The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 23, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    Call Upon American People to Observe
"Abolish the Poll Tax Week” _
er Ferguson of Michigan, Repub
lican, and James M. Mead of New
York, Democrat, today jointly
called upon the American people
to observe Abolish the Poll 'lax
Veek, March 24-31, in order "by
all the powers of free expression. ..
in this great democracy" to guar
antee that t-e federal bill to abol
ish the poll tax is brought before
the United States Snate a. d pass
Senator Ferguson and Mead
are leaders of the bi-partisan Senj
ate Steering Committee on HR. 7,
th anti-poll tax hill.
According to informer sources,
the poll tax section of the Demo
cratic Party is making great be
hind the scenes effort to keep the
b Hi-nop tax bill from coming up.
The Senators’ call for Abolish the
Poll Tax Week is one answer to
such effort.
The call touched on the in
ternational situation when it open
ed with "As American we believe
that the best and only way to
solve the differences that may
come between us is by the honor
able and hallowed way of a free
vote. VYe stand before tve w r|d
todav as pleaders for other Na
Ladies and Children’s Work
A Specialty
tions to Settle their differences by
this method Therefore we can
not longer stand for the condition
that still exists in seven of our
Southern states whereby the peo
ple are denied a free vote by the
archaic and inexcusable poll tax.”
The statement went on:
'Twice before when this issue
has come before the Unite^ States
Senate, a filibuster has prevented
the Senate from voting on it- Two
thirds of the Senate must concur
before a filibuster can be stopped
'Therefore we call upon the A
mericin people to observe the
Week of March 24 to 31 as Abolish
In 3 Poll Tax Week and by all the
powers of free expression that we
have in this g~eat democraiy, to
ca'l upon the Senators of the Uni
ted States to vote to free the peo
ple :n seven of our own States
from this blot on our democracy....
to restore to them a free franch
ise so that they may enjoy those
great freedoms that are the basis
of Am rican citizenship.” Signed,
Homer Ferguson. James M. Mead.
N. 1. CONGRESS MAY 12-14
New York City—(C)—-March
27—Mrs. Cordelia Green Johnson,
National President of the Nation
al Beauty Culturists League Inc.
is making a tour of the South to
formulate plans for the only offi
c:al Congiess to be held in NY
City May 12, 13 and 14.
Beauticians school heads, man- j
ufacturers and distributors from'
- I
®S1 *Ijl) i JtJ?i¥ I } S'? | ¥i»,WSi 111 IH 11 fj l jj HP(p U|91 ’ j f®«8
You Can Save Up to 83% ...
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GENUINE WINDPROOF $^00 Bar*»,n No. 201
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At Last ... the New Expansion Watch
Band You’ve Been Waiting For
Bargain S‘^00 Complete ... At
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Serviceable, stylish, adjustable. Fits any man's watch or wrist.
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Barynla No. Wt\ available In 18-K Geld Plated. Stainless ll(
Sled back. S4, tax included.
Thrifty Service...
7c For Each Additional lb...
• This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing
Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing.
Emerson - Saratoga
2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029
i. -. *
Famine Emergency Committee
Urges More Victory Gardens
Chester C. Davis, organizing chairman of the Famine
Emergency Committee, released this statement March 13 in
behalf of the Committee, urging the planting of Victory
Gardens in 1946 to increase the food supply.
“In releasing more wheat, fats, oils, and other critically
needed foods for shipment to starving people abroad, we
recognize the essential part that the Victory Garden pro
duction will play in lileping to provide food for the people
of America,” Mr. Davis said. “An abundance of nutri
tious home-grown food will permit much greater shipment
of the food items so critically needed abroad.
“The President and the Secretary of Agriculture have
called for full effort again this year by the Victory Garden
ers of the Nation. This Famine Emergency Committee
considers the Victory Garden production as one of the im
portant parts of this entire emergency food program.’ This
is a definite and positive wav in which a large percentage
of our citizens can help in relieving the suffering of the
starving people of the world.”
