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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1945)
Houston’s Modern, Deluxe Grocery & Meat Market .... Conviently Located At 2114 N. 24th St Phone JA-3543 . . . At Your Service EFFICIENT MANAGER MRS. WILMOTH HOUSTON Mrs. Houston is a native of Om aha. She attended grade school here then her family moved to Muskogee, Oklahoma where she attended high school, later her family moved back to Omaha. Mrs. Houston has been a mem ber of the St. John’s Choir tor more than 20 years. She is one of the loyal servants in this capac ity up to this date. HAPPY MOTHER She is now the happiest Mother in the wc rid. Her only son has Just retu.-.wd from oversea duty, where he was a veteran in World War II and won many honors. Mrs. Houston has been the man ager of the Houston and Vonner Market, every since its beginning, for when it was known as Houston and Vonner Market, both Mr. Houston and Mr. Vonner were em ployed elsewhere and Mrs. Hous ton stuck to her post of duty of service to her customers from 7 a. m.... .often until 8 p. m. Mr Houston says the success and the credit of his store’s progress is due to the loyalty of Mrs. Houston. --« BRI N<jIN<i BEST k WISHES FOR A ^ MERRY $ To Old Friends 1 and New... & Jjj We are quite old-fashioned over here—old fashioned jl. enough to know that to *L merit the confidence of the entire community every ml transaction we make must rest upon the solid found- -C ation of full value given. jfc May good old-fashioned JS Christmas cheer brighten J2 for you the hours of this glorious Yuletide season. 5, GERTRUDE $k LITTLES HUT | 2006 N. 24th St. —JA-9312— ^ The Four Square FUEL CO. 26TH & MARTHA Wishes You A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. The Streamlined BARBER SHOP 1708 No. 24th St. Wishes A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year. i Brinn & I & w ¥ I g Jensen g JjJ 1110 HARNEY ST. || Wholesale ^ y * PAPERS * g ^ Wishes Everyone g y A MERRY $ V CHRISTMAS ft and A HAPPY jp NEW YEAR! JjJ Progressive Firm Grows From $4.00 Investment i _ Following is the history of this grocery firm. Mr. L. B. Houston and Mr. Vonner began this store with two dollars each at 2537 Binney St. about 1930. The only merchandise they had to sell was home-made sausage. Their home-made sausage made such a hit and the demand got so heavy they rented a part of the store which they now occupy from Mr. Ansel Butler, who operated at that time a fish market which was famous for Red Snapper fish. After mov ing into the store with Mr. Butler, they decided it would be a good idea to sell milk and eggs and later they put in a few bottles of milk and a few dozen eggs and added butter and from time to time other new merchandise. It was known as the Houston and Vonner home-made sausage, finally Mr. Butler de cided to give up the fish business and Mr. Houston and Mr. Vonner took over the whole store and named it the Houston and Vonner Market with the assist ance of Mrs. Mable Butler, wife of Mr. Ansel But ler of 3019 No. 30th St.„ as clerk in which capacity she served for about four years. Mr. and Mrs. Hou 1 ston say up to this day, they have never had anyone to surpass her in services as a clerk. In the center of the above picture, you will observe one of Mr. Houston’s trusted employees, Mr. Marshall Penn. Mr. Penn can be remembered by old timers as the brother of Miss Madrid Penn, secretary and assist ant editor of The* Monitor when it was operated by the late Father John Albert William.s Mr. Houston says Mr. Penn is one hundred per-cent in every ca pacity in the position which he serves in his siore. About 1933 Mr. and Mrs. Houston bought Mr. Vonner’s half interest out and they now carry one of the largest stocks of merchandise of the highest quality that the market affords. Mr. Houston says yes, he will admit it has been a struggle and he has worked many hardships on his wife and today they are indeed thankful to their customers for being pa tient with them until they could supply a homes de mand of