_WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS-- I Big Three Draw Closer Together; British Break Ruhr Monopoly; New Work Stoppages Looming .11.ii i■ -Released by Western Newspaper Union „ ■ — (EDITOR’S NOTE: When opinions are expressed In these columns, they are those of Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.) BIG THREE: Meeting of Minds With the declaration that "prog ress, and great progress, has been made,” the foreign ministers of U. S., Britain and Russia conclud ed their quarterly conference in Moscow, and observers looked to a smoother relation between the ma jor powers for re-establishment of order out of the dislocations in Eu rope and Asia. Though the agreement between Messrs. Byrnes, Bevin and Molotov to work for control of atomic en ergy and eliminate it as a war weapon commanded the most pop ular attention, political understand ings reached were equally impor tant in their assurance of settling populations, permitting organization of comprehensive governments and spurring the resumption of trade. One of the principal items of ac cord involved agreement on proce dure for drafting the European peace treaties with Axis satellites, the Big Three deciding to let France in on discussions over Italy and consulting all of the United Na tions on pacts covering Italy, Bul garia, Romania. Hungary and Fin land. In agreement on Europe, the Big Three also moved to closer under standing on Asia, where they decid ed upon the establishment of a four nation control commission for Ja pan to implement directives formu lated by the far eastern advisory council with unanimous approval of the member countries. RUHR: British Take Mines An integral part of Germany's economy. 130 Ruhr coal mines owned by 46 companies were taken over by the British occupation au thorities in a move to break up the country's war potential and also con tribute to the decentralization of the Reich’s industry. In announcing the expropriation of the properties without compen sation to the owners, the British de clared that the coal mines were controlled by the same monopolistic interests which dominated the iron, steel and chemical industries and exercised a decisive influence on the character of prewar German econ omy. In taking over the mines, the Brit ish announced that the financial in terests of France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg in the properties would be safeguarded. Fix Reparations Though U. S. reparations from westem Germany were set at 23 ner cent of the total to be shared by 21 countries, this country’s actual amount may fall short of the agreed figure since it waived rights to en emy ships and industrial equipment because of small losses in these categories. In addition to such capital goods as plants, machinery, etc., German foreign assets, current stocks and items from production have been de clared available for payments, and the U. S. is expected to draw pri marily from these sources. Besides the U. S., Britain will also receive 28 per cent of reparations, with France allotted 16 per cent. Oth er recipients include Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Canada, Czechoslovak ia, Belgium, Greece, India, Norway, Australia, South Africa, New Zea land, Denmark, Luxembourg, Egypt and Albania. Under the Potsdam agreement, Russia was to obtain its principal reparations from eastern Germany, and German assets in Bulgaria, Fin land, Hungary, Romania and east ern Austria. FRANCE: Trade Move In a move designed to bring the purchasing power of the franc in line with foreign currencies, France devalued its monetary unit to 119 *o ♦he American dollar and 480 to the British pound. As a result of the new arrange ment, French foreign trade is ex pected to pick up, since the rise in prices due to decreased production will be offset by giving up more francs to the dollar or pound. In certain of its colonies where there has been no inflationary spiral, the French maintained the old value of the local franc. Because of the dislocation of in dustry and commerce, France’s for eign trade since liberation has been mostly of the token variety to keep overseas channels open. Some per fume, cognac and champagne has - - RAISE STATE PAY: At least 300,000 employees of 41 states received salary adjustments during the war period, a survey dis- ! closed. The methods of pay adjustment varied in the states, increases being directed by legislative action in 17 states, and adjustments made through administrative action in 13 others. S,x states reported pay ad justments both by legislative and n'ir>.ims,<-o*ivp action. been shipped to countries abroad. With the devaluafton of the franc, the French general assembly moved on to ratification of the Bretton Woods monetary agreement, under which foreign exchange would be made available to subscribers at par rather than appreciated