A HUMAN * I L A T I 0 IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE ETZ 7T^,,Ta Wh‘‘n y?ur “ind * weighted down with worry ■nd you fee] the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend Mtease writ* Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . •“ppm* of the column with your letter. For a “private reply” ^aend 2^1™ ABBE S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING With each fading, you will 2£ce £ fysa a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (Si ^rur*. !**»«• •*■><*■ •tamped (3c) envelope for your confidential reply, and siga 2S_f“U naroevJaddress and birthdat* to all letters. Explain your case fully and MHMB9 your problems within the realm of reason. Write to ’ THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Georgia Sad Polly—1 am a girl 19 who has been going with a boy off and on since I was fifteen. He went into the army and wrote me regularly for a year and stopped. I asked him to send me my pic ture back and he did but he says he loves me- After he went over seas he said he loved me and he wanted me for his wife- He wrote regularly and so did I. Now that he is back he doesn’t say anything about it anymore- Tell me what to do? I know that he has been mar ried before and has children but I w-nt him just the same. Ans: These off and on romances are seldom the case of true love I You can’t love today, fall out to morrow and pick it up the follow ing day very successfully. Neither ‘ would you want a husband who was so sporadic in his love mak ing. A girl your age shouldn’t cen ter her entire interest on one man, she should throw out a line in all directions. This fellow has a fam ily to support and he is going to use a great deal of caution Dtiore choosing another mate I L. M. C.—I married a toy whe: I thought the man I wanted was i in love with my best friend I al ways thought of my friends be fore I did myself although they never really care for me. 'i hey did not make it and I married another | man. The guy is back now and he claims he loves me and wants me to divorce my husband so that we can marry. My husband is not with me at present. Tell me what to do? Ans: You can’t roll back the years and pack up where you left off with this friend. He hasn’t as yet severed all relations with this former friend, even though they •m feel mat they a*e through He made it very plain to you a long time ago who his choice ^/as, am^rwise he wouid have tried to -laae you change >our mind. Do me en :ou age him. As for your lusband—you two should get to tiicr ard decide your future. Make every effort to stay toge ...er. i-u. _,oj i^.t .a •Id affair influence your present j marriage one way or tne cu.er. B. N.—I am thinking seriousij of opening a business school here n tins little town and would like THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ i f-wr wjwobCn. .."» 1 i I 1 n amtt * rr i n m I BREEZY By T. MELVIN _ — iii .. " ' ".* 1 -JW 0PV "I . * i » . ,.—i ir/^ NO I uaACI UY, • I" CAUSt /VYAT WT ^ >P^CH/OE BGY.W-r>7 rOP TUG^E FLIGHTY} MYSE^HENHEDST^ I YOUNG"THINGS// A COOKE IN 'aeronautics^ JIM STEELE » tfy^MELVIN TAPLEY i — While jim, SPARKY and JOE STEAL AL0N6-A TUNNEL BENEATH I THE ENEMY STRONG ! HOLD, DGUMEI TAKES S AHMII N TO SEE 5 HER PRISONER, j HELENA ^BR/SHE ! SUGGESTS THAT HE TRADE URANIUM | TOR BEAUTEOUS HELENA...// cCT.nWt~-»i- rE_«TVBE^ ENOU&H id pq -YOU, SAVACrE// ■*' JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON 1 j to knjw what to do about it? Ans: First, you must read read the city laws governing such a project and find out if a small school such as you anticipate re quires a license. Then of course you would have to procure the .lecessAiy equipment to operate. Business courses are not a part of the school curriculum and so your school might be a very successful venture L. M. C—I have been discharged for about a month and a half. I worked in the fruit grove and the bean fields before I went in ser vice. I have saved my money and intend to buy a place of my own. But, I had rather work for others a while longer. My plans now are to buy a jeep for farm work in the fields. Let me know if I should do so and also if I should carry out my plans of buying a place of my own, Ans: If you can see where a jeep would be of actual service and benefit to you in your em ployment, then it would be a good idea for you to make the purchase As an ex-service man you would be given a discount on this pur chase. You are extremely wist- to go to work and continue savin'* your money as property is entire ly too high right now to buy. You have accumulated a nice nest egg since you have been in service and you can continue to add to it re gularly by careful handling or your earnings. Getting around to running from place to place as you are doing, you may run into ” farm land. < • GET v'OTTR SHOES REBUILT... Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ’ot», earner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21st and Grace. Extensive frontage on both 21st nn«* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially salted as Church grounds, Make -reasonable offei IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33I or Call HA-OSOA. "Next Door” by ted sheare? /fCf LOAN COflfPPPV -'s&J//i£.tCtryz:' -J Can‘t I I *ave Henry for Security I only wanna borrow a buck !” TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN CONTI MfUTAL MATUJU* “1 don t care how late you are, you come right back here and get vour rubbers!” • HUCKLEBERRY hINN , l v'-« ! l lvflSHl V/MDEAo! WSOM \ ttGLLO HUCK. I tip. pJTE \ /V^.r^-r „ . locked me op in The GloThes closet ) the Fairt Quee* told me ib f v\ ;.BECAUSE' » SNEAKEO OUT LAST MIGHT \ <5RWT lOO A VIISH jr JzJLyyrl _ ( ^,3E£, VE \ ACCEPTED a \HISrt AHOWEMT CATFiSHiN’ UI/iTH T^IP # V v V/ % • vV5i Fresh Eggs 4<)e. We deliver 1 on Saturday in your neigh borhood—IIA-0137. For Sale a 10-room, modern home at 2615 Parker, Call WE-1389. NEIGHBORHOOD Kt RNTTl'KE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps: Ladies Dresses Rusts, Bede, Gas Stoves and ol Stoves. "We Buy and Seil” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. ?Gtli ST, ~~ , LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS ED HOLM dt SHERMAN J :!40t North 24th St. WE. OOr.5 EMERSON LAUNDRY ! 3324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 FOR THE LATEST HEW' I Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly ★The Omaha Guide . Crosstown Dres3sH“aki"8 | —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— Ai riin uun, JjAUIiub! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady’ Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. / Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... _—-2022^NQRTH24th STREET t Yes, smart women and men by the thousand* j know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint / ment works to relieve the itching of many extei^ f nally caused pimple#, rashea. ‘‘spots” eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 yeara. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money beck, 25c (Economy 75c sise contains 4 time* a* w much). At all store# or from E.-T. Brown# Drug Co, A 127 Water St., New York City. 11 Help complete complexion beauty with Palme^* j I SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) ZSo