The Omaha Guide I + A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ^ 1 Published Every Saturday at Z'/ZO Grant Street ^ OMAHA, NEBRASKA—rHONE HA- 0800 | Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1027 at the Post Office at Otnaha, Nebraska, under iAct of Congress of Match 3, 1870. >C* C- Gallow ty, Publisher and Acting Editor I All News Copy of Churches and all organiz ations must be in our office not later than 1 :00 'p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising i Copy on Paid Articles, not late.r than Wednesday *noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure public ation- f SUBSCRIPTION RATE IN OMAHA I | ONE YEAR . $3.w>2 SIX MONTHS . $l.75tj THREE MONTHS .$l.25| SUBSCRIPTION RATE 0U1 OF TOWN | ONE YEAR . $3 5ol | SIX MONTHS . t National Advertising Representative?— » INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, Ine 1 | 545 Fifth Avenue, New York ritv, Phone:- 2 t ML'rray Hill 2-5452, Rav P*ck. Manager * WHAT IS AMERICA? by RUTH TAYLOR The other evening a man, rich in years and experience, told me a story which sums up in a few words just what America is. t The story goes as follows: A Viking crew, one of those daring breed whose insatiable curiosity drove their small galleys into all parts of the world, sailed up a river in France. They were met by the challenge: “From whence do ye come and who is your master?” The Vikings answered with the shout: “We come from all the earth, and we call no man ‘master’.” Then he went on to say: “Is not this the position of the United States?” The analogy applies clear down the line. America was Founded by men whose insatiable desire for freedom drove them to seek progress and prosperity across the seas. Those •who came here were daring souls, eager to live to the fullest ready to work hard to get ahead, quick to take every op portunity for advancement for themselves and their chil dren. They came—like the Vikings, from all parts of the big earth bringing with them the best in racial, national and religious eullture which in the natural evolution of our so ciety are fusing into one unified culture in which the best of each strain is preserved and dignified. In America there are no dual nationalities. A man may be—should be-proud of the country from which he comes but his allegiance is here and he proves it by his act tions. Americans are not divided by their1 religions. Pro testant, Catholic or Jey—they all say with deep felling, “In God We Trust.” We Americans come from all of the earth—but we come from and our hearts are where we ARE. W'e calll io man master. Wre have not been par: of the Feudal system. We have been free men on this soil and we owe our fealty only to God and our country—which is of our own making and of our own ruling. the close cooperation of the Vikings—the respect given to the individual no matter at what task he works, the coop eration of shipmates who rely on one on the other. “We come from all the earth, and we call n«i man ‘mas er’.” Released by Calvin'* New* Service Who was the worst enemy of the Negro slave, the ‘good' slave master or the ‘bad* one? I don't toss this one out as an idle quiz. The qquestion, and the answer have their modern applications. From the standpoint of the individual slave, to be owned by a master -who was sadistically cruel was an infinitely worse misfor tune than to be owned by one who was kindly and consider ate. But when we consider the slaves’ class and historic interests—as embodied in the aspiration for freedom—the good master appears, paradoxically, as by far the most insidious and potent fee. His very kindliness his refusal to permit the families of slaves to be broken up. the paterna listic manner in which he supervised1 their physical welfare and religious training, gave to the instituton of shattel slai very a moral veneer and armed pro-slavery' elements in the North powerful arguments to sway the wavering mass. % Few will disagree wit hthis summation today. Time has same proposition had been uttered, say in 1850, it would have evoked puzzled bewilderment if not open disbelief. Just as. today, the charge that reformers and ‘good* employ ers of the Henry Kaiser type are the workers worst ene mies evokes puzzled bewilderment and open disbelief. Yet, I venture to make the charge, I hasten to add, how ever, that I make the charge not because I think a Henry Kaiser exploits workers more ruthlessly than, say, General Motors but because through his profit-sharing scheme, company medicine and conciliatory attitude generally, he, and other ‘good’ employers, give a moral veneer to the NAACP GAINS 5,000 MEMBERS ON WEST COAST San Francisco, Calif—During 1945 the NAACP gained 5,000 new members on the Pacific Coast, according to Noah W. Griffin, Se. cretary of the Regional Office out here. California branches made the greatest gains, with Los Ang eles maintaining its place as the fifth largest NAACP unit in the nation. The increase in Oregon was about 50 per cent, but there was a slight decrease in Washing ton due to the shutdown of war industries and movement of war workers out of the state. The re gion has set a goal of 30,000 mem bers for 1946 To Subscribe lor Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly CALL HA-0800 Editorial: “Time Waits for No One!” v . •:..' -’.. ..