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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1946)
The Greater Omaha Guide s HOME-MAKER’S CORNER Here’s a Magic Chocolate Pie Filling That’s Failure Proof A FESTIVE dessert Is always winning startegy when a din ner of leftovers must be trans formed into a pot luck celebration. In spite of the sugar shortage and curtailed bakery supplies, you can always be prepared for hurry up hospitality demands just by keep ing several cans of sweetened con densed milk on your pantry shelf. A luscious chocolate pie is just one of many magic treats you can make in a few minutes’ kitchen duty without touching your sugar canister. Because sweetened con densed milk is a blend of pure whole milk and sugar, there’s no need for extra sweetening. All you have to do is to cook unsweetened chocolate and sweetened condensed milk together for five minutes, add a little water, and presto! a lus cious failure-proof pie filling is magically ready. You can be sure of perfect cutting consistency, never too stiff and never too soft. If shortening is hard to get, too, you will find that a cookie crumb crust co-stars appetizingly with the choc olate filling. It’s a boon to hurry-up dinners, too, because it can be turned out in just a few minutes. y If you want a novel taste-teasing flavor for your festive pie, try a chocolate-orange filling. A fluff of whipped cream makes a decorative topping instead of traditional mer ingue which calls for two egg white* and two tablespoons of Mgar. Magic Chocolate Pie 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 1)4 cups (15 oz. can) sweetened condensed milk •4 cup water M teaspoon salt teaspoon vanilla Baked pie shell (8-Inch) Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sweetened condensed milk, stirring over boiling water 5 minutes until mixture thickens. Add water, salt, and vanilla; stir until thoroughly blended. Pour into baked pie shell. Garnish with whipped cream if desired. Chill. Magic Chocolate Orange Tarts 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate 1% cups (15 oz. can) sweetened condensed milk Grated rind of H orange 2 oranges 8 baked tart shells Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sweetened condensed milk and stir over rapidly boiling water 5 minutes until mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Add orange juice and rind and blend thoroughly. Cut orange sections into small pieces, free from mem brane and arrange in baked tart shells. Cover with .chocolate mix ture. Chill. Vanilla Wafer Pie Crust Roll enough vanilla wafers to make % cup of crumbs. Cut enough vanilla wafers in halves to stand around edge of pie plate and put them in place. Cover bottom of plate with crumbs and fill in space* between halved wafers. Pour !■ filling as usual. Used Fa! Helps Make Soap Flakes These are not ribbons but soap flakes being made. Packaged soap is currently in short supply due to tow stocks of industrial fats and oils. By saving and turning in every drop of used fat, housewives can assure themselves of a greater supply of soap. WEIGHTY PROBLEM Phoebe, four-month-old calf who appears on CBS ‘County Fair’, is gaining weight at such a rate that 17-year-old Allan La Fever can't put his arms around her for his daily lifting stunt. He’s solved the problem, however, by design, ing a special harness and stand, which permits him to straddle the calf. Phoebe’s weight today: 193 pounds. ■ ^ — '* Fine Reductions on Women’s Coats $15 $20 $25 Chesterfields and belted styles in the warm casual coats you like to wear. Some are all wool_others are part wool fleeces. Black, brown and colors. Women, misses and half sizes. Downstairs ECONO-WISE Shop By Edna Mae McIntosh When a young baby is first start ing on canned strained foods, the quantity given at a single feeding is small and many mothers are puzzled over what to do with the left-overs. The efficiency of each individual refrigerator will determine the keeping time for these foods. A mother will have to use her good judgment in deciding how long it is safe to store these left-overs under the conditions existing in her own home. Canned foods are just like any other cooked foods, once they have been opened. They can be expected to keep about the same length of time, if stored under