The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 20, 1946, Image 1

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    UOCAL& NAT’L NEWS-lOc per copy “AND WORTH IT”
★--★ “Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC” y y
SATURDAY APRIL 20, 1946 Our 19th Year—No. 11 * 10c Per Copy ★ at Po9t-°ft’“’ Omaha. Nebr., Under Act ot
r-Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha. Nebr
v *
Griswold Hits ‘ ‘Isolationist Policy9 ’ of Senator Hugh Butler
Edited by Verna P. Harris
The Negro Farmer
(by James G. Patton, Pres.
National Farmers Union)
Note to Readers:
activities to heading America's
most progressive organization of
small farm owners. He is also
chairman of the American Coun
cil on Race Relations which helps
to coordinate the activities of
numerous local interracial and
maor’s committees. Through the
armers Union he has stimulated
the growth of the cooperative
movement and, unlike the react
ionary farm bloc leaders, he has
fought consistently for stringent
price control and the rights of in
dustrial labor.)
Most people do not realize
the very important role the
Negro farmer has played in
the production of food and
fibre, particularly cotton, in
our agricultural economy.
Negro farm families have
never been able to enjoy ev
en minimum standards of ed
ucation, housing, health or
nutrition. The mechanical
cotton picker and the flame
blocekr will soon bring a ma
jor economic and social cris
is to the South and all of A
merica. Again, as always m
the past, Negroes will prob
ably be the citizens who will
suffer most.
It •« the resnone'hility of
the American people to aid
tm- soar ro' ^*er», tenant.-,
and small farm owners of the
South, a very large percent
age of whom are Negroes, in
the readjustment which they
will be forced to make with
the mechanization and tech
n ngu-e* developments in. co:,
ton. All of us must see that
tnc smail i armer, Negro and ;
white in the South, has an
opportunity to become vocal
in governmental matters. We!
must repeal the poll tax. We
must make it possible for
small farmers to organize
freely, without economic and
social pressures being used
to prevent action from being
taken in their own best inter
New farming opportunities
in the Middle West and in
newly irrigated areas, must
be provided for Negro farm
ers of the South. An equality
of opportunity in industry
must be guaranteed. The re
peal of the poll tax, the pas
sage of a Permanent Fair
Employment ractiee Act. and
the elimination of restricted
covenPant real estate ordin
ances, are minimum Hecessit
ies for economic and social
freedom. Restrictive propei
tv ownership laws such as
have been unfairly enacted
in California against the Jap
anese and other nationalities
must not be applied to the
Negro farmer seeking new
All of us must work to see
that full employment is main
tained, that every man who is
aide to work and wants to
work has a job with suffic
ient income to buy a high
standard of living. The best
single guarantee against un
fair discrimination in all lin
es and for equal opportunity
is to have full employment
for everyone. If this can be
brought about, the adjust
ments caused by technologic
al advances in agriculture
will be made easier not only
for the Negro fawner, but
for all farmers in the lower
income brackets.
If we are to be the great
example for democracy in
the world, we must begin to
put democracy into practice
in full fledged form here at
home, by providing equality
of opportunity to all, regard
less of race or creed, in all
things, economic, social and
Protest Absence of Negroes
On Columbia, Grand Jury
NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Thurgood
Marshall, Special Counsel for the
NAACP, announced today that
pleas of abatement had been filed
in the infamous Columbia, Tenn.
“riot” case on the grounds that
Negroes are excluded from the
j local Gran<j Jury.
As a result of the NAACP pro
tests the cases involving thirty
one Negroes indicted on charges
of attempted murder will be pas
sed over with the result that they
won’t actually be heard until the
early part of May
Both Stephensons, Mrs- Gladys
Stephenson and her son, Navy
vet James Stephenson, testified
before the Federal Grand Jury
now the affair which began in a
Columbia radio repair store when
James Stephenson protected his
mother who was being slapped
and punched by a radio repair
man, and which culminated in the
wanton destruction of Negro bu
sinesses in Columbia. At the top
of the tragic events, homes were
vandalized and Negro citizens ter
rorized, with highway patrolmen
and state guardsmen participat
ing in an orgy of shooting and
beatings of Negro victims during
which ,m|an.y were seriously in
jured and two Negroes murdered
in the jail during third degree
cross examinations. Several other
Negroes also testified as well as
all white newsmen who covered
the "riot” and Sheriff J. J. Un
At the New York office of the
NAACP, Walter White announced
that the urgent appeal for funds
needed for the legal defense of
the Negro victims of Southern
terrorism had to date netted $4000
although it was pointed out that
the Association has already spent
$11,000 in the case. Mr. White
again appealed for contributions
to this critically imnortant fund.
