The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 06, 1946, Page 6, Image 6
l!Lilljl£-Al£-JllALl_i* w sttK COUWSIL AND GUIDANCE Md*™Dfil ^°-'n? nrd!”*1^. - wb«” Tour “ind fa weighted down with worry wnd row feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an undemanding friend Pf*®*® ■tiw Your problem will be analyzed in the nan«*r *— . . . . a •Mppin* of the column with your letter For a "private ,--Va,n*Ju<K * ABBE'S IMS INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each R^adi^ you will «ce « SHL“ptaUinlindttr.UinS3Hi(**'Jd eon*trucVT* ,dT,oe »n«lx*in* three 1*1 que£ "*D jj ■tamped (8c) envelope for your confidential reply • nd «,o-« Wi tBU name addreee and birthdate to all letter.. Explain yoor^Ji'fiito J3 mar problem, within the realm of rea*>n. Write to ““ THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE 1 P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia THE NEW 1946 READINGS ARE NOW READY G. M. H_I am writing for ad vice. I will be sixteen in June and I have a baby five months old Here is mv problem. I am very much in love with my step brother who is 22- We started going toge ther. My father doesn’t know it .but my step mother does. Now we are not related but I know that if my father knew it he would not like it at all so I want you to tell me what T should do about f this four month love. Ans: This romance should be | nipped in the bud—it shouldn’t be carried on secretly behind your i father’s back. If you are getting ' serious ideas about this young man and he likewise, you certainly should not go to him secretly, but should let your father know how you feel. If he disapproves of your going with boys, then you must abide by his wishes. He is only trying to save you further heart ache and trouble. You are young and a mother an^ as long as your father supports you both you must carry out his orders as to whom to associate with. N. O.—I have had trouble trying, to get the right kind of people in j my place. I try to keep clean, de cent folks in here. I can not tol- i erate ill moral people around me. j My place has been vacant since j October as I haven’t found the j right kind of folks to put in here. I have a store in the basement. Sell soft drinks and lunches and I need a nice* person to help me out. Do you think I will ever find what I want? Ans: What you really need is a nice, settled couple of good char acter to take over your basement store. You should decide whether you wish to hire help on a straight salary or percentage basis If the living quarters are to be part of their wages—the hours they are to put in and the duties you ex pect in return. Then run an ad in the paper stating the qualifica tions you demand and through this channel you will probaiay find the right couple to assist you You should check the references of anyone whom you might con sider. L. V. B.—I have read your col umn in the papers for a long time and enjoy them to my heart. My husband is in the service and I believe he loves me but for the last past week he has written let ters about quitting me. What do you suggest I do? Ana:—Being away from you and the baby has depressed your hus band and that accounts for tne letters he has written lately. Ig nore any references he makes to a separation and write him long cheerful letters filled with plans for the future. You must be very careful as to your social life while he is away. Don’t give him any reason to doubt your loyalty and love. D. L. R.—I am a widow and I have come to love a man who is married but separated. I know he has another girl friend but he does seem to like me. He said he was going to get a d'vorce tut I won der if I am wasting my time on THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON rss:-:--— ____ jf£T£CTII/£ i/ACX U4Y/+ — /A' PC/+CO £OA W££t&, W/7H At'J CLC£$ CA/ 77/£ W4\T£C Atl/&>£#£& — 6U*+ -£Y£.,, -(—_|_ iP'STBCnj/e 2>AV/$ /£ dVAWAAd 13?„£fi'4i*r£KF/* *£w Oozul MAKS-dP... &£4A>-£>'£, a/OW A HAHPf0M£ &&J7Z, /* A/A£4<$/A/<j A C£ZWV dOStf $41/7?/ (\Wd AAv co.mrrsp bj2Z£&„. > t Th>£ MJMZ VT A070/V /A/ SY/2EA/3E 4r 7h£ £4YAMK #OTcL C/'M 71&P OF 77//* (B/acozm, *i//r//f 7/014/ PQODOCE • I \THO*£ sim/ZA/E*/ [JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLET r ' ^APTfYgr |W THB LAB ■' B&NCT CrUfiRpeo By OME op /Wall's A££T AK)T£ HP ^JPDSNLV TfcU-^ HEE-TMAT ME CjOIHCtTO VmOHZV&WE- AM MVENTIOM THAT noow& st&eiyer) MA4, p&ppecreotf •• • ca*r,H*HTT*- n^rveei f^.9U ^ALL ^ HONOREr] [(- OF MY PAEALY^I4IT/PARDON DAI /_ \ ^^pa^lyzinjct^ BREEZY By T. MELVIN ~ go^h^ezy/ - evBrzytime- I f DO YOU EVER . THAT* KAR/ ' ANAWER THE > VOICED WITHOUT WHEN (POE'S -TELEPHONE SEEiNCr WHO^ THK HAPPEN7 > i TALKING?. [SQUIRE EDGEGATE -Boy-Page An Interpreter____BY ions RICHARD \ - -—— = mm — ■■ ■ ■ '■■—■■■■ I * -—.XAi t ... ... U '—U,' ■; —: .- ■ ■ M [HUCKLEBERRY FINN^ STEP ON IT, JIMMY HUCK FINN'S ON A BARREL RIGHT OUER SOME BROKEri ^QLKSS - ^ C Sens DAf / COMMA VET HM ( Take a Fau. Jv»T V To LEARrv VMM A Le55QM_. ? ^ >&F\V' 1/ __ [I & tier VICTORY >MERevv 'Ccy*e on? gU THE V/ATER j h n -WARt-l S00*>!* ^ J this man ? , Ans: Is he merely talking or has , he taken any definite steps to ward getting a divorce? That is the answer to your question. If he is doing nothing but building air casties then you might as well mark him off your slate and give the oid boy a little stiff competi tion. A- L. C—I arp one who reads i your column regularly. I am mar ried and my husband used to be a man but now he just gets so jcuitit and comes home almost every night and makes home un bearable to live in or to live with so I wish that you would tell me what to do? I do not want to di vorce my husband. Ans: This habit is something entirely new with your husband and if you can bear up under the circumstances for a while he will probably become so thoroughly disgusted with himself that he will stop of his own accord. Conaeming him wilj not help the situation any Encourage his old friends, who temperate, to stop him whhen he comes home in the evenings to visit him frequently though he may not quite be himself. You are very wise to avoid a divorce—try to correct the trouble instead of running away froni it. YOUNG PEOPLE WANT THE FACTS A uniformed Public Health Nu rse in Atlanta, Ga., was stopped on the street by a group of shy, embarrassed youngsters. They wanted to know: What is vener eal disease ? How is it caught ? How do you know you have it? Can it be cured? They were very scared. The nurse’s friendly, mat ter of fact manner gave them confidence; her answers assured them. Students of the Negro High School in Rocky Mount, N. C., have been sent during school hrs. in groups of 15, separated by sex, to the Health Department for health examinations, immuniza tions, and lectures on communi cable diseases given by Dr. J. Al ' len Whitaker, City Health Officer TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN “I’m glad you finally taught Frisky to eat at the table dear!’ Next Door” By ted shearer 'r*'" -—-—— \ u iack.' VC _ComtoMhI feature ‘ --- “. . Yeah, but some where along the line—you let your mom get the upper hand....!!!” NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTO.VE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY j Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 I GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot*, corner and adjoining, on sonthwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st ant Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A334 Phone us your SOCIAL NOTES JA-3215 Venereal diseases are included in the disclussion and several stu dents have taken advantage of the uggestion that they apply to the Health Department jfor ex amination when they suspect they | nave a venereal disease. Spotlight on Youth, April 7 Through May the 4th Omaha’s spotlight will be on its youth during the observance on April 27 thru May 4 of Boy’s and • Girls’ Week. The 8 days observance under | i the theme “Building for Tomor I row With the Youth of Today” will feature different activities ' daily, according to Don Boggs of i the Junior Chamber of Commerce who is general chairman. Objectives of the occasion will be to focus attc * iion upon boys and girls, their potentialities and' their problems; give impetus tc year round programs of charac ter building activities; emphasize physical, mental -and spiritual growth, show the need for instill ing the love of country, respect for its laws and established insti tutions. Committees on arrangements] •'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! D24th & Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery —WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy iiinntniiiiiiiimimiiiiimnimiiinmi •for Quick Hauling We Haul & Move Everything. -Phones AT-9982 JA-1499 > are working in conjunction with the Group Wor^ Division of the Community Welfare Council of the Community Chest Boggs has announced that the obversance schedule will be as follows: April 27, parade and civic day; April 28, church day; April 29, home day; April 30, occupations day; May 1, health day; iviay 2, United Nations day; May 3 school day; May 4 recreation day. 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Ellect 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your B Individual Needs. 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the B Family lor Months. Caution: Use only as directed. At all druggists. Or write lor FRII OIN- B (ROUS SAMPLE, lnnerclean Co. 646 E. B Sixth St. Los Angeles 21. Calil. — .. .... . ... . ...,,.. Classified Ads Get Results! Houses For Sale j Anyone or all of the following ! Houses, 1604-1606 - 1608 North 29th street. All completely mod ern—Reasonable prices. Will ac cept a Good Used Car as Down Payment. JOHN GUSPER & SON 2312 N’ St., MA. 5490. Plasterers Wanted! Must be good workmen. Wages $12 a day. Write Joe McCray, 1302 N. 26th St., Omaha, Nebraska. *Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt press»rs, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner Laundry 2014 St Mary’s Ave. # AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! j • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam i Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. Neic & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware ( We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 'M*' - 24th & Lake —W t— "Everything . Lome" Help Wanted! Girls and Women, 18 years or over for Packing Vegetables. Pay every week. 514 Day Week. Time and a half for over 40 hours. Apply in Person at Employment Office, 12th & Jones Streets FAIRMONT, CREAMERY CO. APT. FOR RENT Call AT. 6281. Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. Real Estate, Homes For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call WE-1389. iMmmmmmwammmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammm NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITl/RB <& CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresse* Rurs, Bedo, Gas Stoves and O* Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST„ LAUNDRIES 4t CLEANERS EDHOLJI & SHERMAN :S401 North 24th St. WE. 6053 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102» • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week Crosstown Dres|H™akin8 I—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— JT ATTENTION, LADIES! B You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, J and slacks designed to suit your personality k by an experienced Lady’ Tailoress. We B Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies m general repair work done. We also special- ■ ize in Tailored shirts. B Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... m ^^^^^NORTH^4tl^TREET^ - \ \ Yu, (mart women and men by the thouaanda know how quickly Palmer’a SKIN SUCCESS OiuV ment worka to relievo the itching of many exter nally cauaed plmplee. raahea, "apota” eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer' a SKIN 8UC , CESS Ointment kaa been provd /er oeer 200 yearn i / Try it on the guarantee of aatiafaction er money ' back, 39e (Ecenomy 75e aize oontaina 4 «anea an . much). At all atereaer from E.T. Browne Du* Cn» \ 127 Water St, New Teak City. j I Jfefa ranalrle aemyfaefew beau* abb PafaneeV f tKUl SUCCESS Soap fetfeebeefy m.dftntiO 2Ce