34 states will attend the three day
session which will be held at the
Abysinia Baptist Church, 130 W.
138th St., Nr City.
Achievements an,} future advan
cement of Negroes in Beauty Cul
ture, Industry, Scholarship move
ments and the general post war
problems of Negro Beauticians ai-d
-nail business.
The local leaders of the Nation
al Beauty Culture League, the N V
State Beauticians Ass’n, the Be
auticians Volunteer Group and
Affiliated Organizations include—
Mrs. May Garrio; Mrs. Indiana
Crump; Mrs. Effie Bushell; Miss
Anna McGhee; Mrs. Mary Canni
zator; Miss Orphelia Johnson:
Mrs Mamie Harley; Earl Gallard '
and hundreds of other beauty op
erators and shop owners.
Many of these were closely as
sociated with Mrs. Johnson and
Mrs Gadsen in the War Bond and
Stamp sale campaign of the Bea
uticians Volunteer Corp. which
was founded by Mrs. Gadsen and
made a national body under Mrs.
Cordelia G. Johnson, general su
pervision. The BUC have to their
credit the sale of millions in War1
Bonds. They had the full coopera
tion of Beauticians in all parts of
the South. Major cities in these
two places, the North and South,
were the campaign centers.
The winner of the “My Favorite
Beautician” contest sponsored by
the VOICE, will be the official (
hostess to the winner of the Na
tional Beauty Contest.
Atlantic City, N. J (Cl—The
Young Women’s Christian Asso
ciation overwhelmingly voted in
clusion of Negro girls and " omen
into the ‘main stream of life' of
the YWCA. In a 35 program con
vention delegates urged broaden
ing of committee so that they
would be interracial in nature ar.d
that they be appointed and exa
mine recommendation in light of
the local situation and take the
initiative to help them operative.
The convention advacated that
the governing body be nominated
from those who will seek to move
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toward inclusion of women and
" on equal terms regardless of
xi.nong the recommendations so
unaminiously endorced were: That
in communities where, because of
rigid patterns of separation it may
not now be possible for white and
Negro women and girls to be men.
bers of the same groups, Ir.tercluh
councils and other inter group ac?
tivities be consciously employed to
bridge the gap
Nuernberg, Germany.Radiopho
to-Soundphoto—Hermann Wilhelm
Goering, erstwhile Chief Marshall
of Nazi Reich, shown as he took
witnesg stand in his own defense
at Nuernberg war crimes trial.
He praised himself as one man
"ho could fulfil Adolph Hitler’s
‘ideals’. Goering wearing a gray
uniform with brass buttons but no
medals is shown guarded in box.
Interest of Negro Citizen
Imbedded In Every Phase
of Social Reconstruction
The National Urban League for
Social Service Amarg Negroes has
insistently reminded the nnatio
that the interest of Negro citizens
cut across and are imbedded in
every single phar.e ofsocigljre
construction declared R. O'Hara
Lanier member of the League’s
National Committee, an^ newly
appointed Minister to Liberia,
who spoke for the National Ur
ban League’s Vocational Opportu
nity Campaign Week. March 10
16, was heard over the Columbia
Broadcasting Sytem in his last
public address before departing
for the Republic of Liberia, where
he " ill represent the United States
as Minister Plenipotiary and En
voy Extraordinary.
Speaking directly to the Lea
gue’s VOC slogan for American
Negro Youth, “The Future is
Yours—Plan and Prepare”, Lan
ier said the status of Negro citi
zens is the most sensitive baro
meter of American democracy.
The prestige, and indeed the
honor of our country, the Liber
ian appointee observed, depend
upon the degree to which every
citizen within our democracy is
granted full participation in our
national and community life, and
equal protection for his social and
economic welfare.
