rise in prices.
With the work stoppages in G. M.
plants threatening to paralyze prac
tically all of the automobile indus
try because of its dependence upon
G. M. for parts, a further menace
to reconversion was posed in the
United Steel workers vote for a
strike if leaders deemed one neces
sary to enforce demands for a $2 a
day wage raise.
OPA refusal to grant steel manu
facturers price increases until the
conclusion of the year’s operations
permits closer study of their profit
also has hardened company re
sistance to the UAW demands. To
the union’s assertion that the indus
try could well pay the increase out
of alleged "hidden profits,” manage
ment has replied that government
findings have classified the so-called
"hidden profits” as reasonable busi
ness reserves assuring future expan
Pleads Innocence
First major axis personage to be
brought to trial for war crimes,
Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita, erst
while “Tiger of Malaya” and Jap
commander in the Philippines, flat
ly denied charges of countenanc
ing rape, pillage and murder and
then rested his case.
As the Allied military tribunal pon
dered the case, Yamashita consid
ered appeal to the
U. S. Supreme
court in case of
conviction on
grounds of illegal
ity of the pro
ceedings. Previ
ously the Philip
pine Supreme
court had refused
a similar protest,
with the demand
the defendant be
freed for trial be
fore civil author
in taxing me Gen. yamashita
stand to deny
charges against him, the squat,
browned Jap general declared he
ordered none of the atrocities re
lated by scores of witnesses or con
tained in hearsay evidence ad
mitted by the court. To the accusa
tion that he had planned the exter
mination of the Filipinos, Yamashita
declared that common sense indi
cated the impracticability of killing
18 million people.
The case against Yamashita was
complicated by the apparent divi
sion of command in Japanese
ground, naval and air forces in the
Philippines. While as ground com
mander Yamashita said he had or
dered the withdrawal of his troops
from Manila for warfare in the
mountains. Nipponese naval detach
ments remained within the capital
for the fighting which heavily dam
aged the city and exposed civilians
to danger.
Meanwhile, the trial of 20 top
Nazis proceeded apace in Nuern
berg, with the U. S. prosecutors
drawing from voluminous evidence
to prove charges of German con
spiracy for aggressive warfare.
Citing a statement of Diplomatist
Franz Von Papen that southeastern
Europe was Germany’s hinterland
and must be brought within the
political framework of the Reich,
U. S. Prosecutor Sidney Alderman
quoted documents to show that Hit
ler had delegated Von Papen to de
velop a program of Nazi infiltration
into the Austrian government to
take it over after the aborted
putsch of 1934.
Find Novel Uses for Radio Surplus
Laboratory technicians who are working with the Reconstruction
Finance corporation in developing methods of disposing of three to five
billion dollars worth of new and used radio and electronics equipment no
longer needed by the armed forces have found that antenna tube sections
can be cut into small sizes and converted into toy whistles for exuberant
Toy whistles are only one of a number of adaptations that have
been worked out by RFC and industry technicians in an effort to develop
peacetime markets for the vast quantities of radio and electronics equip
ment and components that are deemed of no further use to the military
Kept Top Secret
Because of a desire to keep secret
the U. S. breaking of of the Japa
nese code, the intercepted mes
sages revealing Jap political and
military moves were beknown only
to nine top officials, Maj. Gen. Sher
man Miles, former head of army in
telligence, told the congressional
committee investigating Pearl Har
Along with President Roosevelt,
others possessing knowledge of the
decoded message* included Secre
tary of War Stimson, Secretary of
State Hull. Lt Gen. L. T. Gerow,
head of the war plans division. Sec
retary of the Navy Knox, Admiral
Stark, chief of naval operations, CoL
R. S. Bratton of the army intelli
gence staff, Gen. George C. Mar
shall, chief of staff, and Miles.
Though Maj. Gen. Walter Short
and Rear Adm. Husband Kimmel
were not apprized of the breaking of
the code, Miles said, they were kept
informed of the course of events.
However, with officials anticipating
an attack in the far east, Short
ana jijmmei were advised to take
only such action as they deemed
necessary at Pearl Harbor and
guard against sabotage.
When asked what significance
was attached to a decoded Jap mes
sage of Sept. 24, 1941, asking espion
age agents in Hawaii to advise
Tokyo of the disposition of the
American fleet in Pearl Harbor.
Miles replied: “Taken alone, it looks
exactly like what we know now it
was—a plan for bombing Pearl Har
bor. But unless we look on it with
hindsight, it was only one of a great
number of Jap messages seeking in
formation on our warships. It was
perfectly normal for them to oe
doing so. . .
Loses Half of House
(Then the town of Silver Lake,
Minn., decided to widen Center
street, the village council attempt
ed to induce Mrs. Clara Caspryzk,
44, to move her five-room resi
dence, extending 16 feet into the
area required for the expansion.
Not only did Mrs. Caspryzk re
fuse a proposition for the town to
move the building back and pay
her $800, Mayor Frank Bandes said,
but she also ignored a court order j
to relocate the structure, lending la
the judge’s permission for the vil- \
lage to remove that part of the
property blocking the improvement.
After a creui of carpenters virtu
ally sawed the building in half,
Mrs. Caspyrzk was left with only
one bedroom intact, the living
room having been completely shorn
end the kitchen, dining room and
an upstairs bedroom bisected. Be
cause she had no other place to
live, Mrs. Caspryzk, who is trip
pled by arthritis, returned to make
her home in the one remaining
bedroom after a brief stay with her
broth er-in-law.
Review Rule
With French obstruction to Allied
plans for a central administration
for Germany resulting in the eco
nomic breakup of the Reich and dif
ficulties for a restoration of nor
malcy, the U. S. was asked to study
the advisability of revising the Pots
dam declaration pledging this coun
try to its present course.
In urging a re-examination of
U. S. occupation policies, Byron
Price, former director of the office
of censorship who undertook a spe
cial mission to Europe for Presi
dent Truman, declared that the Ger
man people were nursing old and
new hatreds with increasing bitter
ness as their sufferings increased
and disposing themselves to what
ever new leadership desperation
may produce.
With German agriculture and in
dustry seriously impaired during
the closing stages of the war, Price
said the U. S. must also decide
whether to deliver foodstuffs to the
country to prevent starvation and
epidemics this winter and help re
move some causes for unrest.
Meet Lags
Started with high hopes, the labor
industry conference called in Wash
ington, D. C., slowly ground toward
its conclusion with indications that
no important new machinery would
be constructed for the speedy set
tlement of employee-management
In seeking orderly procedure in
drawing up an original contract, the
conferees recommended collective
bargaining first, then conciliation,
and finally voluntary arbitration. In
cases of grievances under existing
contracts, the delegates resolved
that pacts should incorporate provi
sions for settlements without resort
to strikes, lockouts or other in
terruptions to production.
As the conference faltered toward
its end, with neither side apparently
disposed to surrenders any of its
bargaining advantages, labor-indus
try representatives approved a pro
posal to meet for consultation when
ever they saw fit.
Best Pays
In a detailed report to civic lead
ers on lighting and seeing condi
tions, the Miami, Fla., Kiwanis club
declared the progress of pupils in a
properly lighted room in Tuscum
bia, Ala., showed two-thirds less
failure over a test period of two
At Lebanon, Pa., a 28 per cent
improvement was shown, and at
Cambridge, Mass., the failure ratio
in the fifth grade was one to three
in favor of better lighting.