The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 04, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    A Part, Not Apart
by Ruth Taylor
No man can truthfully say that he is self-made. Like
l lysses he must humbly admit ‘*1 am a part of all that 1
have met.”
Each generation has an increasing responsibility because
it has had greater advantages, due to the work and sacrifice
and lives of those which preceded it. “For unto whomso
ever much is given of him siiail be much required;! and to
whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the
Whether intentionally or not we learn from all those
with whom we come in contact, with whom we live or work.
Not only our own experience but the experience of others
shapes our lives. We cannot live out of the world, but we
must live in it, because of what we have gained from it and
v.e must give as we have gained.
What is true of the individual is true of the nation. No
nation can claim to be **the people.” hat they are is the
ri'suit of the work and toil, and labor and thought of count
leas other peoples of other races and nationalities.
As pure gold is too soft for even careful usage, so is a na
t'an inbred upon itself, too soft for life. Only as it has
L ?nded with other groups, with other races and drawn un
to itself the good of these alien elements can it grow strong.
\ .ere is no nation but what is a part of all nations—no
r ;ce but what draws from other races in order to survive.
Our pride in our country is due to all the diverse forces
x ’Jch shaped it and gave it strength. We are Americans
r I—but we have drawn from every nationality, every race,
r ery creed to build the American way of life which is our
i .'hest heritage. Each race has contributed to our coun
try’s wealth, to the development of its powers. It is a part
all nations—a part of the world.
Only when this creed is recognized, when we understand
t’;at “all experience is an arch” through which we can pass
I) a brotherhood of nations, to a fellowship and fair ex
change among all groups, can we solve the problem of re
e.irrent wars and can all the peoples of the earth “go out
with joy and be led forth with peace.”
Released by Calvin’* New* Service
Such Herculean exploits as strangling a lion capturing
a bull and cleaning the Augean stables were snaps compar
ci with the task of refuting anti-Negro superstitions. Take
l ie “Negroes-aren’t-good fighters” superstition with its im
p ication of inherent racial cowardice. “Herculean” is the
v ord to describe the efforts liberals have made to blast
t malicious myth. The records of individual and group
IV.-gro heroism are in the files of the War and Navy Depart
ments. There s citation after citation. Typical of the
acknowledgments of high-ranking officers was that of Lt.
^'meral Mark W. Clark who, in commending troops of the
1 jur Hundred and Fiftieth (Negro) Battalion, said:
“I am proud o fthe outstanding performance of duty of
tuese soldiers in this baptism of fire. Their conduct was
excellent and reflects the training and discipline of their
unit. The Fifth Army welcomes such soldiers.”
Helen Gahgan Douglas, Congresswoman from California
i_ ad the record of this and every othetj Negro unit inserted
iu the Congressional Record Appendix. The facts, taken official files, gives the lie to the “Negroes aren’t good
fighters” superstition.
But, jf you think these tacts have scotched the supersti
tion you’re letting optimism get the best of your senses.
Laly the other day this writer heard a young white lieuten
ant, just back from Italy, tell some friends who had gather
ed to see him off at the Chicago airport, that the Negroes
“ran like hell at the first loud noise.” He said it loud
enough so all the fifty-odd passenegrs waiting for the New
York-bound airliner could hear him. When the plane
landed in New York, I sat beside him in the airport taxi and
I reminded him that the official record told another story.
Bat he didn’t give a continental for the official record. The
Ninety-Ninth Pursuit squadron? He brushed it aside.
They made Negroes jockey trucks, did’t they? Why did
L ey make ’em truck jockeys? Because they couldn’t
£'ji^ht, that’s why!”
So much for the effect of the few all-Negro ‘show units”
on the prejudice-diseased mind. It’s what the Army and
Navy apparently wanted. They organied the all-Negro com
hat units grudingly, under pressure and as a nod to dem
ocracy. Otherwise, as a candid appraisal of the record
proves every efofrt was made to restrict Negroes to the
same menial tasks that is made in capitalist civilian life.
