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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1946)
A HUMAN R ELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUILED E * COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE 22*i^,D?~i ^.rr7Jird]”,lT. Wbc? TOOr “ind “ weighted down with worry •ad Foa feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend p4eaae write Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free m*t mrinHo _ •Upping of the column with your letter For V '“id oi * * £2?? LiU' 'NSPIRATIONAL READING With each KT.d'ngI'you"^,, 2£j£ fawa a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analysing three 1S1 ouea !Srfn.*^rm!fnid ,,,mp!dJSc» "velope for your confident,.* re™. .nd ..« jawr full name address and birthdate to all letters Explain your caaa fully and WsAvs your problems within the realm of reason. Write to THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box II, Atlanta 1, Georgia THE NEW 1946 READINGS ARE NOW READY 't. --. M. W_My husband insists that I work and he wants me to spend my money on food and pay rent and then he doesn’t want to divide his with me. Before he married me he promised that he would be good to my child and do for her but he doesn’t. He has started coming in at night drinking and clowing all night and I am fed up with him I am unhappy. Ans: Before his present conduct beComes a habit, you must exert every effort to locate the real tro. uble and straighten things out. He wouldn't suddenly start this | kind of living unless he ha been concerned. Make his home life I happier. He has been subjected to ; some slight where you are con cerned- Begin by showering him with attention and do little favors an courtesies that you know will please himd. Convince him over and over again that he is very important to your happiness ana ' it will stimulate his interest for you. When he responds and be gins doing nice little things for you, show your appresiation op l enly. Love, like anything else, has to be constantly cared for if it is I to flourish. Worried Life—I am in love with a married man. He loves me. We have been going together nine I months. He doesn't want to go any place unless I go with him and doesn't go anyplace tha I don’t care to go. He is nice and does everything he can to make me happy. Should I continue to go with him? Ans: You will be “worried'' as long as you let this affair con tinue- However, it will become a lot more serious and more trouble some as time goes on. Make a clean break once and for all right now while you are still young and 1 apparently not too deeply invol ved- It may be hard for you to do but it will certianly prove a relief of mind and you will be able to look for happiness and a future with someone who can give you his name. M. M—I need some aavice- i am in love with a girl and she is very nice and sweet. We had planned to get married very shortly. But someone had to go and tell her I had been married before and they JACK 0 A V t S By TED WATSON M/ry'$ G/ec, KWO gA£6£0 rO Th£ H//T£ I /L£ GLAH-eye ? OU££T/OM/MO ? F47U&? ABOUT 7M£FT OF TWO AC/ UTAMT/M6 W/M£f, mow /y. MOr S£Ar&V , \/th/+ i/rria tap o* MTh'B BBA.V tV/LL P//T l YOO TO <i££P z/z' V BABY/ ^ /^YTOP 3£AT/A/3 MY v~~-x / J34U6PT3Z/ /'LL 7~£l~L YO//\ l WP£££ AL4CP/\£6. J /T V (AIK O/V 771& OV/CK, ) lAKKVf THE YANCEES I'M GOING- TO $ THE DRUG STORE WrveI ' AND GET JUNIOR |ATEETHING RING i«S/i ill : NONE OF THE STORES SEEM TO HAVE THEM - WHAT'LL I DO? WET'S By SPENCER MORGAN ?| THERE YOU ARE A BIG- BACON RIND JUST LIKE MOTHER G-AVE ME I / 7—1 "leave it > TO ME! ^^^27 l ; ^eiw »p*o tlKnat/_I I •yg5"T~~— — BREEZY (HOW'S MA&3-! 