the same conditions. Spoilage results from the growth of yeasts, molds and bacteria, which are in the air and i enter after the can is opened. The] most effective method against un- i duly rapid spoilage of the food is , to keep it covered and keep it cool. Most authorities on canned foods are of the opinion that the best container in which to store the food is the one in which it is bought. This applies to both tin and glass. At the time of opening, the insides of these containers are sterile. This condition does not exist in £he cleanest of storage dishes, sub jected to ordinary household dish washing procedures. The quantity desired for feeding should be re moved and the remainder should be stored in the refrigerator as promptly as possible. Once the baby has acquired the strained food habit, through good psychological handling on the part of the mother, left-overs soon cease to be a worry. The child’s eager-* ness for these items is so great that he readily accepts half a can, more, at a single feedintr SOCIAL NEWS • Phone us your local News—JA-3215, ask for Miss DeLore Hall OMAHA WELCOMES BACK Sgt. James H. Williams from the US Army. Sgt. Williams has served 18 months overseas in Ire land, England, France and Ger many as Non-commissioned offi cer in charge of a gun crew in the Field Artillery. He is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Williams, 2816 Blondo Street. All who do not remember him by name will maybe recall the nicknames of “Fawthah” and “Bruthah”. You would be surprised to see the home of Mr. and Mrs. x anky at 3110 Corby Street- They have a modern house and it is quite a pleasure to sit in their home and look at the many beautiful things. It is really a credit to our city. Mrs Lawrence T. Boggus of Omaha, has just returned from a stay of six weeks in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Boggus having had a wonderful time while visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs- Lawrence T. Boggus, Jr., and a new grand son, Lawrence T. Boggus, III. The father of this grandson, is serving in the armed forces in Korea. Mrs. Boggus was highly enter tained on her visit in that fair city. The Perilous Ensemble sang Tuesday, January 10, at the Ban croft grade school. Mostly all tea chers were present with the ex ception of a few from the 8th grades. The songs sang were ‘Go Down Moses’, Rocka My Soul’, ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’, and ‘God Bless America’. Booker T. Wash ington then played one of his beautiful (self corrtposed) songs and said the Lord’s Prayer After the program, a snack of hot dogs and coffee was served, and the students showed the members of the Ensemble through the building. Their next program will be given at the YMCA on January 15 In an essay on "Parents”, a little school girl wrote: “We get our parents when they are so old that it is impossible to change their habits”. Mr. Waymon Billingsley, Jr., of 2207 No. 25th St., who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Billingsley, has just been discharged from the army. He was stationed in the Phillipine Islands for quite a long time and says that he was very delighted to see his family and old friends again. Mrs. Nellie Penn of 2211 Pink ney St , gave a dinner party, on Saturday, January 12, at the Ma sonic Hall, 26th and Blondo. There were 38 guests present of which were two house guests from Atch ison, Kansas The dinner consisted of four courses; first a cocktail; second a salad; third, the main course of turkey, mashed potatoes, olives, carrots and peas and hot rolls; fourth, the desert was served and it was ice cream and cake, then all who desired had highballs, etc. Mrs. Penn received many beau ' tiful gifts but the one in particu lar that she liked was a blue pow' der box that plays ‘My Blue Hea ven’ and ‘This is My Lucky Day'’. These are her favorite songs. It was received from her husband. I Her house guests will be here SISTERS IN SONG — Two celebrated singing stars of the Negro race met face to face backstage at New York’s Carnegie Hall, as Ellabelle Davis (right), fast-rising young American soprano, greets contralto Marian Anderson, following the latter’s Tenth Anniversary New York RecitaL Miss Davis will give her own concert in New York on January 30th — her first New