Iam therefore particularly im
pressed. he stated further, that
the National Urban League’s 14th
Vocational Opportunity Campaign
being observed this week has as
its slogan ‘The furture is yours—
plan and prepare’ That slogan is
a challenge to the Negro youth
of America. It is a challenge also
doses I
2$ L
to the rest of America- While it
is equally true that those who set
employment policies and practices
have a responsibility for provid
ing equality of economic opportu
nity for those Negro youth who
are prepared and qualified for
Until equality of opportunity for
ALL becomes a reality in our na
tion—until we are able to put
aside the distorted concepts of the
place of some of our citizens in
our economic and cultural life—
we cannot assume our rightful
| Rep&itesi
^By Walter Shead
::'I WNU Correspondent
WNU Washington Bureau.
1616 Eye St.. N. W.
Powerful Lobby Fighting
Missouri Valley Project
XflGOROUS freshman Congress
’ man Charles Raymon Savage of
the state of Washington's third dis
trict, former official of both CIO
and AFL unions, former grange
master and 4-H club leader, and
himself a construction engineer,
touched the match which may set
off a congressional investigation into
the lobbying-activities of power and
other interests seeking to defeat the
regional authority measures for
public control of the Missouri,
Columbia and other river basins.
The young Washington congress
man minced no words when he
called upon the congress to insti
tute an investigation “of the ex
penditures and of the corrupt prac
tices" of the organizations lobbying
against passage of these measures
seeking to harness the rivers under
congressional grants of regional au
Last fall this writer told you of
the formation of one of the most
powerful lobbies in Washington's
legislative history to defeat the Mur
ray Missouri Valley authority bill
and companion bills, which include
the Columbia River Valley authority
! measure.
Now the lobby has been dragged
. onto the floor of congress and un
cloaked for all to see as “the
largest lobby of its kind in all pow
er history . . . spending hundreds
of thousands of dollars a year in
fluencing legislation. ..."
Congressman Savage declares the
lobby consists of a “small group of
men, led by a former Insull com
pany official, spearheading the or
J ganization, financing the operation
of these three high-sounding organ
izations: the Reclamation associa
tion, the National Association of
I Electric companies, and the natural
resources committee of the U. S.
| chamber of commerce.
Out to Rook People
“They are tied together as tight
ly as peas in a pod in their plan
to rook the American people,” Con
gressman Savage said.
, He charged# these organizations
are seeking to prevent the construc
tion of power dams by government
in the nation’s rivers. Failing in
that, they are seeking to buy the
power at the bus bar “to repeat
their Muscle Shoals steal by pay
ing the government a fifth of a
cent a kilowatt and force the peo
ple to pay 10 cents ... 50 times as
much as it cost them.”
The gentleman from Washington
state charged that the lobbies have
entered into “a definite conspiracy
to break the Holding Company act”;
that they are seeking to cripple the
Rural Electric administration, to
discredit TVA, to block the Colum
bia River Valley authority bill and
to thwart other public power pro
He declared that the lobby was
headed by Purcell L. Smith and
Kinsey W. Robinson. Smith, ne
said, is former treasurer of Illinois
Power & Light, jointly owned by
the late Sam Insull and North
American company. Also he was a
former president of the Insull hold
ing company, the Mid-West corpora
tion, and then an officer of the
Commonwealth Edison company of
“He (Smith) is now receiving S65,
000 a year for his lobbying efforts,”
Mr. Savage said. Mr. Robinson, the
! congressman charged, is leader of
i the resource committee of the U. S.
! chamber of commerce and presi
1 dent of Washington Water Power
company and “has been lobbying
against Columbia river legislation
since 1937.”
He charged that the lobby through
referendum 81 of the U. S. C. of C.,
attempted to get support for legis
lation placing Columbia river pow
er into their hands at the bus bar
in the recent Rivers and Harbors
bill, out failed.
Gift to Slick Promoters
“II that provision had gone into
the till, we would have deeded over
all o our great streams, lock, stock
and >arrel, to a group of slick east
en ind midwestem promoters,"
Savage said.
