IH MIND AND H E A K T CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE SS'S^tS U^'SJd'STSd.ne. W.^dn Zrco“in«1toore.if 7itb .—3 fcwr* *r'X°b:™rb"0z'^irz ^ s^jr ,T™rJ:°" ABBE S 1946 INSPIRATIONAL READING With fiu j""' **nd. 25c ,or at.aKri5tr ,of rd““ «*“« xj".,To£ ~ -- as-ss/ss s£S mmAarn tout problems within the realm of reason Write to “** “d THE ABBE WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia I THE NEW 1946 READINGS £ ARE NOW READY L. L. C.—I am coming to you a problem that is of great con cern to me. I am at tne present and have been for some time back in love with another man’s wife 1 can’t even notice another woman (nor am I at myself at all unless 11 am in her company. She has me completely under her spell. After reading your columns I thought that you could probably tell me something to do as I am perfectly miserable and she says she ma> be able to get her freedom o we can be as one. Ans regardlless of how much you apparently love the woman, -he fact still remains that she's married and belongs to another man. There is no happy ending for a romance under these con ditions—someone is going to De hurt and disillusioned and since you are the logical one to with draw, o so now before it is too late. As long as you pamper your self by seeing this woman, no girl will be attractive to you. You would never to. give youtself u you talked the woman into get ting a divorce. What she does of her own accord is of no conse quence to you but you won’t have something on your conscience which would be hard to remove. Make friends with the single gir,s and be determined that jou will not w.’eck someone else’s home. C. H. A.—I have been going w:'-T a man for a long time and he said he loved me more than anyone else- He called me his number 1. Well he saw me with a friend, no thing more than a good friend, and it upset him so much that he is °cting queer now. My boyfriend is funny I suppose. I am wonder. mg .1 ne will ever love me as mucn as he did? Ans: It’s perfectly natural lo a lover to get 'green eyed’ when he sees his number one girl with another man. But if he can’t be reasonable and accept the facts, then you must decide right now if y ou would like to be married to a man of this disposition. You did not intentionally try to arouse his jeolously—was merely passing a litle time with the friend- Ex plain your side of the story and ii ne tai-s .see it as it actually was, you had best not get too in love with him. I. V. D.—I met a boy in service and we liked eoch other right iron, the start. He is getting dischargee and says he will he back withii a week for me. I know that he must care as he will do anythin! for me at any time. Some of nr friends are telling me now tha maybe I should not marry hin 8g I have only known him since last fall. Tell me what to do? A.us: If you begin listening to all tne idle chatter you hear, you are in for a ssd life. You and your boyfriend are most ccmpa : tibie, you enjoy each others com | pany, are interested in the same 1 v.migs in life and find each other ver amusing. What else do you rwant ? Shut your ears to out.si.. THE YANCEES_ _ By SPENCER MORGAN |0f 1M SHAKIN LIKE ^ r •“/LOADED DICE-LET'S &01 'in joe's-and warm UP ON A CUP OF COFFEE -’ll.C.*? BOYS-r GOT SOMEJ ’ OF THE BEST- SSm ♦BLACK EYE PEAS r AND LISTENERS^/lav^m) \YOU EVER^TjjVi \Jsjj MAN.'ISURE DID EAT MY WIFE AIN’T &ONNA FIX TOO MUCH ANYHOW 3J i= SHE'5 BEEN PLAYIN' fn= BRID&E ALL DAY ,< H SO I'UL EAT AGAIN*J j] I KNEW YOU'D BE HUNGRY 1 SO I brought some BLACK-EYED PEAS AND PIG- ' EARS “FROM JOE'S ! ; YEAH?) \S0 LONG Skj,c- J JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON >AW-ZiG*r, S.WTh- im*V/£ 6 OF I ( LOO ThOS£ MACH/££S\ 7h£M tOChEP \^OUTh£%E / / ^MITH 7WO F&OM 1HE closet:.. r7»£ MACH/M& ARB //V 7REt£ VBA6$/ / /Alt P£CT mo$£ BAGS?) LANKY AMP /H 77i£y J / ~X A/E OKAY- TAkE '£Ni\f UN- ' ^OVE/ TO TH£ Crrtfcmftal j BREEZY By T. MELVIN •_ _ * §pju<=/ WAIT'LL I CATCH^H , |feu,FREpDIE/ YOU (gur; e^eezy /jj remember. \WHATTMEwTHAT 6UIT < 7MATTER?A| ^OUtHTAT^ -7 r'YYOUR UNCLES J ME^jzSt, lyeah.'¥--K£tdldme m ?gcJT'?/STMAr ^Uir WOULD —ZHLwwiar like < . .f -1 f JIM STEELE fly MELVIN TAPLEY r ■ ■" ■ » - ___ JuPTMTNE'LAB' WORKER FOCUOED m FAGAlY^-GAy MACHINE OK) HELENA AND PREPARED TO THROW THE SWITCH, SPRANG INTDTH& (300M AND KKOW m Uttcmam.'’ KNEW YOU'D COME/7 BUT - QUICK/ WE MUST FOLLOW AHML. HE'S LEAD HNO THEM TO A URANIUM - DEPOSIT ...ONCE THEY rriNENTA.L features_y ,'s Ai!£K “Hey Sis, that dumb cluck is here again!” "Next Door” By ted shearer Costli*>il ‘ «57jC»vc*.'v& L -- -' “ . . Yeah, but what about the Chicken coop , EDGEGAT E —Attention, Mr. Burleson! BY LOUIS RICBarb I ✓--^ -n I ✓--i '"' 1 '**""" i ....... i -—— HOWS, TH Fusr ffBTC A'fKv post we ve t^wa* OFFICE IN 9 OR to S>CiN IN J-EtteRS f) vw TNis IittlE since inE > 13 uf?& STt)RYE£> sf V—LnT J T 1/ KW)S IH THIS \ I Out55 town hbout to | thet leneif i vh'is >96o hud I ^ *v»Lt_ rnT)>LEO F) LET/E91 HE&EL I 70 fjnDl ^ v 5H£ A/EvER R£ coved rr j [Gosh- vonr I )/Cl) HQVE b Iti?/)in curcr 1 evE*?y ^jp^y ? . , m „ ' -Bur our —» MAIL ©96. /‘r-x Ato/?Er ^9r^' THE* H4J.F "w . run. r^i?