The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 20, 1946, Page 3, Image 3
Where to go to Church Snuday BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 30th and S- Streets Rev. M. C. William Pastor Sunday School 9:30 A M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU 6 PM. • NIO!V MEMORIAL—TUB METHODIST CHURCH. 3223 "U” Streett South Omaha Rev. A L». Hook. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. Church 25th and R Streets Rev. Fant, pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. ITT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH *010 R street. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor, Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Re porter. Sunday school, 9:30 a- m., Morning Worship 11 A. M. BTU 6 P. M„ Evening worship 8 p. m., CHl'RCH OF GOD IN CHRIST *712 'R' Street, Elder A. E Johnson. Pastor Sunday School _10 o'clock TPWW _ _6:30 Wednesday night.. Bible Band Tuesday night . Prayer Band Thursday. Sewing Circle afternoon at 2 pm. _ CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Elder G. P. Benson. Pastor 1710 North 25th Street Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 1839 North 24th Street. Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Sunday school . ..9:45 a- m. Morning Worship .11 ajn. BTU. at ....6:30 pm. Church of The Living God C.W.F-F. 2316 No, 25th St. Rev. R B. Sparks, Oklahoma City Pastor Mary Alice Crumb, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. y Morning worship 11:30 A. M. Evening worship 8 P. M. JHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Wat*on, pastoi lodeil Watson, reporter YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St, Rev. Adams, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LKW. Mission, Thurs. 8 p. m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. *'cayer Service, Wed- 8 p. m. WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Christine Phillips, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Momin gworship, 11 a. m. @ B. T. U., 6 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Sr. Mission, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Piayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. « BETHEL A ME. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. C L. Williams, Pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Hamlton St. Pa’ Charles Favors. Pastor Mrs Ed. Dortch. Reporter Sunday schioL 9:80 a. m.| Morning Worship, 10:45 I-TU. 6 f» M. Evening Wor.jiip ?:45 p. m. Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Moming Service—11 o’clock Allen Christian Endeavor Lrir true—6:80 p. m. Phone Us Your Social- Local News ST. PHILLIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1119 No. 21st Street Rev. S. G. Sanchez, Rector Mass: 7:30—9:00 Church School—9:45 SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Decatur St. Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor L. A. Henderson. Reporter Sunday Shool 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. BTU 6 pm Evening Worship HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio Streets Rev. E. W. Gordon, Pastor Mrs. T/Newt, reporter 9:30 am.—Sunday School 11 a. m.—Morning Service 11th and Ella Street* Rev. S. W. Wilker*en, pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Services, 11:00 *. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Visitors are always welcome. CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. .._ .... . , Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reporter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worahip 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 1811 North 26th St. Rev. A. J. Thomas pastor Mies Bernice Ellis, reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach ing 8:00. Sunday School, 10:80 e. m. Morning Worship. 11:00. Evening Worship, 8:00 CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH OF CHRIST < Holiness) Church, 2124 North 26th Street Res. 2122 North 26th Street, Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor, Velma Shearron Clerk I • FREESTONE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 6 p, m.—YPVW 8 p. in.—Evening Service. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant Street. Rev. F. C. Williams, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Junior Church, 10:45 a m. Morning Worship, 11;00 a. m. BTU 6:00 p m Evening Worship, 7:45 p.m. PLEAS \NT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, 27th and Franklin Streets Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME. 25th and Decatur Sts.. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Epworth Leaguet 6:30 p m. Evening Service. 8:00 p m. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. 6233 South 26th St. Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Ar.derson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH PEOPLES’ MISSION 1710 North 27th St Rev. W. S. Farmer. Pastor Sunday School_10:30 Morning Worship __11:30 Prayer Services Thursday_8 pm THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 Parker St., , Rev. S. K Nichols, Pastor, Rose Oliver, Reporter. Sunday School. 9;45 a m. Morning Service. 11:30 a m. YPPU., 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p m. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Grant at 25th Strec* %ev. R. W. Johnson, pastor A Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave., “The Friendly Church” Rev. E. B. Childress. Pastor, Mason Devereaux, Jr., reporter Sunday School—9:80 &. m. Morning Worship—11 o’clock Union—6:30 p- m. Evening Worship—8 o’clock CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2230 Ohio Jt., Rev. J. C, Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. m, each Sunday. Tnes. ang Thur*. night*. SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760'Lake St. Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pas. Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 am. Morning Worship 11 am. Vesper Service Friday evening 7:45 pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P M DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST C- B., IOWA 1720 Ave. A Every Monday evenmg Circle Meeting 8:30 pm. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday 9:tP • m. « Morning Worship 11 a. m, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK, IOWA 603 Grimes St., Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor, Julia Keene, Reporter, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. a, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig Worship 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday THE FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J, Thomas. Pastor, Rev. Frank Johnson, Asst Psf Bt. Rev. William Tijlor, Bishop MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. at. Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST MENEDICT CATHOLIC CHURCH 2423 Grant Street, Father Moylan, Pastor, Low Mass—7:00 a m. • Children's Mass—8:30 a m. High Mass—10:00 a m. CLAIR CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street. Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor Mrs Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m Evening Worship. 8:00 p m. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Sewfrd Streets, Rev L R. Bragg, Pastor, Mrs Ada J Fields, Reporter, 9:30 A M..Sunday School 11:00 A M.Morning Worship 6:00 P M. _ _-BTU 7:30 P M .Evening Worship 8:00 P M Wednes, Prayer Meeting 8:00 P M _.-..Junior Church Visitors are always welcome FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, officiator Ora ROhinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, ar « oldock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. MMMMM Women in THEIR 40’s’ Were Never Meant To Suffer Like This! Here’s a tip for women troubled by 1 Nervous Tension, < Irritability and Weak, Tired, Cranky Feelings—due to ‘middle-age’ If the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women makes you suffer from hot flashes, touchy,high strung, weak, nervous feelings, try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — this great medi cine helps build up resistance against such “middle-age” distress. Thousands Upon Thousands Helped! Pinkham’s Compound is one of the best known medicines you can buy for this purpose. It has proved some of the happiest days of some wom en’s lives can often be during their 40’s. We urge you to give Pinkham’s Compound a fair and hon est trial. Just see if it doesn’t help you, too. It’s also a great stomachic tonic! ckyduLoXPinkhwmb VEGETABLE COMPOUND Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minute* or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, 1U finest - In* cus. soar stomach and heartburn, doctors «■— tty prescribe tbe rastest-anlnc medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like then* In Bell-eta Tablets. No laxative. BeU-sns krlnts eotufort In a jm> or doable poor money back oo return at bottle to u. 25c at all dru*gists. . /.,/ww | SUNDAY Uniform j _ International OL.nUUi< -LESSON By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D D. Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for April 21 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. TWO FRIENDS TALK WITH CHRIST LES30N TEXT—Luke 24:13-21. 23-31. MEMORY SELECTION - They said one to another. Did not our heart burn within us. while he talked with us by the way. and while he opened to us the scriptures?