The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 30, 1946, Image 1

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    LOCAL & NATL NEWS-lOc per copy “AND WORTH IT”
★-^-Ac “Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper M est of Chicago and North of KC.” ^-Af.-y
£1T, nn»v ,IlDru on ,nlt /. . n.L X- X o , n -rs rs . Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oft ice. Omaha. Nebr.. Lnder Act 01
SATLRDA\, MARCH 30. 1946 Our 19th ^ear—>o. 8 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ Ma-c, Publtshm* Offt^s at 2420 Grant Street. Omaha. Neb,
Edited by Verna P. Harris
(by Elmo Roper)
Research Director, Fortune
Survey of Public Opinion
The story of anti-minority
sentiment today is the story
of "Divide and Be Conquer
ed." Any nation which in
dulges itself in selecting min
orities for ostracism or per
secution in any form will be
"conquered” from within;
conquered in the sense that
its capacity to be internaliy
Tstrong. self reliant and prod
uctive will be destroyed.
Vi ith all of its well-known
weaknesses, human nature is
so constructed that no major
ity group of people can elim
inate a minority or deprive
one of its normal rights with
out serious impairment to the
fibre of the MAJORITY'S
Bad as are the effects of
minority persecution in any
form on the members of the
minority, they are less ser
ious to the long-term national
good than are the effects of
anti-minority sentiments on
th ose who hold them. These
ill effects on the majority
would be serious even if we
wer§ considering a hypothet
ical case which involved bu:
one majority and one minor
But in America we do not
jq have so simple a situation as
one majoritv and one min
tries of Europe. Asia ami
Africa have furnished “•na
tional" minorities— English.
German. Polish. Scandinav
ian. etc. Almost all of the re
ligious philosophies which
have come into being during
the ages have furnished us
with religious minorities —
Catholics. Methodists. I nitar
ians. Quakers, etc. Differenc
es in material wealth have
made minorities out of both
the very rich and the v«*ry
poor. Southern Baptists are
a smaller minority than Cath
olics. Jews are a larger min
ority than Lutheranse. Epis
copalians are a smaller min
ority than are trade union
members. Negroes are larger
minority than Methodists.
The Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution are a smaller
minority than the American
So ““anti-minority senti
ment" in this country means
the antipathy of one or more
minorities for one or more
different minorities. A dang- j
erously combustible frame- j
work in which to start a con-1
flagration of hatred! For we j
now know that antipathy" to-1
wards minorities is contae
ious within the INDIVIDUAL.
Dislike for one minority
breeds dislike for another.
The largest of the hate or
ganizations—the ku Klux
klan— capitalized on this
fact with its three-way cam
paign against Catholics. Ne
groes ami Jews.
Truly tiie function, though
not the purpose. of anti
minority sentiment is “Divide
and Be Conquered.' That
minority which is today a
part of a coalition of minorit
ies which make up a tempor
ary majority may well tomor
row be the persecuted minor
w hat are the sources ot
anti-this and anti-that senti
ment 'i YY e must look deep
for the causes and. regardless
of how much or how little
members of the minority
may thefselves contribute te
the dislike for it. we must
look within the mind of the
possessor of anti-minority
sentiment for much of the
It is likely that we will find
a tthe core of such sentiment
some kind of fear, however
vaguely defined: fear of the
minority’s power or size or
intentions or purposes or al
legiances— or something!
And it is likely that we will
often find that this fear is
produced hy misinformation
Clearly then, one way to com
bat anti-minority sentiment is
to actively provide as much
correct information about
each minority" as possible.
It's easy to hate someone yon
don’t know or to fear some
thing you don’t understand.
It s hard to hate someone
Hits ‘Jim Crow’ Medical Care for Vets
New York, NY—A sharp pro
test against the edict of Dr. Paul
ft. Hawley, medical director for j
the Veterans' Administration that
Negro units will be established in
Veterans hospitals under the care ]
of Negro doctors and nurses was
voiced in a telegram March 16 by
the NAACP Hawley also declar
ed, according to newspaper re
ports, that even in the North, the
Veterans Administration would
restrict Negro doctors and nurses
to Negro patients—a strict Jim
Crow arrangement.