He charged that 95 power com
paniis were supporting the Wash
ingtm office of the Reclamation as
sociition, “a lobby much larger
than the lobby which was created
to d:feat the Walsh resolution cov
ering an Investigation into power
trusl financing and propaganda in
He cited evidence intending to
show that the efforts of the lobby
had postponed indefinitely furthei
heamgs on the Missouri valley
authirity bill and the same attempt
was being made before the house
rive.'S and harbors committee on
the Columbia river authority bill.
Referring to the activities of Pur
cell Smith. Savage said: "This for
mer Insull associate recently stated
that 95 power companies are sup
portng his office here in Washing
ton. We will find their handiwork
in every bureau and department
and in much of our legislation."
place as leaders in a better world
to come.
Mr. Lanier’s radio address was
carried coast to coast over CBS
in observance of the League's VOC
week. Local radio programs were
held in many of the 54 League
Mr. Lanier was formerly on the
staff of UNRRA. and prior to
I that Acting President of Hamp
| ton Institute, Hampton, Va.
New York—(CNS)—The Middle
weight Champion, Tony Zale win
be ready to defend his title by Ju
ly at either the Polo Grounds or
Yankee Stadium, according to Sam
Pian, Zale’s manager. Pian met
with Promoter Mike Jacobs this
week to discuss future dates with
U. S. Cracks Down on Russia;
British. Loan Called Trade Aid;
Modify Emergency Housing Bill
—— ■ ■ Released by Western Newspaper Union
•jEDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed in these columns, they are those of
Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
Crack Doivn
First evidence of a stiffening of
U. S. policy toward Russia was con
tained in the state department’s
warning that this country could
not remain indifferent to the Reds’
refusal to withdraw from Iran in
accordance with an agreement
made in 1942 and reaffirmed at
Oil-rich, Iran has been prominent
in the news since its northwestern
province of Azerbajain moved for
local self-rule and Russian troops
prevented efforts of the central
government to quell the revolt. Dur
ing negotiations between Russia and
Iran for withdrawal of Red forces
from the country, Moscow was said
to have pressed for oil concessions,
held exclusively by the U. S. and
While the state department’s note
to Russia emphasized that this
country could not sit idly by while
tri-partite agreements affecting an
other nation’s sovereignty were bro
ken, it urged the Reds to retire to
promote the confidence necessary
for fostering world peace.
Having pressed the Russians on
the Iranian situation, the state de
partment followed with another pro
test to Moscow over the Reds’ loot
ing of Japanese industries in Man
churia and their efforts to set up a
joint Russian-Sino economic rule
over the province to the exclusion
of other nations.
CaHed Aid
Declaring that the alternative to
lending financial assistance to Brit
ain was a postwar economic dog
fight. the administration opened its
fight for the 3% billion dollar loan
to the United Kingdom with Secre
tary of the Treasury Vinson and As
sistant Secretary of State Clayton
endorsing the advance before the
senate banking and currency com
Vinson and Clayton presented
parallel testimony to the solons, as
serting that if Britain were unable
to obtain dollars with which to buy
Vinson: Warns of Dog-fight.
goods', she would tighten up her ex
change regulations and conserve her
resources for careful expenditure
within a friendly trading bloc. The
result would be a return to high
tariffs, sanctions and other restric
tions which bogged trade prior to
World W’ar II and spurred the de
velopment of totalitarian economy.
Disclosing that the U. S. had
turned down a Russian bid for a
six billion dollar loan, Vinson told
the senators the administration did
not contemplate direct loans to oth
er nations. However, money will
be advanced to foreign countries
through the Export-Import bank, set
up before the war to stimulate
trade and possessing limited loan
ing power of billion dollars.
Emergency Bill
Though balking against imposi
tion of ceilings on old houses and
payment of 600 million dollars in
subsidies to building material manu
facturers to step up the flow of sup
plies, the house approved an emer
gency housing bill giving the gov
ernment broad powers to speed low
cost residential construction.
