P^MaT RETURNS rNEW PRESIDENT & GERMAN RUINS *..jmmrnammm a—WBbaWBM—MB J ATROCITIES flliSTRIKES B-25 CRASH QUISLING RECONVERSION | iisi.-S* ii; :9» ★ ★ ☆ ★ 1945 Atomic Year «_ TH« WAP January 1—U. S. Third army attacks north ot Bastogne against German's Belgium salient. In France the Germans at tack U. S. Seventh American forces made a small gain in Italy. In the P'Cifir American planes raid Lu zon and Negros Islands in the Phil 9—German bulge in Belgium com pressed by new Allied gains. 10—Forces under General MacArthur invade Luzon, in Philippines. 17—Warsaw. Polish capital, falls to Rus sians. 23—Russian forces reach Oder river. 28— U. S. First army strikes near St. Vith, Belgium. British advance north of Aachen. Germany. 29— Russians reach a point 93 miles from Berlin. American Third army enters Germany for first time near Oberhausen. French forces also smash across border. February 3—First U. S. cavalry enters Manila. 6—Manila falls to U. S. forces. 10—U S. First army gains control of main Roer nver dam. U S. superfortresses raid Japan from Guam base, hitting Tokyo dis trict in daylight. 12— Decisions of Big Three meeting at Yalta. Russia, announced. 13— Budapest, Hungarian capital, falls to Russians. 17—U. S. troops land on Bataan, out side Manila. 21—American Thunderbolt planes bomb Berchtesgaden. Germany. Hitler's mountain retreat. March 2—Chinese take Chaling, important stronghold in Hunan province. 6—Cologne, Germany's fourth largest city, falls to U. S. First army 10—Tokyo hit by 1,000 tons of incendiary bombs in heaviest raid. 12—American troops invade Mindanao island in Philippines. 16— London area hit by V-2 bombs, launched from Belgium and Holland. 17— Coblenz, Germany, captured by U. S. Third army. Resistance of Japanese on Iwo ends after long fierce battle. 21—U. S. Third army enters Ludwigs hafen. German troops in rout. 26—Seven Allied armies advance east of the Rhine river. April 2—U. S. Tenth army invades Okinawa. 13—Vienna, capital of Austria, capitu lates to Ukrainian armies of Russian forces 19—Leipzig, fifth city of Germany, falls to U. S. First army. U S. Seventh army takes Nurem berg, Nazi “shrine" city. 25— Berlin encircled by first two Russian armies 26— Bremen falls to British Second army. Russians capture Stettin, important Baltic port. U. S. First army meets Russian First Ukrainian army or. bridge over Elbe river near Torgau. 27— American tanks push across border to Austria and capture Gegenbach. Lt. Gen. Kurt Dittmar gives self up at Magdeburg, admitting war is over. 28— False surrender report denied offi cially by President. 29— Benito Mussolini, former Italian pre mier, is executed by Italian parti sans near Dongo. Italy. U. S. Seventh army enters Munich, birthplace of Nazi party. Venice and Milan, major Italian cities, fall to U S. Fifth army. 30— Russian flag flies over German Reichstag building, as resistance weakens. May 1—Premier Stalin of Russia in May day firoclamation hails approaching Al ied victory, saying "the collapse of Hitlerite Germany is a matter of the immediate future." 2—A million German soldiers, sailors and airmen in Italy and part of Austria surrender, under uncondi tional terms signed April 29 at Caserta, Italy. Berlin capitulates to Russian armies under Marshals Zhukov and Konev. Allied combined forces invade Bor neo. 4—All German forces in northwest Ger many, the Netherlands. Dfenmark, Helgoland and the Frisian islands surrender unconditionally to British Field Marshal Montgomery. 5—German army group G, comprising 400.000 men. surrenders to U. S'. General Devers. In the north Rus sians take Swinemuende, and two important islands. 6—U. S Third army advances into Czechoslovakia and Austria, taking Pilsen and Karlsbad. 7—German high command representa tives. headed by Col. Gen. Gustav Jodi, meet Allied officers to arrange surrender details at Reims, France. 8—UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF GERMANY FORMALLY RATIFIED IN BERLIN. ENDING WAR IN EUROPE AT 11:01 CENTRAL EU ROPEAN TIME (6:01 EWT.) 22—U. S. war and navy secretaries re lease news on Japanese bomb-carry ing balloons, stating that they are of slight military importance. 26—Tokyo hit by 4.000 tons of incendiary bombs from 500 superfortresses. 