“The NAACP unqualifiedly pro
tests such a plan as reported
which would make for not only
the continuance of racial segrega
tion in veterans hospitals but its
extension to areas where non-dis;
crimination is against law and I
public policy.. Dual basis of ad
ministering hospital care to vet
erans places undue burden on tax- j
payers and demonstrates unAmer i
ican attitude on part of Govern-1
ment hospitals urther urge de
cision to use Negro doctors and
nurses for care of all patients in
Veterans Administration hospit
als without regard to race, creed,
or color.”
• For Greater Coverage
Union Services
At St. John AME Church, 22nd
and Willis Ave., Sunday night,
March 31st. Devotional Services
7:30 pm. Sermon at 8:00 pm. Rev.
F. S. Goodlett, and music by the
Men’s Chorus of Zion Baptist
ADVERTISE in the Guide
Surgeon of
Louis Wright’s career is noti
only a stirring chapter in the his-1
tory of modern medicine, but a
striking example of democratic
triumph over prejudice and bigo
The article SURGEON OF DE
MOCRACY in the April Coronet,
traces the life of this great doctor
and of his fight to win recognit
ion for himself and others. Today
at his post in aHrlem Hopital, Dr I
Wright continues to work and to
train other young doctors, for
most of New York's Negro sur
geons have come up under his di
The story of Dr. Wright's in
spiring achievements begins in
1917, continues Coronet, when the
United States entered World War
I. Then 26. Wright lef Ids p~ac
tice in Atlanta to volunteer for
the Army. At the time, it was the
rule, to vaccinate against small
pox by scratching vacine into the
skin. The young Negro doctor
observed that this technique in
volved a large percentage of re
peats and one day at Camp Up
ton he made a revolutionarv ex
periment; he injected vaccine by
hypodermic needle under the skin.
It worked. "No takes" were vir
tually eliminated. Today Wrights
.method is recognized as the best
method of vaccination.
His original work on the treat
ment of skull fractures and brain
injuries has made him a leading
authority in that field. He in
vented the brace used in the trans
portation and handling of patients
with neck injuries. His report on
the treatment of rupture of the
spleen, published in 1939, is a clas
sic, and right now he is making a
study of lymphogranuloma, an in
fection of the glands which has
been the subject of little original
research in this country'.
Wright was guided into medic
ine by his stepfather, Dr. William
Fletcher Penn, a graduate of Yale I
Medical School, who paid Louis' I
expenses through Harvard at a
period when most Negro students
worked as redcaps and Pullman
porters to finance thems Ive."
through other universities. From
Dr. Penn, Wright learned to be in
tolerant of mediocrity.
Today, at 54, Dr. Wright is a
youngish-looking man with a
ready smile, easy poise and mod
est assurance Some of the older
Negro doctors on Harlem’s staff
think he’s tough—tough and un
reasonable. Perhaps it’s because
Wright won't play "race' politics
in staff promo/ons. “I insist on
the best man for the job. whether
he's white op black, Jew or Cath
olic, and that’s all there is to it,’
he says.
Like father, like—no. not son_
but daughters, for both of Dr.
Wright’s daughters have decided |
to take up medicine, concludes |
Coronet. Jane, who was graduat
ed from Smith College, started her
intemeship at Bellevue last sum
mer, and Barbara, a graduate of
Mount Holyoke, enters in April
whose problems you undei -!
stand: it‘s not easv to be fear
ful in the shining light of ad
equate knowldge. |
Milwaukee, Wis.— (C) —White
students of Shorewood High school
with the support of local citizens
forced its Superintendent of the
Schools. Homer S. Hemenway to
withdraw his policy of refusing to
hire Negro teachers.
