Imperialist Choir Receives Commendation from Presbyterian Minister Dec. 31, 1945 715 South 19th Street, Omaha. Nebraska Prof. Walter Bell c/o Omaha Urban League, 2213 Lake Street , Omaha, Nebraska Dear Mr. Bell— Having been in the city for only a a short time, in our ignorance we accidently arrived at the Urban League last night unaware that it was a community center for colored people; so 1 trust our intrusion may be forgiven. Because I am intensely interested in choral music, the brief mention in the Sunday paper attracted us and I can assure you we were well repaid for the trip. Your ability as a director and ar ranger was well demonstrated throughout the entire program ana gave evidence of your knowledge of harmony so essential to real mus ic appreciation. May I extend hearty congratula tions to the choir for their ability to follow expert leadership. Theii enunciation, rhythm, and breath control was the best I have heard for many a day. The pre-program piano rendition by the accompanist, was a work of art. May his tribe increase. I sincerely hope it may be out privilege to hear your group again. If it is not asking too much, I would appreciate a line from you as to where and when the group will sing. Signed— W. WROTHWELL. Former Pastor First Presbyterian Church. Auburn, Iowa (The above is a letter received by Mr. Walter Bell, Director of the Imperialist Choir, with reference to the program presented at the Urban League on Sunday,- December 3c. The pianist referred to above is Mr. Booker T. Washington. The group appeared at the Ban croft School PTA. meeting Jan uary 10, and a portion of the group will appear at the Cleaves Temple Reception on January 15 at the Cleaves Temple Church, 25th and Decatur streets. DR. HAROLD UREY SPEAKER AT CARVER MEMORIAL MEET Dr. Harold Urey, a Nobel prize winner and noted atomic bomb expert will be the principal science speaker at the Carver Memorial meeting honoring the late Dr. George Washington Carver which will be held here (NY) Sunday January 13 at Abyssinian Baptist Church. Dr F D Patterson, presi dent of Tuskeegee will also be a principal speaker. I_ •n PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’* Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. DICE•CARDS Pailaet Die, Magic Die*, Magic Card* —RIA D THM BACKS — laka, DaaK Pakar Cklpa. Gaaalag Laroala. Dlea Baaaa. Caaalar Gaaiaa, Psaak kaarda. WMlfl FOl CATALOG TO DAI. K. C. CARD COMPANY 1212 W. Washington Ulvd ■ Chicago 7. Illinois /- .■■■.. PRESIDENT SPEAKS TO THE NATION Washington, D C, Soundphoto— Broadcasting from the White House, President Harry S. Tru man carried his fight for adoption of his reconversion legislation pro gram to the nation. He also dwelt on problems confronting the na tion, especially management-labor strife and its threat to prosperity. LEGION SEEKS TAPELESS BILL Washington, D. C.—Necessary changes in administrative regula tions and rules to conform with the liberalization of the GI Bill of Rights as amended by Congress, will now be sought by the Ameri can Legion. This is entirely an American Legion bill said National Legisla tive Director John Thomas Tay lor We fathered the original bill in 1944, and we sponsored the amendments now enacted into law National Commander John Stelle has named a special Legion 'watch dog’ committee which will stand by to see that the operations of the amended bill are not again hamstrung by administrative re gulations and rules not in accord with the original intent of Con gress. Director Taylor listed the major changes in the bill as follows: 1. The loan guarantee is raised from $2,000 to $4,000. 2. The honorable discharge be comes the veteran’s certificate of eligibility for a GI loan No Future Deduction 3. No GI Bill benefits shall be deducted from any future benefits. 4. Real estate and farm loans made on the appraisal of a Veter ans Administration certified ap praiser no longer require V.'A ap proval. 5. Operational business loans ■ and loans made by an individual I private lender require V A appro val. 6 Educational subsistence alio*’ ances are raised to $65 a month for single veterans and $90 for those with dependents, and to not less than $105 for the disabled veteran. 7. The age factor of 25 years for educational benefits is entirely eliminated. 8. Recognized correspondence schools are made available. 9- On short intensive education al courses, the full amount of ben efits is allowed. For example, any verteran can take in one year, the four year’s course. 10. Americans who fought in the service of Allied governments are made eligible for GI Bill bene , fits. 11. The word ‘normal is re moved from the former require ment of ‘reasonable normal value’ and loans are based on ‘reasonable value’. 12. The amortization period on farm loans is raised to 40 years and on homes to 25 years. TRUMAN COMMENDED FOR USES BILL VETO Washington, ,D C.