27—Chinese capture Nanning. June O-U. O. Xmi U urrtri, UIIUCJ nuiiwini Halsey, raids Japan from carriers 16—Daylight raid made on Osaka. This marks the 77th superfortress raid on Japan. 22—Ail resistance on Okinawa ends after bitter 82-day struggle, during which 90.461 Japs were killed. 4.000 cap tured. American losses were 11.260 killed, 33.769 wounded. 28—All of island of Luzon, largest of Philippines, is liberated. July 5—ENTIRE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS LIBERATED. AND CAMPAIGN VIR TUALLY OVER. GENERAL MAC ARTHUR ANNOUNCES. 14—U S. Third fleet batUeships shell Honshu island bases, only 275 miles north of Tokyo. This is first direct naval attack on home islaMs of Japan. 26—Labor party wins British election. 31—U. S. destroyer force of Third fleet shells Shimizu, aluminum production center on Honshu, island. Japan. U S. Twentieth air force drops leaf lets on 12 Japanese cities, warning them that they were marked tor de struction. August 2 Berlin conference on Germany s tu luiC ends. • u BOMB USED FOR FIR IN WAR. LEVELS foul - H oshima. Japan kilt W ERA IN VVA 8— RUSSIA DECLARES WAR ON JA PAN and begins offensive operations in Manchuria. 9— SECOND ATOMIC BOMB DROPPED ON NAGASAKI. JAPAN, razing one third of city. Total killed 10.009. This bomb was more powerful than one that blasted Hiroshima. 10—JAPAN OFFERS TO SURRENDER, provided Emperor Hirohito is left in Wiwer. ussians advance 105 miles into Man churia. 11—President Truman replies to Japanese peace offer that Hirohito will be re tained temporarily. 12—Russian armies continue advance. reaching 155 miles into Manchuria 14—JAPAN SURRENDERS UNCONDI TIONALLY Emperor Hirohito agrees to accept terms of Potsdam declaration. President Truman an nounces capitulation of Japan at 7 p. m. General MacArthur is appointed su preme commander for the Allied pow ers. to make all arrangements on surrender details, and to set up mili tary governmen* New Japanese cabn,..t formed, head ed by Prince Naruhiko Higashi-Kuni. 27 -Japanese commanders of Truk. Rota. Yap and Jaluit negotiate to lay down arms In Philippines. General Yamashita prepares to quit. 28—First of U. S. occupation troops land In Japan. Lt. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright and 35 other high-ranking officers of American. British and Dutch armies who had been prisoners of Japs at Mukden. China, are flown to Chung 31 —(General MacArthur establishes head quarters at New Grand hotel in Yoko hama. September 1— Main force of U. S. Eighth army lands at Yokohama and spreads out in surrounding area. British forces land at Hong Kong. 8—JAPANESE SURRENDER TERMS OFFICIALLY SIGNED on U. S. Bat tleship Missouri in Tokyo bay. 8— Army and navy casualty figures re- i leased. Total army dead since Dec. 7. 1941, all theaters is 203.379; navy, 53.617. Wounded, army. 571.589; navy. 79.672. 10— Japanese Imperial staff ordered dis solved by General MacArthur 11— Former Jap premier Hldeki Tojo at tempts suicide by shooting, but fails and is saved by American medical aid. "Big Five” conference opens in Lon don, as foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, Russia. France and China meet for pre liminary arrangements of peace problems. October 2— Gen. George Patton removed as military governor of Bavaria. 5—Japanese cabinet resigns. 9— Pierre Laval condemned to death as a traitor. 22—French Communists win largest number of seats in Assembly. 24—Vidkun Quisling. Norwegian collab orationist. executed as traitor. I 26—Chinese Central government and I Communist forces clash. November 1— British government plans to "na tionalize” civil airlines, radio and cable systems. 2— Arabian Nationalists call general strike, and riot in Syria. Lebanon. Egypt and Palestine. 10— Chinese Central government troops clash with Chinese Communist forces near Shanhaikwan. British Indian troops open drive against rebel army in Java. 18—Revolt flares in northern Iran, in zone occupied by Russian troops. 20—German war criminals go on trial at Nuernberg 30—Russian troops evacuate Teheran, capital of Iran, but refuse to allow Iranian forces to enter territory now occupied by Russians. December 3— General MacArthur orders arrest of 59 prominent Japanese as war crim inals, including Prince Nashimoto and two former premiers. 