It was also announced that an
executive committee had been j
ro med rrom among the hundreds j
of prominent Americans who are
supporting the NAACP Columbia j
Legal Defense Fund. Mrs. Elean
or Roosevelt and Dr. Channing
Tobias are serving as co-chairman
ex-officio, of the executive com
mittee Clark Foreman of
the Southern Conference for Hu
man Welfare; Mary McLeod Be
thune; Bishop Oxnam; William L
Green, AFL head; Phillip Murray
CIO head; Charles G. Bolte of the
American Veterans’ Committee;
George Marshall of the National
Federation for Constitutional Li
berties; John Hammond; Arthur
B. Springarn, chairman; Frank
Stanley, Louisville, -Ky., publisher
Walter White.
James Morton, wife of the Colum
bia undertaker indicted for atte
mpted murder in the Tenn., frame
up, shared the speakers’ platform
with Dr. Charming Tobias at As
bury AME Church, Sunday April
7th, before an overflowing crowd
of more than 1,000 citizens. The
meeting was sponsored by the
Washington Bureau of the NAA
CP. Mrs. Morton, an eye witness
to the so called Columbia riot on
February 25th described the out
rageous Southern police brutality
to a hushed and shocked audience
capturing the crowd's admiration
and sympathy with her brave un
The Columbia woman described
In the year of 1931, a royal fa
mily was proclaimed. King Bore
alis, Queen Aurora and their court
in a regal Coronation pageant.
E. W. Pryor, King Borealis, the
first in former years active in the
civic life of the community, and
a member of St. Phillips and Dor
othy Allen, now Mrs- Charles Wil
son a talented musician, now of
Chicago, 111., was Queen Aurora.
Through th^ years the Kings
an^ Queens of the Royal Family
have reigned in triumph supreme
Their princesses and countesses
more beautiful, their pageants
more spectacular.
As the time is near for the pro
claiming of King Borealis and
Queen Aurora the XVI we the
subjects of this royal family
await expectantly the culmination
of this the sixteenth coronation
and pageant.
how on the night of the tragic
event she had been attending a
meeting of Columbia citizens who
were interested in building a high
school for Negro children in the
rabid Negro hating community,
when her husband called for her
explaining that trouble was brew
ing, and that the town’s white
citizens were openly voicing lyn
ching threats. Mr. Morton said
that a mob was forming and ad
vised the people at the meeting to
protect themselves and their fa
milies against mob violence.
About midnight of that night, s
man, who described himself as a
United Press representative. camt
into the Morton’s home on the
pretext of seeking an interview.
5 minutes later, members of the
state patrol rushed in with ma
chine guns and ransacked the
nlace. driving several young boys
members of her family out of bed
and ordering them to line up be
side the wall. The leader then said
“If you bat an eye. I’ll blow your
d.heads off”. Mr. Morton was
accused of being the ring leader
of an outlaw band and dragged
off to prison with other Negroes.
It was Mrs Morton who put
through a call to the Nashville
Branch of the NAACP where she
was promised immediate assist
ance. Just as she completed her
call, a highway patrolman rushed
into her room, and leveling the
tommy gun at her head, ordered
her away from the phone. Mrs.
Morton also related how she bun
dled up her children and spirited
them to a safer part of the city
while police and state troopers
smashed through her home and
her husband’s funeral parlor des
troying all furnishings and leav
ing a great KKK scrawled across
a smashed coffin.
in ms remarks Dr. Tobias, after
praising Mrs. Morton for her bra
very, offeed her the following
consolation for the future, no
harm can come, he said with sol
emnity, because the forces of the
righteousness throughout Ameri
ca are behind our cause. Remark
ing upon the two types of citizen
ship our so called democracy af
fords, Dr. Tobias declared that
you can have democracy if you
want it, or you can have a double
standard of citizenship both at
the same time.
