TO OBSERVE 119th ANNIVERSARY OF NEGRO PRESS - FEB. 24 to MAR. 2 * ★ ^ ★ n 1*★*★*★★**★ ^ ^ * * ★ * i ■ LOCAL & NATL NEWS-IO® per copy “AND WORTH IT” ■ /JUSTICE/EQUALITY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY _ PHONE HA.0800 2420 GRANT ST ^^^ “Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC _ , „ , „ . , „ , „ . ,T _T „ . „ _ _ , Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oft ice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act ot SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1946 Our 19th Year—No. 3 * 10c Per Copy ★ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr Negro Educator on American Commission to Help Formulate Japan’s New Educational Program OUR GUEST Column.. -(Edited by Erna P. Harris) • Every Week, we shall present -OUR GUEST COLUMN”, a non profit service of the American Press Associates devoted to furth ering group understanding. Edited by Erna P. Harris, noted ** 1 journalist, our new weekly column will feature prominent guest con tributors who will review current developments on the minority group front and suggest local and nationwide action ¥** v. (by EVERETT R. CL1NCHY, President ISalional Conference of Christians and fetes) ... " I Note to Readers: Brotherhood Week, February 17-24, has in the past de cade become an American institution. Sponsored each year by the ISatiomd Conference of Christians and, fetes, uilh headquarters at 381 Fourth Avenue, IS etc York City, and branches throughout the country, this annual observ ance symbolises the underlying unity of those who worship the same God in different ways. An appropriate slogan is no*" attacked to Sr« .at rhood Week: lake America safe for differencesP* i W s Three main struggles in content potary history vastly af fect American relations among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. irst is th estruggle between those who wish to rely ex clusively on each nation's sovereign strength for security, and those who are fighting fr oan international organiz ation with granted powers. If democracy can be applied worldwide among nations, there is the chance that the Commission on Human Rights, established at San Francis co, will make those rights actual, everywhere. In that e vent some of the causes of rancor, fear and hostility would he lessened in the America theatre of intergroup conflict. second is the struggle between economic groups, and btween schools of politico-economic philosophy. Social scientists have found that prejudice has a high correlation with unemployment and poverty. To the extent that ex treme economic suffering can be banished, and evils of un fair competition eliminated, one of the greatest causes for intergroup hostility will disappear. | bird is the struggle in American intergroup relations. On the one side are those who are discovering that the A mericna revolution must he applied to groups: every (fROI P lias the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Opposing this view are the chauv inists and jingoists who. never catching up witii Washing ton, Jefferson and Lincoln, still think their group must dominate. To translate this revolutionary idea of democracy a mong groups is an educational task of first magnitude. The National Conference of Christians and Jew's works on the principle that it involves three steps: 1. Each group must become acquainted with tiie aims and purposes of the other groups. 2. Members of each group must be made consciously aware that they have some aim* in common with all the other groups. 3. Individuals of each group must develop habits of cooperation with citizens of other groups* on these com mon aims. ^ hen Oiii1 llation needed a weapon that would determine who would win the war. it put 601) scientists to work. The atomic bomb was produced. If Americans really want to inaugurate a new- era in hu man relations* they must sutttTnon the scientists, the edu cators, the public leaders arid tht churchmen to produce a new weapon, a weapon of the spirit and of the mind. The disease of hale in human relations can be elimin ated from our society in a single generation. It reduces itself to a problem of research, direct action and hygiene. It is a big job. It calls for big leadership, and the use of all the resources of science, education and religion. It must be done on a national scale. The present situation is appalling. But Americans can change attitudes and customs involving intergroup rela tions, just as they are changing the thinking, feeling and customs on international relations. We can build an “A merican Brotherhood of Givens’’ which would be an army of men of goodwill against hate, and for cooperation. -APA- ' NAACP Outlines New FEPC Program - ( NEW YORK—Condemning the action of the Senate on FEPC as a “sham battle” the Board of Direct ors of the NAACP on February 11 voted to instruct the 1200 local chap ters of the Association ‘.to rse their inflrence and power to aid in defeat ing for reelection those Senators who reflsed to vote for cloture and those \\Tho wilfully absented them selves from the session at which the voting occurred.” The Directors then instructed the administrative