New York Show Fronts... By Don De Leighbur New York—Broadway is funny You can capture Hitler, hang him to a tree, cut off his ears and fry o them, but unless it is done between 42nd Street and 57th, Sixth and Eighth Avenues, it rarely means a thing. That’s New York. It must be official when New York says OK- That’s why most songs writ ten In California, where are loca ted the Hollywood movie studios, recording companies, etc., must travel all the way across the con tinent to get New York approval Oefore they can be acclaimed as true hits. The same thing follows in other lines. Most novelists, wri ters and musicians have New York addresses, even if they don’t rive ^ ..'S' w Thanks Neighbor...! ” i Remember that zero morning when the fellow next door gave you a push that started ' Old Betsy” . . . and got you off to work on time? Appreciated it, didn’t you? And you’ll gladly re turn the favor anytime he needs a nudge. Well, that same kind of neighborliness helps a lot in getting the most value out of party line tele phone service. Everyone on the line appreciates the thoughtfulness of short calls . . . allowing time between them for others to use their phone . . . replacing the receiver softly when the line is in use. Yes, the simple business of being a good neighbor usually means you’ll have good neighbors. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY in f I Miss Antlered Guard Popularity Contest & Dance ELKS HALL, © Admission l 24th & Lake Sts. $1.10 FEBRUARY 22 Tax Included 9:00 P. M. to 1:00 A.M. ■1 * — ■ ■ ... ... ■ mrsffiti n»U > Connoisseurs gather nightly to pay homage to the epicurean cooking of Chicago’s romantic Russian restaurant. Here, old-tvorld delicacies—such as Blinis with Fresh Caviar and Sour Cream, and Chicken Kiev—are done to a turn by Gas, the world’s most modern cooking fuel! Where food is finest.... it's cooked with &S The most famous chefs have nothing on yfu! \ You've the same speedy, flexible and eco nomical cooking fuel... right in your own kitchen. You ... and 20 million other women wise to the wonders of flame-cookery! And soon — when you get your “New Freedom Gas Kitchen” . . . cooking with Gas will he even easier and better than before. For the queen of that cooler, cleaner, individually-designed kitchen is a remark able new Gas range . . . with such wonderful automatic controls that even a bride can cook like an expert! there, and although Joe Louis won the heavyweight championship at Comiskey Park, Chicago, he had to come to New York to show be fore he was accepted as the real ehamp of the heavies. That ig why the rave notices our artists get in other sections of the country can be tossed out of the window if they can be supplanted by praise from New York critics. It is really something the way this crazy world of our operates. Take the case of portly June Richmond. Most swing and jazz fans remem ber her long years with Andy Kirk’s swell orchestra. June was big office bait with Kirk and when she left that band to go as a single she remained a top gate attract ion. But not until she got on our Broadway did her star really be gin to ascend. In the musical com edy smash hit, “Are You With It” at the Century Theatre here, she is now considered one of the sing ing finds of the theatrical season And yet, Miss Richmond’s dyna fnic personality and amazing vocal qualities long have been admired by night club patrons and vaude ville and radio show goers all over the country. Born in Chicago, June was sing, ing operatic selections to packed houses when she was 12 years old Three years later she was seen around in certain night spots as a waitress, and finally got set in a legit show called ‘Harlem to Broadway’ which played movie houses in Cleveland, Toledo, In dianapolis and other mid-western cities. Her singing in those days of the ‘‘St. Louis Blues” stamped her as potential star material. Tragedy interwove its way into the fabric of June Richmond’s sweep to the top- She was mar ried to Jeff Thompson, a dancer, who had established his own big lounge bar in Milwaukee. After three years of married life, Jeff was shot to death by local hood lums in Milwaukee as a result or mistaken identity. June then worked her way to California and the Cotton Club where Bing Crosby and Jimmy Dorsey were so impressed by her voice and style that they put her on their radio program. She then sang with Jimmy Dorsey’s band, with Cab Calloway, Andy Kirk, and others. In 1944 Norman Cor win recruited her talents for a ser ies of radio broadcasts in which she was sensational. Weighing a cool 220, June rates rave notices for her’work in ‘‘Are You With It?” As the staid old NY Times said, "June Richmond stops the show with two songs, ‘Poor Littlo Me,’ and ‘Just Beyond the Rain bow”. Speaking further of the way New York thinks of performers, acts, etc., the experiences