The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 16, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Greater Omaha Guide s
Serve Double Duty Refreshments
At Saint Patrick’s Day Party
ITTIiEN you serve Saint Patrick’s
* » Day refreshments, let the sand
wiches double as decorations by
following a shamrock pattern and
make the fillings green. They will
iform the foundation of a tempting
!feast. Serve them with a green
salad and this St. Patrick's Sweet
Dreams Froth, made with decaf
feinated coffee so that everybody
can toast the good saint in second
cups without worrying about sham
rock counting later on. Chopped
olives, minced green pepper and
cream cheese, chopped watercress
sprinkled with salt and lemon juice,
mint jelly, lettuce and mayonnaise.
I»ie all properly colored sandwich
) fillings with luscious flavor. Rolled
sandwiches with watercress stalks
jor ends of celery add a decorative
.note to the sandwich assembly.
1 here s wide choice in a green
j salad. A bowl of tossed greens is
the simplest. Slices of avocados and
sections of grapefruit served with
(French dressing on green lettuce
leaves are delicious in combination.
Chicken salad, if you use the green
er celery and sprinkle the top with
i minced parsley or finely chopped
> green pepper, is a substantial
j choice that’s always popular. Be
sure to have the coffee piping hot
and to have replenishments in the
kitchen. Remember, if you make
your decaffeinated coffee in a per
colator, that it should "perk” from
15 to 20 minutes, or longer than
the ordinary kind, to bring out its
rich coffee flavor. You can make
the sandwiches ahead of time, if
you want to. and keep them fresh
by wrapping them in waxed paper,
then in a wet towel. If you store
them in the refrigerator, take them
out a half-hour before serving time
so that they won't be too cold.
Spiced Coffee Froth
6 cups hot decaffeinated coffee
% cup whipping cream, whipped
V» teaspoon cinnamon
% teaspoon nutmeg
Make decaffeinated coffee by your
favorite method. Top each cup of
coffee with a spoonful of whipped
cream into which the spices have
been folded. Sugar may be served
with the coffee.
Party French Dressing
4 thin slices onion
2 teaspoons salt
5 tablespoons vinegar
% teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons sugar
Few grains Cayenne
1 cup, minus 1 tablespoon, salad oh
Let onion slices stand in vinegar
30 minutes; strain. Add sugar, salt,
paprika, and Cayenne to vinegar
and mix well. Then add oil and
shake in tightly covered container,
or beat until thick and smooth.
Chill. Shake again to mix before
using. Makes about 1% cups.
Miss Doris McGill (Chatter Box
of the Omaha Guide) of 2724 Lake
street, entered the hospital March
11 for an appectomy. The oper
ation was a sucess and Miss Mc
Gill’s condition is reporter as goou
We miss von Dorip—liirn- a-d
Buy your Poultry at the
I Nebraska Poultry
* 2204 North 24th Street
' Get the Best in Quality at the
Nebraska Produce- Lowest
Insurance Agency
Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance
2424 BRISTOL ST., JA-6261
How women W girls
mat/get wanted relief
from functional periodic pain
C&rdul is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
Taken like a tonic, it
* should stimulate appe
. tite, aid digestion,*
thus help build resist
ance for the “time" to
come. ,
' Started 3 days before
_ “your time”, it should
help relieve pain due
[ to purely functional
1 periodic causes.
Try Cardul If It helps,
you’ll be glad you did.
! come back home.
Omaa Local No. 101 National
Beauty Culturicts’ League helu
their regular meeting Monday
March 4th at the Railroad Men’s
Benevolent Club with Viney Walk
er vice president, presiding.
The meting was well attended
Mrs. Elise Turner reports that
plans are well under way for the
Tea the last of April
The local of Omaha is afiliated
with the National which was or
ganized in 19 9 am haz units in
every State of the Union.
The National president is Mrs.
Cordelia Green Johnson of Jersey
City, N. J., Mrs. Bessie Mercer of
Washington, DC., financial Secy.,
Mrs. Christine Althouse of Omaha
State Organizer and Supervisor.
The next regular meeting will
be Monday the 18th, of March.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis of 2229 Ohio
street, wish to announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Miss Wal'
terine Wright to Mr. George
Bethel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pen
uel Bethel of Chicago. The couple
"ere married in Los Angeles,
Calif, o.i Vaientine d iy, February
14th- A reception was held in
their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hulebrord, the u^cle and aunt of
the bride at 441 N. 46th St.
Mr. George Bethel is a pharm
acist. Mr. an<j Mrs. George Bethel
will make their home in Los An
geles, Calif. They plan to return
to Omaha for a visit this summer.
17th at 4:00 P. M.
