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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1946)
Guide’s Weekly Feature-SllOppcrs* PagC-by Geo. H. McDavis Adv. Mgr. Congratulations to The AMPETS Post No. 2 - - Refer to This Paper IP hen Making Your Purchases MRS. ELEA)OR ROOSEYEU MAKES PLEA FOR FI )DS TO AID FAMILIES OF 'CM' STRIKERS DFAR FRIEND ■ you about tbc continued urgent Despite the welcome news that for S>elp among the families the General Motors Strike has of the General Motors workers been settled. I am writing to tell As you know the strike began on - - 'te.. *- ■ - *»- ■»_ 1T%- Ifflfc S&M AUTO SALES CO. “CONGRATULATIONS AMVETS ON YOLR VENTIRE” ★ ★★ Complete Car Service CARS BOUGHT & SOLD SCHNEIDER & McCOY, MANAGERS 25th & St. Mary's STORES — “Nebraska's Largest Vacuum Distributors"— q FEW NEW CLEANERS NOW AVAILABLE PARTS & SERVICE FOR ALL ST ANDARD MAKES. K. Glaskott, Mgr. 113 NORTH 16TH ST. Omaha. Nebraska November 20th: and 198,000 men have been without pay for nearly four winter months. In only two of the fifteen states involved have they been eligible for public re ef a-d no union could possibly hope to provide adequate relief1 funds on such a vast scale over so long a period. They will have no source of income until two or three weeks hence when their first paycheck comes due. Thrs Committee was formed to a:d the children and women in the families of strikers who had no where else to turn for food and emergency help. In communities where the strike was in progress, v.-' ruh-crmmittrcr of religious leaders and social work e 5, r,-.'*’ assume responsibility for invest:rating u'-ge t cases and d ^tribute funis- They consult with Union representatives, but they act ind*m»^-ently. The facts they repoit are sim ple and shocking. During the pro tract d and continuously delayed nerrotiations, the burden of suffer ing has fallen on the children and the women, and their ne^d will go on until the first pay day. With out our help, children will be with out food, families will lack heat, a-_d shelter, medicine and essent ial clothing. W’ hrv- al-vad'- sent $11,000 to our sub-committee in Linden, New Jersey to meet only the most de perate need3. In the name of simol humanity. I ask you to tom me in helping these people along ro- the next few- weeks. I know that you will give care ful consideration to this appeal and I hone you will send as gener ous a gift as you can without de ’’*r. Since January when the need became desperate we have raised the wholly inadequate sum of $175 ono PCvery additional dohar will help us to meet the thousands of u .e-it cal!s that are coming to us each day. I count on youi gener ous cooperation. Very sincerely yours, ELEANOR* ROOSEVELT. KISOW YOIR RACE By James Y. Eaton The answer to any question concerning colored people may be obtained by writing this column. Mark first six statements as true or false. 1 More Negroes than whites die in infancy. 2. The average size of Negro feet is greater than that of whites. 3. xhere is no definite proof that Hitler dislike^ Negroes. 4 No Negroes were employed in a scientific capacity in connection with the atomic bomb project. 5. The Negro republics were de nied representation at the San Francisco conference on 1945. 6 The total insurance carried with colored companies exceeds five hundred ran on. 7. Match correctly:-Ira Aldridge, Joseph C. Price, John Merrick < A) Founder N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company (B) Fourder Lvngstone College (C) Sha kespearean actor of note. 8. Match correctly:-Kelly Miller, Eugene K. Jones. Charles Lenox Keumond 9 Tell:-Within 25 the number of colored insurance companies. 10. Tell:-Which congressman mar r.ed a night club singer during his present term. ANSWERS BELOW: II3JA0d o nrepy ot •oai} pun Paapunq onaj, g (V) Puoui -pay xouuay sa;jBqo (y) sauof y auaSny O) aan?w 8 (V) Jpiaaajv uqop (y) ■»oud qdasof O) aJgpupiv bii L % -auotB aouB -onsui aji[ ui uonnui i^c 'anax '9 pa;a 'saadaa aaaAi Bido -iqia Pub Buaqiy ‘jibh '^IBd S' i ■ ■■■— mmm tk ————————— Orange growers are sending us an abundance of golden-ripe fruit this season, so now's the time to enjoy oranges. Serve bubbling glasses of tangy juice for breakfast. Slice the fruit into tidbits for salads and desserts. Or peel and segment oranges for between-meal snacks. Buy them, priced by the pound, at your Safeway. _ CHANGES Lb. 100 California; Navel % Texas; Valencia Grapefruit seedless, size 96 .Lb. wC Head Lettuce Iceberg...,..