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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1946)
The Greater Omaha Guide s HOME-MAKER'S CORNER SO YO LOVE A SAILOR? t Hals will always play a most important part in the life of a woman an;l certainly this stunninj number can make i your presence felt anywhere. It is so decidedly nautical—the jaunty angle, the snow white texture, the black and white contrast assure you of being the storm-center of the affair. Wear it and watch the waves—and not just riplets—of genuine masculine in terest move in your direction—especial’y the navy. Here's ff hat you need to make this hat your oten: 2 halls of white Knit-Cro-sheen thread. One Bone Crochet Hook No. 6. 11/2 yards of millinery wire. 1*4 yards of ribbon. Gauge; 4 stitches make 1 inch; 4uo rounds make 1 inch. Divide thread into 4 equal parts and use 4 threads thru- | out. SOCIAL NEWS THE MODERNETTE CLUB The Modcrnette Club met with Mrs. Doiothy Clark March 15th as hostesr A lovely luncheon was served- Mrs. Velma Asberry will be hosiers Friday March 22. A cocktail party will be given in the near future. THE FRIEISDLY“16” BRIDGE CLUB The Friendly 16 Bridge Club met Monday, March 18 at 2618 Blondo St. After the usual business meet ing they played 12 hands of Bri dge. High score was won by Mr. C. Laster and Mr. J Grizzard. {Buy your Poultry at tlief | £ Nebraska Poultry 1 2204 North 24th Strect S Get the Best in Quality at the ^ 4 Nebraska Produce- Lowest Price. 4 mm 1 I How women ant/girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardui Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp tike agony and nervous strain, of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: < — Taken like a tonic, it * should stimulate appe r. tite, aid digestion,® ! thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. 2m Started 3 days before m “your time”, it should help relieve pain due \ to purely functional i periodic causes. rTry Cardui If It helps, you’ll be glad you did. CARDUI »«« 0»WCCT*OW«___ Among the members present was C. It. Will’s recently disch arged from the Navy. A very en ’T’s.ble evening was shared by all The next meeting will he held at the home of Mr. James Grizra: d 2360 Corby St. on Monday, March 23 at 8 pm. M W. Penn, pres. EAB Brookshire, reporter Mrs. Alberta. Micheal of 2115 No. 27th S‘. is leaving for an inde finite visit with her two daugh ters and son in Los Angeles, Cal. on March 28. MEETING AT URBAN LEAGUE A meeting was held at the Ur ban League on March 10 at 8:30 pm. for the purpose of setting up an organization which will be the Community Employment Council ' For the Betterment of Our Race. It is our purpose to cooperate with other organizations in our comm unity in getting better jobs for our people. Those who are ir^er-' ested in seeing this organization grow please come out and be with us in our next meeting to be on Tnursday, March 28 at 8 pm. at the Urban League, 2213 Lake St We'.ton Hogan, president Earl Sampson, Secretary LEGION BIRTHDAY PARTY The Legion’s birthday hel<j at Legion Headquarters was a huge success March 14th. Speakers were Messrs. Joe Do lan, City Commissioner; Joe Din een, City Clerk; A1 Miller. Post Comm, from So. Omaha Melting Pot. Refreshments were served. Chas. Williamson, Comman’r. Edward Turner, Adjutant Th’s American Legion Roosevelt Post No. 30, 24th and Parker Sts IN APPRECIATION— “Permit me to use this mean3 of tendering my thanks and a sincere appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy and sol icitation for recovery that were received by Mrs Wiggins and myself during my recent disabili ty. . Dr. Herbert Wiggins Me DONALD REPORTING By C. C. McDonald Mr. George Thomas has his hat in the ring for governor of the state of Nebraska and says if he is elected he will serve all the people and no favoritism to any. 1330 Turner Blvd. Central Storage, 814 So. 14 St. the old reliable have been in bus iness in Omaha quite a while and will continue to give you service 1 in the future as they have in the past. I-Go Van and Storage Co., 1215 ALL TYPES A!Sb STYLES OF • Brick Siding “ * Asbestos Siding • Roofing We have the Best Equipment and Most Experienced Workmen to Insulate lour Home. Our i'rlces are RIGHT. Omaha -PHONE- Council Bluffs KE-5482 2687 IOWA NEBRASKA INSULATION CO. -AND TWIN CITY SIDING CO. R. If. Frazier, Manager. STRAIGHT TALK The T formation steps into the 1946 fashion lineup! Shoulders are extended to give exciting width and to form the merest bit of cap sleeves. And the length of the dress falls straight as a plumb line from the broad shoulders. The liquid lines of rayon faille and the rustling whisper of plaid taffeta are combined in tnis Fash ion Frock of the Week. The cap sleeves are winged and slashed open, and then cut deep into the armhole to bare pretty arms. The season’s lighthearted softness is found in the shoulder shirring and