The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 11, 1946, Image 1

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    Read “CHATTER-BOX” in this week’s Issue. . .
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-of lice. Omaha, Nebr., Under A« ot
SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1946 Our 19th Year—No. 14 it 10c Per Copy ★ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebr.
“Production Needed to Solve Housing Shortage”-Gnswold t™**.
Former Omahan, Rev. John S. Williams* Choral Organization To Present Grand Opera
and thereabouts
"OUR 1
Ediled by Verna P. Harris
If Negroes on the road to freedom
don’t begin to broaden their horizon
beyond the defense of their own civil
rights and go all-out against all fasc
ism, sooner or later they are destined
to drop back to a rear-gu'ard position.
Any person with a passing knowledge
of the social sciences realizes that we
live in an interdependent world. What
affects other minorities afects us. What
helps labor helps us. What breeds
anti-Semitism breeds anti-Negro preju
dice. Yet you’d never know it from a
lot of the agitation in Negro circles.
On the contrary, some colored Americ
ans are playing with dynamite by hal
ing and disparaging Jews.
I’m not talking out of a book when
I warn Negroes to call a halt on this
practice. 1 know from experience how
dangerous and downright stupid it is.
In our Various battles in Washington a
gainst Jim Crow, we stood in a much
better light because Jews and white
Christians rallied to our support. And
not just with words. For example —
the needle trades unions in New York,
largely composed of Jews, have con
tributed very, very generously to the
FEPC fight. Despite this overt good
will, educated and uneducated Negroes
babble on, like a broken record, about
“Jewish landlords” and "Jewish store
keepers” and other alleged varieties of
“Jewish tightwads.” Frankly I wish
I had kept a diary of experiences with
Jews and non-Jews. If I had. I'm sure
1 could list just as many pleasant ex
periences with Jews as with Negroes
or white Christians. Any kindergarten
graduate should know by now that no
group has a concession on greed and
so wnat aoes n an aaa up 10: wcii,
an Army wins battles by constantly
improving its strategy. When it does
not advance with sufficient speed, it
takes stock of mistakes and revamps i.^
plans and calls for reinforcements. To
day Negroes are not 'advancing fast
enough, the ballyhoo to the contrary
notwithstanding. If we don’t want to
be caught short with an American Fue
hrer*, like the Italian and German artfi
fascists, we've got to evaluate our past
techniques and future go'als and add
some more battalions.
And that’s where all other believers
in fair play, including our Jewish
neighbors, come into the picture. Up
to now we haven't sought and organiz
ed sufficient support from people who
fundamentally share our aims. I’ve
told you about the Jewish trade union
ists in New York. Well, we can dupli
cate this type of friendly relationship
in m'any more communities throughout
the nation. We can call in the Japan
ese-Americans, too, and the Mexican
Americans. and all the people who are
tagged with hoary stereotypes and
plagued with discrimination. And we.
can recruit support among white Gen
tiles also. Many of them feel as keen
ly about Jim Crow as we do.
But let me remind you of one little
point. Our appeal to Jews and the
others on Rankin’s blacklist will come
with ill grace if we keep on nourish
ing our own pet perjudices. If we
keep on believing the fairy tales that
“Jews own everything.” If, in other
words, we keep on aping Mr. Hitler.
W'e have a case against Jim Crow.
The strongest kind of case, based on
scientific findings. But we weaken
our moral position in the eyes of the
world if we show that basically we’re
no different from our oppressors. It
is encouraging to note that the public
opinion poll of Fortune magazine some
months ago revealed that there is less
anti-semitism among Negroes than am
ong other groups in the population.
But that’s not good enough. We
should get rid of it all. Let’s not risk
defeat by playing patty-cake with the
anti-Semites and native fascists. Too
much is at stake. The w'hole structure
of racism and imperialism hangs in the
Let s cleanse our own hearts before
we declare a holy war on the Bilhos.