staff to "organize a National Committee to promote the passage of the FEPC bill now pend ing in the Congress and invite the collaboration of any other organiz ation whose purposes are the same as ours.” Jud^e Hubert T. Delany specific ally mentioned the National Guild for a Permanent FEPC, the Nation al Lawyers Guild, labor, church and' fraternal groups of all shades ot opinions as ones to be included in the new drive for the enactment of on FEPC, The Association is cooperating closely with the National Council for a Permanent FEPC in the gi gantic mass meeting scheduled fot Madison Square Garden February 28, and Walter White, NAACP Sec retary just returned from the Pac ific Coast, will participate in the strategy conference on FEPC to be held in Washington February 22-2S. The FEPC bill displaced by the Senate on February 9 can be called up again during the present session whenever sufficint pressure is mob ilized and the FEPC bill in the House can be passed, supporters de clared, as soon as it is got out of the Rules Committee by means of a dis charge petition- The petition which requires 218 signatures, is now short of that number and all persons in terested in the legislation are asked o write their congressmen to sign Discharge Petition No. 4. ANNOUNCING OPENING OF WATSON BEAUTY SCHOOL Mr. Voyal V, Watson is happy to announce the opening of his accredi ted School of Beauty Cutlure nam ely \\ atson’s School of Beauty Cul 25th, 1946, 9:00 am. Those entering now will be ready to take tht Oct. board. Terms may be arranged by calling JA 3974—7015. GOODWILL SPRING MUSICAL CHOIRSr 4TH ANNUAL SERMON TO BE PREACHED BY REV. M. C. W I L L I A MS PASTOR OF BETHEL BAPT. AT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH AT THREE-FIFTEEN. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 _ i At the meeting of the Goodwill Spring Musical Choirs, it was de cided that tiie Reverend M. C. Wil liams, the very able pastor of Bethel Baptist Church of South Omaha, would be the minister asked to preach the 4th Annual Sermon to the Choirs on the subject "THE CHOIR'S SERVICE VALUE TO THE CHURCH.” Rev. Williams will have a great message and we hope every member of each Choir who can be present, will be there to hear this message. In fact there will be Spiritual food for every Church member, who has service value to his or her Church. So let every one come and be o'n time at 3:15 pm. Sunday, February 24th and see what is in store for you The Ministerial Alliance had a committee to meet with Choir Pres idents and promised to give theit support to the Goodwill and Christ ian Fellowship Movement, so that may be come nearer to being City ' THE FISK JL BILEE SINGERS TO SING HERE TO APPEAR HERE FRIDAY NIGHT l, 8 ;30 P. M. • The music lovers of Omaha will have a chance to hear the musical treat of the year, when they go to the beautiful Tech High School Auditorium to hear the world's fa tne'-* Fisk University Jubilee Sing ers-. The different ne\vsft!ifSS!'»f‘Mve the following to say about these singers: , BOSTON HERALD: Has this to say: "The Negro spirituals are ■» genius of their own,- and there art. none who sing them quite as elo quently as these hereditary singers from Fisk University.” THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURN AL: "Their tone balance is excel lent tnd their voctl effects of phass ing and general musicality are ex quisite as well as the impeccability of their good taste.” Comments from many other pa pers we could quote, but space and time will iot permit. These singers have sang \yith the symphony orchentras of Boston, ! Chicago aad Los Angeles. They have maae recordiigs for the Brit ish Broadcasting corporation, and have been heard weekly over the j £«'BC nationwide network. They are' acknowledged to rank among the I greatest interpreters of Negro spir-1 jtuals in the world today. Another j great treat will be the playing of Mr. Robert Hemingway who is a •n.ry outstanding pianist- Mr. Hem ingay will do two groups of num bers on the program and will be the acrompanist for the singers. Tickets will be on sale at the fol lowing places: Ed Patton's Music Store, 1916 Farnam St., Johnson’s Drug Store 24th and Grant. Leo Heinman's Music Store,, Lyric bldg 23231 South 19th StThe Omaha Outfitting Company 234th and Bur dette St., Schmoller and Muller Mu sic Co:, 1516 Dodge St:, Hospe Mu sic Co:, 1516 Douglas St:, All Mak es Electric Co:, 24th and Erskine: These tickets will be taken up the morning of March 1, and will be on sale at the Tech High ticket box-of fice the night of the concert. L. L. McVay. ———■———• i - — mmi i TRANSFER OF SWPCs LENDING DEPT. TO RFC W ILL AID RFC’s SM AL BUSINESS LOANS “Transfer of the Smitllor War Plants Corporation's lending activities to thfc Reconstruction inance Corporation will aid in expanding RFC’s small business loan service to applicants in the Omaha Region, Mr. Eggers, Assistant Manager of the RFC Loan Agency for Omaha, announced. “SH PC Loan Offices are being continued under RFC direction and will actively cooperate in helping small busi ness obtain funds needed for launching or expanding busi ness enterprises, and for