The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 16, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Negro in Latin America
By Harold Preece
Our Negro brothers of Puert
Rico didn’t cheer too much wher.
President Truman appointed Juc
ge William Hastie as governor c
the neighboring Virgin Island;
even though they were glad to se
a colored man appointed to th
position as such.
They were wondering wiie:
President Tru • an meant to keej
a certain promise that he mad
to them, citizens of a captive ns
tion he’d in subjection by
can imperialism They were woi
dering also if Judge Hastie wa
not mavbe being u>ed by the Tri
man administration as a front fo
that imperialism.
How they felt is pretty wp!
summed up by an article whic:
' appeared recently in a fi; e litti
bulletin, the Americas, publishe
by the Council for Pan America:.
Democracy in New York. I want
my readers to share this articl
and here it goes:
What has happened to the ad
ministration’s bill offering tv
Puerto Rican people an opportur
ity to determine their future re
latiors with the United States
After President Truman's recen*
message to Congress, it was gen
erally assumed (a) that such f
bill would be drafted and intrr
duced in Congress with adminip
tration sponsorship; lb) that ttu
bill, recognizing that statehoo
and ‘dominion’ statue are withou
substa :tial support either in Co*
gress or in the Island, would put
the choice clearly between inde
pendence and continued colonial
ism: and ic) that hearings cn the
b 11 would be held in the Senatr
soon nft®r tve f**st of the - n?r.
It se*>*ns now that no admi isti
ation b'h has d-nf*eg
a ■ ■ ■ ■—■ ^——
Harold Preece
hat President Truman has chan
ted h s nrnd about the need for
oromnt action on the Puerto Rican
Senator Tydings hag annou-ced
that the hearings on the phony
plebiscite' bill. S 10C7. have beer
■ailed off His os‘ersitle reason i;
.hat domm.on statue and state
ood are de^d ducks and that th*
■ricma! Things hill, S. 227. the
out adequate economic guaranteer
-ho’"d be acted on at once. No
further hearings on this bill, say
Senator T-'dinrs are necessary
W’e cou’d only welcome Senat
action on S. 227.—pert-'cuarly i
[ v,p amendments submit
Chick Chats—Dust off the discs and call me groovey!—
and may next Valino-timemics be happier! (very sad for
* * *
If you have been attending these parties lately, you ccr
tainlv are missing a treat! Me it's too much, hev K. G?
* * *
this week we find Willie *Hi Neighbor" one of our neigh
Lor,, bu, we .eldom «-e him! ^ A£,CHBOR,
^ illie loves his sax above al*
else!-hr roc*> to South * 1
Plays in the band anti is well
known anions the jitterbugs.
He’s about 5 feet 1'i inches
tall, brown skin, weighs a
bout 140, and my what a
mar.! Willie loves jazz.
Slang: I will say, with your
self I
*■ $ $
What certain chick had
better get her men together
before she ends up hen.ess?
Hubba. hubba!
r , r..,, . IT illie Davis
buess what: James Dill is
back! Looking fine in his sailor suit. Says hello to old
<= $ t
^ hy doesn't R. J. have more respect lcr the girls?
W e wonder!
* * *
HI KR Arl! The l SO girls got their pens. Thursday
night for their services during the wartime. Good Deal!
Several that i know are: Amelia Orduna. Barbara Peters.
Evelyn Butler and sister. Anna Mae. Erma Smith and oth
* * *
I m sure L. Darned would be interested to knov that his
future wife io be. is madly int rested!
* $ *
Silly But TRIE!
Life Boy—v.hy say slean'.iness is next to godliness?
Ivory—Because Saturday is next to Sunday.
So true, so true!
* * *
NlIFF sed:
There's enough said about who! what! where! when!
and ends up nothing, (hey Barnyard?) Next week answer.
* * *=
mop: mop:
So Jack is back for good! And boy is he glad, also
Virgil Mitchell!
■r -r v
We share our deepest sympathy with the Cottrell fami'v.
* * *
AS ho Dood It ? Ai hat certain boy shook a certain girl
on last Friday and afterwards was bragging on what he
do? We wonder will he do it? Time waits for no one!
Hey P. F?
* s *
To be mentioned! To the 2G*s. several persons have ask
ed me to inform you to be a little more exact on the initials
and start writing out the names. Very confusing, if I must
say so.
* * *
FLASH! Flash! Since Cab was here! Need I tell you he
was great! .Also the performance by the Peters' Sisters.
oo-La La!