—Luke 24:32. Fellowship with the risen living Lord is the unfailing source of faith and courage. Such certainty is the very essence of our observance of Easter. We declare with Paul, “Now is Christ risen from the dead" (I Cor. 15:20), and that He is "declared to be the Son of God with power ... by the resurrection from the dead” (Rom. 1:4). . We would join the apostles who “with great power gave . . . .witness of the resurrec tion of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 4:33). Come with us as we join two men who had become bewildered, who felt that all their hopes had been crushed. We join them as they walk wearily along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Suddenly there is An other with the little group. Let us listen to their conversation. Something is obviously wrong here. These two men are disheart ened and discouraged. They are men with . . . I. Chilled Hearts and Sad Unbelief (vv. 13-26). Teachers will observe that we are using the full story in Luke 24:13-35. The two sad men, who had left Jerusalem to go to Emmaus were disciples of our Lord, and they had Just been through the crushing ex perience of seeing Him crucified. True, there had been some re ports on the morning of this third day, that the women had seen Jesus alive (w. 23, 24). But their hope and faith were at such low ebb that they could not—or did not—believe. Their hearts had been chilled by the dreadful things which had taken place. Eyes closed by unbelief; faith hindered by doubt and fear; a de spondent heart slow to believe God —how very effectively these shut out the blessing of God and of His Word even to the believer. Even deeper is the darkness in which the unbeliever finds himself. II. Warmed Hearts and Renewed Faith (vv. 27-32). Although they did not realize it (how slow we are to appreciate our blessings!) until after Jesus was gone (v. 32). their hearts burned within them as soon as He began to expound the Scriptures to them. What a Bible exposition that was. as Christ Himself opened all that the Scriptures taught concerning Him! Bible teachers have talked about this and it makes one’s heart burn just to read their suggestions (see, for example. O Campbell Morgan on Luke, p. 278). The way to have a burning heart is to read God's Word, or to have it expounded by a Spirit-filled teacher or preacher. When the heart has been warmed by the written Word and by fellow ship with the living Word, our Lord Himself, the opened eye of renewed faith follows as day follows night. Now they knew the Stranger who was with them—and He was gone. How did they know Him? We read that they knew Him in the breaking of the bread (v. 32). Paul declared that same truth when he said, ’’The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolish ness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spirit ually discerned’’ (I. Cor. 2:14). III. Quickened Hearts and Glad Testimony (w. 33-35). The seven miles (sixty furlongs), (v. 13) which had passed so slowly as they came over were now quick ly retraced. They had glorious good news to bring to the disciples at Jerusalem. How swift are the feet of the one who has good tid ings to bear (see Rom. 10:15)1 One wonders why so many pro fessed Christians are so slow about carrying His message. Can it be that they do not yet know the risen Christ? For if we know Him, we will realize that “we do not well” to keep silent in a day of good tid ings (II Kings 7:9). Note in verse 34 that before they could speak, the others gave them the good news of the resurrection. It is proper and delightful that be lievers share spiritual blessings (Rom. 1:11, 12). That's why we come together in God’s house. Brother in the Lord, Christian sis ter, how long is it since you had a new and stirring experience of the presence of Christ? Not necessarily something spectacular or exciting, but a real deep, stirring spiritual experience. God is the same. Our need is the same, yes, even deeper and greater. Why should not we seek out our Lord and let Him warm and quicken our hearts. We would then have a revival in our own hearts. Let’s ask Him for it this Easter day. •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IN The Omaha GUIDE! TODAY! Religious News ST. JOHNS AME CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Reverend E. B. Chilldress Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter No man is so poor that he has not something to give to God It matters how little the faith one hath, God needs that faith and if so given He will increase it and finally whatever you give to God is saved and whatever you keep back is lost an<j with these few thoughts for the day our minister delivered a spiritual filled mess 14th. Te took his inspiring sermon age Palm Sunday morning April from the 113 to 118 Psalms his subject