Pushed through by a coalition of
Republicans and southern Demo
crats, the bill gives Housing Ex
pediter Wilson Wyatt independent
luthority to channel building mate
rials into home construction through
priorities until June, 1947; set prices
for such materials to increase out
put, and halt the export of lumber
or other scarce supplies.
Other provisions of the measure
establish preference for war vets in
the purchase of new dwi tijUs; in
crease the FHA's resourcej to in
sure mortgages of ex-G.I.s Dy one
billion dollars and set ceiling prices
on new homes.
Truman Plea
With former Prime Minister Win
ston Churchill’s plea for a U. S.
British military alliance posing the
question of American adoption of
the proposal or continued adherence
to the United Nations Organization
for maintaining world peace. Presi
dent Truman stood by UNO in an
address before the Federal Council
of Churches in America at Colum
bus, Ohio.
Though sponsoring Churchill’s
speech at Fulton. Mo., Mr. Truman
apparently intended to await public
reaction to the proposal before tak
ing a position himself. Meanwhile,
the President avowed complete sup
port to UNO, declaring that this
country expected to defend it and
work for its perfection along with
the other member nations.
In addressing the 500 delegates,
representing 25 million Protestanls,
Mr. Truman declared that only
through the observance of Christian
principles could any mechanism for
peace be successful. Extending the
thought to domestic affairs, he as
, serted that only through religious
fervor could the country develop a
social program designed to meet
the needs of the mass of people
In considering the church’s posi
tion in the postwar world, the coun
cil unanimously adopted a resolu
tion condemning any form of raci*!
Presenting the resolution, Dr.
Henry Sloane Coffin, noted Presbyte
rian theologian, rapped church or
ganizations themselves for practic
ing discrimination against Negro
and other minority groups. Many
church - supported hospitals, schools
and theological seminaries were
guilty of the offense in varying de
grees. he said, and some churches
themselves refused to hire people on
racial or other grounds.
Germans Help
To speed the arraignment and
trial ‘of between 1,500.000 and
2,000.000 Germans charged with
Naziism, U. S. military authorities
approved a law promulgated by
provincial governments of the
American occupation zone providing
for prosecution of suspects in
local courts.
Applicable to the U. S. zone only,
the new procedure is expected to al
low rapid disposition of pending
cases and removal of much of the
uncertainty affecting sectional
economy. Germans hope that con
victed persons might be substituted
for war prisoners presently em
ployed as forced labor by the Allies.
To be tried by anti-Nazi prosecu
tors and three-man tribunals, de
fendants will be classified into four
broad categories, including major
offenders, active promoters of Hit
lerism, youthful adherents and
nominal party members who joined
the movement for business or social
convenience. While penalties for
major offenders and active pro
moters include forced labor, confis
cation of property and restriction on
employment privileges, the other
groups would be subject to occupa
tional curbs and fines.
Crisis Brewing
As the CIO-United Automobile
Workers strike against General Mo
tors proceeded through its fourth
month, pressure grew for settlement
of the walkout to avert a crisis re
sulting from the prolonged idleness
of 175,000 production employees.
With the union and management
remaining one big cent apart from
agreement on wages and both sides
indicating no inclination to budge,
the city of Detroit appealed to
President Truman to personally
Intervene because the strike was
seriously Impairing the economic
life of the community. To provide
funds for growing relief applica
tions, the city authorized an appro
priation of $400,000.
Increasing bitterness developed
between the UAW and G.M. over
the company’s refusal to go above
its offer of an 18% cent an hour
wage increase or submit the issue
of paying 19% cents to an impar
tial arbitrator. With the UAW con
vention scheduled for March 23 to
31, union spokesmen charged that
the company hoped to prolong the
strike to create dissatisfaction over
present officials and open the way
for their ouster.
Japan Again Provides Foreign Outlet lor D. S. Cotton
The U. S. is starting to regain an
important foreign outlet for raw
cotton by means of government ex
ports to Japan, which took one-fourth
of shipments of the staple before the
war. Until private trading, now
forbidden for security reasons, is
again permitted, the only way of
regaining the Japanese market is
through government channels.