\ ~ ThlErS mHET*> rvyL B ^=; C&U5J* ~rn f m m\ li^^y HUCKLEBERRY FINNv r-c— ---: -= NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 HLACKSTONE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot", earner and adjoining, oa southwest corner 21st and Gram Extensive frontage on both 21st and Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable ol’fei IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33d or Call HA-0S09. Phone us your - SOCIAL NOTES i JA-3215 Tenn. (B) Atlanta, Ga. (C) 9. Tell: What crop so completely T enslaved,' the southern economic | system and the Negro that it was given the title KING. 10. Tell: What Negro nation won its independence b ywar against the slave owners by the slaves. 1. False. All races are consider ed. 2. True * 3. False 4. False. There are 100 million Dravadians. 5. False 6- True. Figures apply to only the USA. 7. Dwight O. W Holmes (C) Mordecd W. Johnson (B) Charles H. Wesley (A) 8. Fisk U. (B) Morehouse Col ege (C) Shaw University (A) 9. Cotton. King Cotton ' i0. Kati W ALLER DEATH SAYING PRISONERS ANTHOLOGY ) — New Ycyk. City (WDL-)Tho dying statement of Odell Waller Negro sharcropper executed in j 1942 for the fatal shooting in self 1 defense of his white landlord, is j contained in the great prisoners first anthology of literature writ- j 24th & Lake Sts. ! |> PRESCRIPTIONS 1 Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy tMuitmnuMiitm’miiuuMiuiMiimiii •for Quick Hauling We Haul & Move Everything. -Phones-— AT-9982 JA-1499 ^ n i r ! ten in prison. The book edited by Asidore Abramowitz and publish ed by E. P. Dutton and Co., also contains a piece by Eugene Debs. A two year court fight to save Waller’s life was conducted by the Workers Defense League He was originally convicted in 1940 by a Pittsylvania County, Va., all white jury. The US Su preme court twice declined to hear the case on the basis of the poll tax issue. Here are 7 reasons why thousands prefer Innerdean Herbal Laxative. 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Elfect. 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. y No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. Economical, a 50c package lasts he Family lor Months, ovtion: Um only as diroctsd druggists. Or write for FREE ;ROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean 46 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21, rnia. FOR THF LATEST NEWS Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly *The Omaha Guide Classified Ads Get Results* Houses For Sale Anyone or all of the following louses, 1604-1606 - 1608 North :9th street. All completely mod ■m—Reasonable prices. Will ac cept a Good Used Car as Down .-’ayment. JOHN GUSPER & SON _ 2312 N’ St., MA. 5490. Plasterers Wanted! Must be good workmen. Wages §12 a day. Write Joe McCray. 1302 N. 26th St., Omaha. Nebraska. '’’Help Wanted LAl’NOBY shirt press°rs. finish sorters and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner l aundry 2014 St Msrv’s Ave. © AUTOS W ANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR cash: ® We will come to your home. Fred Fling Motors AT-9463 2056 Fnrnam Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. Netc & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MARI 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224 - "Everything For The Home'' ^ ^ ^ -A ^ ^ .. I Help Wanted! Giris and Women, 18 years or over for Packing Vegetables. Pay every week. 51;. Day Week. Time and a half for over 40 hours. Apply in Person at Employment Office, 12th & Jones Streets FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. APT. FOR RENT CaU AT. 6281.' Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh* borhood—HA-0137. Real Estate. Homes For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call WE-1389. i irnriTr— it1 11 TB—McaanaMBw——n— NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE 4 CLOTHING SHOP BIG SARK—Overcoats, ail sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Cadies Dresses Rugs, Bede. Gas Stoves and Ofc Stoves'. "We Buy and Sell" — TEI„ AT. 1154 1715 N. ?6tli ST, IA CM) KIES * CLEAN Ella EDHOL1I Jt S1ILKN \N "401 North 241 h St WE. DOJIS’ EMEItSON LAUNDIt \ 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102* • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week I* Ym, smart women and men by the thousand* know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS OinV ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, “spots” eczema andt ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer's SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 yeara. Try it on the guarantee ef satisfaction or money back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times a* much). At all stores or frem E. T. Bfowne Drug Co*. 127 Water St., New York City. Help complete complexion beauty with Palmer** SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) 2Se \ 'P,cu£,mj2AA fine Quality-Personalized : pi unting JUST CALL HA-0800 THAT CARROT’S CUTE! — Interest as well as appetite is awakened by the Red Cross nutrition demonstration in this Ohio school,' a» youngsters laugh and learn about food values through the placards end illustrations prepared as part of the nutrition service available ts all through local Rpd Cross chapters.