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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1946)
W here to 30 to Church Sunday BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 80th and S Street REV M- C. WILLIAM, PASTOR Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU. 6 P. U. Evening womrup o p. m. nm\ memoriai.—THE NKTHOI1IST CHI IlfH 3223 “U" Street, South Omaha Rev A L Hook. Tastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL A ME. Church 25th and K Streets Rev. Fant. pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. MT. OLIVE HVPTIST CHURCH 3f*i0 R Street. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor, Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Re porter. Sunday school, 9:30 a- m.. Morning Worship 11 A. M. BTU 6 P. M„ Evening worship 8 p. m.. CHl'RCH OF GOD IX CHRIST *712 ‘R’ Street, Elder A E Johnson. Pastor Sunday School ...._10 o'clock1 YPWW __6;30 Wednesday night..Bible Band Tuesday night . Prayer Band Thursday, Sewing Circle afternoon at 2 j>m CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Elder G P Benson. Pastor 1710 North 25th Street Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:45 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 1839 North 24th Street, Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Sunday school . . .9:45 a. no. Morning Worship .11 a.m. BTU. at .. ...8:30 pm. Church of The Living God C.W.F-F. 2316 No. 25th St. Rev. R B Sparks, Oklahoma City Pastor Mary Alice Crumb, Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 11:30 A. M. Evening worship 8 P. M. JHURCH OF GOD IN CHRyST 1207 South 13th St. Elder D. M. Wation, paatoi lodeil Watson, reporter YPWW. 6 ?. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St^ Rev. Adams. Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LEW. Mission, Thura. 8 p. m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. Prayer Service, Wed. 8 a «. WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Mt. Nebo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Christine Phillips, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Momin gworship, 11 a. m. B. T. U., 6 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Sr Mission, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. BETHEL AME. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. B. E. Jones, pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter PILGRIM BAPTIST CHCHCH 25th and Hamlton St. Charles Favors. Pastor Mrs. Ed Dorteh. Reporter Sunday schiol 9:30 a. m.| Morning Worah'p, 10:45 PTU. 6 * M. Evening Won rip 7:45 p. m. Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Moming Service—11 o'clock Allen Christian Endeavor La p. m. iT. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1119 North 21st Street, Rev. S G Sanchez, Pastor, Mass: T:30—9:00 Church School—9:45 SALEM BAPTIST CHlIICn 28th and Oe: ttar St. Re" J C Wade, Pastor L K. liundersoa. reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worjfalp, 11 ». m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 30th and Ohio. Rev Edmund W- Gordon, Pastoi Mrs. T. Newte, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Mornjog Service 11th and Ella Streets Rev. S. W. Wilkerson. pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a m. Morning Services, 11:39 a. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8 0C p. m. Visitors are always welcome. CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. . •_ ..•• . Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reporter Sunday school 9:39 s in Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 181) North 26th St. Re*. A. J. Thomas pastor Mi^s Bernice Ellis. reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach ing 8 00. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00. Evening Worship, 8:00 CHHIST TEMPI.F, CHT'RCH OF CHHIST (Holiness) Church. 2124 North 26th Street Res 2122 North 26th Street. Rev O A Askerneese. Pastor, Velma Shearron Clerk * » FREESTONE PRIMITIVE UVPriST CHURCH 26th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 6 p, m.—YPVW 8 p. m.—Evening Service. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant Street. Rev F C. Williams. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Junior Church. 10:45 a m. Morning Worship, 11;00 a. m. BTU 6:00 p m Evening Worship, 7:45 p m. PLEAS 'NT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, 27th and Franklin Streets Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAV ES TEMPLE CME 25th and Decatur Sts.. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening Service. 8:00 p m. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. 5233 South 25th St. Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Anderson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reportar Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH PEOPLES’ M1SSIOX 1710 North 27th St. Rev. W. S. Farmer. Pastor Sunday School ___10:30 Morning Worship__.11:30 Prayer Services Thursday_8 pm THE CHURCH OF THE LIVIXG GOD 2412 Parker St., Rev S K Xichols, Pastor, Rose Oliver. Reporter. Sunday School. 