* * *
# . « *
Well Kids! Aou know we can only say so little, and see
80 mneh. We wonder if there is any thing between D. Jon
ted by the Puerto Rican Pro-Inde
pendence Congress were lncorpor'
ated in the measure on the senate
floor. We should ' be even more
pleased if the house passed the
Marcontonio bill—which incorpor
ates those amendments.
But there has been no White
House statement to the effect that
Prsident Truman will support the
Tydings Marcantonio independence
measure and accept it as a substi
tute for »ome form of plebiscite
There has only teen a silent ac
ceptance of Senator’s announce
ment that no hearngs on the Puer
to Rican question are to be held.
At the same time, and from
various quarters, comes a revival
of the old campaigns for the re
peal of all the social and labor le
gislation passed in the Island dur
ing the Roosevelt decade. The New
York Herald Tribune ran a whole
3eries of fantastic front-page sto
ries by one Emmet Crozier who
ias just returned from Puerto Ri
co w'here he made a study of eco
nomic and political conditions. Mr
Jrozier’s findings have a suspici
ous resemblance to those of the
Ball Committee of the House. US
Help Makes Collectivism in Puer
to Rico Look Profitable. Puerto
Rico is in Full Swing of Experi
nent in Collectivism Islands Tre
asury is Rich in Rum Tax Million -
But the Trend is Toward Collect
Mr .Crozier is quite sshockec
by some of his own revelations:
"Public money has taken over the
lower and light systems. A com
munications authority is trying tc
ouy the telephone company from
3osthenes Behn for the people
Public money is building factor
es operating sugar mills, buying
■o-4 pirei jo sajos jo spurr-o' •?
he big sugar growers and redis
ributing them among the people—
But Mr Crozier’s most interest
ing revelation is the ff < * that
the Democratic National Comm
ittee recently sent Judge Welburn
Maycock, ine of its legal advisors
‘o make a survey of the Puerto
Rico situation. There were signs
vhen Judge Maycock left Puerto
Rico that he had been not only
mpressed but astonished by what
he had found here Judge May
cock'g findings checked closely
with the recent report of the house
(Bell) subcommittee's investigat
ing Puerto Rico affairs"
Now the opponents , of Puerto
Paean independence argue that
without US aid the Puerto Rican
people will starve. There are many
Puerto Ricans, patriots who hate
the shamg of colonial status, who
have been taught to fear indepen
dence by that argument.
But the Bell Committee develop
ed a program for starvation tinder
colonialism through diversion of
the rum taxes from the Insular
Treasury' and the repeal of all the
recent legislation which has some
what mitigated the Is and's econj
mic misery.
According to Mr. Crozier, Judge
Maycock’s findings agree with the
ones of the Bell Committee- And
Judge Maycock was no free lance
sightseer but a representative cf
the Democratic National Comm
Have Judge Maycock and the'
Democratic National Committee
changed President Truman's mind :
about Puerto Rico's right to free- \
U. (MO.) $462,500 FOR
Jefferson City, Mo., February
10, 1946—The Appropriations
Committee of the House of Rep
resentatives branch of the Miss
ouri Legislature has approved a
grant to State Supported insti
tutions with S426.500 for Lincoln
University -(Missouri) to provide
dormitories primarily for veter
ans. The bill, if passed by the up
per branch of the legislature, car
ries with it a provision by which
the school must match this sum
to be used exclusively for resi
dence halls. It is estimated the
funds, when matched, would be
sufficient to provide housing for
300 students
The urgenev for the need of the
proposed facilities is obviated by
the competely filled campus re
sidence halls and the overflow in
the city and the rejection of ap
proximately 200 applicants for
admissian to the university.
•For Greater Coverage
The Omaha GUIDE!
- ,
es and R. Watkins? (Smile).
* * *
The greatest prize fighters of today are the Scotchman
boys! hint, hint! (Baby June).
* * *
Listen Everybody! !! !
If L want to be happy for one day, get tight.
If L want to happy lor one week, get married.
If L want to be happy for the rest of your life, staj
single! Good advice! Yes. No. we'll see!
* * * *',
Happy birthday of the week: Helen Washington. Al
berta Avant. Barbara Booker, Skipper. Lorraine Jackson.
Beverly Johnson and Arnet Bonner. Iris.
* * *
ATTENTION all high school girls! If you would like to
play basketball after school, please register with Bert Dodd
or myself, before next Wednesday night at the Lriian Lea
gue. Hours 7 to 8:30! Good deal!