Shorewood, a suburb of Mil
waukee has a population of 15.000
all white. There is only one Ne
gro family known to be living her°
and there are no Negro students
in the high school. Yet 90 percent
of the student body voted in favor
of a Negro teacher despite the
obvious opposition of the preju
iced school board
Saint Philips Episcopal Church To Dedicate Memorial Windows
On Sunday, March 31, at 11:00
a. m.. the Rev. S. G- Sanchez, Rec
tor of Staint Phillip’s Episcopal
Church, will dedicate seven stained
glass windows. Five of these win
dows are memorials to:
Millard and Blanche Singleton,
given by Dr. Clarence H. and Mrs.
Singleton, spn and daughter-in
law; J. Dillard Crawford, given by
his wife. Charlotte; Elizabeth Bu
ford. given by her son, Harry;
Katherine and James Headly. gi
ven by James Headley, Sr., hus
band and father; Hyman and Ma
rt- Thompson, g.ver. by Mrs. Mary
Wiggins, daughter.
The two other windows are gi
ven by the Men’s Club of the par
ish. All friends and relatives are
urged to be present at the dedi
cation. A heartv welcome awaits
W EEK APRIL 7—13th
Whereas, in accordance with
precedent, there has heretofore ir.
previous years been set aside by
proclamation of the President, a
week known and designated as
Naational Bar Association Week
Whereas, it is the declared pur
pose of such a week through the
members of the National Bar As
sociation, to emphasize the im
portance of the continuing, unre
lenting fight of the Negro people
to bring about the enforcement
and procurement of the US Con
stitution and particularly the 13,
14 and 15 Amendments thereof,
through Court action an legisla
tion: and
Whereas, it is deemed appro
priate to designate the week of
April 7th to April 13, 1946, as
National Bar Week because such
week includes April 7th to April!
9th, 1946, as the anniversary of
Appomattox—the surrender of
Lee to Grant: and
Whereas, since Appomattox led
to the enactment of the 13, 14 and
15 Amendments to US Constitu
tion, it is appropriate each year in
its commemoration that the mem
bers of the National Bar Associ
ation, composed largely of the
minority group most benefitted by
Appomattox, rededicate themsel
ves to the high purposes for
which the Civil War was fought,
particularly to establish equality
and freedom for all citizens of our
Country, without regard to race,
creed or color;
Now therefore, by virtue of the i
power vested in me as President
of the National Bar Association
and in accordance with precedent
long established, I hereby declare
and proclaim the week of April 7
to 13, 1946, as National Bar Ass- ,
ociation Week, and I call upon
the officers and members of the I
National Bar Association acting j
in the name of the Association to ■
hold public meetings, conduct ra
dio programs, deliver speechhes.
and lectures, write articles for the
press, and engage in any other
worthy activity that may promote
the purposes of such week. The
The theme of till such activities1
should be that America cannot j
continue ‘half-free and half-slave' j
and that to keep our faith with j
Lincoln and Appomattox, the mem j
bers of the National Bar Associa
tion and implementation of the
US Constitution and particularly
the 13th, 14th and 15th Amend
ments thereof
Earl B. Dickerson,
“The Power of God", a Christian j
motion picture filmed in sound is
coming to St. Johns on Monday,
April 8 at 8:15 pm. “The Power
of God” stresses personal evange*
lism, demonstrating that the Gos
pel of Christ is a power of God i
unto salvation to everyone that
believeth The Setting of the power
of God in a little town called El
lendale. It may be your town for
it tells us a gripping modem story
from what Christianity is and what
it does to the individual.
A forceful religious film; it does
deal with the problems of modem
life and shows how these can be1
Nebraskans were called upon Thursday by Gov. Dwight
Griswold to support the Easter Seal Sale during the period
from March 21st to April 21st. The Governor told of the
work the Nebraska Society for Crippled Children in secur
ing care and education for handicapped youngsters. The i
Society derives its funds from the sale of the Seals.