-_ Lb. 15c Carrots selected, uniform .... 2 Lbs. 15c Yams U. S. No. 1; Porto Rico. Lb. 12c PotatoesRed TBa7sLi9 10 Lbs 45o SEES POTATOES ONION SETS GaSee E'"Tt: *, 2Ss *& 57a 100% Bran Nabisco.Pkg. 17c Fo!a!s Ghfos.6*£J 23c CHi.i Saa*3 Moneta 111 BU 18c Pure L?.rd S 17c S£:34c Margarine ?0t^y> 20c Grahams Nabisco....bjc I Sc Sugar Sbet:Bag 32c.^ 64c Rye Bread Mrs. Wright's.Loaf 8C Crape Juice Autumn.Btl. 45c Apple Sauce Musselman's ican I8c Tomato Soup Heinz.Can lie Q H Morton House No. 1 lO. v3Up Chicken-Noodle .Can Lima Seans Large, dried ..Bag 27c Beans Great Northern; white.Bag 19c Gherub Mi!k.3 c™ 26c Sardines..’IS I Ic Green BeansI Ic Link Sausage .u, 45c Brauitsshwsiger or sliced., .L6 35c Spiced Luncheon sued . .. .. u. 45c Bologna Larse or rins-style.Lb. 3IC Frankfurters Trpe i, .u>. 35c C/thsz/L ^jwwfyiu Cnatl Palmolive: 9 Small on. vUa|J 2 large cakes 19c. .’® Cakes *»» Spic & Span.23c Sopade For more «ds.*£ ^C Cn;;a» For washing 24-oz. 9 9 _ wVliuA painted surfaces .. .Pkg. fcOC Windex ..*%£ 29c 2 g£ 25c Ciorox Bleach.29c DliSf MOp Radiant.Each 39C *"*{■»' . 'Si' • Ideas lor Lunches All of you who have the problem of planning lunches—find yourself run ning out of ideas. Here are some suggestions from my Menu-Maker. SOUPS FOR THERMOS OR FOR LUNCHES AT HOME”'’ Hot soup makes atty lunch taste good. • Clam Chowder ‘Split Pea Soup^ I • CreamofTomato •VegetableSoup SALADS THAT CARRY OR STAY AT H6mI For the lunch box put salads in a smalt jar or paper container with a lid. • Cabbageand Carrot • Combination • Cole Slaw, fruited Fruit or plain • Potato • Carrot and Raisin • Ham SANDWICHES FOR HOME LUNCHES OR LUNCH BOX I like to vary sandwiches by using different kinds of bread—white, whole wheat, cracked wheat, graham, rye, pumpernickel, raisin, nut, quick breads like orange, honey and peanut butter, rolls and buns and crackers. • Ground frankfurter and chopped pickle moistened writh mustard flavored salad dressing • Ground liverwurst, ripe olive, and green pepper • Mashed sardine with chili sauce • Baked beans with catsup and onion slices • Diced American cheese and chopped nuts MAIN DISHES FOR LUNCHES AT HOME •Cheese fondue or souffle • Stuffed eggs in cheese sauce • Creamed chipped beef on toast points • Curried shrimp on rice LUNCH BOX SWEETS These perk up the lunch that’s carried. • Gingerbread split and filled with apple butter • Cookies made into triple-decker with jelly • Frosted graham crackers Director The Homemakers’ Bureau An Extra Safeuay Service REAL ROAST Peanut Butter WHAT EVERY /OUHO BR/DE SHOULD MW DC VOU THINK I'LL EVER JIM LOVES FRESH THINGS -EARN, HELEN? JUST ... BUT A DOZEN OR look at all the old Bunch is alwavs vegetables I have to TOO much for ' out. .. rr seems two ^osle ►2'*®“' ,”3£S“T. rrs ALL PERFECTLY SEE HOW SIMPLEX l*VF Fpfm ^t=rr SIMPLE AT SAFEWAY tT IS! YOU SELECT \|NG BOTH FOOD j ...WHERE I SHOP. WHAT YOU NEED...; AND MONEY ITS LETS STOP IN ON WEIGH IT YOURSELF / SAFEWAY FOR THE WAV'. ^ ... AND PAY FOR / ME FROM -.OY. IT BY THE POUNC^X ON ...WONTJM h-— f \KEPROU0! 9 y* */ WHy don't you ( Buy PRoouceey THE FOUND.. .THEN yOU ONLY PM FOR WHAT yOU NEED, i Above prices are effective thru March 23, in Omaha and Council Bluffs. astBj f i aoui ip«iq sqi sU«ssa jduiayi uiapt jo uoijoas d-iijua uy asrej g •g U3UI0A. UBipui 6 6 udra treipuj g'6 uatuojA ajuj.w 2 6 uauiOAA o-i3a^ E OT uaui ^jrqAA i'OI uaui ooSax -aruj, z '9Fl ojS^n iiuaajad 6t-* aju jo Jt-eaX jsjij sqjBap simw anax x WELCOME HOME! Cpl. Commodore Vaughn, who has served nearly three years in the armed forces with the Engin eers battalion in Honolulu and other Pacific areas, has now re ceived an honorable discharge and is home once more with his wife, I family and friends. Cpl. or rather Mr. Vaughn is the son of Mr and Mrs. N. M. Thomas, 2618 Charles St., and the husband of Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, 2311 Seward Plaza. We welcome you home, Mr. Vau_ ghn. yORTHSIDE BRAyCH YMCA Some Y’s Facts The Young Mens' Christian As sociation is in in its 102nd year of service for it was in Lodon in 1844 