other business purposes. “Mr. Eggers said that instructions have been received from Charles B. Henderson, Chairman of RFC's Board, urging the Omaha RFC Loan Agency to push forward vig orously the Government’s program of helping small busi ness enterprises in this area root themselves in strong com petitive positions for post-war industrial growth. Every practicable aid will be given to veterans and other civilians who desire to found new business enterprises or strength en existing concerns. “Mr. Henderson”, he added, “forecast a sharp Increase in small business loans bv banks during 194*6.” ‘RFC, in addition t ohandling its own small business loans, has also serviced all SWPC loans”, Mr. Henderson pointed out. “The 31 RFC Regional Loan Agencies, from February 21, 1942, through December 3 , last—a period of three years and ten and one-third months—authorized a total of 6,661 loans aggregating $220,378,000 to small businesses, or an average of about $33,000 per loan. Thus, the transfer of SWPCs loan businses to RFC will not in troduce a new type of activity to the RFC loan operations. “It is a guiding principld of RFC in keeping with the mandates of Congress to cooperate closely with banks. An applicant for a busines loan is referred by RFC to his local bank first. If the bank desires, RFC will participate in the loan. If the bank is not able or does not want to advance the funds applied for, RFC will gladly consider the appli cation, RFC has authority under the RFC Act, as amended, to make direct loans to business enterprises.” wide. We are hoping to see all choirs back with us this year as well as choir members who were working at the Bomber plant last year and who could not take part. We are expecting to have you see the Choirs in their respective groups as they will march in separately this year as they did ten years ago. That should make you be on time and in our seat so you will not tend to des troy the beauty and sacredness of AMERICAN AIRLINES CHANGES PLANS FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FOLDER RIDICULING THE NEGRO --—— LESTER B. GRANGER in response to strong, caustic pro test from the National Urban Lea gue. American Airlines System a greed today to change its plan3 tor distribution of a recently -issued foid er ridiculing the Negro. In a letter signed by Lester B. Granger, the Lagu'se Executive Secretary, the attention of the Airlines President was called to the “unusually stupid and clumsy fashion’’ in which the Negro has been cartoonized- The folder, a public relations piece, pre senting a line drawing of a Negro messenger carrying a tray and speak j ing dialect, was used at the opening ] of the Airlines downtown New York office, and has already been rather widely distributed. The League letter emphasied that “it has been a long time since any important business or industry has had the effrontery to portray Ne groes in this manner,” and called attention to the Negro veterans who gained experience in the Army Air Forces, now looking to air lines sys tems for piloting and technical jobs for which their Army-learned skills have qualified them. “Your com pany's caricature places an addition al burden on this group,” the letter stated, "and handicaps the efforts of such organizations as the National Urban League.” American Airlines officials, ans wering the protest, gave assurance that no offense was intended, ana stated that plans for distributing the folder had been changed. NAACP CONTRIBUTES TO CIO STRIKE FUND New York—A contribution of $500 was voted last week by the NAACP Board of Directors to the general strike fund of the CIO- The reso lution expressed support for the i struggle of the workers in General Motors, the meat packing industry, the electrical plants, the steel Indus try, and the food and tobacco indus try. the procesion. At the end of the service each Choir President will be at the table to receive a free will offering from his or her congregation and friends. We are talking a great deal now adays, about the Brotherhood Move • ment—why not call your friends of all gorups and have them come and enjoy this Service with you. L. L. McVAY. Broadcasts To Help Mark Press Birthdate | NEW YORK, N. Y.—Two network programs have just been arranged by a commit tee headed by Dowdal H. Davis of the Kansas City Call as highlights of the 1946 observance of National Negro Newspaper Week and the 119th anniversary of the Ne gro Press. The celebration this year will take place during the week of February 24—March 2. A brilliant array of national and military leaders and out standing artists has been assem bled for the two broadcasts,—one over CBS on Sunday, Feb. 24, and one over NBC on Saturday, Mar. 2. Other Features In addition to a variety of local functions sponsored by the 60 member papers of the Negro News paper Publishers association, spon sors of the observance, national features of the week will include an essay contest open to high school students and the award of the first Wendell L. Willkie Prizes for outstanding journalistic achie vements. Deadline for submission of the essays is March 2. Scheduled for appearance on the first national