5—U. S. lends 550 million dollars to France through Export-Import Bank credit for rehabilitation purposes. 7—Jap general Tomoyuki Yamashita. "Tiger of Manila." condemned to die by hanging for war crimes. 11— Russia agrees to allow Chinese Na tionalist troops to fly into Manchuria and take over several strategic cities. 13—British and French sign pact on Syria and the Levant. 16— Prince Fumimaro Konoye. of Japan’s royal family, committed suicide rath er than stand trial as war criminal. 17— Foreign ministers of Russia. Great Britain and the United States begin atomic parley at Moscow. DOMESTIC January 3—Congress reconvenes Sam Rayburn is re-elected speaker of the house. 6— President Roosevelt delivers message , to congress, urging a National Serv ice act; use of 4F in war service; a draft of nurses; universal military training after the war; a new tax program for peace. 9—President's budget message sets ex penditures for 1946 fiscal year at 83 billion dollars. 20—President Roosevelt inaugurated for fourth term. February 19— All places of entertainment are or dered closed at midnight by War Mobilization Director Byrnes, to save light and fuel. March 1—Henry A. Wallace is confirmed as secretary of commerce by senate, 56 to 32 7— William Davis is appointed director of economic stabilization by the Pres ident. to succeed Fred Vinson 18—Nine army officers are raised to lull generals by the President. They are: McNarney. Bradley. Krueger. Somer vell. Spaatz, Kenney, Clark, Devers and Handy. April 12—PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIES at Warm Springs. Ga.. of cerebral hem orrhage. Vice President Harry S. Truman takes oath of office as President. He asks cabinet members to continut to serve. 16—President Truman addresses a joint session of congress, saying that ' we must cany on as Roosevelt would want us t» do.” 24— Senate extends draft for one year, with amendments. 25— United Nations conference opens at San Francisco with 46 nations repre sented 27—War Production Board revokes 40 controls over industry, affecting a variety of consumer goods. Mav 2—The President asks for reductions in 1946 federal budget, totaling 80 mil lion dollars. Various war agencies are affected. President Truman names Robert H. Jackson, associate justice of the U. S Supreme court, to be chief counsel for the United States on the allied war crimes tribunal. Robert E Han negan. chairman of the Democratic national committee, is appointed postmaster general. succeeding Frank Walker. 8— President officially announces surren der of Germany. Nation celebrates quietly. 16—Controls on manufacture of farm ma chinery lifted on most items by War Production Board. Only 19 of the previous 98 articles now limited 21—Most of striking coal miners return to work Only seven of the 333 mines seized by the government hold out. 23—Several changes in cabinet made by President Truman. Thomas Clark replaces Francis Biddle as attorney general; Lewis Schwellenbach be comes secretary of labor, replacing Frances Perkins; Clinton Anderson replaces Claude Wickard as secre tary of agriculture. June 9— Gen George Patton. Lt. Gen. James Doolittle return to U. S. and receive ovations. Gen. Omar Bradley, who came back June 7. is honored at birthplace in Randolph Co.. Mo. 30—James F Byrnes appointed secretary of state by President. Ju]v 2—President Truman presents United Nations charter to senate, urging “prompt ratification." 4—Agriculture department estimates number of persons living on farms, as of Jan. 1, to be 25.190.000. lowest in 35 years, and 17 per cent decline from 1940. 7—Millions of counterfeit red ration cou pons are floating, the OPA reveals, particularly in large cities. Six men arrested in this connection in New ark. N. J 12—Penicillin made available to public, beginning Aug 1 20—House passes senate bill on Bretton Woods international money accord ' 28—Senate ratifies United Nations char ter. ! Aligns! 7— Addition ot 158.000 barrels a day of high test gasoline to national quota practically doubles supply to civil ians. petroleum administration an nounces. 