all high quality groceries, vegetables and meats at popular prices. Mr. Houston says it is well he didn’t have more than two dollars when he started in business. As he went along, he learned as he earned and put every dollar of income back in the store in stock and fix tures. You can observe from the appearance of the above picture that he has a well stocked store from the floor to the ceiling and the very latest of refrig eration to preserve the food he carries. It is the HOUSTON’S GROCERY STORE —The Above is the interior view of the Houston Market at 2114 North 24th St. One of Omaha’s best stocked grocery stores, formerly known as Houston & Vonner Market. ★★★ i A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. cleanest and best stocked store on 24th St. Mr. and Mrs. Houston invites their many friends to visit their place of business where service, quality, prices and cleanliness is first. Mr. Houston says he could not have made the grade without the loyal assistance of Mrs. Houston who has stuck by him and was soul operator of the store a greater part of the time in the pioneer days while he worked out and earned the family expenses and let the income of the store avert back into stock and fixtures. Mr. and Mrs. Houston say that they have learned i that service with a smile is really worth while and that the customer is always right even though they may be wrong. The public is invited to peek in on 24th streets finest grocery store at 2114 North 24th St., Omaha, Nebraska. r WY’LL NEVER DIE~"*' Sto* ||‘ I I h.*,’ ^ y, r -- - HE WAS BORN IN LEXINGTON, KY. 1816, AND RECEIVED -HIS EARLY EDUCATION IN THE. OFFICE OF A KY EDITOR- HE LATER JOINED THE UNDER GROUND FORCES IN THE NORTH AND FROM THERE TRAVELED THROUGH ENGLAND AND FRANCE- WHILE ABROAD HE SPOKE PUBLICLY FOR THE FREEDOM OF ALL MEN- VICTOR HUGO BECAME ONE OF HIS FAST FRIENDS- HIS BOOKS HOLD AN IMPORTANT PLACE IN AMERICAN HISTORICAL LITERATURE/ Wm*Weus PIONEER HISTORIAN OnTfr*r-i for,- en. *, , P TO WISH YOU f 5 ([hristnias? v # | stj • Measured by the span of q £ years, it has been a long, long £ time since that first Christmas p night, but it might have been £ p but yesterday when we meas-^ p ure the spirit of kindness which ^ 0 Christmastime releases. £ P Christmas means happiness, $ j£ and Christmas happiness is to £ P be shared. We want to shared P our 1945 Christmas happiness® P with you. % f * $ 9 * R. TAYLOR < { Shine Parlor £ p p f 22081/2 N. 24th St. ^ f 4 .. | MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Lad ies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST '-g'-E'-SCS^-C S*S«f«*« | Chicago | Furniture Co. JjJ $ 1835 North 24th St. k M ah WISHES A MERRY 2r CHRISTMAS AND A M HAPPY NEW YEAR TO if 0 THEIR MANY FRIENDS. ^ UNUSUAL MASCOT New York, N. Y. (soundphoto)— Sgt. Earl Shaw of Wellsooro, Pa., with “Buck” 7 months old fawn he adopted at Hanau, Germany. Sgt. Shaw shot the mother deer while hunting and discovered the little orphan. He says there is a park across iiom his home in Wellsboro where he intends to let the deer romp. Sgt,. Shaw and “Buck” reached the U. S last week aboard the SS’ Aregntina’ Guy Liggett Says: FOLKS: Only ten more days until Christmas.get your Holiday Cleaning in this week, please. Bring us your brushed wool and pile fabric coats ana see what a fine quality of work we do on them. There’s a Difference. Try Us! PANTORIUM 1513 Jones St. 4512 So. 24th AT-4383 M A. 1283 ] Save 10% for cash and carry. Pick up and delivery service in all parts of the city every day. Latest Hot Race Records... “20-20 Blues” 7Q-, “Cold Winter Papa”—Delores Brown ... ‘‘Hey Boogie” f05 Cecil Shant . “You Gonna Cry” -|05 i ‘‘Cecil Knows Better Now” Cecil Shant.. j ‘‘Standing at My Window” 07a My Mama Don’t Allow Me’ by Roy Crudap Ed. Patton Music Co. I ‘‘Headquarters for Race Records” 1916 Farnam Street JA-4779 CHAIRMAN ANGLO AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON PALESTINE 1 Houston, Texas—Federal Judge Joseph C. Hutcheson, of the Filth District Court, has been named U. | S. Chairman of the Anglo-Americ an Committee on Palestine. The appointment was made by Presid ent Harry Truman, who said the committee will examine conditions in Palestine as they relate to the Jewish question. Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24tli —FREE DELIVERY— WE-0998 Stuffed Animals of jl All Kinds Toys & Christmas fa i Goods to please all. fa j V Prices The Lowest fa i V You are always Welcomed tjp Service with A Smile $ OLE’S TRADING POST 4 416 North 16th fa A. r f f $ $ i * Best Wishes f f AND THE \ Seasons Greeting \ ★ ★ ★ \ “Fine Furniture for the Home” DAVIDSON 415 So. 16th Street 1 I We wish to Announce ;! THE OPENING OF THE ■ G & J Smoke Shop i; 'I 2118 NORTH 24th Street ! Everything in the Line of CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & s SOFT DRINKS ![ i Jackson & Godbey, Props. ! DICE•CARDS Parlaet Dlca, Magic Die*, Magic Cards—READ THK BACKS^ Inks, Daubs, Pokar Chips, Gaailg Layouts, Dlca Bosaa, Counter Gamas, Punch, boards. WHITE FOR , CATALOG TODAY K. C. CARD COMPANY 1242 W. Washington Ulvtl. Chicago 7, Illinois jHiiiniiimmiiiiiniiiiit'iiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiimiiiiuiiHiHini.ii^iiimimmiinmnmmiiiia Meres a SEMS/BIE way to relieve distress of WEAKNESS (Also a Grand Stomachic Tonic) Have you at such times noticed yourself feeling nervous, irritable, so tired, a bit blue-due to female functional periodic disturbances? Then don’t delay! Try this great rnedicine-Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound-to relieve such symptoms. It's so effective because it has a soothing effect on one of womans most important organs. Important To Know! 'Pinkham’s Compound does more than relieve such monthly cramps, headache, backache. It also relieves accompanying tired, nervous, irri table feelings-due to this cause. Taken regularly-it helps build up ‘^esisiance against such distress, i Pinkhams Compound helps nature. Also grand stomachic tonic. ! DIRECTIONS: Take one table I spoonful 4 times a day before I meals and at bedtime. Follow label directions. oCyctia £.(PimkluwvC& VEGETABLE COMPOUND CREIGHTON GRADUATE ' ■ • . '_ MR. L. B. HOUSTON in his Graduation gown when he finished Creighton University. Mr. L. B. Houston, owner of the Houston Market was bom in Greenville, Texas and attended Phillips University in Tyler, Texas In 1910 he attended Langston Uni versity in Oklahoma. Mr. Hous ton finished Creighton University for Pharmacy and entered into the Drug business with Dr. Price Ter rell at 2304 North 24th St., which they operated successfully until World War I, when they were both inducted into the Army. After coming out of the Army, he began searching for a new business ca reer. The view at the right speaks for itself as to his accomplish ments. X Parker St. Grocery Jjr 1902 North 24th *§ Season’s Greetings jjS I HIGHEST PRICES PAID i 1 for FURNITURE, | RUGS, STOVES | “Call Us First” I | NATIONAL R1RNITURE | Company -AT-1725— ?ilinfillllllllllllllllli!!IIHMIIIIIIIIIiniT .. Lake Street TAVERN Inc. 2229 LAKE ST. Omaha, 10, Nebraska (formerly Babes’ Buffet, Myrtis’ Tavern) IS NOW LAKE STREET TAVERN Inc. “Always A Place To Park” k-/ Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. Phonc JA-463:; formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW EOCA1 ION— 514 N.K’™ CHECKED §8 il SP® ** a - ■ ■ V ■ ■ -or Kwmy Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, | athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching i conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated. liquid | D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s f<irmula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and I quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. / .. .—— Please con t be angry at us if you can t <■ always get Smith Bros. Cough Drops. Our output is still restricted. Soon, we hope, there’ll again be plenty of Smith Brothers... soothing, delicious. Black or Menthol, 51. , k SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS k W BLACK OR MENTHOL— 5* /j| iAT MARK