The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 09, 1946, Page 6, Image 6
A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED BN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE 5?" wtw" *?ar mind - weighted down with worry and yoa feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write lour problem will be analysed in the paper free ,aat .“elude a allpping of the column with your letter. For a "private reply” .end ffi, ABBES 1946 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Readi^ you will receiSi Um a _pcrmonaJ letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (3) ques. Mam. Please send a stamped (3c> envelope for your confidential reply, and sign * faU Dame• address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your ease full* and MBAa* your problems within the realm of reason. Write to THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia O u _ D. C. I have been courting a fellow for several years. While he was in the navy he wanted me to marry him but I was a senior in high school and my parents wanted me to finish. He has been discharged now and we plan to marry in the early summer. How °ver, things are not as I would like them to be at all times and then again everythink is okay. Should I marry him or wait? Ans: Wait, until you can erase all doubts from your mind. Mar riage should be estered only when you can feel the utmost confidence in the' future. If both of you are uncertain, you should meet and mingle with other friends around your own age. To do so, will en able you both to make upyour minds as to uie suitability of the other and if there is a devoted love existing between you Ft. B. C_I am rather miserable and need advice. I am taking up a beautv culture cours^. I like it fine However, the mas I am going wilth thinks it is wasting money and wants me to give it up. I want to know if I should give it up? If I didn’t, will I pass the State Board and get a job? Ans: As yet, you have no trade or profession and this is really your golden opportunity. Stick to our course, and finish it as well as take the State Board exam and pass it, regardless of whether I vou intend to work or not. If you study and master this course as you are supposed to do, you won’t have any difficulty passing the State Board examination. J. H. N.—I am 19 and have a 3 year old son. My husband is a | veteran of this war and is badly shocked and his mind goes and 1 comds. He is in a hospital. Re cently I met a man a good bit older than I and I want to know if I should accept dates with him? I like him very much but I don't want to get into any trouble. I am very worried Ans: Trouble, unhappiness and, misery will surely overtake you if you weaken and begin dating this outside man. Freeze up like | a clam and refuse to have any-, thing at all to do with this man. I Its better really not to even talk with the man if he is trying to j encourrage you to break your marriage vows. Your husband is an unfortunate victim of the war , and it is your duty to stick by him regardless and try to help him fight his way back to a nor mal condition. You and your son could do more for him than any one else provided you are loyal to him in every respect. B B.—I am in love with a man 5 vrs. younger than I and the only complaint I have is that he fights me. I have a husband in California who says he loves me but he would not work and I left him. Tell me if I should marry this man I am with? Ans: You’re f> rv( to jumn THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN — 1 i i *■ — ■ r .— -x _ .-11" VI > I rit CINC SYJtc i i (CORN#YOU G-REW S gAND\ 1 EM \ \ .'N-EARS' I IA HAVE . I BALVf f [j I M STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY | confute*TA4. • >— A r\m i 4how^ ueur. | J!*A STEELE, AND ; ED-AIDE^A TUNNEL LEADING- INTO THE WILL BENEATH THE, J1PPONEAE A6ENT? HIDEAWAY/ THEN HEG0E4 — AN INVITED GUEET DOJMEi'G/ AI6ANWH(LE...^PA0// ■ JIAA^ JUDO JOE FOB ! av THE PAG5AGE.// BREEZY x ^ . v, / jBy T. MELVIN i>Y KNOW', BREEZY- EVRY' I BODY'S STRIKING" NOW/ FOR MORE jte-—• IpOUON^^yf mr7A . v ) / F K ~^a i'm ooiNe-To a-ay,ifi v jut i couldn't<? CTAEE A SIT-DOWN SIT-DOWN//! i ilill® STRIKE TIL PAD £vVHY DON'T) DAD WOULD —«j|Pi ME MORE YOU TRY IT,/ TO T HE ** ALLOgANCE.'j TOO TRiKING-- f~ ..Ipjg JACK DAVIS •/- ...... vBy TED WATSON TH//£PT£p w PPP* P/ro me sceee ser a r 7H£ U/aVMS T/Ate— BjTTJtf WU# L , 7£AP A\'£> ’ FA AT/ /'ye Zte&i C/S? #£££/ from the frying pan into the fire as both men nave -their draw backs and you are not at all plea sed with either. Now, if you want a sparring partner to live with for the rest of your life, this young fellow seems to be the an swers. ut, if you want peace and a normal life, you ha^ best con tinue your search. C. C.—I have been married for some time and I have tried and tried to love my husband but it seems like I never will. I stay at home all the time and seems like the children and him whl run me crazy. Tell me something to do as I can’t stand this much longer ? Ar.s: Ycvr far. /ly will appre ciate you just as much if vou stop being a slave and take a little time for personal pleasure occasionally All work and no play makes ’ife dull, moncf.on ous and uninteresting. Your chil dren are getting old enough tc help shoulder some of your res ponsib 1;‘: r—eive them definite jobs to do. When your husband wants to take you out, you should arrange to have some competent person come in and watch the children so that you can go out and enjoy yourself instead of pouring cold water on his plans. Show more enthusiasm about the plans your husband makes and l life will take on a new hue. I - INDONESIANS PICKET DUTCH AND BRITISH CONSULS New York, (C)—50 angry Ind onesians picketed Dutch and Bri tish Consulates this week, deman ding backing for the Soviet pro posal that a United Nations Com mission investigate conditions in Indonesia and recognize the vali ant republic. The Indonesian Republic Rela tions Committee passed leaflets to passers by urging them to write to President Trumas and demand "Next Door” 6/ ted shearer Continental Feature* *“ “If you want results you can't be a piker!” TOPICS / By CHARLES ALLEN]\ . . . ........... ...... I1 J I 'AC :?o ■ V ; QJLi. - -mmmmmr- " COPVftlCMT I <PO£ "1 here he is now, going to the dogs, since I refused to marry him!” —EDUCATE -A Ncw^ Anje - by louis Richard i t o iy'ufp &EASon f—"— -— ' ^ — rr.