being “The Lord Hath Need of Thee”. As we come into the home str- j ech of our Rally let us all be sure' that we have done our part ac cording to our God given ability. Let us all give an extra push and close our Rally with a bang. Bat tles are only won by those who are willing to go all the way. Let it be so with this great effort. Your continued support of all fun ctions given in the interest of this Rally is needed in order that we might achieve complete victory. Remember our motto “Let us March Upstairs in St. Johns in 1946”. The Mother, Daughter and Son banquet is all set for Thursday night April 25, 1946. Hurry and purchase your ticket or make support this coming event 100 per cent. The Young People of the Miss ionary Society solicit your coop eration in the attendance of the Good Friday Services at Church on -Good Friday night at 8 pm. April 19. Come out on this even ing and support our Young Peo ple won’t you? Easter Sunday night at St. Johns Choir will present the “Seven Last Words’’ in song. This service will be under the direction of our very efficient choir direc tress, Mrs. Pearl Gibson- Don't miss this beautiful service. Rem ember Easter Sunday night at 8 o’clock pm. The Easter program of the Sunday School will be presented under the direction of Mrs. E. B. Childress and Mrs. Jones on Eas ter Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. Let us be o nhand for an excell ent program that our children of the Sunday School Department have planned for us. Rev. C. C. Reynolds of Clair Chapel delivered a spiritaul mov ing message at the close of the Union Services at St. Johns Sun day night, April 14th. The subject of l^is inspiring sermon was “A Defiant Faith”, taken from Pauls letter to the Phillipians 13 vs 4 chapter. Two thoughts taken'from the message are as follows: We to often pull out our religion on Sunday an<j put it back on Mon., Tues, etc., and ttie Churche’s gre atest need today is men and wo men who will stand up and fight the battle of God and the teach ings of Jesus Christ Don’t forget we still have Class Meetings on each Tuesday nights and Prayer Meetings on each Wednesday night. Our Third Quarterly Conference is to be held on Sunday and Mon day April 28 and 29th. The Stew ards and Trustees aolng with the pastor urges each member and group to prepare to meet your Quarterly obligations. On these 2 days our presiding Elder Rev. L. S. Goosby will be with us. Let us all attend Services on Easter Sunday Mothers send your children to Sunday School at 9:30. Attend our Morning Service at 11. Our evening services at 7.30 pm. All visitors an<j friends are always welcome at St. Johns the friendly church at 22nd and Willis. Come and worship with us won’t you? THE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby Sts. H. H. Schauiand, pastor Easter is a celebration of vic tory and triumph. Easter marks the end of a fierce battle between Satan and our dear Lord Jesus Christ. For a time it seemed as though the evil foe would carry away the trophies of victory. Je sus weis nailed to the cross. He died and His lifeless body placed into the grave- The hopes of His followers were shattered- Unsp eakable sorrow and grief filled their hearts as they lamented: “We trusted it had been He which should have redeemed Isreal”. The devil rejoiced; but he rejoiced too soon. Early Sunday morning Je sus arose from the grave. The angel* Announced the glprious message: ‘He is not here! He is risen”! Those words restored hope to his disciples. The Easter message is one that is sorely needed today. Men and women whose hopes and aspira tions have been dashed to piece3, whose bodies are rolling on beds of pain, whose hearts and homes have been broken by cruel circum stances may at this blessed Eas tertide again lift up their heads and sing with joy. Death is deau The grave is conquered. Jesus live because He lives, we too shall 'live. By His resurrection He "hath abolished death, and hath brought I life immortality to light”, A glor ious victory indeed! | The Lutheran Church invites you to its Easter service at 10:30. f The message will be based on Matthew 28, 1—10, “The Lord Is Risen Indeed!". Special Easter music will be rendered by the choir. The Sunday School, beginning 9:30, will elIso observe Easter in a special manner. Our enrollment is increasing, but there is still room. For a stirring and joyous Easter message listen to Dr. Walter Ma ier on the Lutheran Hour over KBON at 11:30 am MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor “And they found the stone rol led away from the sepulchre” 24:2 Luke. Services were in charge of the Pastor both morning and evening, A touching sermon “Who Is This' was brought to us at the morning worship. Again at 3 pm. at