In introducing Dr. Tobias. Jg.
William H, Hastie, Governor Elect
of the Virgin Islands and vice
president of the D. C. Branch of
the NAACP, told of the fight be
ing waged by the NAACP to free
the innocent persons who were
photo—President Truman can see
all the ball games In both leagues
this year, if he can find the time
having been presented with pas
3es last week at the White House
Photo shows Clark Griffith, left,
owner of the Washington Sena
tors, President Truman and Ford
Frick, president of the National
League, holding ducats, while a
newsreelman records the scene for
Japanese Women Given Ballot Rights
Corps Radiophoto, Soundphoto_
Japan took her first wobbly step
toward establishment of a demo
cracy as an estimated 24 million
voters went to the polls to select
representatives for a new national
legislature. Shown here a line of
Japanese cast their ballots in the
Yotsuya ward office.
Concert Acclaimed
arrested and charged with offen
ses. He revealed that the Ass’n |
has organized a nationwide com
mittee to publicize the true facts
of the Columbia affair and to
raise necessary funds.
sharp issue with a statement att
ributed to General Sessions Judge
George L. Donnellan in a [
York TIMES story during the
sentencing of 3 young Harlem
thugs to many year long prison
terms on counts of rape, sodomy
grand arceny, and feonious ass
The Association sent the folow
ing message to Judge Donnellan:
‘The New York TIMES March
30, 1946 quotes a statement by
you from the bench in connection
with the Sentencing of three Ne
gro youths convicted of particu
larly objectionable offenses. You
are quoted as demanding that the
Police Commissioner drganize a
strong arm squad of police to beat
up criminals like these in the*
district. The district referred to
is Harlem, This shocking stat,
ment aside from the uncivilized
brutality which it encourages as
a method of crime prevention, is
oarticularlv alarming since it ad
vocates setting up a special form
of police brutality for Negro sus
The experience of civilized na
tions over many years has shown
that the police brutality does not
achieve anything except a demT
oralization applies as well to the
aggressors as to the victims of
police brutality. The brutality as
you are quoted as advocating can
not be differentiated from the
brutality of Nazi and Japanese
prison guards, the revelation of
which has so recently shocked
the American public.
The implication which must be
drawn from the quoted statement
is that only by illegal means can
the city of New York stop crime i
in Harlem
Advocacy of any such illegal
action by the police force is par
ticularly to be abhorred when it
is said to be directed from the
bench which is set up to admini
ster justice in this city.
I am hopeful that the statement
which you are quoted as having
made in the TIMES does not re
present your views, but in any
event, we feel that it is in incum
bent upon you to correct the im
pression which the newspaper
article has created”
BOLIXI, Miss.—Meeting in ex
ecutive session here, the Catholic
Committee of the South urged
Congress to pass the following
legislation: a permanent FEFC;
the full employment toil; contin
ued Price and rent control beyond
June; the Pepper 65 cent minim
i um wage bill, and adequate hous
A far too small audience heard
one of the most outstanding mu
sical concerts of the season at the
St. Johns Church Monday night
April 15th. Mr. Lester Corbin and
Mr. Booker Washingtons excellent
renditions were received by the
gracious audience with applause
after applause. One had to be pre
sent to appreciate the splendid
program these young artists of
our own presented- It was truly
one of the rare treats that seldom
comes our way. Each number
rendered seemed to lift one high
er and higher in musical fairy
These two young artists are
winning and will continue to win
a place in the musical world. A
few of the numbers rendered by
Lester Corbin that touched the
inner most depths of the hearts
of the entire audience present are
as follows: ‘Deep River’, By an'
By ,‘Where’er You Walk’, “Oh
No John’ and many others. Sev
eral piano renditions by Booker
Washington were as follows:
Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude by
Bach-Guenther, ‘Ertoet’ durch dei
guter’, by Bach-Guenther and,
‘Polonaise E flat minor’ by Chopin
Booker Washington Composer,
pianist and Lester Corbin were
presented by Clubs No, 3, 17 and
24. committee Mrs. E. B. Childress
Tula Washington and Mrs. Hattie
Moore. |
mg legislation.