Edgar L. Jones, writing a sizzling attack on militarism in
the February Atlantic Monthly, reminds us that “One of
the very few paratroop companies ever to go through train
ing without a single man balking when it came his turn to
jump was an all Nc^r ) outfit; yet the Army marie no effort
to correct the rumor that Negroes were cowards. The out
fit was not sent overseas, where its performance might have
encouraged other Negroes to demand fighting assignments,
but was shipped off to the Northwest to fight forest fires.”
If I were one who thought prejudices was merely a mat
ter of misinformation, and that it would disappear when
exposed to fact and truth, 1 think I would begin to get dis
couraged. I am not discouraged because I know that pre
judice is caused by something far deeper than ignorance.
It is the product of ignorance plus the conditioning of a
society of class exploitation. Militarism merely reflects
the worst aspects of this society.
Sooner or later the men of good will who fight prejudice
so bravely and tirelessly, but so futilely, must turn to the
mighty task of eliminating the social swamp in which pre
judice is a spawn. They must think less in terms of mini
mizing the effects and more in terms of eliminating the
cause—in terms, that is, of building a social system whose
collectivist nature produces the proper social climate for
Industrial Labor Relations
(by George ). DeMar for Calvin’s News Service)
If the hiring practices of the New York Telephone Com
pany developed in the past two years were to serve as the
basis of hiring for all the subsidiaries of the American Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, millions of dollars would
come to Negroes. I have had friendly conferences with O.
M. Taylor, executive vice president of the company, and I
have reason to believe in his integrity, December 4, 1944,
he hired four Negro operators and said. “I intend to hire
more as they qualify4’. Today more than 300 are so em
ployed. hey average $35 per week. This means $10,500
per week or over $500,000 per year permanently to Negro
es in jobs not held before. The company continues to hire
Misleading to some is the advertisement—“No exper
ience necessary.” This does not mean no qualifications
necessary. Personla appearance, neatness, alert mind,
good voice, articulation, memory adaptability, dependabil
ity, age marital status, education (not much over high
school) are some of the factors entering into selective bit
ing. Only 13% of the whites who apply get jobs. It is
reasonable to suppose that the same proportion will apply
to Negroes soon. The fact is that 26% of the Negroes who
first applied through the Industrial Department of the Ur
ban League of Greater New York qualified and have proved
satisfactory in every respect. The girls work together,
walk together eat together and may be visiting each other.
The company is interested only in job performance, and
personally I have witnessed operators together on “family
night at the telephone company” which bears out official
A telephone company that has less discrimination than
any other in the country, that is honestly doing something
about ideal work relations should not be charged with dis
crimination. The persons who allege discrimination, I be
lieve, simply did not meet company specifications. The
company still needs operators, but it wall not forsake its
Is Labor Selfish-9
(by ISoah C. A. Walter for Calvin’s ISeivs Service‘
Since V-J Day there have been more strikes in these 8
months than during the 3 1-2 years America was at war.
Many people are being influenced to believe that these
strikes have held up the nation’s industries from reconvert
ing factories from war time to peace time production, creat
ing unemployment for ex-war worekrs and war veterans.
Many other people condemn these strikes charging that the
Unions are maikng a mess of things demanding too much.
Of course this is all so silly. We know why there were so
few strikes during the war. The unions led by Philip Mur
ray of the CIO and W illiam Green of the A. F. of L. all a
greed with the Federal Government to discourage strikes to
help win the war. Nevertheless there were then and still
many wage and working conditions that were inequitable to
Labor. In many industries during the war, worekrs were
going home with fat pay envelopes based upon low hourly
or weekly rates for long hours. Despite the increased cost
of living the majority of worekrs wage rate during the war
remained at prewar levels.
The contents of the war workers fat pay envelopes of
wages earned from long hours of toil, weekly was absorbed
by the high cost of living and black market prices. W hen
V-J Pay came the worekrs who were fortunate to be kept in
hteir jobs found that their post war “take home” pay was
almost 550% less than they received during the war. The
cost of food, housing, clothing etc., remained the same or
had been increased. What was labor to do? Industry was
asked to increase regular wages to that “take home” pay
would meet the cost of living. The Federal Government
after investigation agreed Labor was correct in its demands.