Let's get rid of the mote in our own
eye before we condemn the profession
al bigots. Let’s end all signs of this
damnable anti-Semitism among oursel
ves. Then we can get on with the real
job. Then will the lines be clearly
erta Martin will present the famous
Roberta Martin Gospel Singers of Chi
cago in a special program in honor of
the Birthday Anniversary of Herman
J. Ford, Gospel Song Writer at the
New Bethel Baptist Church, 9th and
S. Sts. N. W.. Tuesday evening, May
21st. at 8:30 o’clock.
j How safe is The Street for us and
our families? Recently there have beer
numerous crimes in our neighborhood
ranging from petty thieving to mur
der. Law enforcement or Crime Waves:
Which shall it be? W'e can sit* timidly
uy and wait for Hoodlumism to engull
our neighborhood, hoping that it will
not reach our homes and families 01
we can cooperate with the law enforc
ing agencies; demanding that Floaters
with no means of visible support ar.u
criminal morons be cleared out. We
can also help by not letting our young
sters roam the Street at night, lest
they become entangled with these cri
minal floaters and bring disgrace on
on themselves and families.
Individual Liberty is a priceless po
ssession, But it does not give anyone
the privilege to molest others without
their approval or consent.
Crime and Vandalisms are the ene
my of Decency. Neither can be con
doned and shouldn’t be tolerated. Our
Street must be made Safe, Pleasant,
and Prosperous for each and all of us.
• * *
PLAY BALL! At the Ball Park on
21st Street activity is at its highest.
The Stands are crowded with the old
and the young, some screaming at the
sight of a long hit or a close play at
home plate. Many of the Star Players
are men recently discharged from the
Armed Forces and of course they hold
the spotlight, but the up and coming
youngsters are by their playing ability
I giving the returned Vets a tough way
to go in order to hold their berths.
The North Side Merchants, 4 C's,
Jackson’s Cafe, and the H. S. S. are
four teams pretty evenly matched. Big
Husky, Marty Thomas, the director of
the League, is a familiar figure. He so
leisurely and cooly umpires the bases
as well as directing the play. If you
are looking for late afternoon entertai
nment, just forget your troubles, take
the children by the hand and dash off
to the ball park for an afternoon of
excitement and recreation.
It is a known fact that I am a fam
iliar sight on Our Street and often I
may be seen rambling into the differ
ent clubs and cafes, but there is one
young man, I know, who patrols 24th
St. as much or even more than I.
I said to Ernie Trappier, when I ran
into him on 24th and Lake Sts., “Joe
St. Clair informs me that you can be
M3JI anytime after eleven a. m. on
the Street. Is that true?” He looked at
me strange like, then laughed and said:
“We are making only one trip on the
Road a week now and I have lots of
time on my hands, but I want to ask
you this: If Joe sees me on the Street
so often, he must get down here quite
a lei himself?”
* * *
“The Whole Town’s Talking’’ a
farce in three acts is now in rehearsal
at the Urban Center. They had a char
acter who had to be dumb, untidy, sim
ple, tight and old. Can you imagine
who they thought would fit the char
acter best? Yes, you guessed, it, Yours
Truly, in person, and all these years
I have been trying to impress my
friends as being an intelligent, hard
working and generous (young man ).
Really it was a let-down, but after tak
ing a gander at the many young ladi
es seeking parts, I would have gladly
accepted the scrubbing job in the buil
ding. Such comely ladies as Miss Lula
Montgomery, Miss Francis Bell, Miss
Lottie Wright. Mrs. Willa Gordon,
Mrs. Susis Williams, Miss Mae B. Tay
lor, Miss Genevia Burney, Mrs. Dell
Moore, Mrs. Wave Madison and Mrs.
Grayce Bradford, were there trying out
for parts; posing, walking, singing,
talking and learning posture control.
Mr. D. Crooms, Air. Harvey Carter,
Air. Arthur AIcCaw. Mr. Harold White
side and Yours Truly, went through
almost the same routine, a little ner
vous, somewhat embarrased, but hav
ing fun.
The Omaha Sepia Players, ably dir
ected by Lee Aitchison, are now’ in
serious rehearsal, hoping by their effort
to give to the public, a finished comedy
worthy of their name.
The Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska.
Minnesota, Western District Conven
tion will convene May 14 to 16 at the
New Hope Baptist Church, 26th 'and
Seward Streets, here.
Mrs. Cora Haynes, president of the
New Era Association and her good
women are cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Addie Green, president.
Netc Material Available at
Novotony’s to Recover That
Furniture Suite of Y'ours
Company, located at 2934 North 24th
Street, employs 3 veterans of World
War II, who have just returned from
overseas. They enjoy and appreciate
Colored trade and invite you to come
in and see their new materials if you
are considering having your furniture
suite, chairs, car upholstering recover
.—. .