rates. OVERSEAS MUSIC: Petrillo Ban Stocky little James Caesar Petril lo, czar of the American Federa tion of Musicians, who got his start playing trumpet for Jane Addams’ Hull House band on Chi cago’s west side, again reasserted bis power by issuing an order pro hibiting the broadcast on U. S. radio stations of all music originating in foreign countries except Canada. Having just won a major battle with recording companies by com pelling them to pay a percentage of ■I I. James Caesar Petrillo their returns to the AFM to com pensate for the reduction in regular employment ot musicians through use of transcriptions, Petrillo de clared he drew up his latest ulti matum to preserve the jobs of Americans. Said he: . . The government—everybody —protects themselves against cheap labor. Why the — should musicians be suckers? The watchmakers’ union muscled the state department into telling the Swiss to stop sending (watches) into the country. We’re trying to keep out foreign musicians in person or on the air.” LABOR: New Strikes Loom With 175,000 workers already idle by the General Motors strike in the automobile industry and the United Steel workers also threatening to walk out, the troubled labor situa tion took another serious turn with the CIO electrical union pondering a work stoppage in General Elec tric, Westinghouse and General Mo tors plants. As in the case of the auto and steel disputes, the strife in the elec trical industry centered around the union’s move for maintenance of high wartime take-home pay. its de mands equalling the steel workers’ bid for a $2 a day wage increase and comparing with the auto work ers’ goal of a 30 per cent boost. Active in the automobile dispute in an effort to bring the contesting parties together, government of ficials also took an aggressive hand in the electrical strife, with Edgar L. Warren, U. S. conciliation serv ice director, conferring with both company and union bigwigs in an attempt to iron out differences. NATIONAL INCOME: Triples From the depression low of $368 in 1933, per capita income in the U. S. jumped to $1,117 in 1944, re flecting the increased wartime eco nomic activity. Even before the onset of the war boom, per capita income showed a decided increase from the 1933 low, reaching $575 in 1940, still con siderably under the 1944 top. Where as such income ranged from $202 in Mississippi to $896 in Delaware in 1940, it ran from $528 in Missis sippi to $1,519 in New York in 1944. In 1940, 16 states topping the na tional average of $575 included Cali fornia, Connecticut, Delaware, Illi nois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada. New Jersey, New York, Ohio. Oregon, Pennsyl vania. Rhode Island. Washington and Wyoming. In 1944, all of these states except Wyoming exceeded the national figure. Indiana taking its place. Food Experiments More than 50 per cent of the leading schools and state univer sities covered in a recent survey are either conducting frozen food experiments or planning such experiments, it was revealed. Most of the experiments are directed toward retaining the fresh flavor of fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products with out losing the vitamin content and nutritive value of the food. j CHINA: Propose Truce Even while 50.000 communist troops reportedly sought to cut the Yangtze river between Nanking and Shanghai, Red political leaders at tempted to bring about a truce with Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalist forces by suggesting the cessation of hos tilities with troops of the two fac tions permitted to remain at present positions. Advanced shortly after Gen. George C. Marshall’s arrival in China to help untangle the compli cated political situation there and promote unification of the country, the communist proposal was a mod ification of an earlier demand that nationalist troops withdraw to posi tions previously occupied before V-J Day. Meanwhile, as communist and nationalist leaders of the political consultative council sat down to lay preparations for later discussions of unity. Red strategists sought to ex ert pressure on the U. S. to with draw more support from Chiang’s faction and enhance their own bar gaining position in conferences. Held throughout China, leftist stu dent rallies called upon Uncle Sam to let the Chinese settle their own differences without interference. CANDY: Short Supply Because of both ingredient and la bor shortages, candy production will fall short of expected demands dur ing the first nine months of 1946, the trade predicted, with the deficit amounting to 700 million pounds. While nuts, peanuts, many, fruits, coconuts, cocoa oil and other oil, and sugar apparently will remain in short supply through most of the year, the anticipated return of work ers to confectionery plants from higher paying war industries has not