Pictured is the Governor signing the Seal Sale proclam
ation as . O. Swanson, president of the Society looks on.
solved by the Word of God spo
ken at the right time in the right
way by plain Christians.
You will have to see “The Pow
er of God” to really appreciate
the story it has to tell. Everyone
who has seen the power of God
goes away with its true to life
gripping drama imprinted in their
The Power of God is truly one
of the great Christian films that
has been produced in our day. It
is being acclaimed where ever it
is shown. If you fail to see it you
will have missed one of the rarest
treats in movies in many a moon.
Prepare to see “The Power of God
on Monday, April 8th at St. John
AME Church and also prepare to
enjoy one of the finest Christian
pictures in sound you have seen
for some time.
Princeton, N. J.—Soundphoto—
No military genius in all history
has ever won a more noteworthy
battle than this unassuming man.
who has demonstrated that the
test tube, too. is mightier than the
sword. He is Dr. Wendell M. Stan
ley, biochemist and member of thc
Rockefeller Insstitute for Medical
Research, Princeton, creator of
the modem miracle that has ended
the peril of flu epidemic forever
Dr. Stanley is the discoverer of
the Centrifuge type influenza vac
cine that will provide immunity to
the disease that has killed more
people than all wars in history. In
1918 it afflicted one in every four
of the world's inhab
itants and killed 15 million at the
rate of one half of one percent' of
the world population in a month.
Dr. Stanley, although only 42, has
been the recipient of many honors
for his work.
New York—(C)—A young wo
man who scrubs the floors to earn
money for singing admitted today
she will sing the blues no more.
She is Mrs. Ruth Sheron Smith
who walked out of Police Head
quarters this Week with seven
$100 bills.
Mrs. Smith found the bills last
July 11th, while mopping the big
floor of the Hotel Braddock. Af
ter waiting the legal period for
the righful owner, Police Proper
ty Clerk Luci forthrightly awar
ded the bills to her. She is plan
ning to make the money stretch
a long way. First, she says she
and her five year old daughhter
Betty Jane would visit Cleveland
relatives- The rest she will use to
continue her singing lessons.
Hillside Presbyterian Church
will present Mr. Paul H. Briggs,
baritone and Mr. Booker T. Wasn
ington. pianist, in Recital at Rail
road Men’s Benevolent Club, 24th
and Miama, Sunday May 5, 1946
at 5 PM.
For Tennessee
Riot Victims
Nashville, Term—Plans for the
legal defense of the 100 Negroes
arrested and charged with offen
ses in connection with the Colum
bia, Tenn. riot of February 26-28
"ere being perfected last week by
attorneys of the NAACP headed i
by Z. Alexander Looby, of this I
city and Maurice Weaver of Chat
Meanwhile the NAACP office in
New York moved to mobilize na
tionwide support of the fiot vic
tims through the formation of a
national committee of colored and
white citizens which will publicize
the case, raise money for the ex
pensive court fight, and press for
the punishment of officials resp
onsible for the shooting and van
dalism and violation of civil rights I
in Columbia.
Mrs. Roosevelt Heads
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr
Channing H. Tobias will serve as
co chairman of a national commit- !
tee. it was announced by Walter j
White who is in personal charge
of the case for the NAACP. Mrs.
Roosevelt telegraphed her consent
from Tucson, Ariz.
There are two aspects to this
case. White said, both of which
are of the greatest importance
One is the adequate legal defense
of those who have been arrested
and charged with crime. This is
the first consideration. These in
nocent persons, terrorized by a
\ mob and the threat of a lynching
merely retired to their section of
Columbia to avoid any trouble.
Their district was invaded, their
homes and businesses were ran
sacked and wrecked, and scores of
them were threatened and beaten
at the point of machine guns in
the hands of raiding state troop
It is of the very first import
ance that these innocent people
be freed and that nothing take
precedence over securing their
liberty on these fantastic charges.