--c ' * system of wage slavery. I am speaking now in terms of the class and historic in terests of the workers, nto interms o ftlie individual inter ests of the wage slavery within his slavery. The class and historic interests of the workers clearly call for an end to the hazard of employment and the degradation of poverty. They call for the termination of the system like cotton and pork to the caprices of the market. They require, in short, the advent o fa new social system under the means of pro duction are owned collectively, managed democratically and operated for the benefit of society. It was Benjamin Franklin who said “the rich will do everything for the poor—except get off their backs”. The observation is particularly apropos are as determined as the 'had’ employers to stay in the saddle. The difference is that they are less reluctant to put more padding under the saddle, not only because it affords an easier ride. ,.This view will explaine why this writer looks askance at the union leaders who, by damning this employer as “ruth less” (General Motors, for example) and by singing hosan nahs to the friendly and constructive spirit ofl that employ er (for instance, Ford and Chrysler) divide the exploiting class into ‘good* and ‘bad*. This merely serves as a smoke screen for the real villian of the piece. For whether some employers are good or not, the system is bad. And I daresay that the time will come when this conclusion will be as uni versally accepted as the conclusion is accepted today that Negro slavery was bad. would say “Oddsniggs, we have still to flea the cat’s tail”. For actually it doesn’t make much difference even to the individual worker whether bis employer is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. All employers are forced by the competitive nature of the system to squeeze as much as possible out of their worker as they can. All must lay workers when business gets bad All are compelled constantly to install labor-displacing equipment and thus send new recruits into the army of un employed. The best hearted corporation executive in the country is under the same compulsion as the hardest hear ted to grind down the toilers. --- OVERTONES —(by A1 Heningburg Too Much Noise: One of the most serious dangers facing a minority group in a country like America is that too many of us cease to be useful, hardworking citizens, and drop to the low level of the professional protesters. These professionals not only spend all their time an denergy inveighing against the gen eral order of things but they get all steamed up when every other professional noisemaker >n town doesn’t join in whatever is their particular project of the moment. When, that kind of thing happens to a group over too long a per esters. They toil not, neither do they spin, but they do raise < ain. Of course we need people like that but ever so much more do wc need men and women with enough brains to get the work of the world done, in spile of the difficulties to be faced. Too great is the danger of spending our whole effort on complaint, and not enough of it on the big job of getting things done. When a fellow spends all his time grieving about the way his ne.ghbor is treating him, he sometimes forgets to go to vock and before he knows it there is no bread in the house. And those about whom he e-tinplating not only control things generally, thev even move into his neighborhood : ud sell him goods at most unreasonub'-j p*i ces. W e shall always need men who have the courage of their convictions but we need even more those who can operate businesses and help to give their neighbors a job. At the present time, too many are school teachers and ‘leaders’. The Negro s share of these two groups is much higher than it needs be with the resuudt that often we make too much noise over very small accomplishments. For Equalzied Salaries: It s too early to know whether this is news or just rumor but there seems good reason to believe that slaaries of Negro teachers iin Mississippi will be made to equal the salaries of whites who have the same training and experience. This doesn t mean that they will earn mnch money for even the white teachers in Mississippi are underpaid, but it will just about double the income now received by Negroes. No Time For Hatred: In many ways, Booker T. Washington was one of the very few great Americans. When he was chosen recently on the first ballot for the well known Hall of Fame, he was chosen not as a Negro, but as an American whose contribu tion wras significant. He was not chosen because he had been campaigned about but because his stature was such that the 100 hundred judges were practically unamimous in their selection of the great Negro teacher and philosopher as 1st choice. When Mr. Washington said “I shall allow no man to drag me down so low as to make me hate him”, he was speaking from actual experience, and he knew how soul searing hatred can be. He knew that he had a job to do, and that if he hated some folks as much as their meanness would suggest, he wouldn’t have had time for anything else. When meditation and arbitration have been exhausted; when lighting is inevitable, the only thing to do is to pitch in and fight with all you’ve got but you’re more certain of winning if you keep a cool head. There is no time for hatred even when the fight is on. Those Neic Jobs: In spite of all that we hear about unemployment and its attendant dangers, there are hundreds of different types of new jobs in the offing in these United States. This is important for young people, many of whom are trying to decide now just whtat they are going to do to earn a living. We hope earnestly that all these young foukgf will find out everything possible about new occupations, and about the skills needed to master them. Of course they will learn sooner or later that the good old-fashioned qualities of honesty and industry will be just as much in demand in 1950 as they were in 1850. And its still true that more wor kers fail because they don’t have the right social qualities than because they lack needed skills. Some More Misinformation: One of the worst results of living in a segreagted society is that many of those discriminated against come to absorb many Negroes believe that Negroes are unclean, dishonest, and are criminally inclined. They don’t like to admit these S and they Qoni understand their own feelings, but the fact is there just the same. Plain Talk... (BY DAN GARDNER) “Gl” PRISONERS OF POLICY ASK OUT OF INDIA BURMA ROLE OF BEING SERVANTS TO BRITISH INTERESTS. -— We know what our servicemen are doing in Europe, in the Philippines and in Japan. That is,, we have a pretty good idea of what occupation duties in former enemy ter ritory require in policing by the victorious military until civilian government under proper supervision can be re stored. We don’t pretend, however, to understand what good purpose is being served in, keeping our forces in the India-Burma theatre. This theatre is not an occupation zone; it is British ter ritory and the Japs were chased out of India long before V-JDay. 1 if o.