A n«n profit organization, the
Catholic Committee is dedicated
to the application of Christian
principles to the economic, indus-'
trial, social and civic welfare of
all the peope of the Southern,
States- i
At the invitation of Archbishop
Joseph P. Rumme, the Comm
ittee will hold its annual conven
tion in May in New Orleans.
dent Harry S. Truman who, until
his recent Chicago address had
lent full administrative backing
to Federal Poll Tax legislation,
was condemned for his obvious
concession to white supremacy by
the NAACP.
In a telegram to the President,
Walter White stated:
‘National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
like many other organizations anj
individuals is deeply shocked at
your statement in interview in
Chicago. April 6, that the matter
of repealing the Poll Tax now
imposed in seven Southern States
is one that the states will have
to work out for themselves. Since
several efforts have been made to
secur passage of Federal legisla
tion abolishing the Poll Tax, since
these bills have passed the House
3 times and one is now about to
be brought up once more in the
Senate, we take it that your Chi
cago statement may be interpre
ted fairly as indicating that you
oppose Federal legislation to abo
lish the Poll Tax. In taking this
position we are sure you must
t ■
Says US. Must
Take Part in Inter
national Affairs
Governor Dwight Griswold ur
ged Nebraskans to point the na
tion’s way to lasting peace by re
jecting the isolation policy of
Hugh Butler at the Republican
primary election June 11th.
Griswold said his opponent’s re
cent statement in Omaha that ‘ in
ternationalism must be sidetrack
ed” shows Butler proposes to re
turn to pre-war isolation.
Griswold said he is convinced
that if we attempt to go back to
the isolation policy “we will be
plunging surely and rather quick
ly into another war”.
Acceptance of Butler’s policy,
Griswold said, “would serve no
tice on the German people that it
is none of our business whether
they are absorbed by Russia or
whether they establish themselv
es as an independent and progres
sive nation.”
Griswold said the US must take
an active part in international af
fairs and added that two wars
have already come to this nation
because we tried to live apart
from the world.
The Governor’s statements were
contained in the first Series of
weekly state-wide radio addres
ses to be carried on Sundays by
most Nebraska stations between
now and the June Primary.
R. E. Campbell, former Lincoln
mayor and head of Miller and
Paine department store, also said
on the first program. “I want you
to know that I am for Dwight
Griswold all the way in this sen
atorial campaign He has given
Nebraska an excellent, common
sense administration and I know
of no man who can do more for
Nebraska in the United States
Senate. He has the ability, the
background, the youth and the
vigor. Griswold is the kind of lea
der we need in the Senate”.
NEW ORLEANS—Jn a court
room filled to overflowing with
attentive Negroes, most of them
students from the local high sch
ools and Dillard University, at
torneys for the NAACP argued
for the rights of Negroes to re
gister and vote in State and na
tional elections. The Jim Crow
voting appeals were argued in the
Circuit Court of Appeals before
Judges McCord of Alabama, Lee
of Louisians, and Holmes of Miss
NAACP attorneys, A. P. Turead
of Louisiana, Arthur D. Shores of
Birmingham, and Thurgood Mar
shall, Special Counsel from the
national office, representing Ne
groes challenging the traditional
Southern Jim Crow exclusion, af
ter reviewing the line of decisions
since the 14th and 15th Amend
ments and efforts of the Southern
states to prevent Negroes from
' cespite the Federal Con
stitution and laws, areued t't’st
the Federal Courts had a positive
dutv to erant relief in such cases
and should not relegate Negroes
to the use of the state machinery.
Lawyers representing white su
premicists of Louisiana an^ Ala.,
one of whom ironically is a law
partner of self proclaimed Ala
bama liberal. Sen. Lister Hill, did
maintain that the appeals must
first go through the State courts
where, it should be r.n ,.,c<
there would be little if any chance
•mocratic. consideration.
