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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1946)
IN MEMORIAM I ^ 1 ALMA ZETT ALLEN 1875—1936 3 PT. PROPOSAL TO INSURE INCLUSION OF MINORITY GROUPS IN FEDERAL HOUSING A three point proposal to insure inclusion of minority groups in the new federal housing program is offered by the American Coun- j cil on Race Relations in a point. statement by A. A. Liveright, ex ecutive director, and Robert C. Weaver, Community Services di • rector. The sstatement, directed to sev eral hundred housing, race rela tions, and civic organizations, calls attention to the crucial importance to Negroes. Japanese Americans, and other minority groups of the t IT0R*SA2-«I£ i A business block and a resident, right in the heart of | thickly populated community. Three modern apart- | ments upstairs, two large store rooms on first floor, j One four room all modern house on corner lot, 1120x120, on carline. For further information call— ( JAckson 4659. | now {n process in the building construction industry, aa well as fair employment of those al ready quai—c— U'r v r *orT',»r special admir1 strator in the United State- Her sing Authority, consulted with Wyatt on his recent visit to Chi co rro. when Wvatt declared the j objectives of the Veterans’ em rgency housing program is home: for all veterans who need them for themselves and their families regardless of race or creed Wyatt strssed that it would be up to each community to tackle its minority housing problem as its local program was mapped out. In the American Council state ment Weaver commented, the /\att program involves more than emergency housing. It erta blishes the basis and will set pat terns for all future postwar hou s ng activity, the reeds cf min ority groups must be fully anc' adequately considered before po licy on local programs becomes fixed. Weaver also pointed to Wyatt’s suggestion that the local emer gency committers, to be appc;nt ej bym ayors, include repretenta .. ves of govemmpr.' veterans labor, builders, building material iroducerss, financial institution.-, ind chambers of commerce No mention is made of minority group representation, said Wea var, but it is obvious that sucb representation must b securer' Ha advised against selection c Negro or other minority repre sentatives alreadv in the emplo- j .' city governments or associated -rth 'oc'd Hou";n°r Authorities ar limiting the representation of mi norities in the total housing pic ture. CARD OF THANKS j We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind assistance, kind words and cards of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings at the pass ing of our beloved brother and husband. Mrs. Mattie Bailey, wife, Mrs. Addie Lee Bailey, Mrs. Louella Hoggarr, Mrs. Carrie Perkins, Mrs. Sally Hines, Mrs. Susie Shelton, Mr. Willie Bailey, ( M rs. Alma Taylor. ' -1 e-onosod bv Wilson Wy att, National Housing Expediter, for 2,700.000 new homes. W"Vt has that this is essentially a lo-ai progrf i, said Liveright, an(| local govt' :i :.i_-nt ust t.ieref^ e as.- me rrs p nsii',tv for meeting equitally Lhe housing needs of minorities in each community. The minority groups themselves can facilitate this end by taking part in the shaping of local programs, lhe federal government can help by guaranteeing atequaie rdministr ative assistance to local govern ments. The American Council’s three point propo al would: (1) Insist on minority group representation on the local Em ergent ' Housmg Committees which Wyatt lias urged be est ablished. (2) Assure equal service to minority group war veteran? at local Veterans’ Housing Infor mation and Referral Centers. (3) Press now for inclusion of minority group veterans in the apprenticeship training program ! NAACP OPPOSES j NATIONAL GUARD POSE , | New York—Action on the res | olution passes by its Board of Di | rectors opposing the -eg-egation 1 in the National Guard was taken (last week, by the Association, in a letter signed by Dr. Louis T. ] Wright, Chairman of the Boa' ^ addressed to General Amos T. Brown, Adjutant General of the State of New York. The letter unqualified condem i ned the segregated policy of the Nw YoYrk National Guard and pointed out the evils of training fighting men in separate units which were so apparent in the war I just recently concluded- By way of contrast it called attention to the noteworthk successes achieved by those units fighting in the Eu ropean Theatre of Operations wherein a policy of non-segrega tion was adopted It was emphasized that the pol icy of this most socially progres sive state in the union has been to strike out against every indi cation of discrimination or segre First Negro to Become Chairman of A District Labor Advisorv Beard W”'” “ "" .