A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE T R O U ■ L E D IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Mote:—Don't worry needle-tly when your mind » weighted down with worry •ad rjo feel the need of guidance, and the counaei of an understanding friend wr*i* Jour problem will be analyzed in the paper free just include a •Hoping: of the column with your Iftter. For a "private reply" tend 25c for ASHE’S lt44 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will reeei£ y* * personal letter of sound and eonstructivs advice analysing three III goes. RHaa. Please send a stamped (3c) envelope for your confidential reply, and siga fMr full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your cysy full* your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia A. L. S_I have been correspon ding with a boy who is overseas. He is 21 and he tells me he loves me very much. He writes how much he cares in every letter but he nevers remembers jne with gifts like my boy friends do. Now let me know if he is sincers or pretending ? Ans: A young fellow aa regular in his correspondence as this boy is certainly not pretending. He believes himself to be infatuated with you or else he wouldn’t write you to that effect in every letter The boy is stationed overseas in a place where gift buying is hard ply possible. Also he is young an< never had much expierence buyinj presents for girls. But he could b< worked. When you write him, yoi might mention how many nice pre sents your friends are receivinj from their Sweethearts oversea and the chances are, he will no let them outdo him. E. M. M.—I am writing for hon est advice as I need it badly, have been married 8 years and w have a 7 year old son. We havi been separated several times bu always went back together. W still can’t agree- We argue am fight. I have thought of separatin; for the past two years. I wonde if I would be happier if I wer to separate from him? Ans: A separation would brinj another problem to your list proper support for you and th child. Actually your husband i not in a position to support tw separate households- You two ca: reach an understanding and fin happiness together if you woul discontinue your arguments, bich ering, and fighting. There is n other woman or man involved—i is just your spiteful attitudes tc ward each other. It is to the bes welfare of your child to, be reare I in a congenial home with both ' parents and you two should con ; sider this point. Make a desparate i effort to get along with your hus band. 3 M. A. G.—Should I wait for this t man who tells me he loves me and will he leave this woman to marry me or should I wait for the Mar. - ine ? I do not want to take the L wrong road. Ans: You can’t marry the Mar : ine now as he is overseas and nei t1 ther can you wed the other man as he has a mate. Better wait i Defore you build any plans around either of them. Enter marriage • only when you are quite positive ; of your own fellings and the other fellow’s as well. I am 27 yrs old and have 6 ; children. We have been married s 10 yrs. But lately I have been very 3 worried about my husband. I love l him and he is very good to me 1 j and the children. But during the 1 past year he has been staying out . too late and now he is receiving 3 letters from a married woman out t of town. Now I havn’t said any - thing but I can tell that he is act. t strange toward me- Now let me 1 know what should I do? THE YANCEES --- By SPENCER MORGAN rWELL-THE CHIEF HARD CAT vpe;J LATCHES ON TOTHE SMOOTH SHAPE-WHO IS TOP CANARY R I&H T WITH SOME GROOVY JUMP BACK TO HORN TOOTERS-THIS FINE CrunOll CHICK GIVES OVER TO A blnUUL . JUICE HEAD-AND WINDS ~"Y r^r" UP LATIN ON PILLS TO ^ &•!'