Is a Great POWER
is not merely exchanging black ink and white paper for
green dollars and pink checks, our newspaper besides
giving you all the latest local and national news possible
DISE, thereby giving employment and making life pos
sible and enjoyable to untold numbers of men and
This newspaper, in this one respect alone, is thereby
justifying its existence by contributing materially to the
welfare of the world.
Protest Packing House Lay-Offs
Griswold Says
War Veterans
Should Take
Active Part in
GOP Politics
If veterans don't take an active part
I n Nebraska Republican affairs the
iparty of this state will be unable to
provide “a leadership capable of spe
aking either for the veteran or for the
,rank ad file of our people,’ Dwight
Griswold declared in an ntervew on
Discussing issues of the present sen
atorial campaign with Ben Rogge, a
25 year old veteran from Seward, the
Governor said, “We simply must keep
rentals controlled as one means of
helping us get through this emergency
, Griswold told Rogge the real key
tct -solving the housing shortage is
production and that the first duty of
Cngress is to provide a method for
settling strikes so that lumber and ma
terials can be produced.
“You can’t build a house with the
paper that a housing bill is printed on
you’ve got to have lumber and nails
and steel and you can't build houses
with the blueprints that come out of
some federal planning agency”.
Rogge, who formerly lived at Trum
ball and Hastings, made eighty flights
across the Atlantic, twenty across the
Pacific and saw Army service in Eu-1
rope, Africa, Asia and South America.
He st'rongly endorsed the Governor’s
stand on international affairs and he
Warned, “We can’t go back to isola
tionism and have peace’.
Philip Murray Pledges
Support To Hastie
The following statement was issued
today by CIO President Phiip Murray
folowing Senate confirmation of Judge
Wiliam H. Hastie as governor of the
Virgin Islands:
"The CIO is gratfied at the Senate’s
confirmaton of Judge William H. Ha
stie as governor of the Virgin Islands.'
He has the whole-hearted support of
our organization and of progressive
minded people througnout the country.!
“Judge Hastie's experience, learning
and constructive approach to human
problems serve to qualify him especi
ally for his new assignment. Under his
leadership we can look forward to an
unusually effective administration in
the Virgin Isands”.
NAACP. Pres\
Makes Statement
“I have been favorably impressed by
the large number of new members add
ed to our organization, the NAACP, du
ring our spring membership drive. How
ever, I do not intend to indulge in the
illusion of hope or close my eyes to
a painful truth and listen to the mur
muring song of procrastinators till they
transform us into intellectual, spiritual
and moral dwarfs. Is this the part of
energetic colored people of Omaha, en
gaged in a difficult struggle for Better
Racial Relationship, better housing, a
better community? Are the Negroes of
Omaha to be classed as those of the
blind, deaf and dumb? For a number
of years the colored people of Omaha
have not supported the NAACP as
they should, thus minimizing the im
portance of the Organization until to
day it is a living parasite, living not
by its own merits locally but on the
name of the National Organization or
the Parent Body. How long shall we
continue to sleep? Candidly I think I
voice the sentiment of the executive
board and loyal members of our local
branch of the NAACP, that every Ne
gro and every liberal white person
should wholeheartedly support this or
ganization. I think we all should be I
willing to know the whole truth, to
know the worst and to provide for it.
Le us not sleep until we are awakened
amidst a possible crisis. The para
mount objective of the NAACP is to
emancipate the Negro from economi
cal slavery and to teach and
live tolerance. .To endeavor to prevent
racial clashes and wholesale Post-War
job lay offs as were experienced after
the 1st world war and are threatening
again. May I conclude by saying, I
feel it is the indispensible duty of each
Negro in Omaha to put his or her shou
lder to the wheel and make our organi
zation second to none. Thanking yon
in advance for your loyal support
James Fellows, President
west Packing house workers almost
took over Washington this week, to
carry on a people’s lobby protesting
lay-offs in the meat packing industrg,
attacking the packers’ refusal to buy
meat, and fighting for OPA and price
control extension.
Consisting of 27 rank and file work
ers, the lobby systematically combed
government offices, seeing their repre
sentatives in Congress and high okci'als
,they followed the tracks of packing
ing trust lobbyists attempting to break
OPA controls.