9;45 a m. Morning Service. 11:30 a m. TPPU-, 5:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p m. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Grant at 25th Strec1 %ev. R. W. Johnson, pastor jt. Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Moming Worship, 11 a. ra. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AMR CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave., “The Friendly Church” Rev. E. E. Childress. Pastor. Mason Devereaux, Jr., reporter Sunday School—9:80 a. m. Morning Worship—11 o’clock Utaion—6:30 p- n». Evening Worship——8 o’clock CHURCH OF GOD IX CHRIST 2230 Ohio *Jt., Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. m, each Sunday. Tues. ana Thur*. nights. SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760 Lake St, EUer P. W. McDaniels, pastor Sabbath School Saturday 9:3f a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, Vesper Service Friday even.i** 7:45 P. M., Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7'30 P. M, DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA 1720 Ave A. Every Monday evening Circ Meeting at 8:30 P. M Prophecy and Healing. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday * m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. CALWRY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK. IOWA 603 Grimes St, Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor. Julia Keene, Reporter, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. na, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig Worship 3 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday THE FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J. Thomse. Pastor. Rev. Frank Johnson, Asst Pit" St. Rev. William Tey’.or, Bishor MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Moming Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST BENEDICT CATHOLIC CHIRCH 2423 Grant Street, Father Moylan. Pastor, Low Mass—7:00 a m Children's Mass—8:30 a m High Mass—10:00 a m CLAIR CHAPEL METHODIST CHIRCH 22nd and Miami Street. Rev. C C- Reynolds, Pastor Mrs. Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday School. 9:30 a m Morning Worship. 11:00 a m Evening Worship. 8:00 p m. NEW HOPE B APTIST CHI RCH 26th and Seward Streets, Rev L R Bragg, Pastor, Mrs Ada J Fields, Reporter, 9:30 A M _Sunday School 11:00 A M .1_Morning Worship 6:00 P M. _ _-BTU 7:30 P M ..Evening Worship 8:00 P. M Wednes, Prayer Meeting 8:00 P M __—Junior Church Visitors are always welcome. FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, officiator Ora Robinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, at « o'clock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. WOMEN IN THEIR ’40 s Were Never Meant To Suffer Like This! Here's a tip for A women troubled by Nervous Tension, i Irritability and Weak, Tired, Cranky 1 Feelings—due to ^ ‘middle-age’ ^ i If the functional “middle-age” period peculiar to women makes you suffer from hot flashes, touchy, high strung, weak, nervous feelings, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly — this great medi cine helps build up resistance against such “middle-age” distress. Thousands Upon Thousands Helped! Pinkham's Compound is one of the best known medicines you can buy for this purpose. It has proved some of the happiest days of some wom en's lives can often be during their 40's. We urge you to give Pinkham's Compound a fair and hon est trial. Just see if it doesn't help you, too. It’s also a great stomachic tonic! Jjjdfa£.(PlMlduUHC& VEGETABLE COMPOUND •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IN The Omaha GUIDE! Improved Uniform International | SUNDAY I! SCHOOL I •• LESSON l By HAROLD L LUNDQU1ST. D D. 0# Th*> \T-»*idv R:hle Institute of Chicago. Released bv Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for March 24 i , ' - l esson subjects -.nd Scripture texts se Iie. -ed and o^ovrighted by International Council of Religious Educations: used by f permission. A PEOPLE GAINS N XTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS LESSON TEXT—I Samuel 7:1-8. 13-15. MEMORY SELECTION — Obey my vo ce, and 1 will be your God, and ye | shall be my people: and v»alk ye in all i the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.—Jeremiah 7:23. The most powerful movement for national prosperity is a revival of spiritual Christian living. I Israel had come to the place where the people recognized that i they were on the brink of national . disaster. One of the scriptures on revival is II Chronicles 7:14: “If my peo ple, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked wavs: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin. and will heal their iand." This is the way of revival and prosperity for America, too. Revival will come when God’s people will I. Seek God's Face (w. 1. 