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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1946)
A WEEKLY FEATURE Of The Greater Omaha Guide OMAHA MERCHANTS CONGRATULATE “AMVETS” Post No. 2 EDITORIAL I ^ (BY GEO. H. McDAVIS, Advertising Manager) TO JOH V Q. PL BLIC 'The RAILROAD YIEN’S CLUB located at 24th and Miami has been leased to the VETERANS of WORLD WrAR II namely the AMY ETS Post No. 2. It would be exceedingly opliiniistic to hope that this venture will escape the tongue wagging, knocks and gossip of the citizenary adjacent to this locale. But we are certain t a. this organization will function smoothly despite all this, because they have assist ance from “UNCLE SAM”. In the past several groups have endeavored to promote and establish recreational facilities which would offer a clean, decent place of enjoyment, which so far are sadly lacking in this vicinity and in oi:r city. Schmolier & Mueller Piano Co. 1516 Dodge Street i I THE ALL-MAKES ! Electric & Hardware ! 4040 Hamilton < —•ARE REMODELING— { W hen Completed, They will have a 50x92 Space { for HARDW ARE, APPLIANCES AND A , REPAIR SHOP. (Watch for Ad in this paper for GRAND OPENING.) ^ ACE VACUUM STORES — “Nebraska's Largest Vacuum Distributors”— • FEW NEW CLEANERS NOW AVAILABLE PARTS & SERVICE FOR ALL STANDARD MAKES. K. Glaskott, Mgr. 115 NORTH 16TH ST. Omaha, Nebraska FAULTLESS "Candid" .COMPLETE WITH CASE rl ** _ SPECIFY JUMBO PRINTS 3’/4X4'/2 Ijp..i f'n’dlt’ f 4 An / / J ,J0 or 620 33, / iM m fli^7i‘Wre °" a rotr"'?“s^ A® hQ / rzz? .'*&***£&& aoy / It AT PRESENT I I }B«t Acc'-p'<‘<J sf CUP A YD MAH HiAf / / ^ ,H,S «0W0» -I If* f , / / ^sgiandra W8k,p.::z.i / *- "Tuc camera °°^GLAt^^ * .. I MEB4 C0H“*» OF In ^ . ! | "•—•—- °c- »• p-1 / .. I They have always met opposition from a SELECT FEW who take it upon themselves to oppose any CIVIC IMPROVE MENT. This week the OMAHA GUIDE takes great pride in announcing the opening of the AMVETS Post No. 2 and wishes to congratulate this group of industrious young men on their fortitude in an attempt to better the social living, and community conditions and to foster legislation which will contribute so largely to our way of life. From time to time we will publish more fully the complete program and aims and purposes of this fine organization. The aim of any true EDUCATION is not to discover and express our selves and our PERSONAL DESIRES, but to know the other fellow, to try to understand his DESIRES and to learn how to live with HIM in HARMONY in this confused and much crowded world. REMEMBER to PATRONIZE our ADVER TISERS4 AMERICAN COUNCIL ON RACE RELATIONS Citing what is charges is gross neglect of the rights of minority veterans under the GI Bill, the American Council on Race Rela tions today issued a call for a na tional emergency conference to investigate and take action on the problems of Negro, Japanese Am erican and other minority veteran Tiop orficers and veterans’ re presentatives of more than 50 na .ional organizations have been .a.led to Ned York City to meet n all day session Friday, April 5 j at the Willkie Memorial Bldg.' The conference will hear the results of j the American Council's survey of Veterans’ Information Centers in 21 major cities across the country Delegates of organizations includ ing the Urban League, the Jap anese American Citizens League, the NAACP, and the Southern Re gional Council will also present their estimates of the manner in which provisions of the GI Bill the being withheld from minority veterans. Cartoonist Bill Mauldin will ad dress the delegates at a luncheon and the business sessions will be conducted by Charles Houston, vice-chairman of the American Council who recently resigned from the Presidents Fair Employment Practices Committee Results of the Council’s survej will be presented by Vincent Mal veaux, former combat sergeant with one of the famous mixed bat talions in Germany. The action of the American Council in calling the emergency conference is the .first organized attempt to consider the plight of minority veterans on a national scale. A. A. Liveright, executive dir ector, said the American Council would seek joint action from all the organizations present to carry the charges of discrimination and inadequate facilities to every gov ernment agency involved. An ef fort wll be made to establish grea ter cooperation between local br anches of the national organiza tions, so that treatment of minor ity veterans at the community In formation Centerg can be improv ed. , The American Council’s survey revealed that whole areas of the GI BILL, such as apprenticeship training, are being denied to min ority veterans in many commun ti®s. Negro veterans are given few opportunities to use their army acquired skills as mechanics, ele ctricians, etc., and in some instan ces the$e same skilled veterans are being trained at government expense as porters CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AMVETS, POST No. 2 fc te fc State< Coal Co. ★ ★ —22ND & NICHOLAS— Phone AT» 2.133 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AMVETS, POST No. 2 IDEAL Bottling Co. ★ ★ 911 NORTH 24TH WE. 3043 Congratulations To The AMVETS Post No. 2 THOS. RICH Plumbing &Hee ting Co. 2517 Nc. 24th St. