The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 05, 1946, Image 1

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■ LOCAL & NATL NEWS-lOc per copy “AND WORTH IT” ■
■fa_“Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC.” ^
_ . , _ _ i r% a r* A 104.1. TTn „ -Wa. 40 1 in. T)., * Entered as 2nd class matter at Post- oft ice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of
Saturday, January 5, 1946 Our 18th Year—No. 48 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ March 8( 1874. Publishing offices at 2420 Grant street, Omaha, Nebr
„ (by Charles Jackson)
After being pressured into a very bad spot when
it became public that 132 homeward bound Negro
troops were denied passage on the aircraft carrier
Croatan, Secretary of the Navy Forrestai announc
ed the following order:
“In theih attitude and day to day conduct of at
faisr Naval officers and enlisted men shall adhere
rigidly and impartially to Naval regulations (?) in
which no distinction is made between individuals
wearing the Naval uniform or the uniform of any of
the Armed Services of the United Stale* because of
race or color. ”
The slightly overdue discovery of such ‘ regula
tions” will indeed b ews to thi hundreds of thou
sands of Negro saiL ho were relegated through
out the war to the di0™*^ . most dangerous and most
servile assignments uu^er most rigid conditions of
enforced segregation. It will be news to the many
qualified Negro and Jewish college graduates,
pharmacists, dentists and doctors who were forced
to serve as menial laborers and weer denied comm
issions reserved for white gentiles. The existence
of such a liberal Navy policy should also be quite
informative to the 50 Negro sailors of Port Chicago
who protested the all-Negro assignment to the am
munition depots where 300 of their comrades were
blown to bits. The honorable Secretary Forrestai
can contact these boys in the various federal peni
tentiaries wheer they are serving 8 to 15 year
stretches for “mutiny.”
* ******
“The struggle of the Indonesians, the Indians and
the peoples of the colonial countries for independ
ence" is directly related to the fight of the American
Negro for complete democracy in the United Stat
es. ” So said Oloster Current, executive secretary
of the Detroit Natioanl Association for the Ad-,
vancement of Colored People. Bravo! Brother
Current. Truer words were never spokep. Now
when will you and the rest of the leadership of this
powerful organization begin really turning your
weight against the real enemy of Negro equality
and of colonial liberation—American monopoly
capitalism with its expanding imperialist trendi
One practical part of that program would be the
launching of a campaign now by the NAACP for
the formation of an independent Labor Party, to
show that the Negres are ready to break with the
old-line capitalist parties, the stooges of Big Busi
ness and the benefactors of both Jim Crowism and
continued colonial slavery.
The Washington branqh of the Stalinist-controll
ed National Negro Congress recently picketed the
White House demanding the ouster of Secretary of
State Byrnes and the retention of the Fair Employ
ment Practices Commission (FEPC). During the
recent “peoples’ war” when tens of millions of the
world’s workers paid with their lives for the four
fold enrichment of Wall Street corporations and for
the continued enslavement of two-thirds of the
earth’s poulation in the colonial countries, these lo
cal stooges of Stalin were spending their time dis
suading Negroes from making any militant move a
gainst army Jim Crow as “subject to embarrass
Roosevelt”-who, in truth, apointed Truman who
appointed Byrnes.
Not content with giving up the struggle against
discrimination, the Stalinists also had to utilize
their talents in manufacturing a bedtime story of
how the “litle Hitlers” over here would all melt a
way as soon as we got enough “unity” with the A
merican ruling class to go across the pond and make
“big Hitler” bite the dust. Of course, people like
A. Philip Randolph who wanted to march on Wash
ington to demand fair employment practices, and an
end to government Jim Crow at that time were con
demned as “under the influence of those lowest of
snakes. .. .the Trotskyite fifth columnists.” Such
is the degeneracy of the Stalinist betrayers who op
enly stand for such bare-faced hypocrisy on so fun
damental an issue as the struggle for minority rights
^ ******
George Schuyler, columnist for the Pittsburgh
Courier, takes the cake for literary sleight-of-hand.
