Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, April 13, 1946 OMAHA MERCHANTS THE GREATER OMAHA GLIDE ^ ^ _Congratulates AMVETS Post No. 2 Rock Wool Take a tip from me and get U. S. MINERAL WOOL INSULATION in your home %'#{ J°e Comforf W here to Buy It... “C.” Hiddleston INSULATION CO. 2562 LEAVENWORTH ST. AT7550 EDITORIAL (By George H. McDavis, Advertising Manager) TO MY ADVERTISERS: I am trying to do a job which at times becomes very discouraging, due to the fact that some people are apt to belittle the Negro Press. The other day I entered a store which had a change in managership. Now as it hap pened. this new manager was from Georgia. When I had finished my approach he said ‘Just why should this comp any have to use a Negro pa per as a medium of advertise ment, when they have a white paper in the city.’ Now 1 could have made any of sev eral replies, but I merely begged his pardon for intrud ing and walked out. At this time I deem it ap> , propriate to reproduce a! sketch from the pen of that | well-known columnist, “Lou j Swarz”. . . “VALVE OF THE NEGRO PRESS” He said and I quote: “There is no agency as great I as the press”, differentiating between the press doesn’t make sence to me because every press—the Negro, Jew ish, Spanish, and what we call the white, gives to it’s locality its people, or race and it’s world, information which can not be measured. To question the value of the Negro Press, is, to my way of thinking, ignorance—. take our great organizations such as NAACP, BSCP WOW. YMCA, YWCA, NCNW, and others which have made de finite contributions to racial progress, IN which press did you read about these organi zations? THE NEGRO PRESS % New Homes Feature Glass PITTSBURGH, PA.—American home owners are showing an al-! most universal desire for more ■ and bigger windows in their new i dwellings. -jg Particularly are they interested in windows of the type that take up the entire wall of one room. Most homes now being built or planned include at least one of these large units. These windows not only add beauty to a house but also make heating easier by using the heat of the sun. They take less time to clean than small windows with the usual small panes. First Prize Winner Indicative of the new use of glass for homes is this design by architects Norman and Jean Fletcher which won first prize in the national “House For Cheerful Living” competition sponsored by Pittsburgh Plate Glass and Pitts burgh Corning companies. More than 900 architects competed. This design calls for an H-shaped unit ol seven rooms with three bedrooms, a work and recreation room, living room, dining area, and a prefabricated utility and kitchen area. Windows range in size from the normal units in the bedrooms to the full-wall sliding panels facing the living area. These panels permit use of the social court as an integral part of the living quarters. The national trend in home building is toward this type of functional use of windows and large areas of glass. was the channel which gave us that information. Speaking of general news and information conveved through the NEGRO PRESS is only an angle of the work— there are many phases or de partments of which the Press can boast news, editorials, comments, special columns, publicity, and advertising. THROUGH which cham “CONGRATULATIONS AMVETS” Sports Equipment—9 Sports Wear— • Commercial and Social Stationery— • Toys— 9 Gifts— Q Games—9 Novelties— 9 Office Furniture & Supplies. BRAINS’ 1443-15 HARNEY JA. 4766 —CONGRATULATIONS AMVETS— Kresl 0. K. Hardware Co. Sewell Paints & Glass G. E. Refrigerators—Stoves Washing Machines 4831 SOUTH 24TH Phone MA-4114 ‘Congratulations AMVETS” A Bottle of Metz Please... METZ BREWING CO., Omaha, Nebraska els do millions of NEGROES weekly read, absorb and di^ est these printed words? ON LY OF COURSE through such channels as the “GREA TER OMAHA GUIDE”, so let i'8 move from the news or i - formation angle of the Press anil we surely know that edi torials are invaluable. It is sc often that through the Ejl/1 • TORIALS that conditions ar improved and people awak ened to their duties. KEEP up with the editorials in the Negro Press, especially at election time and see the right thing. In the field of ADVERTI SING, firms have become rich off adds in the Negro I Press and readers have pro fited in some way through adds appearing'. It is easily | estimated that the Negroes spend over §7,000,000,000 annually for life’s necessi ties, so firms readily see the advantage in advertising thru the Negro Press. Wake up and realize the worth of the Negro Press! DRAFT EXTEISSIOX~lS OPPOSED BY WDL New York City-(WDL)—With bills extending the draft schedul ed to be sent to the house and senate floods, the Workers De fense League sent letters of op position to Senator Elbert Thom as, chairman of the senate mili tary affairs • committee A long standing opponent of peacetime conscription, the WDL is in favor of letting the selective service act die on May 15, said the letters, which