materialized, though leveling off of other employment and increased wages should lead to solution of the manpower problem. In addition to prospective higher labor costs, the trade said, material costs are also expected to remain at upward levels because of the shortage of supplies and the de clared program of the government to eliminate subsidies on items en tering into manufacture of candy. Straightening of difficulties will be the signal for extensive plant mod ernization and expansion, experts said, with installation of equipment heading the program. “O God, thou art my God; early will J seek Thee”—Chaplain Edwin Royal Carter Jr. of Richmond, Va., intoned as soldiers lifted the flag that covered the casket of Gen. George S. Patton and held it a few inches above the silver top. Rain puttered upon the canvas canopy covering the burial site at the end of a long roiv of little white crosses in the American military cemetery in Luxem burg, Luxemburg, where 6,000 of the former G.lj Patton hud led in the his toric Battle of the Bulge the year be fore rested in peace. Beside Patton lay the body of Pvt. John Przywara of De troit, Mich. “But the king shall rejoice in God; everyone that sweareth by Him shall glory; but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped,” the chap lain concluded in reading the fallen war rior’s favorite 63rd Psalm. With the recitation of the Lord’s prayer, the military men bared their heads, then three rifle volleys echoed through the hills. As taps sounded softly, all stood at attention, and distinguished generals from Russiu, Britain and France held themselves stiffly in salute until Mrs. Patton turned to leave. Most distinctive of the floral pieces honoring “Old Blood and Guts” was an evergreen wreath from the men he had led to victory. It bore the simple and touching inscription: “To our leader." PIG CROP: Above Average Though falling below the depart ment of agriculture's goal, the 1945 pig crop of 86.714,000 slightly sur passed 1944 production and topped the 10 year 1934-43 average by over 7,000.000. While the 1945 spring pig crop fell below 1944, fall production rose to offset the early year drop, USDA reported. While large Increases in the fall crop over 1944 were noted in the western com belt, small de creases were recorded in the Atlan tic states. With 5,503,000 sows farrowed dur ing the fall season, the number of pigs saved per litter totaled 6.38, compared with 6.34 in 1944 and 6.23 for the 10-year period. In view of farmers’ intentions to breed 8,542.000 sows next spring, the USDA’s goal of 52,000,000 pigs should be achieved if the number saved in each litter equals the 10 year average. With heavy 1945 fall production and the retention of a large percentage of 1945 spring hogs on farms for extra feeding, pork sup plies should be good through the en suing months. G.I. INSURANCE: Despite the fact that the veter an’s National Service Life Insurance is probably the greatest bargain in life insurance today, many dis charged servicemen are dropping it and making a big mistake, says Dr. W. M. Curtiss of Cornell university. Premium rates are lower than for mutual and stock companies, and include a waiver of premiums in case of disability. Dr. Curtiss said. This feature costs about 75 cents ex tra per $1,000 of ordinary life insur ance from a private company. Read The Greater Omaha Guide Every Week Try Nazis in Ruins j Of Their Handiwork Scene of the Historic Trial 91 Per Cent Destroyed by Bombings; Case Sets Precedent for Outlawing War. By BAUKHAGE AT-.. . mi W i ' si m m on f/ifsir Back -its Germany, Bauhhage reports the war crimes trial of 21 top Nazis with the same vividness with which he narrated their rise to power in the pre war years when he was stationed in the reich. Below is the first of a series of j articles written from Nuernberg: 1 WNU Service, 1616 Eye Street N. W„ Washington, D. C. NUERNBERG, GERMANY. - I have just left the courtroom where, as I write, the trial of Germany’s war criminals is still in progress. The courtroom is just above me In this great stone courthouse which l was almost untouched by the bomb j tng which reduced this most beauti | ful and famous city to the point that it was declared “91 per cent dead” by the experts who followed the occupation by American troops on April 20, 1945. I am writing in the press room with reporters from more than a dozen nations about me. Most of us are in uniform, the majority being the uniform of the United States army, which all war correspondents I in our theater wore. Up until re cently correspondents had a simu lated rank of captain. Now we are simply uniformed civilians operat ing under military orders. As I look back over the beginnings of this trial — the earliest discus sions before the tribunal itself was formed — I have the feeling that we are now looking at something very