* * *
To the Readers! Chatter-Box is not to get back at your
friends, but to have fun with everyone! It seems our friend
Miss "X" doesn't know that.
* * *
^ ell Kids. K. Graham and L. Jackson signed for a jit
terbug number on the road show ! Hope they pass. Others
are Lois Brown: Evelyn Beshers; Archie Mae Franklin: and
Florentine Crawi'ord.
* * *
Congratulations to Bob Montgomery who was married
to Caldonia last week!! (So I hear) Good luck to you both
and much happiness!
* * * i
Dear Chaterbor:
Has anyone informed the two young ladies who are
so earnestly competing for the amourous attention of L. B.
alias. Jack, that he and his socialite wife are looking for
ward to a blessed event in the near future? If it‘s a girl,
they'll call it Betty Lorraine.
Dear Chatter-Box:
To whom it may concern : Tin re is no need for the com
petition for the attention of L. B. because I'm sure the on
who has had him for the last four years is still woman I
enough and able to hold him against anything that should
get in her wa>. As for the so-ca led blessed event, there is I
no wife, so naturally there isn't any e\ent. One -.vtao is'nt
woman enough to hold her man doesn't deser\e him. On»
who calls herself a friend should act like one rather than
a public man chaser! UNQUOTE
* * *
Go to Church this coming Sundav!
* * *
V hy doesn't a certain ( hick get hep to herself ami stop
singing "I'll Be So Glad !*? now singing "I'll be Seing You*'.
Dig me! 1!
Cen.ral Hi School Swoon Goon is the great man. none
other than Mr. Pitman (Dash) FoxalL, hev Tinnv.
CRASH! Jeraldine Jones and Sunny Price still go toget
her. (hey Jelly)? (Maybe you I! tell me about it next
time) !
• * * $
^ ho is B. R. really in love with ? e will interview him
and let you know in next week's column’.
* * *
^ hy was Chatter-Box sitting wistfully in a comer at the
party Sat. nite? It surely wasn't due to man shortage?
Has she reformed? will soon find out!
♦ * * [
* * *
What's the drift between Jeff Arnette and Clarice Hollo
way? (hey Pals?)
* * *
BACK! Ruben Pierce is back again in the fair city! Has
13 more days left! Good deal Pierce!
* * *
Old timer* are Eva Whidby, Shirley Walker, Loi9 Camp
bell, Otis. Harold Matthews, Dot Morgan, Gerry Slaughter,
Clara Robinson, Buckie, Madeline and mvsclf.
* * *
L. P. went to see the French Angel wrestle! (hmm-m-m)
also saw RHS Samara to. (my what lovelv Biceps) !
* * *
We all want to know what is the new four lettered jive
between R. C. and J. B. wdl be waiting Friends You
can trust us. (hopefully).
* * *
ZIP! who is the certain girl who told D W she is strict! v
jive proof? "You'll be caught! Naughty! Naughty!
* * *
Quietness is a sign of good manners Public likewise!
* * *
ho is the certain girl who is trying to give our friend.
T. F. stiff competition? or is it competition? iio's wor
ried? I WONDER!
* * *
the Party given for V elton Erown was sharp! everv one
had fun although it was on the run! (dig me!)
Will be leaving soon.
* * *
The Great John Barber is back home on leave!! Will be
here until the 28th also Ruben Pierce or si.ail i sav
Corporal ?
* * *
Wonder what's up these girls’ sleeves! There are a
little bit of selfishness among several girls out north!
GIRLS, we must stick together!
* * *
Why didn't R. R take M—home from the partv? or was
she too busy with other things! hee hee!
* * *
SAID SHE! who took C. Lott home from the party?
is H. W. really robbing the grave? or was he just being
friendly last evening? Don't let the weather get you
* * *
VI hat's happened!!! ^ hat is D. S. trying to do. pull an
other dagwood stunt! For a while he’s with Sis and sec
onds with the other! Unquote! Now with Charlotte M!
Good Deal.
* * *
SMASH! CRASH! the Pre-V alentine party given by Bar
bara Scott. Betty White and Moss Pruitt turned out to be
jam-up! Everyone seemed to have been having a fine
time when up jumped the clock 11:30 and that's it!