He castigates with equal fury monopoly capitalism
and its opposite. .Socialism. Given a wealth of
ammunition by the flip-flop tactics of the Followers
of Stalin who fraudently call themselves “commun
ists” Schuyler has developed lately into one of the
most vicious red-baiters in the country, back or
He recently stated that none of the “political”
groups was objecting to the slaughter of Indones
ians. Evidently someone informed him of the pres
ent and past activity of the Socialist Workers Party
in fighting against the imperialist subjugation of
the colored eolonals for he made this slurred and
conttradictorv correction the following week: No
political groups were fighting for immediate free
dom of the colonial people.except those wlo had
a motive of—“Political partisanship.”
The Negro left-wingers, says Schuyler in the Dec.
22 issue, “ . .have no real program for their people
and never had.” Although this super-cvnic do'
not counterpose his program for the elimination of
racial discrimination, he should at least review
some of his own statements of the past before jump
ing to such erroneous conclusions.
===--- ' -== ■ - ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ==== gj
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(CNS Photo)
Mrs. Powell
New Yo>-kt (IPS): Hazel Scott
recently informed her husband,
Congressman Adam C. Powell, Jr.
that she was going to have a baby.
The idol of Cafe Society and pop
ular star of radio, stage and screen
admiting the stress of appearing
before the concert stage and pre
paring to meet the stork had her
in a whirl tola the writer that she
had cancelled har tour which was
to have extended through 1945,
1946 and 1947, with bookings in
many European cities.
More than 100,000 persons in
various sections Of the US and
Canada have witnessed the artist
in her latest triumph. It has been
reported that the gross receipts
was the greatest received by any
pianist for such a stellar perform
ance. Playing to capacity crowds,
every engagement was a complete
sell-out months in advance.
In only one instance did the tour
hit a snag—if it might be termed
as such, that was when the artist
was barred from Constitution Hall
in the nation's capital by the DAR.
The deplorable incident, if it was
intended to besmirch Miss Scott,
or even her congressman husband,
did nothing of the sort. In fact,
the publicity aided the nation’s No
1 concert pianst in becoming a box
office smash success with distinc
The tour netted unanimous i
praise from the press Besides be-1
ing a financial success it proved |
that both Miss Scott and her hus
band, the handsome congressman
preacher-publisher were America’s
sweethearts, inasmuch as the cou
ple were the target of many sen
sational yellow journals. Climaxed
with an engagement at Carnegie
Hall on November 26 last, the
tour provided entertainment su
per-duper. Engaging in classics j
by noted composers and highligh
ted by her own original composi
tions, Miss Scott was accompan
ied at intervals by an instrumen
tal trio led by Gene Cedric.
But to Miss Scott having a very
grand baby is more important
-han having a baby grand!
New York, NY, December' 29
In the office of 4he Brotherhood
of Sleeping Car Porters in New
York City, A. Phillip Randolph,
International President stated
that nothing was ever more plain
than the fact that bills S101 and
HR 2232 for a permanent federal
fair employment practice commiL
tee can be enacted in the 79th
Congress. The only thing necess
ary to put this legislation through
Congress over the rabble-rousing
■==-=■ ^ ~'= 1 -- ■ --- ... ' =ZX
Ask Coast Guard Probe In Mulzac Treatment In Smuggling
Washington, D C—A request I
that a full investigation be made
of the incident reported from Mar"
seilles November 23-24 in which
Captain Hugh Mulzac, of the Li
berty Ship Booker T. Washington
was accused of trying to smuggle
a German woman into the United ’
States has been telegraphed to \
Admiral Joseph F. Farley of the
United States Coast Guard by the
The facts in the case are very
meager, but according to crew
members a German woman was
found aboard the Booker T. Wash
ington before it sailed, and her
luggage was discovered in the cu
stody of the ship’s butcher, A
lieutenant (j. g) of the Coast
Guard at Marseilles is reported
as having accused Captain Mul
zac of giving the woman shelter
aboard the ship for the purpose of
permitting her to attempt to enter
the United States illegally. The
Booker T. Washington was said to
have been detained 29 hours at
Marseilles while the Coast Guard
officer conducted a trial of Cap
tain of Mulzac. The woman is re
ported to have come aboard ship
up the main gangplank under the
eyes of US military police.