We are expectig to see all choir
members at the rehearsals next
Sunday for our 12th Annual Good
will Spring Musical which will
come on its regular date, the last
Sunday in April which will be on
April 28th.
As we now have the promise of
the full support of the ministers,
we feel no choir will be called to
go out and sing during the time
we are having ouj- rehearsals from
now until the day of the musical.
We are glad to see so many new
j faces at our rehearsals as well as
| those who have not been able to
• Brick Siding — • Asbestos Siding
• Roofing
We have the Best Equipment and Most Experienced
Workmen to Insulate Your Home. Our I'rices are
Omaha -PHONE- Councli Bluffs
RE-5482 2687
R. M. Frasier, Manager.
Eal "lean" foods.
$a*9 used fat and -
torn A jn for 4c o '
Ten Mmutes a Day
Takes Bulges Away
Exercise Series
No. 6
To Strengthen Spine and
Back Muscles
> Stand erect with fee* apart. Let orms
ho«f inha!*
2 Bend slowjy forward. Keep knees
straight, ortn^dapgling. Exhale.
3 Inhale Resumt ongmol position.
4 Repeat y* unW
be with us because of work at
the Bomber Plant.
Mr. E, L. Yong's work will not
prmit him to be with us as he
has in the past two years but Mr.
3ooker Washington has come back
.o us with the fine spirit of coop
eration and promises a fine pro
gram if the choir members will
only make researsal
Salem choir is our host choir
for this year and we know its con
gregation and friends will be be
hind it 100 per cent as we hope
will be the case with all choirs
The role will be checked for at
tendance of all choirs from Sun
day, March 17th on to the time
for our concert, so do not let your
choir or you be missing.
Read your local papers and be
posted as to news about your com
ing program.
L. L. McVay
The Friend’y 16 Eridge CIu':
met Monday March 11 at the hom?
of Mr. C. Bonnet , 3036 Emmet
St. After the business meeting,
the Club played one 8 and a 4.
High score was won by Mr. Penn
and Brookshire. The next meeting
will be held Monday, March I8tl
at 2618 Blondo St. Time 8 CO pm.
Mr. ffm, Penn, President
EAB Brookshire, Reporter
- I
(Marion Tempi", Rcpor.)
The Ivy Leaf Ciub met March
10, at 5 pm. in the home of Mar
ion Temple, club reporter.
The Club completed plans for
the Variety Show and Dance to |
be held at the Urban Deague or.'
April i3, at 8:30 pm Miss Ivy
a.eaf will be pre e..ted on this
program. She will be the Ivy Leaf
girl who sells the most tiCKets for '
the program. Each ticket sold by
an individual Ivy Leaf will b»
counted as a vote for her. The
money from this affair will be
spent for the Ivy Leaf Project.
Betty Jane Von, vice-president
•vas in charge of the meeting ir
the ab:ence of the president, Eve
lyn Triggs. The next meeting is
-o be held March 24 at 2116 No.
Jl3t St.
The Week
By H. W. Smith
The Omaha Branch of the N A A ,
-P will have their regular meet- J
ng (monthly) oil Sunday after-j
noon at 3:30 at Bethel Baptist !
Jhurch in South Omaha. We are j
hoping for a good attendance a3
:he Branch has rendered a very
fine i.efvlcp to the citizens on
many vital iterrs and please help
-o get the 2,000 mmbers in Oma
ha. Your aid will be a good spoke
n the big wheel.
Four babies were burned to
death in a one room house March
7 in Portland, Oregon. Their Mo
! ther was at a telephone one block
National Sommander John Kte
ller of the American Begion has
asked Congress for an increase in
pensions of 20 per cent so veter
ans can , have desirable places in
which to live.
A Senate banking sub*commit
tee decided to hold further hear
ing on the nomination of James
K- Vardman for president, Trum
an’s aid.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt is
plannisg to visit Russia in June.
US Congressman Howard Buf
^ e wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone
for their kind assistance, kind words and cards of
sympathy and beautiful floral offerings at the pass
ing of our beloved brother. Also many thanks to
Rev. W illiams and to the Zion Mission Church.
Mr. Willie Harris,
Mrs. Lorraine Crawford,
Mrs. Georgia A. Moore,
Mrs. Ethel Young,
Mrs. Alma Taylor,
Miss Addie Lee Baiiev.
Hot Cross Buns For Lent
One a penny, two a penny Hot Cross Buns! It’s the traditional hot bread
that ushers in the Lenten season—light, deliciously flavored yeast dough,
enriched with spices, candied orange peel and raisins. Here’s a hot bread
that can pinch hit for dessert any day—try it with a wedge of cheese or a
bit of homemade jelly. “Swell change” the family will say—“sugar sav
ing, and easy to make,” you’ll gratefully say. Clip this tested recipe and
try it tomorrow.