Industry at first refused to consider any reasonable adjust
ment between the cost of living and workers “take home”
pay. The worekrs could not live on 50% less wages and
we witness strikes of auto, steel, oil, electrical and thous
ands of other workers. Industry finally proposed grant
ing wage increases ranging from §5 to 8 dollares per week
based upon a 40 hour week. Most of the strieks have been
settled and not one big factory has closed its doors because
of these strikes, or wage increases granted labor.
After looking at the record no one can truly believe that
Labor is selfish. Negroes, more than anyone else should
realie that Labor’s fight today is the Negroes fight. The
more Labor’s wages come to be equitable with the value of
industries production, the more goods the workingmen and
their families can afford and therefore keep open the door
of America’s great factories that provide jobs for American
Labor. Right today thousands of Negroes and White ex
war worekrs and veterans are jobless, unable to find decent
employment with fair wages. These workers and veterans
do not want Relief. They want jobs at decent pay levels.
L<abor is the only hope to strengthen and maintain the Am
erican system of economy if it is to continue to serve to
provide all Americans, Negro and W'hite with equal oppor
tunity to enjoy the great wealth of our rich country. No
American, Negro or White wants to see our country return
to the chaotic levels we suffered during the depression.
{'ll 6eT\ /^77\
you soMe) ( Sau'Ri 1
v’money (tMftW!/
In recent decades there has
arisen a new parasite profession
in the United States—a new type
of middleman — the fellow who
says: “I’ll give you some of HIS
In politics, this means: “I’ll
tax HIM and give it to you.”
In the business world, this
means: “I’ll get you more of
your employer’s dough, if you’ll
give me part of it.”
This generosity with the other
fellow’s money goes over big un
til the other fellow runs out of
money or until he decides he’s a
chump to go on producing.
Without the other fellow's ini
tiative and enterprise, the mid
dleman soon wouldn’t have any
body to milk.
The Week
By H. W. Smith
Tuskegce Institute Choir will sing
in Constitution Hall in Washington,
D. C. June 3rd. The Daughters of the
American Revolution gave permission
April 24.
The Wall Street Journal says that
living costs is less in some spots and
the National Ass'n of Manufacturers
says that the final version will leave
profiteers badly dissapointed to hold
back goods in the expectation of ob
taining higher prices because of the
curb of the OPA.
Pan American Air Ways will use
Constilation type transports on its run
between New York. Lisbon and Afr
ica beginning April 22.
The US Justice Dept, is seeking
evidence of the one billion dollar Ger
man assets hidden behind forts in this
The auto manufactures of Detroit
have eccepted the application of the
Kaiser-Fraser Corporation was annou
nced by George Mason this week.
A Woman’s bady taken from the
Missouri river near Bellevue identi
fied as Miss Marion Bly of 3280 Ave.
E, Council Bluffs.
‘ Two men were killed in an auto
accident at Rushville, Nebr., April 27.
Louis H. Rubenzki, Summer Resort
owner of South Haven, Mich., made a
statement Saturday, April 27 saying
he belived his daughter died last Nov.
in W'ymore, Nebr., was poisoned.
Burlington RR conductor of the
wrecked train in wrhich 40 persons
were killed, said April 27 he did not
know a train was near his train.
Mr. ^id Mrs. John Younci of route
6 Florence Station, said their three
children made them nervous and want
to give them away.
A farmer near Belleville, 111., lost
has wallet while plowing a year ago.
It contained two ten dolar bills. He
found it with the money on April 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert LeManger of
Kankakee, 111., celebrated their 56th
w'edding anniversady by taking an air
plane ride to California.
Four persons were injured in an
auto accident 6 miles north of Craw
ford, Nebraska April 26.
coal miners strike yet going on with
no end in sight and president John L.
Lewis going good.
NAACP broadcasting an attractive
add in the program of the Spring Mu
sical, said it was a very fine feature.
Omaha has its Town Meeting Forum
once again. Responding to numerous
requests from organizations and indi
viduals. the Omaha Chapter of the
American Veterans Committee has in
itiated a year-around forum to be held
each month at the Joslyn Memorial.