-J .i Occupation forces in India and in Burma are largely Negro, but the racial line i j given less emphasis here, in favor of justice for both white and Negro troops who have earned their right to return home. So desperate are the men that 1300 enlisted personnel in a January 11, 1946 mass meeting at the Eastern India Air Depot at Panagarh, India, contributed funds to pay for an advertisement in American newspapers to ask U. S. citizens vital questions. The writer has been to the China-Burma-India (CBI) theatre of war and knows of conditions which American boys are subjected to and feels that those interested in fair play will join in condemnation of a War Department policy that isolates Americans in a forgotten part of the world as pawns in some program hat results in helping others than ourselves. Currently, the answer to the gripes of the CBI troops is that American, soldiers are needed in India and Burma to dispose of surplus U. S. property. Common sense arith metic shows that an American private in India is paid 200 rupees per month in addition to being provided with food, shelter and medical care. The average monthly wage for an Indian laborer is forty rupees. Most of the U. S. property disposal at the Pana garh Base, for example, consisting largely of demolishing > obselete aircraft, which could have been done by Indian DO’S AND DONTS: They are Americans but do tell them about the cultural contributions of Africa, so that they will realize that their heritage is as rich as that of other fellow Americans. civilians, was done by high ranking U. S. Air Force techn icians. Breakdown in comparative monetary values shows that the Indian rupee it worth 30 cents. This means an Amer ican soldier gets $60 a month, base army pay, against $1.20 a month for an Indian civilian laborer. There are un counted millions oi' Indians who work for far less in any capacity they can bis used. Occupational ]iolicy in Japan and in Germany should neither affect nor l»e jeopardized hy the redeployment of India-Burma persoi ncl, the mass meeting at Panagrah de cided. War Depar ment ruling does not permit basic training for new recruits at overseas points as was often done before the wai. Thus, the return of India-Burma soldiers to the States is held up because of a lack of re . placements. Today it requires 14 weeks of basic tra|iKff£ when during the war men often went into comjvn units overseas with six weeks and less of basic. Theimys in the India-Burma theatre want to know why? Returning to arith«w*Mf, thr average CBI “GI Prisoner of Policy” is bewildered in what it is all about when he compares the sale of surplus U. S. property in India with the cost of keeping U. S. Army personnel on duty there. With millions of unemployed Indians around, he cannot understand what is the issue in punishing him with long service in a forgotten part of the world to appease some tight little clique of financiers and bankers who see a chance to make a lot of money with the British and are moving in at the expense of our boys. Little or no prac tical work is being done in India today. Negro engineering companies built the world-famous Ledo Road; Negro quartermaster outfits transported vital war supplies to China; white and Negro work outfits main tained supply lines throughout the war against Japan. They did more than they were required to do. Now is the time for them to come home. In fact, they should ! have been returned home long, long ago. I --- The Common Defense (by Rev. William C. Kernan) •f.ptT-w tmm t On The Side Of The Victorious Legions— Let us resolve to live in the American way. The future belongs to it. Tyranny—called totalitarianism in its Com munist and Fascist guise—it old, tried and found wanting. Racial prejudice is old. Religious persecution is old—and o fdate—out of step with the times/ and the demand of the times. It is American democracy that is new—the recogni tion of the rights of man that has a; short and very rectal history—the right to worship in accordance with the dic tates of conscience that assetred its claims on mankind but a few years ago. Let us embrace and ever hold fast to demo cracy. The future belongs to it. Gladstone, speaking in Parliament on behalf of Lord Rus sel’s Reform Bill said, “You cannot fight against the fu ture. Time is on our side. The great social forces which move onwards in their might and majesty, and which the tumult of our debates does no tfor a moment impede or disturb—these great social forces are against you; they are marshalled on our side; and the banned which we now carry in this light, though perhaps at some/ moment it may droop over our sinking heads, yet it soon again will float in the eye of heaven—perhaps not to an easy but to a cer tain and to a not distant vcitory.” Gladstone’s words are our words. The democratic prin ciples which we are standing for today, the things we are doing to make democracy work today, are what all men will stand for—what all men will do tomorrow. The future belongs to us. We are on the side of the victorious legions. fine Quality-Personalized PRINTING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, PERSONAL STATIONERY, HAND BILLS — anything printable * : » JUST CALL HA-0800 * ’ or better still Come to 2420 Grant Street s 1 -_-- ♦ -