of June Richmond are more or less mir rored by these such persons as Pearl Bailey, Lena Horne, Arthur Lee Simpkins, Mary Lou Williams, Lional Hampton, Duke Ellington, Bill Bailey, the one-time great team of Chilton and Thomas, the Mills Bros, the Ink Spots, Lucky Millinder, and many others. They all had to come here to be made really great in the eyes of the old world. SCHOMBURY COLLECTION TO ANNOUNCE HONOR ROLL OF PERSONS CONTRIBUTING TO RACE RELATIONS Dr. Lawrence D. Reddick, cura tor of the Schombary Collection of Negro Literature of the New York Public Library, names 12 Negroes and six white persons to the Honor Roll of Race Relations of 1945. during Columbias net work’s “Wings Over Jordan” pro gram Sunday, Feb. 10 (WABC CBS, 10:30—11:00 AM, EST. from Tuskegee Institute Chapel, Ala.) The Tuskegee Institute Choir, un der Wm. L. Dawson’s direction, offers a group of folk, songs and spirituals Each year a nation wide poll is conducted by the Schombury rollection, to determine the 18 per ( sons who have distinquished them selves in race relationship, con tributing towards national unity [in terms of real democracy. The citations are made in connection with Negro History Week starting Feb. 10. BRITISH WAR BRIDES, BABIES New York, Soundphoto—Here are some of the 626 British war brides and babies as they descen ded the stairway of the SS Argen tina, to have breakfast before lea ving the vessel to be reunited with their husbands and fathers. PREJUDICE COVE* EnOM SAYS VIENNESE SINGER. By Verna Arvey, Calvin’s News That racial prejudice is born of fear, and that that fear is usually economic, are the firm beliefs of lovely young Herta Glaz, Viennese contralto from the Metropolitan Opera Company who will intro duce a new group of art-songs by William Grant Still in her town Hall recital in New York City on February 10th. To support this view, Miss Glaz cites the conver sation she had wTith two of her acquaintances, who were lament ing the fact that it was so hard to find a school for their children to attend. Miss Glaz pointed out to an imposing edifice across the street, and asked if that were a school. The two parents admitted that it was indeed a school but not suitable for their children any longer, because it had such a large percentage of ‘niggers and kikes’ in it. Miss Glaz was shocked at the revelation, and began to argue with them about the advisability of having tolerance in racial mat ters. She stayed at their home un til four o’clock in the morning, arguing, urging, and getting no where. At that point, the man admitted that he knew there were many gifted Negroes and Jews in the world, but added “If we give these gifted people a chance to get ahead, what will happen to our own children ?” Miss Glaz then said that that was indeed the crux of the whole argument: fear, and a selfishness and greed for themselves or their own. Carrying the matter on, Miss Glaz deeply deplored the attitude of reactionary people who try, against all odds, to keep preju dice alive. She declared that race prejudice in Europe was one of Hitler's devilish inventions, and reiterated what this writer had heard before from other Europ eans, that nowhere today in Eu rope, even under Hitler, had snc found the race puejudice that is in America against certain min ority groups. Miss Glaz was edu cated in Vienna (studying in the same class as Eric Leinsdorf, now the renowned conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra) and came to America w-hen Otto Klemperer was conducting the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. The Dr Klemperer heard her sing when she was a little girl in Vienna, asked her if she would like to sin^ in Am; rica. S n said \ rs end • ■—'■IT— Again, the words of Horace Greeley ring true: GO WEST, YOUNG MAN, GO WEST! • Not even in the promising days of Horace Greeley did the West have as much to offer young men, young industry and old industry imbued with the spirit of youth. For make no mis take, the West of today is not the West of yesterday. It still is, and always will be, an empire of vast agricultural and mineral resources and production. But it is acquiring a new role that of an industrial empire. During the past few wartime years, scores of industries have built, equipped or manned new plants throughout the West. Like the early settlers of Horace Greeley’s days, they have liked what the West has to offer—its vast natural resources, its accessibility, its transportation, its friendliness, the alert spirit of its towns and cities, the eagerness of its people to work and go places. These are the things which have wrought industrial miracles in the West during crucial wartime. They will stand industry in equally good stead in the peaceful years ahead. That is why the West offers a real opportunity to expanding indus try in the postwar period. ' Transportation