real — actual and factual, rather than theoretical and vague. At the first gathering, the appalling condi tion of this city produced the feeling that all about it and in it must be chaos too. Nuernberg dates back to the Uth century and it grew into such favor and beauty that it bore the name of Germany’s "treasure chest.” It was a chest of treasures of art, song and culture as well as of the gold that poured into the cof fers of the merchants. Now it is a shell, and one of Europe’s best ex amples of the atmosphere and charm of the middle ages is gone. How the nearly 300,000 people who are said to be living in these ruins exist it is hard to say. The streets are cleared, some street cars are running, some shops are opening, a city government is operating. But few houses are livable. In some cases parts of great office buildings have been restored. Such cellars as can be cleared of rubble and roofed are crowded. A huge air raid shel ter 280 steps below the ground con tains a small village in itself. Milestone in Man’s Progress It may be that what is accom plished will be washed out by sub sequent stupidities; but I believe, whether we go forward immediate ly from this point or not, it will remain a milestone in man’s effort to accomplish the outlawry of war, that it will be a landmark from which others may set their course anew. Grotius, father of internation al law, held to the principle that aggressive wars were illegal. As Justice Jackson pointed out, it was because of the greed for land which characterized the 18th and 19th cen turies that this concept was thrust aside and the world came to accept the tenet that war in itself was not illegal. And it seems to me that all attempts to stop war must be futile , 80 long as such a concept exists in international thinking. No one who i saw the spontaneous reaction to Justice Jackson’s opening address to the court could feel that the tre mendous effort which has gone into the creation and operation of this court can be completely lost. For those who have witnessed I these proceedings there is a strik ing symbolism in the rise and fall of a nation which built a vicious culture in less than a decade with one final objective (aggressive war), which very ideology destroyed it as no nation has been wrecked before. Here we see before us in the flesh (in some cases considerably less flesh than they were adorned with in their hey-day), the men who con ceived and carried out this plan, which is the distillation of the phi losophy that might is right, and which negates the whole basis of the moral law which has been estab lished by civilization. Step by step, with the epitome of tons of written evidence, with mov- i ing pictuies, with plans and charts, 1 the growth of the Nazi plan is being set forth factually, coldly and logical ly. A new chapter is being written in every session of the court. We watched Nazidom unfold be fore us step by step — first, in the removal of the physical ability of the German people to resist: then in the gradual substitution of Nazi con cepts for the normal human concepts produced by the Chfistian philoso phy. One of the American attorneys quoted a comment of Dr. Schacht on the effect of the destruction of the freedom of the press. Schacht was quoted as having said, at a time before he knuckled under to Hitler, that thousands of Germans had been killed or imprisoned and not one word was allowed to be printed about it. Of what use is martyrdom, he asked, when it is so concealed that it has no value as an example to others? Therein lies one of the answers to the moral failure of Ger man resistance. By the time the Nazis were ready to fill their concentration camps with their foreign victims, they had ■learned well the art of handling the resistance of their own people and smothering it behind a wall ol aner silence. As the court pointed out, the first purpose of the concentration camps, the persecution, suppression and propaganda, was “the conquest of the German masses.” Each successive step was traced by the prosecution with the same meticulous detail, detail that kept even the prisoners with their ears glued to the headphones and their eyes following the speaker or the ex hibits. Accused Make Brave Show However, for us in the courtroom, more impressive than the things that were done were the men in the pris oners’ dock who actually did them. Goering was no longer a name, he was a person, now leaning back and grinning, now with his arms on the edge of the rail of the dock, his chin resting on them. There was j Rosenberg, whose task was to' twist the minds of the people with his absurd story of a super-race, of anti-semitism. There he sat, looking down, his fingers nervously toying with the telephone cords. There was Keitel, stiff, cold, proud, arrogant, all Prussian in his uni form, stripped though it was of every