—President Truman's veto of the bill which would return the United States Employment Service to state con trol deserves the highest praise, the NAACP telegraphed the Chief Executive. We shall do our utmost to persuade the members of Con gress to defeat any attempt to override the veto said the NAACP message. On two previous occa sions the Association has urged President Truman to veto the pro posal, charging that under state control Negroes had more diffi culty securing jobs than under the Federal Government. The following statement was issued today by Mr. Perry How and member of the Republican i>a ard. prominent Negro attorney tional Committee. "I hope that the Negroes of this country will not be misled by the magnificent but empty gestures made by the Administration last week to cloak the President's FEPC with magic. Magic would do away with job discrimination. On ly a Permanent FEPC law, enac ted by Congress will do that, and only the Republican Party, as his tory and the failures of the De mocratic Party have proven, can make possible the enactment of such a law. “As long as the Democratic Par ty continues to be dominated by race-rabid soutr.ern agitators and and filibusterers, the Democratic Thrifty Service... =£zi: ' m • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY CO* AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb... • Th.t includes the ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel fifeturned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson - - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St WE. 1029 O’SULLIVAN NEW UTILITIES DISTRICT BOARD CHAIRMAN Eugene D. O’sullivan, prominent Omaha attorney, was chosen un animously as chairman of the board of directors of the Metro politan Utilities District for 1946 at the annual election of officers January 2. W. O Larson, Omaha real est ate man, was elected vice-chair man. Mr. O’Sullivan succeeds Frank Frost, retiring chairman, and Mr. Larson takes the place of Dr. Willard H. Quigley, retiring vice chairman. Appointments to the various operating committees of the board of directors will be made by Mr. O’Sullivan at the next regular meeting of the board “We will continue our policy of many years standing, which is to give the people of Omaha the fin est possible gas and water service at the lowest possible cost,” Mr. O’Sullivan said after his election. Party holds no houi for the Ne gro- But the Republican Party does not intend to sit Dack idly while the Democratic Party wal lows in its weaknesses and Ne groes are given surveys when they want equal job opportunities. As a member of the Republican Na tional Committee, I recommend the Republicans in the Senate and' House who are now initiating a j campaign to force the Democratic ,! Party to go along on passage of 1 the Permanent FEPC bill imme diately after Congress convenes. I pledge them my support and I hope that the public will back them in every possible way. Urban League Hits at FHA Racial Policies The National Urban League hit again this week at FHA racial po. licies in testimony before the Sen ate Banking and Currency Com. mittee in support of the Wagner Ellender-Taft General Housing Bill. Reginald Johnson, the Lea gue’s Field Services Director, who gave the testimony quoted Gun nar Myrdal, author of An Amer ican Dilemma, contributing the failure of the FHA to help Ne. groes directly traceable to the po licy of segregation used by pri vate institutions, using the pass age: This is a serious one for the Negro and is particularly harmful since the FHA has become the outstanding factor or leader in the nlanning of new housing. It seems irobable that the FHA has even jrought about a greatly increased lse of all sorts of restrictive cov enants and deed restrictions that rre the most reliable legal means >f keeping Negroes confined to heir ghettos. The members of the Committee showed tremendous interest in the criticisms that were laid before them concerning the FHA, and Johnson was questioned at length concerning the FHA policy, one Senator even showing consider- j able surprise to find that the bias existed,. Anti Bias Clause Suggested The League representative also rcommended that the Committee amend the Housing Bill by insert ing a clause requiring the provi sion of this bill shall be made available solely on the basis of need and economic qualification without regard to race, religion, color, or national origin; and that the National Housing Administr. I ator; in discharging his responsi bility of the several consti tuent agencies, shall acquire com. pliance from each agency with this provision This clause was suggested, he told the Committee, on the basis of observation and study of past experience. We are impelled to i the conviction, said Johnson, that all the benefits of this bill will not be readily extended to racial minority groups according to the needs and economic qualifications of that group unless there is a legislative mandate to that effect. Urged Speedy Enactment The League urged the speedy enactment of the legislation, how ever, describing it as the first ray of hope for some sustantial alle viation of our intolerable housing conditions the enactment of the United States Housing Act of 1937 praising it specifically for a com prehensive housing program for every income group, with due re gard for the needs of veterans and with recognition of the roots of the housing problem. Pointing to Title VI of the Bill, which provides for acquisition ot land, Johnson declared that, from the viewpoint of Negroes and other minority groups, this pro vision met one of the two chief criteria for testing the efficiency of any housing legislation. Larger Funds for Public Housing Johnson urged a larger authori zation of funds available for pub. i lie housing, to insure decent living j conditions for more than half the total population with income lev els below the $1,000 per year. The League expressed concern for the millions of families caught in between the bottom rents of private housing and the top rents of public housing. It appears, the testimony