2). The ark had been out of its proner place for a long time. The ungodly Philistines had it, but they were glad to return it. The calamities which befell them speak of distress in the heart of an unbeliever when the presence of God is evident. For a time the ark was in the house of Abinadab, but even there it was not in its rightful place. Sam- i uel moved among the people, point ing them back to God. This was his first act of public ministry, but behind that public act is the history of a godly life. Such a man can consistently urge others to turn to God. The response of the people was wholehearted. They were thorough ly sick of their sin and separation from God. The earnest of their sin cerity was their obedience to the admonition of Samuel that they II. Turn From Their Wicked Ways (vv. 3, 4). Israel had teamed from their heathen neighbors to worship their false gods. These they must put away if God was to bless them. The same prerequisite to spiritual revival exists today. But some may say. We do not worship heathen gods. One is astonished at the sim ilarity between the ritual of some cults and orders and the ancient religions of heathendom. > The fact is that we have set up many new gods—money, fashion, so cial position. The command needs to go out again through God’s mes sengers, “Put awaj the foreign gods." Now the time had come for God’s servant to call the people to t III. Humble Themselves and Pray <w. 5-8). Spiritual life thrives on the gath ering together of God’s people. The crisis in Israel was met by a great convocation of the people. We need to revive the great soul-s'.ir-, ring religious gatherings of a ger- ' eration ago. We can get plenty of people to gether for a football game, but where are the people who should be in our churches? “I will pray.” said SamueL He was a great intercessor (see I Sam. 15:11; Ps. 99:6: Jer. 15:1). Revival never comes without faithful inter cession on the part of those whose hearts are really burdened. Ask yourself, How much have I prayed for revival? If I should be gin to pray in earnest, would not God hear me and answer? IV. God Will Hear and Forgive (w. 13-15). Because his people had sought him in humility and repentance, God forgave and gave them victory. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nei ther his ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isa. 59:1, 2). God saved Is rael out of the hands of their ene mies. The Philistines, seeing them gathered together to pray, assumed that they were preparing to fight, and they attacked. In the previous battle at that very spot (I Sam. I 4:1-10), Israel had fought with1 weapons of men and been disgrace fully defeated. Now they fought with the weapon of prayer and faith in God, and great was the victory. America is valiantly battling against the social and economic problems of these distressing post war days, but one fears that all too often the weapons are those of the arm of flesh which will fail us. Let us look up instead of to one another. “God will save us” (v. 8). There is an inspiring word here for every troubled soul. I You may. like Israel, have fallen j into sin. Your life may be defeated, j You may be utterly discouraged. Return to the Lord, put away sin, gather with God’s people, pray, and God will give you victory, even at the very point of former defeat Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money When excess stomach acid causes painful, aoffoest lag tu. soar stomach and heartburn, doctors wMiif prescribe the fastest-sating medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like tbo» In Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. BeU-aas brlnSTccSfortlni nor double your bums back on ryjarn of bottla l *c a: All dwjSu: Religious News CLAIR METHODIST CHURCH Despite the inclement weather, a -nie congregation greeted the Pastor last Sunday morning uur Pastor, Rev. Reynolds, deli vered the 2nd Sunday Lenten ser mon on “I Surrender1. This com ing Sunday morning, March 24th, he will speak on “The Coronation of Companionship”. In tne afternoon at 3:30 ou: choir and pastor will rendc- sev vice at Union Memorial Church, 32nd and U Sts. Rev. R. W. Jon:, son and his choir and members "ill join us in this service. The Royal Jubilee Singers will render a musical program at tiii: church this coming Thursday nite March 28th at 8 pm. Our Revival Meeting will begin Monday nite, April Sth conducted by Dr. A. L. Reynolds of Mexico, Mo. ST. JOHNS AME CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Reverend E. B. Chilldress Mason Devereaux Jr., reporter The message Sundav morning, March 18th ‘Artist Models” was taken from two parallel scriptures 11 Corinthians 5 chapter 18 vs. and Rev 21 chapter 5 vs. by our Pastor. His thoughts for the day were as follows: Whatever is in a m-n's heart if he is touched by God, he will tell; no man on earth can touchh the Master Artist, our God; and finally, the greatest need today is for models "ho will pose for Jesus Christ. Visitors: Mr. Robert Jones, At chison Kan-as; Mr. George Ed wards of Omaha; Mr. Tbeotis R. Wood, seaman 2nd class son of Mrs. Poarl Young; Miss Lulu Pi. liars. Shrevesport. La; and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell A. Peters, of uenver, Colorado. Through the generous support of the