^ ^ Frank Boyd, newly elected Chairman of the Twin Cities District OPA Labor Advisory Committee, is shown between Daniel Thomas Cruse, OPA Regional Labor Adviser and Dr. Carel C. Koch, OPA District Director for St. Paul. Minn. Allhough Negroes have beta members of local and d's trict Labor Advisory Boards of ike Office of Price Admin istration during and since the war, the distinction of being the first of his race to become chairman of a tbs.rti*; Labor Advisory Board goes to Frank Boyd, 64, of 44b .Mackubln Street, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Boyd was recently elected chairman of the Twin Cities District OPA Labor Advisory Board according to a report which has just coaie Into the national office of the OPA. His election followed the resignation of Joe Okoneski as chairman in January. The new chairman is a former Pullman Company porter who left the employ of that organization in 1920 ;o become executive secretary of the Twin City Division of the Broth erhood of Sleeping Car Porters, AFL, where he is now the secretary-treasurer. r He lias been a staunch supporter of price control since its inception and a member of the Twin Cities Labor Ad visory Committee since its organization two an.5 one-hail years ago. “Consumers must continue to support the figlit against inflation or all the gains made by labor during the war will be lost,” he said. “Price control was a great benefit to the laboring man during the war and must be continued until shortages are ended.” Mr. Boyd has the respect of all groups in St. Paul. His only son, Artie E. Boyd, served 18 months with the 0. S. Army overseas, in the European theater. gation based solely upon a citi zen’s race, creed, color, or nation al origin. The letter set forth the manner in which the present Seeregated Stato rhi.ard nl.aces an uniust bur 1. CLEAN Electrically produced heat is clean. No soot . . . smoke ... nor fumes. Pots and pans stay bright. You'll enjoy a spic ’n’ span fresh-air kitchen. 2. 3AFE No matches, no flame, no fumes! Your electric range is safe as an electric light. With children in the house, you’ll appreciate this even more. 3. CONVENIENT The joy and ease of modern elec tric cooking at your fingertips! - Take the afternoon off—and let the automatic controls take over the work. 4. CERTAIN You don't have to guess with an electric range. Results are uni formly good—because you get the same amount of heat—con stant heat—each time. 5. MODERN Electricity is the new, flameless" fuel—a modem miracle—as nat ural a part of an up-to-date * home as electric lights, a tele phone, or running water. , o j«............................... 6. FAST ^ Find out how fast an electric range really is. You'll be sur prised! Just a flip of the switch, and cooking starts in a few seconds. 7. ECONOMICAL With an electric range, there’s no waste heat—it’s accurately ‘ measured and controlled. You’ll save on food, too, because fail ures disappear. ' 8. SIMPLE Electric cooking is easy as A, B, C—just kke turning on your kitchen light. You can bake, broil, roast or cook with the greatest of ease. I 9. COOL With an electric range, the heat goes into the food — where it should be. There’s no excess heat to escape and make your kitchen hot and unpleasant. i 10. HEALTHFUL Foods cooked electrically are wholesome ... with vitamins and minerals sealed in. They retain their garden-fresh good ness and flavor, too. Get All These Advantages with ELECTRIC COOKING ^ Make Your Kitchen ALL ELECTRIC den on Negro citizens of N5T state I who attempt to Serve in the arm ed forces of their state. In urging the Adjutant General to take immediate steps to remove the discriminatory bar now placed in the way of New York Negro vouth it stated that to ccnt-nu this policy in the state which has heretofore led the nation in p;o gr_: iv-> Icgis’r'io u arr1 sc'ia’. p .. ctices is iJlofricai, unwarranted and disgraceful. ; A copy of the letter was sent to Governor Dewey with t’'e re quest that he use every meers to See that such discrinrnation thru segregation be immediately abol ished. AUSTIN-MAHONEY IBLL BACKED BY NAACP New, York, N. Y—The Auslin Mahoney b ll empower! g the Sta. te Commission Against