ran that this gap requirement would legislate a no-man’s land of fam ilies to whom this Congress would be saying a decent home in a suitable environment for every American family except you whose incomes fall just above the group eligible for public housing and just below those for whom decent housing is provided by pri vate enterprise. In order to provide for this one group, Johnson suggested an ad. ministrative determination of top rents to prevent public-private housing competition. The League especially commen ded the Committee for lower in come benefits including: libera lization of the conditions limiting PHONE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWS Miniiimmii i in riminriin CALL MISS DELORE HALL. JA-3215. financing and remodeling of ex isting housing with FHA aids, the builder’s warranty clause so ess ential to protect consumers from 3hoddy construction with FHA aids, and the lapse payment clause which is a vital complement to the measures encouraging home own ership for families in the lower income group with FHA aids. PRESIDENT TRUMAN’S MOVE FOR FEPC MERE GESTURE A Philip Randolph, Internation al President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters stated that President Truman's belated effort to develop a survey of the facts by the existing FEPC agency bearing on discrimination during the reconversion period is a futile gesture. Government Agencies are in possssion of ample facts con cerning this question. No new facts are ncssary and this sugges tion coming from the White House can only serve to delay legislative action which is the primary and commanding issue before the min orities in particular and the Negro in general. The President has the power and the facilities for mob ilizing the Senate and House lea ders to put the FEPC legislation over and this is the one single de mand that the Negro people in particular and all minorities in general make upon him concluded Mr. Randolph. SEGREGATION STILL RULE IN ARMY CAMPS Washington, D. C—Segregation is still the rule in many army camps, according to a report sent to Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson on Deiember 30, by the NAACP. Out of fifteen camps visited by Jesse O. Dedmon, Jr-, secretary of veteran’s affairs for the NAACP more than half were found to be ignoring War department Mem orandum No. 97, which prohibits segregation. Only Aberdeen Pro ving Grounds in Maryland got a clean bill of health. Of this post the report said all facilities, both recreational and others, were found to be open to all men sta tioned at the post regardless of race, creed or color. Ft. Bragg, N C and Ft. Benning Ga., were found to have a policy of complete segregation. Ft Dix, New Jersey had separate barracks and mess quarters and separate separation facilities. At Pope field, near Ft. Bragg, not only were seperate facilities found, but Negro soldiers were being used in menial servant's jobs and those working in officers’ clubs weren't being paid the compensation re quired by regulations. At Ft. Benning Negro soldiers AK-SAR-BEN ICE SNOW OPENS JANUARY 14 Ice Follies and Ice Capades, ong recognized as the top names in musical ice shows, have com bined resources to produce Ice Cycles of 1946. And that all-new frozen fantasy will play an eight day engagement at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, Omaha, starting Mon day, January 14. World-famous skating cham pions, lavish costumes, lovely girls, beautiful lighting and gay settings and props have been blended ex pertly at high speeds to make Ice Cycles of 1946 one of the greatest musical productions in the enter tainment wTorld. The Shipstads and Johnson of Ice Follies and John H. Harris of Ice Capades, that automatically assure the best in well-rounded and rapidly-paced entertainment, have given their first-hand expe rience and ability to stage the new musical ice extravaganza. And they have engaged the best ice •kating pro'duction directors who Include Mary Jane Lewis of Broad way and Hollywood, and Fran ~ Claudet, former Canadian skating champion, both of Ice Follies; and Rosemarie Stewart, former British blade titleholder and Ice Capades director. Ice Cycles of 194 6 feature such ice stars as Marilyn Quinn and Eleanor Meister, lovely Ice Capades star; Robin Lee, five times United States singles champion and head liner with Ice Capades; Bob Turk, Pacific Coast champion, with a touch of the modern in his skat ing; Henry Lie, twice Norwegian figure-skating champion; Buddy Lewis, barrel-jumper and stunt skater; beautiful Jane Zeiser, Ice Follies queen, and such comedy favorites as Ted Meza, Howard Sullivan, Dick Mershon and Ar thur Nelles. Lovely girls include Nadine Thompson, Margaret Field, Jean Arlen, Jean Crystall, and many others. Mail orders for Ice Cycles of 1946 should be sent direct to the : Omaha Coliseum Corporation, 63rd and Shirley, Omaha, Neb., with a stamped self-addressed envelop* enclosed for return of the ticket*. about to be shipped overseas were placed in a stockade to keep them from going AWOL, but no such treatment was accorded white sol diers. Complete segregation was to be found at Camp Mabry and Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla At the lat ter camp, civilians in the post ex change refused to • serve Negro soldiers until all white had been served. Negro officers were not permitted to eat in the officers’ mess or live in officers’ quarters. At MacDill field, Fla., enlisted men stated that