members and friends of St Jonhs the rally is moving forward and as we reach the half way mark, we see nothing ahead but victory. Are you contributing your share in this Christian effort? Let us all get in thig drive together and we will finish together For ever remember our motto, “Lets March Upstairs in St. Johns in 1946. Many thanks to the Young Peo ple under the direction of Mrs. Childress and her excellent co workers for that lovely tea at the parsonage on last Sunday. The large attendance present indica ted the huge success. We congra tulate you young people for the lovely setting ann color scheme, and not only for the tea. Mrs. R. C. Price’s Group is bring ing Don Rock & Company March 29. Come out and support this hard working group. The Minute Men and Women’s Auxiliary wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the' successful pre sentation of the Elks Choral En semble on Monday night under the direction of Mr. H. L. Pres ton, and they wish to extend best w shes and the best of luck to Mr. Preston director and the Ensem ble. Coming to St. Johns "The Pow er of God’, a full length talking film presented by Mrs. J. Faucett Group No- 9. Don’t miss this fine breathtaking film. Date and time to be announced soon. A million thanks to Mrs. W. P. Ervin and her Group for that suc cessful Pin Up Boy contest. Let us attend Class Meetings on Tuesday nights and Prayer Meet ings on Wednesday nights. These meetings need our support, so why not come out and spend an even ing of Christian fellowship. Mothers send your children to Sunday School every Sunday mor ning at 9:30. Attend our Morning services at 11 and Union Services at 7:30 pm. Visitors and friends are always welcome at St. Johns the friendly church at 22nd ar.d Willis Ave. Come and worship with us won’t you? CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD C. W. F. F. 2412 Parker St. Rev. S. K. Nicholas, pastor. Sunday School opened at 9:45 with a good attendance Morning Service at 11 in which Evangelist Song made a talk. Her subject was on ‘Belove^ me for the Word’ Rev. Spicer gave a wonderful re sponse. Evening services at 7:30 at which the pastor preacned an interesting sermon. His text was taken from 14th chapter of St. Johns 10:11 vs Rev. A. McCoy Harvell was in the city visiting. The women wor kers met at the home of Mrs. An na Brayboy Wednesday night. Af ter the meeting she served a de licious luncheon. The next meet ing will be at Evengelist Songs’. Come out and worship with us. Rama Buxton, reporter. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 N. 25th St. Rev. R. B. Sparks A special subject an Heaven and Hell and its location on March 24 at 11:30 am. entitle^ ’’Life Eter nal”. 8 pm. sermon topic ’’Hell” sub ject ‘Eternal Punishment’. CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 25th and Decatur St. Rev. E. V. Wade, Pastor Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 11 am. Service was well attended Sun day. Our pastor preached an up lifting sermon the text of which was found in St. Mark 11:27-28 vs I am sure everyone got something out of the sermon. We had 1 mem her to unite with us, Mrs- Morgan If you don’t have a church home come to Cleaves Temple. You should come out and see our youn ushers and usherettes. Mrs. Sinai and Mrs. Littlejohn have done a fine job with tuem. Next Sunday afternoon. Rev. Williams of Bethel and his choir will render their service to Boart. No. 1. come out and hear then. Don't forget the sick in your prat ers. Nevt Sunday night union se. vice will be held at Zion Baptis Churca. Rev. Wade of Cleave: Temple and his choir. Marie Hudgens, Reporter i»1T. MORInri BAPTIST LHURC1 Kev. L/a^id st. Clair, Pastor Are you sometimes burdened with some inexplicable something . Are you worried without appar ent cause though you may nav everything you desire?If you suf fer from these symptoms, it L quite likely without doubt that , your spiritual Self is suffering 1 from under nourishment. You. | soul neecs gospel vitamins Go tc church, there you can get then, without cost. Money cannot buj them and no drug store has then, m stock. ! Services "ere excellent at both morning and evening worships: with a good number in attendance and the message was brought to us at both sei. vices by t..e pas tor. The revival spirit seemed to permeate the atmosphere with the result that two souls gave them elvs to God as candidates for baptism. Friday evening, March 21, the Brotherhood is sponsoring a pro gram and they extend an invita tion to all to be present A surprise awaitg all who attend. The last cali for the “Spiritual Singing Tree”' sponsored by the choir, Thursday, March 28. Each and everyone is invited to come out and enjoy this unusual pro gram. There is no admission but a silver offering will be taken Sis. J. Crumbly is directress of the program. The sick and shut in of our num ber are as follows: Bro. A. L. Ste wart; Bro. James Lindsay; Sister Ellen Butler; Sis. Mattie Jones; Sis Ada Stewart* and Sis. Willie White. A number of visitors were pre sent and to them and all