Thurgood Marshall, in closing
the argument, cited the recent de
cision oi uie US Supreme Court
which categorically makes the
duties of the Federal Courts clear
in cases where Federal rights are
The case is under advisement
with no indiciation of how long
before a decision may be expected.
realize that you are encouraging
a system which has placed and
kept in office Senators and Rep
resentatives who have constituted
the stubborn and unyielding core
of opposition to practically all
liberal legitetion both economic
and social, and who are at this
moment the chief opponents in
collaboration with certain Repu
blicans, of the legislative program
which you have declared repeat
edly the country must have in
order to reconvert from the war
’•ears and function adequately at
home and abroad in these troub
led times. It is disturbing to the
American Negro citizens and to
other supporters of the abolition
of the Poll Tax that our Chief
Executive should declare for
marking time on a system which
is depriving ten million American
people, six million whites and 4
million Negroes, of the right to
vote at the very time, when con
ditions so obviously and urgently
demand the courageous and pro
gressive leadership which is not
visible in the type of representa
tives elected under the Poll Tax
New York City, (WDL)_In j
pointing out that there is a dan
ger of thd governor’s cracking i
down agan in any strike situa
tion, so long as there remains or.
the statute books the 1930 law
authorizing him to draft all men
from 16 to 55 into the state mili
tia, the Workers Defense League ;
urged an immediate campaign for
repeal of this law.
This action was suggested in
letters to Moss A. Plunkett and
Martin A. Martin, who had pre
pared injunction proceedings out
against Gov. William M Tuck of
Virginia and were ready to re
present the WDL in defending
any person arrested under his
draft order.
Plunkett unsuccessfully opposed
Gov. Tuck in last year’s Democra
tic primaries and Martin, Negro
attorney of Richmond, was form
erly on the legal staff of the de
partment of justice criminal div
But no occasion for a legal test
of the draft arose, because fol
i “Journey Into Faith”
The above scene is one of the
the many scenes that will be a
part of the spiritual experience of
the young people who attend
Christian Endeavor Service at the
Hillside Presbyterian Church on
Easter Sunday evening. The scene
which is taken from “Journey
Into Faith” is one showing the
crucifixion of Christ. This scene
and all of the other sacred events
of the story are reverently treated
and will form a valuable part of
the experience of those who are
fortunate enough to see it.
A special preview of this pic
ture is being held for adults on
Saturday night before Easter,
April 20, 1946. Adults interested
in seeing it may contact the min
ister of Hillside Church or the
Urban League. There is no ad
mission charge for either of the
Christian Endeavor Services are
held at Hillside Presbyterian
Church every Sunday evening at
6:30- The services include devo
tions, motion pictures, recreation
and refreshments. There is no
charge tot the privilage of attend
ing these services.
( By Myrtle Goodlow ) ,
Though we shall sleep beneath
the sod,
Yet in our flesh shall we see God
When He shall stand upon the
The latter day to judge our worth
For Christ has risen from the dead
And in His sacred word has said
On that great resurrection mom
Earth and sea shall give up
their dead
If we His Holy Word received
And in Him lived and have
Eternal life He shall award
Are the words of our blessed Lord
lowing cancellation of the threa
tened strike against the Virginia
Elecrtic and Power Co., the utility
workers were demobilized. The
International Brotherhood of El
ectrical Workers withdrew its
strike when the giant utility com
panv agreed to arbitrate the issue
of back wages.
Demobilization came within 24
hours of the governor's unprece
dented draft order, described by
Plunkett as unconstitutional and
tantamount to involuntary servi
tude. Under the order, which drew
strong protests from AFL presi
dent William Green, IBEW presi
dent E. J. Brown and Rev. Don
Rev. E. W. Gordon
Pastor of Hillside Pr.-sbyleriw
Church and prominent Leader m
our efforts to quell juvenile de
aid Harrington, chairman at the
WOL national action comnutt^.
the 1,1500 utility workers cede
have been courtmartialled au*i
jailed for refusal to break the*
own strike.
NEW YORK—The $100,000 sat
brought by Reed Lawton, pure*,
dent of the American Civic Open.
Company, against the NAAClt,
Phillip Murray, president of Q*
CIO, and William Z. Foster; ttoc
chairman of the Communist Pas
ty, was dismissed by Justis*
Charles B. McLaughlin in
reme Court yesterday, April MMfc
Mr. Lawton instituted suit *»
damages when his adaptation off
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s ■
ted slave novel "Uncle Tonrt Ca
bin'’ was banned in Bridgepac,
Corm., as a result of protests os
the part of civic minded organs
zations who resented the faMtfb
cation of the dynamic figure a
Uncle Tom.