York] appearance since her return from sensational triumphs in Mexico] w and South America. until Friday, Jan. 18th They are Mr. George H. Robbios, and Mr. Irvin Penn, her brother-in-law Mr. Herman Kemp, husband of Mrs. S. H. Kemp, 2619 Hamilton St., arrived home with a discharge January 15th. He has been stat ioned in Okinawa and arrived in the states a few weeks ago. He is in fine health and glad to be home. »' News of The Althouse School of Beauty Culture Reported by Betty Patton The Christmas holidays are over and the girls started the New Year off with a bang! The girls organized a club. The name chosen was ‘ The Althouse Beauty School Social and Study Club”. The officers are as follows: President, Mrs Ruth Arnold; Vice-President, Mrs Ethel Payne; Secretary, Miss Betty Patton; Treasurer, Mrs. Daisy Bennett: Committee of Programs, Miss Juanita Robinson and Mrs. Mar garet Smith; Committee of En tertainment, Mrs. Naomi Byron, Celestine White, Evelyn Williams, and Miss Willa Mae Battles; Re porter, Miss Nellie Hill; Lady of Arms, Mrs. Patricia Robinson. The girla hope to make the club a great success. We have another new student, Mrs. Patricia Robinson, formerly of St. Louis, Mo. We are very glad to have her with us. The spring weather is leaving us and it is getting cold again. Mrs Evelyn Williams and Miss Nellie Hill are both able to be back in school after illness THE ALTHOUSE SEAUTY SCHOOL SOCIAL AND STUDY CLUB The Althouse seamy School & Study Club held its first meeting at the home of Mrs. Ruth Arn old. The officers were elected and plans for the future were made after which the girls enjoyed a delightful repass and several games of bridge were played. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Willa Mae Battles, President Mrs. Ruth Arnold; Sec’y Miss Betty Patton; Treasurer, Mrs. Daisy Bennett A YOUTHFUL COLUMN Chatter Box... by DORIS ANN McGILL Well gang, one week of pleasant gossip. Again we dip our pen into the ink well and write about you and who!!!! Well! Well! Rain, sleet, snow were here last Friday and what do you supposed happened—yes, that’s right, it covered the ground Ha! Ha! Ha!! BIG BOY NOW! I Paul Orduna If you should happen to see a fine looking boy about 5ft. 6in., brown fine hair, its our own good friend Paul who is in the army Buy your Poultry at thr Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street Get the Best in Quality at the Nebraska Produce- Lowest ' Price. £ iPLATNER i \ \ Lumber Co.: > j > < J Always Gives More than J > the Mere Commodity for J > which You Pay. s ; • i :KE-5811 24th & Boyd" He’s gotten to be a big boy! As I understand, he’s home on a 30 day furlough and will be leaving on Jan. 22nd. Also Happy birth day. Paul is stationed in California. His hobby is playing, eating, and loving! Oo-la-la! ! ! ! Flash!! Flash!! The dance given by Boys Town turned out great: A number by our friend Corky Irvin of Des Moines, la. also Ber nice Bragg, Kenny Morris, J. B. Williams, Ruth Curren, Willie McClain, Bunker, Chuck Oden, Doris McGill, Thomas Carrodine, accompanied by Mrs Seals. Boom!!! The Military Ball was Friday. W’onder who took E. B. did T H. really take Delores K. ? We wonder! K. G. what’s your ory? Can’t you make up one of your minds ? ? Who Said!!! Who did I hear say no more champaigne till my birthday and turned around the following day and was high enough to fly'! ? We are wondering what has happened to the Cats of Rhythm ? We don’t hear from you anymore! Wonder why certain people put out false storys about themselves as well as other peonle about mar How women and girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here's how it may help: <a m Taken like a tonic, it * should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion.* thus help build resist ance for the "time” to come. ty m Started 3 days before " ™ "your time”, it should fhelp relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes. rry Cardui. If it helps, rouH be glad you did. CARDUI jfc UHL OmCCTlOW _„ riage ? after all girls, its nothing , to play with! (marriage of course) Crash!!! The Friday nite dance was sharp when Frank ‘Smitty' Strope up and played. !! !! Be Bobba Lee Bop!!! Boy did the kids jump! (what kids). Well I’ll say, so I heard. (Couldn't make it, had to attend church) Sam Lee is getting very noisie here lately! Winder what could the matter be? ((seventh grade). Who was the certain boy who asked Chatter Box to keep his name out of the paper? Too much black and'white hay Slim! OK! Nice People to Know— Margaret Fowler, Leonard Ir ving, (myself!), Thomas Scott, Buster McCans, Jack Marion. Who is the certain girl who sits in study hall (325) at Central and pops her heat off (with gum of course)- Three guesses—of course Monta!!!! Sounds Interesting!!! What do you do on Friday nites: Chatter Box—Go to work! Ha! ha! June McKinny—Hubba! Hubba!!! LaVon Monday—Just wander here and around. Cecelia Robbins—I didn’t do any thing! Really!! Dorothy Morgan—Stop! That'3 it! Yes!!! Lenora Pierce—Just what do you think!!! Eugene Brown—Well, let’s see, 1, 2, 3, oh!!! Kenneth Graham—Jumpted mean ing danced Willie Davis—I’ll never forget it. The Last Winkle— Hm f Hummm! While strolling off to the show Sunday, Cozie Eubanks was wearing her lovely beige plaid suit with light green and brown accessories. Along with her was lovelf Joyce Gardner in her baby-green chesterfield coat with brown shoes, hat and pock etbook. About 5 blocks from the drug store we meet Baby Ruth in all sports! Now about the money proposi tion, well here comes Buckie Gra ham and Irma Pettis in their Xmas frocks, lovely, lovely, as we stop to make change, we find standing on the weight scales, Chatter Box, what 15 more lbs !: That’s all brother!!!!! I We are at the Ritz now and everything is sharp (including myself), we meet Buddy Stewart and Robert Blue, two charming young lads standing so soffistica ted as if nothing was the matter! Too bad boys. You must grow taller! (dig me)? Mow going down the aisle to find some seats, we find smiling June McKenny in a lovely skirt and sweater. Boy did she look good! Now we were seated ana we hear a big noise, it’s Nadine Manly in her Navy blue and yel low. My, my, what a girl! Well, we’ve just about seen all, meaning the show and up pops Beverly Brazil. We won’t finish for I’ve just seen a man kill! Who, Chicken was also wearing a powder-blue suit. That bluish-green chester field of hers is a dream! Well I can’t hear, see, or feel a thing! Oh ouch!! He got me!! (bed bugs), I’m gone! I’ve seen the show, I've seen the kids, I ve seen—well bye now. Have you noticed the new hair do that the Brown sisters have? Do so today! (Shirley Temple curls). Gone to Live— Joyce Gardner left for Detroit Saturday Will be missed greatly. Says good bye to old friends. Second Warning!!!!— John Jackson (Risky), refuses to pay me! Take note pretty cheap ain’t he? Ha! Ha!! C. M. you better watch your step! M. N- is still around, or could it by any chance be C. W. We wonder! Hay Marshall!!! Flash!!!—Monday as you all all know is my birthday. The party will be Sunday nite, birthday eve. Ha! ha! Will let you know more about it next week. William you better watch out you know Cozie is still around!!!1' rinni-innnnt=innnni-mnn King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2OIO14 .\. 24th St* JAckxon 8570 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. AMERICAN * CHINESE DISHES nr= "if--. ir=T-':;——-11.111 ir= Maher-Kelleher [ Insurance Agency Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance NOTARY PUBLIC [2424 BRISTOL ST., JA-6261 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. a. to 1 a. i> Open ter Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a ns v* 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS CREATES NATURE . for both parties. Relieves asthma colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for i oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St Columbus. 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week I have heard several hints about what’s in' Chatter Box isn't com ing from her. Well to you that have any objections (I’m no she wolf! Believe that!) If the shoe fits I wear it! don’t stump my toe!!! There will be a program at Zion Baptist Church Sunday givert by the Tomorrows World Club. Watch this column for other announce ments. Come one and all and let's see what out Tomorrows World is going to be like Time 11:30 am. Boom!!! That’s the end! Benson beat Central! Nice game but a little cheer from the Centralites might keep up the spirit of the players! Hay Reynolds. Score 19 45. Back—Harold