that George Williams and 11 other young drapery clerks, who met to help each other put Chri stian principles into practice. The young men about 19 years of age ' left their homerf to work in the city and felt the need for fellow ship moral and religious training or guidance. The movement im meaiatelv spread to this country and in 1853 the first Association work among Negroes was organ ized in Washington, D. C. by An thony Bowen a colored man who had purchased his freedom from Gen. O. O. Howard for whom Howard University was named. Today over 75 Associations plus hundreds of other YMCA’s are do i ing work among colored men and boys. | In June 1944 the YMCA obser ved iis fcentennial Celebration during which time considerable thought was giver. to the establi- \ shment of the Association in areas where its wag most needed ana desired by the community It is therefore quite a coincident that the Omaha YMCA together with the citizens recognized this need | and recommended to the Board of 1 Di: ectors of the Omaha YMCA that a branch be established in, this area as a part of their pro- ! posed expansion program. This group met on June 27, 1945 and the records show the following persons in attendance: Mr. Ralph Adams, presiding: Miss Elizabeth Jordan, secretary; Rev. John Adams; Rev. W E. Blackmore; Mr. Robert Myers; Miss Lena Paul; Mr. and Mrs Alton Goode; Mrs. Anna Mary Kennedy; Mrs. Ruth Hall: Mr. Arthur McCaw; Dr. Milton Johnson; Dr. and Mrs W. W. Solomon; Mr. Eugene Skin ner; Mrs. Minnis E Dixon; Mr. Travis Dixon: Mrs. D. W. Gooden; Dr. A. L. Hawkins; Mrs Dorothy Greer; Mrs. Leola Jones; Dr. W. W Peebles; Mr. Duward Crooms; Mr. Joseph Mosely; and Mr. W. H. Mead. CLUBS TO BE ORGANIZED For the next two weeks empha sis will be placed upon the organ izing of clubs among the grade and high school boys. The boys clubs in the grade schools will Ce known as GRAY whose purpose is to be strong in body, mind and spirit and to live in a Christian way in our homes, schools, chur ches and neighborhoods The high schools boys will be known as HI-Y with the purpose to create, maintain and extend; throughout the school and comm unity high standards of Christian Character. Leaders or Advisors will be secured for these clubs and we are asking any person who is interested in this field of work to volunteer for this assignment. Remember the greatest asset to any community is its boys. SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE Representatives from six soft ball teams assembled at the ‘Y' on Monday night with Marty Thom as to map out their plans for the Increase The Value of • YOUR HOME EAGLE CERTIFIED IVSILATIOX Nationally advertised, exclusive In Omaha at Micklins, certified to save up to 40<7c on your fuel bill. Will ad<j Comfort and value to your home. , *‘sj ROOFING & SIDING Micklins offer a wide range of texture and color in fire_resistant, modern roofing and siding. Added protec_ tion for your home, added comfort for you. • - r '•« ' .T * RCSCO COMBIN'. T >" ATION SCREEN & STORM SASH * ’ - -v— • Exclusive In Omaha at D /• Mickling. OiiO Unit. Koofing serving as storm sashj Screen and weather Sidiflg Strip. Can be chang. ed in 30 seconds from r. ir ,ic inside the house. DnW ^ System Stop Sagging Floors Replace rottgd base_ merit posts with pat_ ented all.steel Adjust able Posts. Complete service, raises sagging floor? slowly, stops sticking doors, ete, METAL WEATHER STRIPS Seals cracks around doors and windows, Stop cold drafts, dust and noise. Quickly pay for themselves in fuel savings. --n i . - V THREE YEARS TO PAT On all vour home improvements no down payments, free estimates. — / MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. 1001 No, 19TH ST._ JA-6500 4-★-★ i ★ MR. AND MRS. MADSEN CONGRATULATES , AMVETS ON THEIR NEW ORGANIZATION. MADSEN i Supply Co. ! 