.Chief on the list of people seen by
the lobby was Secretary of Agriculture
Clinton P. Anderson, who has been in
nominal charge of operating the pack
ing plants since the strike of last Jan.
In their hour-long interview with
Anderson, the packinghouse workers
pointed out that about 25,000 workers
have beeo laid off from the packing
plants since the government has been
running the plants. These lay-offs, the
workers claimed, are caused by the
big packers refusing to buy livestock
in an effort to knock out OPA.
The packinghouse delegates told
Anderson that the big packers are de
liberately encouraging stories of a
black market in meat in order to bring
more pressure against price control.
The lobby noted that the packers tried
the same stunt last year when the OPA
was up for extension by Congress. “This
is open season against the OPA’, the
delegation said.
Both the interior and exterior of the
Ritz Theatre, North Side Movie Cen
ter, are being redecorated and renewed
this spring. Among the improvements
being made are: The redecoration of
the auditorium proper in turquois,
white, cardinal and coil with darkout
ceiling; seat upholsterings are being re
newed and reworked; the ladies lou
nge is being enlarged and feautified;
the proiection room equipment is being
checked and overhauled; the outdoor
sign is being remodeled with indirect
illuminated lettering. The stage is be
ing done over in shell green and ma
hogony with sound absorbing leather
cushioned doors; the foyer is being re
worked in light cream and maroon; the
cooling system is also being checked
so as to be in condition for the hot
days soon to come.
The Ritz was built in 1927 giving
the near North Side its first up todale
talking picture theatre.
Carver Savings & Loan Prey. Welcomes
With the earnest sincerity befitting
sf such an occasion, little Charles C.
Galloway hands over the first deposit to
Milton E. Johnson, President of the
Carver Savings & Loan Association on
the opening day, May 1st. Charles is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Gallo
way, 2814 No. 28th St.
Grand Opening
The Amvet’s Post No. 2 held the
Grand Opening of their newly decora
ted Club Room and Lounge at 24th &
Miami Sts., Friday May 10th. They en
tertained a large group of guests with
music by Basie Given and his band, a
floor show, souvenier photos, and re
The new officiels of the Amvet's are:
Herbert L. McCaw, Commander; Har
rold C. Whiteside, Finance Officer;
Woodrow F. Morgan, Adjutant; Will
iam A. Davis. 1st V. Commander; Ray
mond Alexander, 2nd V. Commander;
Columbus Morrie. 3rd Vice-Comman
der and Paul B. Allen, Manager.
The Most Reverend J. W. West of
Memphis, Tennessee, one of the great
i est preachers of his day will conduct a,1
Old Time Revival meeting at Salem
Baptist Church, 28th and Decatur Sts..
Sunday May 12th through the 24th of
“If you are not saved come and be
saved and hep save someone else’ says
Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor of Salem.
Mrs. Flossie Blount Moore, is Clerk
of the Church.
“Institute of Health” To Be
Held for Profesional and
Student Beauticians May 13
Ryland E. Melford, Nebraska State
Department of Health, announced that
an "Institute On Health”, for profes
sional and student beauticians, will be
held Monday, May 13 at the Urban
League Auditorium, 2213 Lake Street.
The one-day Institute is being spon
(Continued On Page 8 )
Don’t fail to register if you have a
change of residence or name by marri
age or have not voted before in Doug
las County. Register any day until May
31st at the Election Commissioner's
office, County Courthouse, or at the
Urban League on May 17-18-2425.
“The Snack Stop” . . for Refreshments
r~* —- - • -'t-i- • — - -»
''at.TEo Mi
, M'-,KSHA«eS
Wm. H. Davis and C. Whitner, Manager
Above is the picture of the SNACK STOP, owned and operated by Mr. Wm. (Raincoat) Davis, one of the most
successful business men of our City. Mr. Davis’ success story reads Uke “Horatio Algier.” Beginning on a shoe
string and climbing the ladder of succeis in leaps and bounds Mr. Davis is also the owner of The OMAHA
OUTFITTING CO. He wishes to extend a cordial invitation to all his friends, to ‘Pause Here* wheri in need of Re