8—President Truman signs United Na tions charter, making U. S. first na tion to accept famous document in full. 14— Official presidential proclamation an nounces end of war with Japan. War manpower controls are lifted en tirely, WMC announces. 15— Gasoline, fuel oil, canned fruits and vegetables removed from ration list. 16— Army and navy procurement depart ments cancel orders for munitions, ships and supplies for 16 billion dol lars. Riotous peace celebration In San Francisco ends with ten dead, many injured and property damage and losses from looting very heavy. Navy personnel barred from city. 19— Churches of nation offer prayers of thanks for victory. 21— Lend-lease ends, except for commit ments already made but not deliv ered. 22— Army announces demobilization plan. September 2— President in radio address on offi cial V-J day praises armed forces. 5— Congress reconvenes. Reconversion, demobilization, taxes and budget are among great problems faced. 6— President’s message to congress contains 21 points, designed to speed return to peacetime living. 12—House votes to restore country to standard time, ertective Sept. 30. 20— Senate passes compromise unem ployment benefit bill, providing for payments up to 26 weeks at from $18 to $23 weekly, as determined by state laws. 26— President Truman states that he will take full responsibility for de velopment of the atomic bomb and atomic energy. The secret of the bomb will not soon be divulged, he assures. Strikes spread, involving oil in dustry, auto manufacturing, coal mining, and numerous service in dustries. 28—Round-the-world air service initiat ed. First flight begins from Washing ton as 40-passenger Skymaster takes off on first leg of 23.147-mile journey, will stop at Bermuda. October 3— President Truman asks for creation of commission to control atomic bomb. 23— Radio system to replace wires an nounced by Western Union Telegraph Co. 27— President Truman outlines 12-point program on foreign policy. 30—President Truman recommends "sub stantially higher wages,” but warns factory workers and others that they cannot expect the same "take-home pay” as during wartime. 30—Rationing of shoes ended. INovember 1— Senate passes bill reducing Income tax levies, and repealing excess profits tax and automobile use tax 5—Labor-management conference opens in Washington. 10—British Premier Attlee arrives In Washington. 15— Pearl Harbor inquiry opens 19—President Truman asks congress l.r national compulsory health insur ance act. 21 —United Auto Workers union goes on strike at all General Motors plants. 23—All rationing of meat and butter terminated. 27— Strikes begin at several Montgomery. Ward and Co. plants and stores. 28— Admiral Halsey raised to five-star rank of admiral of the fleet. December 2— President Truman’s aid asked in housing shortage crisis. 3— Grand championship in fat cattle competition won for fourth consecu tive time at Chicago by Karl Hoff man and Robert Storz of Ida Grove. Iowa. 5—Government agencies announce that 400.00ffitires will be released to civ ilians from military stock piles with in a month, with more to follow. 7—Governor Green of Illinois delivers speech at opening session of Re publican National committee that is considered fii 3t blast in 1946 con gressional campaign. 12 Sugar rationing will have to extend to 1947, decla.es Earl Wilson, chief of sugar branch. U. S. D. A. President Tiuman asks for price ceilings on Id and new housing, and reinstatement of priority sys tem on building materials. 16 President Truman laid down U. S. policy in China as Gen. George C. Marshall departs for Far East. SPORTS January 1—Southern California U. wins annual Rose Bowl game, defeating Tennes see. 25 0. Other scores. Duke 29. Alabama 26; Miami 26, Georgia Tech 12; Shrine game at San Francisco. West 13, East 7; Southwestern U 35. National U. of Mexico 0. 3—Sammy Snuad wins Los Angeles .Open golf tournament with score of 283 26—New York Yankees sold to syndicate headed by Larry McPhail. February 13—Byron Nelson wins New Orleans Open golf tournament after playoff of tie with Jug McSpaden. 24 New York Athletic club retains team title in National AAU track and field meet March 10—James Rafferty wins Columbia mile in K. of C meet in New York, beats Gunder Haegg. 