The Greater Omaha Guide s HOME-MAKER’S CORNER Tutti-Frutti Piefi* r€AiMmai Tutti-Frutti Pie It'll be a real Merry Christmas for you this year, with your boy and girl at home — or soon to be. And they’ve been dreaming of Mom’s good pies; so be sure to make this Holiday-Homecoming Tutti-Frutti Pie for them. Rich, juicy, fruity fill ing in crispy, flaky pastry, with little Christman tree decorations — it’s a sugar-saving recipe, but you’d never guess it! Clip the recipe for your Merry Christmas Pie. Combine 1% cups seeded raisins and 1 cup water and simmer until raisins are tender (about 10 minutes). ADD to raisin mixture: % cup com sirup, 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons each can died cherries, citron, orange rind, and lemon rind, chopped fine, % cup orange juice and % teaspoon salt. STIR constantly and continue cooking until thickened. REMOVE from heat and add 1 table spoon lemon juice. COOL. ROLL about % of dough % inch thick and line a 9-inch pie plate. ■ . 11 I II MKattamiiwr ••yriJ FILL with fruit mixture. ROLL remaining dough and cut out six Christmas trees. PLACE on top^ of filling. BAKE in hot oven (425*F.) 50-60! minutes. Spry Pastry MIX IVi cups sifted ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR and % teaspoon SALT. MEASURE out % cup SPRY. Step 1 for Tenderness —• cut in about % of the Spry with pastry blender or two knives until as fine as meal. t Step 2 for Flakiness ■— cut in remaining Spry un til size of large peas. SPRINKLE 4 tablespoons cold WATER over dif ferent parts of mixture. MIX thoroughly, with fork, until all particles cling together and form a ball of dough. MAKES enough pastry for 1-crust pie with Christmas tree cut-outs on top (Tutti Frutti Pie). | - -——■ I S? WISHING OUR MANY (ft% I# FRIENDS AND PATRONS^ y A Merry Christmas Sf and A Happy New & g Year $ S from $ Mitchell Dearbone, fji S YOUR BARBER $ V A 5 at a ULAURA'S BEAUTY SALON M 1518 North 24th St. J£ Uf —IA-7324— 2 To Subscribe for Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly f!AT.T. TTA-OROO i SUMS Flower & GIFT SHOP WISHES THE MERRIEST OF CHRISTMASES WITH THEIR. Exceptional Flowers and Gifts 11 From Each Of Us $ $ To All Of You We g $ Wish ^ g * ii A MERRY CHRISTMAS fa 7T And a HAPPY NEW YEAR /g J fr0m fa » Safeway Cab ^ fi Co., Inc. f | JAckson-7474 Read The Greater Omaha Guide, for All the News! ★ FOR SECURITY ★ FOR THE PEACE Buy War Bonds f “Merry Christmas ^ ¥ AND A (i tt 1 ;| Christmas Greetings ;; |; from— COSGROVE'S ij Acme Furniture Co. j: 3863-52 LEAVENWORTH JA 5254 ;; • USED FURNITURE, & ANTIQUES !| "Everything for the Home” ' I BOUGHT and SOLD ; The DAVID Jewelry Co 4833 South 24th St. WISHES THEIR FRIENDS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. * Merry Christmas and A |» Happy New Year from— ! ROYAL BAKERY & DELICATESSEN WE-6400 I 1511 North 24th St. ; NEGRO DOLLS ! Every home should have a Col- ' lored Doll. We offer in this sale l| ;two flashy numbers. With hair,!; ! moving eyes, Bhoes, stockings, I nicely dressed. Price $4.98 and > ; j $6.59. If C. O. D. postage ex-!; !;tra. Dealers— Agents wanted.I[ '! Write National Co„ 254 West ' ;; 135th St., New York, 30. Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Suffererl "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money back. 85f. Drug stores. ^ caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for ,1 proof of the good results our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. Many past’ 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! r THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 516 • Davenport. A ___________ 137 Satisfied Customers You fire Next Ib 37 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition j r/ Let us build that new home for you. We use] only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA 1620