badge, ribbon and insignia. He maintains himself with dignity, but net for a moment does he forget his pose. At this writing the psychi atric analysis of the prisoners has not been completed and Keitel has not been reported upon, but I dare say his I. Q. will be high, though perhaps not equal to that of Goer ing, who, surprisingly enough, stands right at the top. Goering is tacitly acknowledged as leader by the oth ers. To the observers he appeared still the silly poseur, although he seemed more reasonable appearing than the fat and grinning mannikin I saw as he presided over the Reich stag in his comic opera uniform. Admiral Doenitz, who looks like a pale shadow, is also at the top of the I. Q. list. He remains almost motionless, only occasionally con sulting his attorney, who appears in a German naval uniform as he is on duty with a part of the fleet used in mine sweeping and was released especially for the trial. Down at the bottom of the list so far as intelligence goes is Julius Streicher. Although of far lesser stature than the rest, this miserable character is a symbol of the fall of Nazidom because he is meeting his fate in the city in which he rose to power—a fate at which he him self hinted. Streicher conducted the last class in Nazi indoctrination for lawyers held in this very courtroom where he had been tried by the pre-Nazi authorities for various misdemean ors and perhaps other crimes. As he concluded his last lecture, he pointed to the prisoners’ dock and said: “We used to sit over there, j Now we are standing up here. But there may be a day when we are I sitting down there again.” He IS sitting down there today. In a brand new dock, to be sure, but with the same great iron eagle over the high marble frame of the door way looking down on his cringing iiead. BARBS. . . by Baukhage In the various provinces of France, grape harvesting is ritual ized. In Burgundy the grapes are collected in wicker baskets known as “vendangeots.” In Champagne they are piled in little wooden barrels, or "caques." Wooden bas kets are used in the Bordeaux re gion, buckets in Provence, wicker hods in Medoc, and panniers in the Cote d’or. - — ... I ! Since the inauguration on Decem ber 1, 1945, of radio-telephone com munication between the Netherlands West Indies islands of St. Maarten and Saba, the latter, which is little more than an extinct volcanic cone, with its lone community, known as ‘‘the bottom,” in the crater, is be lieved to be the world’s smallest is land possessing such communication facilities. WANT NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE IN WAGE BILL -- Washington, D C_‘ When my bill amending the Fair Labor Standards Act is discussed in ex ecutive session of the Labor Com mittee, I will make every effort to have a non-discrimination clause inserted” wrote the spon sor of the House 65 cents Mini mum Wage bill. Congressman Frank E. Hook (D., Mich.), to Washington Bureau, NAACP. At the hearings on Hook Mini mum Wage Bill, the NAACP had endorsed the legislation but con tended that it needed an amend ment to protect Negroes and other minority racial groups, from dis criminatory wage diferentials which could be created or perpe tuated by industry committees set up under the proposed bill. Other congressional members of the Labor Committee, which cur- j rently has the measure under cor- 1 sideration, who expressed support; of the NAACP amendment are: Ellis E. Patterson (D., California) Adam C. Powell, Jr. (D., NY), Jesus Pinero, Delegate from Pu-' IkecJlame *7own | Repjo*t&i gin WASHINGTON ^ By Walter Shead WNU Correspondent WHV Washington Bureau, If IS Eye St.. N. W. Congress Should Listen To Voice of the People ■^JOW that a new year has begun, it is a good time to take stock of the Washington scene and the position in which the government finds itself. Scanning the record, that position looks none too good. In the first place, out of the 21-point program which President Truman sent to the congress back in Sep tember, only three points have been acted upon by both houses. These three include the bills to create a single surplus war prop erty administrator, about which more will be written later; to pro vide for limited tax revision; and for government reorganization. Since September, the President in special messages, has asked for uni versal military training, for com pulsory health insurance, and for fact-finding panels and cooling off periods to head off industrial strife. Aside from the three measures passed, all the other presidential proposals have either been emascu lated, held up in committees, or completely ignored up on Capitol Hill. The Pr^fsident has been criti cized in some quarters because he has not gone to bat with congress and fought harder for enactment of his program for reconversion and postwar economy. What of War Powers? And this criticism