16— Melio Bettina and Jim.ny Bivins, heavyweights, get a draw in 10 round fight in New York 30— Joe Baksi gets decision over Lou Nova in 10-round heavyweight fight in New York. 31— Ohio State team wins title in NCAA swimming championship at Ann Ar bor. Mich. April 2—Most valuable player award given to Frank Sinkwich of Detroit Lions professional football club of Na tional league. 15—National AAU women's swimming meet at Chicago gives title to San Francisco team, star of which is Ann Curtis. 22—Toronto Maple Leafs win National Hockey League Stanley Cup, beat ing the Red Wings in playoff 2-1 24—Major leagues select Sen. Albert (Happy) Chandler of Kentucky as baseball commissioner to succeed Judge Kenesaw M. Landis. June 9—Kentucky Derby is won by Hoop Jr. with Eddie Arcaro riding. 24—Sammy Byrd takes ''Big Fore" golf tournament at Detroit, defeating Byron Nelson by nine strokes. July 1—National professional tennis title won by Welby Van Horn. 6—Tommy Holmes. Boston Braves right fielder' breaks modern mark for hits in consecutive games by hitting in 34th straight game. 8—Charles Beaudry of Marquette U . Milwaukee, wins NAAU decathlon in Bloomfield. N J. 30—Byron Nelson takes All-American golf tournament at Chicago. August 8—Hambletonion Stake, nation's lead ing trotting horse race, won by Titan Hanover, driven by Harry Pownall. at Goshen. N V. 12—Michigan State college wins men's National AAU swimming champion ships. 22 Pitcher Robert Feller, released from navy, rejoins Cleveland Indians and wins first game. 30 Green Bav Packers, professional football team. defeat collegiate Ail Stars in annual game a* CUi 4 . 19 to 7 I SeptemiK.. | 2—Mrs. Sarah Cooke, of Boston, de I feats Miss Pauline Betz. Los Angeles, i for women's national tennis title, at Forest Hills. H. Y 3—Sgt Frank Parker wins men's amateur national tennis title at Forest Park. N. Y. 31—Chicago Cubs clinch national league pennant by defeating SL Louis. October Id—Detroit Tigers win world series from the Chicago Cubs. Total paid attendance for seven games. 333.457. a new record. Receipts, gross. *1. 592.454. also a record. 14—The Louisville Colonels of Ameri can Association win ‘‘little world series” from Newark Bears of In ternational league, four games to two, at Louisville, Ky. 18—Joe Louis and Billy Conn sign for heavyweight champion fight for next June. November 14—Phil Cavarretta. Chicago Cubs first baseman- voted most valuable play er in National league. 21—Hal Newhouser, Detroit Tigers’ pitch er. is voted most valuable player in American league. December 1—Army beats Navy 32-13. 10—Washington Redskins win eastern professional football title by defeat ing New York Giants. 17-0. 13—Big league baseball meeting in Chi cago ends. Pacific coast league re fused major league status. January 31—Day nursery in Auburn. Me., burns down. Sixteen children, one woman lose lives. February 12— Forty-three persons die and hun dreds are injured by a tornado sweeping through Meridian. Miss., eastward to Montgomery. Ala. March 8—Ohio river, in highest flood stage since 1937, spreads destruction in five states, paralyzing transporta tion and halting war factories. Damage estimated at half billion dollars. Ten deaths and many in juries result. April 13— A tornado smashing through parts l of Oklahoma, Arkansas. Missouri j and Illinois, kills 100 persons, in jures hundreds more. Hardest hit is Antlers. Okla.. where 58 die. ■ I J UI1C J 15—Collision of passenger and freight I train near Milton, Pa., kills 19, in I jures 20 A broken journal is cause. ' July 28—A B-25 bomber crashes into Empire I State building in New York City. I The three occupants of the plane and ten persons in building killed. 25 injured. Fire sweeps entire floor. Damage amounts to $500,000 August • 9—Thirty-four killed, 40 injured, when second section of crack train hits rear ot first section near Michigan. N. D. 28 -Hurricane roars on coast of Texas at 110 miles per hour for three days, causing floods and wind damage to many cities of coastal region. September 15— Hurricane strikes Miami and travels ! inland with peak velocity of 143 miles per hour, Injuring 50 and i causing damage of 60 million dollars. November 26—Fourteen school children and a bus driver drown when a school bus plunges off an embankment into 50 feet of water in Lake Chelan, near Chelan. Wash. December 2—Snowstorm, accompanied by violent wind, leaves 33 dead in path across the northeastern states 13 Passenger train rams troop train in Chicago. More than a hundred sail ors injured. PANORAMA January 16— Seven billion dollars’ worth oi liquor was swallowed in the United States during 1944, not counl mg bootleg, the department of com merce reports, an 18 pei cent ui crease over 1943. 