The second important feature of
this case is the arousing of public
opinion through mass meetings
and protests to bring the guilty
parties to justice and to prevent
the occurence at Columbia from
becoming the pattern to be used
by other communities throughout
the nation. Wre expect, through
the national committee now being
formed, through the 1200 branches
of the NAACP and through coop
eration with other organizations
to carry out this important task
but without forgetting that the
main issue to the colored people
; in Columbia is that those who have
been arrested shall be free.
Mass Meetings Arranged
White said that series of mass
meetings is being arranged in 15
key cities, with smaller gather
ings scattered in a score of other
cities where the case will be pub
licized by speakers from the NAA
CP National office and others.
White spoke March 21 to an
overflow mass meeting at Ebene
zer AME Church in Detroit. Thur
good Marshall, chief councel of
the NAACP who will supervise
i the entire legal defense, spoke on
the Columbia case at a masss meet
in Cleveland, Ohio. The case also
was spread before delegates to a
5 state NAACP regional confer
ence in Tulsa. Oklahoma, March
23, by Miss Ella J Baker, director
of branches and Miss Lucille B.
Black, of the NY office of the As
Oliver Harrington, who was a
war correspondent for the Pitts
burgh Courier in Europe, has been
engaged by the NAACP to head
The thirty-second observance of National Negro Health
Week set for March 31—April 7 will emphasize the theme,
“A healthy home in a healthy community,” the l'. S. Pub
lic Health Service announced.
‘Any movement to stimulate better health among Negroes
is helpful not only to the group itself but to the entire na
tion which is socking an adequate health and medical pro
gram for all people.” Dr. Thomas Parran. Surgeon Gener
al of the U. S. Public Health Service, declared.
“National Negro Health Week as a period of emphasis
anti demonstration of year-round efforts stresses the great
need and opportunity for the average Negro family to im
prove their home and share health benefits in tiic rommun
itv.” Dr. Parran said. He pointed out that although Ne
groes constitute 10 percent of our population, they bear
from three to six times their proportional burden of ill
health and premature death. “This disproportionate bur
den of sickness and death upon the Negro race should lie
removed.” Dr. arran declared. “Every American, what
ever his race and economic status, should be assured the
opportunity of health.”
National Negro Health eek was founded in 1915 by
Dr. Booker T. Washington, late principal of Tuskegee In-,
stitute. and the time now is chosen during the week that
includes April 5. his birthday. After his death T uskegee
Institute and Howard University sponsored the National
Negro Health Week Movement. The U. S. Public Health
Service has carried on the observance since 1932 as a fea
ture of a year-round program for improvement of health
of the Negro population.
up a special publicity project on'
the Columbia case
FBI to investigate
White and Marshall conferred
March 18 with Atty. Gen. Tom
Clark in Washington ancj secured
a promise from him that an ex
haustive investigation would be
made by the FBI A conference
was requested with President*Tru
man but his secretaries referred
the request to the Department of
Atty. Looby, who is a member
of the NAACP national legal com
mittee with offices here, empha
sized that the NAACP is the only
organization authorized by tne de
fendents to represent them legally 1
and that funds collected by the N
AACP will be used for their legal
defense and for publicizing the
case. Contributions to the defense
fund should be sent to the NAa^.
20 West 40th St, New York 18,
N. Y. Checks can be made paya
ble to NAACP or to Mary White
Ovington, Treasurer
In the meantime, it has been
learned that another organization i
has been hurriedly formed in Wa- ,
shington, D. C., and is seeking a
fund of $20,000 to cover the cost
of field organization work and a
money raising campaign.
Richmond, Va—(C)—National
Negro Insurance Association has
extended its nationwide building
contest through May 11th, accor
ding to C. L. Townes, director of 1
Planned as a forerunner to the
1946 obverance of National Negro
Insurance Week, the contest op
ened to all except employees of
any insurance company or agency
too, it has been streamlined and
simplified so that anyone can en
ter 30 prizes totaling $1,000 in
US Bonds are being offered just
for completing this sentence in
25 additional words or less. “Peo
ple should buy Life Insurance be
First prize will be a $500 bond.
