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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1946)
.. .H'" ' ^■—^— . - I Woje:—Don't worry needlessly . . when yonr mind is weighted down with worry air! you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write Your problem will be analysed in the paper free just include a •Upping of the column with your letter. For a -private reply” send 25c for ABBE'S 1*48 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive faua a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three It) quea. •teas. .Please »end a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and siga ^ar full name, address and birtbdate to all letters. Explain your case filly -L« ■aaAae your problems within the realm of reason Write to THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P 0. Box II. Atlanta 1, Georgia THE NEW 1946 READINGS ARE NOW READY X. C.—I am deeeply in love with a married woman. Does she mean everything that she tells me? I am always worried to death about her. Tell me what shall X do? Ans: Drop her like dynamite as she will never mean anything to you but trouble. T»>n ouirk''^ -vav In the world to forget her and get her off your mind is to begin as-, aociating with the desirable single girls. You will eventually want a marriage and a home anj you should choose your associates with this purpose in mind. J. B- R.—I am a young lady age 2o x ...we Deer, going witn this man for years. He is much older than I. He is the father of my 2 kids. I realize now what a mistake I have made and want to quit him out i am so und. cided as to what to do? Ans: All you can expect from this man is temporary support of the children, f you are situated so that you can care for your two children an^ get along without his support, then you can becorq.e in dependent and take steps accord ingly. It will be hard on you to be the sole support of your young ones and yourself but it can be done. If you take this step, you can then begin encouraging the friendship of single fellows and try to find a good man who will ,make 'you a husband and be a father to your children. R. S. N.—I have been married for two and one half years. About this time every year my husband gets hot feet and leaves town to work. He comes back within 3 or 4 months broke- For 2 months he drove out of the state to work. He quit his job there and he went down there for a week end and I beleive there was something so wrong with it. He told me he was going to Illinois to work but his uncle told me he was going to Mississippi. I am getting tired of this mess. Let me know what is best for me- We have no kids. Ans: Having no dependents to consider, you should pack your things and go right along with him when he gets the roving fe ver. You have not put down any permanent roots anywhere—you r,re living with your mother now' and it would be much to your ad vantage to be with your husband more. You can't make a perman ent future plans until he gets set tled and if you go along with him ne will settle down quicker. C. B—I am a young college wo man, talented and easy to under stand and learn. I do all I can to ] iearn and make good in all my grades and everything else. But I have no success. What must 1 do? Please help me! Ans: All work and no play usu ally makes Jill a dull girl—your studies of course rate first in im portance, but you need to work out a schedule whereby you can take an active part in outside activities so that you can relax and get more fun out of life- Your record is good but you aren't ha ving any fun and you are blue anu disillusioned. Extra curricular act ivities are just important as the three R’s. B. J. S—A year ago I left my wife in Texas and came here. She is in a large city- Now I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to go there and she doesn’t want to come here. Now what’s a man to do ? Ans: One of you had better be gin traveling There can be no marriage when two people are determined to have their own way BY THE WAY-YANCEE THERE'S YOUR I FOUND A J DADDY!_J, PHOTO C~ YOU' 3 '"xSX/1 taken IN I9CJ r?^ • v.^ ... . s 'V'W c \Ar::-.V : ©39* ■>• 3o»p _ ) • J I ' ■' ■ ¥0f J A C K D A V I S By TED WATSON MY PA77£VC£ /* SS/AO^P \ ( SOM T ,;1C2 MTU A (iOOX AT MS — A/AT / SPSAT ? \ HAMS MO SC*5//t MA£<. Y CHfMTTtXSP... LSr'y A/X CM, Tj / I ) > m£ w\p SrfSCT* ) >n/i «£MT-cad^ Mvn ) - ,-M >r/u ~mZ;„J?yga [ 7A£ BPS cm JAP 6£T 7A£ 1 0-3* J ( YST'/ZL 7ZU. </ / ** HAY OUT PAW ,» W J 7H/AOY AXOWD *£&£ / J0*H k MA//V £V£AT WA&7EP... <3/U£ I V / V VOi/tM£M/ ) l COMTSHT/ON POX 7U£ JSAVY- S "i/A/C* AXOUADUSPS^J^,.. Vt pyy£ £/s. cf,v<y/^M vNv-vJ ~ •_' \jxs£pr cpampj^z^/^/ JIM STEELE .'Ey MELVIN TAPL2Y COWT|N£r< 'A-L PfcATUC-^V I I^UMErl 6 raJRU atp FBOU JIPR3N Foe AFRICA;' LX <OTBELE,<JPARKY AND JUDO-JOE PUR OED THEM fSBCAVSE THEY HOLD HELENA BAKEEAE, HOSTA6E. CCUME HAD RAW TO OFFER W/NE£M6 HELENA70AWI (N EY OHAN6EFOEUEAW wvs ‘SWEETLY, BUT Ami /£inpiff£eenr$o , JJ R E E Z Yx By T. MELVIN y, hunt/ how come] YOU ALWAYS WALk^ IN £ACKOP YOUR. ^ N SKOTMPR? M as to where they are to live. One of you must give in. A change Has to take place immediately or the matter " ill be hopeless. SUBSCRIBE l OJJA ¥! Detroiters Go West—By 1946 Version Of Covered Wagon Train “It’s news when the household goods of 52 individual families leave Detroit