freshments. t
? KANSAS CITYThe John S. Wil
liams Choral Ensemble of Kansas City,
Mo., under the training and direction
of the Rev. John S. Williams, formally
of the Hillside Presbyterian Church,
here, will present a Grand Opera pro
duction which for the first time has
been attempted by musicians of the
Race in the Southwestern states. The
scene of the Opera will be in the Lin
coln High School auditorium, 2111
Woodland Ave. and the production will
be Verdi’s “La Traviato”. The orches
tral accompaniments will be played by
members of the Kansas City Philhar
monic Orchestra which the Rev. Joha
S. Williams has repeatedly directed.
The principals in the cast have all
been trained in vocal technique in the
Williams music studios. Taking the
role of “Violetta’ will be Juanita Ri
cketts and Ollie Hill; “Alfred” by far
ther Albritton; “Germont’ by James
The date is Monday evening, Juno
Lest We Forget, Sunday
May 12, 1946
Once more Mother’s Day is near, and
the Nation pauses to pay its respects
to its most wonderful women..its mo
thers. Omaha will observe Mother's
Day with special services in churches.
There will be teas, luncheons and din
ners. And each individual will honor
his or her mother with some special
token of love.
We would like to list all of the
wonderful Omaha mothers here, but
time and space will not permit. So we
hope to reflect .through the small num
ber I was able to visit today, our high
esteem for all Omaha mothers and
mothers throughout the world, our ap
preciation and understanding of the
sacrifices they make and the ioy and
sorrows they experience in the upbring
ing of their beloved children.
By Myrtle Goodlow
May they whho wear red flowers la
Offer up to God a prayer
Thankful in their hearts that they
Have another chance to express
Every wish for Mother’s happiness
Remembering her love and tender care
Sacrifice and efforts for their welfare
* * *
Don’t defay but send today
A gift or message to your mother
You will naver have another!
NEY YORK, N. Y.-Soundphoto— A
Mrs. Clarissa Clement of Louisville,
Ky., 71, has been chosen “America*
Mother of 1945” after a poll conduc
ted by the Golden Rule Foundation, *
nation-wide organization. She is moth
er of 7 children, national president of
the Women's Society of African .Me
thodists. Secretary of the Kentucky Di
vision < Negro ) of the American Field
Army Cancer Society and is staticia*
of the Kentuckv Federation of Women*
Clubs. Her late husband was Bishop o
Zion Church of Louisville. Her chil
dren are all graduates of Livingston
•College and one son is President ol
Atlanta, Gra., University. Another it
professor of physics at West Virginia
State College.
Beginning this coming Sunday after
noon May 12th, Clair Church will cel
ebrate five years of unparalled service
of the pastorate of Rev. C. C. Reynold*
Rev. Reynolds is one of the leading pas
tors of the Central West Annual Con
ference. of the Methodist Church. He
is Conference Director of Evangelist*
a member of the Publishing Commit
tee and a member of the Conference
Relations Board.
As well as observing the 5th anni
versary of their Pastor, the week of
May 12 —19th will mark the closing
of the Conference Year of Clair Church
Rev. Reynolds and delegation will g*
for their annual conference, Tuesday,
May 21st. Clair Church extends a cor
dial welcome to the many friends of
Rev. Reynolds to join with us in mak
ing this fifth anniversary of our pa*
tor, not only a success but a high tri
bute to his unfailing loyalty and devo
tion to the religious life of the com
Sunday afternoon May 12th at 3:3#
the service will be sponsored by the
Sunday School and Young People, with
the sermon by the Rev. E. B. Chidrem
and music by St. John AME Church
Choir Monday night May 13th, Rem.
C. Adams of Paradise Baptist Church
and Choir; Tuesday night, Rev. Chas.
Favors of Pilgrim Baptist and Choir;
Wednesday night, Rev. E. V. Wade of
Cleaves Temple C. M. Church and
Choir; Thursday night Rev. F. C. Wil
liams of Zion Baptist Church and hk
Choir; Friday night. Rev. C. L. Wi
liams of Bethel AME Church and hk
Choir. Sunday afternoon May 19, Rem.
R. W. Johnson and Choir of Mt. CaU
vary Community Church and Choit
This service will also be supported bf
the pastors and members of Chritt
Temple Church, Mt. Nebo, New Hope,
Morning Star, Union Memorial, AB
en Chapel, and others.
-----.-- y
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