Shap-peroons! Mrs. Pruitt and Mrs. Scott also several vis
* * *
V ho was B. R. with Sat. nite? ^ ho was he with Sun
day nite? Watch that B. R.— you'll mess up sure next
* * *
V ho was it that got mad at his girl friend, jammed his .
hat on his head, stuffed his arms in his coat, but didn't
leave for two more hours. Hev Mosquito?
* * *
HEV! who are the certain three girls who are verv close
friends (too close) and never leave each other under ne
circumstances? V e will let you know next time! Maybr
also tries to take other peoples' territorv! do vou fol!ov
* * *
I don't want to set the world on fire Le Mor,
I'm gonna move James Currer
Get along little doggie Daniel War<
Candy . Dorothy Hil
It's the talk of the town T. W. Qul
Waiting for the train to come home Do
I'll get by Rutl
* =£ *
Who was the certain young lady at the drugstore in th«
hack booth singing. “Love. love, love**? Going out singing.
“I had a man !*’
the Party wensday nite for C-Box was sharp! given by
Purity Class Club, also John Holcomb!
* * *
Don't forget the dance the 22-23 of this month! Good
* * *
Gals and Fellows bring your friends to Rose La Telia
for the line of clothes! One door east of tlie Guide!
$ ***
Is there anything worr'.ng Marshall's mind? If so ten
us vour troubles and we'il see how it comes out.
* * *
NICE GIRLS: M eadie Bell. Naomi Duhcar! and Mar'
M iTIiams.
* * *
(XL B MEETINGS! every thurs night you're invitee:
to the regular weekly meeting of the TGIT Clun at the l r
ban League, as if you didn't know that TGIT stands for
""Thank Goodness It's Thursday** Joint and Jive we always
say !!!
* * *
Gone at Last! Leonard Newt is in the army! Now! getting
plenty of sleep so I hear!
* * * |
Is C. M. trying to go back with his old flame? M e won
Couples: Imogene Perry. Perkins Marion: Louise Sea'
Jack .Marion: Inola Moore. Leeman:
* * £
Gl ESS MHO??? Nick-name—Peach: age—15: weigh!
138: height—5 ft. 1-2 in: Phone—AT-8960: eyes, brown
hair, black; complexion, dark hrowTi: hangout—E & E:
hobby, dancing: pep peeve, a littie girl at Central High.
L AST WEEK'S Gl ESS M HO was Claretta Helen Lot:.
In closing always remember that: vou can alwavs think
ol a way to hurt your friend, but never think of what a
waits for l ! *til then. bye. bye DOT •
Omaha Better Business
Bureau Announces Addition
of An Advisory Committee
Walter F Cozad, president of;
the Omaha Better Business Bur-1
eau, today announced the appoint-'
ment of an advisory committee to
assist the newly activated War
time Savings Division of the
3ureau The committee. Mr Cozad
said, is composed of representa
tives of all phases of society, in
cluding leaders in the fields of in
dustry. wholesale and retail sell
ing, advertising media, education,
finance, civic organizations, wom
en s groups, labor, the church, and
service and miscellaneous fields.
"The information of this new
division of the Bureau and the ap
pointment of this committee fol
lowed the lines suggested by the
National conference for Safeguar
ding Wartime Savings held in NY
City last month, and which hand
ed the leadership of the program
down to the Better Business Bur
eaus for this country", Mr. Cozad
said. The . National Wartime Sav.
mgs Conference was called by
Mr. R. R. Deupree to seek meth
ods of protecting the vast reser
voir of wartime savings amount
ing to approximately 18 billion
dollars 'and prevent that money
from falling into the hands of
swindlers, racketeers and business
sharpsters who drained off hun
dreds of millions of dollars m war
time savings following the last
"The local committee will act
as an advisory group for the Bur
eau's Wartime Savings Divisions,
which wiH carry on an active cam
paign against racketeers, swind
lers, and shady promoters", said
Mr. Cozad. Mr Rush Bams, acting
general manager of the Bureau,
stated that additional personnel
was being added to th^ Bureau
staff to handle the job and that
a manager of the new division
would be announced soon.
Membera of the committee and
the various groups they will re
present follow:
Industrial: R. J Hopley; J. E.
Davidson; C. F. Ashby; Paul
Gallagher; E. T. Rainey; E. G.
Hinton; C- A. Swanson; and W.
D. Lane.
Media; Vernon Smith; Coe
Buchanan; Leo Bozell; and Gor
don Gray.
r.aucauoc: rtev v>. n. mteauc
H M Corning; Rowland Haynes;
and William Kunold.