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AMVETS, POST No. 2 NATIONAL SOUND SYSTEM EQUIPMENT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS George W. Pangle, General Manager Phone AT-2551 4 1212 Farham 37 Satisfied Customers j You Are Next 1 37 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government, inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 FOR'SALE A business block and a resident, right in the heart of thickly populated community. Three modern apart ments upstairs, two large store rooms on first floor. One four room all modern house on corner lot, 1120x120, on carline. For further information call— JAckson 4659. [Nebraska Leader j Named for Chicken Breeding Program Appointment of Dent Z. Hol , comb, secretary, Nebraska Poultry Improvement Association, Grand , Island, as state chairman of the Chicken-of-Tomorrow Committee opens the way for Nebraska poul try men to com pete with breeders from other states in the nationwide effort to pro duce better meat - type chickens. Goal erf the three-year breeding p r o gram is to de i «**•»* rhTwaiicryieM I at least 10 per cent more meat i in relation to bone structure, said I D. D. Slade, Lexington, Ky., chair i man of the national committee, | in announcing Holcomb's ap , pointment. The breeder who pro . duces the best example of a meat ■ i ier bird will receive a $5,000 cash ; I award from A & P Food Stores, i i whose officials initiated the pro j gram. Other awards will total ^>3,000. , Objective of both the Nebraska i and national committees is to I stimulate production of chick i ens that will grow more econorn It icaily, Slade pointed out, anc jt which will hr.\ o a greater per [ centage of meat to bone, large [ proportion cf white to dark mea k and a broader breast. The na i tional committee is made up c ^ representatives of all major pair , try associations and the U. S Department of Agriculture. “The contest is open to ever1 ! I poultryman,” Slade continued i I “but it will require rn.oro than jus I the selection of an outstanding bird and sending it :n to be ' i judged. Each breeder must star, ' with from 50 to 300 baby chicks of ; known origin and develop a strain 1 or type of chicken that can be re * produced in commerical quanti I ties. Only by such a program of | development can poultrymen as \ sure the nation's consumers that I chickens of the future will be tne I source of superior meat ” I CLEMEISCP ASKED IS SOLDIER RAPE CASE New York, N. Y_The NAACP through Special Counsel and As a'stant SDecial Counsel Franklin H. Williams, submitted to the Se cretary of War a petition for cle mency in behalf of Dallas Ramsey 36399712, a Negro soldier who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Santa Monica, Calif., on March 23 and April 2, 1944, for an alleged breach of the 92nd Article of War by a General Court Martial. The petftion pomted out that the verdict was against the small weight of the credible evidence m the case, and more specifically that the complainant, a white wo man, proved by her incoherent, inconsistent and contradictory te stimony that she was unworthy of belief. It was stressed that there i nothing in the record beyond the complainant's own confusing stor to corroborate the charge of rape*. It was charged that the conviction of defendant was grossly unjust; that he was denied a fair and im partial trial; and that he was not' There’s a Thrill in Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientifto CRIME I DETECTION I have taught thousands of men and woman this exciting. 1 l profitable, pleasant profession. Let me teach yon. too, Kb your own home. Prepare yourself In your leisure time to fill a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very j short time and at eery email east. What other* have don* \ you too. ean do. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.AS. This fascinating work ia easy to learn and the trainin* ia Inexpensive You. too, ean fit yourself to fill a responsible crime detection fo* . with good pay and steady employment But don't delay I —get the details cow. Let me show you bow easily snd \ completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, in your own home. You may pay af , you learn. Writs today for free Crime Book. 1 £p££J “THE BLUE BOOK OF CRIME- ! If* s thriller Tells shout seme of the arnot tntereotfng crime* 4 ever perpetrated snd how they were solved through the very amthode taught hy I.AA Send now — he euro to etate age INSTITUTE OP APPLIED SCIENCI B*#4. «m ttso Mssnlde Ave„ Chicago 40. IMiaele Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer! **I have used ALLENRU tot several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of •water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money hark. 85(. Drug stores. • • , adequately defended The petition stated to allow this verdict and sentence to stand is a shocking miscarriage of justice and it was respectfully urged that the Secretary of War grant the greatest degree of clemency pos sible to the prisoner. PHONE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWS i^Z&EE™ 1 E.B. Williams! I INC. f 2006 Farnam | Washing Machine Sales | | and Repairs f LOANS $10 TO $1,000 You can obtain a loan from u» for almost any purpose and repay in small monthly pay ments. Salary loans on your signature only. We also make auto and furniture loans. We will gladly make you a small loan or a large one. Phone AT-23P0, tell us what you need> then come in and pick up the money. Prompt Service COMMERCE LOAN COMPANY 1901 Farnam St. Ground Floor Corner. Larry Flinn Manager. V ■■ ___ .CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AMVETS, POST No. 2 \ if if « ) When You Think of MUSIC, Think of ; H O § P E 1 k ★ ★ 1 1 1512 Douglas St. Phone JA-5588 | “YOU'LL FIND YOUR FAVORITE FOODS AT HINKY-DINKY" “/rs EASY TO BE A THRIFTY SHOPPER AT HUSKY-DINKY” I Do You Suffer From ARTHRITIS I Start Now Taking j DE-A'TOL together with I VITRIMINS i _ A multiple vitamin and mineral com bination in exact recommended potenc ies for maximum effect. From America’s Foremost Vitamin l Processors, comes this improved vita-, LiW ; j min treatment developed for over 10 J Jf|j: Vitamin D years. Reliable sources chart in-^O HO stances of people with joints VivU hopelessly stiffened and swol- com bin len who were able to resume atioii k normal movements and work, offer. MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED The Vitamin Store 305 South 16th St. Omaha, Nebr. Donovan BROTHERS —Authorized Dealers— Coal-Gas and Oil Furnaces AIR CONDITIONING— FURNACES— COPPER AND SHEET METAL WORKS GUTTERING, SPOUTING AND REPAIR OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED “WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE” Office—AT3700 -Office-Warehouse-Shop 1114 NORTH 24TH STREET