brings up an important question which the peo ple most certainly should consider if we are to get the most out of our democratic form of government. President Truman still holds his al most unlimited power under the wartime act. Most folks will agree that during wartime it was neces sary that the chief executive exer cise this dictatorial power reaching into almost all phases of our na tional life and national economy. But now that the fighting is over and the country is attempting to get back onto a peacetime basis, the question is; “Shall the President continue to exercise that wartime power?” In other words, the Pres ident could seize all industry tied up in strikes and operate them; he could direct the foreign policy of the nation; he could fix wages and set prices; he could do aD these things and many more under the power that he now holds, but will , lose next June 30. President Truman, however, as was President Roosevelt before him, is loathe to use this power be cause, if he did so, this government in peacetime would be operating as a dictator nation and not as a de mocracy governed by the consent of the governed. And the very organ izations and individuals who are now loud in their criticism of the President, who claim he is lacking in program and initiative, would be the first to raise their voices in pro test over the first dictatorial act. rublic Upimon Kulea This country and its democratic institutions must of necessity be guided by public opinion. No law, no act of our leaders will long with stand the force of an opposing pub lic. The point is, however, what is the opnion of the public on these vital domestic and foreign ques tions? Here in Washington are heard only the voices of the vocal minority and pressure groups. We hear these voices on foreign policy, we hear them on elimination of price and rent control; they are heard on farm questions, surpluses, parity prices, conservation, the Missouri! Valley authority; the question of I strikes . . . what about Russia . . . wage increases ... the cost of living . . . so-called socialized medicine ... a thousand-and-one questions. Are these loud and consistent voices from minority groups here in j Washington the considered opinion of the American public ... of the I men and women in the 16.000 home towns of the nation ... of the 52, 000,000 farm and rural area folks ... of the millions in our teeming cities? It would seem to your home town reporter that now would be a good time to really let our legislators know what the folks back home ac tually think about ah these vital questions. It all boils down to the question of whether the nation, un der our democratic form of govern ment, is to be guided by a unified spoken, public opinion on both for eign and domestic affairs, or wheth er the decisions of the congress and the President are to be controlled by the minority lobbies. Danger of Lobbies These lobbies, however, are so poweilui and persistent, that a real crisis can break out any time. All this talk about the “invisible gov ernment" that we used to hear is not merely wild imagining. There are Hundreds of well-paid, shrewd lobbyists in Washington, all skilled at getting the legislation they want passed for the interests they repre sent. Many are highly successful They constitute a real danger to our traditions of government, and could bring on a disastrous reaction. erto Rico, and Richard J. Welch (R., Calif ) The NAACP appeared before a committee of the New York state legislature Dec. 14 and testified in support of a new bill which would set a minimum wage of 65 cents I an hour in New York state. Mns ' Marion W. Perry represented the NAACP. •For Greater Coverage ADVERTISE IN The Omaha GUIDE! [[THEY’LL NEVER DIE g« IT ' I THIS TALENTED SON OF THE GREAT BISHOP BENJ. TANNER WAS BORN IN PITTSBURGH. PA. 1859. HE 5TUDIED AT THfe PA. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. AND AS A YOUNG ARTIST ILLUSTRATED STORIES FOR HARPERS AT 30 HE MOVED TO PARIS-TO STAY-THERE HE PAINTED HIS GREATEST CANVASE5.' HIS WORKS HANG IN THE WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT ART GALLERIES/ TtF&r HENRY 1" OSSAWA TANNER ' AMERICAS GREATEST ♦ PAINTER OP RELIGIOUS PICTURES/ J, i i • Deaths—Funerals Mr. William Caidwell, 26, 2519 Corby Street died Saturday even ing, December 29, at Cotner Blv’d and Adams Streets, Lincoln, Ne braska, as a result of an automo bile accident. He had been a re sident of Omaha 10 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Lee Caldwell; six step-children, James, Helen Lawrence, Doris, Vi. vian, Marshall, father, Rev. Or lando Caldwell, all of Omaha; 3 uncles and other relatives Fun eral services held Saturday after noon from Thomas Funeral Home with Rev. J. H. Reynolds officia ting, assisted by Rev W. E. Fort and Rev. E. Green. Burial was at Mount Hope Cemetary. Mrs. Richie