2 cakes compressed yeast
^4 cup lukewarm water
1 teaspoon sugar
cup Spry
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 j teaspoon nutmeg
*4 cup sugar
1 cup scalded milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoons candied orange
peel, chopped
1 cup raisins or currants
5 cups sifted all-purpose flour
Crumble yeast into cup. Add lukewarm water and one teaspoon sugar
and set in warm place until it becomes light and spongy (about 15 min
utes). Combine Spry, salt, spices and % cup sugar in large bowl. Add
scalded milk and stir until Spry is melted. Cool until lukewarm. Add
yeast and blend.
Reserve a small amount of egg white for glaze. Beat eggs and add
with orange peel and raisins to yeast mixture. Mix well. Add Pour and
knead to a smooth dough. Cover and let rise until double in bulk (about
2 hours). Form into 2-inch balls, place in two Spry-coated 8 x 8 x 2-inch
pans, allowing a small space between rolls. Put in warm place and let
rise to 1% times original size.
After rolls have risen, brush with small amount of egg white beaten
with 1 tablespoon water and snip a deep cross in each bun with scissors.
Again let rise until very fight. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 30-35
minutes. When done, fill cross on top of each bun with Royal Icing,
using a spoon or pastry tube. Makes 2 dozen buns.
Royal Icing. Beat Vi cup sifted confectioners’ sugar gradually into 1
unbeaten egg white. Add 1 teaspoon lemon j, 2 and beat in I2 cup
sifted confectioners’ sugar gradually. Continue beating until I’tiff.
fet has filed for reelection which
ncluded ail of Nebraska’s con
gressmen and one US Senator.
Champion Joe Loirs stated at
West Be den, Indiana March 8 he
was in for heavy training.
Two twins of Waupon, Wis.,
celebrated their 84th birthdays on
March 8th
Are you a member of the NAA
DP? |
The Federal Couscil of Chur- ^
ches meeting in Columbus, Ohio, j
voted solid to eliminate segrega
tion in all churches on March 6.,
President Truman and Bishop G. I
B. Olman confered before the
President addressed the meeting, i
Dr. George Stodard of NY was j
chosen Chairman of the US Edu
cation Mission of Japan.
City of Detroit has asked Pre
dent Truman to end the Gener
1 Motors Strike.
Ot;s W. Minter former mayor of
Rochester, Ind., was released
rom pvson on a 3 year parole
n March 6.
Congressman Rankin of Miss
told Congress that James Roose
velt has joined with the Commu
nist on March 6.
Six teen age boys admitted they
committed 85 robberies in Chica
go on March 6.
Chicago City Council at a meet
ing on March 6 has recommended
Nebraska’s largest • cmaha’s finest
^aHnam cCt 3J\—
aa, da /light saving time discon
tinue until the last Sunday in the
month of September.
OPA has removed the curb on
many articles, guns and lamp
bulbs of the controlled list.
_ l
Mr. Thomas H. Gaskins. 64,
d U Sunday, March 10th at his
home, 2911 Seward Street. He
had been a resident of Omaha 35
v-ars and was employed by the
Tip Top Products Company. He
is suivjved by his wife, Mrs. Lau
ra B Gaskins, Omaha, four sis
ters, Mrs. Elenore Finley, Win
chester, Va., Mrs. Winnie Barn
aum, Mrs. Carrie Barnaum, both
of Hagerstown, Md., Mrs. bara B.
Johnson, Charleston, West Va.,
one brother Mr. Andrew N. GasK- *
ins, Winchester, Va., and other.
relative *• Funeral services were!
he’d Wednesday afternoon from
The Thomas Funeral Home, 2022
Lake St., with Rev. F. C. Williams
officiating. Burial was in the
family plot at Forest Lawn Cem
William Bud Bailey, 61, of 2112
Miami street, died in a local hos
pital Monday. Survivors: Wife
Mattie, sisters, Mrs. Louella Hog
gatt, Mrs. Carrie Perkins, Mrs.
Sally Hines, Mrs. Susie Shelton,
and Miss Lee Bailey of Memphis,
Tenn. Brother Willie, Memphis,
and daughter Mrs. Alma Taylor of
Oakland, Calif. Services Satur
day, 2 pm. Myern Funeral Home;
burial Forest Lawn.
Mr. Bailey was a resident of O
maha for 40 years, and was well
liked by all who knew him.
Amanda A. Hamilton
Amanda Ambrose Hamilton
To Give St. Liousisans “Eye
And Ear” Attraction
By Lou Swarz
St. Louis, Mo.,—On March 10
when the usual audience will wit
sess the Dress Rehearsal of the
coming annual YWCA Show, al
most everyone will no doubt be
startled at the superb production
handled by that genius, Amanda
Ambrose Hamilton.