Under the program now getting
under way, Commodity Credit cor
poration stocks of cotton will be
shipped to a Japanese government
al agency designated by the su
preme commander of the Allied
powers in Japan* and enough of the
textiles manufactured from the cot
ton will be accepted to reimburse
the U. S. in full. Establishment of
the supply line will take 200,000
bales of CCC cotton within a month,
the department of agriculture re
his boy. He feels that Zale, just
back from the Navy isn’t ready
immediately to defend his title but
could take on some tune ups until
luly. As to whom the challenger
would be for the July event, Pian
an<j Zale have in mind, Ray ‘Sugar
Robinson or Jake La Motta and
possibly even Georgie Abrams.
'HiniHf.ununiniiu .. ...—
Ingrained Tradition
Though soon to be shorn of power*
under new Jap constitution, Hirohito
retains reverence of these Jap repa
triates, bowing to the ground upon
his entrance to their quarters at
Neiv Sun
Emerging over the horizon of a
defeated Japan, a new sun arose.
It spread the hope and aspiration
embodied in the new constitution
drawn up after five months of de
liberations between American and
Nipponese officials.
Endorsed by General MacArthur.
Premier Shidehara and Emperor
Hirohito himself, the new constitu
tion strips the mikado of all his sov
ereign power, provid^ for the free
election of two representative
houses and assures freedom of
thought, press, religion and speech.
Of particular interest was the con
stitution's prohibition of an army,
navy, air force and other war facili
ties, and the renunciation of the use
of force in settlement of internation
al problems. In declaring that-Japan
was willing to become the first na
tion to outlaw armaments, Nippon
ese spokesmen hoped that the rest
of the world would acgept the same
principle and follow the example.
Ease Price Control
Though price controls were re
moved from musical instruments
and a wide variety of miscellaneous
items ranging from ice bowls to bull
rings, OPA threatened to restore
regulations if retail charges bound
ed from reasonable levels.
Included in the items freed from
price control were such sporting
equipment as fishing, archery, ski
ing, croquet, bowling, baseball, bas
ketball, football, golf and hockey.
Though playing uniforms were ex
empted, control was maintained
over shoes because of their general
Among the miscellaneous items af
fected by the OPA action were low
cost kitchen utensils, cowbells, buck
ets, coffee servers, unglazed flower
pots, safety goggles and industrial
clothing designed for protection
against hazardous occupations. With
supplies adequate, price control was
temporarily relinquished over
phonograph records, electric lamp
bulbs, firearms and ammunition.
Kaiser Balked
World War II’s outstanding entre
peneur, big, burly Henry Kaiser was
forced to exercise all of his ingenu
ity in procuring sheet steel if he
was to go ahead with plans for the
production of his postwar autos.
Kaiser’s difficulties arose over his
inability to obtain sheet steel from
major producers, who claimed that
supplies were limited and prefer
ence was being given to established
customers. Only two companies
considered shipments, Kaiser inter
ests said, but they conditioned
their action upon the consent of
other firms to deliver material.
Boiling over. Kaiser and Joseph
W Frazer, his auto-making associ
ate, asked the department of justice
to investigate the steel companies’
action, charging impairment of
competition. They also called upon
the economic stabilization board to
allocate available supplies to users.
Though Kaiser operates a steel plant
at Fontana, Calif., he has no sheet
rolling facilities and installation of
such equipment at the government
owned plant he is thinking of buy
ing in Gary, Ind., would cost 25 mil
lion dollars.
Despite the fact that several hun
dred thousand veterans were return
ing monthly during the last months
of 1945, the rise in unemployment
was in no wise as sharp as expect
ed, according to the Alexander
Hamilton Institute. With 830,000 out
of work in August, unemployment
has shown a steady increase since
then due primarily to curtailment
of war production following V-J
Day. Reconversion has absorbed
many of these idle war workers,