The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 23, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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\P * Of " 11
The latest organization to be
formed at the YMCA is the YMCA
jr Octette directed by Noel J, Logan.
• Members of the Octette include:
* Janice Prugh; Jean Pearson; Mar
w ilee Logan; Shirley Brown; Jack
Wright; Sherman Lower; George
-«r. Boetfc.'- and H. K. Buchanan.
V* « The group needs a permanent
p'Jf.jinist, accord: ng to W H. Mead,
ZT77i~» • • • • .
relieve MISERY OF
wjth tasty chewing gum laxative
e Bowels ^sluggish? Bilious? Head
achy? No Pep? Chew Feen-armint,
omue-i chewing gum la^tive.
ntains same medicine many (doc
tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take
Feen-e-mint at bedtime—ex
actly as directed. Feel fine
nest morning!
m * •••••••••••
ILumber Co.|
Always Gives More than X
<r the Mere Commodity for X
S which You Pay. v
© g
X • X
IkE-5811 24th & Boyd I
I i
Cardul Is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress,
fiere’s how it may help:
4 — Taken like a tonic, it
*“ should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion,*
thus help build resist
ance for the “time" to
Started 3 days before
“your time”, it should
help relieve pain due
to purely functional
periodic causes.
Try Cardul If it helps,
you’ll be glad you did.
, General Secretary at the “Y”, and
it is hoped that a returned can
be found to do this job. Any sug
gestions can be made directly to
the YMCA.
Zion’s Ushers met in their regular
business meeting Wednesday, Jan
uary 23 at the home of the Presid
ent. There was a fne percentage of
the members present.
Our President and family are
such ine hosts, we are always anx
ious to meet in their home.
Sunday morning found many ush
ers on duty ready to serve in trie
same humble and courteous way,
which is characteristic of Zion’s
Again Sunday night they were
.erving in Union service with St.
Johns hurch as host.
Ii\ must praise I say “Orchids
to Zion 3 fUshers.”
We ham a full program for the
year ’4t (> please keep in contact
with the {board Ushers, so that my
friends in WHAT’S NEW will be
rp will’ the times.
Vii gfc, B. Hopkins, Reporter.
i Church of the Living God,
Rev. R. B. Sparks, Pastor
Sermon topic "Do not err my Be
loved Brother Regard not your
Stuff”. Time of service 11:30 an-.,
and 8:00 pm.
The Friendly 16 BrUige Club
The Friendly 16 Bridge Club me
Monday, Feb. 18 at the home of Mr.
O. Pruitt. After the regular business
meeting, they played 16 hands of
bridge. High score was won by Ivrr.
L. Gray and Mr. Ij’ruitt. The next
meetiing will be held at the home or
Mr. T. R. Turner, 1724 Blondo S'
on Monday- February 25th at 8 :t)tj
pm. All members are reqcested to bt
Mr. W. Penn. President
E. A. B. Brookshire, Reportei
Phone us your
J A -3215
hem of The Althouse
School of Beauty Culture
(as Reported by Betty Patton)
A dul) party was given at thr
American Legion lastt Wednesday
! night, Feb. 13th in huoor of Mrs.
Ethel Hayne, who recently gradua
ted. The table was decorated with a
boguea of white carnations. The
girls tfbre corsages of white carna
tions wth hair-does of original sty
lng. I
A mptnguished guest was Mr.
Rayrrond Wheaton from Hollywood,
Calif , singer. He sang a numbei
dedicated to ahe school. He is the
vocalist with "Dusty” Brooks and
his l our Tones. Other guests were.
Mrs. E. M. Hayes; Mr. Albert Am
py; Mr. Frank Miller; Mr. J. W.
Mortal; Mr. E. L. Smith. The par
ty «ljs enjoyed by all present
M -Jand Mrs. Dave Robinson' Mrs
Emma Zanders and son Clarence,
Jose >Bine Miller and Mr. Jesse Lee
Gibsof) of Hastings, were guests of
M$ 3 uanita Gibson.
Sirs. Bakes and Mr. Shepard ot
Lincoln visiited Mrs. Erma Shepard.
Mr. Sheparr has recently been dis
charged from the service.
By C. C. McDonald
We wish to call your attention to
the Neff Service Station at 30th and
Douglas St. They are always ready
to serve and you are always wel
| February Sale
Hardwater Soap
In hot water or cold. . in soft-water or X
hard, this soap lathers up to rich foam.