Valentine is back in his army Easter suit Good deal and looks very nice, indeed. Who is the certain girl who trys to make the certain girls at Cen tral believe she is soo smart and doesn’t go anywhere through the week? Grades C and F. Get wise girlie, it’s not your fault! (no hard feelings)! Friendship is wonderful! Why do people try to make enemies for themselves? Meaning trouble makers. Wonder will C. M. make up his mind or shall I just call him play boy? Good deal!! Is N. H. really jealous of her old flames girl or doesn’t she care! If I’m not asking too much, please tell me who is the three sky scrapers at Central roaming the halls after 3rd lunch?You’ll be caught R. W., R. G, and *£. B. Maybe not! No—yes!! Ving!!! One day a trig student quite bright, thought a problem did not work out right so he set out one day, in a relative way and returned on the previous nite! Crash!! Since Central was out last week, I wonder where the kids went besides the drug store! Oh I forgot the E & E Diner, nice records you know for the place to go to buy a nice big hamburger! Thanks to Mr Webb. Several revelations from my Class Mates: I hereby highly resolve to read nothing but interesting books like (Forever Amber) American his tory. To be more quiet when elders enter room. To attend school daily! oo-la-la To mind my own business, (ain't C Box. To chew gum quietly at all times. To get at least 5 hours of sleep during school nights (plug) To save all study hall pennies and buy a bar of soap (Lux) To never read the Chatter Box until after Sundav! (so confusing) To cram all my exams. To buy stamps for my country (3 cents and air-mail) To honor and receive all men! To take all of this with a grain of salt! Boo-hoo! Correction if it be any!!! •STORM - SASH Paint — Roofing SUTHERLAND LUMBER GO 12920 ‘L’ St. MA-1200 <rr->«r yr < NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street About last weeks column, the article near the end was refering to a certain lady who lives on Lake. If you have a guilty con science, that is you business and not mine! Wonder why the boys at BK don’t get together with their girls! You know boys, you’re holding up the army!!! I doubt if I’m a genius because it seems somehow that if I were I would have shown some sign of it by now. Have you noticed the new face of Bill Jacobs He’s really getting grown up! (mustach) Wonder who L. Perkins was sitting at the game with ? I. P. We wonder!!!! As I see it—M. P can’t make up her mind between two certain cats! Could it by any chance be R. R. or P. O. We wonder!!! The game North vs Central was you know how and who won! Hay team! Half 10-17. What’s D. W. up to? Can't she decide who she wants!! She's wearing a certain Jimmy C’s bra_ celet! Who kissed C. D in the North Central game!! Hay Calvin!! Rodges says he is in love with! who—T. F. I don’t believe it!!! GUESS WHO??? Age—16 Weight—146 Height—5 ft. 10 in Eyes—D. brown Hair—Black Complexion—teasing brown Hangout—Drug, E & E, Killings worth, home Phone—WE 6451 Nick name—Jake Hobby—basket ball Pet peeve—Bob Rodges Movie Star—Diana Durbin Movie Actor—John Garfield School—Central Last week’s Guess Who was Joan Thompson. In closing always remember the weak are always weaker than the strong! (do you follow me) ? I’ll be seeing U— Dot SUBSCRIBE NOW! CALL HA-0800 Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juico Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN ' says SuffererI **I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don't be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vt lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en lirely satisfied with it — or money back. 85f. Drug stores. * ~ DE*f? i Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noise* | caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment j has accomplished for e great many people. Many past j 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing j to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer.' No obligations! ( THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 5I& • Davenport, low* 37 Satisfied Customers You Rre Next f37 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition fLet us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY i 342 ELECTRIC BLDG < Phone JA 7718 or JA-1620 I k Omaha, Nebraska \