Mr. Lawton figured in the new
last year when police named ki*
as a protege of Mrs. Albert K.
Langford whose husband w
slain in the still unsolved HM
Marguery murder.
and thereabouts |
This, My Dear Neighbor, is
about Our Street THE STREET.
Tis the center of our activities;
the axis of our daily way of life.
All of us, in some way or another
are affected by the happenings
The Street where the most of
us promenade, shop, barter, trade
and sell. Where we meet acquain
tances and renew old friendships.
Our Street from Wirt to Cum
ing, a throbbing, vibrating, living
The main theatre of diversified
forms of recreation.
Our Street, within its length
and breadth can be found the pro
verbal Butcher, Baker and Can
dlestick Maker (’lectric lites now,
Oldtipier) Rich man, Begger man
Theif (or a reasonable facsimile
thereof ) Doctor, Lawyer and
Merchant Cheif and others.
You are invited, Good Neighbor
to take a Tour with me each week
on this long, rambling, JrolUing,
and historical STREET.
It was a pleasure for me to
shake hands again with my good
friend, Mr. Mosley. Mr. Mosley
spends his many spare hours at
Taylor’s Shoe Repair Shop on
Lake Street. In that shop, between
the pounding of the hammer and
whirring of the machinery Much
debate goes on concerning the
general well being of our comm
unity. Words of praise for the
good and criticism for the not so
good. Mr. Mosley is an elderly
gentleman and speaks with know
ledge gained by years of experi
ence. Anytime you are looking for
an hour of intelligent conversation
seek out Mr. Mosley. Mr. Taylor
and Mr. Ned Moore.
Just off Our Street at 2611 Pa
trick Ave.. on the night of April
15, a party was given for Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Goodlow from Seat
tle by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farmer.
Mr. Goodlow is a former resident
of Co Bluffs and Mrs. Goodlow,
a lovely matron indeed, was form
erly from Salisbury, Mo. They
will leave shortly to spend a week
with Mrs. Goodlow’s family in
Mo., and then journey back thru
Omaha for another gala time on
Our Street.
Warren Agee, just returned
from the South Pacific, gave me
a tongue lashing the other after
noon in the M & M about the con
ditions ahead, an intelligent man,
he certainly is, and with his feet
placed a little more on the ground
will make one of Our Street'B oti>
standing youths. Warren rcuiu
more Youth at the head of dift
erent organizations. He
the Negro to be united, but iin«
not approve of the Race reg»».
gating themselves. Good though*
Warren, keep up the lashing.
I stopped by the Waiter’s Key
Club for the first time sinre my
return from overseas the other
afternoon _ I was amazed by thr
peaceful /atmosphere there 'll*
music was playing softly and n>
patrons seated at the tatkes W
standing at the bar were enjoymj
themselves in pleasant conven
tions. I greeted many old tnw
friends of Our Street. Before f
realized it; the Street had
up with me again—„
Neal Johnson and Leonar*
Glynn, who were partners in their
last business venture. The Sharp
Inn, have dissolved their partner^
ship and are Opening separate
cafes on Our Street. One will h*
named the Sharp Inn Cafe aaf
the other Neals’ Cafe. What tS*.
solved the partnership?
know, ana no one will tell. But
both are remodeling their future
establishments, wanting to opei
up as soon as possible. Which one
will open up first? I do not know
but a race seems to be on an*
Our Street is assured of two fi»w
^ Spnng is here, invigorats**
Spring! And already those sSak
wart knights of the great cspex
spaces are flocking to the g*#
links. Manv of them meetmw or
THE STREET. Mai Scott * a
familar figure. William K*
Nate Golstein and many other*
can be seen in the early momruf"
hours waiting for daybreak <«
they can endeavor to break ok
man par. Golf is getting to tec
lot more popular every day. k.
build3 the body and steadies
nerves. ’Tis great for the lieu*
too, Ladies.
Friends and enemies,
hate, prosperous and desftltute;
you can just about judge a -
character by his actions cr
We may not be able to map tte
world as we wish, but 24th JW
is a part of us, its accomplM^
ments and failures, its goou art
bad points are the productsi* *■
inhabitants, You and I.
So long, good neighbors, n lm
seeing you again next week*