has played a vital part in every stage of the West's dramatic development. In help ing to provide that transportation, the Burlington has worked and grown with the West for more than ninety years. More over, to its Industrial Department has gone the important full-time job of stimulating Western industrial activity. We look forward, with eagerness, to a future of vastly more hand-in-hand work and growth. L AN ESSENTIAL LINK IN IMMCONtSePI^ 3 1 ; ANKIVERJARy 80V SCOUTS AMERICA • thought no more of it. Some tirr < later he wired her to come ahead.' She came straight to Los Ange les to sing a major work by com poser Gustave Mahler under the direction of Klemper. Since then she has been soloist with almost every large symphony orchestra, in the United States, and has sung many roles at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. An interesting sidelight on Miss Glaz's coming to America was that certain people told her she could no* sing the same songs for the American public that she did for European audiences. She paid no attention to this verdict, be lieving that audiences everywhere would appreciate good music. With that in mind, she pimply sang what she considered good music, and they loved it. Now she be lieves that audiences are about the same the world over; all of them respond to worthwhile mu sic. When was she asked whether she would sing Negro spirituals, Miss Glaz replied that she would in Europe, where they regard the Spirituals as typical American folk music, but that she would he' 4X-. sitate to s*ng them in America be cause she feared that she would be criticized because of her Vi ennese accent. On the contrary she was delighted with the pro spect of singing the new gipup of art_songs by the Negro com poser, William Grant Still, in New York, and still more delighted when she learned that these five songs, called collectively “Songs of Separation” were all set to the words; the second, “Poeme”, is set to the words of the gifted Ha itian poet, Phipippe—Thoby Mar celin and is in French; the third, “Parted”, is on a short humorous poem by Paul Lawrence Dunbar; ■ the fourth, “If You Should Go”, i3 one of the finest poems ever written by the late Countee Cul-1 len and the fifth, "A Black Pier- ! ret”, is set to set to a stirring poem by Langston Hughes. Other composers on Miss Glaz’s Town Hall program are Benedette Mar cella, Alessandro Scarlatti, Clau dia Monteverde, Giovanni Legren • zi, Mozart, Schubert, Alban Berg, and Medeste Moussorgsky. On January 23rd Miss Glaz brought this program to Wesleyan Uni versity in Delaware, Ohio. STAMFORD CITIZENS IN PROTEST OVER UNO SITE Stamford, Conn. Soundphoto_ They don't want the honor of the housing of the UNO- Seven hun dred residents of the town of Stamford jammed the Willard School there to take part in town meeting which voted in protest of UNO site committee selection of area encompassing their home as permanent site for United Nations meetings were held in neighboring towns in Greenwich and Westche ster area, picked out by UNO site selection committee as first choice for permanent site Behind the Play BY DON DELEIGHBUR RUMOR MONGERS TRc TO HINT TREACHERY AGAINST JOE LOUIS IN BOUT WITH CONN IN JUNE New York—From many sides you hear ruraors and rumors of rumors about the coming June iy heavyweight chanmpionship fight Joe Louis will make against BilK Conn. The rumors range from the ridiculous to the sublime, but all bespeak of treachery, the gloved hand striking in fhe dark, and are mostly grim forebodings for the well being of the best loved Negro in the land. Most of the rumors agree that Louis will be stripped in some manner yet to be exposed of his heavyweight championship. This is supposed to take place in full view of the 90 or 100,000 fans who will pack the Yankee Stadium the night of the contest; it is supposed to happen as millions listen in on the radio or see the fight in tele vision sets. The champ, the3e ru mors contend, is due for the clea ners. Louis, himself, hasn’t done any thing lately to give hope that he knows what the score is. His cri tics holler loud and long that in stead of running the country ap pearing with Luis Russell’s swing orchestra and jiving with Ralph Cooper, the personable Harlem Emcee, the heavyweight champion should be in the solitude of his bedroom reading somthing of a religioua nature, pr&ying thrice daily and running around parks and street comers in his snea kes at 4 o’clock every morning. These bleacher bugs, whose second guesses are widely know for accuracy, seem to think that Billy Conn has suddenly blossom ed into some awesome creature out of the dim, historic past The Pittsburgh Irishman who weighed around 175 for his first ill-fated attempt to lift the heavy weight diadem from the curly locks of Sir Louis, is now being built into some scourge, some dread