18—"Somewhere down the line someont made a mistake," regrets Secretary of War Stimson, referring to the bumping of three servicemen from an army cargo plane to make room for a dog. The mastiff was con signed by Col. Elliott Roosevelt to his wife. Faye, in Hollywood. Calif It had been purchased in England February 7—Most popular songs, according to survey by Variety, theatrical maga zine. are "Don't Fence Me In." "Accentuate the Positive. ' "Rum and Cocoa-Cola," ”1 Dream of You," and "There Goes That Song Again." 24—Greer Garson. screen actress, re ceives gold medal as “most popu lar star in the United States, as choosen by Gallup poll. March 7—Booth Tarkington. novelist, awarded the Howells medal by the Ameri can Academy of Arts and Letters This honor granted only every fifth year. 15—Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman receive Academy of Motion Pic ture Arts and Science awards ("Oscars") for outstanding per formances. i April 21—Gloria Vanderbilt, an heiress of the famous Vanderbilt fortune, is married to Leopold Stokowski, noted , orchestra conductor, in Mexico. | May 16—Most popular songs, according to Variety are "Bell-Bottom Trous I ers,” “Dream,” "There! I've Said l It Again.” “Candy," "My Dreams Are Getting Better All the Time.” Leland S. (Larry) MacPhatl. part owner of the N. Y. Yankees, mar ries Jean B. Wanamaker. in Balti more. She had been his secretary 21—Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bo gart. film stars, are married in Mansfield, O. June 13—Deanna Durb'n, singing film star and Felix Jackson, movie producer, are married in Las Vegas. Nev 26 Merle Oberon. movie star, is mar ried to T.ucien Ballard film camera man. by proxy in Juarez. Mexico. July 9—Total eclipse ot the sun. beginning at 7:58 a m., eastern war time, is visible in path extending from Idaho through Montana and into Canada 29—Virginia (Ginny) Simms, radio and screen singer, is married to Hyatt R. Dehn. housing executive, in Beverly Hills. Calif. August 15—Most popular songs, according to Billboard theatrical magazine, are "On the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe." "Sentimental Journey.” "Bell Bottom Trousers.” "If I Loved You.” “Gotta Be This or That." September 2—Screen and radio actress Betty Hutton weds Theodore Briskin Chicago business man. in Chicago. 19—Shirley Temple, former child film star weds Sgt. John Agar, scion of a Lake Forest. HI., meat-packing fortune, in Los Angeles S.-Sgt.L. P. Lewis W rites From... the PAGIFEC THE NEGRO IN THE C0I Just a few years ago, at the ports of Calcutta and Bom bey, thousands of American Negroes, left those big troopships behind, riding inland on numerous trains, that were the most uncomfortable they had ever known. Crowded Ilk0 sardines in a can, in dirty, stink ing, hot sun-baked, wooden coa ches. It was the best India had to offer and it was accepted with grat itude, because of the condition and the terror the world was then suf fering. Like most Americans, they took it with a laugh, and like most Americans, they thought of the great railroads at home, air- con. ditioned, clean, and with great safety and speed. They visualized the porter and the waiter, the con ductor and the brakeman; all the comforts, all the courteous acts of the railroad employees. They hadn’t moved ten miles in land before America became a symbol to them, because they felt a little more in their hearts that days ahead would be the most mi serable in their lives, and knowing that real danger was ahead for many of them, they prayed to God to let them see America just once more. On and on, hundreds of miles in. land, across the width and the ru shing current of the Ganges ri ver. Then coming into their minds was that beatiful song, "Moon October 4— T rnnd the world flight of the Globe ters ends in Washington. Flight covered 23,279 miles in 149 hours. 