visitors we extend a cordial welcome to our church Forysteen Nared, Reporter — THE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby Sts. H. H. Schauland, pastor A minister was boarding with a farmer who wras not a Christian, although his wife was. For some time the minister had been wait ing for an opportunity to explain Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. And early one morning in the chicken house, the farmer showed him a hen with a brood of chickens un der her wings. “Touch the hen,” the farmer said. The minister dis covered that she was stone cold, dead for hours- “Look at that wound in her head”, the farmer continued. “A weasel sucked all her blood, but she never moved for fear it would get her chickens” The minister saw his opportunity. "That was just like Jesus on the cross” he said. He could have moved and saved His own life, but He wouldn’t, because you and I were under His wings”. That is the message of Len. ‘God hath made Jesus to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him’. We invite the public to attend Lenten and Sunday servi ces at the Lutheran Church we discuss the story of Jesus' Pas sion in detail. Many are attending these services regularly and we hope many more will come for tue strengthening of their faith. Len ten services are held every Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock and Sunday srvices at 10:30 am. This is also the Church of the Lutheran Hour. This Gospel pro gram heard over KBON every Sunday at 11;30 am. and over KF NF, Shenandoah, la., at 2 pm. has brought Jesus into the hearts and lives of thousands of people. Dr Walter Maier, the speaker, does not waste words; he speaks right1 to the heart of the matter of sin, forgiveness through the bicod oi Jesus, life and salvation through faith in His name. Tune in. tell others; pray for it. BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. C- L. Williams, Pastor Rev. C. L. Williams took his text from Jonah 1:3, subject “Fleeing I from God”, brought many beauti ful thoughts on this subject for us to think about. As real Chri stians and the many ways we can flee from God and not realize our condition. He also spoke about persons coming from other pla ces and not connecting themselves with any church Our services w-ere well attended having four visitors from here and other localities. You are al wayss welcome. Don’t forget the ice cream so cial that the Junior Stewardess is giving at th< home of Mrs. Eth. el Jones. 1506 No. 28th St., Sat urday night, March 23rd. Arrange to get your ticket and your part ner. Please meet your captains at the appointed time. We are ready COMS TIP AT lOM ACIDITY. GAS. AFTER OVER INDULGENCE IN EATING OR DRINKING. TAKE DELICIOUS, DEPENDABLE VAYA-LAX EFFERVESCENT POWDERS ....The care of your health should form your most important duty... The worst enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your intestines and you will experience the general health and the joy of living. For internal cleanliness, however, do not en trust your delicate digestive or-, ganism to any ordinary product. Be choosy—take delicious, effec tive VAYA-LAX. In Economy Bottles 5100. High Blood Pressure If you have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE and use GARLIC and PARSLEY TABLETS for relief, %ve carry the best.. per Box $1.25 NO C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED VAYA PRODUCTS, 242 E. 41st St., NYC 17. Bringing Christ to the Nations THE INTERNATIONAL LUTHERAN HOUR "Over Station KBOA every Sunday morning 11 r.'tO Publicity Department 3558 South Jefferson A\ enue Saint Louis 18, Missouri Dr. Walter A. Maier or our Spring Rally to begin or April 1 to fin:sh decorating oui church and repairs. Our Pastor ard his wife are pr‘ ting on a drive for the Trustees. Sunday afte-noon at 3 oj we are to meet with Cleaves Tern pie with our pastor and choir ir charge. Maggie Smith, reporter. — A. M. E. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The AME Christian Endeavor Union League will meet Sunday, March 24th, at 6:00 pm. The meet ing will be held at Bethel AME Church, 2423 Franklin St. This is their regular monthly meeting. All members are urged to attend. Robert Brown, pres. Kathyrn Wilburn, sec'y Marion Williams, reporter GOD'S PILLOW OF PROMISES Rev. Mildred Jackson Lets forget bauot burselves foi a few moments Let us think of Jesus. Now go with me for a little while and let us con-ider the service and make of a pillow. It is soft and comfort-1 able and it is also used to elevate | to a more comfortable position. I It also rests and supports you. I When you lie upon it it does like wise. Well friends that is a fair discription of a pillow. Now we shall talk about God’s pillow of promises and here are some: We see things we need in life. Remember He said ASK! We have come to doors we de sire to enter. He said KNOCK! We find so much Segregation in this present world, we wonded if we are left out of everything. But John 3:16 said God so loved the world he gave his only begotton son. When we feel our