The NAACP wire said that in
view of Captain Mulzac’s exem
plary record during the war we
demand complete investigation of
incident and proper disciplinary
action if Coast Guard officer be
haved as reported in Marseilles.
filibuster of Bilboism and south
ernism and also the die-hard Tory
ism of the Manufactures Associa
tion, is for the Negro masses and
other minorities including Jews,
Catholics etc. to rear upon their
hindlegs and fight with all their
might by holding endless mas3
meetings and sending letters, tele
grams, postcards and make tele,
phone calls to the White House,
leaders of the Senate and House
in the interest of these bills. The
National Council for a Permanent
FEPC headed by Ann Arnold
Hedgeman is leading the way and
has built the foundation upon
which victory in Congress for such 1
blls can be achieved concluded [
Mr. Randolph.
Omahans packed the auditorium
at the Urban League and were
delighted with the initial recital
of the Imperialist Choral group
Sunday, December 30. The group
was presented by the Omaha Ur
ban League and the Zeta Phi Beta j
The programme opened with a I
saxophone solo by Mr,. Willie Da-1
vis accompanied by Air., Booker I
T. Washington at the piano. Mr |
Washington then rendered a piano
solo- Miss Young Lee Sims was
the soloist in Mr. Paul Briggs s
arrangement of ‘‘Rocka My Sou!'
and the group then sang “I’m so
Glad’’ and “Until I Found Tiie
Lord”, both arranged by the bril- j
liant director of the group, Mr. '■
Bell. Then “Please, Jesus" arran-:
ged by Briggs was rendered to
complete the first group.
The second group included "Oh
Holy Night”, Mrs. Colleen St Clair
soloist; and "The Lords Prayer"
with Mr. Briggs soloist; “Joy to
the World” and “Silent Night"
with Airs. St Claif again in the
role of soloist and "Poor Little Je
sus Boy” was sartg in the back
ground as Mr. Duward R. Crooms ,
narrated the story of Christmas.
A male quartet composed of
Bell, Briggs, George Miles and
Clarence Smith then thrilled the
audince with two of Bell’s ar
rangements, “Go Tell it on the
Mountain” and "Jingle Bells".
For the closing group, the cho
rus sang "White Chrastmas” and
“O Come, All Ye Faithful” as ar
ranged by Bell and closed with thc
audience joining in the singing of
Berlin’s “God Bless America”.
All present were liberal in the
praise bestowed on the group and
their young director, Mr Waiter
Bell. They are looking forward to
In frequetn columns and on almost every lecture
platform Schuyler will poitn out that neither the
Democrats nor the Republicans can bring freedom I
for the Negro because they are only stooges of Big
Business which invariably stands to profit from di
viding the working people.
Now after this analysis, how Brother Schuyler
can say with a straight face that the Marxists ‘ ‘have
no program'’ when they are continually calling for
a Workers’ Government with the construction of a
Socialist Society where it would be impossible for
any class to profit from exploitation or racial perse
cution—how he can contradict his own logic, then,
in such a way—I am sure can easily be explained by
Southern Conference No. 1 Enemy
of the South, Says Theodore Bilbo
The Bilbois plague is still men
acing uemocracy in the United
States. The most recent outburst
is the violent attack on the Sou
thern Conference for Human Wel
fare in which Bilbo says, If I were
called upon to name the Number
One Enemy of the South today, it
would be the Southern Conference
for Human Welfare. The question
may be properly asked as to who
Vould call on Bilbo for such a des
ignation. The people who know
Bilbo would have little doubt as
to who was the South’s number
one enemy. The letter from Sen
ator Bilbo in full follows:
James A. Dombrowski
Executive Secretary
Southern Conference for Human
506-507 Presbyterian Building
Nashville3, Tenn.
Dear Dombrombrowski:
I have just received through a
friend of mine in Jackson, Miss.,
two sheets that your un-American
negro social equality, communi
stic, mongrel outfit is sending out
throughout the country in your
mad desire to build up a factual
case against the right and prero
gative of a United States Senator
or Senators to filibuster any ob
jectionable legislation that is pro
posed in this great body.
Of course your immediate aim
is to secure the passage of the un
democratic, un-American anti-poll
tax bill which is now pending on
the Calender of the United States
Senate by defeating the right and
powr of Senators to object by fili
buster. In other words you are
trying to bull-doze and intimidate
members of the Senate who are
conscientiously opposed to this un
American piece of legislation
Filibustering in the Senate has
Deen a right and prerogative since
the adoption of the Constitution
of the United States and it has
been resorted to by Senators of
great renown in the past to defeat
vicious legislation and it can be
truthfully said that there has ne
ver been a successful filibuster
throughout the 150 pears of the
Republic but what time has shown
that it was wise and best for the
people and the Nation.