The first AVC Omaha Town Meet
ing has been scheduled for Sunday,
May 5th at 7 pm. “Is the Press Fulfil
ling Its Responsibility to the People”
will be discussed by the following well
known persons:
Rev. Carl Storm, Uni tarian Church,
Lincoln, Nebr., Ray Clark, Noted War
Correspondent; Frank Cronin, Region
al Director CIO, Nebr. and Iowa;
Hugh Fogerty, Omaha World Herald;
and Dr. John E. Coutney, School of
Commerce, Creighton U., Moderator.
“The American Veterans Committee
believes that Omaha wants the op
portunity to talk with its leaders first
hand” commented John F. McAvin,
Jr., chairman of the Omaha Chapter.
“Of course”, McAvin continued, ‘"The
speakers will be subject to questions
from the audience”.
The meeting would be carried on in
the same manner as the “Town Hall
Meeting of the Air” heard on Thurs
day evenings over the radio. Mr. Mc
Avin emphasized that the success or
failure of the AVC Omaha Town Meet
ing depended upon the support and
interest that people show in attending.
\. The public is uryed to attend. No
admission charge.
By Verna Arvey, Calvin’s News Ser.L
For what is believed to be the first
time in recorded history, a Negro com
poser wil contribute a new work to
a Jewish Synagogue when, on May 5,
the Park Avenue Synagogues in New
York City will give the first compo
ser anywhere to William Grant Still’s
setting of Psalm 29, which the compo
ser has titled “The Voice of •' * T
inis is a s.riking example of the grow
ing awareness of the brotherhood of
man, and the need for men of all races
to throw aside personal prejudices and
share in the gifts of God bestowed up
on each of them.
-, I
IWWMWJI imm a umiuwjb
• For Greater Coverage
ADVERTISE in the Guide
fine Quality-Personalized
Seek to Avert Mass Starvation
In Europe; New Wage-Price Plan
Seen as Spur to Production
Rpi***** by Western Newspaper TTr>}r>r^
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed in these columns, they are those of
Western Newspaper Union’s news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
Need Great
In calling upon the American peo
ple to pull in their belts and get
along on a smaller and less varied se
lection of meats, cheese, evaporat
ed milk, ice cream, margarine,
salad dressing and beverages, Pres
ident Truman declared that the
threat of starvation overseas was
greater today than at any other
time in history.
While Americans have been con
; suming about 3,300 calories per per
son, he said, more than 125 million
| people in Europe will have to sub
sist on less than 2,000 calories a day;
[ 28 million will receive less than
1,500 calories a day, and large
groups will get as little as 1,000
In shaping a nine-point program
to enable this country to meet re
| lief requirements overseas, the ad
ministration placed emphasis upon
conservation of dwindling wheat
supplies to assure fulfillment of ex
port goals of 225 million bushels.
No less than 25 million bushels of
wheat were expected to be saved
during the first half of 1946 by rais
ing the quantity of flour produced
from a bushel of wheat to 80 per
cent. As a result, more dark bread
will be made. Another 20 million
bushels of grain are to be conserved
by discontinuing the use of wheat
in the direct production of alcohol
and beer and limiting the use of
other grains for beverage alcohol to
five days’ consumption per month.
At the same time, the depart
ment of agriculture will seek to cut
down on use of feed grains by en
couraging the speeding of market
ing of hogs and beef cattle and cull
ing of poultry.
The other provisions of the ad
ministration’s nine-point program
include the acceleration of rail ship
ments of wheat, corn, meat and oth
er foods; exportation of 375,000 tons
of fats and oils, 1,600,000,000 pounds
of meat, and increased supplies of
canned milk and cheese; establish
ment of wheat and flour inventory
controls on millers, bakers and dis
tributors; and efforts to move more
copra for cocoanut oil from the
No Reprieve
Having been convicted by an
American military commission for
countenancing atrocities in the Phil
ippines, uen. romo
yuki Yamashita’s
life rested in the
I hands of President
Truman after the
Supreme court had
validated his trial
and Gen. Douglas
MacArthur refused
1 to mitigate the sen- ^
tence. ^
as tne President Mynwi wig
considered clemen- General
, cy there was re- Yamashita
sentment in Jap
anese circles over Mac Arthur’s or
ders that Yamashita be stripped of
his uniform, decorations and other
army accessories in being hanged.
