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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1946)
Where to go to Church Snuday BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 30th and S- Streets Rev. M. C. William Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU 6 PM. OMION MEMORIAL—TUB METHODIST CHURCH. 3223 "U" Street. South Omaha Rev. A L Hook. Tastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. Church 25th and R Street* Rev. Fant. pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 8010 R Street. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor. Mrs. Jeannette Thompson. Re porter. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.. Morning Worship 11 A. M. BTU 6 P. M„ Evening worship 8 p. m.. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1712 ‘R’ Street, Elder A E Johnson, Pastor Sunday School _10 o'clock YPWW _ _6:30 Wednesday night_ Bible Band Tuesday night _Prayer Band Thursday, Sewing Circle afternoon at 2 pm. CHURCH OF GOD H4 CHRIST Elder G P Benson. Pastor 1710 North 25th Street Sunday School 10 A. M. * Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 1839 North 24th Street, Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Sunday school . a. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship .11 ajn. BTU. at ....-.6:30 pm. Church of The Living God C.W.F-F. 2316 No. 25th St. Rev. R B. Sparks, Oklahoma City Pastor Mary Alice Crumb, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 11:30 A. M. Evening worship 8 P. M. JHURCH OF GOD IN CHRyST 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Wat*on, pastor lodeil Watson, reporter YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St, Rev. Adams, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LKW. Mission, Thurs. 8 p. m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p, m. Prayer Service, Wed. 8 o. m. ITHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Christine Phillips, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Momin gworship, 11 a. m. B. T. U., 6 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Sr. Mission, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Piayer sendee, Wednesday, 8 p. m. BETHEL AMR. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. C- Lu Williams, Pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 25th and Hamlton St. w.*v. Charles Favors. Pastor Mrs. Ed. Dortch, Reporter Sunday schioL 9:30 a. m.| Morning Worship, 10:45 hTU. 6 d M, Evenlng Woraaip 7:45 p. m. Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Moming Service—11 o'clock Allen Christian Endeavor Lea* cue—6:30 p. m. Phone Us Your Social Local News ST. PHILLIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1119 No. 21st Street Rev. S. G. Sanchez, Rector Mass: 7:30—9:00 Church School—9:45 SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Decatur St. Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor L. A. Henderson- Reporter Sunday Shool 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. BTU 6 pm Evening Worship HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio Streets Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor Mrs. T. Newt, reporter 9:30 am.—Sunday School 11 a. m.—Morning Service 11th and Ella Streets Rev. S. W. Wilker*en, pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Services, 11:00 a. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Visitors are always welcome CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. .._ .... . Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reporter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 1811 North 26th St. Rev. A. J. Thomas pastor Miss Bernice Ellis, reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach ing 8 00. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00, Evening Worship, 8:00 _ i CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH OP CHRIST (Holiness) Church, 2124 North 26th Street Res. 2122 North 26th Street, Rev O. A. Askerneese. Pastor, Velma Shearron Clerk » I FREESTONE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 6 p, m.—YPVW 8 p. in.—Evening Service. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant Street. Rev. F. C. Williams. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 am. Junior Church, 10:45 a m. Morning Worship, 11;00 a. m. BTU 6:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:45 p m. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, 27th and Franklin Streets Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. 25th and Decatur Sts., Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening Service. 8;00 p m. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. 5233 South 25th St. Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School—9'30 a. m. Morning Worship—ll a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Ar.derson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH PEOPLES’ MISSION 1710 North 27th St. Rev. W. S. Farmer. Pastor Sunday School .10:30 Morning Worship _ _11:30 Prayer Services Thursday _S pm, _ THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 Parker St., Rev. S. K Nichols, Pastor, Rose Oliver, Reporter, Sunday School. 9:45 a. m. Morning Service, 11;30 a m. YPPU., 5:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p m. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Grant at 25th Strer* ^ev. R. W. Johnson, pastor A. Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. ra. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave “The Friendly Church” Rev. E. B. Childress. Pastor, Mason Devereaux, Jr., reporter Sunday School—9:80 a. ra. Morning Worship—11 o’clock Union—6:30 p- n». Evening Worship—8 o’clock CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2230 Ohio lit., Rev. J. C, Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. ra, each Sunday, Tue*. and Thurs. nights. SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760 Lake St. Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pas. Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Vesper Service Friday evening 7:45 pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P M DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST C- B., IOWA 1720 Ave- A Every Monday evening Circle Meeting 8:30 pm. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday 9:8P a m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK, IOWA 603 Grimes St., Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor, Julia Keene, Reporter, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig- Worship 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday THE FIRST CHCTtCH OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J, Thomas. Pastor. Rev. Frank Johnson, Asst Pst" Bt Rev. William Taylor, Bishop MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST BEVEDICT CATHOLIC CHVRCII 2423 Grant Street, Father Moylan, Pastor, Low Mass—7:00 a m. Children's Mass—S:30 a m. High Mass—10:00 a m. CLAIR CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street, Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor Mrs. Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday Schoo., 9:30 am Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Evening Worship, 8:00 p m. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Seward Streets, Rev. L R. Bragg, Pastor, Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter, 9:30 A M _Sunday School 11:00 A M..Morning Worship 6:00 P. M. ____-BTU. 7:30 P. M. ___Evening Worship 8:00 P. M. Wednes, Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. __Junior Church Visitors are always welcome. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, offieiator Ora Robinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, nr « o'clock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. HELPS BUILD UP RESISTANCE against MONTHLY When Taken Thruout The Month Also A Fine Stomachic Tonic! v Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound does more than just relieve monthly pain when caused by female functional monthly disturbances. It also relieves weak, tired, nervous, cranky feelings—of such days—when due to this cause. Pinkham's Com pound has a soothing effect on one of woman’s most important organs. Taken thruout the month — Pink ham’s Compound helps build up resis tance against such distress. It’s also a very effective stomachic tonic. Thousands Upon Thousands of Girls and Women Helped— There are no opiates In Pinkham's Compound. It’s made from Mother Na ture's own wholesome roots and herbs plus Vitamin Bi. It helps nature. Thousands upon thousands of women nave reported remarkable bene fits. If you suffer like this—we urge you to give Plnkham’s Compound a fair and honest trial. At all drugstores. Jjfdui C. G'mkhcvmb VEGETABLE COMPOUND Acid Indigestion Relieved In S minutes or double your money back When excels stomach arid causes painful, euffoeat “* *nd heartburn, doctors usually pwscrlbe the faateM-aatlng medicines knousi for symptomatic relief—medicines Hk* those In Bell-<ana brings comfort In a 1UJ> ordoohle your money back sa return af battle | to as. 25c at all druggists, t Improved Uniform International SUNIW SCHOOL -> LESSON By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Released by Western Newsoaper Union. Lesson for May 12 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER LESSON TEXT—Matthew 18:15-17; 21. :is. .nark 10:35-45. GOLDEN TEXT—By this shall all •tier, know that ye are my disciples, ii ye have love one to another.