German prisoners of war had directed them to sit in certain places in the mess hall or they could not be served. Negro doctors and nurses at Camp Livingston, La., could not treat other than Negro patients and could not use either the offi cers’ club or mess. Negro and white prisoners in the stockade were separated. Walter Whit#, NAACP secre tary, urged Secretary Patterson to make a prompt investigation I and take vigorous steps to correct , the conditions ' O’DWYER’S HOUSING GROUP GUARANTEES NO JIM CROW New York—According to May or-Elect ©’Dwyer’s emergency Committee there will absolutely be no discrimination in the tem perary housing set up in the city. Said a member of the committee the subject of discrimination was not ignored at our meetings but very much stressed. It was un. animously decided to omit it from the report because of the obvious policy of no discrimination laid down by the state and city. New York’s policy was establi shed in a local law enacted July 3, 1944, which prohibited any tax exemption for a housing or re development project which discri minates on the account of the race, color, or creed of any per son. j Squash The Wolf Outside Their Door 0* (Drawn for Victory Clothing Collection by F. O. Alexander, Philadelphia C.d'.tin.) ! Tuscaloosa, Ala.: Convalescing service men visit the USO club where 1 a few hours of relaxation away from hospital routine help to keep morals high. USO hostesses entertain with music, suitable games and conver sation. The favorite topic is still “Home”. More than 500 USO clubs are located near hospitals caring for service men. | Cancer Struck AU Three | © Memorial Cancer Center Between the ages of 5 and 19 years, cancer kills more children than all of the following diseases combined: Scarlet Fever, Infantile Paralysis, Typhoid Fever, Meningitis, Peritonitis, Diptheria, Dysen tery, Diarrhea and Malaria. The American Cancer Society states that, contrary to common misconception, cancer is not solely a disease of middle or old age. Guard those you love from this scourge of childhood. So far the State'War Council in Albany has set $600,00 for em ergency housing and the Division of the Budget added $1,500,00 from the State Emergency Ke leas Fund. 43,000 temperary units will be erected immediately and they will house 140,000 YOUTH DELEGATES HIT MILITARY TRAINING Wilberforce. O_Opposition to peacetime military training was voted here December 30 by dele gates to the 7th annual NAACP youth conference Resolutions also hit restrictive coveenants and ur ged a Federal program of low cost housing as embodied in. the. pending General Housing bill. Sup port was urged for the United Nations organization and for the Wagner-Murray-Dingell social se curity legislation. The conference voted to meet in New Orleans, on November 21-24, 1946. Bernard Jackson of Boston, Mass., was elected chairman; Daniel Neusom Detroit, vice-chairman; Nancy Whitaker, Cincinnati, sec'y; and Eleanor Cunningham, Chicago, assistant secretary. ORGANIZING CAMPAIGN OF PULLMAN CAR CLEANERS The campaign to organize the Pullman Car Cleaners and Yard Forces throughout the nation by the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters according to A. Philip Randolph, International President at the headquarters in New York City is moving promisingly for ward. Mr. Randolph states that this is one of the largest groups of railroad workers of the nation in any particular craft or class or industry and that the Brother hood is waging a militant fight to represent them for the improve ment of their wages and working conditions. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY^^BE HOST TO MIDWEST ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Lincoln University’s department of Health and Physic’al education will be host to the Directors or Women's Physical Education in a meeting on January 19, to plan a program of women's activities sponsoder by the association. Mem ber schools of the organization include Kentucky State College. Lincoln University (Mo), Tennes see State College, Philander Smith College, and Wilberforce Univer sity. Delegates are expected from ach member school. . Women members of the depart ment at the entertaining school are Mrs. Myrtle Livingston, Mrs. Jacquelin Rhodes, and Miss Eve lyn Walker. David D. Rains is acting head of the department. IS NEGRO DOLLS g ; | Every home should have a Col- ' ored Doll. We offer in this sale !! I;two flashy numbers. With hair,;; moving eyes, shoes, stockings, j I ;;nicely dressed. Price $4.98 and;; ; $6.59. If C. O. D. postage ex- ]; [Ira. Dealers— Agents wanted.;; ; | Write National Co„ 254 West; I 135th St., New York, 30. ;> Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for :oughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds In cold wintry Canada Is Buck ley’s "CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing. triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged In the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Plne Balsam and other soothing healing Ingre dients Buckley’s "CANADIOL” Mixture Is different from anything you ever tried. Get i bottle today at aoy good drug store. Latest Hot Race Records... “20-20 Blues” TQ “Cold Winter Papa”—Delores Brown ... ■*** “Hey Boogie” 105 Cecil Shant . “You Gonna Cry” 105 “Cecil Knows Better Now” Cecil Shant.. j “Standing at My Window” 07 My Mama Don’t Allow Me’ by Roy Crudap Ed. Patton Music Co. “Headquarters for Race Records” 1916 Farnam Street JA-4779 |