Thomas, 38 years, 2121 Locust Street, died Sunday December 30 at a local hospital. She is survived by her husband, Mr- James Thomas, Omaha; sister and other relatives. The body was removed Tuesday to Idabel, Okla., for services and burial. Edw Johnson, 50 yrs., 843 So. 24th Street, apartment custodian, died January 2 He is survived by by a son, Amos Johnson of Oma ha. The body is at Thomas Mor uary pending funeral arrange ments. Mr. William Sprangles, 62 years 1317 Pacific, Street, died January 3, at a local hospital. He is sur [ vived by a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth White, Omaha and other relatives. Funeral services were held Sat urday morning from Thomas Fu neral Home with Rev. E Johnson officiating. Burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetary. Mrs. Marion Temple, age 59 years, 2619 Blondo Gtreet, died Friday January 4. She had lived in Omaha four years and was a former resident of St Paul, Minn. She is survived by two sisters; Mrs. Katherine Gaines, 2619 Blon do, with whom she made her home Mrs. Delilah Ellis, Huston, Texas, two brothers, Mr. Lewis McKin ney, Washington, Texas; Mr. Tom McKinney, Houston, Texas; neice, Miss Marion Temple, Omaha, and other relatives. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from Clair Chapel AME Church with >##########»#»»»#*####»##»#»#»## i We wish to Announce 'J ;! THE OPENING OF THE G & J Smoke Shop i ; 2118 NORTH 24th Street i Everything in the Line of I CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & ! ; SOFT DRINKS c Jackson & Godbey, Props. !' 0Mf5/ Do you suffer ’from nervous tension On 'CERTAIN DAYS’ of the month? Helps Build Up Resistance Against Such Distress I Do functional periodic disturbances cause you to feel "nervous as a witch,” so restless. Jittery, hlghstrung, perhaps tired, "dragged out"—at such times? Then don’t delay! Try this great med icine—Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It’s one of the best known and most effective medicines lor t.hu purpose. Pinkham’s Compound helps nature! Taken regularly — It helps build up resistance against such distress. A very sensible thing to do! Positively no harmful opiates or habit forming In gredients In Pinkham's Compound. Also a grand stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Buy today I Jjjdui£.(PiMJkkcwvCa VEGETABLE COMPOUND | Rev C. C. Reynolds officiating assisted by Rev. F. K. Johnson. Pall bearers were: Mr Y. W. Lo gan; Mr. Charles Trimble; Rev. J. E. Wade; Mr. C- N. Pankey. Burial was at Forest Lawn Ce metary. Mr. Leslie Shaw, age 40, 3110 Maple Street, died Friday, Janu ary 4, at a local hospital. Mr. Shaw was a wool presser and had been a resident of Omaha for 10 years He is survived by his wile, Mrs. Phyllis Shaw; daughter, Charlesetta; son, Rudolph, New port, Arkansas. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Thomas Funeral Home with Rev. C. C Reynolds officiating assisted by Rev. M. L. Steele. Pall bearers were: Mr. Ed Mills; Mr. Ernest Lomax; Mr. Charles Griffin, and Mr Charles Young; Mr. Herbert Ellis and Mr. Earl Johnson. Bur ial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery. MR. PHILLIPS PASSES Mr. Tom Phillips of 2874 Corby died Tuesday evening Jan. 8 after a long illness. He was one of Omaha's outstanding citizens also one of the old line waiters and was very well thought of by many friends and will be missed by the old school of waiters. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, three sons and many friends. All we can say is that our hearts are very sad. Our voices all are still. A place is vacant in your home that never can be refilled Johnson Drug Co. 230G North 24th —r'HEE DELIVERY— WE-0998 m m mm IIUIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllHimillll’ 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1 1 for FURNITURE I RUGS, STOVES “Call Us First’’ f NATIONAL R1RNITURE | Company —AT-1725— E 5 w1MllllllltlllllllflliMllll331l!l!lllllllb> Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phone JA.4635 formeny at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16™ ST. |V#|| CHECKED s i v n For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaaeless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask youi druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO -ot\ earner and ndjolnliifr, on southwest corner 21st nnd Grace. Extensive frontline on both 21st nnd Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially suited us Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address IIOX A33« or Call HA-OSOd. We can t make enough Smith Bros. Cough © Drops to satisfy everybody. Our output*is still restricted. Buy only -what you need. Smith Bros, have soothed coughs due to colds since 1847. Black or Menthol—still only 54. . SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS J F BLACK OR MENTHOL—50 jfc