'eCKU&XEEZY-^E'Z ^JU4 WUNNEKFUL^ "KNOW... If !Uhe majme nr FEEL LIKE PANCINTMYM - I G-ET HOT.ANPjkarai eOLDCHlU&JU£'^Pl,’l “ TH INKIN'OF) ^ HER.y=^^k iYEAH'MY HEAD5 <START£l KEELING) MY HEART^ 5EAT5 FASTER-1 SHIVER ALL OVER... ITMOET^ gE LOVE, BREEZY//, *htonti'7T rlV By T. MELVIN PPON'T SB TOO -SURE// <..THAT*SOUNP5 U KE >THE ^YMP7DM£ fOF A* HEAD COLD > ik&TkMT-) JIM STEELE 6y MELVIN TAPIS', *«MT!MWiTM- fJATotii ' ' ' ~ Ah Mi 14 LEAEJN& DOUMEI AND HER. PARTY TO THE DE POSITS OE URANIUM KNOWN ONLY TO "THE NATIVE HE SUD DENLY THROWS UP HI 4 WAND* •■TO WRC OEP THE INAEG4"HE EXPLAINS TO MAk4U EUT IN THE SHADOW ANOTHER. R&URE RA3 hishand in silent AN4WEP H..MBMWK& OH, JIM/WHEN CO WE ^ 6FT OUT OF ?. JF B IT WASN'T FOP HELENA I'P OrlVF THI<=> UP— BUT, HELENA&SiJp' jE> THERE-ANPXl REMEMBER THAT 1 ’ 4&)ll WE FOUND? \ i HELENA MAV BE !N } 40/YOU A HE 'in TWEUTTUE NEA PICT DR.^ MAKSOWAWTS /"VGlARp feStST— | AM A SCiEnT A WARDEN —MY EYPc SURPASS ANYTHING-Tr - A AWKSl), HIMSELF ^ > ] IMArlNS/ WHY 4HOILD I WAIT FOR HIM X TO RETURN ANC SHARE GLORY THAT 14 RIGHT FULLY MINE? lb*__ SQUIRE EDGEGATE —Looks Like the Jury Will he Out AH Nijht rv inttrc prni TifHOTHV TH‘ 5££wS To ©£ /A7 /)A/ Qr*FU‘-'f)f?6uWf<V| “tSo 7A7 ^)/V T/AJD OzJT kv*/}T »£> Tn’ ~rr?our}Lt - / Dc«7 7Y/5A7T 7t> YY^/T 'V«I6«7 M3 'THt*'? ^s^^ HUCKLEBERRY FINN _ I f <S£ H TLB MEH \ -JUST A MQryt£_MT- Trt I £>QuiRL n/)NT<,\ \ To KA'O^ / r J; there *> e/vh A\ C^«tE 0*0. V£:,<T /jp S03M TtffyfiPt ^ J R'EE>t H T'o / %PEC T A PEf?D'C t I ? ^ ^ • \ Y-—1 5><?l>iVE - Th v 'T>Jl£)v/aj ’P£*) nuCK’t-t. TSP Tiv£ Pou<)Ps * A Side— Thutb v>rt*r\_ Th A^?6uA7eHr ib /F \ / \ urp 1S-“4-V _ ~«>CrtnWi / Great Caesar's ghost! 1 Hoc* firm WO To* SAWYER. \ A RE SAOKmG CORnSlL*. s\JH AH OLD DRY HAYSTACK* T GlT DOW* TH^Re A V QvJlCK , HARRY! / -gT-gOH Oil' didn’t think she should marry a man who had been divorced and she is upset. Now tell me if I should continue to try and win her or to begin looking elsewhere. She is the only girl I love. Ans: She is worth fighting for then, isn't she ? Get busy and con. j vince the girl of your sincerity' and make her realize that >ou iove j her and her alone- The news she heard concerning your past came as quite a shock to her and you can't altogether blame her for her present attitude. You really should have acquainted her with a fact this important before get ting as serious as you two. If you two are sincerely in love with ea~h other, this little problem can be easily ironed out. M. V. B_I am writing for you to tell me how to make my home lovely. I can not feel right at my house with my wife- I don't want to leave her and she cries all the time about me. My wife is about to worry herself to death about me. Now Iadmit I passed off a little time with a woman and I think she she fixed me up some way so that I can’t be satisfied at home any more. I seem to have a desire to leave my family and I know that isn't right. 1 want j you to tell me to stay with my family so that my wife will stop crying and worrying herself sick I am very unhappy. Ans: You made a very piteous j mistake and you feel 3orry for ] that which you have done. Now j be strong enough to put this wre- I tched experience completely oe hind you and center your entire thoughts on your wife and home. Bend over backwards if necessary to make your Wife happy and convince her of your love. Be pa tient and understanding with her, and when youdo so, she will for give you for your mistake and will get over her present nervous “Next Door” by ted shears B*-**n V-iai ^rtcshi .mn i&lH - Vg Continental Featumt —— -■■■■■ ■ .- -1 “ • • • • "cording to Union prices, all shoes over size 12 are 15 cents Mister ...” !AM TQSP5CS By CHAKIES AHEM I @JLm> a CONTINENTAL. FEATURES_AJ191 ® “My Ears are cold mama!” NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT_ Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTOXE LUMP COAL $1160 I per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 | GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ?ot», corner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st an/ Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable offei IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33« or Call HA-080*. Phone us your SOCIAL NOTES j JA-3215 i state- No other woman on earth is worth as much to your happin-® ess as your wife and you must re sist temptations. The other woman doesn't have you rixed up in any way—your conscience is hurting • you. | ____ __ ‘ ’ /— - - — [ •for Quick Hauling We Haul & Move Everything. -Phonos AT-9982 J A-1199 i 3 Here are 7 reasons why thousands B prefer Innerclean Herbal Laxative. "M, 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Elfect. 