in the shirred peplum that ripples in cutaway fashion from the waist line. That’s a Fashion designer’s trick for making your waist look smaller than ever before. The ceparate skirt is slim and true to the T formation. -.eavenworth St- is just what the ./o/d implies, always readyto go and render the very best service so when in need call them for they are glad to serve. - I Blue Star Produce Co., Mr- Har ry Kaplin Mgr. hahve just what the public wants in the way of, canned chicken. He sells to the | dealers and grocery stores and i when you do your shopping ask | your grocer for some of his can chickens put up by the Blue Star Produce. You will like it very well. The Cotton Shop 311 So. 16th St. has a most beautiful store for women and girls. She is now pre pared to sell you any kind of j dress you like from baby size to any one weighing 300 lbs. A very; n.ce place to do your shopping. ! Prices are very reasonable. Addressograpb 309 So. 19th St. has many machines in stock and wishes the public to call when you are in need of anything in his Courteous service and always glad to njieet you. Ihe Fucii Machine Shop at 15th Jackson have been in business in Omaha years and have made many friends. It seems that when on<* works there he stays until he can >o longer from old age- They have all kinds of machinery and are prepared to repair anything in -hat line. A wonderful man to deal with Stop by when in need of his type of work. The grocery store at 1517 No. 30th St. the Anderson Hill-Top Grocery are now owned and op erated by Mr. Wally Wade. You have never visited a more sani tary grocery in your life. If you rre not hungry when you enter this place you will want some- j thing to eat when you do. You are' met with a smile and always wel- ] eome. Try them first! Le Brown Electrical Works, Inc calls your attention to floor Sand ers, waxers, paint sprayers and repairing of all kinds, electrical fixtures and wiring. Give them a trial. 314-316 So. 12th St., Jackson 21(6—nights JA 4637. The Texaco Service, 13th and Tackson invites the public to stop by when you have car trouble. You may be sad and worried over your car troubles when you stop but we will send you away smil ing. Can fix anything in the auto line. Give us a try. Mr. C. Stander, Standard Ser-! v;ce 1602 So 28, Council Bluffs, wishes to notify the public and his many friends that they are now prepared to Serve at any time and will render the very best of service possible. When in need of anything from them, drop by. • DEATHS - FUNERALS MISS SUSIE JORDAN Miss Susie Jordan, age 71 years died Saturday evening, March 15, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ida Jones, 2417 Binney Street. Miss Jordan had been ill for sqme time at her home in Atch inson, Kansas and had only beer making her home here for a short while prior to her passing. She is survive^ by one brother, Mr. Frank Jones, sister, Mrs. Ida Jon e:-, both of Omaha, two neices. Mrs. Alberta Ward. Omaha, Mrs. Clara Talbert, Atchinson, Kansas, two nephews, Mr. Bennie Blue Atchinson, Mr. Leonard Willis, | | CROSSWORD PUZZLE | ACROSS 1 Feminine name 5 Entranced 9 A gem 11 Kind of coffee 12 Greek letter 13 Earth used as pigment 14 Large worm 15 Mineral spring 17 1 emale sheep 18 Merits 20 Walk like a duck i 23 Egyptian goddess l 27 Weirdly . 28 Canadian ) province (abbr.) | 29 Angry , 30 Building : 32 Cheat 33 A cat 34 Notice 36 Having a handle 37 Composition for eight 39 Consume 42 Exclamation 43 Decaliter (abbr). 46 Support 48 Black wood 50 Beneath 51 Giver 52 Seasoning 53 To diminish DOWN 1 Projecting end of church 2 Wreathes 3 Half-pennies 4 Fortify 5 Fabulous bird 6 Dull pain 7 Exclamation 8 Biblical _ Solution in Next Issue. No. 42 weed 10 French explorer 11 Groan 16 Booty 18 Prepare for publication 19 Chinese river 20 Consider carefully 21 Eagle’s nest 22 Arrange in folds 24 Famous band leader 25 To set in 26 Cubic meter 30 Sweet 31 Eject 33 Ship officer 35 Perform 38 Masticate 39 Subsides 40 Region 41 High 43 Spanish title 44 Soon 45 Musical instrument 47 Light bedstead 49 Part of vessel | Series D-43 iHH 15ITI I5W o MgojR i_ iiNlTIEI Answer to Puzzle No. 41 1OUR BABIES PARADISE Blackie The Lamb The black lamo on nis farm is proud and holds his head above the cro'Vjj H1 has a right to be elated For let it here now be stated That on his back black wool growp For our comfort and warth and mending clothes. JIake Junior happy with Blackie T'^c Lamb. Here is how you add this delightful little home made j toy to Junior’s collection. Use ' steel crochet hook No. 4, one yd. of rod ribbon; one small .bell; two oeads for eyes; and some cotton batting. How to guage your stitch: 3 stitches make one inch; 6 ro-ws nake 1 inch. Use a double thread .hronghout. Make Blackie and win a ring rd' seat to the Joe Louis, Billy ^onn heavy weight fight. For complete instructions on de tails of contest write the Wom an’s editor of your local paper. Denver, Colorado and other rela-' tives. The bortv was forwarded Sunday, from The Thomas Mortu ary, 2022 Lake Street, to The Mil es Funeral Home, Atchinson, rvan sas. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Eben. I ezar Baptist Church with Kev. Battey officiating with burial in the family plot in Oak Hill ceme tery. I KEEP FIT DIET Bat "/eon" foods. Save used fat ond J turn it m for 4c o i pound EXERCISE : Ten Minutes a Day Takes Bufges Away Exercise Series No. 7 To Strengthen Abdomen Muscles 1. lie flat on your back on floor. Arm* or sides. Inhole Raise both legs SIOWLY to upright position. Stop o moment Exhale. 2. Inhale lower both legs backward ove- heod until toes touch the floor. Exhale. 3 Return to position (1 ) 4. Do only FOUR times at fbst. Increase number groduolly. BE HEALTHY-SAVE AND TURN IN USED KITCHEN FATS SUBSCRIBE NOW! CAli HA-0800 i The Week By H. W. Smith THE NAACP OMAHA BRANCH The Omaha Branch of the NAA CP sponsored a Very successful lepting on Sunday afternoon, of March 17. All committees made good reports. The Mem ber=hip committee was very active and was rewarded with 50 members. The r.ext meeting .regular monthly will be held on Sunday afternoon April 28 at Bethel AME Church, 25th and Franklin St., 3:30 pm. General Motors and Gen- Elec tric 113 day strike ended on Mar* 13. 175,000 men were given 18 and one half cent pay raise. - j A Federal Judge approved an arbitration agreement between Surface Board of Management and the union in Chicago March 13. Trolley fares must rise if pay increase is granted to the 12,000 employees. Charles Bernheim of Lansing, Michigan charged with shooting two persons in a hotel lobby in OhiCCEro is being sought in Omaha by police A tornado swept through the Mississippi Valley on March 16 ano 6 persons were killed in Ala Mr. George Turner and Mrs. Mary Jane Turner of Virgie, Wis. celebrated 75 years of married life on March 15 in a two story log cabin they built themselves. He is 95 and she is 91. Mr. James Roosevelt, son of our last President was in Chicago on jyj ren 16 exploiting the principles of an independent citizens' com mittee of art. He did not commit himself on the Communists. Mexico City was in the dark for 15 minutes March 15. The city elictrician pulled the switch in sympathy with some strikers. US Congress vote^ 10 million dollars for mental research. • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week Have you ever been through a bakery? Last week I was taken on a tour through one of the coun try’s new, large, modern bakeries — and I was simply amazed at the many precautions taken to assure positive sanitation and freshness of the bread, rolls, and other things that they turn out in just moun tainous quantities. Did you know that bread wrapped in waxed paper is scarcely touched by human hands between baking operations and delivery to you? I I was really fascinated as I watched j this process. As each loaf of bread | comes from the ov"en it is auto- j matically wrapped in a waxed I paper that is odorless and tasteless i r.nd, of course, absolutely sanitary. As it is wrapped, it passes through an electrically heated machine that melts the wax temporarily — auto matically seal’ng the ends. The baker explaint d to me that this heat sealing creates a perfect pro tective wrap — a vacuum-like en closure that safeguards the fresh ness and actually seals in the flavor of your bread. And it’s so easy to keep bread fresh after the loaf has been j opened! I’ve found that by care- I fully re-closing the waxed paper wrapping, my bread stays moist i and fresh much longer. I can save several slices of bread every week. I And . . . with the newspapers and radios telling us of the starving people of Europe — and the need to send grains and food to them — isn’t this an easy way to help? If all the millions and millions ! of American housewives would take 1 this simple precaution — millions I and millions of loaves of bread would be saved for those who need j ft so badly in Europe! The chief of police of Benton, | 111., denied the charge that he i shot and killed Mrs Mary Pat terson, a waitress in a tavern on Wednesday morning, March 13. i 10 US generals and admirals were promised a raise in pay on retirement. Joe Arrebuseto of Moline, 111., ! was sentenced to 14 years in pri [ son for the murder of his son in ' law at the trial on March 16. The US Employment Agency reported in Chicago that there "ere 25.000 unemployed in Illinois and 90,000 of them were veterans. The NAACP broadcast at 10:30 pm. over WOW on Sundav even ing was a complete success i The Waiter’^ Column By H. W. Smith Musician head-waiter Bill Pee bles and H W Smith had a very frendlv chat in a Northside house of business Dave Stevens one of the Army bo s has finished with the Army and is now with the UPRR. Mr. Frank Buford is much im proved after a short illness. Mr. Gabby Watson and Mr. F. Hughes are top men at the High land Club at Hill Hotel All of the Golf Clubs are on the move to take advantage of the mild weather as we may get an other snow storm. McGlLL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM F. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Blue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. ■ Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m to 1 a. m. JA. 0411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS • LEGAL NOTICE Omaha Guide 3T Edw. J. DUGAN, ATT Y, NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION OP FINAL ADMINIS TRATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. Bk 65, P. 40S, In the matter of the Estate of FANNIE M. OWEN, Deceased: All persons interested *n said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 1st day of March, 1946 Johnny Owen filed a petition in said Coun ty Court, praying that his final ad. ministration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as Ad ministrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 1st day of April, 1916 at 9 o’clock A' M. and contest said » petition, the Court may jjrant the prayer of said petition, enter a de cree of heirship and make such other and further orders, allowanc es and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said es tate may be finally settled and de. termined. ROBERT R. TROYER. County Judge. Bg. 3-9 '46 end 3-23 ’46 Sews of The Althouse School of beauty Culture (as Reported by Betty Patton) Omaha Club waiters with Capt. Earl Jones are serving with a reai smile. Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn waiters taking good care of the service. Blackstone Hotel waiters on the job. Fontenelle Hotel waiters on the beam with the service • JAPANESE MOTHER GETS CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL j OF HONOR j i Long Beach, Cal.-Soundphoto— Mrs. Nawa Munemori of Long Beach, Cal., receives the Congres sional Medal of Honor, nation's highest award, postumously aw arded to her son Sadao, the only one awarded to Japanese who did fight in US Armies, He fell on a hand grenade to save lives of two buddies in bitter Italy fighting. Col. Evans R. Crowell, command* ing officer of Fort MacArthur is snown presenting award. GAS PAINS? BILIOUS: HEADACHE? due to constipation • Don’t suffer these miseries! Get quick, easy relief. Chew Feen-a-mint, candy-coated chewing gum laxative. Contains same medicine many doc tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take exactly as directed and feel wonderful again. Try it! EEEN-A-MINT Mrs Erma Sheparcj luu, return ed from a 3-weeks visit in Lin coln with relatives and friends. The Club met at Mis. Margaret Smith's homt on North 21tli. The business meeting was in order and afterwards the cosial hour was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Ruth Arnoldw is able to be back in school aft>r being ab sent because of illness on her husband’s account. We arc welcoming a new stu dent this week. Mrs. Odessa Hud son of Lincoln, Nebr. Wc are very glad to have Mrs. Hudson with us Mrs- Tiny Clair spent the week end in Lincoln visiting friends. Mr. Jesse L. Gibson spent the week-end here visiting his wife, Mrs. Juanita Gibson. SPEAKIMG OF BEAUTY “Think First of The Modernistic Beauty Salon 2422 Grant Street —AT-2983— Doris Hawkinn, Prop. ★ Operators— Anna Lou Brown, Marie Roberts, Alma F. Sims from Kansas. Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for soughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley’s “CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing, triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing ingre dients Buckley’s “CANADIOL” Mixture Is different from anything you ever tried. Get l bottle today at any good drag store. g You Can Buy the Latest Race Records at— ITHE T. F. & R. RECORD SHOP -2033 NORTH 24TH STREET “Uptown Boogie”—“Illinois Pacquet” “Throw It Out of Your Mind”— "Illinois Pacquet” ! "Bad Yale Boogie’—Jay McShann , “Merry Go Round”—Jay McShann i “If It’s Good”—Julia Lee “Show Me Missouri Blues”— Julia Lee "Hard Working Man Elues” — Jay McShann “When I’ve Been Drinking”— Jay McShann “He May Be Your Man”—Helen Humes “Blue Prelude”—Heien Humes “McShann Boogie Blues”—Jay McShann 1 “Unlucky Woman”—Jay McShann l “Around the Clock 1 6z 2”— Wynonie Harris “Yonder Love My Baby”-— Wynonie Harris , “Cock-A-Doodle-Do”—Wynonie Harris Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises j caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 1 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! ( THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 516 • Davenport, low* 1 !37 Satisfied Customers You fire Next 137 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition 'Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement j COM PAN Y2 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 Omaha, Nebraska