in one huge shipment bound for Los Angeles,” says E. H. Warren, veteran Detroit mover. Fruehauf trailers in the E. H. Warren fleet lent a 1946 version to the “covered wagon train” across the nation to establish new homes in sunny California. This record load of furniture required 10 trailers with even the tailgates loaded to capacity. The units took only 8 days to make the 2.450 mile run. "Next Door” by ted shearer — -—-——•— Featorr s j uAUiU . . . . Quick, bring it all back . . . my horoscope says I shouldn't move today!” TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN 905 fAARR*4G$ LICENSES “That's all right Wilbert, - — - ifUTiiII MW s* y MJ -I I_ TTtUH SQUIRE EDGEGATE —Simms Couldn’t Hide Behind a Hedge BY LOUS KtCHARD fZ77, 7~r~-\fy£^ T//4TS TrdUK E>^U6Ht«ry A (v*OV0UA)Rt. Th! I -’ *7fic ft<- \Alt• 5©<J/>?c Aa/o ~r,RST OWE TO S>EC06WOE I J^ r_ r; / ^ouLt^^r rL rr/<1D Uwo 'TS 8w »»DTH WEST or . ^£_ -Bur vou *'*';.*« voo Y/V/E/wd SjRy^i r,y£ y£t,R^ T(-V ©OVS T>iZ>K~r 1 ,9 7~^C<JJETy O F~ ' OTHER? )T <Y lYgsWr IS^r /T ° Ui«CE / JL£pt KHO* *i£- VOL) V T?£/y>t.-V7E3cfi'/-HO- 'PcoPl.Z TORE TW^T P->■- ^ ?« p-Y S I o yy£ d J^Rcm 1 ^ \ Is+'C. th z>^v vou C=t ,h£>. "Y-T.^T ** r» __ __ • [HUCKLEBERRY Fim [ admire you for trying.” NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT_ Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFEHREn Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTOXE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO fot*, earner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st ant* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home*, or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable' offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33I or Call HA-OSO*. Phone us your SOCIAL NOTES i JA-3215 j GETS MEDICAL SOCIAL : WORK JOB US CALIF. I Miss Jessie M. Wilson, 1945 graduate of the Atlanta •for Quick Hauling We Haul & Move Everything. -Phones AT-9982_JA-1199 iTimiTTi 1T11 mTm imiuu uiimiiuinin 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS .. Krfe PeliTcrj— WE. 0809 DUFFY PHARMACY I niversity School of Social ^ ork has begun employ ment as Medical Social Work er with the General Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Wil son is a resident of Austin, Texas. ■ 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. I i. Thorough yet Gentle in Effect. I 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. ■ 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. ■ J. No Euss. No Brewing. No Bother. 9 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your 9 9 Individual Needs. fl 7. Economical, a SOc package lasts the B t Eamity tor Months. t Caution: Use only as directed. 9 At all druggists. Or writs lor FRif GIN- ■ 9 (ROUS SAMPU. Innerclean Co. 84b E. ■ J Sixth St. Los Angeles 21, Calif. C I ' I R *T I "w B ' M I I J.l fl J 4 9 Mat 17 Room frame, modern House 1-15x38 feet m Store Room in front. Entire Stock and Fixtures ■ 2806 NORTH 26TH STREET ■ 1 Small Car—1933 four door Sedan ■ $4000.00 I COME AND SEE—Four other Vacant Lots! M —LUKE B. CAREY- W Classified Ads Get Resuits! . - -__ —_ eHelp Wanted LAUNDRY shirt press°rs, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner T laundry 2014 St Mary's Ave. # AUTOS W ANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam Real Estate. Homes 2 choice, but reasonable building lots for sale at 26th & Caldwell. Phone JA-3811 or KE-6238. Piano, bed, mise. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. Acte & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home* FOR COLORED Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition handy to schools, churches( street'carsj 2117 Grace St. _$3.000. Henry B. McCampbell. Realtor 216 Barker Bldg. AT-8575 • RUMMAGE SALE Satur day March 23, at 1Z13 Doug las Street. Plasterers Wanted! Must be good workmen. Wages SlZ a day. Write Joe McCray, 1302 N. 26th St., Omaha, Nebraska. HOUSE FOR SALE Vacant, ready to move into, eight rooms, all modem, full basement, double garage, large lot. Phone the owner at AT-7783. $3,750. i Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday in your neigh borhood—HA-0137. For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call WE-1389. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNTTURB & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN HOI North 24th St HE. 0055 EMERSON LAUNDRY' 1324 North 24th St. YVE. 102S Crosstown Dre*f„™akin8 I’ —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ff ATTENTION, LADIES! 1 You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, % and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We M Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies V general repair work done. We also special- V ize in Tailored shirts. M Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... ■ -2022 NORTH 24th STREET- - % \ Ye* smart women and men by the thousand# J know how quickly Palmer’* SKIN SUCCESS Oint / ment work, to relieve the itching of many ester nallv caused pimple*, raahe*, "spot* ecsema and ringworm!*”Origin^^ genuine PaW. SKIN SUC w CESS Ointment ha* been proved for over 100 yean. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money t fr—lr 25c (Economy 75e *i*e contain* 4 time, a# ; much). At aU rtore. or from E.T.Brown# Drug Cm. , S 127 Water St., New York City.