Women’s Groups: Mrs. Sydney
Riley; Grace McLain; Mrs Clay,
ton W. Woods; and Mrs. Elmer
D Cooper.
Civic Organizations: W. O.
Swanson; David Blacker; John J.
Merriman; Les Branch; Ed Pet
tis; Charles Bonghardt; Victor
Spittler; Barney Gyger; Fred Buf
fet; Howard Moberty: Joseph Vo
tava; Mayor Charles Leeman; and
C. D Saunders.
Ministers: Dr. E. A. Rowsey;
Rt. Rev. Howard Brinker; Rabbi
David Goldstein; and Archbishop
James H. Ryan.
Retail: Murray Champine; Al
bert E Parmalee; Charles Bea
ton; Harry Malashock; and Geo.
Finance: W. Dale Clark; Ford
Hovey; and W. A Sawtell.
Labor: Frank Cronin: J. J.
Guenther; R. A. Hays: and Albert
M Witzling.
Service and Miscellaneous: Joe
Barker; Plummer Purdham; Gen.
Lewis A Pick.
Omaha Guide begn 2-16,-46
ending 3-2, 46
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
Book 66; Page 101.
MOORE, Deceased.
The State of Nebraska, To All
Parties Interested: Notice is here
by given that application has been
made to this Court for the grant
ing of administration of said es.
tate to Jessie Lee Moore.
Hearing will be had thereon in
this Court on March 16th, 1946. at
9:00 o'clock A M., at which time
and place you may appear and
contest the same.
County Judge.
Johnson Drug Co. I
2306 North 24th
When Taken
Tfaraeat j
The SVler.tii jg
. v
Also A Fins Stomachic Tonic!
Lydio e. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound ddes store than just relieve
monthly pain when caused by female
Junctional monthly disturbances. It
also relieves weak, tired, nervous,
cranky feelings—of such days—when
due to this cause. Pinkham s Com
pound has a soothing e3ect on one of
woman’s most important organs.
Taken turnout the month — Pink
ham's Compound helps build up resis
tance against such distress. It s also a
very effective stomachic tonic.
Tboasnads Lf'.n Thousands
of Cirls anJ Women Helped—
There are no opiates in Pinkham’s
Compound. It's made from Mother Na
ture’s own wholesome roots and herbs
plus Vitamin E It helps nature.
Thousands upon thousands of women
havereported remarkable bene
Lt' J fits. If you 5u3er like this—we
T -- urge you to give Pinkham’s
w--. Compound a fair and honest
trial. At ail drugstores.
Jjjdui £. (Pinkli&nu)
We with to Announce
G & J Smoke Shop
2118 NORTH 24th Street
Everything in the Line of
[, Jackson A Godbey, Props.
! Self
and Good
Self-regulation means that
the man in business regulates
i his own conduct and the con
duct of his help and his cus
tomers while in his place of
business in such a way that
constituted officials have little
to do about law enforcement
and the correction of bad
practices. There is a vast dif
ference between a desire to
observe the laws and a deter
mination or desire to “cheat
the law.”
All licensed beer retailers
are aware of Self-Regulation
and the great majority be
lieve in its principles. Fre
quent observations and sug
gestions are made bv the Ne
braska Committee for better
operating practices, and in
most instances, retailers read
ily follow suggestions. If a
retailer does not, representa
tions are made to the licens
ing and law enforcement
authorities who will see to it
that the offending licensee
either corrects his faults or is
deprived of his license.
Such a vigilant program as
sures your city or community
of reputable retailers, who
sell beer in a legal and whole
some manner.
United States
Charles E. Sandall. State Director
71c Pint Nat’) Bank Bidg Lincola
■ *
I “Can Us First” |
1>h0"e JA-4635
formerly aL tAlu
and Erskioe St.
/» <Sr Jiffs?
-or Msnpy Sack
For quick relief fr'vn itching caused by eczema,
athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching
conditions, use pure, cooling, iredxited. liquid
D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's ft rtnula.
Greaseless and stainless. Soothe*, comforts and
quickly calms intense itching. 25c trial bottle
proves it, or money back. Don't super. Ask you*
druggist today lor L). O. D. PRESCRIPTION.
Phone us your
Please don't be angry at us if you can’t •
always get Smith Brea Cough Drops. Our
output is still restricted. Soon, we hope,
there'll again be pUaSj of Smith Brothers...
soothing, delicious. Black or Menthol, 5i. " *