44 minutes, including 33 hours 21 minutes ground time 17- Most poDUlar songs, according to Billboard magazine are: "Till the End of Time”; "I'll Buy That Dream”; “On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe”; “Along the Navajo Trail”; "If I Loved You.” November 13—A thousand U. S. navy men reply to attacks by Hawaiian bullies by smashing property in Honolulu. Fifty sailors are arrested. 26—A propeller-driven plane attains speed of 500 miles per hour in level flight, highest rate ever reached, ex cepting by jet planes. Flight made at Wright field, near Dayton, Ohio, in army experimental model called XP-47J, December 2— Sale of great hoard of precious stones held by alien property custo dian begins. More than 300,000 jewels seized from German interests are being released. 3— New treatment for allergy ailments announced by University of Illinois • college of medicine. Drug is called benadryl. 9—Delicate operation performed in Bal timore on two-year-old Judy Hack man of Seattle in effort to save life Baby's heart is too small. 10 Carole Landis, movie star, married for fourth time. New husband is W Horace Schmidlapp. movie producer. Gen. George S. Patton Jr., war hero, suffers broken neck in auto ac cident in Germany. 13— Mysterious illness strikes 74 U. S. seamen returning from Philippines. They are in Navy hospital at Val lejo. Calif. January 16—U. S. Senator Francis T. Maloney, (Dem.) Conn., serving second con secutive term Dies in Meriden. Conn. February 2—William E "Pussyfoot" Johnson. 82, leader in prohibition crusade, dies in Binghamton, N. Y. March 4— Charles W Bryan, brother of Wil liam Jennings Bryan, and three times governor of Nebraska, in Lincoln, Neb. April 5 Alfred V. De Forest. 55, noted engineer, professor, and radio in ventor, in Marlboro. N. H 12—P RESIDENT FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT DIES AT WARM SPRINGS, GA.. OF CEREBRA1 HEMORRHAGE. 18— Ernie Pyle, famous war corre spondent, killed by machine-gun bul let on Ie island, near Okinawa. May 14— Heber J. Grant, 88, president ol Latter Day Saints (Mormon church), in Salt Lake City. August 6—Sen Hiram W. Johnson. 79, in Washington, D. C. He entered the senate in 1917. September 16- John McCormack, famed lyric tenor. 61, in Dublin, Eire. November 10—John Thomas, U. S. senator from Idaho, in Washington, D. C., at 71. 21—Gen. Alexander Patch Jr., former commander of the Seventh army and later of the Fourth, at San An tonio, Tex He was 55 28 Dwight Davis, 66, secretary of wai in cabinet of Calvin Coolidge. ir Washington. D C Released bv Western Newspaper l'r.n*r HISTORICAL EVENTS 50, 60, AND 65 YEARS AGO By H. W. Smith Earthquake in Charleston, S. C Riot in the Waymarket theatre. Bombs exploded and nine police officers killed in Chicago. Johnstown, Pa. flood. Plunkerton Hotel fire in Mil waukee. The great Chicago fire in 1870. Volcano eruption on Martineque Island. Excursion boat capsized in Chi. cago and many persons drowned. Iroquois Theatre burned in Chi cago and many persons killed by burns from the blaze. Admiral Dewey of the US At lantic fleet went into Manilla Bay between mid-night and dawn. Galveston, Texas destroyed by a flood. Tornado destroyed some parts of Omaha and many persons killed on March 23rd, Easter Sunday, 1913. Riot in New Orleans, La., 11 men killed by a mob. Earthquake in San Francisco destroying many buildings in the business district. light on the Ganges.” The writer couldn’t have been sitting here, where they were crossing, when he composed that song. The River Ganges, at that place they crossed had no joy, no, beauty, no romance but everything was Just the oppo site. Sick of K-rations, tired of be ing hit by the mosquito, and frightened when they used the toi lets on the train because of the small lizards which could not be seen in the darkness, the Ganges was just a muddy river, that help ed breed mosquitoes. Hundreds of tired men were un loaded at diferent sections, taken to staging areas, to be processed further. Where to from there ? Nobody knew and few cared, be cause there was hope that the next pi«i.e would be better; at least they thought so, 'It couldn't be worse,’ vas uttered by many Seme were wrong bei-aiise they were sent to a