4713 South 24th Street. | • Refrigerators ~ • Stokers i • Meat Cases — • Washers | • Stoves - • Radios i • Oil Burners Phone MA-3896 ' THE ALL-MAKES Electric & Hardware 4040 Hamilton 1 —•ARE REMODELING— ^ hen Completed. They will have a 50x92 Space for HARDWARE. APPLIANCES AND A REPAIR SHOP. (Watch for Ad in this paper for GRAND OPENING.) * '* FLIES TO WINDY CITY MR. RAY WILLIAMS, prominent Omaha Attorney accompanied by Mr. C. Wilson, Manager of the Calif -ornia School of Beauty Culture> flew by airliner to the city of CtiL cago on business. The pair left I Omaha early Friday morning. forthcoming season which will i open around April 16th. Enthu- i siasm is running high in this lea-1 gue and the teams promise much excitement for softball fans NORTHSIDE COM CENTER We are saying to the persons in this community as well as the surrounding neighborhood that the Northside Community Center is yours and we want you to make use of it. The Center is available for parties, special cultural act ivities, recreational purposes, and general all around development. The Center is under the direction and supervision of the Urban Lea gue, YWCA, City Recreation Dept. Youth Centers. Inc., and the YM CA. Special classes are being or ganised pow so as to give oppor tunity for all to participate. The Northside Community Center was etsablished through the fiancial Support of the Youth Centers, Inc an agency of the Community Wel fare Council. *9 SEE— | O. Williams; I r! » K iNd. m {2006 Farnam Washing Machine Sales j ^ and Repairs f, I We wish to Announce t j THE OPENING OF THE G & J Smoke Shop \ | 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of CIGARS. CIGARETTES, & J SOFT DRINKS j c Jackson & Gorfbey, Props. J I The ALP1YE BOOK STORE Invites You , To visit their place and to Browse I around on the leaves of its Thous | ands of Books and Magazines to i your Heart’s Content. No Obliga jtion to buy. So Come. The name I again, ALPINE BOOK STORE. 'The address, 4606 SOUTH 24TH | STREET, •STORM - SASH * Paint — Roofing SUTHERLAND LUMBER CD; 2920 T,’ St. M A -19001 Johnson Drug Co. I 2306 North 24th —FREE DELIVERY— WE 0998 Helps build up resistance against distress of ‘PERIODIC’ FEMALE WEAKNESS When taken thruout the month! If you suffer from monthly cramps with accompanying headache, backache and nervous. Jittery, cranky feelings—due to female functional periodic disturb ances—try famous Lydia E. Plnkham’s vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham’s Compound does more reUeve such monthly pain. It also re lieves accompanying tired, nervous cranky feelings—of such nature. Taken thruout the month—this great medi cine helps build up resistance against such monthly distress. Thousands upon thousands of women have reported remarkable benefits Also a fine stomachic tonic! LYDIA E, PINKHAM’S COMPOUND RAID ON MANCHURIA Mukden. Manchuria, Soundphoto Interior of one of the numerous buildings of the Teho Weaving Factory, built in Mukden six years ago, showing where heavy mach inery stood on concrete floor be fore it was ripped out by Russlans after their occupation of Manch uria. Ail motors, power plants and machinery were removed from the plant as Russ troops shipped 200 RR carloads daily from Mukden, and up to 500 daily from all Man churia, according to Chinese offi cial sources Of some 900 factor ies employing more than 2000 per sons each, only 3 have not been gutted. Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener helps win lighter, lovelier skin. 7 day trial convinces or money back. Caution: Use only as directed. Ur FRED At aft drug storms 25c & 50c GixlENOl CO., Box 164 A lorrto. Go. \ Watson9s \ \ School of | JScautv i| |i Culture il \\ ENROLL NOW! ^ T Terms Can ftp Arranged ! i | 8511 North 22nd Street 1 * »*aQ7-t- - L * I HIGHEST PRICES PAID | 1 for FURNITURE, 1 RUGS, STOVES | “Call Us First” if NATIONAL RIRNITURE 1 Company ^ ? —AT-1725— “n* 1 = a Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. PhoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION 514 N. 16th ST. snsrasss ITCH Far quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete * foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D.D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A d* or'i fcrmula. Greaseiess and stainless. Soothes, comfort* and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money bock. Don’t suffer. Aakyooi druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. ft GOOD READING every week ★ The GREATER Omaha Guide On Sale at Your Local Drugstore. VFe can't make enough Smith Bros. Cough 4 Drops to satisfy everybody. Cur output is still restricted. Buy only vt-hut you need. Smith Bros, have soothed coughs due to colds since 1847. Elack or Menthol—still only 54. j