avenger who might come into the ring the night of June 19 weighing a corn 300 and with a seven foot pull in height to boot. In addition, Conn, these critics sho wby inference, is being given the advantage of some secret ad vice from some unknown savant of boxing, an how to fell the play ful, happy go lucky Joe Louis who won’t listen to anybody. All this adds up to one thing: The night of June 19 will find Joe Louis as ready as he was the same nights he took on Baer, Camera, Galento, Braddock, Pastor, Uzcu din, Simon and Schmeling. Those who are trying to revive fears that Louis may be doped as cer tain sports writers tried to make out he was in the first Schmeling fight, are demanding that he sur round himself with an all-Negro managerical setup as in the days of the Julian Black-Johnny Rox borough combination and when Jack Blackburn was in his corner. They would substitute Manny Seaman, his w'hite trainer, with any of six dozen assorted colored trainers who they believe would best look out for the unprotected champion. They seem to forget that Sea man, with Louis for 10 years, is I a protege, in a manner of speak ing, of the late Blackburn and is as much for Louis by inclination and in fact as any person who might be selected as a replace ment—if Louis were foolish and did replace him. If Louis got beat by Schmeling in the first fight as he did with Roxborough, Black, Blackburn and others around him. what’s to prevent the same thing happening today? But it won’t happen that way. Louis will be okay. Bet on that! Freddie Guinyard, Louis’ buddy and secretary, told me the other night: “Let the cfiamp alone- He’s playing now. When he goes to the camp March 1, he’ll stop every thing except getting ready to beat I* STORM - SASH Paint — Roofing SUTHERLAND LUMBER CO ,2920 ‘L’ St. MA-120o|i NEW PEP Do you feel yourself slipping? Do you know you are not the mao you used to be? Are you troubled with nervous debility ... low vitality . . certain weaknesses, due to essential deficiencies Better do something about It now! You can Quickly tone-up your ayatem and gel more rigor. imfvr v.m“r?.drf<1’ °f energising reaulu with NU-VITOL. a new scientific preparation in convenient tablet form. NU-VITOL la made of Nature's berbs. concentrated vitamins, iron and STritSy* ,n*redlenu **« °,ten •xp-up rigor roI^t^lil'Vi7™p0l2f** ,B roor *®"l ,D!»( In am \rSJ?r sotaetaing extra good get ssejwms arswa fz LEE DRUG CO., DEPT. XN"I2 MX. KISCO, NEW YORK MR. WILSON Q. WELCH Jr. ADDED TO STAFF OF FISK U. RELIGION DEPT. Nashville, Tennessee, Feb. 9—Fisk University announc es the addition fo Mr. Wilson Q. Welch, Jr., to its Depart ment of Religion. Mr. Welch assumed his new duties on February 5th as Assistant Professor of Rural Church § Life. , A native of South Caro lina Mr. Welch received his A B degree from Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Car olina, B D degree Union Theological Seminary, New Hr. M uson (J. »> elch Jr. York City and has completed most of the requirements for the Ph D degree at Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. Mr. Welch has been active in civic affairs, pastured a mission, directed a YMCA and organized and directed pro jects for the welfare of the under privileged and unemploy ed groups in White Plains, New York. His scholastic background and wide experience make him exceptionally qualified for those activities of religious life and high standards of living which Fisk University seeks to instill in her students. hell out of Conn again. He’s had his fun between fights ever since e started He’s entitled to it.When ’ he gets into training—that’s a different matter and he concen trates 100 per cent on the busin ess of p^t^ng into shaon. He’l come in at the ring time weighing about 203 or 205 his best fighting weight. “And nothing else is going to happen, either, “Freddie went on. “We have our eyes wide open and too much depends on this fight for any of us to be caught nap ping Joe Knows the score and you can bet that none of his followers will be caught disap pointed at what happens when he gets at Conn the night of June 19’’. CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS President Philip Murray of the Congress of Industrial Organiza tions today sent the following1 letter to OPA Administrator Chester Bowles, OWMR Director John Snyder and OES Director John Collet. “There have been repeated re ports from newspapers to the af fect that there is in the procesg of formulation a new national wage-price policy. “Any such policy is of course of the utmost importance to the millions of members of the Con gress of Industrial Organizations “I do beleive that this, organi zation should be afforded the op portunity, and do hereby make such a request, to present its 1 views or to make suggestions on I this all embracing problem before ] final and definite action is taken’’ W. WHITE ON ST HIKE FIND COMMITTEE, CM New York—Waiter White, the NAACP Secretary, is a member of the Committee ei nacic.