French milled for a SOLID cake of
i soap. In white only, bouquet fragrance. • DOZEN
i Toiletries—Main Floor
Mr. Tommy Grogan- the former
sensational prize fighter here round
about, asks all of his friends to vis
it him at his place in 2920 Farnarr.
St. The former puglistic wonder
still looks good—Stop by and chat
with him.
The Thrifty Heating Co., 421b
Hamilton St., is now prepared to dc
anything to your furnace or stove.
You have never in all your life met
such fine people. Service with a
smile They Will soon be in their
new building and can do even more
for you!
You will be delighted to stop in at
417 South 24th St-, better known as
the Musical Company with all kinds
of music, records and anything your
heart could wish for in that line.
It's a real pleasure to visit here and
talk to the proprietor.—417 Soutti
24th St.
You will remember the Grace Nov
-elty Co., at 4011 Hamilton Street,
a most beautiful place,— wonderful
people to meet and anything you
need in novelties—Stop by!
We have Radio Emergency Ser
vice at 24th and St. Mary’s who arc
always ready to serve ^ou and to
give you guaranteed fixing service
and repair on radios anywhere in
the city. Stop in and talk over your
The Master Shade Co-, can do
anything you want in the way of fix
ing your windows or doors up with
shades or ventian blinds. Go down
ot 418 South 24th St.
When in So. Omaha, stop at 4834
So. 24th St. known ao the Furrin
always ready to serve you with 1st
Jewelry Co- an old reliable Co. that’s
class jewelry. Stop and talk With
Another jeyelry company at 4826
So. 24th St. the Frank Jewelry Co.
You are always welcome. Service
with a smile. Stop and look him over
McDonald is reporting and keeping
you informed and wants you to be
able to tell who your friends are ni
Omaha and Council Bluffs. We wiill
be glad to have you read these re
ports because he is all over town and
meets many people..
We call your attention to the El
ectro Sales Co. at 2414 No. 24th St.
Cocked Hat Rolls
Go easy on precious sugar—give the family tasty, tender rolls shaped
like three-cornered hats, filled with home-made pres.* ves or marmalade.
Elegant for luncheon dessert, teatime treat—or any time when some
thing sweet is in order.
You know, nothing tastes better than wholesome yeast bread! And
nothing is easier to make when you have a tested recipe like this one,
to give you the "know-how.” Collect compliments galore—make Cocked j
Hat Rolls today.
WB - ' --- Will— I—II ■ . — 1
j imwm, . ....— —..I " J..,,-. A
Satisfying sweets that save sugar...
2 cakes compressed 1 cup scalded milk
yeast 2 eggs, beaten
% cup lukewarm 4% cups sifted
water all-purpose flour
f teaspoon sugar % cup orange mar
% cup Spry malade, grape
2 teaspoons salt jelly, or raspberry
% cup sugar jam
Crumble yeast into small bowl.
Add lukewarm water and 1 tea
spoon sugar and set in warm place
until it becomes light and spongy
(about 15 minutes). Combine Spry,
salt, and sugar in large bowl and
add scalded milk. Stir until Spry
is melted, then cool until luke
warm. Add yeast mixture and
blen^yi.dd eggs and mix well. Add
flour said knead to a smooth dough.
Cover and let rise until double in
bulk (about 2 hours).
Take % of dough on board and
knead lightly. Roll very thin, cut
in 4-inch circles. Place 1 teaspoon
orange marmalade on each circle.
Moisten edges of circles with
water. PinchT.^pid seal dough at 3
regular poiA» *0 form a triangle
with filling showing in center.
Place close together in Spry-coated
pans and let rise in warm place
until light.
Bake in moderate oven (350°F.)
20-25 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.
A most beautiful place to behold. A
credit to the lolored people on North
24th St- Stop by and talk with them.
Service with a smile. Thanks!
Mr. Cooper. \yho operates a place
on 24th and Patrick known as the
Crosstown Bar, has a very nice bus
iness place and many friends. You
are always welcome in his place. He
is very nice and so are the people who
frequent this establishment. Drop In
sometime won’t you
The Hunt Carpet Co. at 24th ap<t
Farnam is a place where you can see
many beautiful attractions in car
pets and furniture. Always ready to
serve you
Was Here on Furlough
Pvt. John Barber, son of Mr. J.
Barber, Sr., 2920 No. 25th Street,
was home on a . twenty-day furlough
and while here ^-as entertained roy
ally with a family dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs- D. L. Manley
2715 Ohio St. on Sunday, Feb. 17.
Those present were: Pvt. John
Barber, honored quest; Nelson Bar
ber; Mr. and Mrs- John Barber, Sr.,
Mr .and Mrs. James Manley; Mr.