$ IN CAMP imam i1<» BREEZY By T. MELVIN /-SO,NELLIE PECKERSU FOOSH/NELLIE, YOU'RE-1 'OONNA TEACH YOU A NEw) AWP'LY LI6+IT ON YOUPJ STEP/ HATHAT'B A JOKE,/ PBBT/> —— < - i^Prne^C^, — JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY (Jim told ami \ ) THAT HELENA / fseiKCr < (WELD pfc£0NS23 J WHEN PDU.M5I f • IINTWLCEP hc£-\ (to KIM, HINTING v (THAT HELENA MI&HH (BE H6lNE*£HNJ6E FOE.URANIUM,H6 J pmBmvib bnp] (fault m mm I mX&.W'MM, | (4LAPPEO himAj V WHY'YOU,UNGRATEFUL a PHEW./WHAT A WILPCA1! )&? ''-EVEN IN JIPPON, WE PINP WRETCH/ARE YOU TRY!N& LAPY POU/WEFYOU ARE AS ^7t IT MUCH MORE ROMA ' “ TO RUIN THE CHANCES KINPAS YOUARE KMJTIFUL'1 ~~T 5YMOONLl V pzikce/! let i the stones * JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON ‘CyJYL/AtJ!'V/\ \f~/T‘* A wot- -£y£ JHI L£./Vt\ 7/ \ ' Aw2> *w£'i /H A^OHADY/ $££ WHOH004//YO J COM£ OH /H fW££TW£AHT —• 4HOOHO 7H£ HgOHT / \ TV£ £4£ry% _ _ Ans: Dress yourself up and be gin to snow jour nustianu wnat a fine looking woman he has to come home to. His working hours are long and the children are in bed by the time ne gets in but it would certainly be to your advan tage to be dressed, looking pretty and waiting for him with a smile as often as you can manage to do so There is a certain satisfaction to a man to know there is some one waiting and depending on him to come in on time. Make these moments as pleasant as possible. He can be re-awakened and you can do it—as this little side step ping hasn’t become a habit and hasn’t gotten too serious. NEGROE COLLEGE FI ND CONDUCTS THIRD DRIVE New York—The third annua nationwide campaign of the Uni ted Negro College College Fund to be conducted this spring, will have Frank M. Totton, a vice president of the Chase National Bank, as its chairman, Dr. F. D. Patterson, president of the Fund and of Tuskegee Institute, ann ounced Sunday, Feb. 10. According to Mr. Totton, the 1946 goal will be $1,300,000 Con. tributions last year totaled more ■ than $1,000,000, and were used toi meet operating and urgent needs | of the 32 leading Negro private! colleges comprising the Fund. As i Chairman of the New York com- j mittee last year, Mr. Totton help-1 ed to raise $350,000. Thomas A. Morgan, president of the Sperry Corporation and Na. tional chairman of the Fund’s 1945 appeal, has agreed to serve at chairman of the national execu tive committee. For the third suc cessive year, Winthrop Aldrich, chairman of the board of the Chase National Bank, will act as national treasurer, and John D. Rockefeller, Jr., as chairman of the national advisory committee. William H. Long, Jr., president of Doremus and Co., will serve as public infornlation chairman. Mr- Totton, in addition to his l banking duties, is treasurer of I Sydenham Hospital, the New York j experiment in interracial hospi talization. He is serving also as | "*' ' ■ " i I "Next Door” By ted shearer fT x ■ ■■ ' .1 II ’ S(uAU-Vt• ComlMntal FmOtm* I >'•--—-— I “ If you wanna be EIG and TOUGH like your Pop . . . Eat your spinach TAN TOPICS Sy CHARLES ALLEN Ohoo. ^ A\ie« “Young woman I dont want a two way stretch. I need a THREE-Way stretch!” HUCKLEBERRY F//V7V ___ St PETER'S HARP! "1 rn sonha\ LOOK AT HUCKFlNM rp^oLATE \ HAMGiriG tfl His f?R HIM V FOOT Oft THAT OLS Some of DEAD TREE.' these cats J ^ ^ t*. ^ ■ < ' SnTMODGEGSTE-f.mottyW.T^OIJ.plppm- y- _ -™ was ncmM r— -\_r--\ T/aaot*y l’f* fsQui*E rwf/?t /*UST 3jO«/j! JjJJ4** } ??£^Oy ~ro T/«?v [ ^ tfow,c Mistake ,S Th£,?E' ®ut Boon 7>w£ "Ext C/9SE cw \ , "* e >h/st«at£ ThE*€ >3 *>Q -* THE docket -ivc CJ/J.V Got yvo/vi^ »—■■■■ » >5JLIC£ A4t*6*S ^ <(Q ^ ^ - v "> \' / - NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street LARGE LOAD PREFERRED Kindling per load $5 0C BLACKS TO \’E LUMP COAL $1160 per ton * “ JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 mi GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ’ot», earner and adjoining, or southwest corner 21st and Grace Extensive frontage sn both 21st ant* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home* or especially suited as Churcfr grounds. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33* or Call HA-OSO*. SUBSCRIBE NOW! CAIX HA-0800 ! - m * I— I ■ . - — finance chairman of the General Council of the Pre3byterian Church trustee of Athene College, Greece, and the Harlem Savings Bank, and treasurer of Goodwill Indu stries of New York, Wiltwyck School for Boys and the Ameri can College of Sofia, Bulgaria Campaigns will be organized in 47 cities throughout the nation. Mr. Totton reported, including cities where member colleges are located. Appealing for volunteer workers to assist the drive, he stated that more than 2100 wor kers will be needed. ‘‘The responsibility of develop ing thousands of alert and re sponsive of American citizens of the Negro population is a heavy one”, Mr. Totton declared. ‘‘That the public regards tne task as vital to the nations’s well being is evidenced by the heartwarming and encouraging response to the 1944 and 1945 campaigns. These 32 