—John 13:85. One world! Men have discovered in recent years that we do live in nne w> rid and that we must learn now to get along with one another, or we may find that we have de stroyed civilization and one another. God has always taught in his Word that all men are of one origin, and that despite their differences, they are to live in unity and peace. That would have been blessedly true if ! men had obeyed God and his law. Sin brought division and confusion. Now in our day, when we should be far on the way to the attain ment of God's purpose, we find men more inclined than ever to be sus picious of one another, grasping in their desires and purposes, and evil in many of their ways. We have not yet learned to live together as nations. Let us set our selves to the task of living together. 1. A Method for Dealing with Dif ferences < Matt. 18:15-17). This is the God-prescribed meth od for dealing with personal prob lems in the Christian church. That body in which love should reign is often rent by jealousies and person al resentments. If permitted to run on unchecked, they create division and even strife before the world, with all the disgrace it brings on the cause of Christ. Such matters are to be dealt with promptly. The aggrieved one is not to wait for the sinner to make the approach, but is to go to him and place before him the evidence of his guilt. Done in kindness and with tact, this is frequently all that needs to be done. A man may thus win his brother, with no fur ther ado or fuss in the church. If he proves stubborn, the next step is to bring some brethren along and talk it over again. This evi dence of their concern may break the stubbornness, or their prayers may win him. And if it does not work, the things said and done will ve been ed by brethren who i.nn 'aithfuily reyo-t than to the church. The final step is to bring the err ing brother before the church. Now he may see the seriousness of his offense and repent If not, there is one plain duty; he is to be put out side of the fellowship of the church. Does that mean that he is aban-i doned and forgotten? Certainly not: He is to be “as a heathen man and a publican.” Does the church have any interest in such indi viduals? Indeed it does, for the pri' mary business of the church is to win both heathen and publican to fellowship with Christ. II. A Measure for Determining Forgiveness (Matt. 18:21, 22). Peter’s question was a practical one. He supposed the case of ond who sinned repeatedly against ond who had shown a forgiving spirit. Most of us need not suppose such cases; we have them before us. We forgive and are ready to let it all be forgotten, when lo, the of fender turns up with an even) greater wrong, indignity or sin! Then there is weeping and appari ent repentance, followed almost at once by another offense. How long is this business to go on? The Jews said, “Three times, then let judgment fall.” Peter, being a follower of Christ, went much farther. He would forgive sev en times. Well, that's a lot of for-' giveness; let us recognize that. Most, of us haven't even gone as far as the Jews, and Peter is way ahead of us. But it is not enough! Forgiveness which has any limit set on it is not, forgiveness at all. The very genius of forgiveness demands that we do not stand there with a measuring line or an account book. It must bt from tlm heart/ without limit and without restraint. III. A Means for Attaining Great ness (Mark 10:35-45). To want to be truly great for God is certainly not a sin. In a world which was rejecting Christ and gel ling ready to crucify him, this moth er wanted her two boys to have a place of honor in the service of Christ. So far, so good; but then tame the thing which spoiled it ad —selfishness. To seek honor for oneself, or for '.hose one loves in order that the tgo might be inflated and self given » chance to show off, that js definitely unchristian. If then it is right to seek proper greatness, how may it be done? Verses 43-45 tell us. It is by way of sacrificial service, the denial of self. This world and its kingdoms say that the one who serves is inferior to the one who is served. In the tingdom of Jesus it is the one who serves who is greatest. Where will such a path lead-’ For Christ it led to the cross, and be yond it the victory of resurreciion day. It may mean death for us, for, a real willingness to serve connote^ a willingness to give all, even life (tself, for his glory. •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IN The Omaha GUIDE! SUBSCRIBE TODAY 1 Religious News FIRST MISSION OF GOD Services throughout the week were very inspiring to our souls. Truly God is good and His mercy endureth for ever. Sunday morning our pastor pre ached from Gen. 18:20, 1 Tim. 4:1, Matt. 23:24. Gal. 5:7. Subject: “You Did Run Well Who Did Hinder You'. Sunday night’s subject and text “San ctify and Perverse” found in St. John 17:17. Matt. 17:17. Be sure and attend our Mother’s Day program May 12 at «3 pm. Also you are always welcome «>ti| worship with us on our regular meeting nights Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights at 8 p. m. Also Sunday at 12 noon. Prophet Hess, Pastor Ora Robinson, rep. APOLOSTIC CHURCH OF CHRISTl 2518 Cuming St. ....Pastor, Eld. Mitlon T. IFilson.... Order of Service 11 A. M.