Second prize a $200 Roosevelt
Bond and the third prize a $100
bond. A $25 bond is being awarded
for the best entry submitted in
each state. Member companies
will give away a useful souvenir
to every entry.
Chicago (C) Joe Louis as an ex-1
pression of his personal interest1
and support of the NegTO veter- r
ans' efforts to organize on a na- ]
tionwide scale, has accepted the I
honorary chairmanship of the Na-1
tional Veterans’ Conference For
Organization and Action, in Chi
cago, 111., April 6—7.
He will appear as main speaker
of the evening, April 6th at Du
Sable High School, 49th and StaL
Albany, NY—(C>—The Assem
bly unanimous passed this week
the Ives-Feinberg bill establishing
a 16 man commission to study the
• need of a state university Also,
j voted on was the appropropria
I tion of $100,000 after Assembly
Leader Ives stated that there was .
no question that the cammission'
would recommend creation of the ,
new bias free institution.
We have got to have a univer
sity he added
Cleveland—OC)—The Wolcott
Bivins match which drew over
$50,000 here two weeks ako, is ex.
pected to draw twice as much
when it goes outdoor* in May, ac
cording to promoter Larry Atkins
Mis* Doris Ann McGill, 2724
Lake Street, is up and able to be
out again afteT undergoing an ap
pectomy operation recently. She
is well known as the writer of the
popular ‘ Chatter-Box” column ap
pearing weekly in the Omaha
To assist the public in under
standing the why and wherefor of
the appliance shortages. President
H. G. Carlson of the Nebraska
Iowa Electrical Council gives tbe
following report:
A spot check of 34 leading pro
ducers of refrigerators, washers,
radios, ranges, and (ironers. just
completed by Civilian Production
Administration, reveals no exces
sive inventories being withheld
from the market. Over half a mil
lion units of all types were made
by the firms checked since the
war ended. Less than 50.000 were
in inventory at the end of Decem
ber. One large range manufact
urer made 3,000 and had only 700
on hand. A leading ironer manu
facturer had but 150 on hand out
of 2.000 made. Nine firms made
187,000 washers and ha<j 20,000 on
hand Six refrigerator compan
ies made 173.000 box,-s and had
but 7,000 in inventory Spread out
over thousand of dealers, this just
doesn’t go far Many thought the
manufacturers were deliberately
holding back because of thf exces
profits tax, which expired the
first of the year, but this doesn’t
bear out that theory.
Washington, D- C., Soundphoto—
Hussein Aia, the Ambassador from
Iran, held a prolonged conference
with Loy Henderson, Director of
the Near Eastern Affairs Division
of the State Department. He had
received instructions from his go
vernment on bringing the case of
Russia's continued occupation of
his country. Photo shows L. to R.
Loy Henderson and Ambassador.
Washington, D. C.—Endorse
ment of Judge William H. Hastie
to be Governor of the Virgin Is.
was received by Senator Abe Mur
dock, chairman of the Sub-Com
mittee on Territories and Insular
Affairs, from Walter White of the
NAACP on behalf of the organi
zation. The telegram read:
The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo
ple on behalf of its national office
and 1200 branches, youth councils
and college chapters, strongly re
commends favorable action by
your committee on nomination of
William H. Hastie as Governor of
the Virgin Islands. It is superflu
ous to speak of Judge Hastie’s
distinguihed legal and adminitra
tive public record or on his unim
peachable character and courage.
Speedy confirmation by the Sen
ate will make the United States
government and the Virgin Islands
in particularly fortunate in having
so distinguished and intelligently
loyal an adminstrator.
Bedford Park’s Beautiful Lots
Are on the Market F or Sale'Now!
Call Realty Improvement
Company 342 Electric Bldg. JA-7718 or JA-1620 “Small Down Payment Will Do the Job”.