Note:—Don’t worry needlessly when your mind m weighted down with worry and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write Your problem will be analysed in the paper free just include a •Upping of the column with your letter. For a ‘private reply** send 25c for ABBE’S 1946 INSPIRATIONAL READING With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (8) ques tions Please send a stamped (8el envelope for your confidential reply, and sign pour full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and eonfine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. O. Box 11, Atlanta, Georgia J,. B. T' I am a young lady 33 years of age and married to a man I 37. He and I were sweethearts | for years. We married two years ago. tie had his own home and we get along along sweet together I love my husband and I believe h ( loves me but his people and I can’t get along. Our home is located Detween his mother's home an.. ; his brother’s home. There is ai- i ways a big argument between me and my in-laws. What would you do if you were me, leave your hus band on this account or stay with him and be unhappy ? Ans: Leaving your husband would cause you more heartaches and misery than living there un der present conditions. You love your husband and he loves you. Isn’t your love for him great e nough for you to make allowances for any little peculiarities of his family? Your one and only prob lem is his family and you could ease this tension if you went a jout it with determination. Avoid anything that would cause friction between you and his family. never argue any point, never crit icize or express your opinion about his folks and never take offense to anything that they might say regarding you’ or your husband. Praise them at every opportunity, be congenial and friendly at all times and once you prove to them that you are making your husband happy and that he loves you, they will accept you as a cherished member of the family. M. L_I am writing you about j my friend,. We have been on bad terms for a long time and I have been trying to quit him. He in forms me that he won’t stand for my quitting. Now I am through with nim but I am afraid to quit as long as he acts like he is now. What must I do? Ans: He’s determined to have you at any cost,. And he may be foolish enough to carry out his threats if you are not careful. The better way to handle a situation of this kind is to make a change of cities without anyone knowing of youhr intentions,. You have no ties were you are located and it shouldn’t be too dificult for you to get new employment. B. N_I’m just a lonely chick of 18 and there are two cats on my trail. Both of them definitely. want me as their one and only but I want to play around awhile Ion-1 ger. I couldn’t stand the thoughts \ of losing out in the end. They are above the average, smart, vet erans and are now established, what am I to do? Ans: At your age, you ought to play awhile longer before choosing your mate. In ordinary times you would have had a chance to assoc iate with numbers of young men and had your fling at life, but war time has prevented many girls from this normal proceedure. Con tinue on with both the young men. When you are able to determine which one of these young men you love and want to share your life with, you will be ready to settle down. H. J—I married a man who had been married twice. He was div orced from his first wife but not the second which I didn’t know a bout. He begged me to marry him which I did, after a week’s marriage he told me he didn’t nave a divorce from his second wife. I told him it was best that I have our marriage annulled but I love him and he begged me to wait. He had to go in service and he did get his divorce from the second wife. Now he is begging me to wait on him until he returns j so that we can marry legally. He sends me money every month and seems very much in love with me. What must I do? Ans: Wait on him. He made a mistake it is true by not letting you know the facts as they were, but he obtained his divorce as soon as it was possible to do so. Now, he wants very much to mar ry you as sooon as it is possible for him to arrange it. You love the man very very much and he loves you. Arrange to be married legally when he gets his next leave “STRANGE" NO NEGROES WON MEDAL OF HONOR SAYS CRISIS EDITOR New York—Declaring that Pres THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN * SURE WAS ^COURSE ! HOT TODAY - DIDN'T INTEND S? I'LL ^ TO DO SUCH A ouiTNotv*BANG~UP* ^ANDWTHE [job BATHIN_&, g>i9«*s 0oxp rcMuaes _ % BREEZE B T MBLVIN THBTRDU^ IS^MAYMeJ J^At^REBZy/TBET WH/KT'S THAT,)' -IF YDO'D CHAHfrE 1M k°ULp HELP frW£W'/: YdUR. HAIR-DO/MAYBE~j 77-- ^ .^==—7 THAT'S WHAT^ WBI6HTIH IWEI&HTlNGr ME OQ\N^A J L- YFAW?60 AMEAp, BBT YOU WOLDMt r^WW/ ' Y WI^H I COULD, ’ HAV6 ^ ^m-P YOU,eWBMi YOUR Ml MO _ J - ---* —^ !-1 I 1SJS£_^ ' I I I I | | % JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY oeuruwtu. -- Having lanpep IN THE ^EUjIAN E0N6O NEAR THE SPOT TOH0JAND POmi,THE JIPFON KEA£PUCTO&OF HELENA BAKER., SETPEWNTHBR ■EHI0JIMAND BPARKV START to leave the PLANE WPEN Bcmokt wrmisi THEIR PLANEENi-S/ W ^'MATTER/yOU CrUY^ 2 ^B fn^TFH PAL /M/HPN' T VE SEEN CRAMPED UP SACK I iTCOUfeTO eSn THERE FOR THE WHOLE TRIP/^ I NO THE CH/CkK. LEAVE AN Q7LP^i __, ^VnrfTv-V^ LETOCrET AFTER THAT FOOL OBSERVER, think? TmSSrfSTSf ^J TH0^ Gruys.// T 5AW APLANEGOME DOWN ERE/" JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON 4 | i **- 111 11 ■ - -' : , 'EHE ^GUGG/NG COMT7MOEY ... GGAYY-EVE AMP GAMMY ARE seating “John UMMERUFUUy/M AM ATTEMPT TO GEARM WHY ME YTOGE TWO PCacY fTAMP/NG MACWP/Ei. FROM THE SAM600 /NM.. _-4P»»-» TAN TOPICS Sy CHARLES ALLEN I 1 --^-\ ALL £M_ eSKniZES “Okay, go ahead and buy/him another train this year, but this time let Him play with it”! "Next Door” By ted shearer \~y? \r I Continental “—Why Helen—-what’s your new address-— we’ve something for you—!!!” SQUIRE EDGEGATE -He’s Held uP —-—. .... .