'X''*" thi hou.lcd —U * S I L AND GUIDANCE •nd you feel tfte^need'owihtenceTand Jk?* “ind ,*• "righted down with worry pleue write Your ^oblem will ot “ undemanding friend flipping of the column witb yHE FaSOnaTInG STORY Of THE 0* VEIOPMENT OF OUR UNBORN BOOT FROM A SINGLE MICROBE S(ZB> EGG CELL PCO A HUMAN BEING PRE- i SENTEO IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL amaZE YOU. REGARD ! LESS OF YOUR READING TaSTES. PRICE »l POSTPAID BOth CENTURY PRESS t*C A SI. TACOMA BASMim GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO 'ot*, r«rnrr nnd adjoining, n» •outhnml corner 21*t and Grace BxteiMlve frontage on both 21st an#* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home* or especially salted ns Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A.13I or Call HA-060#. W. B. C.—Here is my problem. Shall I keep the girl I have with me now or let her go. Does she mean good? Or shall I take this other girl, or would it be best to take my wife back? Ans: A single man can play a round to a certain degree and get by with it, but when a married man begins this practice, trouble is sure to follow. Make up your mind once and for all if you love your wife and desire to live with her any more. If you do, then by all means stop-this wild, adoles cent fling you are having and go to your wife and settle down. You have are more discontented now than you were before you started this promiscuous wandering. R. M. C_It has come to the point where I must decide for my self what is best for me to do. I am not sure that I am in love or deeply infatuated, but I think a lot of this young man. I’ve only known him a few months, he’s treated me nice and I never have been out with him. I see him when he comes to the house or phones. I am not married, never had a serious concern for any man and I am 23. Please tell me what to do about this fellow or should I forget him? Ans: It’s impossible for you to make up your mind about the fel low unless you two date or are thrown together more often. Were you to arrange to go out to gether, you would soon discover his likes and dislikes and he yours In this way you could determine if there was a mutual bond of at traction existing between you. Go to a movie or some other social some evening when he drops by and start the ball rolling. You really ought to encourage other young friends as you need more associates of this kind. DUKE ELLINGTON AND OTHER SEPIA STARS ENTERTAIN AT NEWSPAPER GUILD’S PAGE ONE BALL New York (GNS) The Ameri can Newspaper Guild held its page one ball at Madison Square Gard en December 6, and among the many entertainers who appeared on the program at this mammoth affair was none other than the “gennial gentleman’ of swing Duke Ellington and his world famous orchestra. Ella Fitzgerald and many other Sepia stars of Radio, Stage and Screen..the entire program was aired by the Colum bia Broadcasting system and its affiliated stations from coast to coast. r ACCUSED BY HURLEY Washington, DC. (soundphoto ) A recent photo of John S. Service of State Department who with George Atcheson also of State De partment is charged by Maj. Gen. Patrick Hurley with being leader of an attempt to “destroy the Na tional Government of China.” State Secretary James Byrnes will appear before the Senate For eign Relations Committee and pre sent State reports from the two men. Read The Greater Omaha Guide, for All the News! i Read The Greater Omaha Guide’s Comics Every Week 'Next Door” *y ted shearer ■ ■ , ■ =a I1--J. —. ■- i . —-r__j —- , "^J “ — And I could like you also—from the sound of your voice!!!” tan topics By CHARLES AUEN N.J I V— All ev ^•^TINEkITAL- FEATVlgESx “Remember, Richie you promised not to tease Willie!” THE YANCEES By SPENCER MORGAN JESSE ~ I THINK I BELIEVE THAT'S ] (l think i\l kid her.) I'LL WALK. AROUND WILLA MAE-FROM HOW'YA - SLENDER. AND SEE IF I THE SWING- CLUB! I TENDER AND TALL.' RUN ACROSS ANYBODY «-- --- I KNOW . Y , . Jl v M M W --IIM _W I W ^ _ I — -■»-> I .„> 'f • - ■ * By T. MELVIN • - -j- ’ r -*- • ’^L T -- r-, v :. ’ j ' _ „ HIYOU'RE 4 WELL-, ML l/^Ut, BREEZY- AFTER AO) [THAT YOU DON'T lVPRm\^pMOZr? l>fl£NNY PUNISHED OF THE FUD&6 T©/ JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLE> I 1 I ———■—— I ■■!. .1 — V irovm and TOHRD LAN DON TH6ie HIPD&N | WELD INTM6 &L6- I IAN CONGO.TWO f MEH-/tfA&UAMP um(r\-(freer I th&vu I PXW6I a/APS ( OUT AN ORVE£(( x •au. —_I vANPMAK^V3H0W OUR rWHAT A *pot7 prisoner M/S* BAKER it) HER CELL, OF THE*E POWER-MAD • r I HEW COME TO THE - 0R5PARKV ANP JIM, V 7—DO frlMPME /... WAIT/WA^l WONCEJ TWA A PLANE'* J .COUMEl // 'MOTOR?.. NO, 1 XZTIS 1 eue** r ft* *MZ Dip HEAR A MOTOR- / JIM AMP sparkt HAV& LAMD6D NEAOBy/ TflEy AR6 ABOUT TO LEAVE rue 01AME .. fVOULEAVE 1; JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON k - I! i7X4A/6£g'ir iU/F£ AMD F/MO/MO mo cii/£i ra me m/^/mo fOl/CY WAMP/H6 MACH/ME$, 6LAt<>-E\e AMoe/t-y feeeeir* TM£‘7M'«D oeogee'eog me *rRAM6Eg.u I_—ii»r g_» To Subscribe for Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly CALL HA-0800 ONE-MAN BALL TEAMS ? Let’s imagine every wevker starting his own factory. He’d first have to invent some thing to make. Then he’d have to invest about $6,000 in factory and tools (that’s the average). Then he’d have to produce. Then he’d have to go out and sell. He’d soon go nuts, trying to play so many positions. “Big business” is nothing more or less than a division of these worries among many people. It provides ideas from its labora tories, the money, the salesmen, the captain of the team. If people thought of business as ONE team—instead of divid ing it into a capital team and a labor team, it would be a much truer picture of th« real situa tion. /—.■— .- ■ "— ' Thrifty Service... ~ m • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 V _ LITTLE MAGNOLIA fTHER MO, MffM ! HE SA\D OR THET UCKING WOULD TACK HURT H\M MORE 5i\R_"THftM ME! p> ? j^axai ~~— « ** — T ■ ^~ y r« n ..w«w ■ ‘ ^ SQUIRE EDGEGATB—The First All-Women Jury ___JT louis RICHARD > 4ttot?*Ey f 6-REEn ivioj >VH0 H/)S ^BEE* ^DWC£Sia( O. AlCR 3-/JR(tS For Firry ye>?Rs fisi&$ IT V>iFFiCUJ.T To Adjust H//vi SEjlT To THE ArfEKV ORDER, or Th / AV & s /veokv the* Ge*tle^en or lw Tuny- 1 C.Ot«*. -BE POSE i you FA/ OEHQ/.F | OF TW PEF£a(c>^/,tJ| _