Beginning last December I per
sonally stopped the passage of the
so-called Land Grant Railroad bill
by a threatened filibuster and by
continuing this fight this session
hearing this group in future pre
L? ...
Files For
ELGIN, Nebr. —Val Peterson,
former lieutenant colonel in the
army air forces and publisher of
the Elgin Review, this week filed
for the Republican nomination for
The stocky, 42-year-old World
War II veteran filed at Neligh,
county seat of Antelope county,
and at the secretary of state’s of
fice at Lincoln. •
Peterson is not a newcomer to
Nebraska politics. He was man
ager of Sen. Hugh Butler’s success
I was able to secure an amend
ment to this piece of legislation
fixing the date of its effectiveness
on October 1, 1946, and through
this period of 22 months that 1
kept this bill from becoming law
I was able to place in the Trea
sury of the United States for the
benefit of the taxpayers of this Re -
public about one-half Billion Dol
lars, and then you tell me that fil
ibustering is not a wise thing to
do and besides since I have beer,
in the Senate I have personally
assisted in filibustering to death
on different occasions the so
called anti-lynching bill as well as
(continued on pagrejjggp'8)
From January 14-31 contributions to a Mile O’Dimes stand in front
of the Apollo Theatre, 253 West 125th Street, New York City, will be
made by many persons who want poliomyelitis conquered. Under
the auspices of the Greater New York Chapter of the National Founda
tion for Infantile Paralysis, this Mile O’ Dimes stand is being con
ducted by the Upper Manhattan March of Dimes Committee, an
interracial group of leaders.
Pictured here are some of the committee members, namely (left to
right), Mrs. Gertrude A. Robinson, president of the National Sorority
of Phi Delta Kappa, co-chairman; Edward J. Bernath, principal of
P S 186, Manhattan, co-chairman; Mrs. Estelle Massey Riddle and
Mrs Bessie Buchanan. Others on the committee are Jack Blumstem,
the Rev. John H. Johnson, Col. Leopold Philipp, Miss Susan B. Plant,
Frank Scbiffman and Atty. Hope R. Stevens.
Contributions to the 125th Street Mile O’ Dimes stand will provide
aid for infantile paralysis victims, regardless of age, race, creed or
color. Only through your continued support will the National Foun
dation be able to carry on and intensify its efforts to strdte down
infantile paralysis, the common enemy of all the people.—Photo by
Morgan Smith Studio. New v'*rk. _ _
■Bg rrj.qL, . - i .fci1, '■■ii .i I.... ii,-,.'n. 1
ful primary and general election
campaigns in 1940 and was secre
tary to Gov. Dwight Griswold in
1941 and 1942. He took an ac
tive part in the 1938 gubernator
ial campaign and assisted Rep.
Karl Stefan in congressional cam
paigns in 1934 and 1936.
During the Butler senatorial
campaign and as secretary to Gov.
Griswold, Peterson spoke in most
of the state’s 93 counties and builf
up an acquaintanceship in hun
dreds of cities, towns, villages and
country crossroads.
The candidate resigned as Gris
wold’s secretary in May 1942 to
enter the army air forces. He
spent 44 months in the air forces,
24 of which were in the China
IndiaiBurma theatre- He was
chief of plans and operations of
the Northern Air Service Area
Command at Chabua, Assam, In
dia for 21 months and participat
ed in supervising movement of
supplies over the Hump into
China. Peterson wa3 awarded the
Bronze Star medal for his servic
es in the bitter Burma campaign.
Peterson had four brothers in
the service. One, Capt. Paul Peter
son, was killed at St. Lo during
the invasion of Normandy.
Peterson was born to Henry C.
and Hermanda Swanberg Peter
son at Oakland, Nebr., on July 18,
1903. He was christened Freder
ick Valdemar Erastus Peterson,
but has been known since child
News Reporter
Miss Delores E. Hall, lovely
daughter of Mr. George Hall, born
and reared in Omaha who lives at
2208 Charles, has been added to
the staff of the Omaha Guide in
the capacity of news reporter and
subscription solicitor. If its news,
we want it! Give Miss Hall a ring,
JA 3217.
hool as ‘ Val”. He filed under the
name, Val.