Declaring that Yamashita was an
adherent of the ancient Samurai
warrior tradition, Nipponese gener
als said he was entitled to a sol
dier’s rather than a common crimi
aal’s death.
In ordering Yamashita’s hanging
in disgrace, MacArthur asserted
that the Jap had dishonored the
military profession by countenanc
ing troop rapacities instead of in
sisting upon their protection of the
weak, whether friend or foe. Scor
ing the Japanese sack of Manila,
MacArthur compared the destruc
tion with American respect for the
:ity in 1942 despite its impending
Labor Curb
Despite quick house action in
passing the drastic Case bill with
its restrictive labor legislation, the
senate was expected to proceed
more slowly in considering the
Holding their lines solidly through
jut the week-long debate on the bill,
a coalition of Republicans and con
i servative Democrats beat down all
J ifforts to take the teeth out of the
egislation by modifying provisions
Dr eliminating all enabling clauses
to reduce the measure to a mere
ieclaration of policy.
While liberals assailed the bill as
Dne of the most vicious anti-strike
laws to come before congress, pro
ponents clung fast to provisions set
ting up a mediation board to consid
er disputes; requiring 30-day cool
Totaling 233,070,000 pounds, honey
production in 1945 topped 1944 out
put by 23 per cent and was 19 per
cent above the 1939-44 average.
While boosting production, bee
keepers also enjoyed higher prices
resulting from the sugar shortage,
an increase in the packing of one
pound and five-pound containers to
take advantage of higher ceilings,
q flap |r^
I ing off periods before strikes; mak
ing both management and labor li
able for cbntract violations; outlaw
ing violence and intimidation, and
banning sympathy walkouts or boy
New Policy
Culmination of a long and strenu
ous tug-of-war between government
and industry, and between admin
istration officials themselves, a new
wage-price formula loomed with the
expectation that it would pave the
way for labor peace and start up
full-scale production.
Pushed by Reconversion Director
Snyder, and at first' vigorously op
posed by OPAdministrator Bowles,
the new program reportedly called
for general wage increases approx
imating 17 per cent and correspond
ing price boosts to permit industry
OP Administrator Bowles (right)
answers newsmen.
to absorb the added expense.
Though admitting that a rise in liv
ing costs would result from the pol
icy, administration leaders declared
that the volume output following re
sumption of work would bring prices
to normal, reasonable levels.
In developing the new formula,
President Truman affirmed his be
lief in a previous plan he had pro
posed under which prices would
have been raised only if industry
had proven its inability to absorb
wage increases. While the plan
would have worked with full produc
tion, he said, obstructions to large
scale output necessitated a revi
sion of policy. .
Save Face
At odds in the United Nations or
ganization over the question of the
presence of British troops in Greece,
Russia and Britain patched up their
differences with acceptance of a
face-saving formula under which the
security council dropped consider
ation of the issue without a formal
By dropping the question without
further ado, UNO avoided the possi
bility of impairing the prestige of
Russia by refuting its charges that
the presence of Tommies in Greece
threatened the peace of the world
or of offending Britain by acknowl
edging the Red accusations.
Russia’s dharges that the Tom
mies’ alleged protection of rightist
interests in Greece against leftist
elements would have international
repercussions followed close upon
what it believed were British in
spired Iranian complaints against
Red interference with orderly gov
ernment in that country. Occupying
a strategic position along the British
life-line in the eastern Mediterran
ean, Greece, along with oil-rich
Iran, ranks as a key spot in the
Near East
Debate Site
While residents of the Stamford
Greenwich, Conn., area recommend
ed to UNO as a site for permanent
headquarters, protested against the
selection, a strong movement against
approving the locality developed
within UNO itself.
In leading opposition against the
Stamford-Greenwich site, Austra
lian Delegate W. R. Hodgson de
clared that purchase of the land for
$20,000,000 was too costly, residents
did not welcome UNO and no cen
tral facilities for interim operations
were available in New York.
Despite proposals for purchasing
the area recommended for from
$600 to $800 per acre, residents of
both Greenwich and Stamford voted
against the inclusion of town areas
in the site.