* — , — ~j f 1 r*AAiTu*t, -TO ( hvUQTi TH Oil , # A/0rv VC VO Li (-31CAO it Aiy rv/Fl OAt th JuCy l or All THAF I . ’ hf/YON AHtAo \I0> To BE ON TaV/S I EFOE*/5E * ifr 1 /’""X or t,nz rnjtr ]jnjA?v Too- an o l no /NiPcis/mcl rV?v3 ** verdict I •'*£ ne^en Agree 1 To fO&'MCr >H f} ( COULD NOT LOW £)NVThtlNGr —7 AAg/?p<cr ^_J REACHED ~-y lff~X .— | HUCKLEBERRY FI1SN , « !■",. ii ■ ■ -- NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT.... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 00 BLACKSTO.VE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO jot", earner and adjoining, os Houtbwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st ant Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes or especially salted as Chnrcb grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33* or Call HA-080#. SUBSCRIBE NOW! ““ HA-0800 an immediate halt to all shipments of lend lease war material to Bri tain and Holland for use against the Indonesian Republic. Indonesians are urging that the American delegation for the re moval of British troops in Indon esia and the repudiation by the British government against the use of Japanese troopsss to sup press the peoples’ Indonesian Re public. •_ W ATTS APPOINTED WDL ASSOCIATE SECRETARY Rowland Watts, Baltimore at torney, has been appointed Asso ciate National Secretary of the Workers Defense League. He sup ervises investigations of violations of the rights of labor and minori ties and will coordinate the work of numerous volunteer WDL at torneys. ALABAMAN OPPOSED AS SECRETARY INTERIOR Washington, March 2nd—Re ports that a delegation of 13 sou thern senators had asked Presi dent Truman to appoint Frank W Boykin, Alabama congressman, os Secretary of the Interior, drew a l sharp protest this week from the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiimiHH 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS »• «-**»• *••*«' .r \ _ WE. 0609 i DIJFFY PHARMACY :itiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii NAACP. Citing Boykin's voting record in Congress, Walter White wired the President that the votes of Boykin from ‘but a part ,>f a thoroughly illiberal record whiCi.' would cause dismay to minorities should Mr. Boykin be appointed.’ The NAACP record shows that Boykin voted against abolishing the poll tax, against discontinua tion of the Dies Committee, sup ported Congressman Rankin’s whitewash of the Veteran’s Ad ministration, voted against pige onholing of the work or jail bill, opposed travel pay for dislocated war workers and unemployment compensation for feeral workers. He also voted to override the sidntial veto of the anti-strike bill in 1943. I I 17 Room frame, modern House 145x38 feet m Store Room in front. Entire Stork ami Fixtures V 2806 NORTH 26TH STREET 9 1 Small Car—1933 four door Sedan 9 $4000.00 | COME AND SEE—Four other Vacant Lots! 9 -LUKE B. CAREY- B Classified Ads Get ResuilsJ ' Help Wanted j LAUNDRY shirt presses, finish • sorters, and markers. Permanent j employment. Apply Banner l aundry ' 2014 St Mary’s Ave. Q AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam ; .. . Real Estate. Homes 2 choice, hut reasonable building lots for sale at 26th & Caldwell. Phone JA-3811 or KE-6238. Piano, bed, misc. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. Arif & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardivare We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 251J-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" FOR COLOKEU Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition handy to schools, churches, street cars, 2117 Grace St. _$3,000. Henry B. McCampbell, Realtor 216 Barker Bldg. AT-8575 V / W>v ^>> />v / 'VV5I Fresh Eggs 40c. We deliver on Saturday In your neigh borhood—HA-0137. For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call WE-1389. NEIGHBORHOOD FVRNTTl KB A CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Bedn, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. "We Buy and Sell” — TEL AT. 1151 1715 N. 2Gth ST, LAUNDRIES A CLEANED s EDHOI.M A SI1ERSI VS :M«1 North 24th St HE. 11055 EMERSON LAUUIHV '1521 North 24th St. WE. 1029 Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly ★The Omaha Guide Crosstown Dres|H“akin8 —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... -2022 NORTH 24th STREET-' - an Yes. smart women and men by the thousand* know how quickly Palmer’* SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment work* to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimple*, rashes, "spot*’ enema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer a SKIN SUC CESS Ointment hm been proved for over 100 yeara. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back 25c (Economy 75c ait* contain* 4 time* a* v much). At all atore. or from E. T. Brown* Drug Co, T 127 Water St, New York City. \ I Help complete complexion beauty with Palmer1, i I SK1H SVCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) Uo I