He attended high school at
Wayne and was graduated from
Nebraska Teachers College at
Wayne in 1927 with an A. B de
gree. He received a Master of
Arts degree from the University
of Nebraska in 1931. He did three
years of graduate work at the uni
versity while instructing classes
in government.
He was superintendent of
schools at Elgin for six years and
has 13 years’ teaching experience.
He coa’ched athetics and taught at
Carrol, Madosin and Kimball.
In 1936 Peterson purchased the
Elgin Review of which he is still
editor and publisher.
Peterson worked his way thru
high school and college carrying
the hod> plowing corn and one
summer cooked on a Northwest
ern Railroad bridge gang.
A former president of district
three of the state teachers associ
ation, Peterson has been secretary
and president of the Elgin Com
mercial Club and a director of the
Nebraska Association of Comm
ercial Organization Secretaries.
He served as a director of the
Northeast Nebraska Press Asso.
ciation and as secretary for the
Oakdale Scribner Branch Organi
zation to fight train service re
moval. He is a member of several
honorary and professional clubs
and fraternities.
Peterson was married in 1929 to
Elizabeth Pleak, a native of Oma
ha. Mrs Peterson lived in Omaha
during her husband's military
4 January 31
Men now in the Army who re
enlist before February 1 will
be reenlisted in their present
grade. Men honorably dis
charged can reenlist within 20
days after discharge in the
grade they held at the time of
discharge, provided they re
enlist before February 1, 1946.
There’s a long list of attractive
reenlistment privileges in the
new Armed Forces Voluntary
Recruitment Act of 1945. The
ability to keep your present
grade is only one of them, but
this privilege expires on
January 31.
There are plenty of other
reasons why many thousands
of men have enlisted, and more
thousands are enlisting every
day. You’ll certainly want to
know all of the opportunities
open to you. If you’ll read
them carefully, you’ll know
why a job in the new peace
time Regular Army is being
regarded today as “The Best
Job in the World.”
1. Enlistments for lVi, 2 or 3 years.
( 1-year enlistments permitted for men
now in Army with 6 months’ service.)
2. Enlistment age from 17 to 34 years
inclusive, except for men now in Army,
who may reenlist at any age.
3. Men reenlisting retain present grades,
if they reenlist within 20 days after
discharge and before February 1, 1946.
4. The best pay scale, medical care,
food, quarters and clothing in Army
5. An increase in the reenlistment
bonus to $50 for each year of active
service since such bonus was last paid,
or since last entry into service.
6. Up to 90 days’ paid furlough, de
pending on length of service, with fur
lough travel paid to home and return,
for men new in Army who enlist.
7. A 30-day furlough every year at full
8. Mustering-out pay (based upon
length of service) to all men who are
discharged to reenlist.
9. Option to retire at half pay for life
after 20 years’ cervice — increasing to
three-quarters pay after 30 years’ ser
vice. All previous active federal mili
tary service counts toward retirement.
10. Benefits under the GI Bill of
11. Family allowances for the term of
enlistment for dependents of men who
enlist before July 1, 1946.
12. Opportunity to learn one or more
of 200 skills and trades.
13. Choice of branch of service and
overseas theater in the Air, Ground or
Service Forces on 3-year enlistments.
PAY PER MONTH- s m?iS?£r
ENLISTED MEN »«• P»y income afte«:
Per 20 fears' 30 fears'
l« Addition In Food, Lndpn. Master Sergeant Monfh Seryic* Sery,c«
Clothe* sod Mediesl Car* or First Sergeant $138.00 $89.70 $155.25
★ Technical Sergeant 114.00 74.10 128.25
(a)—Plus 20% Increase for Staff Sergeant . . 96.00 62.40 108.00
Service Overseas, (b)—Plus Sergeant .... 78.00 50.70 87.75
50% if Member of Flying Corporal . . . 66.00 42.90 74.25
Crews, Parachutist, etc. (c) _ .
-Plus 5% Increase In Pay Pr|vatc First Class . 54.00 35.10 60.75
for Each 3 Years of Service. Private .... 50.00 32.50 56.25
SEE THE JOB THROUGH reenust now at your nearest
b e a 1516 Douglas St.
'■ ‘ ■ 1 .. •' I . i—i.,,,; *—1——
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