Federal revenue of 2.4 billion dol
lars—an all-time high—were col
lected for the government in 1945 by
the alcoholic beverage industry, an
analysis of Bureau of Internal
Revenue data shows.
Comprising federal receipts from
high wartime excise taxes and from
occupational and other special
taxes, the figure represents an ad
vance of approximately 14 per cent
Aver t>>o nrevin"* npaV
Water Bill
With Democrats and Republicans
alike expressing agreement, the
house passed a diluted version of an
administration-backed “full employ
ment” bill that would have commit
ted the government to providing
jobless work at prevailing wages.
As finally framed by a house
senate conference committee and
pushed through congress, the new
bill sets up a council of three eco
nomic advisers delegated to prepare
annual reports on levels of employ
ment, production and purchasing
power and draw up a program for
correcting maladjustments. A con
gressional committee of seven will
then act upon the recommenda
In typical comment on the meas
ure, Rep. Manasco <Dem.. Ala.) de
clared that it was high time con
gress announced an unwillingness to
continue deficit spending except in
extreme emergencies, and Rep.
Judd (Rep., Minn.) said the bill
could do no harm and may do good.
Bloody Outbreak
Murder charges were filed against
four armed guards of the Toledo,
Peoria and Western railroad follow
ing an altercation between em
ployees of the company and pickets
near a siding at Gridley, 111., in
which two strikers were killed and
three others wounded.
Climaxing the T. P.W.’s tempestu
ous labor relations with the rail
road brotherhoods, the bloody af
fray developed after the company
had non its first train over its
eastern division since the union
walkout last October. At that time,
the government had returned the
T.P.W. to its owners following its
wartime operation of the strategic
239 mile line after taking over the
property in 1942. Seizure result
ed from T.P.W. President G. P. Me
Near’s refusal to arbitrate a dis
waving ronowea tne train along a
paralleling highway, about 25 pick
ets parked their cars close to a sid
ing in Gridley and moved toward
a nearby switch which the four
armed guards approached to
“throw.” As the guards and pick
ets neared each other, shots were
fired and the strikers fell. Though
it was admitted that the pickets car
ried rocks, police sought to deter
mine whether any had been armed.
Russ Claims
Repeated communist demands for
the return of Turkish-held Armenian
lands to Russia focused increasing
attention on the Near East.
Latest communist appeal for the
return of Turkish provinces of Kars
and Ardagan to Russia was made
by Grigori Arutinov, secretary of
the Communist party of Soviet Ar
menia. In an election speech at
biScks«A Russia
Yerevan, played up in Moscow,
Arutinov declared that the Armeni
an people raised the question of re
gaining the territory ceded to Tur
key in 1921 in a border dispute.
In the face of growing Russian
pressure for the readjustment of
Turkey’s mountainous eastern bor
der, and other demands for a strip
of Turkey’s northern Black sea
coast, Istanbul has stood fast
against territorial revisions. With the
central government announcing its
intentions to fight for every inch of
ground, nationalists sentiment in the
threatened provinces has been
fanned to a patriotic pitch.
Name American
Top legal body of the United Na
tions Organization, the new Interna
tional Court of Justice will include
one American among its 15 mem
bers, Green H. Hackworth of Chevy
Chase, Md„ being elected to the
In supplanting the old world court
the new tribunal ranks as the prin
cipal organ of UNO for resolving
judicial disputes between nations.
In addition, the court can be called
upon to furnish legal advice to ac
cedited UNO agencies.
A legal adviser to the state de
partment since 1925, Hackworth has
participated in many international
conferences. Accompanying Secre
tary of State Hull to Moscow in 1943,
he subsequently attended the Dum
barton Oaks and San Francisco con
ferences. With the U. S. delegation
at the London sessions of IHSTO,
Hackworth also is chairman of the
United Nations committee of jurists.
As a justice on the new court, he
will draw $20,200 annually.
Sales Drop
A continued rise in farm land
values and a moderate decline in
the volume of sales were leading
developments in the farm real es
tate market during the year 1944-45,
the agriculture department said.
For the United States as a whole,
land values during World War II
(1939-45) increased 50 per cent as
compared with a 25 per cent in
crease during World War I (1914