Discrim ination to order the end of dis crimination against minority peo ples in educational institutions in New York State was endorsed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in letters to Senator Benjamin Fein berg. Majority Leader cf the Sen ate, and Assemblyman Oswald D. Heck, Chairman of the Rules Com mittee of the Assembly. In the letters of transmittal, Mr Walter White, secretary of the As sociation stated that the princip les which led the state legislature to pa?s the Ives-Quinn bill assur ing employment opportunities to minority groups also require the passage of the Austin-Mahoney bill. It is useless to give job op i portunities to minority groups if they are denied education which will give them tools with which to perform their jobs. It is most appropriate that this legislation should follow closely upon the heels of the Ives-Quinn bill and that the power should be given to the same agency as was esta blished in that legislation. —R U S S I A— (by Myrtle M. Goodloic) World wide leaders told us t’:at world war No. two, j And you remember the slogan too, ^ as for world wide democracy; To free all men from slavery; and from strife and tyranny— And if they were victorious,— A bright happy road was before us. And India too, was promised her freedom by Britain after the war was won. And yet nothing has been done. The same untruthful promises as ever before, And a darker future lies in store. For as long as men are held in slavery, lasting —acc shall never be; For freedom is every man's birthright—be he h!a?k or white! Aet leaders keep groups and nations in slavery still, Knowing it is against God’s Holy will. The peace of the world—and the world itself is at stake! Because leaders won't give all men and nations an equal break. They would rather be blown to kingdom come_ Than grant equal rights to everyone! It is sad to think we stand on the brink of world war number three, Just because a few men fail to see— or will not face the fact— That a L united States and British military pact, ^ ill not only turn the world against us. But will prove disasterous! (And how about the Anglo-American pact?) (How will the darker races like that?) e can't pat Russia on the back; and then give her a back hand slan! For Russia might not take that stuff. And might call our bluff, And when the Russian bear begins to growl— It might be our time to howl ! For we are sowing the seeds of suspicion ami mtsirust; And shall someday reap the bitter harvest. ^ e shouldn't forget wre owe Russia a debt— which we can never repay; for it was her gallant fighting which held Germany in check; and paved the way for complete victory! Today Russia is busy building and working to make her future secure. ^ hile Americans are idle and shirking, with strikes and i unrest everywhere. And once again peace is far-far away, and once again Americans are called to pray— But they can pray every hour of the day, And all through the week And if they fail to keep God's holy word, their prayers are unanswered, If the world is to escape total disaster; It must turn to the blessed Master! Accept His teachings and obey His word, Before prayers for peace are heard! For thus spoke the Saviour of men,. “AH things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you. Do ye even so unto them.*’ — ANNUAL EASTER SEAL SALE FOR CRIPPLES Mr. W. O. Swanson, President of the Nebraska Society for Crip pled Children, Inc. today announ ced the dates for the annual Ea ster Sale for crippled children. The sa'e opens on March 21 and con tinues until Easter Sunday. Plans are now being formulat ed throughout Nebraska under the leadership of the officers of the Society an^ the County Com i mittee chairmen. The Easter Seal Sale this year will be a special occasion as all county and state Societies join in with the National Society for Crippled Children ana Adults to celebrate its Silver An niversary, marking 25 years of leadership in work for crippled children; The Nebraska Society for Crip pled Children, Inc. is on its 22nd year of service to crippled and handicapped children in Nebraska with forty two county committees participating as active units of the Society. County committees will be established in other coun ties as rapidly as community lea ders indicate a desire within the county for the services of the Ne flight 4 HONOLULU 330^— flight 3 STOCK1[mmB HiGHnJOSCOW^JBB flight 14 HONGKONG : Jjjpp£ I?’s a smell world The farthest distant point on earth is