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. '£ 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs >J: 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts & the Family for Months ? Caution: Tf»« only as directed B At all druggists. Or write for FREE 1 GENEROUS SAMPLE Innerclean Ij 1 Co.. 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. * ■ California. ffrPN-lJN.f'l! .'iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 24th & Lake Sts. j > PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery -WE-0609— Duffy Pharmacy (iiiiiimimiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiii Phone Us Your Social- Local News QUOTES OF THE WEEK “Congressman Cannon bawled. That's a joke, son '."—“Senator” Claghom. “Fill up the back, folks. Act like you’re in church!”—Chat tanooga, Tenn., bus driver to crowding passengers. • t “You might consider I’m from both Wisconsin and Tennessee.” —New Secy, of Interior J. A. Krug, asked for his “home State.” “Both production and employ ment must be retarded while the OPA fiddles with prices.”—Pres. Robert R. IVason, Natl. Assn, of Manufacturers. “We are sick and tired of gor emment of the CIO, by the CIO, for the CIO.”—Three members of Clarkesville, <9 a., OPA price panel, resigning. “Things are hot enough In Washington—without going any farther South.”—President Tru man, postponing Florida vaca tion. -: FOR THE . LATEST NEWS) Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly ★The Omaha Guide 7 Room frame, modern House 14-3x38 feet Store Room in front. Entire Stoek and Fixtures 2806 NORTH 26TH STREET 1 Small Car—1933 four door Sedan $4000.00 COME AND SEE—Four other Vacant Lots! -LUKE B. CAREY Classified Ads Get Results! Plasterers Wanted! Must be good workmen. Wages $12 a day. Write Joe McCray, 1302 N. 26th St., Omaha, Nebraska. 45 Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt presses, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner Laundry 2014 St Mary’s Ave. » AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. M A-1006. New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. Real Estate. Homes For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call | WE-1389. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE!—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Bedo, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN MOt North 24th St WE. (105* EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102» • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week - Crosstown Dresss“Paki"8 I—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— M ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, v and slacks designed to suit your personality m by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We M Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies S general repair work done. We also special- m lze in Tailored shirts. t Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... ■ -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- - { ‘WiKmlrrB t Ye* smart women and men by the thousand* f know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching o(_ many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, ’’spots’’ enema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer s SMI SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 year*. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back. 25c (Economy 75c site contains 4 times e* much). At all stores or from E.T. Browne Drug Co, 1127 Water St., New York City. Help eomplele complexion beauty teUk Palmer*e SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) SSe y 'pAZJ&m&nA-_