strength fail ing and we think the enemy is about to overcome us, remember John 16:33 said I have overcome the world. When you are laboring in the name of Jesus remember He said Lo I am with you even to the end of the world. When it seems that the trials, of this life are about to overcome you remember Rev. 2:7 said* To j him that overcome I will give to eat of the tree of life. When you become wearq or tired in this struggle through life re member He has promised in Rev. 2:10 I will give thee a crown of life. And then friends when you remember all of the precious pro mises of God through Jesus our Lord right in the midst of con fusion we can make a pillow out of these promises and rest our weary heads upon them. We can close our eyes and rest in peace on God’s promises. THE POW ER OF GOD’ IS COMIMG TO ST. JOHMS _ “The Power of God”, a Roland Reed Prouction, a motion picture in sound, is coming to St. Johns soon. This full length film is be ing presented by Group 9 under the captancy of Mrs. Faucett. The Power of God tells in the form of a gripping modern story what Christianity is, what it does to Saint Louis, Missouri, March 24 (Special) Ours is the age of his tory’s deepest disloyalties. Dr, Vv alter A. ma-er, professor at Con cordia Theological Seminary, de clared here today in his weekly broadcast over the International Lutheran Hour. Asserting that j uie intrigues a. d counter-intrigu ! es of the war produced an unpar alleled number of traitors he main u «. .n me United States today multitudes secretly seek to the overthrow of our government, Yet of all betrayerg who brought disgrace upon tnei-,selves, none, i. • radio speaker maintained, is comparable with Judas Iscariot, who sold his Lord for thirty pieces of silver. The love of money, which led the disciple to his ruin. Dr. Mai«r continue^ has been the root of evil since tuat day. He declared: Most wars have been promoted for the sake of financial gain, trade advantage and territorial conquest; yet those who fomented the struggle have not conaidicd the price paid by the masses who were killed, maimed and impov erished. Even the second World War has not cured the nations of their grasping avarice. Even now the old craze for world power, spheres of influence and the dom ination of small nations has not been checked. After this war, which was to give all people, es pecially the smaller nations, their freedom, we witness the subjuga tion of the minor countries on a greater scale than ever before Judas' betrayal led to suicide; and in the opinion of Dr. Maier, suicide already on the increase after the war, can reach a new high frequency. Grasping, greedy countries, he maintained, are doomed to national suicide, ac cording to a pattern consistently maintained throughout the past annuls of history. • The one positive antidote a gainst avarice, individual or na tional, and the one cure for its disastrous consequences is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which should be cherished and spread throughout the world with a sac rifice and insistence greater than the church has ever showed before the individual, and what the indi vidual Should do with it. The char acters might be people next door to you. Tney enact a true to hie story that has happened in thou sands of villages, towns, an^ ci ties throughout America. Ma;, be it has happened to you Filled with emotional contrasts. The Power of God is a Christian sound film that you will want to see. Here is what others say about it: ‘Tt is a wonderful picture! t believe that, wherever exhibited, it will well serve its purpose of encouraging more personal Chris tain testimony. The picture must be seen to be appreciated”.—John H. C. Fritz. “The film ‘The Power of God’ forcefully and effectively demon strates personal evangelism. Our people will be impressed and mo tivated to do mission work among their unchurched friends, neigh bors, and acquaintances. By ail means see ‘The Power of God”_ J. W. Behnken. “When I saw ‘The Power of Go<j I was convinced that it really did measure up to the quality I ex pected to find. Not only does it present the idea of personal mis sion work in an effective manner, but it also has reached technical perfection. It will be well worth your while to see it”.—D. A. Dorn Watch for the date and time when this film will be shown in the next issue of this newspaper. NEW PEP T Do you M yourself slipping’ Do you know yoa are not the man you used to be’ Are >ou troubled with nervous debility . . . low vitality . . . Weaknesses, due to essential deficiencies. Better do something about it now’ Yea mm quickly tone up your system and get nor* vigo«^ Learn bow hundreds of men get eneigiziwg result* with NU-VITOL. a new scientific pre^srstM I* convenient tablet form. NU-VITOL ks made Nature's herbs, concentrated vitamins, iron »>4 other valuable Ingredients that often siepup vigor and vitality. Let NU-VITOL put test In your soul and stag m four step. If you need something esira gee* Krx NU-VITOL today. 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