now less than 40 hours away by air travel. You can have breakfast in New York—early dinner in London or Paris. The telephone has a tremendously important role in this new concept of distance. As the barriers of space and time are reduced, trade and travel are cer tain to increase . . . bringing steadily greater need for the fast, sure exchange of thought provided by telephone service. To catch up with present telephone needs ... to plan and build soundly for the future, is the huge job now facing your telephone company. In the next few years this program will require an expend iture of 10& million dollars in the five states in which this company operates. We don't have the necessary capital for this pro gram. The only source for it is people with money to invest. They will choose to invest in the tele phone business only if it offers earnings comparable to other businesses requiring huge sums of money. NORTHWESTERN BVj.1 TELEPHONE COMPANY braska Society for Crippled Chil dren. THE USEFULMESS OF COSMETICS MRS. ALTHOUSE "Cosmetics" used in a general sense means anything which adds to the charm of one’s physical be ing. To the public cosmetics are ar tificial aids to charm and there still hangs about their use an at mosphere of unrighteousness or of worldliness. Historically the use of cosme tics has gone in waves- During the French and American revolutions, as we all know, fashion dictated an almost complete disguise by cosmetics, powder, face powder, rouge, beauty spots, etc., making the natural face almost unrecog nizable. Then followed a complete •eaction. The pendulum fs now swinging hack aga'n and cosmetic8 are be ing used by respectable women of all classes to a greater or les ser extent. In mv opinion the use of cos metics has no moral aspect. The °'d idea that these artificial aids were a devire of the devil to tempt us into sin is nonsense and on par with the idea of witchcraft. (To be continued next week). PiAACP YOUTH WEEK APRIL 28—MAY 2 New YYorlc, N. Y.—The 4th an nual celebration of NAACP Youth Week will be held April 28_May 3. With the slogan, “We’re Not Too Young", preparations have been made for demonstrations, ra_ dio broadcasts, school assemblies and chapel services to show that youth can plan, achieve and lead. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Van? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out. ex hausted solely because body lacks Iron. For new vim. vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains iron you. too. may need for pep: also supplies vitamin Bj. Get 36c Introductory size now only 2PG. At all drug stores everywhere — in Omaha at WALGREEN’S AND SMITH STORES *» (t >-i « t .1 *T;rr . . . * IPLATNER I v' 'v :Lumber Co.s | I £ Always Gives More than X £ the Mere Commodity for x S which You Pay. v X sKE-5811 24th & Boyd| % § There’s a Thrill in Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME i DETECTION I bar* taught thousand* of man and women this exciting, profitable, pleasant profession. Let me teach you. too* to your own boms. Prepare yourself la your leisure tlmw to All a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very short time and at vary small cost. What others hav* donas you too. esa do. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ student* or graduates of I.A S. This fascinating work is easy to learn and the trainma Is inexpensive Yon. too. can fit yourself to fill a responsible crime detection lob with good nay and steady employment But don't delay —get the details now Let me show yon how easily anb completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work* during spare time, in your own borne You may pay a# you learn. Writs today for frea Crime Book. FREE! “™E blue book of crime* It's a thriller Tells shout some of the most let* ms ting Trims! ever perpetrated and bow they wave solved through the vary methods taught by I A S tend now — b* sure te state agw INSTITUTE or APPLIED SCIENCI UH nto •«....14. In. Cbl.a*. 40. III1..1* Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says SuffererI 1 have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money back. 85tf. Drug stores. • Donovan BROTHERS —Authorized Dealers— Coal-Gas and Oil Furnaces AIR CONDITIONING— FURNACES— COPPER AND SHEET METAL WORKS GUTTERING, SPOUTING AND REPAIR OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED “WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE” Office AT*3700 -Office-Warehouse-Shop 1114 NORTH 24TH STREET