—Sunday morning worship 8 P. M.—Sunday evening services 8 P M.—Tuesday evening, Prayer and preaching 8 P. M.—Friday evening, Bible Class All are Welcome ST. JOHNS AME CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter Reverend E. B. Chilldress The Phyllis Wheatley Missionary So ciety of the church had their Annual Service Sunday mornng, May 5 The program of the ray was as follows: Processional, Opening hymn by Mrs. Mary Edmondson, prayer by Mrs. Ella Whiteside, Song by choir. Scripture lesson by Mrs. Georgia Borders, song by choir, docalogue led by Mrs. Anna Burton, Missionary Offering, Mrs. Ber nice Childress in charge, announcement Mrs. Helen Brown, solo by Mrs. Venus Starms, introductory of the day by Mrs. Hatie Adams, Missionary address by the president of the Society, Mrs. Ida Mae Bythewood, congregational song. Missionary sermon by our minister. His subject “Follow Me and I will make you preachers of Men”. Several of his w<*ll-chosen thoughts were: You cannot 1 * vane witn tne tunica walk the path of righteousness with Jesus Christ trusting on luck, you must' walk with the full and true faith. We ‘must learn to extend a helping hand when and where ever it is needed, No min can walk with Christ and hate his brother, and no man can walk with Christ if he is little in heart, deeds, and service to his fellowmen’. Visitors: Lt. John Hooks, Jr., of Kansas City, Mo., stationed with the 3rd Military District in St. Louis, Mo. and Mrs. Bernard Anderson. New members: Miss Parthenia Wil son, Chicago; Leroy Johnson, Omaha; and Mollie A. Alkison, Cleveland, 0. Friday, May 10, at 8:15 pm. at St. Johns the celebrated concert violinist of national and international fame, Clarence Cameron White, is to appear Mr. White was in our city some years ago and at that time, he gave an excel lent concert which was thoroughly en joyed by all who attended. Since then he has increased his skill and fame as a violinist of great reknown. Don’t fail to see and hear this great musician. The Presiding Elder L. S. Goosby, Pastor and officers (stewards and the trustees ) extended a most cordial thanks to all the members and organi zations of the church for the excellent Third-Quarterly Conference report. The Presiding Elder was especially elated over the way the entire church is mov ing forward under the able leadership of Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Childress. He was more than proud to see and hear of splendid work of the Young Peo ples Dept, under the direction of Mrs. Childress and Mrs. Jones and their .cine staff. The Rally and the Bldg. Fund was praised highly, the success i of which was made possible by full cordination and cooperation of the en tire membership and the advertisement by our colored newspapers. Groups 3, 17, and 24 wish to thank the members and friends for the fine program given the Lester Corbin and Booker Washington concert April 15th. Mrs. E. B. Childress, Mrs. Hattie Mo ore, and Mrs. Lula Washington, cap tains extend their sincere thanks to the public for their support. We are in need of Class Leaders and Sunday School teachers due to our ever increasing church programs. Let (Close who can come and help out in this Christian effort do so. The Minute Men & Women’s Aux. held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Faucett. Mr. A. R. Goodlett, our pres, presided. One of the important items of business was selection of a committee to recruit new members and to encourage old ones to come out more ofteh. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels, 2620 Bristol St. Sunday, June 2. Mothers send your childen to Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:30. Attend our Morning services at 11:00. Our evening services at 7:30 pm. Vis itors and friends are always welcome at St. Johns. ‘"The friendly church at 22nd and Willis Ave.” Come worship with us wont you? HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby Sts. H. H. Schauland, pastor The following were received into com municant membership of Hope Luther an Church on May 5: Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Asberry; Mrs. R. Bailey;. Mrs. Louis Campbell. Miss Lois Campbell; M iss Velma Davis; Mrs. Myrtle Good low; Mrs. Wm. Penn; Miss Dorothy Younger. On May 12 two others will join our ranks. The Lord’s Supper will also be celebrated in this service. The second Sunday in May has been set aside in our nation to commemorate the love and influence of mothers. Such 1 recognition of motherhood is certainly in agreement with the will of God for ! He says “Honor thy mother!” When we think of home we think of mother. A little boy was asked, “Where is your home?’ He answered: “Where mother is”. How thankful we should be to havt loving, home-making mothers. Those of 1 us who have been fortunate to have Christian mothers who already in our tender youth led us to Jesus our Sav ior ought to bestow special honor upon our mothers on Mother’s Day and give praise to our heavenly Father for His great goodness toward us. Mother’s Day will be observed at the Hope Lutheran Church in a special manner. The service begins at 11 a. m. Welcome! Sunday School starts at 10 am. “Let the little children come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”. .Jesus. Lutheran Hour broadcast over KBO N every Sunday at 11:30 am. Tune in. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD CUFF 2412 Parker St. Sunday School opened at 9:45. Morning Services 11:00. The Pastor selected for his subject, May 12 "Prodigal Son”. His text for Sunday night, “New Birth”. There will be ten night feast in the wilderness. Different ministers will preach each night. Rev. Steele will preach Monday night. Women’s Work gave a surprise bir thday party on Evang. Willie Song, president of the Club. She recieved many useful gifts. Come out and worshp with us. Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Roma Buxton, rep MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor The Sunday School hour was a busy one, each class making their monthly reports. At this time two young people united with the church; each as candi date for baptism. Scripture lesson was read and& pray er offered by Rev. D. R. Hurd, prece ding the morning worship. A good ser mon was then delivered by the pastor from the abundant book of Matt., the 11th chapter 28:29. was the material from which the subject "Learn of me' was prepared. This was a very -good sermon providing much food or thought The central thought was thaft the world is /ull of knowledge of all kinds but very little is known of Jesus in com parison. He also stressed the universal need of Christian education. A most wonderful time was had by all present at the BTU period. The lesson for the day the “Ideal Christ ie Home” was one of the most use ful and timely lessons for this quarter Each one attending entered into the discussion with enthusiasm. Mr. T. II. Sain president of the city BTU visi ted us for a short time. The evening services was devoted tothe Lord’s Supper” and coveant meet ing. Beginning Sunday, May 12 and last ing through the 19th ill be the ob servance of the fourth anniversary of our pastor and wife. Rev. and Mrs. Da vid St. Clair. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, or the month of May the Deaconness are in charge. The sick of the church are Bro A. T. Stewart, Sis. Ellen Butler, Sis. Ada Stewart, Sis. Mary Jackson, Sis Willie L. White, Sis. Johnson of Zion and Sis. Frances Williams, St. Joseph’s Hospital. Also Sis. Mary Jackson is now at home. Visitors are always welcome to Mt. Moriah, the friendly church. CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 25th and Decatur St. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor NOTES AND PERSONALS Sunday School was well attended on last Sunday all departments were re presented. H. L. Cribbs, supt. Rev. G. Bivens, dep. supt. The morning ser vices opened on the hour 11 am. The choir stewardess, ushers and usheret tes were at the post. Rev. Goodlet give us the message. He preached from St. John 13:1. Everyone enjoyed having him before us as Rev. Wade is out of the city. One member was added. If you don’t have a church home, come to Cleaves Temple. Youth movement at 6 pm. Mothers please send your children to choir re hearsal Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wright is asking all to come out so they can get robes. Stewardess Board No. 2 are sponsor ing a Baby Contest on May 31st. The Loyal Matron’s are serving breakfast next Sunday morning May 12th at the church from 7 am until 11. Bring your mother out to breakfast if you have’nt got your ticket call WE 1387. The tick ets are 50 cents. Save your mother on Mother’s Day. Don’t forget on May 24 the Loyal Matron's are sponsoring a Ten Bride Wedding at the church. Come out and see who the lucky girl will be. Remember the sick in your prayers. Marie Hudgens, rep. CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street Rev. C- C. Reynolds, Pastor Clair Chapel Methodist Church had a remarkable service Sunday May 5th. The Choir was excellent and Rev. C. C. Reynolds delivered a very interest ing sermon which gave a spiritual touch to the large congregation and as the Conference year is drawing to a close and the Usher Board served a very delicious dinner which one of the top notchers of the day. Rev. Reynolds has labored very earnestly eo bring many improvements during ehe five years he has so faiehfully served and the membership has increased imm ensely. The 5th Anniversary Service will be gin Sunday afeernoon 3:30 pm.. May 12 and continue through