Salem another spirit filled message that touched the hearts of all. At the evening worship another sprmon abounding with good in struction and much food for spir itual thought and edification was brought to us. The text was found in 1 Timothy subject “Keep Thy self Pure”. The Sunday School will give the program Sunday morning at the regular church school hour 9:3C am. All parents are requested to please send their children Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock for their final rehearsal. At 8 pm. Eastei Sunday night a pageant will be ; given by the Choir and the Senioi | girls of the Sunday sshool. At the BTU hour 6 pm, an un usual and interesting program is to be given by the Red Circel girls The Treble Cleff Club and all women chorus will appear at the I Church April 23 sponsored by the Willing Workers Club. Everyone is invited to come out and enjoj an evening of superb entertain ment. Friday evening, April 26th, the Pastor, choir, and members will be at Paradise Baptist Church. We invite everybody who so desires to worship with us next Sunday There wiU be something interesting at all services. Good singing, good preaching and a general spiritual good time will be the order of the day. A number oi visitors were pre sent to them we extend a cordial welcome at all times. The sick are as follows: Sisters, Ellen But ler, Willie White and Bro. A. T. Stewart. Forysteen Nared, reporter CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 25th and Decatur St. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor NOTES and PERSONALS Sunday School was well atten ded last Sunday. All Departments were present. Bro. H. L. Cribbs, Supt., Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Lindsay, Rev. G Bivens, as Department Supt. The Morning service opened on the hour, 11 am. The Choir Stew ardess’ and Usher’s were present for the opening almost 100 percent' The Pastor preached the Ser mon text being found in Matt. 27 chap. 3, 4, 6 and 16 vs. I am sure everyone enjoyed the service. 1 member was added. If you don’t have a church home, come to the Cleaves Church. Youth Movement at 6 pm. Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Linds ay are giving their best to your children. S'«. that they come out. Master John Lindsay was in chg. Each Sunday one of our younger people will be in charge of the Youth Movement Marie Hudgens, reporter. ST. JOHNS CHOIR PRESENTS THE SEVEN LAST WORDS “The Seven Last Words” in song will be presented on Easter Sun day night by the St. Johns Choir at St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave at 8 pm. This service will be un der the expert direction of Mrs. Pearl Gibson the choir directress. The soloist for this beautiful pre sentation in song will be as follows Mrs. Venus Starms: Mrs. Wil moths Houston; Mr. H. L. Preston and Mr. Walter Bell. ’ The public -s cordially invited to be present at this service. These people have been working for sometime get ting ready for this occasion in or der that they might bring to the public one of the finest renditions of The Seven Last Words during the Easter season. By making this a must on your religious calen dar you will spend of the most enjoyable evenings of your life by coming to hear ”The Seven Last Words” in song. NATIONAL ARCHIVES DAY Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune has declared June 2, 1946, as National Archives Day. This day is to be set apart to focus attention on the need for collecting significant hi storicay data about Negro women both as individuals and organiza tions. -Special meetings are to be plan ned and interest heightened in the establishment of such a Museum a credit to Negro women of Ame rica. “It is highly important that we have a record of past achieve ments, contributions and strug gles Of Negro women as a heritage to be handed down to future gen erations”, declared Mrs. Bethune. Mrs. Bethune has asked the re gional directors to appoint a good chairman in each state of their area whose responsibility it shall be to make collections throughout the state and or ward same to headquarters for safekeeping. A fund has been initiated by Mrs. E. S. Bailey, of Little Rock, Ark., mother of Mrs. Sue Bailey CONSTIPATION ACIDITY, GAS, AFTER OVEH INDULGENCE IN EATING OR DRINKING, TAKE DELICIOUS, DEPENDABLE VAYA-LAX EFFERVESCENT POWDERS ...,The care of your health should form your most important duty.... The worst enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your intestines and you will experience the general health and the joy of living. For internal cleanliness, however, do not en trust your delicate digestive or-, ganism to any ordinary product. Be choosy—take delicious, effec tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy Bottles $1.00. • High Blood Pressure If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and use GARLIC and PARSLEY TABLETS for relief, we carry the best Per Box $1.25. NO C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED VAYA PRODUCTS, 242 E. 41st St., NYC 17. A Call To Youth Attend Christian Endeavor Devotions Games, Movies and Refreshments All Free! HILLSIDE PRESBYTERlAy CHURCH 30th & Ohio SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1946—6:30 P. M. And Every Sunday, 6:30 P. M. Bringing Christ to the Nations THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR “Ocer Station KBOIV every Sunday morning 11:30 Publicity Department 3558 Soiith Jefferson Avenue Saint Louis 18, Missouri Saint Louis, Missouri, April 21 .Special) A campaign a gainst aster carnival and commercialism was urged here to day “to help the nation keep what Christianity it has left* by Dr. Walter A. Maier, professor of Old Testament Inter pretation and History at Con cordia Theological Seminary in a message broadcast inter nationally over the Lutheran Hour. Churches of the Unit ed States were reminded that according to New Testament records the early Church grew mightily when it preach ed the resurrection of Christ. Conversely, the radio speak er declared that the spiritual anemia and decreasing mem bership which marked many religious groups in our coun try may be traced to the neg „ _ , . „ , lect and disbelief of Christ's Dr. Walter A. Maier . . rising from the grave. Commenting on the fact that in several instances men in. England, who during the war were entrusted with hiding treasures had died, leaving no record of the place of con cealment, Dr. Maier declared “How different with Christ! ’He rose again from His grave to reassure men of the heav enly and determined treasures which are their’s by faith in His atonement. His victory over death reveals to every be liever the place of His resurrected certainty in heaven.” Contradicting the claims of American skeptics that the Easter record is not t oeb taken literally, Dr. Maier asserted that believers in every branch in culture and science are a mong the defenders of this central truth in the Christian faith. Thurman, founder and former edi tor of the Aframerican Woman’s Journal, official organ of the Na tional Council- Women from all parts of the country are being urged to send contributions to the Council and to be on the alert to secure such material as should be preserved in the Archives of the National Council Building. RACE PREJUDICE IS ALIEN TO CULTURE CLEVELAND—If America has a race problem, it is largely of the white mein’s making, the Rev. J. E. Coogan, S. J., declared here to day in an address to the members of the American Catholic Sociol ogy society. A professor at the University of Detroit, Fr. Cooean traced for his audience of Catho lic educators what he called ’The White Man’s demoralizing atem pts to keep the Negro in a condi tion of inferiority”. When the virtuous, ambitious Negro finds himself blocked by the white creed, let the lowest white man count for more than the highest Negro, should we won der if honor and honesty and self respect Seem bought at too high a price, Fr. Coogan inquired Race prejudice is alien to true Catholic culture, Fr. Coogan not ed and pointed out that there is no important race consciousness in Brazil or in other Central and South American countries with a dominant Catholic environment Itching Skin? Stop Scratching! Here Is Quick Ease and Comfort Now that stainless, powerful, pen etrating Moone's Emerald Oil is available at drug stores thousands have found helpful relief from the distressing itching and torture of rashes, eczema, poison ivy and other externally caused skin troubles. Not only does the intense itching, burning or stinging quickly subside, but healing is more quickly pro moted. Get an original bottle of Emcr ’d Oil—Greaseless—Stainless. Honey re funded, if not satisfied. I WE ARE NOW ABLE... | to Render Much Better Service on All Laundry C Work 1 THANKS for being so Patient during the Past Trying Months. m Edholm & Sherman I -t-LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— 1 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 % imevti fo Coc£ c^awi &zit!" tout NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS OH AGAIN—OFF AGAIN HAIR DO’S - To meet all occasms PAGE BOY/ $300/ YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations Cosily Attached .MAID. Human Hair _ All Shades <xUa GLAMOP. PAGE BOYS I SEND NO MONEY j AU AROUND ROUS I or stati th> color RRST QUALITY PAGE BOYS ■ ,A1 K>srMAN *MOUNI on otuvm I HALF GLAMORS • POMPASOUR GLAMORS and ALL OVER WIGS 507 FIFTH AVENUE (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y