colleges participating in the campaign, including such historic institutions as Howard, Fisk, Tu skegee, Hampton and Lincoln, are uniquely equipped to carry out their part of the job. “The United Negro College Fund money pays for no frills, since the member colleges have never op erated on a luxury basis. Annual expenditure per student amounts to $340, compared with $535 con sidered minimum by comparable liberal arts colleges for white stu dents”. Reduced income, higher costs and increasing student bodies this year confront all educational in stitutions, Mr. Totton asserted but Negro colleges are affectec' especially severely. In order tc: resolve theilr universal financial 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS WE. 0«09 DUFFY PHARMACY aiuiiHiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimimu difficulties, the member colleges have pooled their appeal. They will go to the public this spring for aid in meeting their current minimum needs, he added “seek ing the generous support of indi viduals. business concerns, labor groups, foundations and all other organizations.” SUPPORT URGED FOR SUFFRAGE IN D. C. Washington, D. C_Support for the *Sumners.Capper Resolution for a constitutional amendment to provide for voting by residents of the District of Columbia was urged in a resolution adopted by the D- C. branch of the NAACP in January. The branch also is urg ing resention of Federal control over the United States Employ ment Service until July 1, 1947. Senator James M. Mead of New York, and Charles H- Houston, were speakers at a mass meeting called in support of the FEPC bill in the Senate. 1 .. . ■ 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. ■ 3. Thorough yet Gentle in EHect. I 3. No Unpleasant Atter^Uects. I 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 1 5. Wo Fuss, No Brewing. No Bother. a 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your B jf| Individual Needs. B 7. Economical, a SOc packaqe lasts the H ■ Caution: Use only as directed. ■ At all druggist*. Or vrrito tor FREE GEN- 11 I EROUS SAMPLE, lnnerdean Co. 846 E. fj m V 1 1 ■ a 9 ^t Bt 7 Room frame, modern House 14.5x38 feet Store Room in front. Entire Stork and Fixtures 2806 NORTH 26TH STREET 1 Small Car—1933 four door Sedan $4000.00 COME AND SEE—Four other Vacant Lots! -LUKE B. CAREY Classified Ads Get R:suitsf ® AUTOS WANTED! "sell US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors AT-9463 2056 Famam New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 251)-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" Piano, bed, mise. furniture, 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. ®Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt pressers, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner Laundrj 2014 St. Mary’s Ave. Real Estate, Homes 2 choice, but reasonable building lots for sale at 26th & Caldwell. Phone JA-3811 or KE-6238. FOR COLORED Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition handy to schools, churches, street cars, 2117 Grace St. _$3,000. Henry B. McCampbell Realtor 216 Barker Bldg. ’ AT-857E ► V'e e e e e ^ '»'*»*•* Fresli Eggs 40e. ^ We deliver on Saturday in 'your neigh borhood—HA-0137. For Sale a 10-room, modern: home at 2615 Parker, Cali WE-1389. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoat*, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses* Ruks, Bedfl, Gas Stoves and Ol Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EUHOI.il «St SHERMAN “401 North 24th St WE. 0055 EMERSON LAUNDRY •«;124 North 24th St, WE. 102* FOR THE . LATEST NEWS* ms- m Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly ★The Omaha Guide ( i £t©sst©wn Dre“™akin8 —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady' Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... _——2022 NORTH 24th STREET-^ - Yu, smart women and men by tbe thousands f know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, “spots” eczema tod ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer’s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 year* Try it oa the guarantee of satisfaction or money beck, 2Sc (Economy 75c size contains 4 times am (much). At all stores or from E. T. Browne Drag C*, U27 Water St.. New York City. Help com pie to complexion beauty tcitk PalmarV SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) tie