The Production lets you re-live
in the 18th Century and brings
you into the present day in dan
ces, music, and beautiful costumes
Dance groups from St. Louis, Ven
us, Illinois, and Richmond Heights
Missouri will paYticipate in ttu
show. Instructors ai e: Anita V\ ii
iams. Marguerite Paulmer, Lunic.
Moore, Camille Robinson, Bessi
Ward and Marthenia Bates; An
Watt and P. G. Greene. And wit
such talented helpers, Amanda
Amb.o3e Hamilton is sure to g.\
Bt- —ou.s a grand show, the pro
ceeds of which wi.l send worthy i
girls to camp Dcriicotte.
Viewing the rehearsals, and a
little chatting with Amanda will
let you in on one’s ambition who
is well known in St. Louis. She is
the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 11.
D. Ambrose and has for some
years been known as a great con
cert pianist very young though;
so the ‘some’ dates from early
childhood. Her music training be
gan at the age of four with Mrs.
Susan Parden who is now in JNY.
Then at 10 she was presented in
a recital and received praises from
our critics here. At 16 under the
careful training of Mrs. Benne P.
Easter, Amanda’s concert at the
Vashon High School was one that j
will long be remembered, because
she held an audience spellbound
with her masterful touch at the
piano and her beautiful soprano
voice. She then studied two years
under Mr. Arnold of the nationally
known Kroeger School of Music.
Her activities included directing
the Junior choir-of the Metropoli
tan AME Zion Church here, ana
under her direction the choir has
filled such engagements as the
Good Friday Services at the Am
bassador Theatre and the Annual
meeting of the Race Relationship
Groups at the 3rd Baptist Church
also of this city.
A recent trip to New York City
inspired Amanda to begin writin
music. Thus. she has gone in f(J
composing and some of her W1
ections brought favorable praisp
from her former instructors ana
others, that she has written sev.
eral for the coming YWCA show
They are “Kindergarten Boogie
“I’ll Always want Your LoVp..’
“On Stage, “Minstrel Men',
‘Ain’t No Use’’, and “You Started
Me Dreaming’’,
As an added attraction for the
production Ruth Greene and the
talented little artist who is surely
a genius withig her own right
will play Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody ^
Blue”. And to those who witness
it will not be surprised because
believe it or not Amanda Ambro;..
Hamilton waa one of the stars of
last year’s show—displaying her
artistry as a danseuse. However
this year he will be at the piano
throughout the entire show.
“Think First of The
Beauty Salon
2422 Grant Street
Doris Hawkins, Prop.
★ Operators—
Anna Lou Brown,
Marie Roberts,
Alma F. Sims from
• Phone us your local
News—JA-3215, ask
with tasty chewing gum laxative
• Bowels sluggish? Bilious? Head
achy? No pep? Chew Feen-a-minr,
candy-coated chewing gum laxative.
Contains same medicine many doc
tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take
Feen-a-mint at bedtime—ex
actly as directed. Feel fine
next morning!
Try This New Amazing
Fast Working—Triple Acting
You Feel the Effect Instantly
The King of all cough medicines for
roughs or bronchial irritations resulting
from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck
ley’s "CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work
ing, triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly
loosens and raises phlegm lodged In the
tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped
raw tissues, one or two sips and worst
coughing spasm eases. You get results fast.
Compounded from rare Canadian Pine
Balsam and other soothing healing Ingre
dients Buckley’s "CANADIOL” Mixture is
different from anything you ever tried Get
k bottle today at any good drug store,
You Can Buy the Latest Race Records at—
“Uptown Boogie”—“Illinois Pacquet”
“Throw It Out of Your Mind”— “Illinois Pacquet”
j “Bad Yale Boogie’—Jay McShann
“Merry Go Round”—Jay McShann
“If It’s Good”—Julia Lee
“Show Me Missouri B'ues”— Julia Lee
“Hard Working Man Elues” — Jay McShann
“When I’ve Been Drinking”— Jay McShann
“He May Be Your Man”—Helen Humes
“Blue Prelude”—Heien Humes
“McShann Boogie Blues”—Jay McShann
“Unlucky Woman”—Jay McShann
"Around the Clock 1 6z 2”— Wynonie Harris
"Yonder Love My Baby”-Wynonie Harris
“Cock-A-Doodle-Do”—Wynonie Harris
Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises
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has accomplished for a great many people. Many past
70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing
to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer.
No obligations!
THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 516 • Davenport. Iowa
McGills —
E. McGill, Prop
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Blue Room Open 6 p. a. to 1 a. a
Open tor Pm ale Parlies trum
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37 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition
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