Mosely; Doris Ann McGill; Mr. and
Mrs.D- L. Manley and daughters,
Doris, Nadine, and Charlotte.
The Week
By H. W. Smith
The Omaha Branch of the NAACP
will have their regular monthly meet
on Sunday afternoon Feb. 17 at 3:30
pm. at St. Johns AME Church, 22nd
' and Willis Avenue- All members and
friends are urged to attend. Are you
a member or not—-.
The Brotherhood of Clair Chapel
[ held a very interesting meeting on
I Point for Point •. • Your Best Buy
Zero temperature
compartments for
frozen foods.
All the room you
need for storing any
type of food.
Thrifty and relia
ble for low - cost,
carefree service.
Practical advanced
styling . . . brilliant
new beauty.
You can count on electricity
for unexcelled efficiency and
unqualified excellence in food
preservation — plus beauty,
convenience, durability. That’s
why, point for point, an electric
refrigerator is your best buy.
February 5th. All officers made good
The Brother Club of Paradise Bap
tist Church will sponsor a program
on Sunday afternoon Feb 17 at 3:30
pm. Members and friends are invited
to attend
The US Congress approved the
Case Bill aimed at all labor strikes.
Coast Guard planes hstarted a
search in the Gulf waters for the 69
foot yacht with § persons aboard as
it was four days-overdue at Miami,
Mr. Cllark Foreman, president of
the Southern Conference for Human
. Welfare of Louisville started a
‘March of Pennies’ to buy coffee for
US Senators to drink and stay wake
I to oppose the filibuster against the
FEPC bill in the US Senate on Feb.
6 and every one that donated was
made a member of the ‘Don’t Sur
render Club’
Mid-west Congressman and food
producers did not take issue yyith
President Troman on the conserva
tion of food for other countries.
A US Army Lt. stationed in To
kyo had a ten minute conversation
over long distance telephone with his
wife in Omaha, Neb.
The National Board of the Cbm
munist Party recommended that the
national committee expell Earl Brow
der at its meeting on Feb. 12.
Telegraph connections between NY
and Vienna was reopened on Feb- 6.
A painter was killed in a fall off
a ladder at the Storz Brewery Fri
day, Feb. 8th.
US Army officers are very much
opposed to a separate air force.
Citizens Committee of bugle wood,
a suburb of Chicago, has requested
the closing of 268 bars that sell li
President Truman told the mem
bers of the Cabinet that he hoped.
every week would not be so heavy.
The Waiter’s
By H. W. Smith
M. Ward and the wide a^yake
captains and the streamlined'■ party
men and the rapid stepping waiters
are very much out in front at the
OAC and Mr. George Lampkin of
the Waldorf-Astoria, assistant sales
man "that ' serves- merchandise in the
glasses, is a head liner
The RR boys are serving on the
wheels with a smile.
, Waiters at the Hill Hotel on the
iMaher-Kelleher *•
? Insurance Agency f
Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance
2424 BRISTOL ST., JA-6261
\ \
j )
i < f
I 4 }
: I
I_ I
The Greater Omaha Guide s
By Edna Mae Mclnloth
One of the things which help to
either make life run smoothly or
make it most difficult is the type of
food habits your baby will develop
under your guidance. You want
him to learn to eat u variety of
foods and enjoy them. After all,
eating is one of the joys of life.
So, see that mealtimes are happy
times, so that your baby will learn
to associate food with joy.
A healthy baby will have a good
appetite and if ALLOWED to eat
and to enjoy his food, will continue
to have a good appetite and will
gladly learn to eat a variety of
foods. Occasionally, just as you
do, he will not have as keen an
appetite as at other times and will
not eat so much.
Your baby probably knows a
good deal better than you when he
should eat less food. He may be
coming down with a cold. Anyway,
if he does not want to eat the usual
amount, urging on your part will
not accomplish much except an
tagonism. Healthy babies do not
starve themselves. Therefore, if
baby does not want to eat, remove
the food after a reasonable time
has been allowed and offer nothing
until the next meal time.