*-* ders soliciting fund3 for the relic-! • -i-. ia u.t'S of the striking Tmeral Motors employees- Mr. — f i ni i White u -ges that contributions be sent ti United Automobile Work ers headquarters, 411 West Mil waukee Avenue, Detroit, Mich. j Helps build up resistance against I MONTHLY i FEMALE PAIN when taken thruout month — Also a great stomachic tonic! If female functional periodic disturb ances cause you to suffer from cramps, headache, backache, feel ner vous, jittery, cranky—at such times— try famous Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham’s Compound does mobs than relieve such monthly pain. It also relieves accompanying tired ner vous, cranky feelings—of such nature. Taken thruout the month—this great medicine helps build up resis tance against such monthly distress We urge you to give Plnkham’s I Compound a fair and honest trial Also a fine stomachic tonic! tVDIfl E. PINKHAM'S SSSiS Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for :oughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds In cold wintry Canada is Buck ley’s “CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing, triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing ingre dients Buckley’s ’’CANADIOL” Mixture Is different from anything you ever tried. Get i bottle today at any good drug store. THE COBURN CONVALESCING HOME AT 2811 CALDWELL HAVE ROOM FOR 6 PATIENTS The Coburn Convalescing Home patients are improving back to health. She has nine patients, blind, paralysis, and bed-fast. Mrs. Coburn has room for six more patients. Please visit my Home when it is convenient for you. Or Call for Information—JA-7520. Mrs. Evelenra Coburn, Prop. 2811 Caldwell Street. To W horn It May Concern: MR. VOYAL V. W ATSON, 2123 Ohio Street, ISSUES PUBLIC STATEMENT: In a late issue of one of the local papers several state ments were made concerning Mr. Watson’s qualifications in Cosmetology, which I did not make. I wish to state who ever it was, should be careful, especially when they don’t know what they are saying. I have reference to a state ment made about the State Cosmetology Board showing favoritism in state examinations. I can truly and willingly say the Board is quite fair in all its dealings, regardless of race, color, male or female. The added comments concerning my examinations and my future plans, were false, as I have not made such state ments what-so-ever. To the general public and my Co-worker in this great beauty profession: I came into this field not to harm,, fight, or hurt anyone—instead I came into this field be cause I see a great need and a/ duty to perform. Let us work together for one good cause, and let that cause be to improve the entire world through the Art of Beauty Cul ture. Signed: VOYAL V. W ATSON, 32° MOREHOUSE TO HONOR FOUNDERS FEBRUARY 18th Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 2, Special Dr. Edgar J. Fisher, assistant dir ector of the Institute of Interna tional Education will deliver the 79th Founders Day address at the Morehouse College on Monday, February 18, at the formal ban quet climaxing the three day an niversary celebration. Dr. Fisher is a graduate of the University of Rochester and Col umbia University. He taught for a number years at universities in the United States and at Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey, and at the American University at Bei rut Syria. On the morning of February 18 Morehouse College alumni will be in charge of another phase of the Founders Day celebration, and will present two of their distinquished ilumni in Sale Hall Chapel. They ire Mr. Frayer T. Lane, director if the Civic Education Department if the Chicago Urban League, and Major Ray B. Ware, treasurer of the Improved Order of Samaritan s if Athens, Ga. | Mr. Lane was graduated with the B A. degree from Morehouse College in 1916 Prominent in so. cial welfare organizations in Chi. cago, he serves on the Advisory board of the Cook County Bur eau of Public Welfare and on the board of the Adult Education Co uncil. While attending Morehouse he won the coveted award for the ‘Best Man of Affairs’, and was prominent as an orator and an athlete. Major Ware, formerly with the 332nd. all Negro fighter group, served on the stall of Colonel B. O. Davis, Jr. While overseas, he earned the certificate of merit. He wears the European theatre rib bon with seven battle stars, and the Distinguished Unit Badge (Presidential citation) won by the Group for heroic action on a mis. sion to Berlin. Major Ware has served as treasurer of the Athena institution since 1938. The anniversary celebration will open on Friday eevening, Febru ary 15th, with the presentation of the anniversary artist, the dH* ward Mathews