May 19 with seven churches taking part as Rev. Rey nolds has had the cooperation of all the churches in Omaha, as he has at all time during his five years in the city, been ready to give a helping hand. CONSTIPATION ACIDITY, GAS, AFTER OVEK INDULGENCE IN EATING OR DRINKING, TAKE DELICIOUS, DEPENDABLE VAYA-LAX EFFERVESCENT POWDERS ... The care of your health should form your most important duty.... The worst enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your intestines and you will experience the general health and the joy of living. For internal cleanliness, however, do not en trust your delicate digestive or-, ganism to any ordinary product. Be choosy—take delicious, effec tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy Bottles 51.00. High Blood Pressure If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and use GARLIC and PARSLEY TABLETS for relief, we carry the best Per Box 51.25. NO C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED VAYA PRODUCTS, 242 E. 41st St., NYC 17. Bringing Christ to the Nations THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR “Over Station KBOI\ every Sunday morning 11:30 Publicity Department 3558 South Jefferson Avenue Saint Louis 18, Missouri Portland, Oregon, May 12, 1946 (Special) One of the heaviest Vi orld V ar casualties from which the nation still suffers is the coarsening of American womanhood, Dr. Dr. Walter A. Maier Maier declared today in a Mother's Day address, broad cast from here international ly over the Lutheran Hou** He said: “The war has often killed the softer, gentler, love lier qualities of womanhood. When you see young girls, who ought to be home with their parents, drinking in ta verns and night clubs and know that they often take their example from older women, you ought to realize that one of the nation's heav iest problems is this: How can we bring American wives and mothers, led away from their homes by the all-out war effort, back to the homes where Go wants them to exert their most beneficial influ ence. How can we halt the shocking increase of family sin and family sorrow which the last years have hrougiit. There is a sure way of destroying this nation and its glories. No enemy need cross our borders; no formidable fleets bomb ard our shores; no atomic bombardments destroy our cit ies. The women of America need only lose the'r true womanliness; their devotion to their homes and hushands, their love for family and children; and as the unimpeach able record shows repeatedly, America is doomed. Just a» certainly, however, the one assured way of helping and strengthening American families is to have our mothers and daughters help make room for God in their homes.” He also said that in New York City, for example, married folks frantically seeking a home were required to sign a lease that as long as they rented the flat or apartment they would have no children. The courts of New York State put an end to that; hut no laws can change the selfishness of the human heart which selfishly, sensually refuses to obey the instructions which the Almighty and all-holy God gave all generations of men, “Be fruitful and multiply and re plenish the earth.” Our age should be marked by a willingness to give Chris tian pastors enough support to live decently and comfort ably. “I have learned,” Dr. Maier said, “that the Depart ment of Streets and Sewers in Saint Louis gives garbage eol lectors a larger salary than that paid to thousands of full time preachers in the United States today. This is not the way God wants it.” YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS AT CLAIR CHURCH * * * The Dorcas Girls of Clair Church are rehearsing for a play to be given sometime in May. Clair Church is beginning a Youth Fellowship. Mrs. Clay and Mrs. Melford are adult Counselors. Miss Lois Brown is president of the group. PALL ROBESON SPEAKS ON AFRICA NEW YORK. May 4—The Council on African Affairs. 23 West 26th St., through its rhairman, Paul Robeson, charged today that the British trustee ship for Northeastern Africa is a fla grant violation of the United Nations war aims. n The Council, which is sponsoring a Madison Square Garden Rallv on June 6th. Second Anniversary of D-Day. on “Big Three Unity for Colonial Free dom '. voiced its opposition to the Bri tish plan in identical wires to Dean Acheson, Acting Secretary of the state department, and the British, French and Soviet ambassadors in Washington. • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week Eczema Itching, -Burning-Distress Gets Quick Ease and Comfort Get a bottle of stainless powerful, penetrating Moone's Emerald OiL The very first application should giv« you comforting relief and a few short treatments convince you that yoa have at last found the way to over come the intense itching’ and dis tress. 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