Perhaps he should have a lictle
more variety . . . Not the same j
cereal every day, but a wheat cereal
food one day and an oatmeal the
next day. Both are especially pre
pared for babies. If he has learned
to eat two or three vegetables ar.d
has had plenty of time to become
accustomed to them, then gradu
ally add another vegetable to h>«
The other day I dropped in to
see one of my neighbors who had
a cold. As we chatted over a cup
of tea, she took a cough drop from
the package on the table and called
my attention to the waxed paper
wrapping. She said she had no
ticed that an amazing number of
drug and grocery items were
wrapped in waxed paper and won
dered why. Well ... I wondered,
too — and decided to find out! So
later that afternoon I stopped at
the corner drug store.
The druggist smiled when I asked
him, and told me to look around.
On almost every shelf I found
something wrapped in waxed paper
— gum, medicines, cough drops,
candies — hundreds of things! He
told me that waxed paper is used
for protection — that waxed paper
helps keep moist products moist —
dry products dry . . . and all
products free from dust and dirt! |
Well ... I was really impressed
. . . but just for curiosity’s sake I j
stopped at my grocer. He told me
practically the same story. He said,
"You know, many people take
waxed paper for granted — but ■
actually waxed paper is the work
horse of modern packaging — and
is used on practically all foods —
and waxed paper gives you better,
fresher products at the lowest cost
for this kind of protection.”
Before I left, my grocer gave
me several helpful tips that help
keep foods fresh — and here’s one
I’d like to pass on to you ... always
make sure that the waxed paper
wrappings on cereals, bread, brown
sugar, etc., are reclosed properly
after each serving. It takes just
a few seconds — but keeps food
fresh and appetizing longer!
improve daily.
Regis Hotel waiters topping the
service at all times.
Paxton Hotel head-waiter and his
crew going swell.
Fontenelll Hotel waiters very much
out in front on sedvice.
Omaha Club waiters with Captain
Earl Jones are real headliners on the
service at all times.
Blackstone Hotel ^-alters quick
stepping oh' fine service.
E. McGill, Prop.
1423-25 NORTH 24th St.
Bloc Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p. m.
—No Charges—
Free Delivery from 8 a. m- to
JA. 9411
^ ▼ 'T |
The spring song that is
most popular is sung in
three parts. A Shetland
wool cardigan suit and a
matching topcoat! To
gether 'they blend into a
lovely melody. And com
bined with dresses and
contrasted with other
suits and toppers, they
bring harmony into your
wardrobe. .
The trim lines of a car
digan suit best adapt it to
the caprices of spring.;
Flapped pockets double
the waistline interest of
this style - wise Fashion
Frock of the. Week. And
the .slim skirt, that boasts
a kick pleat in front and
in back, goes a long way
in making it a sure atten
The full-length coat will
top everything! It’s cut
roomy enough for comfort
without being bulky, and
boasts inside straps so
that it can be worn com
fortably and modishly
over the shoulders.
^ fat "lean" foods Ten Minutes a o°r I
So*9 used tot and Takes Bulges Awoy
turn it m lot 4c •
pound ^
' V .
Exercise Series
No. 3
For Shapely Thighs
I. ?fond erect **>th arms ot sides
2 Reuse nyht leg upward Clotp with both
hcnds H.g to wont
3 Quickly lo~c. right leg
4 R»pec* e*e*ci$e leg, *
5. Alienate S'* time*
for both parties. Relieves asthma,
colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and
nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8
oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage
on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS
FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-.
Columbus, 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted.
Tortured man gets help!
Lemon Juice
Mixed at Home
says SuffererI
"I have used ALLENRU for several
months. I could hardly walk on account
of my knees. But now those pains are
relieved. 1 can go like a race horse
now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio.
Don't be a victim of the pains and
aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago
or neuritis without trying this simple,
inexpensive recipe you can mix at
home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU,
plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of
■water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en
tirely satisfied with it — or money back.
85tf. Drug stores. *
• Read The Greater
Every Week
— 1 1 ■■■■ "1 ■—
Do yoo tuffor from hard of haaring and haad noitat
caused by catarrh of tha haad? WRITE US NOW for
proof of tha good results our timpio homo traatmant
hat accomplithad for a graat many paopla. Many patt
70 raport haaring find and haad noitat gona. Nothing
to waar. Sand today for proof and 30 days trial offar. i
No obligations! f
K THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 516 • Davenport. I
X _ ___
[37 Satisfied Customers
1 You fire Next
37 Sst-MiM customers in Bedford Park Addition
>Let us build that new home fcr you. We use
only skilled workmen and the very best of ma
terial at pre-war prices, with three government
| Realty Improvement
! company,
I Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620
i _ _ _ _ _Omaha, Nebraska