broadcast over CBS from 11:30 to noon EST, Feb. 24th, are: General Dwight D Eisenhower, supreme Allied com mander in Europe during the war and now Army chief of staff; Frank Sinatra, famed crooner and more lately an active crusader for interracial goodwill; Lionel Hamp ton’s orchestra, the harmonizing Ink Spots, Rex Ingrahm, Holly wood and Broadway star; Carol Brice, rising young contralto, re cently featured on several radio programs: Dr. Charles H. Drew, pioneer in the development of blood plasma; and an NNPA spo kesman Broadcast Details Lined up for the NBC program at 12:30 to 1:00 pm., EST March 2 are Ralph Cooper, able actor and MC; Paul Robeson, Ella Fitz gerald, Joe Louis and Jackie Rob inson, first Negro signed to a ma jor league team; Judge William H. Hastie, first Negro governor of the Virgin Islands; Dean Dixon, ' brilliant musician and only Amer ican Negro to conduct major sym phony orchestras; and president Frank L. Stanley of the NNPA. who is publisher of the Louisville (Ky) Defender. On this same program a mess age from President Truman will be read. The President had - been invited to speak personally on the broadcast but his press secretary has advised the committee that | this will not be possible. Essay Contest The subject of the essay contest is “The Negro Newspaper in the Postwar World.” It is open to all high school students. First national prize »f $100; se-j cond prize, $50; and third prize, ] $25. Contestants will submit their essays to the NNPA member pa per nearest their commonity, or to the one which they subscribe or regularly read. Regional prizes will be given by many of the member papers, with the essays winning regional recog. nition and being submitted to the national committee of judges for I consideration for the top prizes. The contest was inaugurated last year as a regular feature of Na tional Negro Newspaper Week Members of the committee ar ranging the observance, in addi tion to Chairman avis, are: Dan Burley, Amsterdam News; New York City; William G. Nunnn, Pittsburgh (Pa) Courier; Lewris O. Swingler, Memphis (Tenn) "vVorld; and P. Bernard Young Jr. Journal and Guide, Norfolk, Va. j* APPOINTED AT REQUEST OF GEN. Mac ART HER .— DR. CHARLES S. JOHNSON Dr- Charles S. Johnson, Fisk Un iversity will help formulate New Educational Program for Japan, lie is a member of U. S. Commission of Educators appointed at the re quest of General Douglas MacAr thur. Nashville, Tennessee, February IS Dr. Charles S. Johnson, head of the Department of Social Science:, Fisk University is one of ihe 20 ea* ucators on the .American Commis sion which will fbrmulate the new program of education for Japan. Some of the other members of this Commission are' Dr- George Stoo Hard of New- York who is Chalr man -fcf the Commission, Dean Vir ginia Gildcrsleeve of Barnard Col lege, Dr. Willard E. Givens, Execu tive Secretary of the National Edu cational Association and Dr. Gordon Bowles, representing the State De partment: this Commission which \yas of emulated at the request ot General Douglas MacArthur is sch eduled to leave the United States by plane on February 20th. Dr, Johnson, a member of the Fisk, faculty for 17 years is Trus tee of the Rosenwald Fund and Dir ector of the Race Relations Pro gram of the American Missionary Association. He is President of the Solthern Sociological Associat ion and s the first Negro to hok* this position- Ht was the Americat. member anh secretary of the Com mission appointed by the Leagut ol Nations to investigate - forced Mkc in Libera in 1930. He also served m former President Herbert Hoow fr’s conference on Home Building; and Home Ownership in 1931. Author of numerous artfefes and books he is a recognized world au thority on race and culture. Among bis books are the Negro College [iradcate and Statistisal Atlas oa Southern Counties both of winch were published by the University oC North Carolina Press. In 1941* Harper Brothers published Iris hook/. “Patterns of Negro Segregation’*. Dr. Johnson was awarded a cita tion of merit by the Alumni Assoc iation of the University of Chicago last year- He also holds the A'ms field Award for 1938 and the Har mon Gold Medal for 1930. ICKES RESIGNS Washington. DC. (Soundpboto >* n.“ta*-.- -f the Inetrior Harold 1*. Ickes speaking to members of the press at his farewell press confer ence, shortly after the White House had anounced his resignation frows the Interior Department. JIM CROW NATIONAL. GUARD IS OPPOSEO Ne-yy York—Declaring that color ed people could not oppose segregar* tion in the armed services during war time and then agree to Jin* Crow National Guard units in the various states, the NAACP Board of Directors at its February meet ing passed a resolution stating that the Association policy is “against separate units in state Nation* Guards as a principle.” An active campaign will be launched for inte gration of Negroes into Nation* Guard units. --- Phone Us Your 1 Social* Local News • JA-3215 neat ora Park s Beautiful LotsjAre on the Market F or Sale Now! From $450 to $600 ’ Call Realty Improvement Company 342 Electric Bldg. JA-7718 or JA-1620 “Small Down Payment Will Do the Job”.