were written by Rev. Aran S. Gilmartin, nat ional chairman of the league. Top Army officers, who failed to Push through peacetime conscription, are now attempting to attain this1 objective by subterfuge in forcing] extension of the present draft law | Congratulations AMVETS 4 Bottling Company “CONGRATULATIONS AMVETS” From— L. C. Nelson & Sons HARDWARE 1417 HARLEY Phone JAckson 5454 ' * | Sam’s Market ; (Formerly Rosen Grocery) j I Quality Meats ~ Groceries ( i Fresh Fruits & Vegetables , i MR, & MRS. SAM ME1CHES, Proprietors 12624 North 3Gih Phone: JA-945fj ykirkirkirirk-kirkirkickirtrkirtrkirkir-kick k-kirtrkirkirirk-kirtrkirirk-kir I STATE Furniture Co. ► Corner 14th and Dodge t COMPLETE 3-ROOM i [ HOME OUTFITS L J Veterans will find a friendly J } welcome at our store. We have * £ helped hundreds of returned * } veterans with their furniture *■ j * problems. Come in and see our * J splendid selection of Complete *■ J Home Outfits. Open a con- #■ J venient charge account. EASY TERMS * * J ! "No High Rents ... We Own Our Building" J I * }★★*★**-*-* • **•*-* -■e*++************W**^**-iMr* • For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE in the Guide VICTORY GARDENS HELP Victory Gardens this year will save lives, Chester C. Davis told the National Garden Conference meeting at the Department of Agriculture in Washington today. The chairman of the Presidents Famine Emregency Committee said to the garden leaders victory gardens will make it possible to conserve more food and produce more food in 1946. The more gar dens we have and the better gar dens they are, the more food we can send abroad and the more • BEST MATERIALS • EXPERT WORKMEN ! CLARK ROOFING & SIDING CO. Home Insulation —FREE ESTIMATES— H. V. CLARK 1418 NORTH 26TH ST. JA. 4845 Omaha, Nebr. lives we can save. Mr. Davis said the people in the famine stricken nations were ex erting large effort to get back in to full scale food production, but they have many difficulties to overcome. He pointed out that the United States was exporting large quantities of vegetables seeds to help these countries grow their own food. For every 8 pounds of vegetable seed that we plant he said, 1 pound is being sent abroad and all told, the U. S. will ship about 3 million pounds of veget ables seeds to 37 different nati ons this year. On an average, a pound of seed sent abroad will produce about a thousand pounds of food. The most critical need during the next few months was said by the FEC chairman to be that of accumulating enough wheat, fats, and oils to meet the goals set for exports in the first half of 1946. Citing such factors as the short age of tinplate knd record break ing consumer demand, he said the general anl localized shortages of other foods might develop from time to time. All these facts show the need Complete Home ||J I DECORATORS Our Business IS HOME MODERNIZING I | ^ llj I Insulated Siding, _ Roofing, Repairs. B ■■ r-T I New Permanent Beauty for Your Home I Perma-Plastic-Seal for Walls & WoodWork # No Waxing—Polishing— n Scrubbing. ft GIVE YOUR HOME A PERMANENT BEAUTY £> I 1 TREATMENT WITH... PERMANENT Q_ PLASTIC SEAL Q | \/ Quality Materials, yj Guaranteed Workmanship 7 I Come In and See A ^— I Free Demonstration ^x —Free Estimates— I “Many Satisfied Customers’’'’ \ W — rfc Omaha Home Improvement Co. g JA-3840 1502 North 24th St. JA-3840 Q -DISTRIBUTORS FOR PERM A-P AST IC-SEAL • for millions of gardens in 1946. Gardens will help us conserve wheat by providing extra veget ables to make up for less bread a d cereal. They will cushion ag shortages which may devel op hhere and there during the critical months. They will enable many more peclple to can and pre r°rve foods, making it possible for them to donate more to collection campaigns for foreign relief. Gar dens will, in short, help us meet our goa’s for export and protect us against shortages at home % SPRING IS HERE! We Have Our Usual Fine Line of.. . BULK GARDEN SEEDS; GRASS SEEDS, VEGETABLE AND BEDDING PLANTS, SHRUBS AND TREES. — ‘THE OLD RELIABLE”— Home Landscape Service TEL. 2426 Cuming St. J V-5115 MANAGEMENT Quick—Speedy ONE DAY “SERVICE” TEDDY BEAD Cleaners • CLEANING • PRESSING • REPAIRING DISCOUNT for CASH & CARRY —Free Delivery— Morris E. Kutler, Mgr. 112 NORTH 18th ST. —Phone— JA1578 PETERSON & MICHELSEN Hardware Co. -South Omaha, Nebraska ph°ne MArket 0171 4916 South 24th ► CONGRATULATIONS AMVETS * CONGRATULATIONS AM VETS THE CHOICEST PRODUCT OF THE BREWERS' ART — , hi>i in jhpuj*j_i^_i___ j CEITPJSL BOOFMfi CO. ! ASPHALT & ASBESTOS ROOFING a INSULATED BRICK SIDING | ROCK WOOL INSULATION • Dependable Workmanship § -FREE ESTIMATES-_ | I 1459 SOUTH 16TH Phone ATtlantic Q562 | THE most modern ^ Q ^ ^ * LOAN OFFICE IN OMAHA LOANS $25 to $ 1,000 Lp to 18 Months to Repay I Mmmm Phone, Write, or Visit Our Office TODAY! Mutual Loan Co. ;;Southicest ;| Unn Goodwin, Mgr. |> Corner ;i 15th and < AAJ Barker Bldg. JA 6528 IDEAL Roofing 8c Supply CONGRATULATES THE AMVETS -OFFICE & WAREHOUSE— 1701-3-5 MASON