-- BY LOUIS RICHARP nyvoyv' THj)t c/ffo .) r --\ .j (. utZ \ , ■* \SQomZ- he *>£=■ ) TcLLl*" il /-VI /vor 'TQk’inG- I I Ht-s Ij , \you(? 'Pocket f /vi t Fc/r? TVc'O 1 /Wy C*r$HC. ES~ I I Oa/ W Soo^- you e>/?cpp£o[ 'BiDCk'5- »tc StT I TH£PE SEc-v.5, Vo 1 J ^A/o I , I /T /*i *>?oa/ t or l wf 5 ■*) PpiD UP ^ \t3£ -/£5£ AV/GwrS f ; V '^V!■■■-': . Vf' - I l ,*.s ■* HUCKLEBERRY FINIS I To Subscribe for Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly CALL HA-0800;e load preferred Kindling per load $5 00 BI.ACKSTOAE LUMP COAL $1160 per ton 1 B JONES FUEL & SUPPLY Company 2520 Lake Street Phone AT-5631 New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy. Sell and Trade WEAL FURNITURE MARI 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake I —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" X00002COOC»C»9C»»ii»22aO j Prealmioe manT~~~~~ I ! j FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR } CASH A CARRY CLEANER j 1410 North 24th St | —CARL L'KIVERA— ! (*._ * ident Truman has awarded the j Congressional Medal of Honor ^ "literally in batches” to whit* he- , roes of the war, The Crisis maga 7;.ne remarks editorially that it seems “strange to Negro Americ ans” that not one out of nearly a million of their men ;n the servic-; es should have won the nation’s highest honor. The editorial in the December issue entitled, "Not One Out of a Million,” follows: ‘ Brave white heroes in our arm ed services have been awarded the nation's highest decoration, the Congressional Medal of Honor, literally in batches by President Truman. The Crisis would net take one ounce of credit from these men whose citations suggest that the honor they have won, high as it is. is not adequate thanks for their sacrifices and heroism. Yet it does se“in strange to Negro Americans that out of the nearly one million cf their men in the armed services not one should have performed in such a manner as to be cited for the Con gressional Medal of Hon :* SPRINGARN MEDAL NOMINATIONS OPEN New York—Nominations are open for the 31st Springarn Medal is was announced today in the NAACP national office. The medal' is given annually for the highest j or noblest achievement by an Am- j •rican Negro during the preceed ng year or years. Nominations may be made by inyone and should be sent to the Springarn Medal Committee, NA A.CP Headquarters, 20 West 40th Street, New York 18, NY. I Here are 7 reasons why thousands prefer Innerdean Herbai Laxative. 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 2. Thorough yel Gentle in Efled 3. No Unpleasant After effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. (. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family for Months. Caution: Use only as directed At all druggists. Or write for FREE GENEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean Co.. 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. California. tniii iiTii mi 1111 m hi 111 if iiiiiM hi 11 mmTr 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS --Free Deliven — WE. 0609 DUFFY pharmacy iimimiiiniiinimiimiiniiniiiniiniii Classified Ads Get Resuits! For Sale 2806 No. 26 St. 1 7 Room frame, Modern Store Room m | IN FRONT 145x37'/6 W §2 Lots facing both Lake and Erskine Streets M I LOT 48x175 FEET LONG M I 1 Large Lot North of Lake tijf % 65x150 FEET J§ i Kansas City, Mo., 1 Brick Duplex, 8 rooms S I PHONE JAckson 9377 for Information m I* SEE LUKE B. CAREY, at 2806 N. 26th St. M •Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt pressers, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner Laundry 2014 St. Mary’s Ave. WANTED Two laborers at Once! 60c per hour wages Apply 2706 Maple St. J. Snell FOR SALE_ KAPOC MATTRESS, Three quarter size, phone WE-4285 A large, medium front room for rent, Call JA-0306. APT FOR RENT to couple, AT. 6281. Real Estate, Homes FOR COLORED Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition, handy to schools, churches, I street cars, 2117 Grace St. .$3,000., j Henry B. McCampbell, Realtor j 216 Baiker Bldg. ’ AT-8575 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and oi Stoves. "We Buy and Sell" — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. S6th ST, Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Subscribe Today! FOR RENT—ROOM FOR QUIET PEOPLE, CALL AT-6629 FURNISH ROOM FOR RENT, JA-0699. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbater 2022 LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOI.M A SHERMAN HOI North 24th St WE. GOSS EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 102S * Legal Notices Omaha Guide, 3t bg Dec. 8 ending Dec. 22 Edward J. Dugan, Atty. PROBATE NOTICE Bk. 65, P. 457 In the matter of the Estate of GERALD M. BOWDEN, deceased. Notice is Hereby Given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of Febr uary, 1946 and on the 1st day of April, 1946, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 31st day of December, 1945. ROBERT R. TROYER, County Judge. Crosstown DresssH™akin* i—TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— S ATTENTION, LADIES! J You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, » and slacks designed to suit your personality ■ by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We M Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies m general repair work done. We also special- IF i/e in Tailored shirts. 2 Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... » mm l Ye* smart women and men by the thousand* know how quickly Palmer’* SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment work* to relieve the itching of many ext*i~ nelly caused pimple*, rashes, “spots’’ eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 year*. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back. 25c (Economy 75c sis* contains 4 tune, a# much). At all *tore* or from E. T.Browne Drug Co., 127 Water St., New York City. Help complete complexion beauty milk Palmer’, SKIS SUCCESS Soap (ef)ecticely medicated) 25*