living he'I, and many died there. Men givirg not only their lives for theii country, )n:t ’n''’.ths of work; toiling, when it seemed like, to many, it was of no purpese, of no gain. Pasning or in the dense jungles, not like the pioneers of c’d, because they could stop and rest, but these men knew no rest, just work, work and more work, and after this never ending work, dea'h awaited many of 'hem Black and White together, somd how they grew close., regardless of the speeches by Bilho and the many others who spread hate in ’heir country. The little time they had for relaxation, th;y talked with each otner, not ou.y of the the many problems over hero that they faced daiiy, but abcut the strikes at home, the pcwei seck ng politicians, money grabbers teaching for excess war pr ifi.'s a id the passion happy public, de serting their husbands ana sweet hearts, ’augh’ i: r.t the men who v.ic then working, sweating, ard (King Some, because of the tremendous strain, lost their bearing, but the most of them, stayed at their task regardless of the danger and the difficulties. Doing their duty as it was deemed fit, by their superi ors, and by God. The sudden ending of the war, took away from the public, the outstanding achievement in engin eering history, the building or the Ledo Road. The full impact from the supplies carried over the Ledo ..oad, I don’t believe was ever felt by the Japanese. It had it’s bearing on the ending of the war, because with the opening of the Lt-.o Road, the destruction of the Japanese Army in China was a certainty. In the Engineers, Air Corps, Sig nal, Ordance, Quartermaster Me. dical; Negroes worked, laughed, I -- and died. Men of other races, worked, laughed, and died, beside them. Everyone of them a builder in blood and sweat, cocky about being an American. It is hard for the Indian to un derstand the Negroe’s faith in America, and our race being op pressed in many walks of life in our great country. What the In dian doesn’t know, is that the Ne groe has faith in what America wants to be, and by the Negroe’s faitn being so strong, it will be felt and it will be achieved. China, Burma, and India, the CBI, just a few more months and it will be history. The American Negro will never be rorgotten here. His generosity, kindness and understanding of a poverty strick en people, his big smile no matter what the task, his faith, in what is right will be given, no, he will never be forgotten by this gener ation or the generations to come. The American Negro has not sacrificed in vain. A white serg eant, an Information and Educa tion instructor for the U S Army, finished his lecture to a Negro company with these words, ’ when we are home again, and i hope It will be damn soon, we will be 12 million strong. We, the veterans of this war, are going to have a lot to say about how our country is going to be run, believe me, we aregoing to be powerful. I say this to you now, you and your race, are going to be able to vote in any state you choose. We are tired of the way a lot of things have been going. We’ll all have a chance for education, the right to smtable employment. This is our cuportunitv to work for the tree, dom of every American, regard less of Race. Creed, or Color.’ S-Sgt. Lawrence P. Lewis Rumor of Large Surplus of Autos, Trucks, False "The public has in some man. ner gained the impression that a large supply of automobiles and trucks will soon be available from War Surplus,’ said Herbert Dan iel, Manager of the Omaha office of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation today. “Not only will the supply of au tomotive equipment be limited, the condition of it will not be of the best. We don’t want to disappoint anyone who is contemplating the purchase of such war surplus equipment,” he said. • Advertise in the Greater Omaha Guide for Greater Coverage! ■ SWEATER CLEARANCE aAA These are decidedly bet ter quality sweaters. You know it bv the extra Originally $3.98 softness, the slick way <|QO they fit, the ‘“finished” ^70 look from hem to should er. Pullover or coat Originally $5.98 styles. UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE Men’s 50% Wool Undershirts (Long Sleeves) Were 52.79 NOW .. 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